HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-10, Page 4•
as Gifts
Why not choose early while stocks
are Complete a
stnall payment down will reserve any article in our large stock
urstil you require it.
a j,
Qur stock is very complete and our prices are lower than last
year. We carry our usual line zaf articles suitable for Christmas
Gifts in Stationery, Perfumes, Kodaks, Chocolates, Toi.let,Cases, Eb-
ony and Ivory Gdods,"+Fountain Perls and many other articles.
The "Red and Gold Line" is, a new line of goods comprising
Gifts suitable for .all occasions front 500 to $7.50 each.
The Bulb Bowl complete with bulbs in an ideal Gift for moth-
er, right now 750 to• Steele each
McKibbo4 L's roti rug St re
Weig Store
Win ham, Ont.
Phone 53
FOR SALE -Quantity of standing
timber. Apply to S. Morton, R. R.
No. i, Belgrave. Phone 15-624..
FARMS FOR SALE -83 acres, extra
good land, three miles from Guelph.
Price $;000:oo, 197 acres 8 miles,
south of Guelph, good stock and
grain. Farm all cleared, good
buildings and well watered on- good
road. Price. 8000.0o. . Apply to',
Chas. W Barber, Doo Wyndham St.,
FO` iNND-A horse blanket on Satur-
day night. Owner may have same
by paying for this ad. Apply to
Alex Dickson.••
PERSONAL—If anybody knowing
day noon till Friday noon for boy.
of 15, who is attending Wingham
.High School. APPiy to Box' 473,
FOR SALE—Ate Hockey and Spring
Skates at.25 p, c..for two weeks on-
ly. A. J. Ross, Hardware.'
FARM FOR•RENT xoo acres, part -
1y fall. plowed: for rent for one or
three years. Close to town. Apply
at this office
TO, RENT :The house recently oc-
cupied 'by Mr. Hunt. All conven-
iences, .garage, -rent • reasonable.
Apply to Mrs. Wallace Hough, op
the address and whereabouts of WANTED—Good girl to assist with
Misses Lizzie or Mary Gutless, light housework, a couple of days
ldntily communicate to Box 42, each week. Apply to Mrs. A. G.
Winglraan, Ont. Smith.
Ratepayers are reminded that Mon-
day, December cath., is the Inst day
for payment of taxes„ After that date
a penalty of per cent. will be im-
posed.Any ratepayers haying lost
their notices inay :secure duplicates on
application at the Clerk's Of-
fice without cost.
AGENTS WANTED—An exception-
al opportunity for an energeticman
whole or spare' time. Fun line of
trees and shrubs. We supply free
selling outfit and pay liberal com-
missions. Start now. Welland,
Nursery Co., Welland, Ont.
STRAY DOC—Purebred Scotch Coll-
ie carte to my premises, Lot 37,
Con. 6, East Wawanosh, on or.
about ,December 7th: Owner may;
have sante by paying for this ad-
vertisement. Robt. Harrison.
Ily virtue of tla warrant under the
hands of the Mayor and Treasurer of
the Town of Witrghaxrxand haying the!
seal of the said Corporation attached:
thereto, bearing date the loth day of
September, A. 1.2 x925,, commanding
me to levy upon the lands enumerate
ed'iterewider for the arrears of taxes
rLstsectively due thereon 'together with
costs. NOTICE IS HEREBY given'
that in accordance with the Assess-
u nt Act ; Unless such taxes and costs
are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell
by public auction the said lands or so
muck thereof as may be necessary for
the. Irayment of the taxes and costs
thszeora at" the Town Hall, in the
Tower ctf' i "ittghant on Monday the'.
aStlt day of Decertiber, A. 'D., 792s; at
the hoer of two o clock in the of-'
of Park °r2, Street, `ore-
; Acres, i e; Patented or
.d, Patented; Taxes $ti,
. Total Sx68.3'r.
'W'', A. 'Galbraith,
r°ears er, Toere of Wiitgbp
IW kRNING-Thr' party who dam -
ed ear in Winghain on Saturday
night in front of Canadian Nation-
al Express Offee is , requested to
leave his name at this office as
the owner of the car has been told
of the accident by witnesses. This
may sane further trouble„
;IiV( 'rlG a AI: ANf E -TX
To the Editor av a1l.avthim Wings
Dear Sur, --
!makers, a fvirybody ilsa aver; tTge.
pr•aicliers, an they generally copse in
snlat the ind av the procission: wid re-
spickt to money matthers.
An Link, ur too, av the shport ohoc-
Av worse I wus sorry to hear, whin .key byes will be either 'havers, puttin.
the ballots ens counted on Monday Huron County an Wingham to the
noight, that ye had been defayted, an front iviry day in the wake. The
be a grit at that. It wuddent hev been Shpattorz-King conthroversy will poop,
Tlai* day,,1~►ecxnaver
Report of School Section; No. xo,
Kinloss, Bruce County.
Scholars on R.oli.' 35. Average at -
Sr. IV ---Russel Moore, Eliza Wa-
del, Gladys Garton, Clarence McClene
aghan, Charlie Henderson, Robert
so bad to take a • themes -en frwr a tee settled wan: way arr another an we Henderson, Roy MacGregor.
Tory. I doret tilde ye 'ems .very kanc jmusht hev sweating to Irape our town., Sr.; III -.Milian Moore, Mere
fer the jawb arr ye weld hev wurruked Ian county on the Map, The byes hev , Gannt,. Edna Wadel, Gorge' Ross, El -
to git in. 'Tis the way av the veer- 'already slued up wid the Ontario Hoc- la Wade', Ruth Moore, John Garton,,
ruld, we her to take the bitther wid'key Lai an the Northern Hockey Athol Purdon, George Garton, James
the sliwate, so we hev. Annyway ye lLaig an are tinkin sayriously av jinn Richardson.
are in good company wid all the other the ;Lig av Nations. It wild do I Jr., III-.•-Lor'na 'McClenaghao, Jan--
also -rafts in toren, tink"ev Billy Greer,leome of thin lads over'in the aist ind es Henderson, Pearn Everitt,; Jelin
an Allan . Vint, an Ana:os Tipling, an lav Europe a lot ay. good to pit a few Mor'risan:'
Blake Elliott, ` an :°Ciasbits tie Tnsur-1 slxtivats over their fool heads wid ' II Class --Velma Scott, Janet Craig,
ante man, an Jaren' Hanna, an Les I good shtout Canadian. hocke :shtieks, i Stanley Moore, Thomas Wilson, Ed -
Young, an a let ay betther min thanlg Thera yson I wrote this is that I ward ,McCleuagjan, Norma Morrison,
anny av thim, 'ho hev gone down to.± Henry Everitt.
bt th '1 H that
r e ,`
defate wars way or another, en
pastSlecud git an ad. in; the paper widotI Sr.I Cha � ussel Ross, T3ector
years. Some av term hev come back, ; hevin to pay fer it, so if ye print this J'urdon, Jack Grl`aespie, James GVadei,
more . av thin cud if they 'biked, an I T win the quarther,.an will thrate ye I.
Primer—Olive Garton, • Agnes Gill -
41 some, av thins niter cud. to a cup ay tay some day, in Long °espie, James Morrison.
1 wus tinkin that wed the Irish Wing's rest your.aunt rooms: Ellett S. Fells,: teacher.
boundary 'eines shrill, causin thrubble.
in the ould counthry, the Shpotton- Yours till plat wake,
King mishtery shtill unsolved, Queb- Timothy 'Hay,
ec -kaypin roight eon votes. Grit, an
Tommy Fells fer mayor, we are loike-
To the 3:i5 who voted for me and
used their inf'tuence in my behalf, I
ly in fer a harrud 'winthei unless all Whers all is said, of the reasons for wish to thank you. To those who
soigns fail. diminished attendance et church, worked and voted against me I bear
Mebby it will be betther so, fer if there is not one of, them beginsto no i11 will. Several, untrue statements
the weather is could the merchants compare with the indifference and ir- were, broadcasted at the, last minute
will be afther sellin more warrum clo- regular attendances at church services which poisoned the minds of some of
thes, an the coal .min more coal, an of the membership of the churches. my friends so that they. either stayed
the byes who do be throyin harrud to Nor is there anything, that takes the 'at home or voted against rne. The
kape the dures av the Arena open, ?heart out of any preacher like the chief reason for nay defeat was the
will be sellin more sayson tickets ;empty, pews in the church andmem-fact that I' was the accredited paeans
'Tis a foliate ting to hev -a clane safe 'bers who.might be at theservice but are of the open air dance pavillion having
place fer the childer to go an skate l not, because sof some trifling circum- to reeve the town park. To those who
either'' school an on Sathurdays, an stance' that has been allowed to di -'worked against me for that reason I
theer mothers- nade .not . worry fer vert, them from the duty and cheat bold no illwjll, they; are now even with
fear they will break troo the nice an
git wet fate, err mebby be drowned,
loike whin they used to . skate oil- the
flats an the ,river. An, then at`
the lung 'min an `wimmin, kin,` jine
bads an shoving arround the big
shate av bice to theer hearts' contint
an webby it may mane jinin hands
fer loife sooner are later, an that man- they can to bring one with 'them who rextended sympathy and said how if
es business fer the jewellers, an shtore is not a church-goer.—Oshawa Re- they had any "idea the election would
kaypers, an furniture min, an dhress-}former. ihave gyne'against me thef would hate
them out of the privilege of hearing me and the matter. is entirely forgott-
what should have meant more to en so far .as I am concerned, To the
them than anything they, will read dr Mayor elecf I extend congratulations
hear, by indulging their love of ease. 'and assure him I 1'oid .se•o grudge
The best remedy for diminishing at -'against 'him. He defeated me fairly
tendance is for all the members to land squar+3iy so far as he personally
make a point of being present at least lovas concerned.
once every Sunday and as often as • At least a score of ratepayers have
Noted. Well sympathy it ever
lone;'azxy good and we don't fee'
d my
lir need of it.
I regret that a >few thins have hap-
pened since' the electiort which' have ...
been published in .the daily press and
brought a certain amount of disgrace.
to the town, and wish to assure the
ratepayers that if."all took' my defeat
as cheerfully as I do, uo i11 will or
harsh names would be uttered, much:
less anyone get a pounding, up, •
.1 did not ptit forth any personal ef-
fort before election dit1 ', as I felt the
job should seek the man and not the
man the job, I fully realize the am-,
ount of criticism all public men tntist
endure if they- take a stanc... for the
right and I leave the.municiPaltarena
with no regrets and, rtot1iing but . good
wishes to those who endeavor to work
for the town in a public` way, - I have
done my part as best I could.
e A. G. Smith.
Report of S. S.' No. 9, East Wawa-
nosh for the month` of November.
Number on roll, 16. Average atten
dance, x3.5.
Jr. IV --Robert Arbuckle, Elmer
Arbuckle, Leonard James.'
Sr. III -Gordon Kerr, Bernice
Jr. III -Jessie Arbuckle, Louise-
Breen, Elliott Johnston.
Sr, II—Robert Scott, Roy Pattison,.
Annie Scott.
Jr. II—Gertrude Arbuckle, Willma.
Breen, DoneldaJohnston. '
Primer—George Carter, Ronald,
Perfects, in attendance for the mon-
the: Gordon Kerr,, Roy Pattison, Ann-
ie Scott.
Louise M. Fraser, teacher
Any persons wishing to contribute
to the Beck Memorial ' Fund, . kindly
leave their names' and the "amounts
they wish to subscribe et- the Hydro,
Shop as soon as possible as the Com-
mission wishes to clear up this mat-
ter at once. i
®I I ` i ,F .;{ iliXX®XXMMMiN';'i
n 's Spats
Presentation At Henfryn
At the 'Orange and True Blue "At I
Home" Tuesday, December the first, 9
held in the Township Hall, Ethel, the
Orange and L. T. B., presented; bro-
ter Roy and Mrs. McCreight, with a I
handsome oak rocker. The follow is
'ing address being read by Miss Elia
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCreight:
Dear Brother' and Sister,
We wish to take the pleasure to iret
welconxe you and Mrs. McCreight, we gi
felt we could not :et this opportunity
pass without showing you that we ap-
preciated your valuable services in the
past in the .L, O. L. and. L. T. B. A.
We welcome Mrs. McCreight to our
Society and hope- she will feel at
home amongst us. In Brother Mc-
Creight we have always found a very
efficient and helpful member, we a1 iv
ways found him ready and wil:iag to i
help in any of the Lodge Work, es-
pecially the Degree Work. We would I 111
ask you to accept this rocker as a re-
membrance of some of your friends in is
both Lodges. We :hope you both live IN
to wear out many .pair of runners' on MI
your chair and have the best of heal:
tisand. prosperity, Weexpect you
still` to set a good example to the rest
of the. Brothers, to get a wifewho en-
joys the.privileges of the L.T.13.A.
Again we wish you well in faithful-
ness, fearlessness and fondness.
Cecii Ecktnire, i 'M: of L. O. L.
rile. 631 and Miss Ella Pearson 7v..lti.,
of L.T.B.A. No. 406,
Mr. 14icCreiglat made a suitable
tslkirig his .Orange Brethren a
A dairiy itatrefa was then served by
e Laciaes of '€he L.T.B.A. and the
der of he evening' was spent
Newest Shades English Broad-
cloth anda to �` 5
Buy ,.
®®iS r�17=ur.`trr:'fil:rit®IIoisei
IlilWlllnlllmum Nlnllim mem IlE9lfl91)ifeiilMOM 11101'l�flllEllllllmamma
Comfort, Durability
Things you want in nein Mia
Men's with pliable calf. lea
ther uppers, ,good strong, tea-
eaI ther soles, ankle support at-
tached, heavy felt padded
tongue Priced Afin
Priced at y ___.
Same styles for Women and Boys—
(53 � 00. ana $4
3 to p Atm = .. @,50
BOYS'A;tILES =_ta $3.00,- S , a o0
. a . Skates
The pride of professionals, the joy of amateurs. The most popu-
lar of all skates for hockey or pleasure to
ai skating. Priced From a m
Overshoes for Men and Boys
in one; two and four buckles
rz� 50 to 4.50
ccs:, -19
Misses' Goloshes, sizes 11 hi 2 . .$2.75
Children's Goloshes, size'.,.- 7 to 1101 ....$2.40
=MIN 111Z11 1111 I11!1lni1119IEnillnliillEnm lllnlli r,1111',Iri®IIJEIIIIN►NOlhltum1H
Fouls Buckle, gxcluder
Sizes, 3 to 8 ®"g.
e . Adjusto, as pictured si-p
zes,3 to 8 Cashrnerette Y
el Finest Jersey
Adjusto, Special light -
i11�t11ll1 er weight Jersey „_ 4a!
Special Value m
.. � rten.'s.Silk and Wool Hosier
eat ser To Rtt bar Boots for Men and
Curdy Snag Proof, fist quality
PO up t 65
'Women% first aitial. 95c
Misses' first quslity..,.., Spit;
Clsildreaa's first equal..•t7.5c
000D S ;ST R
fillistiltl ll l l Ill> t I 1 1 1 i it 1l :'' l -14
one A.