HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-10, Page 8Immo. oses ta Cllaus c. Clcwin Men's and .,A;.ys" ea .4o ear°. Peabody Overalls Carheett Overalls Per,rartin's Heavy Ribbed Uir- s e,.wear $1.69 Heavy Fleece Underwear ._$x:39 Fleeee Lined Underwear •_:..77e Merino Underwear Penman's 95 Underwear, Sale $1.95 Brock, Velpur.'Felt and Bilt- more,. Sale Silk and Wool Hose Sweaters $1.98 Boys 202 : $x x9 •Boys Biomes to clear Home Made Mitts Caps r•.,_' g8c Pullover Sweaters Men's Week Socks 250 Peabody' Blue Stripe Smocks $1.99 Silk and Wool Hose Raw Silk Shirts Rubber Belts ., Special Sale tof 12 Shirts at $2.00 for early shoppers • • House r s i „� s, Towels a Knras Congoleum Rugs, sizes 7 `x9 $8:oo Oilcloth, a yd Sale of Window Shades Scotch Fingering and Listowel :Heather Plain Colors, a skein imported Bath , Towels, and ;tn�ported Sets at .__.49c, 6g; 89c AU Linen Towels, Old Bleach 7gc. Babies Linen Towels; Regular Regular 65; Sale Linen Maderia Tray Clothes 27x18, Sale $g.zg Maderia Centres ...._.g8e to $3.99 Pll,aderia Serviettes --4oc to 98c d Linens Maderia Ovals 39c to $1.98' Maderia Tray Cloths x8xx2• $2.19 Baby Madeira Pillow Slips g8c to $x.89 Stamped Old Bleach Towelsa 4gc Pure Linen Luncheon . Cloths all sizes $3.98 Ladies' and Misses' Ready -to- ear flannel Dresses, Regular illy and Wool Suit, Regular FSrush Wool` Skating Suit Regular $ro,00, Sale .....---$3.5o xo Girls Cloth Coats ___-.$5.00 t a able Neck Piece, ; Regular $ry5"do, : Sal -$57.5o x . Dark: Fon Neck Piece, Re- ly $2o.00, Sale Stoles, i3lacks,Reds and rxvi:r,` Reg" $Pt5•oo; Sale' $17.5o P't:rsian. Lamb, latge neck Rego $65,00 Sale ._...$.35,00_ rbe Mink Choker, Reg. i.'zso Sale Gxy;iortcd, Chamoisette Gloves 88c, 69c, g8c tri... xYoves, imported, 10d , unt'le't, Style, Reg .$3,So_.,..2.89 ear Silk Hose All sizes stun alew w� $.1147 k C?i .$12.75x. Reg .,$x7.50 ,,itt,tx .7.5 20 Muskrat Coats, Dark North- ern Rats, guarainteed Coat and linings, newest models., $121.75 to $x49.5o 2 Plain French Seal Coats, cru- sh Collars, best quality, Reg, $2.00, Fur Lined Chamoisette : Gloves $1.39 RayonSilk Vests __$1.59 z ' French »Seal Coat, Grey Squirrel trimmed, Sale :...$r6g.5o Persian Lamb Coats, Sable Coll- ar and Cuffs $x93:5o and $279.55 3 Children's Flannel Dresses cit $2.00, sizes 8 and P. years so Children's Coats, sires friirn 20 Cloth. Coats $n•5o 3 to 13, years, fur and plain trim -4 reed, Reg $r.S.00, Sale $5.5 coon trimmed Coats„ Bur. berry Styles x$ Coats ?ossurn trimmed, it newest shades 4o Coats Misses St des: at $,$7.7,5 87 High Clas; Pur Lad Coats at $28.75 sztd $59,95 up to $50.00 tender the arm bags .$x,98 to $4,79 ilk 'l i'tiabreiIs.sy SaleS4..50$4..e5�o F4Y'Y#%, .4e. 11.0%14, Irzice ....50,50 d'ert, Orange w, .M. w: ;r.,6rg Boxed Handkerchiefs 490," 690, 79c and 890 Children's Handkerchiefs col- ors roc '. Windsor Ties Littlee King Stocking for child. ren, All Wool Ribbed and Cash- mere - .__39c to 99e Wool Booties 3qc Infants Mitts Knitted, Overall's Childrens; $'x.69 Mending Wool, 3 skeins for roc Black Belts Dress Shields w .3gc Hickory Garters Collar and Cuff "Sets A group of Dresses for the early "shoppers, every dress to be cleared out Flannel, Balbriggan at ....;...Sn»95 7Poiret Twills and ClothDress- 40, sized x6, x8, and, zo to clear at' Canton Crepe Dresses, 15 in all ot,' Blacks, Browns, and Color- ed, Reg St -e k tip to $25:00 ,Sale $8»oo s S"utts, Rush Gout price X allies Canatann crepe, , Satin pe de Chen/ and :Svadod eases, while they last ,.:...$t x,9,5 ggi D"4% C` +114 IVIES COUNTY COUNCIL (Cr ntineed front j, age n.) rent. of the total received. The •moi tlly payments average about the same and represent an expenditure for the wliolc year of about $8,5oo for the • ter• Junior Fa.rn..ers° Plc winans' Asso- ciat1..oa:for• 1925 w48, submitted and it to the exca,rttive committee, Dor- i the discussion Mr.: Hayes, of Ste, phen e? pressed the opinion that :the right nay to hold plowing matches wase'for three or four n u.nicipa\ irijes county, or a total for comity and Pro- td join in encouraging ,a Joca,1 match. vince payable to these' mothers of Both he and Mr,. Sandei°s of Exeter about $17,000 yearly, or,^.•about $3z25 considered it impossible to :make a each per month.' success of one match: for the whole The clerk reported that during the county; the distances were too great, recess the work of rewiring the court house, had been, completed, the render rvith extras amounting to $729' The district' Hydro; inspector had filed a certificate that the work was satisfac- torily done, the jury, witness fees, ;stenographers' A request from Mrs, Griffin for con fees,'a d eonstabie Services, The clerk read an explanat'ion,,of the chief causes '• of the increase in the cost.to -the county of the,administrar tion of, justice, showing that the in, Crease was chiefily in four branches;. sideration, of her bill for salary as ' Reeve 'Weston' asked' for information goal' matron was received and ordered regarding any action, taken by the to be filed. good roads commission lrvith referern A. cornrhuuicatian from the clerk of ce to Bayfield hill on the. south side Halton county, asking support of a f tli bid e the Provincial Government to compel.. the 'carrying of lights bo all vehicles tarrying 5val1 might have to be buil 'oil the h ;0Ixways at night, was sent to Mr. Weston wanted information al- the special committee, sp with reference to any action that A communication front the Deputy had been taken in tlre'mattersof the Minister .of Highways regarding a' Bayfield 'bridge, Proposed uniform system' of boold eep- ing for- highway accounts was' refer- red .to the good roads commission. Mr. J. 13: Reynolds, county, jaitbr, iu his report for the past, six rrioriths, stated that forty -foto prisoners had been committed as follows: 0. T, A:, 25; theft, 6; assdtilt, 2; forgery, 2; breaking and entering, 2; insane, 2;' 'robbery, z; default in payment, x; carrying weapon, x; attempted suicide, 1; desertion x. The cost of daily ra- tions was 12c. App ication was made, on behalf of. Albert. Carter, turnkey at the;jail,{.for living quarters for himself 'and fam- ily in the jail. The financial statement of the Hu- the 'Pine Water Highway as a Provin- ron Plowman's: Association led to cial highway, some discussion.' Some of the. repre Reeve Middleton:of Clinton thought rdl 92 't"Ll'1 N R COUNCIL °h'e nriiintes ; of C'or.Xrroil meeting held in Blueva: , Ont.,; loth November 1925. - i embers all present. Minutes of last `meeting read aud,adopted. Moved by D. Fortune and ,)'. Brock, enridge that ily,Law x , be passed for nonunation me'etiug'to,be'held in li"'or- ester's :tall, Bluevale' on Monday, z8 15eccrnber, 1925, front"n, to 2 p, in, Returning Officer, W. R. Cruick- shank. shank. Deii.uty Returning Officers: No, x It: Deyeli, . Clerk, Geo." Orvis. No, 2-:-C. J. Higgins, Alex, McGee, No, 3, Gordon Wray, Grier Wylie.'No 4--4D. .H. Wal;{ace, A; Lincoln. Carr- ied, Moved by D. Fortune and R, Grain that there be no more grants paid on: wire fences built on 'road unless first recommended by Superintendent asci passed by the •.board. -Carried. Charrnanan Mc�ivard>stated ,that,a re- , The chairman lin reply • stilted, that while the bridge was ;iaxron it was in fair conditon and there 'were oth- er pares on the same road that need- ed more immediate attention. A resolutionadopted by the coun- ell placed on record. its appreciation of the services rendered to the county by, the late Reeve Hanley of, :Stan].ey. and extended sympathy to the widow and At the Wednesday morning session' County 'Engineer Patterson gave an oral rep,prt of the work done on the roads ding °the year. He thought it advisable that the county should 're-;, commend that the Pro4lince take over 11p ,The follovviing accounts were paid: T, A.: Gibson $3.00; acct, Hunter; W. S, Vanftone .$6:no, .cleaning ditch; Geo. Baird :$1.00, cleaning' ditch,;, R, 3. Jef- irayo' '40.00, sheep worried by dogs;. H, j. Wylie, $0.19, ,Patrolman; Mat. Weiler, $6.00,' top for culvert; Thos; Weir,+.$13.65, Supt.; Win. Breckenrid- ge $3.90, Patrolman.; A. , Forgie $15,.75,: Patrolman; C. Gilmour'$6.9o, McDou- gall Drain; Geo. Patterson, $4.78, ac'' count;,' Sam Marsha5l $8.oa, i4o rd. wire fence; Wm. Austin, $rx,5o, Patrol- man; F. A. Edgar, $25.00, fees Arm- 'strong' xtension Drain; D. A. Mar shall, $94,00,, bal. Armstrong ' Fxten- sign Drain, Nl:oved by J. Breckenridge and W. Marshall that we adjourn to meet xsth December, 1925 at •Bluevale, Ont. 10 a, m. W. R Cruickshank J. L. MacEwen • Clerk sentatives frem the southern part of the London .road, would better serve thea county thought the county grant the whole county' as ` a Provincialhad gone's'o the wrong quarter. Later ,highway. There was considerable dys a resolution .to grant $5o to the Exe- cussioii of highway matters. 'BLUEVALE - r The Presbyterians intend holding a Christmas Tree and Social in the For- ester's Ball, 'on the night of W ednes- day, December 23rd. 1111 R 9kW qi$W = i111xYY1Yll ufllll$L11/111x1111A1k11/1A11Y511BAIlIRA0i29Rj 111 US 011 to ENNIO '! 11 11111� ME ,1r''hI ;$1 {;,PIS FOR D ' IT HE SUGGE,.•a, EN, 4t01111111u Ix 1114141 xxt ltt1111111111limilii11 llll Knitted Wear �.(11111111111411411I11111f11111, 11111rlll rllll,till111111C SWEATER "COATS, "SCARFS SOCKS, GLOVES .•11111111!At,tintti111411111111111111111111111111b.$11115. Neckwear ixd,tYNAxlx,oelLalAtlrltu,nrNu+l,u1111uun1 SILK SCARPS, TIES SCOTCH MU;PFLERS Illlllx1411111114111111141s4l111.11111111101VhI,t11111111: Shirts .itt14x1*11u1I111111111114,11111141IItIxl,i1111Yllltll . BROADCLOTH, WOOL TAPPETTA SILK t'641.1111110111111111131111111111111111111 14141„ll Aliitirul�; Underwe PURE WOOL, P c! SILK AND WOOL, COMBED, COTTON, 1 RL,EECE Lamp ,$,t11itl,1/th1,t,1r8tl,111UOt110111111111t Furnishings :�1111x111114x11111111.pl1111i1t11Axt1A1/1M111i,A II Y 1, 1, 01 1/1111111 11111. 14fxIl1x11$willxx1x11nAU111::111111111U4111tia ali1$11i1114unu1111u ll ill131i14tr,,plxuuuuALxuNxlpl n I111n1 Il.r GIRLS KNITTED PULLOVERS SPORT HOSE AND 'GLOVES , FANCV"GARTERS .!PURSES HANDKERCHIEFS MIDDIES WOOL MITTS AND CAPS, DRESSES - COATS' 'SS 1,IL11111wt. Roll ow, 111 l ll IL Iwo Int 111 LAI l At1Y1nIL11tt It l lllilli mutt llttll` 1:I 1. { langlish louse Coats, 17rnbrellas, Beacon Bath Robes, Suspenders, ;Belts, Collar Cases, Caps, Mnf£lers, Sial% or Wool Bath, 'Robe Ilar'ndketoltief Cases, Cuff Linn s, Tie Pins; "Initial Handkerehiet', Fttxined Claves) FOR B SLOUSES STOCRI1' GS SWEATERS 7 LTS, SCARPS RACES, 'TL.E. PINS HAlvI5KE"I CIIIEVS CAPS, ,S'H'ITS”' OVERCOATS P1141111tk1'i11111111,111111111111110111ti1t, 41111111Mllit /11O W1111ltllt,l d nlnitei� 1 I{L L m 0 q N . 4,II11r11111111111111113 1 $ 1111111111111111113 11 4 111111 4; Linens 511 lll111111111» Allllillg111,4V11411111111,111It111140 Table Linens, 1VIgderia Linens, Cluny 'Linens, •Linen ;Towels, Bridgd, Sets, Luncheon Sets.. ..411(1Iif11,1I11111 Af 111 A,11$11111I1U11111114111 L, C, Illi r• Gloves _ �iumux14rnUutlixrnxm11nl,uu,14Yuu1gx1111¢ ' French Kid Gloves,: Crown Chamoisette Gloves Kayser Silk Gloves, *Wool Gloves. *$uA14d11uu1rnnn11tlndn,11untx,t14ltentrlA,; ' i Furs ,44 5.114lllll11u1ttll411111All,ll t l llir1111111iu1111111,1$u1.4 t1 X?ersian, Lamb Coats,” <" Muskrat Coats, , Hudson Seal Coats, 3t'rench Seal Goats, , III1111,111111$111$1114111111ui114111/11x1111,11111/.,• ti ouse Furnishings �Illtl lllxlllbtl1111 Y 111 l 11111t111111IIt11111x11111A1 1, Wool Comforters, Wool. Blankets, toucan Cornforters, Bath Mats, Floor 'Rugs,, Lounge tugs, Motor Rugs. lytytt111111t„❑t11111„L,l,N1,Y,11,11ttIt111txi111Y+ t s , Sundries R111111i 1111�tlt,111t1x1 x1411 a IU11kYswIt14,1111L1LN Corsets, Brat aaeres, ,Slips, 'gddys,, Scarfs, Ties, Silly Bh otnera, Lace Collar Si Handkeroliuo' Ch.mppie Coate, l iinOn3;'iS Silk Hose & Silk and Wool Hose. te )IA :1 $ rl T Inas 21st o'el gre€ 0 will •ing • in• t zar live, fore -pie any Sha aha es •the aft san the .for All Ch inc to •er Is ter no to • er. ,a ,o S; 5 01 .p rf c :t