The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-19, Page 10"r )rrt page • three) nleg 1 acres; 10 AO it part of Lot ee, Con - and 3 acres, of the north- er of Lot 28,Coneession B— e e area of 45t acres in the ,fj' of 1=low ick;. 2 acres of the 1.tiest porter of Lot 24, Concess- Turnberry; 6 acres of Lot 25, £ Lot 26, 6acres o£ Lot 27, :R ;'I.ere,a of Lot 28 and. 6 acres of Lot =.yi al'i iii Concession C of Turnberry a:time on: the gravel road, mak- acres in Turnberry, and cover - a to area in both said townships of 48.ri acres." The above by-law was ° dated De- mber;th., 1874.. It provided for its gming into operation :on the first of the year ensuing; and lose•tle sigma-' tares of Peter 'Adamson, County Clerk' and Wrn. Young, Warden; and from the last, above-mentioned date Wroxe- ter entered its independent existence Pzj:,khefa fdedo anNwaforl3ros:oft as a separate municipality. ] ri passant, we might observe that Elie rather peculiar territorial descrip- tion of the new village i$ accounted for by the fact that considerable rnan- eouvring was required to get in popu lation eaeuglr toincorporat it without a -Special Act, and at the sante time keep" within the territorial limit (as to area) which the General Act pre - prescribes, It will be noticd that that part o fthe land covered by thewa- ters of the Maitland :(which was con- siderable) was still left' in the town- ship; and this state of things made it so very inconvenient for both munici- fialities, that an, Order. ;in Council was subsequently procured to be passed, whereby that portion reverted' to the village, also nough oef the balance of of 26, Concession B, to make 431 - acres. This Order in Council bore date of 25th September, :877. Although the by-law 'of incorpora- tion provided for its coming into ef- fect the 'begnnning of the ensuing, year,it was necessary to pass a Spec- ial Act of Parliament to confirm this provison, on account of the interven- ing time being shorter than provided, ' by the General Act. The confirming Act was passed by the second Parlia- ment of Ontario at its fourth session, was assented to on December rsth., x874, ands known as the 38th Vict. cap. lxxix. The incorporating by-law provided that Wm. Smith, who took the pre- liminary census, should be the Return-,, Presbyterian)), y )),' and a very flourising ing Officer for the first municipal branch 'of the Mechanics' Institute, elector's ordered to be held; and the possessing a libraryof nearly :,000 gentlemen returned as the first repre-.volumes and a membership of nearly. sentatives of the new village were: Reeve, Alex. L. Gibson; Councillors, Messrs. Black; Clark, Paulin and Smale: Wm. Small was chosen first Village Clerke, and Samuel Hossack the Assessor and Collector. Very soon after incorporation a dif- ficulty arose between village and township in regard to division of lia- bilities previously incurred, and re- sort was had to arbitration. James Shaw (now M.P. for S. Bruce), barr- ister, of Walkerton, was chosen by I3owick; D, D. Hay (M,P.P. for N. Perth), of Listowel, by Wroxeter; and Judge Toms of Goderich, was the referee. The decision was that Wro- xeter should be `fitirely relieved from its portion of the general township. railway indebtedness, In addition, to this, however,'. Wroxeter and Gorrie (under what was knownas the group- ing Act) ad voted aid to the Toron- to, Grey and Bruce Railway to the ex- tent of $5,000 of which Wroxeter had issued debentures to the amount of $3.500 and Gorrie $r,se°. Subsequent- lyand previous to incorporation, $1.000 (two debentures) of the Wroxeter share of the indebtedness had been cancelled by the township; and the ar- bitrators decided that this also should stand just as it was, allowing Wroxe- ter to redeem the balance of its own debentures, or $2,500. These amounts: were loaned, the first to N. Allen a cabinet manufacturer, in consideration of his rebuilding and continuing rus Mr. A. Haines also Zena and jean, acclamation, 'X' i above Mianiclpa'1 officers for the current year are follows.. Clerk, !Te as- urer, William F. Robinson; Assessor, Robert lox, Collector, The 'Treasurer Auditors, Exeltiel Evans 014 D. M Waller, WINO WAI'lCI Q FOR NSW$ Thursday; 1' oveai TQ the Editur av the 4 in z uoos•paper", Deer Sur, Whoile ;l wus waitin to beer some wurrud frurrl. Goderich, I had to be raydin someting to lcape me moind The public improvements of Wrox- settled, so to sbpake. Wan ting 1 etcr are; like the village itself, in their !read wus about thin grave robbers infancy, The Public School is about over in Aygipt wurrukin away at .poor the only thing they have in that line, and it is as a building, of an inferior deseriptlon,£ora place of this size, The educatioilial advantages elferel are, however, of a high order. There are three teachers, of whom D. M. Walker is Head Master. Two very good wooden truss brid- ges span the main branch of the Maitland within the limits of the v11- ,, age, They ar both kept up by the stn it. They kin tell whether he loilc ould King Tuts reshtin place an dig',g- in up gowld ' an jewels enough to slitock a farrum, An, Shure, 'tis quare what tings thim lads kin tell about a man, arr even a king, be rayson, av lookin''ht his grave clothes, They kin tell • how ouid King Tut wus whin he doid, an what make av a ear be druv whin he wus' Bulli, an, whether . he. burned gasoline ars shwamp whiskey county. ed shredded;whate arr grape nuts - This river affords magnificient wat- besht fer breakfasht, an whether he er- power, which is -liberally taken ad- tuk sugar err salt on his tomatoes: Shure, we hey a lot av shniart min in vantage of by factories of various kinds, the manufacturing interests of the wurruld at the lii isint toime. Wroxeter forming a chief and import- 1Vlebby in a tousand, arr foive nous ant adjunct' = to the place. Among and years film now, somebody will be these may be mentioned a flouring diggin in the ruins av Lucl{iigw, an mill with four run'of stones,' an pat- wroite a hish.tory av the Sep'oy Mltt meal mill with two run of stones,a my when the cattle thave tGt; • n boot- woolien factory doing a rather eaten- leggers from the Nort Co ";(hry, sur - sive local trade, a large . Stearn sash, rounded the town, an how Jawn Joynt door and blind factory, a cooperage, an R. D. Cameron gathered the pay - a .tannery, and several blacksmith, plc together in Cain's Hotel an hild waggon and carpenter shops, one bar the fort fer wakes, until relived be Sir. Colin Campbell, who .broughtina bad- ness shop, shoe and tailor shops. ly nayded supply av oatmale an foor The general business of the place be Poor 'beer: 'Tis airy, so itte o is transacted through three general wroite up a good shtory whin ye hey stores, one hardware;' one drug, one someting to shtart wid, an whin thim tin and stove, `one booknd station - i lads av fucker ginerashuns foind the ery and two grocery stores. There names av the x ucknovv shtrates, are butcher's baler's and barber's f Campbell, Outram, Havelock, Delhi, shops; auctioneer 'and commission !Napier an so forth, the resht will be store, three hotels, and a livery stable. no thrubble at all, at all. Wroxeter is a station on the Toren- Thin afther'they hey dug up iviry- to, Grey and. Bruce Railway, or rath- er, Wroxeter and Gorrie (} miles dis- ting worth carryin away, from 'the tent) have a station about midway be- ould ruins av Lucknow, we kin tink tween them. It is called "Gorrie and a ihim 'shtartin at Wingham, an Wroxeter" Station, and is :$ miles foindin a tablet undher the earner from Teeswater, the present terminus Harries, av, Wingham shtrates on it, of the Western Division of thee -above Josephine .an Minnie. an Victoria an road, 6o. miles: from Orangeville, the. Frances an Catharine, they decoide the place wus founded be Brigham Junction with the main line, and zoo Y°un'g who named shtrates'afther his miles from Toronto. 'There are offices here of the Don -favorite wolves. treal Telegraph Co. and American Av coorse; we :kin snmoile at these Express Co., and a daily mail: to 'and tings fer we .know betther, If ye want from the east, west arid south. The to foind out, whin Wingham wus latter connection is by stage to .Sea- founded ye kin rade about that fer it forth, 2S miles distant. nivir got.go' n roight till Tani McLean The medical and legal professions arr Jarge Carr came up from Lower are represented by two physicians and. Town an gave t'a ehtart.. Av coorse two conveyances. There are. three Town an gave it a start. Av coorse churches (Methodist, Episcopal and thin Ings happened a long toiine ago whin the wurruld wus young, an theer wus no U. F. O.'s an not Manny Grits wus o'onsidhered intilligent enough to vote,.. - I wish we cud hear frum Goderich. Shure, the suspinse av it all is takin away me appitoite aneshpoiliri me resht be tellin me that is not a good coign I don't same to care fer mate mare than twoice a day, an the dochtor"s do fer a shtrong man loike mesilf. Meb- by befoor yer paper ' is: printed we, will hear the news. (I ,don't want ye to tisk, Mishter Editur, that the lasht roo. Andrew Patton is President William Murray Secretary, Thomas B. Sanders, Treasurer, and William Small Librarian, The village is also the seat of Mae-- attic, as-otic, Oddfellows' and Orange Lod- ges; represented respectively by "For- est" Lodge, A.F. & A. M., No. '162, G. R. C.; "Montana" Lodge, No. 176, I.O.O.F.; and L.O.L.. No. r,ogi As to Wroxeter generally, ,it• may fairly be stated that it possesses the elements of prosperity and substantial. indications of continued . progress. The assessed valuators of real proper- ty for 5878 amounted to .$1x7,655; of 495. It is the seat of the Ninth Div- personal, to $26,840; or a total of $x34- ision Court of the county, George Gibson being clerk, and Stephen Play- ford, Bailiff.. It is the centre of a re- spectable and growing local trade; and ,among its' attributes are many of those properties which point to sub- stanfial devolpment and local supreen- acy in, the future. ,FORDYCE Mrs. Spackman, who has been visit- ing relatives around Mount Forest and Damascus has returned to' For dyoe again. Mr. George Phillips, who has been isi the North` West for some time, has returned home . again and • also Mr. John Rantoul.. business in the place after the destruc- tion of his premises by fire; and the Second to William Jolly, as an induce- ment to, establish a foundry. Both loans are scured by lions on real es tate, to run ten years. In addition, we might also include the small enigma of $108 still due the Township. of Ternberry as Wroxeter's share of that township's, indebtedness for the portion (32 acres) transferred from the one municipality to the other at the time of incorporation, Since 1875 the village affairs have been managed trout year to year by the following gentlemen; :876—Reeve A. L, Gibson,; Councillors, Messr,. Smale, Clark, Black and Sanilersoti. x877. -!reeve, A. t, Gibson; Councill- ors, Messrs. Clark, l3lack, Sanderson and Paulin, :878—Reeve, A., v. Gib- son; Councillors, Messrs. Sanderson, Patulin, I.darron and .Forsytr, 1879— Dearest Mother, yoti have left us, Reeve, A. L. Gibson; : Councillors, Flow we miss your smiling face, Messrs, Sanderson, Paulin, Forsyth But yen left tis to remember ;thd Sanders, Of the above, .Mr. Gib- None one earth can take your place. ,sot's has beer elected every year by visited at Fordyce on Sunday last. Quite a few from: this locality at- tended the fowl supper held at Don- nybrook last Friday evening' and re- port a good supper 'and an enjoyable evening well spent, Mr. 'James 13arbour, who has been in the Wingham Hospital for some time has returned home again. Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson of Wingham, visited •their son, Thomas''. one day last week. Mrs. D. McDonald and%son, visited at Mr. A. liintotil's one day recently. IN, !MEMO ZIAM Finley ---In Ioving memory of Mary Galbraith, beloved wife of William' Filey who entered into test, No- vember r7th., 5923,, 4 --Husband arid i�atrtily. sintince is a shlam. wid, regard to•tiie rich only, an, faith allowed to shpake. shtood.) I don't tink it rayly makes much differ what the Judge's decision is, at all, at all, fer the thriminin we gave the Grits an Progrissives on 'October 29, will be loight wurruk to what we will give thiin the nixt toime. Yours" till nixt • wake, Timothy flay 1e • ussumaiummommemostuenusioulumu E9WgoeNtualall➢81+1I���Nli�ltlaltsl�rl09iaNatiirlli (lila ,11111111� Illl�l �11Iil MSI tl, . KA NI mm IN p NA 4 ma K A NI 111 111 es me a® i®; tes at en sit Wat I mint wus news from Gode-' tri® isn't an Irishman till he is undher- BRUCE PLOWING MATCH (Teeswater News) The first plowing hatch in this vi- einity to take place within the Iast fif- ty years was put on by the South Bruce Branch of the Plowmen's As- sociation last Friday,' after having been postponed, owing to the bad weather, The day, though"cold and windy was very •, 'good and a large crowd from the distrit.`t were on' the fields throughout the day. Two of the contestants were prize winners in former `matches and were again in the winnings here, Mr. S. McKereher of Wroxeter taking first for the old- est plowman, and Wesley Howe of. Port Elgin, being first last year took 2nd here for best crown. Mr. Wilt. Watson, one of the oldest plowmen of Culross, who had not handled, an iron plow for 20 years, taking 3rd place. In all there were z7 teams taking part, the best plow team, taking the prize was that of Weir McDonald,' Teeswa- ter, son of David McDonald, reeve of Culross. Following are the :first ,.prise win ners inthe different classes: Class r, Sod, open to all—rst. San- dy McKereher, Wroxeter; 2rtd., Wes- ley Howe, , North Bruce; 3rd;, Wm. Watson, Teeswater, Class 2, sod, open to all, who Have never won a first prise in Men's class. —xst, Herb Vlach, Walkeri:ott; 20d., Alex, McDonald, Teeswater; 3rd., Le- wis McDonald, Class 3, sod, a3 years and. under - 1st, ("xeo, McDonald, Ripley' 20d:, tr ilirtt tilt Now we have many wise. men and ladies in the West for they do their Xmas shopping early and when stocks are most complete. Our stock is complete . and. net goods coming in every day, Gifts for every member of the family and . the home. Many lines we have specially good values which we .» cannot duplicate .before Xmas. ' outs (gifts. Get them away now and have them "Over Home" in time for Xmas. See Our Stock, not quality -and values. We will for a small :deposit put, your gift away till Xmas. • We pack and ship for you also box your gifts that will please the r-eceipien't Diamond Rings from $15.00 to $150.00 THE GIFT SHOP iamon'nds Jeweler y, Silverware, Cut Glass, _ Jr ixne Clriiana, Etc. M® '®® Harold Snyder, Port Elgin; 3rd., Al- vin Thacker, Teeswater; 4th., 'Herb. Schnurr, Walkerton, Class 4, stubble, 19 years and un- der--det., Bernard Schnurr, Walker ton; 2nd, Maurice 'Thompson, .Tees Tees - water; 3rd., Geo. Goodfellow, Tees - water. , - Class 5, stubble,, ra years and under —1st., Weir McDttnald, , Teeswater; 2nd., Morrison Ellis, Walkerton; 3rd.,. Herbert Arkell, Teeswater; 4th., Stan- ley Acheson, Teeswater, There were no entries in `Class; 6, for tractors' but Herb McDonald, came up in the afternoon and gave a dem— onstration of tractor 'plowing. + Specials r. Championship for plain plows.— Silver Cup 'donated by W. H, Step- p"F'tens, District Manager of Ate .'Mut- ual Life Insurance Co.. of New York. Won by Herb Mach, Teeswater 2, Best Crown, class r. -Sandy Ifc $etcher. , 3. Best Finish, class z. -Sandy Mc-' Ii erclier. 4. Best Crown, class 2.—Herb Flach. s. Best Finish, class 2=Herb Flach. 6. Best Crown class 3—Herb Flach. 7. Best Finish, class 3 -Geo. Mc Donald, • 8...13est .crown, class, 4 -Bernard Schnurr. 9. test finish, class 4—Maurice Thompson. • . io. ; Best crown, class 5—Weir Mc- Donald. 4 4 4 a>>!rt ®' 'aia11 4 ON ®: ®; Ealy is El , 114 147 a� r7,. Youngest boy plowing—Herbert week-end'at Henry Merkley's, Ar -kelt, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Win, King entertained, -, 18. Jr: Farniei•s' Special for .hest tth'eir friends last •Monday night., ht., work done, any class, by, a paid „up member,—Alex. McDonald; Alvin WHITECHURCH- SALEM last .week with his sister, Miss Ka - Mr. George Mines had the misfor- tharine _Ross. tune to have his arm ltrolcen while Mr. Jas, 13arbour sr., who has been clanking a car. We wish, hiin InVinghain General Hospital, suffer, - speedy xecovery. • ` ing from a broken arm, returned on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallaher, visited Sattirday to his home at Fordyee. friends on the roil of Turnberry last :Miss Edith Gannt of Lucknove, Sqnday. spent the week -end at her home here, Through the inclemency of the •sYea- Miss Sarah Sharpe, who has been titer the farmers have had a very diffi- visiting with Miss katharitic Ross, re - cult time in '"g:tting tbeire-oots stored turned•one day last week to Teeswa- away. Some of the tramgolds were ,ter, practically ruined. , The congregation of Whitechurch, Sacrament was partaken of in the 'United Church, are holding their re, opening services on Sunday, Noyeme- Church here, 'last Sunday afte'rnoon, ' Mr. Dick McMichael of • the, West is at preSent visiting' his brother, Mr; Time. IvIcMiehael and , other friends 'Around hetea Mr, and A.(rs, Henry 1VIerkley are Mr. Allen Fralick has purchased a new DodgeeCer. Sorry to hear Mrs, Robt, Sharpin, xx., Best clese 5—Weir Mc- has beee usder the weather recently, Donald. , I Jack Rolston, returned- front 52. Best finish with No. 25 Fleury the West on Saturday. , Plow—Weir McDonald. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Fralick ‘aild 53. Most, points With a Wilkinson daughter, Jean, accompanied by Mrs, plow, any class—tewis McDonald, ,P.olet. Taylor and Mr, Win Taylor, 54, Beet plci'vving team on 'grounds 'Motored. to Clinton on, Friday last, Weir MeD„ortald, - lVfiss Franck 'and Mr. '.0aylene taking xs. test finish, any elass at litate it the Convention Kerelter. Mrs, Morrison Shemin, spent 4 ;I 11 46 NOW it II lit bet 29, morning and eveniag. Ori - Will be given in'the attclotorium.of the' church, while a FOwl,' Supper will be served in the beeement. EAST WAWANOSH Messrs. Wilfred and, George Rob- itson, arrived home from Saska,tch- Mr. Uelyille Beecroft, spent the week -end with friends in Wroxeter. Pileparatory service will lie held in Brick United Church on Ftidae-, No- vetribet 20 at 7 p. ni. Rev, Mr. Tel- ler of teythp , Chairman of :Huron Presbytery, will be preseet, Mre, Thos, gobinson and son, Clay- ton, spent one 'day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Thompson of Sea.* tlae forth.