The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-19, Page 4rj
Shaving 13rut $ For
4 Cents
ety Razor
bl xde 4 a 35c Tube of "Re $havin
Creme. for 39c.
opSafety Razor
orae blade art(' a 35c tube of "Remail Shaming
Cream for 39e,
Rubberset Shaving Brush
Anti a 3$c tube of "Regan Skiving Cream" f tg 39c,
Saye Your Coupons
We give .coupons with every 25c Purchase, worth real
one r on the purchase of Community S iverware.
McKibbon's Dru, Store
eseh ent, Ont.
Phone :53
AUCTION' SALE—Horses, Cattle,
Implements, at Lot 20, Con. to,
Turnberrv, near Holmes School, on
Wednesday, November 25th, See:
Bills: Melee Cameron, Prop. John
Purvis, Anct
AUCTION SALE -Horses, 'Cattle,
Implements, Stand rig Timber, Lum-
ber, Turnips, etc., at Lot 28, 29,
Con. 14, East Wawanosh, Tuesday,
November 24th. See bills. G. R.
EMlaott,' Prop., tehn Purvis, Auct.
FOR SALE -3 pure bred registered
Durham Bull Calves, z registered
Durham 'Cow, with calf at foot, 2
pure bred Polled Angus Heifers, x8
months old. Pure bred bronze Tur-
keys, about' 6o to pick from, 4.2 cho-
ice geese. Apply to Edwin Purvis,
Boundary Zine 2 miles east of Luck -
WANTED— Lady -wishes general
housework. For further particulars
apply at this of#'ice.
By virtue of a warrant under the
hands of the Mayor and Treasurer of
the Town of Wingham and having the
seal of the said Corporation. attached
thereto, hearing date the z0th day of
September, A. D. x925, .commanding
Ps a
Item Crt
lis stn . eveuirrg 125t in the lectt ee
fru of the Wingharn 1Lm►ited •Cleor
Rout. McGee, 'left for?psilant eh, :the jwnior boys and girls of the
eek, aunday $013001, were #rcattd to
banquet. Lantern views were given
s. jos. Thompson, left for her iilustratieg "Peter Pan" .and :th.e
in Detroit 04 Monday morning, "Arnateut Whitewasher,' A verer
rs, Birge of Toronto, is visiting enjoyable evening was spent.
the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. R.o- Miss Felton, field Secretary of the
rus„ 1'.fissionar
y Society of the Presbyter*
�rand Mrs. Geo. McEwee of tan. Church,' is to address an open.
z'rRa visited at Mrs. ,Scott'$ . missionary meeting in St. Andrews
Church. on Friday evening, Nov. 'loth.
J. McLean and soh, Neil, at 8 &clock, .Miss Felton is giving E-7
ok in. the Winter Fair at Toronto her services free to the Missionary les
his week„
tact iII tar Ii I1 1I I IIdIM t
1111111I�1111gdkilI 111111110111 1111 0 10 1,1 III11gl11
cause and we would urge a large nwn-
Mrs, Bartlett ,o£ ?Si.itcitel;l, vi ileo, ber of people toortte out and hear
est week At the home of her father, her;
r Robert Hogg, Next Sunday Pastor E, Ferns of
r. Maurice Mitchell leaves this Glamis will preach at both services in
eeic for Toronto, =here he -will take ' Winghani Baptist Church, Pastor
a position in telegraphy. Ferns expcts to go ;as a missionary'
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Platt, motored 'to South America next Spring. Pas -
last week, from Port Crrlborne,:,tor Wardell will be, in Glamis next
rid spent a few days at the borne of week, conducting Raeviyal. Meetings,1
Mr. Sam Burke. and would appreciate the prayers of
'God's children. Remember the Re -
Mr. R. A. Spotton, visited. in Mit_ vivax Prayer Meeting at the Church,thenbn Sunday, Mrs. Spotton who Saturday at 8 p, m. All welcome,
had been -visiting there for a week,
At the morning service in the Pres -
returning with him.
irs, Peake of Toronto is visiting
Church, on Sunday, Rev. Dr.
g Perrie, read the Book of 3ude and
her mother, Mrs. Davis, Centre, se, spoke from the third verse.. Beloved
whore we ire sorry to say continues `when I gave all diligence to write
in very .;poor health. 1unto you of the common Salvation, it 1-b
Mrs. F. IL Hubbard and son, Dr. and exhort you that ,ye should earn -
E. E. and Mrs. Hubbard, also Mrs, E. 'was needful for me to write unto you
C. Brink .of Detroit, spent the week-.1estly contend for the faith which was
end with Miss Elston. lonce delivered 'unto the Saints. In
Miss' Anna L. Wilson left this week the evening the fascinating story in
fpr Toronto, where she will engage .in the thirteenth Chapter of the First
social service work for the Neighbor -{Book of Kings, fitrnished the subject
hood Workers Association. of an excellent sermon. The choir
rnished some excellent selections,
We have in stock the
two best lines of
Dominion and
Embracing every wan-
ted style from the -pat-
ented 'Jiff y" Over-
shoe to the smallest
Baby's Rubber.
J f e- B u.oy
Mr. and Mrs. 3, A McNabb of Tor- 1£u
onto, also Miss Marion. Mitchell were Verbeinteteethig services were held
visitors at the home of their parents, la the-,Wingham United Church. last
Mr. and , Mrs. E. 3'. Mitchell. 1 Sunday, both morning and 'evening.
Mr and Mrs. John Patrick and,In the nmrhing, Rev.' Mr. McIntosh.
children, who have been visiting at 3, preached from the text, "'Thou Shalt
M. Grahams forthe past month, left .Leve the Lord thy God with all thy
for Detroit an Monday on their way ,Heart, and with. all thy Soul,' and with
to Florida, all thy Mind and thy Neighbour as
Mr. and Mt& "Will Meek, SuttoniThyself'
' Luke 10, 27, showing that.
'sts his neighbour
West, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark of everyone who assists
14eeriston, have .returned. home :after. in tune of need is a Missionary in
spending the last couple of weeks, the true sense of the word. He then
with friends in and around Wingham, gave a very clear and instructive ac-
count of the Mission Fields; which
Mrs. J. ,Wallace of Edinburgh, Scot are now under the care of the United
land, who has been visiting her son, Church, of Canada. • He showed. the
Mr. J A. Wallace of the Dominion: vast extent of these Mission Fields
Bank, has left on an extended trip to by telling that if a person started out
the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. J. A. to visit them and spent only one :day'
Wallace accompanied her as far as the at each mission station'it would take
coast. They eft.W
on Friday him years to visit
those in Canada
lme to levy upon the lands enumerate nm
ed hereunder for the arrears of taxes
respectively due thereon together with fl
costs. NOTICE IS HEREBY given
that in accordance with the Assess-
truent Act unless suck -taxes and costs
;are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell
Iby public auction the said lands or so
much thereof as may be necessary for
orning. Mrs. Wallace intends to re- only, and years to visit those in the
urn about February as she is anxie.eforeign countries. 'This -was the first
us to experience a Canadian winter. of a group of sermons on the main-
FREE—Gold Fish Aquariums come tenance and extension fund of the
plete with two Gold Fish at McXib- United Church. The sermon' was
bon's Drug Store. ;preceded. by a very appropriate duet
by Miss Christie and Mr_ Jas. Mit-
nom)the payment of the taxes and ' costs
thereon at the Town " Ball, in the
Below Zero in Sask.
Cutknife, Nov 4th., 1925
Mr. A. G. Smith, Wingham, Ont.,
OR SALE A. baby cutter, newly Town of Warng'ham on Monday the
painted and upholstered. Inquire ;28th day of December, A. D., x925; at Dear Sir:
at. this office the hour of two o clock in the of -1 It , about time for me to renew
1 again, so thought I would send while
:OR SALE—No. 1 Northern. S 1ternaon:
Py 'Lot, Part of Park 12; Street, Jose -
Apples. tape lines were in stock We
,Apples. Apply to Bert Holme.., t ( have had some very cold weather for
Route 2, 'vin ham Phone 1 - pltine. West; Acres, ti; Patented ore
g 5 1Unpatented, Patented; Taxesz33 81ithis time of the year, I heard it was
0 it below. Is Tim
C7Et SALE --Mix d h A Costs $32.;0. Total $1683E getting .a trip to
At the evening service, Rev, M. M.
Bennett, read Psalm Ii �sntroductory
to a sermon on foreign missions. In
;an able ,and convincing' discourse us- _
1 tug a map of the -world by way of
illustration, to he showed the.; claims
of China, India, Trinidad etc., upon
every member of the United Church
of Canada. .
, Wingham United Church—Rev_ M.
M. Bennett, Rev. W. D. McIntosh,
Fit., Wear and Satisfaction
r Guaranteed,
SPECIAL 20 peia� of Women's h glr Inc Boots
for $1.99, regular prices
$6.90 to $9.00, Sale'Price e .
i — Telephone 23 —
PIIIPlE1®111 !It101111211111IR1111®111111111 11111111111111®111111.I�tl111ffiIA1i11111111110�U.ISII1®I1111f11®111�111�
on the arm of her father, to the Toronto University. Little;
Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., H.
G. 'Walken k , of Peterboro, was a win-
some flower maid, carrying "a basket
of snapdragon and roses.
During the signing, of the register
Dr. T. J Barnby, of London, brother
of the bride, sang, "Until,"and J. R.
Henderson, of Sarnia, during the re-
ception, sang "Sweet Little Woman
o' Mine,"
Mr. and Mrs. Cade left by motor for
points east, and will be at home to
their friends after December ' x, at
strains of the Lohengrin bridal chor-
us, played by
p y Miss Lucy M. Cade, sis-
ter of the groom. .The bride wore a
gown of white crepe satin and georg-
ette, beaded with pearls, and a filmy
French embroidered veil, which fell
from ,a bandeau of orange blossoms.
She carried ashower' bouquet of,But-
terfly roses and valley lilies.
The bride was attended by her sis-
ters, Miss Vera E. Barnby, as maid
of honor, and Miss E. Jean Barnby, as.
bridesmaid. The best man was the
brother of the groom, 'Gould Cade, of Farlesthrope Farm, St. Marys.
W. A. Galbraith,ham. too a M. Bennett will 'Ottawa if he does the Misses will be ministers. Sunday, Nov zr, ffi
to David Deacon, R R 5, Phone
surermown of Wingloneome, tell him tkeep up his lit- i1 m—Rev. M i
Na. 629-3. , I Trea ,�,e
tie spach every week as we all enjoy "tell "The Story the FIowers Told" to _
11111111N111 1 11111111111111 111111 111111113111111115111ri1101111111111(i11311111111111.111211111111111111111111111111
111.4, 7.-
111111i111111111111111111111LIIM111 111' 111P111P111P111P111 r ..
� e
'� • 01 ill i---„,
`OR SALE—Second Hand Ha r
Thought Steel Range with
Miss Lila Humphrey is visiting i.
Closet, Reservoir and Large Owen,
also Crown Huron Ranges, Grand IW.hitecittarelt friends.
Jewel 'Wood Cook,, all in good con- Y e t
t? I don't know -what we would do the children and the subject of his o
without the Advance. morning sermon is "Heavenly 'Arith-
Ed. Johnston. reetic.".
1 2.30 p. m.—Sunday School and Bible
11311'111111111111]11111111111;11g1111C11,t1i1111/11 'Classes,
Messrs, Reg Laois and CeciI H d
dation and priced reasonable for have returned from the West. ifr
quick sale. Thompson & Buchanan Mr. George Clark motored from. 1 eem
Stove Dealers, ;, Hamilton on Saturday for a short vise
it with his parents, •Mr. and Mrs. P. ._
ARM FOR SALE—roo acres o1s Clark _Et
main gravel road at Jamestown, 5 Mr. J. Barbour is home ' after :i
miles from Brussels, 5 miles from spending seven weeks in the "Wing- L
NI 9 p. m.—Rev. W. D. b•IcIntocn.,
a viii] Breach at. the evening service.
risis; : t being "Lord What Wilt
Wroxeter, 4 miles from Bluevale. ham Hospital:
and 7 utiles from Wingbam. Good Mr, Frank Todd was successful in
frame house, frame barn with stone winning a first, a third and a fourth
foundation and stabling underneath., prize at the Guelph Winter Fair for
henhouse x2x6o, drilled well, water- his Polled Angus Cattle. Mr, W. L
pipe to barn. Apply to R, Van- Miller was a prize winner in poultry II_
stone, Wingliam. carrying off the price for the Champ-
s Plymouth Rock Pullet and 2nd. WI
EIFER STRAYED --Strayed anthe,prize for Rock Cockerel Mr. Todd
premises of the undersigned, Lotp, is exhibiting at Torontr, this week. it
Con, 6, Morris, about Sept. 20th, a Miss Alba Fox of Whiteelturch was
heifer about 75o pounds, red with a visitor last week with her aunt, Mrs.
white spots and dehorned. 3. G. ,W. 3. Humphrey, _P1
Atrderson, Phone res, Brussels. 1 Messrs.. Hugh, Rutherford and W. I :I�,
Miller are attending the Royal' Fair,. ot
OUSE FOR SALE --John. Street, Toronto.
one of Winghanr's nicest mtanderati P1
Word 'was recently received here of
priced dwellings. E, J. it 'hon. ? the death of Ms and lirs. Sheldon 1 ai
tHinks in Spokane, wash. Mrs. Flicks
AS Miss Graeae McPherson, fanner- I
°4t11y :ref this vicinity will be remembered ;
atilt old friends. Her death in l
Oki trona Pneumonia vas follow-
two weeks by the death of her P1
:,QST -On Friday ev
fire and carrier with lioense ata .a
somewhere between Taeeswater an.
Wtngha.m, Finder kindly leav • a
this office.
OST—Pair o glasses, 0
no renis, 'gold
lyr lead e at
6,12 IiE:T -Terms,
Apply to The Adereeeee
W. Piibhee-t; i*rft� Alex McDonald
ndary to .'hiss tdetly
tt oteen, daughter of Mrs, M«
ii a1of 'Culross!
n ori
'oto rxtla., hsy Rev. ,
RE: SiY 9tYdfSaed
Thou Have me to Do?"
The Official Board of the Wingham
Unite Church will meet at theclose
gr of, the evening, service next Sunday.
All the members Of the. Session and
® the Co:nnaittee of Stewards are ask -
To buy the Best in Food' REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS
Fax week ending Isla". 12, 1925.
pays at all thaws,. -.N1 S jingham, total hogs, 63; Select
bacon 22; thick smooth 30; heavies 7;
That Best is always to be i1'ea.tta heavies 1; shop hogs 2. Wroxe
1m at itter, totalhogs 79; select bacon 25;
ill thick smooth 36; heavies 13; shop
i hogs 3. ,Eluevale; total hogs 43 se-
azi left bacon 127 thick smooth 26; shop
hogs 3. Belgrave, total hogs 43; se-
lct.bacoe 16; thick smooth 23; heavies
TRY 1; shop 'bogs 3. Horan County;, total
ii hogs.$85'; select bacon 286; thick
j'sniooth 496; heavies 45; extra heavies
jR 2; shop hogs 2; lights and feeders 8.
RI A pretty autumn wedding was sol.-
f enmised at the parsonage, Dinsley
street, Blyth, on Tuesday, November,
I for when 'Marjorie. Kathleen, second
pi datighter of Rev. t r, R. H. and Mrs.
Eiarnby, was ttrdted iti marriage with
William Z. Cade, son of Mr- and Mrs,
�= Wil1ian't" Cade, St. Marys. Dr, Barn.
by, father of the bride, assisted by
Rev. G. Telford,' Ill, A,, B. D., cbair-
mari of 1-iuron Presbytery, performed
the ceremony.
Th bride entered the drawing -roan
For Boneless Baddin; Scotch
Kippers, Salmon, Snack., Cod
Fish etc. Bach fadh or piece is
carefully selected
Look our store over
1111 I111111f111111 1111*ill 'r1
11lDl11111111111111101f1111111lfl HI +111
Badroads and other. reasons make it inconvient at times to
N come to town in which case we invite you to use the phone and in
this connection we wish to bring to your attention
(1) We pay postage to your; home on all shoes or rubber 1�..
footwear•— it
(2) In ease of repairs—you pay the postage
we pay the return' postage
care as though you were here in person
our address --
(3) We give you quick service and take precisely the same I
1 .
"h- I, HOE STORE ---
W1nael, out.
iiton M111l11111I 11 111 111attoottormottorairimattlottattatt111tf