HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-10, Page 341
SOPA Iiun, lVININ,J01.PIN 0111T.RY01
o � �
You can't afford to miss taking advantage of these prices
,aria afford a great, saving, All Christmas fruits are No. x quality
and just •arrived week,
25o lbs Thompson's Seedless Shelled Walnuts ..::._
Raisins, albs for -, ::..: 25c New' Hailowi Dates, '2 lbs 25C
Currants, finest ; quality) lb..•.:x5c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs
Lemon and Orange Peels ---29c vanilla and Lemon Extracts
3 bottles for 25c
Large Raisins, with soeds x7c Special Deal, 3 pkgs, Sherriffs
The New Puffed Seeded 'Jelly Powders and x Silver
Raisins (.not' sticky) -_--.>xryc Jelly Spoon, all for 25c
We, have 'a most 'complete stock of Ladies Handkerchiefs and
Hose in all the newest ''shades at Various prices
A large stock of Men's Sweaters, Underwear, Scarfs, Ties,
Socks, Handkerchiefs, etc.
Full line of Allies Holden guaranteed Rubbers and Over-
Come an and. flock therm saver
:,1 es cells, l.lileggs� .:
One Cent' a Month is all it costs .Poultry Boot and. Aeeice FR1EE',' White for it
PITT FOOD CO of Canada, Limited, 328 C;arlaw"Ave.,Toronto
,1.13• .4d3
111 111 III
111 I111E111
1.1.1 111 11)&1I11I)1111111 1ll111lilEll llla'118111R111®I II I'1111111115111111111111111111111111
I,.. Tune�°'
In! �e 'tend2
' M4liss. Inkster of Bind River, Al -
Thursday, Decembe
Mrs„ John Patterson anal W. J. Me -
Lean, 'left Saturday morning for Nia-
gara Fa"11s; N; Y. to visit the form-
,er's son, Perry Patterson.
Reeve Henneberg, ' attended' the
County Council in Godrich last week.
The Young People of the United
the zg25
The following is the 'result of world
in school section N,p, x .Howick, for
Monthr r
of Novembe
' Sr, IV Beatrice Ferguson 82 I, c.;
Elma Finlay Sz' p. c, fists. These charges concerned irra-,
Jr,IV•Lily Edwards 62 p, c, gularities in the voting. They a'.So
Church field a debate last Tuesday Sr. III—Jack Ferguson 8z ,lir c: El withdrew all legal claim to the Pres -
sight, Home Missios vs, Foreign va Dane 6$ p„ c. Harold 'Wright 63 byterian' Clxureh #and Manse. The
p, c.; Clara Metzler $5 P. e. • Presbyterians then offered to take
Sr, II— ;; Gord Wright 67 p. c.; the Presbyterian Church and pay
ton 55 p, c„ Lorne Ed'wards'43 P. c. $3000, or the Methodist Church if
Harry Edwards 57 P. c. Hartley Bar- Sr5oo in addition were given them,
o- Jr. II -Inez Finlay 77 P. c,;' Robert The Unionists rejected both offers
'Ferguson 70 p, c.,; Bertha Dtezled 64 and in. turn, proposed sd.ling the Me -
p, c, ' rho is Church to the Presbyterians
' Jr, I -Mac Metcalfe 75 p.c, or $1oo0, or renting it to then at $5
Sr. Pr,—Iviildred Dane :93 p. c.; Alta, a Year if they would keep up necess-
' eV—Margaret Eda
� rdS OLP. o,
N;�dNi rv�yn�;
last weer before the Church Pronerty
COminission was that .of, Bluevale,
The continuing Presbyterians :withe
drew all charges .previously sent to
the Coannzission, some of them of a
serious nature, against the former
' ?:esbyteriart 'inini5ter, and the Union -
Mission. 'While the former won, the
latter are deserving a good dealof
credit for the manner in which 'they
defended their side. Games were. in-
dulged in 'alter the debate.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold' Edgar, spent
Sunday at Wilfred King's, Gorrie.
The election of officers for L. 0: L.
25x1.,, tools place In the Lodge Room,
Monday night, Officers for '1926 Finlay 88 p. c„ Elsie Barton 85 .p C.; Lary repairs and insurance. 7.'he Pres-
are:—W. Master, W. A. Mines, De- Leslie Edwards 8o p, c.; Alberta Per-'bYterians would not accept these
terms, No understanding was, there-
fore, arrived at
The bazaar held by the W. M, S.
of the circuit of the :Bluevale United
Following is the report of Wroxe Church last Friday was a grand sue
.fluty Master, II:Chamberlin, Rec. Se- -guson, 78 p, c:; Mildred Stewart 75
cretary, Fred Davey;Treasurer, D. L, 'p, c.
Weir; Finaice Secretary, W. T. Ell- E. M. Cooke, teacher
: iotf; D. of ° C,, Geo,' S. Lackie; Chap-
lin, W, E. Weir; Committeemen, L.
I Roach, R. McMichael, W. King, W. ter "Senior ,Room for November. Pu- cess, A socia;'' was held in the even -
Robinson; -Lecturer C McCutcheon; pits were, examined in Composition,
Tylers, W. King and M. Sharpin: +Literature, Oral' Composition, `Hyl
F�giene and Geography. •
Sr. IV—Isabel Earls -82T Carl Sari-
' , th 81; Evelyn Hupfer 8o; Jessie Has ev. Mrr. and Mrs. R. S Jones are 'tie 77. i
in Brighton; owingto the death of , Jr.:IV-*Jessie Green 87; Katie
their brother-in-law, Mr. Fred Mar- Waller 82; Irene Wright 78; Isabel
shall, Druggist, who ' passed a,tvay in Davey 78; Elva..Stocks 77; Jean 1Vlil'?
Wellesley Hospital on Thursday ev- 'gen 72; *Archie, Taylor 72; Maude
Mr. L. S. " Ashton has purchased '1Vlilligare68; *Dorotr'hy Gr'8en 66; Wes
Mr.' A. Holt's property and . intends iley Paulin 66; *Jean Elliott 6z; .'Roy
taking possession in March. Mr. 'Robinson 53„'>;A:nderson -'Gibson; 45•
Holt intends returning 'to his farm on SF. III -Florence Hall 85; Normanthe;9th_con: Howick, e Hall 8i; George 'brown 'Si, Marjorie
Notwithstandifig the 'inclemency, of Waller. /o,./Doris Musgrove '69; Gor
the weather on• Saturday, the A, don McTavish 62; Margaret Durst 51:
can Church Bazaar and Supper was a Jr. III—Georgina Lackie 92; Loreen
decided success. Many pretty, and Chamberlain 76; Robert Paulin; 72,•
useful articles, however were left un- Stewart Higgins 70; Alfred Hooper
sold: =these together .with home- 68;Rae I outtit 62; *Arthur Gibson 55.
made 'Cooking will be on sale on Sat-, No on Roll' 3i: Average atteridan-
urday' afternoon; Dec.. 12th. An-,invi- ce 26.
tation is extended to the public to at- M. E. Bowes, teacher.
non' the ,.
- stnagncoutse
We have three machines fully installed, .ready Cfor operation
and comparison, a three tube, a,, four tube and a five .tube. These
are tirade in Canada, fully 'guaranteed: as to workmanship and any-
one of them can be scientifically installed by our staff, ` on' short'
After over three years experience we believe we have one of
the best makes offered for;Sale, You should hear 'these before ®_
placing your, order. As a Xmas Gift we know of nothing:that
should be, appreciated more, You are missing the best music, the
finest lecturers, the most eloquent sermons unless •provided with a
good receiving'set.
`Get our" prices, 'according to horn;'. phones, batteries' etc., . re-
., quiredl .and be corlvinced that you -can -get good value here.
gonia, who is training' as a nurse at
= Grace Hospital, Toronto, is at Pres-
eat • visiting her uncle Mr C. F. Tay-
lor in this village. .
Quite an interest is being taken in
, the "Ancient - History” of Howick,
'published in the •Advance -Times. It
xriay ;also ,be of interest to • some of
�. y4ur readers rto know that the first
Orange: Lodge in Howick was started
by the father of. H, B. Morphey, K
C., of Listowel,
Mi•, H. Neil has moved his shoe re-
pair business into the shop he recent-
ly purchased front Mr. Archie Edgar,'
:ephens � Ashion, Garrre, Ont..
• flint(1111111111i1Elili811I�111�111�I11 II 1111E118111 III III 111E111 ifi�ll111111 lilg111111il lll�lihill11lh
'gator '' ay. Next will be +sue at your big Shap.
ping days for °isl;lif , s, and we are otter.
ing y''u sone big indaeernexnfsm e a
Baking Powder, English tin 23c Special, 20 lb pail Maple Le.f
Baking Syrup, per ib -w_. w5c Lard for $4,3&
Better Grade, per lb ._........_8c Easifirst, per package
Missed Peels,' Lemon, Orange Extracts, . any' flavor in stock
and Citron, per 1b. ---.-45c 3 for
Seedless Raisins inpkgs....w...,.150 Cream Puff and Pat -a -Pan
Loose, per lb 'w -.w .W w,xgc Flour, 24 lbs for
Valincia and, Puff Seeded, 2 Nice Yellow Sugar* x4 lbs, $x,00
° lbs for �- .. _._.35c Granulated, per sack
Davies and Maple Leaf Pure Saturday . Only.
Lard, a 11Is for :w_ *_w._: w, 45c 6 cafe, Palm Tree,Soap for.,:,..25c
only 97>piece, white and Gold for _ w. _. 005
x only 87. piece Rosentary, a beautiful Set, marked^ down' from e
&33100 to,
* Rubbers as advertised lisst week ---
ring'...us your Eggs'. and Cre „tn.
Nothing Charged at above plrices,
A �O
eeleilieweet ierne e m ri alw yaN hed wM+✓chW emimaxafr:
Jamieson -Brown — In Toronto, on
Saturday, Dec, '5th., by '`Rev: Dr,
Bowles, Miss Agnes Brown, daugh-
ter of Mr, William :Brown, of Ford
wish, to Mr. William S. Jamieson,
of Salem, formerly of Fordwich..
Mr. R. Johnston took a carload of
hogs and:cattle to: Toronto . Saturday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Stewart of
Bowling Green, spent the week end
with relatives here.
A very successful Bazaar was held
on door north 9f White's 4iote91, in the United Church ora.Friday after,
I12rr W, Gallaway moved' into his 1 noon and 'evening, In the evening
there was`a programme and lunch.
Total proceeds amounted to $xo5,00.
Mr. and Mrs:. Gordon Gallaher of.
l3elgrave, visited friends <:here Tues-
Miss Ruby Duff of Toronto is home
to helylook after her brother, : Wm,,
We are sorry to say he is very WI at
present; .
The W. M, S. of Bluevale Presby-
terian Church ,held their' Thank Of-
fering Service in, the Hall on Sunday
Evening, Nov. land, Miss' Pelton,
Field Secretary gave a sp?eudid ad-
dress on the work of the Society,'
'The Thanko'fferixig amounted to
The regular meeting of the. -W. M,
S. of Bluevale Presbyterian Church
was held at the home of Mrs. J. W.
Leggatt, ,Thursday, Dec. 3, there
were twenty-three ladies present. Af-.
er'the n'egular business meeting., the
officers were ie •electd for the coining
year.ti a
The Bazaar which was he'k± in the
Bluevale United; Church on Friday
evening, under the Auspices of the
Women's Missionary Society was a
decided success. The proceeds of the
day amounted to over $xoothis was
the first Bazaar given by the seciety
and the ladies' were wellpleased :with
Misses Emma, arid Mabel Johnston,
spent a week visiting at the home of
their uncle .at Walton.
Tlie Young People of S. S, No, Ya,
Morris, are busy preparing for their
annual Xmas entertainment which is
to be held on Thursday les., 17;
Johnston Ladies Aid meetat the
home of Mrs. John Fells' on Wednes-
day of last week. A goodly number
Were in attendance,,
Mfrs, Jos, Breckenridge is spending
a Short tune with her daughter, Mrs,
Wm. Thuell at Myth,
Mrs, T. "Costello,' intends leaving,.
this week for her home at Arntanth,.
Man,; after spending a souffle of mon-
ths with friends here, she having conte
'east to attend het mother's funeral.
Idi; and Mrs, Win. Whitfield, spent
For the one we loved so well, last Thursday at the home of Ed.
His loving wife and sons, Frank Johnston's, xst. line' monis.
and Itjoy,' Among the cases hoitnt at O,Snton,
new residence last week.
Ivir.` and Mrs: James Hyndman re-
turned from thein -western tip last
Miss McLean of Hanover, spent the
week -end with her cousin, Mrs. W. J,
Our Electric Lights that have been
off for a week owing to engine trou-
ble, were going again Saturday 'night.
Mr. John; Maguire; of Clifford was
in town over Sunday visiting his bro-
ther Ben. •
Mrs: T hos.` Taylor of Preston, who
has been spending the past. .month
with her mother; Mrs, Wm, Galbraith,
returned home last. week,
Miss Martha Earngey is suffering
from blood poisoning in her left hand
'eaused,by a scratch on a rusty nail;
We are pleased to learn however, that
she is improving under the care of
The recent 'flaw and heavy .rani has
made some of the roads bad- for tra-
Report of Junior Room, Gorrie for
Sr; II =-I3. King 90 p. c„ A. Hainil-
to;n,87p. c.; C. Holt 74 p• c.; IC. Wat-
son62. r
Sr. I—E. Lawrence 99 p. c.; J. Doig
.97 p. c,; L. Ashton 96 p. c; L. Ring
89,p; c,; J, Earngey 84 p. c,; L. Ham
son 82.
Jr. I—N. 'Craik. •
Sr. Pr. --W. Galloway,; H. King, K.
Galloway, J. Newton.,
No. on Roll r5.,, .Average. 145.
M. G White.
In Loving Memory of Edward. A.
'Renwick who passed away in Luck -
now, December 7th,, 1921,
When the evening shades have fallefi
Arid we are all alone
In our hearts there comes a longing
If you only could t=ome home,
No one knows the silent heartache,
Only those who have lost c<in, tell,
Of the grief that is borne in silence
ing.Selling was very brisk and a to-
tal df $ro6, which will go to Missions,
Was realized.
Looking for
Your !' dilator
Keep therm hid by filling with
We have 'a, good supply in
stock at moderate prices. Call.
and fill up at your first oppor-
A. J.
Service Garage Wroxeter
41 I
i, R0X1.,T,4 J.,,,h.
Reeve I'eneebertr, spent the weelrs-
, end in 13?ussclls,
Mr. Lo11on0as. Gibson hag installe
a new Radio, •
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Black arc vi<St�
ing fr3ends in I-Iarriston.
Miss Carrie Laurie who liar beerl
visiting in town, left on 'Wednesday
for her home at Winona. .
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Hartford Wind Insuranc
"Walkerton Eire Insurance• Co.
Automobile,: Live Stock anti Plats:
Glass Insurance
DR',""?.. A. •MUTTON
Graduate of Royal College of Dental,
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of Toronto
At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday
-' At Gorrie the rest of the week.
Teeswater, Ontario
Will be at the Gofton house, Wres-
xeter 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each
month.- Will be at Gerrie the follow-
ing Thursday.- •
Director of Funeral Services
Motor Hearse or Carriage, hic '
ever is, required.
Phone x6
Fordwicti; Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties
Of Huron and' Wellington
•P,hone x9;;
Or Patterson's Hardware Store
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Western Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co,
If you have no, wind Insurance on
your farm buildings give us a call.
Also Agent for several first -Class Fire
Insurance Companies.
111E118111Ili III 11 148111E111 III 11111111
III�IIIaIll IlIBQllI <<IIIGA111®Ilf�lll ^•Ill�lil i, ill®IIa tr
CY �.
All our Overcoats, Sweaters and fine ribbed All Wool Under- ,..
wear, Heavy Tweed Pants, Work Shirts and many other articles will WI
re_ be sold at a 20 per cent. !discount which makes a good saving l
- We have a well assorted stock of Fine Shirts„ Neck Scarfs; Ties, 11
Gloves, Hats, Garters, Ann Bands, Suspenders Socks, suitable for
' Cbr stmas GiftsNO
We will appreciate your pfronage.
11111tH®1111111 Iii 111111111111
lli wpm i'! mom 11lII
C 1
11 111111111gh111111 111E111
®illi®1111 ill
ry Cedar ',£,! i g ' 1oc
16 inch (Great for sL.d, rliJ g woo'.�i lx
coal fires) at ,1111&
Per Cord
Absolutely Dry Mixed ` SIIw' bwood4
16 in., at Mill $2.50 per cord.
y Circular Hardwood, 16' bitch,
in pile, $4.00 per cord.
„' 'r;
Offict 28»i, get.3o
Cgll i,IN
P. 0, Box 77