HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-17, Page 1to Community hri.sh Single copies, Five Cents. With which is Tree at Wingbarn on Tuesday Evening, �. WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 17th. X1925 ece nm rte and The Wr M xe kr N wS Sa ,, Claus Will e] ber 22 Adm CHURCH NEWS The childreno• S . Paul's Sunday .School will enjoy their Everting, Christ- masDTree: on Monday c. 22st,, in the Parish Hall, at 7.3o o'clock, A11 the children of the con- gregation are invited. On Sunday Eventing, Rev: Waddell will continue studies 'in Daniel speak- ing from Chapter 3, on the three inen in. the fiery furnace. Nebuchadnez- zar in speaking of the wonderful de- liverance 'of these men said, "There- fore I make a decree that every peo- ple nation, and language, which speak anything amiss against the God •yf . Shadrach, Meshach, and-- Abed-nego, • shall be cut in pieces, and their hous- es shall be made a dunghill; because there is no other God that can deliver . after this sort." We still have the same God to -day. 'We hope to spend the last three days this week in prayer for a Revival. Keep these dates, open All welcome. The pulpit ' of Wingham United Church was occupied last 5unday morning by Rev. M. U. Bennett, who took far his subject, "Should Man Ev- •er Be Satisfied with What, He has or Is?" using as his text Hebrews, Chap- ter 13, verse 14, "For Here Have we no Continuing City but we Seek one to Conte. Helpfulness and self seat .orifice for others was the subject of .a brief Helpful talk to the children, let 7 p. m., Rev. Mr. McIntosh spoke on the subject of "A Purpose and a System." Taking as his text Psalm, 55, verse . 17, "Evening and Morning .and Noon will I Pray," he impressed on his hearers the thought of a pur- pose -and system in the Christian life. Mr. Gordon Buchanan and James Mit- ashell took the solo parts in the an- .theins contributed by the choir to two inspiring and helpful services. On Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. Perr- ie read the fifth chapter of Pauls' se- cond letter to the people of Corinth, in St, Andrews Church. Speaking from :the seventeenth verse, "Thereforp if ;any man be in Christ, he is a new 'Creature, old. Things are Passed :away; Behold all things are become .New." The speaker laid special eni- ,ph.asis on the new life in Chirst, re- ferring tothe two previous verses, showed how the new life was made 'possible through the atonement, made by Jesus Christ. In the evening ;speaking from Acts 4, 2:5 showing the ,beneficial advantages of judicious home training. How to detect the na- tural bent of the mind when away from home restraints. The advanta- 'ges- of daily tol, the force of charac- ter, ...' The advantages of home spec- ially addressed. to the young. These are only a few . of the practical thoughts delivered with eloquence and or In the morning :force of argument. I the choir rendered the selection "Sa- • cred Peace," Miss Mackay taking the :solo parts and in the evening, "Guide :Me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah." Mr. A. E. Lloyd organized an adult Bible 'Class to which all are invited to at - ,tend at the regular Sunday School ihour. (Christmas Cantata St, Andrew's Choir assisted by oth- er • local talent will present their Tiding 0 f. •Cltristnlas Cantata, "A T g Great Joy" by E. L, Ashford, on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 29th. The treason they are putting this cantata ..on at this late date is to avoid the in ',Christmas rush. I�.eep, this .:date mind, ' Pretty December Wedding On Tuesday, .December 15th., a very happy event took place at the Manse, Belgrave, at 12 o'clock, when/ Miss Agnes .Jean Stonehouse, sec daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robe t Stonehouse of Belgrave, was united marriage to'Mr. Russel Walker, only son of Mr.and Mrs. Isaac Walk am Rev. James Scobie officiat- ing. • s charmingly arrayed The bride was in a sand satin crepe gown and ch lin of ' c La M attend- ed by Mrs. Stanley sister of the groom. The Toronto, his cousin, was assisted by groom m Wce 11 a `M r. Harold la • e happy �.th - ,.• n ti n0 ei Y 'Foilawr �. , „ 'couple art,, ..l+etr. immediate friends um tuous dinner. 1 as P c 0 f '• , partook pa Mr. and, Mrs. Walker left on thea a or af- ternoon train from. Wingham, innfldantil- one moon in Toronto, bot ' h Y Falls, the bride Handl- ,ton Niagara, t twill: r 'eautiful brown poirc wearttlii a b nd hat to. •llin �• down with coat �.i welling IV 1111.' room were the row and g l lie Riede, K l and costly t;zts of many bccatitifu 'Upon their return they,will re - Town Matters Wound Up for Year Medical Health Officer's Report The final meeting of the Town Council for the year 2925 was held last Tuesday evening. A. letter was read frgm the Y.M. C.A. asking for assistance. No action taken. The Annual.' report of the Child- ren's Aid Society of the County of Huron was presented, showing the 'work being carried on. Same was or- dered to be filed. The report of the Medical Officer of Health was given showing the fol- lowing facts. The population as shown by the Assessor for 1925 is 2421. According to the records of the Di- vision Registrar there • were• during the year, 25 deaths and 44 births, 135 cases of measles, 2 cases of scarlet fe- ver, 4 cases of mumps, 3 cases of chicken pox, 2 cases of tubercolosis. It was emphasized that there was no scarlet fever in town as reported through the town a short time ago. The usual accounts were ordered to be passed on motion ofMcKibbon and Fells. Councillor Fells reported that he had notified the Dominion Bank. that the eave troughing on their building was badly in need of repair. Chief Allen's revolver was tested by Co}tn. Wilkinson and reported de fective. The Council unanimously decided that a new one be procured for the Chief. Mr. Cosens was pres- ent ent and asked for a rebate on,the ha rent for the concerts given itt aid of the Arena. It was moved by Coun- cillors `Haney and Wilkinson that a rebate of $24.00 be allowed.. The Clerk reported that a cheque for $67666.00 had been received from the County ,of Huron for the .Gooel.' Roads Grant. The amount of. $3940'. which was rebated was included in this amount. The Clerk reported that the uncol- lected taxes ainounted to $2441.56 up to Dec. x4th. The Council thought this a good' showing considering the present state of business. Mayor Willis 'thanked the Council for: the assistance given him through- out the year and stated that, he enjoyed the work. has expired we must ask you to re- t was moved by Councillors Fells new now. I#t your .subscription teo I and Wilkinson that this Council begs +is ,December 25 or earlier you owes to express their appreciation of the ! $2 00 To P . courtesy of Mayor Willis during the past two years and the able' and un- biased which he has con - COIVIMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE AT WINGHAM ON .TUES- DAY EVENING A Community Christmas tree, has. been erected. on the, bank corner at Wingham and Santa Claus will be in Wingham at 7.3o on Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 2211d. to give the,presei;}ts to the children. The tree'is covered with colored electric lights, and hun- dreds of presents will be given away. Christmas Carrols will be sung' by massed church choirs accompanied by the United Sunday School Orchestra and the Salvation Army Band. ' Let's get the real ChristmasSpirit and show our appreciation of the work of the inen who are putting this ort ber coming out and singing the dear old. Christmas Carrols with a vim. Show Santa Claus that the par- ents of this.vicinity take an interest in their children. Old Time Dance Old Time Dance in. the Wing -ham Armouries on Thursday evening, Dec. 17th. Dancing at 8.3o. Everybody welcome. Admission `56 cents. Old time fiddlers, old time dances. Good foor manager, Fire Chief's Warning Local and e °, Oral News of Interest to` The Community' ubscriptions $2,043 Per year. ` ^ SPOTTON• ENTERS APPEAL Acting for George W. Spotton, Conservative member -elect for Nor - h. Huron, I. F. Helimuth, K. C., and Gift Stationery, r price at McKib- Christmas Cantata in St. Andrew's Granville'Price have launched an ap- evening, Dec` 29th' peal front the decision of Justice bions Drug Store.o , Wright, which allowed 342 b �, Church on Tuesday ev n g, ,e ballots, Gold Line Gifts• for I3ring in your attery for wipei had counterfoilshaloweattached and l 5 Red and all oc and up. Mcl�ibbon's. Drug storage.:okedf I will .see that it is well therefore gave a slight majority to J. 5 looked after. ' Exite Battery StatiOit.;, G. T. Robertson, Prop, ' W. King, the Progressive'candidates ',who had lost the case in the first re - Mr. J. O. Habkirk has made some count, The appeal is on the. grounds changes in his barber shop and has,' that his lordship had no jurisdiction purchased another chair, which will to do more than order the county jud- be used exclusively for the ladies. He ge to hold a, recount where the cowl - has. also partitioned off a corner o jty judge had omitted, neglected or re- Look at Your Label If your subscription to this paper , Stare. Mrs. Frank Phillips of Kintore,. visited for a few days at the home . of her brother„ Mr. Charles Barber, A. lengthy account of the Huron County Council is . crowded out this week but will be published next week. A real musical treat in St. Andrew's Church• on Tuesday. evening, Dec,. 29th.—The Christmas Cantata. ,Don't miss it.. Christmas Concert in Lower Wing - ham School, Friday, December 18th„ at 8 o'clock. Good program. Ade mission 2.50 and Ioc. Give her.Greer's Slippers and"you give Happiness " Bring in: your battery for winter storage. h will seethat-it is well looked after.. Exite Battery Station. G. T. Robertson, Prop, - Fountain Pens and Eversharp Pen- cils $I.00 and'r'up of McKibbon's Drug There are about one thousan who owe us this amount the first hundred or so who' get Here we manner m will have a tapeline for you. These the affairs; of the Town, never little tapelines are the talk of the come ducted stintinghis time in any manner in munity and are ly worth paying early to receive. the town's affairs. Carried, up your .subscription Fire chief . J. A. Currie wishes to. draw attention. to the seriousness of placing Christmas decorations 'or pa- per on electric lights. Inflamable ma- terial should be clear of and not hung over heating and lighting devices. ,A word, to the wise is sufficient. The Late Mrs. Woods . A most highly esteemed lady was Mrs. Harry Woods of Donnybrook, who passed away last week. Her maiden name was Maud Tisdale. She was a former student of Wingham High School and taught school at Zetland and. Donnybrook' before her marriage. She is survived by her hus- band and two small children who have the sympathy of everyone. Her mo- ther is at present in Saskatchewan. Her brother and sister, Mr. Albert Tisle and Mr. and Mrs. A. Stein of ' da Aylesbury, Sask., were present at the funeral. Deceased was, a worker in and Church rch a Methodist Donnybrook M et t her pastor, Rev. Mr. Banes conducted t "line dal services. .Interment was : in Greenhill Cemetery, Luck- �r fie to Rest , A highly respected, old gentleman w..s William Sheriff who passed away on Sunday after a short illness. William Sherriff was born of Scot- ch Presbyterian parents in New York State in the year Aso and with them the year County in Huron to came 185r. He was married to Miss Rebec- ca Farrier of St. Helens, They were blessed with a family of three boys and five girls, of whom John of Luck- nowand, now, diad nearly three years ago, Mary, who was in charge of the Low- er Wingham School died four years ago. The' surviving members of ,the fanthly are, Mrs. Annie Tiffin of town; Miss R. of the teaching staffin - ananville; Mrs. Wesley J. Johnston her ofaf Maikdale; Miss Grace, a teat home; Wesley of Owen Sound, and William Miltonof the Provincial Hy- dro office in Hamilton, and fifteen grand children. The remains were laid to rest in the Winghain cemetery on Tuesday after- noon, The emploa;tes of the Western Foundry marched to the cemetery in a a body. Mr. Sheriff was.an esteemed employee there for some time, and his. associates placed a beautiful floral tri- bute bu to o rt his casket. Pres- byterian Rev: Dr. Petrie of St, Andrews church conducted the ser- vices, COMMUNITY' CHRIST- 1t MAS. TREE AT WING - HAM Santa. Claus has sent word to the Lions Club that he will be at Wingham on,Tues- day evening, Dec. 22nd. at 7.30 with hada of good things for the kiddies. He has asked them to have a great big Christmas Tree, all lighted up aiti he wants to meet the children and the old- er ones. All the nice little girls and boys of Wingham and vicinity are invited to be present as• he wants to meet as many as he can on this his. first public visit to the town: He comes around every. year but always gets away again before any of us sees him. Wingham. United Church Rev. M. M. Bennett and Rev. W. D: McIntosh,. ministers; December loth, Ii a, m.—Rev. W. D. McIntosh will tall.. to the children on "Kingdom of God" anrl•: subject „ for sermon A Herdsman Becomes a Prophet." 2.343 p, m.—Sunday School and Bi- ble Classes.. 7 p. me --"Life's Greatest Mystery" is the Sermon subject by Rev. M. M. Bennett."' Married at Orangeville ' A wedding was solemnized at St: Mark's rectory, Orangeville, on Wed- nesday afternoon, when Bertha, eld- est.daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Boyes, was united in Marriage to Mr, Roy Cruickshanks, the rector,' Rev. Captain J. W. McDonald, officiating. The bride, who was attended by Miss Mary Duke, looked charming in a gown of honeydew georgette, with shoes, and stockings to marc1i and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. The bridegroom was support- ed by his brother, Mr. Gordon Cruick- shanks of St. Thomas. After the Ceremony a reception was held, fol- lowing wl•ticli the happy couple left for Toronto, Hamilton and Detroit, to spend .their honeyttioon. Died in Washington his barber shop for that purpose. Ebenezer Sunday School, (Brown town), will hold their Annual Christ- mas Entertainment; in the Church, Friday Evening, December ISth," .An interesting program consisting of choruses,. recitations, dialogues, drills fused to carry out the provisions of the Elections Act. The appeal will come before the ap- pellate division at Osgoode Hall. "I am gazetted as member for Nor- th Huron and I will stick for a few days anyway," said Mr. Spotton: , " I etc. Admission 25c and 25c... Comc;thinic that having been gazetted,•the and; enj'ear it, "courts have nothing further to., do For. Christmas! Slippers! Get with the matter, and it is a case for them at Greer's. the committee of the House on Priv- Mrs; Sarah McKinney of Toronto, lieges and elections. announces, the marriage of her laugh Shirley Denison,, K. C., who acted: ter, Nellie May, to Mr. John Franklin for Mr. Spotton 'on the hearing before Sharp; II;. Sc. F•, Wednesday, the 9the justice. Wright, is detained on a case Dec. 19e5, at Dovercourt Church; at Port Arthur, and will be unable to Torontoi by Rev. Jas. Wilson, B. A. take Part in the appeal, which will be Store. Miss McKinney was formerly a Miss Marian and Mr. Oscar Case- dent of Bluevale. We extend eon - more left for London, Friday, where gratulation • they intend: spending a couple of Nothing is more appreciated than weeks with their brother, Alex, Nothing Christmas Cards from far a= Don't forget Inghams Battery Ser- way friends. Mr. John Quirk, 93, years vice. Lougee life for your battery. young racer ed a card the other day Wingharn Tire. & Vulcanizing Depot, from a young friend, Adam other i of Phones, Shop, 298, Residence 324 Hamilton, wh a has passed the cent, Toilet Cases for lady or gent, Spe- ury mark. The card was much apprec- cial Prices. See the window at Mc- iated.as-could; any gift have been: They Kibbon's Drug Store. have been friends for over 76 yearn rest- argued:as soon as it can be brought before the court. The C. W. L. will hold their euchre A pair of Greer's Hockey, Shoes, and dance inN. the Church .Hall on will make the Boy your friend for life. Monday Evening; December 28. Good The- Ladies Aid Society of Wing. music, lunch:• and prizes. Everybody ham United Church' met in the school welcome. room on. Thursday and packed two Kodaks or Brownies as a Gift at cases of clothing and one case epf Christmas are always welcome. A canned: fruit, which were forwarded good assortment at McKibbon's Drug to the Fred Victor Mission in Toron- Store. to. Enclbsed with was a box of chile Mrs. F. Colvin of Lions Head, is a dren's• clothes made by the young guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. girls, of Miss Blanche Bennetts S. S. G. Smith, Vittoria St. Site leaves= on Class: The total value of the ship - Saturday to spend the winter with her meat was Sleuth sister in Massey: The bazaar held by tire 'Ladies' Christmas! What to Give! That's Guild: of St Pauh?s 'Church, last Sat - Easy! Footwear from Greer's• urday, was a splendid success. A large number of useful and fancy arti- Mr. J: H. Linklater was represents - di ales weresposed• of at reasonable rive of Glenannan Farmer's Club and. prices as well as ay "good supply. of Mr. Wm. Currie, jr., represented: No• homemade belting; vegetables etc. 9; East Wawanosh at the U. F. Q The tee'room was also well patroniz- Convention atMassey Hall, Toronto.?. ed The proceeds amounted to last week$840,00, The ladles are to be ,apn The Unitech Sunday 5°cliool, Bi lgrae• gratulatedii on the Systematic way in ve, will hold a Christmas tree in the which ttre sale was conducted as well Dee. Eve., e. Xmas. Exp sem • m the . on. success 11. ocess . L�uc tarstheir s Foresters' as 24th. A good program is being. p1e- The roads in this vicinity were Heti pared, Admission 25e Children, Free.. er.' better, they are splendid for rito- Everybody welcome. toting and just as good for sleighing. on and Christmas Tree in Wingham, . , Christmas t s weather Tuesday evenhteg, Dec. 22nd. A real Mr. A. G. Smith, has received a, jsttpply of 2926 Auto Licenses. JUDGE WRIGHT'S DECISION Decision in North Huron Appeal Assures Election o J.' W. Kin;, (Toronto Globe) Judgment has been given in the North Huron election case by Mr., Justice Wright in favor of J. W King, Progressive candidate, George W. Spotton, Conservative candidate' leas ben directed to pay the casts of ;the action. This decision comes as the elinta '` in the political battle in North Hur- pn; When the voting took e 1 eee King was pronounced elected. But ' Spotton demanded a recount, and in this County'. Court Judge E. N. Lewis threw out 342 ballots which bad 'counterfoils attached and pronounced, Spotton the winner. Then King ap- pealed this pronouncement. King's victory in the appeal practi- q;ally means that.. he is the victor in the balloting, and will be in the ranks of the Progressives in the Federal House Hon. N. W. Rowell, K. C., who,, with J. H. Spence, K. C., appeared for Mr. King, said that the judgment "directs the County Court Judge to tount the three polls previously re- fected, which gave Mr. King a 'ana- jority of approximately. iso. With these three polls counted, Mr. King in excess • majority. fear 'l lav eat will i1 7m in News of Farming- ton, The Farmington of November 2oth., t0 n Washington, , contains a death notice announcing the passing of Robert John. 'Bell, a i - brother of Mr, Albert Bell of Wing - ham. reg ham. Other brothers are W. S. of Spokane, Marshall J. and Walter of Toronto. The late Mr. Bell was an employee of the Northern Pacific Railway and retired on pension in 'goo. He was `a director and stock Bolder in the Bank of Farmington since 292o and was president of Farm- er's Warehouse Co. and a director for the past fourteen years. He was al- so president of the Telephone Co. and a member of the Masonic Order. 'n the The remains were interred. t Farmington cemetery. Besides his widow he is survived by two daugh- ters: • DIED L. T. B. Elect Officers The • following officers were elect- ed on Dec. rite., at the regular meet- ing of Fern Lodge, No. 19, Loyal True Blues: ` -on. W.; M. --Mrs: D. I•Iarntht D. M.—Mrs. Wm. Falconer, Ree See—Miss Laura Casemor ore, na J.C. Casemore. e Chap. --Mrs. i Fin Sec.—Miss Maude.I''lettty, - `(`teas,•••• -Mrs. C. Shackleton.. Dir der•. --•••Mrs. C. Bell. Con.—Mrs. Beckwi ith.Baird Tylers•--Misses R. Reid, It was decided to meet 4n the after- noons during the winter months. A box; containing quilts and Christmas g the Loyal Trite clonatiotas Wag sent td t l'�icltattond Blue and Orange I oine at 11111, � 1 a .l w Aitchison—In Clifford on Saturday,' R. Ait- -]�c:entbcrIztlt,; i925, James t let his 72nd Year. He was s ciiisoi ,cr, The ublishar of the Clifford pap . r interred In Ldvatt remains were � Cemetery in Brace Township on 'Tuesday atiftp t0 11 • Real splendid errs ma of 150 votes," the merchants of Wingtzam never had• Now Mr, Justice Wright finds that Santa Clara; Christmas: Ctarr;ols, and: community singing lead. by massed choirs wi:•tb appropriate bared and, ore, ct estral aecompaninrtente Mr. Thomas Leaver, East Wawa - nosh, announces the ,engagement of his daughter; Lyle. Verbena to . Mr. George E. Poeock,so of Mt and Mrs. George Pocock, East. Wawanosh. The marriage to take place the latter part of December: Moirs- Chocolates. itt Fancy Boxes, a welcome Gift, all prices at McKib- mote's Drug Store.. better window dressing or a hettei assortment of Christmas Goods. Just visit anyone of the stores whose, ad- vertisements appear in this paper and see for yourselves. The stores, which invite you and are prepared for Christmas are ell ones .who adver- Wingham Hockey 'hart . Have Bright Prospects this Season Prospects are bright for a good) hockey team in Wingham hes season, the, boys are out training three night each week with the assistance of coach `A. M. Forbes, until the ice is ready in the Arena the boys, will continue to take exercises in the Arm- ouries. and R. tise. New Hamburg at Stratford on Jana nary :tithe, and at Kitolener on Janu- ary 2•th. Kitchener at Stratford on Dec. 28th, and at New Hamburg Januh.ry 18th. Group B, Seaforth will play in Wingham on Dec.-•3oth., and on January 18th., in Clinton, Clinton will play in Wingham on January nth and in Seaforth on Jan- uary tlt. Wittghant will play in Seaforth on time of the Great :War., January 14th and inClinton on „Tann- during the n made ary q.th. Mr. T. C. King was Goodfellawsluty Court to hear the application time ne tres- King if within the i �,ri Mr.1 We evening.'� or •theet finishing in first place in Chairman for ::Che team s gN ',. ont f t based s.fi t and i �- the eat any lit � ed ti rib • i e r to v by cl Y � 1 crowded tact 6 'n too rt 1 . team finished II to e •t Group A., plays th firstplace in Group B. 'thy account of the doctor's address in: eteat material "The particular matters complan Che team finishingin second place this issue. 4 ate that .elle ,said. ted a oitdt., ittectin eller t:d of a f,.,:... finishing � t as at thele. g ,. in I w team i it group p A and the 8W. 'Elaine braugltt t1p the ttt�itt�t rif fe<h9 treglactcdbi• 1•eftYsi:ti t.�i c�;attt amity, of the ballots cast by Pollitt „rubdts+ Y Wirions 2 attcl;.; Crr�L'`7*,.5�srst^;xtirrr, atrt�' ubdiivisiptt 7i �11t •slific l.1 't'.ct•evtt!slllin, tiito ,rettzoV0 the coitnt,.af; „Emlt tt'1"17i' is'„ It said. The Ontario Hockey Assoc; group- ing placed the Winghaia withteam in NewHat burg, Iitcli- Stratford, eater, Seaforth and Cltryt:on. Owing to distance to the fir three towns m it w uld mean a in ha W , from.g. of finances e drain on t very heavy the local, team. n. 13. M cC ool .. tai �ti• and Mr; Hal McLean s, attended a meeting ie Stratford t ford otx ti sday ev - etting and were successftu; in having the group divided: into, and B. Groups and .t plays tla s will be s follows; Gi hep A. rd at New HanibutI, on fait Stratford, " tilt-, Kitchener 4) n ,t trttii^y qth., and at � J ry x4tix Picture House Sold the ballots rejected: should be taken into consideration, and directs the County Court Judge; '-"I, Tot proceed with and complete the recount so far as is necessary to 'carry out the direction of the order, "2..:To detach the counterfoils from the ballots in question.. "3. To 'count the said ballots, if otherwise in proper form, as if the Mr, Hyde Parker who has owned ;counterfoils had been at the proper the Lyc Lyceum Theatre e at W hng1 oi -for. ..t. ime removed therefrom, •r4, 'Co correct and complete the fi- a little over two years hassoldo it• to; Capt. W. J. Adams of Orangeville, Capt. Adams has been in charge of the steamer Greyhound for the past nine summers and preciously was in. charge of steamers on the Cleveland and Buffalo line. We welcome Capt. Aclanis and his estimable wife to, Wingham. Mr.,Parker has been very popular with the young men o''£ the town who will regret to hear of his departure. Lions Club Luncheon The Lions Cltib luncheon at the Brunswick Cafe was a well attended one on Friday evening, Distrir.t nal addition so as to give effect to the recount when conducted accord- ing to the directions contained in this judgment." In his judgment, issued yesterday afternoon, Mr. Justice Wright declare es that the law would be "impotent indeed" if it failed to provide relief to voters who had. been deprived of, their franchise after exercising • eery proper power to register their opinion at the polls. Dismissing the objection of Shirley Denison, K. C., acting for Mr. Spot - ton, who held that the application could not be proceeded with because Govionor Dr. H. T. Wiley of Wind- ;the retorn and the report of the elec. sor, gave an interesting talk on th work • Lions Organization and the `•wo accomplished since •their inception e tion had been made to the.. Chief Elec- toral "well founded," " not �l# u .•as w i ct, Officer Mr. Justice Wright held that it was the duty of a Judge of . the Supt erne second: place in Group I3 play off, A winner must be decided in these lilay,offs - b January 271,11, The win- ners, y tiers of these play-offs play for that Ch7p am ioiiship of the Grotto, A. winner to be .decided by, Veil. Bti1t, Wingllain having a community Cltiiste Mas Tree; and the members decided:, rs, good drove and Corti would be . ��' ,, g 1 , with Scheine,