HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-19, Page 51'r 7'77' Ir SOME.PNEVMQNI.A RA.VENTIVES 'le Y Dr. W, Scho etjinonia is not nsuall n ar one of the most r,evaleiit diseases of ,'summer. summer there Yet iii%ing thepast n i e tl vt as d l. an unusually *large : number of • eases inscini:epl�ace s, The HealthCoininisskoner of Chill sago said that in all probability pixota- '. moziia;would increase to serious pro- ions, 'li oeeur."eitoe Af a•il Ia. • ttBuatly large ::,aiurnbe ; of cases: dudeg the sirasons'vlrhen Miert~' should riot „be liatYcki`(•.4 this disease, is what led him to.expect an inca•ease., gave some stigf estrous in rci ard• to prevention;' Ndw that the sc op for colds and. pneirm.onia , ,is about to begin, and will continue 'un- til spring, these suggestions' may pie,- ve helpful in. avoiding these diseases, They rl,re about as follows; Avoid,Avoid,,people � who hays:;' colds' :and prleurnonia. Colds aid pneu1nor1 }1U contagious. The conianon cold is • a frequent .forerunner of .pncumonia, Those who are recovering from pxen- iaonia should also be avoided, • 4axC oQ air Mug ' to do is to fro to b d ,for cini:.'or 4�ro, days. :if the cold perslstm, the doctor should be consulted. The germs of ' colds ,and >~+neuxnmak', are :eottveyed to others by caattgk ng and; sneezing. In order to protect others, the mouth: and nose should be covered with a handkerchief when coughing '• or sneezing, -Ventilation Important Poorly ventilated "tilated and overheated rooms should be avoided, .u: Fatigue should•be"avoided.„ So, should over, eating. All of these lower the resist*. once to infections. :Proper exercise, ,fresh air and sun- sltine help 'to avoid colds. Exercise is last tak"era Xai6t of tlooirs ixi t'ii 1 lothing should: be suitable Fox the weather. It maY be said' that tea mztoh ,clothing should not be woxii whxia indoors, E't ery ,precaution that, is takbii, to igu�rd against colds is • a precaution ?against piaeomooia. Prevention invok- ves two things. One to ;avoid every- 1thiai- ,that lowers the vitality and i- ',1 ',creases stisceptihil'ity to i;xfectio»: The other is to avoid people ': who °have colds and pneumonia; and thereby !avoid infection with,the germs of ! Ithese dpoases, Questions and ,Answers jar face izst at lila twitter eorner,'.j any left Oye• Tlic floctor, told xrre, tla, it eras .a cyst, Is there anything tb.a, I can p1,1t On it tis Make it Q away? Reply Tae treatment consists e ?Y an operation, Er ci else Y l�. , Gi 11Irs, Tt: B. asks. x, 'Ts erysi�aclas 1 ? lcatciaing. a, Wiaat causes at, P��iw long dotes it usually last? 4 Is.' it dangerous?" el n els caused x arida. r Rysp s 1s' by in- fection:with a gerrn, Tile germ is one 'of the kind known as streptococcus. Cyst The infection may' be conveyed from Y Y,S r 1irr.Cr! gmaildtrfir Every Wild,� - ;ank CA o' .n ','1 :.!_fi PUZZLE-q---WIN'A ,. If' 9 . CASH., P �, y ''"9 ,,,rr'', :... ,' -Y .(.)ISTi{i `i ,i• Are you wide awake lo your own. interests? Are you determined to get ahead in the world? If so --enter this great. puzzle competition, The mail and Empire will give away 11A.10 CASH PRIZES tom over $8,000.00,, to =imp wwrtenwomen teel ehikrem who send in the`best answers to the, "G -Word" Picture Puzzle. - The Mail and Empire has already.paid Thousands of Dollars to successful prize winners in recent Puzzle Games; The cash 1; prizes offereii in connection' with this new Puzzle Game will be forwarded to the lucky winners on Decenitbetr` 2 Id, and reach thew before ardistmtes. w an.t ,: � Ilti �. tri g ti+t� 9 1 �' �' , r tit 'a _.� eels " : i; i i e , ties.. C Can You 1 n i � The picture below contains a number'; bf objects l and articles beginning with, One Hundred Cash Prizes will be given for the 140 best lists of words subrnitted the` letter ''C".-. You will find all sorts of things that; .begin with the letter 'SC"— this Puzzle.' The' a rawer having like "Cow", `"Camera", "Cabbage", "Cia^1f"',,Cross',:eta, :See hew 'maay;you can find, b answer tog the largest g t and nearest correct If:rt of Thula not a' trick' puzzle,; nothing is hidden,.and yon don't have to°- tures the picture and articles in the picture That sta^i "with the "le°tter G`C'" will be upside down or ' sidewaia. We are giving you this large picture so othat all objects } visible objects n and articles starting with. the, letter "C" will be easy' for,, you to sere. awarded First Prize; second best, Second Prize, etc.' d TOUR ANSWER ER TO THE 666 -WORD" PUZZLE'`.MUST BE' MAILED LED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAL DECEMBER � lid Choose,: Your Own Prize 'rom the List To Be. ea Gauen Away ;,;;;trjr",ih;Z r2r:t':,INt ltii. J rti8 it/.i. F'�' t, .i 7`ir,az ..34un6i>!a.neA,. 2Fl.lit,rllt dl�. d: ,.�o:a11 I4 eG ,i.� r;hat' I ?hill li1111t Itititlllintllltlt 41 1110.1 11,eiqt Start Your' List of d6e. !oras" and Win That Css% Prize for aitEATEST h!, TAO. "v7A.r'M I':..N'1'wz'L'a ,rWs ING SP LIST'' M1 sq 44C- . 4 - G •,fl You may never In your.lifetime be, given -'another opportunity such ,as we 'are offering you in our Puzzle Game. to ' hid 0.1 tl.,:,FPi04,4tV9.7 vanusd1?C:11,01+iir, .` ldi''iFU "play and learn while earning a big cash prize, You cant help enjoying the hunt for "0 -Words" in tiffs Picture Puzzle. yotf need. '1x3 an observing eye, Let's all join in and, have a Jolly Food time. No matter' what 3'our' age, if you Iike to solve puzzles,' try your ?land at this one, It really. is not a. puzzle at 'all,- for. all the objects in the big picture have been made perfectly plain, with noie,tteiript 'to disguise or hide them. Get a pencil and paper and see how many "C -Words" �, you can find. ^ • When you have made up your list of "C -Words", send it in alpng with one, two; or three yearly subscriptions to The; Mail and Empire at $5:00 per year, which will qualify your answer tor the Vg Cash Prizes to be awarded on December` 28rd to those sending in the 100 best answers. /VOLT; CAN WL A 'RANDSOME OA+.sti PRIZE FOR XMAS. ,Start -,your .list of ."C-Wbrds" To-daYl a, '100 mw ® CAS h ti w'EIJI "' E ' ---- THE --- E 00 PRIZE LIST Winning -Answers' will ioeeive the One Zundi; ed, Cobh a Prizes ',according .to;the'table' betovt' Prise if No WO GRAND9nbecri - PH1L1r3 tions 9.ro Sent, Drize if Prize, if, Ono' seen , substriis subscrf . s tionn ie 'Lions 3m , Are Sent.S0nt Prize if Three. �ub criI- tions Are let Prize. , . 2nd Prize... 3rd Prize... 4th Prize.. , 5th Prize.. , fltb Prize... 7th Prize, . , 8tii Adze, .. ' 16th Prize... 10th Prize,„'.. ,tith to 20th Prizes, .incl. 2ist to .earn fr es '' deet. ti'ist to' tooth excites, incl. $80.00 25.00 20.00; • 18,00' '16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 0,00 .0 4.00 $1:00 ' 2.00 .:1500.00 `400.00 800.00 150.00 100.00'' 50.00 50.00,, 020.00' '15,00 10.00 ; tf,.00 0,o b. 5.00 $1000.00 800.03 .' 000.000 i 300,00 : • 200.00 100.00 ' 00,00 ' 40.00 30.00 n ' 20.00 F 14.00 ' lt2,00 10l00 82,000.00 1,000.00 1,250.00. 000.00', 46,00 200.Q0 150,00'. .• 100.00 00.00 " 0.00 i' 30.00 20.00 15,00 In the event r f! a tine for any prize offered, the full amount ,ol snob 1ii`ize , .will he : two tri a th tied participant,, ..,.W.,.tiii'itlpyabit ;:: St,xbstripti0lt ,',Rtes—r Oie 'IjttiA ets • The .Mail and iili1pir - lit' nrwhere in Can4da by "'reran;: ": $5,00 grey ,yeanir. Delivered-' by, eitt[ let'oboY in,. Xamilton, $G.00 la,er year. ,.. _. ,,,,„e„ liar 1Pnznew z1e Aott1 attar Qualifyluig subserip io fl' t'� li'17'd!" i:( 1 [r 1114Cu edoi% 1Vi�i%7 E4 IB}li , "! , ,Mii0. i 'ANS' £MPi'R 10.4t5lp ! 1tfa 0 How Prizes Will Be Awarded The "C-WOR)S' Picture Puzzle Game is a campaign to increade the' popularity of The Mall and Empire. It costs take part,and oft do not have to sendin a ub . nothing to aY e s g scription to win a, prze,,, If your list of "C -Words'' is awarder[ First Prize by the Jtidgett you will win $30.00; but if you would' lute to win more than $30, we are making the following spacial offer' whereby you can win greater cash prizes by sending in ONE, or TWO; or THREE yearly subscriptions to The Mail and Empire„ HERE'S 'S Jt OV& TRE BIG PRIZES WI&lire Aa14rtA I)ED (s' instead be $30' will be awarded to the answer `u ��"e�� winning First Prize if ONE 'earl subscription n_ g 17 yearly p to The Mail and Empiire at, $5,00, by mail. has been sent in. Seoc••od Prize, $400.00; Third Prise, $,300.00, and so forth, (Seer seco:(:1 column, of figures in prize list.)' 1000 00instead 61 $8'0 will be awarded to the answer e winning First Prize if TWO (rely or renewal) yearly subscriptions to Tile Maii. and Empire are sent in. Second Prire, $800,00;. "Third Prize, $600.00,- and so'forth. ' (See third colun`in of figures in prize 1'st.) r, iQA1 d1 insteaii..o$ y$30•will be awarded to the answer e l➢ winning First Prize provided TBT.RiiJ)E (new or. renewal) yearly subscriptions to The Matt and Empire are Sent in. Second Prize, '$1,,600.00; Third Prize, $1,260.00, and; to forth. (pee fourth column of figures in prize'1(8t.) Isn't this' the most remarkable and liberal otter you have ever°had presented to you? ,And that's not all. We will give extra,'' amounts on all prizes in the •sanie manner. If your answer id qualified by T M)2L5 yearly, subscriptions and you rs,win fourth pt'1 0, you will repeipe $000.00,, and so' forth down the prize list, " 'bu are given an opportunity to participate in 1p0 "Prizes, totalling., ;oval $3 000, whore the 100th: prise with "!!161 W2 subscriptions:wins $1 .00,iso that y'ou. would get Foul' ae ;i subscription Money back, also .the $10.00 you sent in for your to additional subscribers should you orlly *hi the 100th adsa prize. • r. ND POFT LIS2 TO- w1A - •; Y R L ES — i.' Any man, woman orchild •who lives in. Canadaand is net a,S'resident of Toronto, and who is not in the em- ploy o1. The Mail & Empire, may _submit an answer,. 2 Prize 'Winners in former Picture rustle flames co;r- dncted by Tho I17nil & Ennoire, winning $200.00 Or more, are not eligible to participate in this Puzzle• 8. 15,11 answers must be mailed ,,by Wednesday. De - camber 9th, 1923, and addressed to C. A. Montgomery, Puzzle Manager, The Mail & Empire, 4. An lists of''names should be written on one side df the paper, only, and numbered consecutively 1, ' 8 etc. 'Write your ,full name and address In the upper right hand corner, rI1 you desire,' to write: anything else, use a. silllarate. sheet, • - - 8. Only such words as appear in Webster's Dictionary " rel be. counted. no hot use hyphenated, compound or 'obsolete words. Where the pturol is used the singular' Cannot be: counted and vice versa. 6. Words. of the, some spelling can 130 used only once, even though used to .designate different objects or articles. An object or article can be named only once. Rowe/fir, any visible part o1 an object May also be nam - '7. Tho answe leaving the largest and nearest correct list of names of /foible objects in the'picture that begin with the letter. "C" will be :awarded First Prize, eta. Neatness, style or'handwriting have no bearing upon do- olding the winners,: 8. Any number of people may co-operate in answering the Puzzle, but only one prize. will be awarded to any one household; nor will prizes be awarded to more than one of any group where two or more have Moen werlt!ng togother. I 9. 1n the event of A tie for any prize offered, the full amountofsuch prize will t, awarded to each tied partici-Piclilt 10. Subscriptions (both new and renewal), payable In adve.nee of ;x3,00 per year by'matl, or 1;6,00 per year delivered by carrlerboy In i-Iamilton, Will be accepted, ' 11. 5.11 answers will rocoive the 'semi: consideration'' regardless of whether or nota subscription. to: Tho Mali &Empire is' sent' fn. 12. rehreo prominent Toronto citizens, having no con- nect/ern with The. 8.20,11 & Empire will be selected to act as judges to decide the winners, and participants, by sending in their answers,.,, .ro0 to accept the decision et the Judges as final and conclusive. 'tic 'Judges will %cot on"•17ncc00ber i:ltli, andan- nonhconfent of the Prize Winners and correct list of words. w�vill be published in the Mali and Empire on 1]econiber 23rd, unci p711.09 will be )u'ilet).' t0 the - winners before. Christmas. Your own subscription will count, or subscrip- tions to start at some future date. dust write on tile order when you want the paper 'started, and it will start promptly on that date. '8 our will find it easy -to get' subscriptions to T.be Mail and ltnpire to qualify ' your answer for the 4 }lig Cash Prizes.. 'It is by tar. the 0tbeet daily nowspa.sor publitihed in " Ontario.. ay bt al thy a tus. lit, old fatal inbabies, Met itatts cotltpkications, aoi,d ',u'ft ties; ,t'lliaxg Dei"sxtv, Neal Ii. 3 I asks: "It is .harmful::t a` bath before' eating ,r Reilly , is,itaststeach, Sa ni xn.e li , yg' prolonged bath may re'st' ill. ii of depression of the digsnativt. bi• with 'the result that dkgestisln rlipted. �i HaveI 1+� zrr � e FG tofa tats s' Mrs, A. M, ,. ivritesr 1v1y ilf)y, tpha is i8 years' old; zs tl'tltiblcd' great,' deal with birds. Ibis back;hut't0 in,thc morning' when be"gets tip,, their st:*15ni.s to get better duznl; tiro da�r ' i�;alcli he iiloves around. Tbell;it:lltai,ts„ again 'ui7l'k4'.tl the day's Wa1•lc is :f,l{3Y11v. What will drive :,coils oct;t of lois' sys- tt11l.? .His urine::..has nn., odor 0 all. What WonlC1 bc the 1>6$x_ tliiru' fox 1.11$' kid `'1 seisms to be' lir• e,. d ,t• co ostel of te 'time aItli au�,It. he works on .tihe fain ati.d hauls: ;grain in: the Pall. 1lilt lee has 1151 etterg',y like, erre, of his age. sltotild have. I believe that lie has had'.kidney' trouble for Years." Reply Why guess? Have your %doctor carefully; examine the boy. Find out if he has any systematic disease that is making him susceptible to ",bsaills; People who are diabetic': of/ten suffer •, firom boils and other infections;" In- fection of the tonsils, nasal` sinuses , and teeth may cause him to have boils and may be the cause of his lack of energy. _ You do not know for certain that there is anything the matter 'with his kidneys:: If here is, the doctor wilt detect it in the course of his examina- tion and prescribe any necessary treatment: (Note: , Dr. "Scholes will answer such health questions ' in these 'col - yams as will be of interest to ;others and permissible in public print; Per- sonal questions':will be answered only when accompanied ,by self-addressed stamped envelope. Address' Dr, W. J. Scholes, in :care of this paper.) ASHFIELD - Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sherwood of am Johnston and Mrs. Robt, McInnes Belfast, spent Saturday with Mrs. Ad - of Courey's Corner, Mrs. Jno. Mullin and Mrs. A. Nel- son of Belfast, spent a couple of days last week with friends in Kincardine; Mr. A. J. Vint of Stratford, spent Tliankcgving with Mrs. Win, Baldwin, of Lanes, Mr. Harvey Anderson; Mafeking;, returned home from the Harvest Ex- cursion one day last week. Mr. Geo. 'Lane of Lanes is sporting a Ford -car, one of the new Models. Mr. Wm. Love of Marnoch, spent a day recently with Mr. Wm. Bald- win, Lanes. Mr. Will Helm of Zion, returned home from the Harvest Excursion, one day last week and reported the weather, very cold out West.. Miss Mary Vint, Belfast is spend- ing her Thanksgiving vacationwith friends in Guelph and Kitchener, Miss Tillie Hackett of Belfast, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs: Dan Ferguson of Lucknow, Card of Thanks Mrs. John Halpenny wishes to thank her many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the' 111-- ness of her husband and at the time. of Itis death, , THE MAGIC CARPET Once upon a time in the mystic land: of Persia, there was found among the treasures of a king, a wonderful car- pet. 'One had only to sit' on it, wish to be somewhere, and away the carpet would fly till ' the wished -for place was reached. For hundreds of years it carried kings and princes upon the' most amazing adventures. No' one knows what finally became of it, but it may be that. its Iast threads went into the Malke-up of the first Youth's Companion. For, like the magic car- et The Companion for i z6 carries p p 9 you to the laird of your heart's desire —up into the Maine woods with the lttmberzaen out on thestella; plains where the warlike Navaho Indians ii-' ve; far up into the gold regions of Alaska; and away on the Southerni Seas in search of treasures and lost.' islands. Ali you need for such extra -- ordinary adventures is a young heart and' a Youth's Companion, Don't lose' time -in getting started;; Sulbscribe now and receive: x. The 'tTouth's, Companion—Sa isS' 11Cs in x926, and 2, The remaining issues of ±p2.5. All kr only $2.00; Or include McCall's Magaezine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publications, only $a,SO. - THE YOUTH'S 'COMPANION S. T, Dept., Boston, n!ls,ss.: Subscription received at this Of'f'ice.