HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-10, Page 17,1 cPOPti.ERfP,?M� W1111 which is amalgamated ;The, > i the au ► j rare Vida* and ' The WroXeter WS Saturday A, ftertoou•. Single Copies;. Five Gouts,,'„' CHURCH; NE Lunge congregations were present rn•,the United: Clxurch:at both services 'on Sunday' last Tt:.1lr morning, Rev Mr McIntosh occupied the pulpit, taking. las his sfib5ect, ' "Refreshment tri Religion.', Text from Psalms, Chapter 46, 'Verse 4;.'• There is,:a Ri- ver, the streams whereof shall make Glad' the yd'"v;” of God. He • also gave a bright ta'jk to the children ons- the topics of "Canned Sunshine." At 7 p. rix., Rev. Mr. Bennett, spoke on the question. "Have .the Rich, any Advant- .age over the Poor in the Best Things •of Life? ,Are they evenly distributed? Basing his' remarks on ,Matthew,,' Chapter 5;, Verse 45, ' "Th'at ye may be the, Children of Your father Which is, in' Heaven, :for he maketh: his Sun "to rise on the' evil' 'and 'on the good, and sendeth rain 'on the just, and on :'the unjust."- The practical and. inspir- ing messages at both .servics• will :long be remembered by the congre- ,gation. xxx The Victory Mission Circle of the 'United_ Church he their Xmas meet-, ing at 'he home :of Mrs. ,(Rev.) Mb antosh. on Tuesday evening,: the presi -dent, • Mrs. A. J. Walker, presiding. .Miss Carrie Hartwick' gave a very ;helpful paper tellingthe benefits de- -rived from being a Circle Member and Mrs. McIntosh gave an outline of the tconsummation of th'e three uniting Missionary Societies 'which .took -ce in Toronto recently. The meeting was 'then given over ,te "'•Christmas, Miss" Phyllis Johns, ?ceriducted: a '+Christmas responsive service. Miss Lillian Howard told of "Christmas 'Custonis' in Other Lands Miss Ro- naelda Tay:br'gave. the "Legend of the IC1x ysanthenurn," and Miss . Alberta • 'Walke'r, contributed a suitable violin' selectiojawith :Miss Nora "Beattie ' at the 'piano,' It was decided ..that the Circle' assist in providing for a box of Christmas' cheer which the :ladies of the United. Church are sending to' the .Fred Victor Mission nToronto. , In the Baptist 'Church, next Sunday • evening the pastor will cbhtinue' the studies in -Daniel,' „speaking from ',Chapter two -on the `"Tunes' of the 'Gentiles:" Jesus said in'Luke .21:24, "Jerusalem Shall be Trodden Down 'of the Gentiles, until the Times' of the 'Gentiles. be fulfilled." This message via he, illustrated by a special lantern :slide,: You will be interested in know- ing whether • the, "Times of . the Gen - :tiles' have run out ;All welcome. xxx Sunday morning December. 6th.,' Rev, Dr. Perrie read the, twelfth Chap ter' of Matthew from the first to the thirteenth verse, ,inclusive. Taking for his'text',the nineteenth and twen- "'tenth ,verses.: Ift the evening speak- ing from the eighth verse of the four- dh Chapter of Pillipians. Iir the morning a quartette rendered. the 'fa- vourite hymn "Nearer My God tb "hee" and in the eveningthe full choir, the ant1 em.entitled "Rejoice In the Lord." The mid week service on. Wednesday evening' at eigth o'clock, a ' usual, to which the whole congre- gation, visitors and strangers are cor- dially invited, No collection: xxx thi .,InstFad' of forwarding 'lot ring as, formerly'done, .,'a most :commendable' plan has been adopted by the.gfficers: olx member to subscribe twenty-five of the Maitland, Presbyterial, viz: ea- . cents to provide clothing for four girls of foreign birth, who are being. edueated at Selldrlc,'" Man, The cost to be paid at as early a date as possi- ble to Mrs. Jatines Nicholson, -who is to receive the Money from the mem- ' bers xem-`:bers and others. ,Snaith` Charlie, agement ta, gry�y 7��/'�'�y 7�/p �^y'�p� g,��'( � �{y �; /•v �*7p ��rg� �y y 9x5' �g 4'W �1�F;A.�.�'¢ 4V.Ax ,'R- NT., � Tk�IW,!' ,[ p,r A: +,6..i•:,L9I8BER d. t ., `k ale to.Comme ce at eser ijed In 'orth Huron Election Appeal •Just:ice Wright , reserved judgment 'He' 'quoted the recent casein Qtiebec, on 'Saturday afternoon' on :the appeal front' the tecourtt of votes' in North Huron in the recent genera i elections, The r;'ecount'xoc t'fplace•- t the request, of the Conservative. Candidate,.Geor- •e Spotton and.when' Judge Lewis.' threw out 242 ballots which had cpun terfoils -attached Spatton was declazl ed elected,-ovser J. W. King, progress— ive.. The Prernier therefore, appealed the recount, Shirley Denison, K. C.,'counse•:t for 14r..Spotton, in his: argurrtent con- tended that there - was a ;deliberate omission on -the ,part. of the' deputy. re;: turning officers in three' poets to re- move the counterfoils 'front the dia.: Pined. ballots. The failure of ,the' D R. C5's ;was w *ong but as it was a" defib-, erate omission there was gno redress;• was Ivtr. Denison's, c• aim Mr. Denison pointe. out that in some of the other` polls .there, had been odd ballets here and: there• with.counf- erfgils on. These :had been counted Because there ;was' evidently',..inadyr17. ance, pr. the part of the deputy •offic- er. ;But in the caseof, the:''tlree polis - in question•'there was no inadvertence lsutr:de(iberate omission, h'e said, 'and therefore these' ballots could not be counted, • •eest., :12 ll I� wt on W ey owe , K. • C., conn sel -for Mr. Xing, 'arid•who•:was elect- ed • on the first coudting •of.the batots held .that the will of the majority must, bet observed,. and that no omission on the ,part of an official could disfran- chise a big portion .9f the electorate. pointing out that the chief justice of Quebec had ruled on this point in the matter of Sir George Perley's •election, Argument *as also presented exzun, ciatui the British' legal maxim' that, when "it` is'' M the interest' of public justice, forthe public good, the, word "may", in a statute may mean "shall,' and counsel) deducing this; the -duty of the' bench to take'such steps as to insure the will of the people, being Put into effect Mg, Rgwell also', referred to a num- ber of Canadian cases where counter- foiled bai.bts had been counted: The 'first was in the Stormont provincial election case. It: was held that the official counterfoil was 'not an indents- .fying mark on the ballot; was not a mark by the retuning officer within the meaning of the act, The judge ruled that if there., was any doubt it should be resolved in favor of the vo- ter, so that ° a large. body ` ,hould''not• be disfranchised by 'carelessness.It: lied been, contended that this` won:'d open the. door to irregularities, but the judge declared that he did not think this would be so,.' This sante judge had cited tvVb Dominion elec- tion cases tri which ballots had been counted. Mr.Roweltuoted North. Simcoe q „ London and Brockville' election cases and -said there'had'been an unbroken policy. for 40 years .+ofu protection of the voterain, this respect. His lordship: "That is that the (Continued onlpage 9.) Shareholders Meeting. At a ;largely a'ttende'd „meeting of Shareholders and ,creditors of the Ae- ro Cushion Tire. Co,; held in Wing ham on Tuesday. . Mr;; Edgar White of Toronto was „appointed Trustee to liquidate and dispose" of :tine business' of the Company. Inspectors appoint- ed are H. C. McLean, and J. A. Wal- lace of Wingham and Mr.• Stewart of St. Thomas. A'moveinent' is on foot to re -organize a new Company to con- tinue the. business ; ..j Shower at ,Orangeville; •Q tt.' About sixty friend's ;gathered at th'e home of Mr. and •Ml's, James' Lostus, where .a magnifi'ccant:hsI4wer'was given in honor of Miss ertha Boys, bride elect on here•approching marriage'to Mr. Roy Cruickshank, of Wingham, Ont. For ,the past 3 years a Highway Traffic Officer of Orangeville arid for the past four' years ;a memberof the Lacrosse team of, that place, also much, credit is given the Most and Hostess. The Host is P. R, Car Inspector. December Council Meeting, The. December meeting of Wing - ham Town Council was held on Sat- urday morning in :. the Town Hall„ Mayor Willis and all the members were present. A number of accounts were read and.' ordered' paid on mo:, tion of Court: . Bennett paid Reeve IVIcKibbon. Coon,. ,Fells reported that the approach to the cement bridge had been fixed. • Bylaw No -.959 was read three times att'ranging for the ,borrowitbg of $225o for r a': period'' of ten years at five per cent,, this beng the town's share of, fixing the dam, the; steel °piling and Concrete filling. '3.'he chief's revolver was reported to be `out of order and they matter of ie - pairing ,it was left with the fire 'com- mittee;, °Council Hien adjourned. High School 'Literary "-- The; regular mceting,•of the ' Wiag- ham High School, Literary ;; JSociety was,hcld in the Xssetribly;Hail o'f•the Schdpl, on Friday, N'ov. 27th, when tho 'following programme was given: Opening :Chorus—"winkles."' Piano Solo: --Date Xing, Debates--qth P'onn ; vs. 3rrd. • Forts, "Resolved that the 'Modern Woman has done more to Benefit Hhnranity Than the Pioneer Woman." The affirmatiire side was' ttpheld by Morris • Christie and ;Margtiret S"rlelll from .th form; and the negative side by Grace Mitchell, and Emerson Ben- ne t f ora rd forrr, who were in.pion- ter`'?attire, The debate was :: von by the affirruative. Chorus, Stix form, I Do You journal, Theodore Robertson. Critic's Rctnarks, lrth asrirxr, God::r ave the Xitigt Santa Clatts Here Dec. 19th. impinrimposall Santa Claus wi1:drive into town. Watch for him at 2 o'clock to visit Hanna -8r Co,, Ltd and • meet all the children of the surrounding town and country, ` He will have• candy for you a:1 Write hirnt a letter and tell , him• what you want for Xmas. Xmas Tree at. Belgrave The Anglican • Sunday School ±•till hold their Xmas Tree and Entertain- ment in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave on Friday evening, Dec, i8. A good programme is being prepared consist - ng of musical and literary numbers,; including •a short play entitled "The Dearest Thing in Boots." RE-ELECTED 'SECRETARY OF THE N H. Mr. M. C. ,13 ridge, who was re-elect- ed Secretary of the Northern Hockey League, without opposition, at ' the • annual meeting; held in Palmerston on Tuesday. 1.fr, Bridge was nominated by five different Clubs, Wingham United Church Rev M. M. Bennett and Rev W. D. McIntosh, ministers, December x3th: xx a. ni —Rev. M. M, Bennett will give a Sertnonette fqr the children. Morning Subject: "Should Man ,Ever Be Satisfied with What He Has or Is? ,2.30 p m•—Sunday School and. Bible Classes. 7 P. In.—Rev. W. D.' McIntosh? will have for his subject: "A Purpose and a System."'' L.O.L. 794 Elect Officers • There was a good attendance of members at the Orange Hall, on Fri- day night, when L. O. L. No. 794 elected the following officers: W. M. -C, R Copeland., D. M. -W. B. McCool: Rec, Secy,—Milo Casemore. Fin. Secy.—Jos. Guest. Chaplain =Josh. Scott. treas.;-A. G Smith. D. of C.—John McDonald. .tst. Lect.—Thos. Wheeler. 2nd. Leet:—Geo. Baird. I. T. Bert Isard. O. T.'t Robt, Armstrong, Committeemen -Josh, Scott, J. V. Haines, A. J. Walker, Geo, Shrigley and J. W. McKibbon, Local and' General News of Interest to Theommunitr. J Gift Stationery, ? price„at. MoXib bon's Drug Store: Christmas Concert in Lower Wing-- ham ing-ham School, Friday, December '18th,, at 8 o'clock; Good program, Ad- mission 25e and xoc. 4 The Red and Gold Line Gifts for 5oc and ;up, McKibbon's• Drug Store. ', ` Mrs, H. 'C. MacLean will receive at her home,,; Minnie St., Friday Dec. xxth,, afternoon from' three to six. Evening eight to ten. • A pair ';of Greer's Hockey Shoes, will snake the Boy your friend for life, Remember, the bazaar in the Coun- cil Cha.xber,- oh Saturday afternoon, December x2th;, under, the auspices of the Ladies Gtiild of St, Paul's Church. Sale to col 1 once at two o'clock.' Moirs Chocolates in Fancy Boxes, a :welcome Gift, all price4 at McKib- mon's Drug Store, • The regular meeting of • g g the Wo- men's Institute will be held Decem- ber /7th., in the Council Chamber, The tweeting will'" be addressed by Rev. H. W, Snell and there will also be a musical program. For Christmas! Slippers! Get them at Green's. Good Cooking Apples at twenty- five and fifty cents a baskc, or thirty cents a peck. A. W. Webster, the Tailor, up stairs over The Advanec- Times Office. Toilet Cases for lady or gent. Spe= cial Prices, See the window at Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store., The Advance -Times line cif personal Greeting Christmas Cards and selling fast; but our assortment is still good We are selling Reg.113,30 per dos. for a.00 and other 'prices accordingly low. q Already we have ' printed over two hundred sets. Cigare in boxes of to or 25's are a Wclkozlie .Gift, none hist tine lrt st,•t Mc.t ibbon'a •Drwt ^$$tore. Christmas! What to Give! That's Easy! Footwear. from Greer's. It is subscription renewal time again and we begto draw wour at- tention to the fact that we will handle your daily •papers for you through this office at a saving to you. The Globe and the Advance $6,3o. We will 'give you the same discount, off with any daily and The Advance - Times. Xodaks or Brownies as a Giftat Christmas are always welcome. A good assortment at IM2cKibbon's Drug Store, • Now that the editor of this paper is free from Council duties he is go- ing to put renewed , energy into the paper and plant. All job work and advertising will receive' our personal care and attention, and"we wish to as- sure the business men that we will give you as good quality printing and paper as you can get elsewhere and at as low a cost. This means wewill compete with all legitimate prices for job printing. We are engaging the staff' and we have the equipment and will not leave any stone unturned to keep our office 'humming. Fountain Pens and Eversharp Pen- cils $x.00 and up of McICibbotfs Drug Store. The ladies.' of St. Andrews Presby-. terian Church field a most successful baaaar and tea, in the hall on Satur- day afternoon. ` They took in over $47o, and the weather was not in their favor either. The loss of the Aero Cushion Tire plant is to be regretted. Surely $ao,- 000 capital eau be raised in this, vicin- ity to put this established business in' running cond i:iott: That is all that is needed and the shareholders are reas- onably sure of a profit now that the organization '"and years of advertising has Paved the way, Give her Greer' ,:Slipper's,' and yisrx give appiues's �P.�P,P•�PP,- kibscriptforis $2.o0 per yo~tr Thornes Fops ins In. The ayor,l.ty `.,c at LTi The result of the elections In the chell, W.; H. • Haney and I --I. B, Elbert. The vote for,' Mayor was as. follow Fells Smith Ward x 77 61 ` z 69 74. A W 3 xo3 82 • 1f4 84 53 '34 416 335, 14ljority .for Mr. Fells -84'., The Commission will be: Mayor Fells, W. H. Gurney ' and Writ. Holmes. The School Board are: A. J. Walker, W. H. Rintoul, ;Rev H, W, Sne;R, R..• H. Lloyd, Dr- j. A. Fox and F J. --"-- Mayora:ky Contest in Wingham were a surprise to some; but not so muck, of a surprise to the defeated candidate as he could plainly see that the large numbers of his friends who,. ;fou:d not, bother to come out to the polls meant his defeat Mr: FelfsMhas been on the :Council for seven °; years and a most deserving chief magistrate and we wish to assure the ne ly elected Mayor and Council that they have the best wishes of the publisher of. The Advance -Times. The 1926 couscil will be: Mayor -Thos: Fells, Reeve -J. W. McKibbon, Councillors—C, R Wilkinson,. Robt1 A. Spotton, J. W. Hanna, E. J. Mit PERSONAL 1ITEIVMS I Mr. Frank Galbraith ''of Toronto, made a business trip ` o Wingham this week, ,• Rev: Mr, Tate of Echo Bay, � : attend- , ed the church' meeting at Clinton last week. r. Mr. Thos. Auld of Blyth, was re- newing acquaintances 'in town, over the week -end. ° Mrs. Wm. McGill of Turnb'erry'vis- ited for a few • days with? her mother, Mrs. Martin near Whitechurch: Mrs. Andrew Morton,. of Leister, England, is visiting at the home: of, Mr. and Mrs. J.,A. Morton, Shuter St. Mr. Thos. Shoebottom, of East ,Wa- wanosh has disposed of, his farm to Mr. Thos, Taylor, also of East-Wa- wanosh. Mr. and Mrs: J. N. Pickell, Minnie St,, left on. Tuesday for Simcoe; where they will spend the winter with their daughter, , Mrs. J. R. . Sheri(' Rev. Wm. and. Mrs. Freed of St. Williams, Ont. are spending the win- ter at the home of their daugther, Mrs. T" W. Pickell, Culross Twp. Mr."C. F. Martin has purchased the elevator at Whitechurch from Hay Bros. of Listowel and is paying high- est prices for aril kinds of grain. Ivlr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse of Belgrave, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Agnes Jean to Mr. Russet 'Walker, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Walker of Wingham, the marriage to take glace December 13th. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr. Bert Por- ter and other friends in town. Mrs. Mitchell is a former well-known resi- dent, the late Mr. Mitchell having been a Marble Cutter here for num- ber of years. Another Pioneer Passes There passed away on Friday, Dec. 4th., at her home on the third line of Morris, Elizabeth Johnston, beloved wife of Mr.- Archie Brydges, after a lingering illness. She was born in 1854 itt the Town- ship of Cartwright, where, she ° lived for eight years. In '1862 " she, with her parents, moved to. East Wawa - nosh and settled en the farm now oc-: copied by Charles Johnston. There she lived for twenty-five years, gett- ing her day school education and la- ter helping with the many primitive tasks in connection with early pioneer life. In 1887 she was married to • Mr. Archie Brydges, whom she leaves to mourn her loss.' Of her, own family there are only two members now liv- ing' vizi—Tlliain of the ti ninth of East Wawanosh and Charles of New Ontario. Throughout the entire if of Mrs. Brydges there marts a nark of the spirit of hospitality, of a friendship to- wards mankind and of a faithful work- er of the church, And it was with a spirit of deep regret that the com- munity heard of the lose of a helping friend and an obliging neighbor, and the esteem: in which she was held was testified to by the many friends who tante to the' funeral to pay their last, respects to the dead, The funeca:i was held. on Sunday, Dee. 6th. to the Brandon Certietery, The pallbearers were: John Stewart; Andrew Ferguson, Joseph Brandon, John' Hunter, Matthew Ferguson and Richard • Proctozr:. DIED Rogers---Tn Fordivich, on Thursday, Dee,gr tl,, x925, Margaret Ann Ma- guire, beloved wife of Oliver Ra- in her. Band, year, .441 COUNTY COUNCIL SITTING T1`I THE LAST SESSION OF THE 'YEAR Engineer Patterson Thinks. Blue Water Highway Should Be .• Taken. Over by Province (Goderich Signal) The Huron County i C y Council. is hold- ing its last session, of the year this week. •••All the members are in atten- dance. The session opened rt op on Tues- day afternoon.. The clerk announced that, since the ,. last: meeting of council death had re moved one of its members in 'the per- son of the late George B. Hanley, Reev't • of the township of Stanley, and that he had received 'a certificate of the election of Mr. John A. Manson to the vacancy. ` Mr. Manson had made the necessary. declaration and was entitled to sit in Council. The Warden` in briefly. addressing the council welcomed the new Reeve of Stanley. He spoke of the annual meeting of the Clildren's Aid Society. which he had attended, and stated. that at that meeting a resolution had been passed in favor of, " a proposal that the Legislature enact legis:ation under which a definite levy could be made upon a county for the assistan- ce of the. Children's Aid Society. Such a measure was not needed for Huron County, where the, work of the Children's Aid Society had been well supported by the county council, but it was felt that it would help Socie- ties in counties 'where the work was riot supported as it should. be. The Warden had been placed on the exe- tutive of; the Children's Aid Society, which he considered a good thing,, ,as it would keep• the, county council in touth with the work.. The bad: weather of the fall had in- terfered with the county's program of road work, a:tlxough the bridge work planned had been pretty well carried out, said the Warden. Among the communications present- ed to. council was one from the .,On- tario Motor League asking that the county pass a bylaw to compel,alll ve- hicles to carry lights at night on the highways. . This was referred to the special committee. A statement from the Department' of Education of the grants to confirm- ation schools in the county was as roil. lows: Blyth, $894.77; Brussels, $888,- 85; Fordwich (No. x7, Howiek '$817.- 95; 8s .-•95; Hensall, ,$852, , Another statement' showed the anxounts paid directl:y•by, :the Depart, merit of Education to the variout .' high schools of the county: Wingliart. • x, io.6 Seaforth $1,604.50; �4 7r , Clinton, $x,475; Exeter, $1,gd8.3a; Goderich, $r8is.so—total, $7,757.o6. The annual- reports and financial statements of the various hospitals— at Goderich, Wrnghanx, Clinton,: and,. Seaforth--were received. Applications from several confirma- tion and high schools for statutory payments ` for 'maintenance. of county' of Huron pupils were received. Among - these wdre claims of London Conegi- ate' Institute, $2a5,38; South London C. i., $74.58, and :London Technical Sehool, $1245. ,A brief discussion ensued as to the liability' of the eounty in 'respect; to such claims, There seems to be setae obscurity itt the law on the tnatter. A number of claims for damages':oal the -county highways v,terescnt to the good roads commission. ° The latest, or •Novctxibcr, list', I tir'otx county boneficiarica undt i- 't A,roth<ty" Allowance Act wits strlin; tod, This showed forty -toter, t'cca.i i a~ lowauces, with a total chargeable the ,county rsf $7r1ajo, being ntt4`.1 (Cotttinttcd on page l,xc,) II: