HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-26, Page 1, att•-- • --n"Inste•-se••-e•e-,•••sts- I , • +4, J r With ,wilich noilgairialted The Gerrie ygdette nod The Wko*efer, NON'S • s Postponed Cone4y.Dipintoi,j‘The Noble:Outast"l'in ,Wingh4ni ToliArn',1i411."Tues.--1)0i,L :1St • -• 'Peticoodi'for the Alrert3t, ;,04.• • CHURCH t'NEW,S, . • • , Rev., Th. Parkeis-will preach ate both :-serviceSn'in the Baptist church next' • Sunday. D. V. The Pastor Glands., holding Revival Meetingse and reports a real time Of refresliieg from .the presence the Lord. The pray- ers of the Saints will 'be much' appre- ciated for a cantintted blessidg this aveelc. JOin, the prayer •gi•oun Satur- -day Evening for a R.eelval in Wing - 'ham. ; A largeattendance of members and • avisitors were p,resent et the meeting s ,of St. Paul's A. 'Yey. Anon Monday, .• -evening. After the routine business ' - had /been dealt with 'a sialendid pro- gram was enjoyed, tvincli"illeluded'in- . :strementaissaloe and Aunts on piano, violin and guitareaas well s 'vocal dus -at's and trios, 'readings etc. • The ,fea- ture Of the etrening howeverwas a very interesting , talk, eii1 !Popular 1J.1-13%nen's and their Cold -posers" by His, • Worship, Mayon, Willi's. • •, 11•"1 It-4tvas decided to liold" the banquet nen 'Friday evening, january 8th. The, Annual Thankoffetieg meeting ,.. -of the Presbyterian Woman's Mission: :ary Soeiety was held on•Ptitley even; • ;leg, tSecenaber 2oth, Mis ,Pelton, -1.our travelling- Secretary is most -pleasing sPealter and ,gaye' "siilendid ,address ontliehin the wOrkwhich is being- carried On by our 1Society in -many places. She made special.rnen- ' -than Of- ,the • New Liskeard Home, :which was. opeeed this . suinmer and' -many others where decks are ino need sof "assistance. The choir. under the leadership of Mr. Hite .1.:endered suit- 2ble inusic for the ce.Ceaetone The of: feting- -antounted to $25o.7o. 1„," t WINGHAM UNITED CHURCH Reve ,a/f: Bennett and Rev. W. D0 IVIcIntosh, ministers., • „ Sunday, 'November 29th.' -II ne—Rev. Mr. Pinnock, eepre- - -senting the Canadian Bibla Society will speak. • ' 7 P. tmL,Rcv. , W. D. McIntosh,' Subject "Punishment of Wrong?' • Strangers are cordially invited to at - :tend these services. " Adap Beck Memorial Endowment Fd• ' Post catds arid circular's\• are being • mailed to eirizens of'Whigham and vi- cinity soliciting subscriptions for 'the • Adam Beck Memorial readowenent,seatnered, among' thes4 ballots object- Sebaetiptionti $e•ots, per , eene—ennenneteseenennenanereenneneseneneenneeenneenes""‘"""r"a"r".""tr""'"'Tr'r'V".7"",tf,', 1 --- judge - ,!0 , ocal and' General Nrvits of OB PREST DEA • • „ Huron Recount to Geo Spottoii R. obert Forrest passed. away a,t. the . Interest to The Conirritirtil-y- „ Wingbarn General Hospital on brida3r , 't, . „ • morning; Nov6i.nber ,2oth, The The election standing as e result of ion Election Act and 1 allew Sarne, ceased bad made his home for the past Buy your Xmas gifts at the sale of Don't forget the s,alc wortr, and lupine baking in the Council Cliatribec ori Saturday afternoon, Nov, 28 by the 3/fission, Circle of the United Church. "Winter? Battery Storage, Your Battery- charged the right way, new lied -trots Rectifier. Everythirg under my own management, Geo. T. Ro- bertson, Prap, • the •North. Huron decisiort is: they being otherwise in proper form. ConservativeS „..„ ,,,, . , ..,,,,. .. , ix8 These, I consider, to 1Cave the counts Liberals • , ... erfoils left on same by inadvertence. Pragressives 23 "00 opening • the packets said by I_,abor •" 2 D, a's indorsaticiti on• same • to Independent•• •' contain the folio:Wing votee for king Vacant . . . .. .... . •260, for Spetton 82 votes an aggres nate total of ;y42 votesa faund ' that all the •ballets' had 'their counterfoils The too Liberals include' eneEe ratteehed. At once, without looking Dubuc (Chicoutime and G Evanturel • at same oe,,,allOwing. same to be lo k (Prescott), elected as Independent Li- ed at', encePt suffieientlY to aSselne bore's.. The North Huron, decision neYself and counsel for the candidates, leaves only one aProgressive„ Miss -what they were, I sealed sane .f up Macphail, elected id Ontario, as con'- again and reserved sante for, further pared with 69 Conservatives- and se/ Consideration. Argument of counsel Liners's, • , , • •, Was delivered oe November 16, 1925 Asne result of • judgment , „ banded Ine•fornling •the conclusion that I with •-,” havesinached, as to these three palls down in coniiection , tne res and ballots theinin, I have coriseited, cent' recount in the North Ildran fed-. era l election of • October a9,1 George t a great many authorities.• a , • 'I also reier : th South' Waterloo" W. Spotton, Conservative s candidate, provincial/ election, 'Vol, 55, Ohtdeici is the elected member 4.for" the ridino. His majority in the constittienny'o-ver Law .14.Perts (5924-)e Page125°'' Here nens, it says that where, ieregelarities at his? Progressive opponent? John vv the. polls 'are. traceable t� try:ea-sight Kieg, is it, ,the total vote standing, , ,. or mistakes or downright' carelessu,ess Spottori 5,o88 and 1Cing o77. • or,ignorance of the Officers respOnsi- / The original'electio' n -rettirns' gave bie,,.,is is impossible to say tba.,..i. the Mr. King, •Progresetvq, anriajority (ay- election was conducted in accei?dance er the Conservative' Candidate of 569, ...princip/es laid down se, ,the but a recotint Was demanded -by Mr . with/the a act. . • Spotten upon the grOunci of irregtil- • ee ey, in own opinion is that secrecy is' ar'itieS ' in polling subd.ivIsilans":, "Nos. n the basic principle of the act and that touted in Grey and No.,7,.j.zi Ashfield, . the loss is vital, if it is not present, involving a total,p,ole of 0342 votes: Secrecy is fundamental, and of the fir - The Protest, was heard by' Judge E. st necessity and the veiy life • and N., Lewis, whoolsetided-'11downclis de- t meaning of the act.. cision, disallowing the ;votes of the a , The saving clause -in section '62, S. three- polls mentioned heeause • the S. 3,s1s gov,erned by the word "hied.- countetfoils were ncit, detached feorn n. vertencee`arial. 1 inteepet thiscletese to the'bellots, thus eleeting=Mr. Spotton, mean that if anD. Re 0. unwittingly, Teenal alit -writes say there IS110aP- by mistake, foigets to• remove a coun- peal against the decision. • , 1 , •terfoil•in the same menne•r that e • • • . tele • argiiinents, 'Dudley :Holmes baak teller makes a MiSta.ke in 'count - and 'Shirley Dennison, Toronto repree ing a large parcel of, bank bills, 'the seined Mr. Shotton, while R. :Van- D. R. 0, or the mdge talang ,the re- ,. , stone, of Wingliam and former Judge &tint may remedy the omission, but Barron of, Stratford, represented, M. this cannot pos,sibly inolude the fault kiug. /re• •\ 0 ' of a *deputy returning officer who ei- Judge Lewis' decision in ;art :is, as tiler through wilfully mistaking the follows: •• 1.'• iaw, ,or through ceeleseness• or ignor- '/There were about 140 banllots. gberi aline; leaves a 'whole poll of ballots' .„. , , - 45* polls objected to and laid aside for with counterfoils. on, e later consideration. I have allowed'end "I accordingly do not count the ha•l- Counted all but five of thesenhalloes, lots far the ,said three polls and' I I have sealed. up all,of same aepar- leave them sealed up.' •. ate envelopes for their respective polls/ "As one of the princip.al points ein: volved, which is the noncOmplience of three return.rig officers wit the re-, amirements of the sta.tate, there ,should be nq, costs to either party." , Fund. Full explanations , as , +1 ed to were a number whh Counterfoils ' nb,jecis of this great work are . , given on: 'These ballots, I found, Came un- enn this literatttre. Any who •wish to der section 62, S. S. 3, of the Domin- -subscribe to this -worthy . fund, will 1itinclly make it kno-wirby drapping the. :Teter; card into the Post 'Office, or leasing same at the.1-IyAro Shop, with. ',as little delay as pb'esible.,e ' Witighem Utilities-Corrirnission, SeCheistrnas Cards Here order to clear out our heavY stock of Personal Greeting Christmas Cards in the next 24 shopping days • • we are reducing the prices 20 to 30 -per cent. Cards printed in our own -office. No, delays, in waithig to send nrour cards away to Ilea; your name -printed on. We alio sPecialize in •'business greeting ,cards in • colored 'work on our own presses. bile Lon- • ',don house, one Toront " firm and'a 'Western Drug Store have alreadY had -several hundred dards prieted in The • AcbArice-Tithes office this season., Come in and we'll show -yen the seen- plee"and quote 'Yeiu prices. -All' print- ing offices selh Christmas Greeting Cards, and why' shouldn't 44ley when then do the p,rinting? ,* -• •, , . -charli ei!, Says \ "eiseesi •, , sa? • :.117,tiff:oiet'zttritt,ev:a1.0,0".,:i ts,s tfd'ow 'w tort.741,e, 40.9011 1, Bible Society Representative Rev. Mr. -Pinnock, epresenting the Bible.Society, will speak at the morn- ing service in theUnited, Church, Weingha'an, on Sunday next At the eveeing- seiwice he, will speak in St. Pauls Anglican Church,r eet Seto Mr. Pinnock will addregn a mass meeting in St. Peels Chureh to which cam yone173 invited: This illu- strated lecture shoeld be largely at- tended, The Late Mrs. Thomas Ross , On 'Thanksgiving' Day morning Mrs. 'lion -las • Rosi passed, peacefully away at the home' of her daughter, seven years with his daughter, Mrs. work in the Council Chamber on Sat- , James A. Edgar, He was born -at urday,'Nov. 28. Gatehouse, a small sea -shore village The 33rd Regiment Muster Pa.rade about one hundred miles froth Glas- on Thin'sday• night, at 8 o'ciocic. All gow, Scotland, on November 25t1L, equipment to be- returned.' ' 1834, • 'n• Have u's call for Y..our battery or • His father and mother came to 'Ca- bring it in for ex t attention aid nada when lie was seven years old. ,The ship which brought:them aci-oss storage. Crawflo'rds Garage, Ship via Donlinion Express. -C. P. the Atlantic was 'eight weeks d an R ticket d three days making' the voyage. . s an telegraphy in connec- ' tion Phone G. L. -Baker, Phone 47. IVIarlsing Another IVIilestorie • The family settled in North East 1 • Victoria Hal," the Wingliam mare es.A. v'ery pleasant evening was spent Poole, in the township of Morning -ton 7LopaeterPAeirrt,11FCoorrest took up land near newo ini ee dy bayt theMr . DVoainiNeroiormtraaotk. on,imon +lin_ skater St., about a week ago, when n,, was - ---e at gr. Win. -Mackeresie's home on 1 and in 185e- manried Sesan Farrell, daY' two car loads came ho'rne to celebrate daughters were born. Fanny the old- hold? a bazaar in the Council Chain- ,other goo'clies rekcly for' Ow , table- • From tide 4g/don, one son and three ,The Presbyterian Ladies Aide will: his birthday; bringing roast fowl, and est daughter, died in. Elma in 1884 hen Saturday, December 5th, Sale With! mirth anclinueic the evening was • Come and have a cup of tea. 'with and his, ,on, William P., died in At- opens a.t three o'clock. well spent. ' wood in 5966.- He is survived' by • two clatig-hters, Mrs. James A.e Edgar the Mission Circle girls, of. the United! of Winghannand Mrs, William Aitche- Church in the 'Council Chambe on son ;:q Spokane f Washingtoti, also one Saturday after/loot, Nov. 28. - sister, Mrs. A. Fertell of Atvrood. - • Winter' Battery Storage. Your • In 1881 hiss sister, Mrs. William Bats* charged the right way,. new. Dunlop of Elma died leaving an in- Unitron Rectifier., , Everything under fent' son, David, who wan adopted by my own management: Geo. T. Ro- the deceased and, raised to manhood. b•ertsen, Prop. David graduated from the Ontario Persons requiring papering before Collge of Pharmacy, Toroth° Christmas, should speak, for time at 5903 and since that time has made his once. Large stock of papers -t choo- home in New York citer• • - se from. • Elmer Wilkinson, haeoraa • _Funeral services were held, at the tor. ',Ilene 2,8. , s , home ok jetties .1k.. Edgar on Sunda_ ' • 1, • . Y 'The sale of home-made baking etc., . , at so and interment a -t Elma Cense- , tery• ftear Atwood. ' , •• , ., e.,.., held by the -Women's. Inetitute last • Satutday 'was very successful. $36.00 Those present at the ' fueeral frons 1 A being cleared, which will. be used; for v1Ifistatice were: Mr's. Abraham Far- e Christmas cheer. ' , rell and son Robert of ' Atavoota - ' • , Mrs. Hayden of Hespeler, • David A bazaar• will be beld.inAhe Coun- 'Dunlop from New York City. Pall- ail Chamber on Saturday, Deeember • , , • under the auspices. of he Enes, :bearers were: Messrs. James Edgar, 5th., Hugh Edgae, Arnold Edgar, Alvin byterian Ladies Aid. Tea will be Edgar, David Dunlop, elicit/so-beet par_ served from 3 to 6. rell. , ' • Rev. J. S. Duradad.,.former minister If 10 ., ., V . . of Lucknaw Presbyterian Church, and. Maesager of Arena , • 1• for several years at Sault Ste Marie, has been inducted into the Charg-e of alr.1Neil McLean has been appoint - the United Church at Tliessalcin. • ed cartaker and manager of the Wing- iiarn, Arena for the coming winter. The Women's Institute will hold' . .illt as soon as the fneather is agree- Nov,hr ,,ia•etghillaart 37:lion:lc loonthTehcuorsodoaoyil, able Neil will start the preparation of - e Jet. .•• Chamber. Mrs. Fells, and Mrs. ,Pow- •' . ki, ) ler will have charge of She meeting. His Hens are Standing High ' , '['he Victory,- Mission. Cireie Of the , • Waftel- Rose, the well known Potil- United Church, will hold a sale of try man, of Brussels, has had a Pen aprons, fancy- articles. and home gook - of white le horris i th la i g n e Y ten non- ing in the Cbuacil Chamber on Sat - test. •His pen stood 7th in the last urday" afternoono,Non. 28 at 3 o'clock, contest with 2,056 eggs to the,,credit. Afternoon teae served:. The first pen laid 2,271,eggs. - This veill be a real treat for both • , country and town people to attend "The Noble Ounease drama, pat an Interesting Ac'count-of Motor ' , y the young neople of Fordevich ' - Trip To Sunn We are indebted to Mrs. Alex Ross of Morris township foll the fallowing interesting letter, d.e cribing their trip to Florida. ' ' We startedefroiri home on the end line of Morris on the etat of Oct. and with lots of mud and slash and snow we along slowly till we reached .At- wood, we had no trouble till we turn- ed out for a heavy truck to pass and the results were we, had to be helped qn the road again. At Atwood it was Daniel McGowan in East 'We: a real winter stowing quite heavy? the roads were very heavy until we Were within a few miles from Galt, then the roads got quite dry and not a sigh of snow theie, we stayed with friends all, night, and aleotit co in the morning resumed, our journey after spending an hour with the American Colisulate watosh. Mrs, Ross vvas eeized with stroke on Saturday evening from which she never ° rallied, " She Was buried an 'Arnaistiee Day in the afternoon when a large company of' friends followed her to the grave, 'Mrs. Ross was born in Berkshire, ,England, eighty -field year's ago. Af- ter coming to Canada'she was married Agent there. We- had considerable trouble, with' paper, certificates' etc., to Thomas Ross in s r86x, Since 'her necessary for, Crossing/the U. S. lines husband's death ten years, ago she,has anti were delayed from the 22nd: Oct. made her borne with he claughtet, till Nov. 7th., before we "timid get a lArs,fcGovvan- Slitwes the lait of start off again. We,croseed at,'Sarnia the early settie'i-sin thisncomm,ueity and it noon on Saturday we inoVed and was.greatly baloved for her quiet ofh from Port Huron in a 'downpour charitable life and her kindnesee in of rain And kept right oin all the ,Way time of ssicknees. She was brought through Detroit, it was,very hard to up la the Church of England, ut,56 navigate throtigii 'those ctiowclecl years ago united with St. Andrew's streets and in such lalindiug rain, Well Church, Blyth, no worship and serve we ,arrived in Toleda' at 7 p. m. the there with her itesband. • same night end found a roomjen lion- SIie leaves a family of' five, -three se 'and piece `foe car and in the morn - sons and two daughters—Rev. De. R. ingastarted away again hi a light sdow W. Ross, M. A. Minister of .Fortfall, net'cold at all, Tim business prt IVIessey United Church, Halifax; Sopa of city of, 'Toledo was cerrying/ on Rost b. .k, D'oPtitY• Ministee of their buyingand selling the same as Education for Alberta, Mid James, any other day, while some people Deputy sCierk of the Supreme Court,' Itlehnonton Alberta; Mrs: Daniel Me*. Gowan, who etill resi is in Wawa- noeli and 1,,?n Annie oSs, of the staff of the ()Medd Agtieulteral College• All these were present at the funeral witinhe' exception of James who at the time was under doctor'a Wingham Tow.th Hall ,on. Ttiesda,y bt, night, Dec: Ise Ptoceeds to assist in - paying off the -Arena indebtedness. der for the Cattle, nice level,land,11etit, VV1nter ,Battery • Storag•e. Your poor quality, not like Ontario. W Batterychargesle4e•tight win new •Saw a good many aceidents•on the way ljnitroit Rectiaers Everything, tender carS' smashing into each other, truck my own neartagemeete Geoe T. Rost fired and only the remnants belt of hertson, Prom. • them, some lying on their side in the •white enaybeg. tag at the ne p, R. • ditch and glass all Over the pavement. station last Frtday, Arthur Suet son Motors often ate 3 abreast on this, of Rev, El. W. "Snell, accidentally fell Highway. The houees are mostly and received a ,severe cut under his good sized, franee dwellings and poor it t d 1 tit ebin, Which necess a e severe s - miserable q'ut buildings: The roads at ches. We also regret to reinirt1that a this place are mostlyrd brick, le besides suffering from this accident, telegraph poles are , Whitewashed' th Arthtir is also. very ill at present, We about 4 ft, off the grOund, sore of wish him a sPeedY recovery. \'''• a gtdde for the motorist at \night, a very -'good idea. • We are now a,t Blufftbn, a lot o building gloind*on, it seems to be a good sized town, mostly wooden bteildings, Jersey cattle seemto be the 11100St preferrable at this pain of States and they are all out in -the fields. Lima is the next town, not a vetysmart looking place either, few paved streets make the town look as if it had been forgotten- It seenis to be •a great ,shipping cent -re, bidding from the known of 'Oil Tanks goitg out on'the trains, we ,nourtted 86 coal tars in one train alone.'" Sydney was our next toren to cOme to, some Artand houses here and a wonderful railrgact bridge, solicit stone structure, large flocks of sheep her; also horses and dudes, Tryis a very pretty city and beautiftri brick buildings, we had e detours liere, some repairing going 011. The Eldcan grain Elevators were wonddrful buildings and only wish we had time. to stop off mid get a Box. Socia.. The Animal Christinas entertain- ment and, box social will be held at Che Stone School on the evening of December zsth. The program will consist of a Shoat play entitled "Mfaite ing for the 'Trolley," music, drills etc.. A prize will be given for the best de- corated box. Admission 15 cents. AdiVertisers Please, Note The Advanee-Times ha a been late for the past couple of weeks because of heavy ealvertising coming in late, It will be impossible 'for us to in fu- ture, chaege advertisements wlie,n co- py' for smile_ is not in our office ori Mioliday afternoon before 3 o'clock. Men! It really can't be done and please do not ask us to hold the pa- per late for 3,-dur change which could, just as easily- have been in on Mon- day. J. J. Morrison at Wingbam A district meeting of the U. F. 0, clubs was- held in Wingharn ort Fri- day afternoon. The different club presidents or secretaries -gav, an ac- count of their local clubs co-operative dealings, and. entertainments. A num- ber of clubs reported increased mem- bers and activity placing the credit to the Egg Pool and Cream Divi-• dende. Jno. Parrish was elected dis- trict director for the men and Mee. Geo. Lane. district director for the This was followed by an address by -y. J. Morrison who explained the reasons wh3r the U. F. 0. clubs were not taking an active interest in poli- tics and urged them. to have their lo- cal representative irrespective of par- ty to take care of their interest in re, gards tO agriculture legislation. He went on to state the local Co-operative have, had the best year of its history; with every branch ptying and, 1 -lead Office declared 3 per cent. 'dividend,,,, - with every' person helping the co-op- erative can be of greater help than ev- er in marketing fatmers produce. • The Late -Rohn W. James There, passed away at his honae on the Belgrave Road, a couple of miles south of Win -ham, Robert W. fames; aged 53 years. He had only been ill a couPle of weeks having developed pneummq from a bad cold. He died on the farm on which he was borCi: Be leaves to mourn his sudden pass - The .Provincial BOardl of the Pr'es-inghis wile whose friakiell 211171e was byterian Woinen's Missionary Society E. Annie Taman, one daughter, 'Viola / have set upon'Friday, Dec; ath., as and °tie son Leonard G, also kis aged s1 a, clay of payer. The Wingliam Wo- mother who resides in Wingharn and two Sistersi Mrs, J, A. C,aspell of ineti's Missionary Society of the Pres- byterian Church, will have this day of Cleveland and Mrs. Wm. A. Benning-. Prayer on the above date, connaletic-' ing at 2.o, after which the regular December dietitian of the W, M. S on of Middlefield, Ohio, and two bro- thers, Phillip E. of, Grey- township and. George M. of Lydden, Sask. The many beautiful floral tributes will be held. All the ladies of the . testified ter the esteem in which the congregation, are invited. to be pre - seat. • - • deceased was held, A number of newspapers have been Rev.'M.. M. Bennett and Rev. W, D. McIntoSh lef the Winteham -United ' explainingto their,readers he a semi-' Church, of which the' dCeettS0d was a apologetic tope why they accepted ad.- faithful member, tonducted it very veltising from the opptesite political impressive service at the hotree,s?" party-. Surely such an explenation is =day- afternoon. A large ' Any editor who is waiting a liewa- last resting place in Wing444tti,,, teme. i eneecessary in this enlightened day, friOnds followed the reel ' •‘iteit paper, tot an organ, will report spee- tery. The pallbearers were Meagr4. thee from both side. Advertisententa John R. Salter, tkr. G" Salter, John are • simply the same arguments pre- Reefer, Wm. Findlater, Tilos. Hut, stilted. in a more e,trilting 11orm and ton and Thos. dongrarn, there is no reason, why a newspaper The bereaved family have the syin- slio)Ild tiot pIihli8b ihem—and make it patily of many friends in their, zatI were • going to Church, others were look- at the inside, we passed by tev-ifaw dollars—provided, they obtain bereavement, gohig to plates of aintiament. From Jeral ehicklin hatcheries it 01' 11 I nothing of au objectionable nature. The turionin space used in the cam- Mr. and Mrs. Chas, 'H. Deans, of paign just dosed shows that party Detroit, Mich, vell'o were at ivanuf.,reils mai candfdal es recognize, limn last w'ecic, visit big relatives more than ever before, that the news- aperit the week -end vallti their uncle paper is the, easost and most effective and aunt, Mr, and mrs. "t,'ti, Van- hd lizro about 4- an bout' for lima and way of' getting their hrguinents beferte atter, retorting to Detroit from beret, '11 there we gbt. on the nevy Hig so noticed t grounds for t le Aviat- Way: No, SP66C1, 141eit 35 rakes Perelors whein they trait evairi day. Deys hottr, We noticed trainloads of tam- ton. is 000 of the nicest aides, eec lee going ft 01/1 Toledo, !ields of torn have. passed throtigh, Middletoven is standing in the fields all the ,wax another lovely clean town, we stopo. down? good, manz, take, the nob off -leak Standard, into' pileS and lea,ire the stalks fOr f0d- (Conti-in:Leg On 1/age soVdn) , Sttsr, ' , , , • ee , J• 1,'1