HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-26, Page 2NOI1AMM 4."i)V NCE TXMES .,,_ 1111-�...�.;;--- .�.•^-.� .,, ._..�,.. �.,_...� , .� fections are important in keepin heart muscle 'inrgood coiiditioti and avoiding fiirtlter•damage. As long as yottr heart muscle is healthy and do- ing its wort., yon can forget yorir hea-' rt murmur. Ether in BeerN A. L. S. 'Aka: "What is the effest Of taking beer which has been doctor- ed up with ether?" Reply r;k A. very _ tentporary •stunulation fol lowed by ,depression. Regarded, as Zlarxrtful E. L. W asks- "Is prollanged ex - which. is extremely difficult to control.postre to cold bad rft W11°1(11414 ADYANCE,T1I IES . ji'uhlislie4 at WIN HAM, ON'IAR 4( Every Thursday Morning Smith, Editor and Proprietor Su441,110, bscription rates—One year $2.o0, iav months $1.00, in advance, BLEEDERS Advertising rates on application. By Dr. W. J. Scholes Advertisements without sneer is dt• Titer e are some people who Have sections gee be inserted urrttl>forbid' an • inherited tendency to serious or ear - Changes end charged accordingly. Changes, for contlactadvertisen'ient5 tie in the office by noon; Monday. ,00,1,11000„,Mip,005eo llil„111»t,o],ol00,1, 01,,,, , 111 ll 1111 „ ,,,, 1925 OvEraRER r 1925 sW411). F1cSa 41.51.6 7 9 10 111[12'13 14 15�1.6�17� 020 21 22123 [24X25 26'27 29 3 (. i ,i Su Tu '43391R,rnnllmlU,11101„, 003111 1 1ouu, n, en fatal hemorrhages. Slight wounds or abrasions are accompanied by a disproportionate amount of .bleeding a for a "yuan of 48 e lU i in tlae urine and 1 These people' are railed bleeders. Ti who has .a a nin;'' has abnormal tendency to bleed is called Reply It is generally regarded as harmful.” (Note: -Dr. Scholes will answer su- cli health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed :stamp ed .envelope. ,'Address Dr. W... J. Scholes, in care of this paper.) Bright's .disease?" hemophilia. I•Ieinophilia affects the male, but is transmitted , through the . female, Neither the sons of a bleeder nor. their children inherit' the tendency. The daughters, however, while, they them- selves are not affected, transmit the hemorrhagic tendency to their male children. 'WHAT UNCLE 'SAM IS .;WING TO US (Toronto Saturday Night) The present United States tariff is fearful and wonderful thing. ' Won- derful as to tide manner in which: it is 'manipulated so as to favor its own iroducers, and fearful, in its effect nponforeign business rivals. Num- -eraus interesting instances have !;late- ly come to hand as to just how the `United States tariff rates are moved .about over night in order to effective-' ly shut out <foreign imports. , For instance, a Canadian, house manufacturing' Christmas cards had managed to pick up quite a trade sou- th of the international boundary un- der h duty; of .fifteen per cent. How- ever, this was not for long, as keen United States business men in the same line of trade called the attention of the proper official to the situation and instantly the import duty into the 'United States was raised to ,,forty-five per cent., and the-, Canadian manufac- turer found himself out in the cold. Stapells-Fletcher, Limited, are Ca- •nadian manufacturers of ladies' dress- es An enterprising salesman while •cailrng,on the Windsor, Ont., trade re solved to venture into Detroit:wv.th the idea. that perhaps he might land an .order, even if theduty against him . was fifty per cent. He did and came back jubilant. The, gowns wee shipp- ed to Detroit, but alas they never got .arty farther than the customs house, for there the shipment, was met by a ":special appraiser who instantly jumped the duty from fifty to ninety per cent. ;arid the:order'in due course found its -way back into the warehouse of the "Canadian manufacturer. To,quote orie more instance, though no doubtfirms by the dozen have had a similar. experience. ' A; T. Reid & Co. rnaniifacture neckwear and dress accessories. Orders were taken in 'United States under the fifty per dent. .duty then ruling. But upon making -delivery,it was found that it had been suddenly raised to ninety per cent., :thus shutting them out of the market. Of course we have no right to com- plain over' what Uncle Sam hoes with tariff. That is solely his own !business: }However we. may, I think, legitimately take issue with the rnann- t »er in which we freely ,import like ;goods' from the United States. For instance, in the fiscal year 1924 Wncle :Sam sent us in cotton, silk and wool- len clothing, designed for women and children, goods'to the value of $4,18,- 000. just the sort of things that our Canadian manufacturers were trying to sell in ' theUnited States. In the fiscal year 1925 the importation' of a like class of clothing from the United States amounted to $4,o69,000. Of course these figures take no account, of smuggled `goods of like character that have been pouring into this conn - Ji y» 'Under the circumstances it seems .o me that in' justice to our own peo- pie, and in view of the action, of the "United States Customs department 'Which makes it quite impossible kr Canadian Inanufacturirig concerns to' -,nvade the `United Statestrade, our ci- tizen workmen are entitled to the Inome market, The blood of hemophiliacs is very slow in clotting, and the clots which finally do form .are, imperfect and fail to completely. stop the flow of blood, There seems to be a lack of certain substances in the blood which are es- sential to a norntali rapidity and com- pleteness `of clotting. Boys Should Be Protected • The knowledge that there have. been bleeders in one's family is ex- tremely valuable if it is applied in protect• ing the males against the cau- ses of hemorrhage. Until the child reaches an age :where he can ,under- stand his' condition, he :must be care- fully' protected from wounds and ab- r'asions, After that, active games and occupations • involving tithe risk `of in - 'jury should lie avoided, ,t offers certain methods which are fair- ly satisfactory in controlling:; the bleeding in these cases. These include blood transfusions and the injeeton of. serum and other substances which hasten the clotting of blood. • Osler said that the women of bleed-; er-families should not marry or; if they do marry, should not bear chil- dren: As the men of„,such families do not transmit ,the 'tendency, it is' safe for them to ixiarry. If�this'rule were followed, apparently' hemophilia would be bred out of these families. Questions and Answers Hiccough S. K. writes: "I' often get attacks of hie -cough, .Solite peope tell, me that these conte .from swallowing tobacco - juice. i smoke cigars and have notic- ed that I am usually smoking .when T eget the hic-cough. Would • this cause it? What is the cure," Reply The milder forms' of, hic-cough are Fortunately, modern m :cal science ,GLENANNAN Mr. Alvin Smith has gone to Owen Sound, where he ,is aftendipg College. Miss „Edna', Lincoln visited :last week at the , home of Mr, and Mrs: Fred Johnston, Win'gharn. Mrs. Grain of Zetland has been vis- iting with her daighter, Mrs, Thos, Gilmour., Mr. Thos. 'Appleby has a new' radio, installed in his , home. ' Mr. Thomas Fortune has been. away North on a hunting expedition,. Mr. , Fred Davidson of Wingham; has 'completed airilling'a welt for Mr. Wes. , Marshall. Mr. ' David Fortune is enjoying the new lighting system which he has in-' stalled in his home. IVIisS ; Nellie ' D5i4• of. the Toronto' General • Hospital called on acquaint aures here last` week. Whitechurch. Presbyterian Sunday School will hold a Christmas Tree' on Thursday, December 24th. ' Further announcement later. r, ' •. not' serious and usually disappear in a short time even though nothing is done, It is conceivable' that the .cirri- tation produced by .swallowigg•tobac- co-juice .may cause an attack. Alco- hol, diseasesof the abdominal organs, brain. and nervous :system, and hyster is are other causes. Frequent paro- xysms son_etimespcetir in people who have gout, diabetes, or Bright's dis- ease. ° • If you think cigars cause it in your case, stop smoking, or -at least—stop swallowing the tobacco juice.. Hold-. ing the breath, drinking ice-cold wa- ter, pulling on, the tongue, a teaspoon- ful of salt and leinbn juice, or salt and vinegar, and •„ticicling the nostrils to cause sneezing, t are some 'cures," Take your choice. Hydrophobia C. R. M. asks: "It is possible -to get hydrophobia from the bite of any ani- mal other than the dog?" Reply Several` animals other, than dogs are capable of, becoming infected with' ia- bies. ' The list includes the wolf, fox, jackal, coyote,: skunk, cat, cattle, hor- se, goat, sheep, pig, rat and' mouse.. While' the bite of a ,rabid dog is the most frequent cause of hydrophobia, the bite ofny, of these other animals when rabidl;may cause the disease. Has 4a Heart MVIurmti'r E. D, writes "I was examined at Can't Out=talk'a Printer The late P. T. Barnum said: "If you have $19 to use; put $to of, it into ad- vertising. I can out -talk any man but a• printer. The' man who talks• every week to a thoiisand.men while I ant talking to a few, is the man `+ I ani dMrs- �'Tiglttrr;an mes lUlr.., ann'. MJa afraid, of and I want' to be his friend., have 'r ruM from es wedding Trade with the whomeu'advertise and trip and taken tip < housekeeping in, Robt. McCrea's house.. Mrs. Kirkby is, spending a -few days with her sister, Mrs. McGowan of er enterprise, ;Because it .helps you. The local papers are religiously • read Blyth. t avenues' for.im- Mrs.' Jaynes VanCa>;npi. of Bluevale, and are the very best a wee!. with Mrs. VanC p WHAT; Thursday, November 26th. Ba a yy - r..nw;u.w.mu'^w ..rau'M.Nt rrMMrwM !+tMWW^"'r".+WN!.rlwwNw! W4yry, '.. Witwl�o.•rw!, �..;:.vrr,++ wwpl.w.MwM �n�vww.M wwuTMwwMR�" �ww�!'Mw'r.'w..-...-1111-...--.r-.:..�-.-.. fr...�-. . -m._, ro • TRUE WITH MAN IS TRUE WITH THE DOG .�wr.wnrvvYw.,.—•.-wry'--r"Hw+'^"-*w�• iP • i e. pari ii�►lJ i 11 ' - m 11i,• '. ilia/ ! I �, �.:. �� ,1111!: issamatusgumuspoaressikaugemoommampeammaisomminamematme :i BELGRAVE Mrs. Morrison of Campbellford,: is Spending a few weeks with Mrs. N. J. Geddes. ' Dr,' Kirkby is:spending a week with friends at Milton. Mr. and Mrs^, Wade of . Fordwicli; spent a' day with their son,,. Mr.Clar- ence 'Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Robt:.McCrea; of Lon-. desboro, spent Sunday in Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs Sandy Young, have got settled in their home. which they purchased f n n +Mr. Earnest'Geddes.' you get ,bargains and the worth of your; money. Patronize your, paper as your paper,;•ancl as you would any oth-, • am . parting. td customers ,. or producers spent simple," but extremely important in- • ;A. limited 4iiantity, of. apples, giocii formatid'' far cooking or eating, must be ,sold 'A THOUSAND DOLLARS IN at once as 1' have no place to store IN DIVIDENDS ' ; ' them. • Bring your 'basket.' A. W. .atisfactfon, Webster, the Tailor, up stairs' aver Tt is with ti measure of s The Advance -Tunes Office, that your attention is drawn to the fact that the• business of the Cream NOTICE TO CREDITORS cry departinent"'of the United Farris- The, Bankruptcy Act. er'am for Operative Co:, at eptem IN, THE ESTATE OF THE• AE - for the year .whirl:, ended Septembei` Rb CUSHION' INNER 'TIRE AND '3o, has nitade it possible to distribute RTJBI3ER 'CUSHION' INV OF ONTAR- a Patronage Dividend. 'This •will co TO LIMITED of the Town of Wing - ver the crear>: ,received during the hath,.. n- the County of Htiron, in the months of . July,: August and Septem- ber. The rate is one cent per PounProvince •of Ontario, Authorized As - d signee. fat,• and• upwards of $s,000•oo will be •NOTICE IS . HEREBY GIVEN distributed.' that the Aero Cushion Inner Tire Ind Much has been said concerning the ed from co-operative ef- Rubber Company Limited, of WIng- benefits derry ham Ontario, did on the Nineteenth fort, and like: any other. departureinalce an au - their ines's day of November, 1925, path of b s , • ro ert from theraree beaten de i'thorized assignrrrent of their p p y there' always some mistakes ma : for the benefit of its ereditoi's'. and l" and 'experience bought. We have ' that Mr. Edmund Weld, Official ,Re 9 111 We handle ail grades ;,., , ; . sizes Electric ulbs. Hydro Lamps > our Specially. e ®ca T IMMUNE E HYDRO. SHOP ,W si Every 1 mp we handle absolutely teed r as� 'service a , d' ;.' 1Ui.eleley. 'fi u ri 111 Crawford 1 turned a Bonus But It Didn't Pay school and the doctor said that , I come to, the point, however, Where a reasonable -degree of confidencehas become established% and the volurne of business 'supplied by the farmers' of this vicinity has been sufficient to per- mit the•handling of.their•prodttce with reasonable. economy. A better spirit of first Meeting of the Creditors in the close. co-operation has been developed above Estate willt be held' at ..the and are, on a. sound basis, q�itit Council Chamber, Town HallWing- , footing; 'the 'way ahead; all ham, Ontario on. the eighth day of clear," ceiver, has appointed me to be Custo- dian of the Estate• of 'the' Debtor un- til the Creditors' at � their first- meeting Shall elect a Trti'�stee to sdniinister the Estate of the Debtor. NOTICE is further given that the should not go Into any canipetitive athletics because I have a heart mur- mur. What is a heart murmur? Is it dangerous? Can it be cured?" Reply Any abnormal sound heard over the region of the heart is,ealled a murmur. Hcart rt1urniurs frequently result front, a defect in. one ofy the valves of ,the hearit The defeat in the valve is us- ually due to damage resulting from Some infection. The defect itt the val- ve persistt iseven after theinfectionhas . erased tb act: The heart usually takes care 'of a defective valve by increasing the sire and waight of its ,muscle,' But such a Heart does not have the reserve Power that a sound heart of equal Musculature has. The condition is not dangerous as long as you lrve,,well 'itllin'yott'c its, Competitive Competitive athlete;, tn.a,y result iq a strain' on tile; heart 't at would weakest it, There 40.0 care for a idea fccti�ve valve. Moderate exercise, g , oel habits and i'lt avoid+nee r,f a Be had a. Job with a big Transport g..o opanY, driving a team and ri an� dlittrg btp,` caea$ iia ali. kinde o w a.h- ,er. Ma mother was a 'there Were five, to be,f of' I 'made e 'fi7. O ti• week and, a benne month tox'cerctrar. loads. 1 u stico get wet through, but fX didn't get the bonne. onex day 1 fell off rnY ''loud, and t•hay Heid 1 had .tr+3trtrid, and the doctor sald•m5+ ghost wase weak. 1 had to. go •tb Work ire thA rcrorntug.:when nr3' SOit` virouldn't be dr7. A Pew weeks rrior•� of work and X Kot tnetber spell and rhes. serit, rn0 tin here. 'IP the Mriureltok0 .11onntat for Con• ltd good food ;Kerb is ng 5Tiiwit iinkoalie ver e perisitedd., The Doctors 'ttnd `,�7tir,;et il.i<» this tiuiet helpful rhn.p Oinc! 'have 1ope5 that hesitir and air•, ntr;•I.11 W✓ill wino back. to him be - fon long. Contrinuttonn 1111''+sY 1,o scot to IlotI, SV, A. Chariton, eatOnt23 Col- og'c etreet, FUTTJ :E: wove cannot at this thne outline any `detailed improvement ,for the corning year,` as this will come up fordisucssion at 'our' Annual Conven- tion, 'and with the new Board of rectors fort the ensuing year. Tlhis tnucli can be.'assured, however,' that our service to cream producers Will be titaintained,' and improved where pos- sible,. and that.' we will be in a better position to serve'y6tt faithfully; gen- erously and economically provided' you d' good pro o Decenibct 1925 at 1r30 p. m. TO ENTITLE', 'YOU to vote there- at ptoof Of yortr, claim! must be lodged with,rsxe before the meeting i lield. .-PROXIES to be; used, at the meet- ing- must be lodged with' me prior thereto, AND rURTHER take notice that f`yott have any claim against the deb- tor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such Claim must be filed with me within thirty days :from the. date of this notice for, from and after do your part ins lyre pang a the expiration of the time fixed by duct an :tic cased lig that, and ncigst subsection 8, of scctiop 37, of the said ourselves' in seeing your neigh 11. distribute the proceeds id Y A.et, S shall bor's eyed::: anzt egg's: ate marketed , 's estate among the parties of »• h bur own ` crearnery and the debtor tht:oua b eutitlett thereto having regard only ' tsur» owit ;organizatiotic ; I hick T have ::licit 'through'Ify '1:o t'he claims of w 'If yon lxave' any, stiggestioiti that in noire tion, you can rest assured it will o" -: - + en t your' judgment will improve this ser' Dated at ]`or"outc, this 24th day of vice; or iu any way help the. or'ganiza- ' yht r Edgar W. White, appreciated by, yobs' staff, Yottrs tier, truly, , Tile Unita! hart C O t t �.tive Custodirin. e • l'o'hnsott £ix 'e'o.y Chartered Partners' ,0 1 :Boyd! Barrie Build- Conrfrati�ry, T in'trted. Accoitrttani.s, 307 A. Wilson, Local. Manager. ittg, itoronto, Ont. cko it U UMW tilities, Phon 1156e lir 1,1 XMAS CAR 9ti Sending Christmas and I.Tew y'ear's, Greetings is an' accepted' way of remembering your many, friends +duririg,the holidays. So we invite; yon to make an' early .selection. from ' a pretty. and dainty display of Gxeeting' Cards. DO it. now before the best `of`'the beauteous" lot are gone! THE ADVANCE m 'TIMES ak TO OUR CRF -AM fATRONS to Co -Operative viii ail J�afons who delivered Cream Creamery during r : uC , August;s' and September pleaeat at offio S yr it reffered payment on Oteain. and receive the d y The United 111 h Tel's - 1� ;� Q t Ontario tfd Paltufl,tr' Pi lli If