HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-19, Page 1With which', s amalgamated the Gerrie Vidette awl The Wroxeler ,News ostponed Comedy' Drama "The Noble Outcast" x Single vopies, ;Five Cents. STATTTTORY COUNCIL MEETING The statutory' meeting of Wingham' town council was held in the' town hall on Monday. morning, Nov. 16th Y at to o'clock. :'Present, ' His •,Worship. Mayor ;Willis, Reeve Mel£ibiion, ;:Councillors, 'Haney, Fells, Bennett Wilkinson and Smith., Only routine business was attended to. Colin. Fells said that he engaged Mr. Dolan to go to• the• Fertilizer building,clean and pile the brick which fell when the buildingcollap- sed, blit he had stopped the work be- cause he believed it was not going to pay. Coun. Haney said he differed with Mr. Fells, he believed it would pay, as ,the brick had to be 'cleared, up anyhow: and the best could be sold, if they were cleaned. Mr, Fells re- ported thesewers had been cleaned out and werein excellent condition. He had also had gravel put on the side of the pavement in front of the Fertilizer building and had the road, James St., in front of McLean's saw mill gravelled. He was not . aware Until recently that this street belong ed to •the town We understand from Mr. McLean thatthis is the first work pit on this street for seventeen years. Bylaw No. 958 granting the usual exemption of." farm lands within the municipality $19.75 in all, was passed. Couns. Smith and''Bennett reported having purchased 200 chairs at 95c each for the town hall. These chairs were badly needed as every.. time the. hall was filled with people, a great many either had to stand or chairs had to be borrowed from ;.the Arm- ouries or St. Andrew's church. Several accounts were ordered paid on recommendation of the Finance Committee. The next meeting of the 1925 coun- cil will: be held at to o'clock on, Sat- urday morning, Dec. 5. Debenturd Wiped Off One of the Wingham Debentures has been willed off this year, vat' The London; Huron and Bruce $5000, bon- us, This debenture was issued 1895 for 3o years at 4?• per cent. The annual' payments for the thirt? years have been, $85.72 for sinking 'fund and $225. for interest. The names of the town officials, signed to this deben- turesare W. F. Brockenshire, Mayor; John Dickson, Treasurer and J. B. Ferguson,;: Clerk, High School Literary The; regular' meeting of the, Literary Society: of the Wingham High School,, was held in the Assembly Hall, Nov, r3, 1925, The following program was given. Gf• Opening Chorus—The Maple Leaf. Address—"Debate" by Mi. Anderson Chorus -"Old Folks'; at 4Iiome" Address by the Pres:, Mac Grant. Instrumental Solo—George Allen- Recitation -"Born in Canada" by. Miss E. Ross. Journal byThedore Robertson. Critic's Remarks by Mr. French, God Save the( King. Last Thursday, Nov: 1e, a very in- teresting game of basket ball was played by Kincardine and Wingham Nigh Schools`. As it was a very rainy • day the game was played in the Arm- ories. Both teams played 'well ` and the score was -very close all through the genie. Finally a basket was scor- ed by Wiugliam girls. The score was 9-8 in favour of Wingham; While this game was being played in the .Ar- snories the boys playd football on the sohool campus: The day was not very favorable: but the boys ;finished the game, Kincardine scoring the only goal of, the, period. , Wingharn TA own Hall, Tues., W ING.0 M c '1 Proc d$ for ONT.,, "�� TJ $LiA , NOV MBER 19th., 192$ udgc's Decision in North Hurn., Recount .To Be Given Thursday The battle of the ballots in North Huronis still being waged in the r•e- count at Goderieh, The ' following press despatch in the dailies is . as near correct as we: can find out: "Judge -Lewis, county, judge of Huron, will on Thursday give his de- cision in the North Huron recount at 2 o'clock:: His decision will decide whether Geo. Spotton, Conservative, or J. W.' King, Progressive, will repre- sent North Huron, for the number of ballots in question is sufficient to turn the election. The main question argued op Mon- day by counsel was whether ball ots, with the counterfoil left on should be counted or not, . In No, 6, Ash- field, and Noe, 2 and 4, Grey, the de- puty returning officers left all the counterfoils on, and e4.2 ballots in these three divisions are affected. Former Judge Barron, ofd Stratford, on behalf of Mr. King, argued that the instruction of the act ,was specific; IVIr. Dennison, of Toronto, on behalf of Mr.': Spotton, held that the pi ovis- 3.1x.' `Clitrne $ that these 'ballots uitist be., counted. ion for the counting of :.e'tieh ballots was that•the judge; if he decides that there was an inadvertance,, shall count the ballots. Mr. Dennison 'argued that inadvertence would be implied By an odd ballot from which the deputy returning officer had omitted .to . re- move the counterfoil; but that where he;did not remove any of the counter- foils it could not becalled an inad- vertence, but was a serious omission of duty, which, in fact was :subject to penalty if anyone chose to bring suit against the deputy returning officer.. In one division in Goderich the de- puty. uty returning officer put his naive on the :back of the ballot in place of his initals on the counterfoil, and there are a numlierof ballots where the marking is open to question: These, however, are not sufficiently nu'ner- ous to make any materiel' difference, and; the disposal of the ballots from the three divisions where none of the counterfoils were removed will - deter° mite the result, Card of Thanks We desire to express to the • many kind friends our appreciation of their sympathy and assistance during our recent bereavement' and Rev: Horace Snell for his words of sympathy and consolation. -Family of the late Mrs, Wm, Baird May Play Professional Ball A despatch in the Mail & Empire of Monday states that Win. Morden, who has been putting up a wonderful brand of ball forSt• Thomas is likely to play semi -pro: ball. in Detroit next summer. The despatch , says that Harry Howick, manager of the Gren- nan Cakes team of Detroit has made a handsome offer to ,Morden, Successful Shower A# very successful miscellaneous shower was held•by-'the Victory Miss- ion Circle of the United Church at the, home of Mrs. Leslie Young on Tuesday afternoon and evening. A musical programme was given and many useful articles were contributed for the bazaar which is ,toile held in the Council Chamber on Saturday, Nov: 28. Playing With Fire A fiery cross,' supposedly of the Ku Klux.' Klan, was seen'. burning in the Listowel Athletic Park; on Monday evening last; and as yet it is ,not known to the public who put it there, who . belong to the organization or if there is an organization there: It was seen by a number; of citizens to. be burning brightly between 10.30 and r1 p.: m. Married at Wingham The marriage of Miss ` Pearl Alma • second youngest daughter of Mrs, Philip Gress of Carrick, to Mr. Har- ry Angiis of Wingham took place on. Wednesday, October 2Ist, Rev.. Dr, Perrie officiated. 'The young couple spent their eiceneymoon at London and Detroit, and : are now residing at Wingham. The bride's many friends here extend their best wishes.—Mild- 'may Gazette. The Late James Whyte The death of the, late James Whyte occurred' November the second, at the home of Mr, James Wilson, Whitechurch; after a short illness of pleurisy and pneumonia. Deceased w s' born in Edinbinth, and 'came to Canada 'with his parents, when quite. young, and lived at Perri - ,Died In Washington Mr. Albert- Bell of . town received the sad _news last week' of the death of his brogther, Mr.:R. J. Bell. of Farm- . . Waddington. • dld Santa at Wingham A goodly number of •children were at the early train on Saturday morn- ing to see Santa Claus leave for Lon- don. The jovial old fellow gave each of the kiddies a few candies and pro- mised to be back again on Christmas eve with his pack. The old lad +re ceived a great welcome at all the sta- tions and thousands greeted •him at London, where a procession was -for- med, headed by Brass Bands, etc: Town Should Support Paper Hardware .and Metal Magazine es- timates that the local paper gives Sibseriptions $a.o0 Per THE NORTHERN HOCKEY (LEAGUE Local and General News o interest to The Conarauz The- annual meeting of the Northern Hockey League will he held in the !Queen's Hotel, Palmerston, on Tues- day, December 8th., atfour p, m. Eacli Club entering the League is en- titled to one delegate: Notice, of amendments to the con- stitution, etc,; must be in ehe Bands .of the Secretary, M, C. Bridg , Win liam Ont., not later than ,November.24th,, and nomination for office by Decem- ber 1st, The annual entrance fee, is five dollars' for each . team,. Senior and Junior, and should be forwarded to tfie . Secretary, together with a list of Officers of the Club referees and Club colors: Certificates will be distribut- ed to the Clubs On payment of fees. Clubs are requested to make it a point to have entries Made early, Sugges- tions for groupings are also requested. To avoid ' delay, when forwarding certificates,' for slgnature of the N. H. L, Secretary after completion by the Clubs, there should be enclosed with the Junior; . Official birth certificates and amateur cards and with the Sen- ior Amateur cards. Amateur . cards may be obtained on application to the Secretary; Registration Committee of the Ontario Branch, A.A.U. of Ci, 46 Richmond Street, West, Toronto, Following' in the wake of the 0, H. A. the residents rule will in all prob- ability be amended to read in brief as follows: A player must be a bona -fide and continuous resident of -the . town to which his- Club belongs since' May 15, 1925. The exceptions to this rule are students, teachers and sailors. Tl}e last named must play where living, January est., 1925. Note:—Forward your five dollars at once, playing 'certificates will be sent by next mail after receipt of .money. Obtain releases, from former Clubs, for new players who intend playing with your team this year. See rule book page 21, Special rule under Re- gulations M. C. Bridge, Secretary. Read the advice of the Gift Coun- cillors, J. H. Stephenson & Son < on page a1. from. $56o to $I,000 in free advertis- (Notice to Electric Light Consumers ing to the ' community in which it is Kindly take,notice that all minimum located. It adds: "No other agency bills of $1 per month must be paid can or will do this. The editor iii by; the loth of the month. After proportion to his means, does more that date the minimum bill automat!.- for his town than any other man, and tally becomes $1.11, in all fairness he ought to be support Wingham Utilities Commission ed—not because you lite or admire his writings, but because the local pa- A Novelty In Turnips per is the best investment the,com- Mr. Andrew McDougall brought a munity can make."' freak turnip to our office on Monday. Arch Mason Elect : Officers The root has grown in •such a manner as ,to forma perfect knot. It appears Lebanon • Chapter, Royal Arch Ma- to be in a healthy condition although sons held their annual election of of badly twisted This freak is on exhi- ficers on Tuesday evening,. Nov. 17th,, btionin the Advance -Times window: which resulted as follows: . Z -Ex. -Comp. J. J. McGee, The Noble Outcast H -Ex, -Comp, Alex Reid. Owing to the town hall having been J—Ex.-Conip, T. -McK, Smith. previously engaged for Tuesday night Scribe E—Ex.-Comp, E J, Nash: by the comedy company "A Little Bit Treas--Ex,-Comp; J. W. MclKibbon of Fluff the Arena Concert "A Noble P. S.—T. H. Gibson, Reducing Sale of Millinery at Mrs, D. Bell's 'Millinery Parlors, North End of Main St, FREE -Gold Fish Aquariums com- plete with two Gold Fish at McKib bon's. Drug Store, Big g Rush for Bargains at Isard's unloading sale, Everything on Sale at a big saving. ,See add on page 2. Ensign Alice Beckwith of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks holi- days with her mother, Mrs. E, Beck- with. A meeting of the, Wingham " Lawn Bowlers will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, ,Nov. 24th,,, at 8 p ,m, Mr, F. W. Frenchgave a very in- teresting. address at the Lions .Club. luncheon on Friday night in the Brunswick Cafe. Mr. J. Backus of the. Dominion Bank, Seaforth, is relieving Mr. J. A. Wallace as manager of the local branch of the bank: • . - ' Whitechurch Presbyterian Sunday School will hold a Christmas Tree on Thursday; . December 24th. Further announcement later, Mr. Chas. VanNorman, received a fine deer as a present from his bro- ther, Frank, who resides at Webb - wood, Manitoulin Island. The animal weighed 227 pounds. Come to A. W. Webster The Tailor and get that tweed made up and trimmed in good style and with good trimmings for Fifteen Dollars. Shop tip Stairs over The Advance -Times Office, F�uchre and Dance under the aus- pices of the Altar Society of Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, on Tuesday evening, November 24, in the Parish Hall. Everybody welcome. Admiss- ion 50c. Outcast" had to be postponed until S. S. -Dr. J. A. Fox, Tuesday, Dec, 1st; "The Noble Out - J. S. -H, F. McGee, cast" a four act comedy drama -v ill be Auditors -Ex, -Comp, J. L Stewart given by ` the Kill Kare Klan Drama - and" Ex, -Comp. A G. Smith,' tic Club of Drama- ! School, Howick, Rt,'EL-Comp: F. T. Armstrong, The play will last, two and a :half District 'Supt„ visited the Chapter on hours and is being put on in Wingham his official visit. He was accompan- under the auspices of the We. shame ied by Ex. -Comp, J W. Joynt and Arena Ltd. The proceeds to assist in Comp. Ed, Hodgins of Lucknow. Af- paying off the debt of the new rink.• ter the business of the evening, a ban- The play will be a good one and we quet was held in the lodge rooms at believe that ,several tickets. have al - which Ex. -Comp. H. J. Jobb made a ready been spoken for. if you want capable toast master. an opera chair you will have. --to re- serve your tickets early. Seats: on Sale next week at McI(ibbon's Drug The rat way oar , a a Store. sitting at Goderich on Nov, 11th,, de- cided that some 1,200 acres, which Pretty Niagara Falls Wedding apart cif the Village of 'Ba - • A wedding of interest to many of now foil is h g �' field,' shall revert back to the Towii- our readers was solemnized in Mot•ri- ships of Goderich and Stauley. When son, St, United ' Church, Niagara Bayfield was incorporated it consisted Falls, Ont, on Tuesday morning, No- vember iyth,, when Mr. Harold 'Car- lyle Gray, soil of Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Gray of .Wingham was.married to Miss' Grace 'Hodgkins, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hodgkins of Niagara Falls. The Rev. Dr, Drapier perform- ed the ceremony. The bride was at- tended, by her sister, Miss Myrtle Hodgkins, while Dr, G. W. Howson, of Winghain assisted the groom, The wedding dinner was served in the 'Clif- tort;Hottse Inn, after which the happy young, couple left for their honey- moonpwhicli will' be spent hi Windsor, Detroit, Wingham' and other points; before they return to their' Boma in Niagara Falls. !were' spent. Since then he has lived Mr. Gray is accountant in the Pow- most of the time in the West and er' City Batik, Niagara Falls, N, 'Y. Wing:ben, Land Reverts to Townships,. Ontario•i b d t broke and Brighton for many years. of about 600 acres; at present it is Of late years he'hacl been living with about 5,700 acres,' more or less. 'The added acreage was, of farm. land. For the past few years there has been, an agitation among the fanners and villagers to have a considerable part of the reverted, Some of the farmers wanted it back inthe town- ship on account of taxes and the vill- agers for the reason that the road up- keep would be less, While ;the board did not hand out an official judgment they latimated that approximately e;200 acres would be put back into the townships. The school at Bayfield will be known as a union section school and the farms which will be put back into the townships will still be assessable for :the maintenance of this $chool. R. C. Hays, Jr.," presented .the peti- tion on behalf of the villagers and Williafir Brydotie, of Clinton, appear- ed on behalf' of those desiring to with - Ins sisters at Rockwood, Toronto and Niagara, and spent four years with his sister,' Mrs, Ale. Ferguson. During that time he won many friends. He was 'a. clean, sterling fellow, was of 'a kind, sympathetic nature, ,a great lo- ver of books, music, a student of na- ture, and o' born artist, His funeral took place November the fourth. In- terment in Teeswater cemetery. He :;leaves ; to mourn his loss four sisters' and one brother, Mrs. A. Fer- guson, Culross, Mrs. Jr'in Innes, Rockwood,Mrs. Fred LeWorne, To., ro sto, Mrs, Fred Denton, Niagara, and Mr. Robert Whyte, Trenton.— Teeswater News. To anyone: -wishing to secure a barred of feeding molasses we will fill the order at 304. per gallon if or- der is in by November 25th, A. C, Acdarf3, Flout 1 Fees Store. ,,,,;t.,, T'lie old Move .foundry plant, 'an;; Queen St.,.ltiineardine, which has.beeali' used by Thos. Hodgins and his so Edward as an apiary, was , Wetted fire on Tuesday„ last. The bees' a end honey m,hot fire:;, The Women's ade Ianstituke axe hold! s a sale of Home Made Baking ,and other articles in the Connell Chnrn.- ber on Saturday, Nov. 21st. Tei will be 'served; ,The proceeds will be do- nated to Christmas cheer. Any dona- tions will be thankfully received. We are sorry to sce by the Kincari- dine Reporter that Mr. W. M. Adair; a `former esteemed citizen of Wing - ham, had the misfortune to break 'f is arm while cranking his car on •Thanks- giving day. He has also lost his voi- ce while suffering from a severe cold. The United Farmers and United, Sr Farm Women of North Huron ,will" hold their annual meeting in Wing-- ham ingham Council on . Friday afternoon, Nov. loth.,' at 2 p; m. The speaker of the ° day will be Mr. J. J. Morrison, Provincial ` Secretary of the 'U'. F. 0. This is not a political meeting. The Annual 'Thank Offering meet- ing of the Woman's Missionary Socie- ty of ocie-ty:of St, Andrews. Presbyterian Chur- ch, will be held onFriday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Miss 'Pel- ton, our Travelling Secretary, will be the speaker for the evening. A full attendance is requested and everyone . will be made welcome. In our last issue we inadvertently stated that Miss Helen Wilson of Mc- Donald institute, Guelph, !spent., Thanksgiving at the home of her mo- ther, Mrs. J, Wilson, Edward St. Miss Wilson is assistant to Miss Eaton in the Home Service Department with die Consumers Gas in Toronto. ' It will also be of interest to our readers to know that these people have a ra- dio transmitting station CKCL and broadcast from 11 to 11.30 each morn- ing under the name of Dominion 13atee teries. A Word to the Ratepayers Do you see any good reason why you should be made to promise to vote for any candidate for election to any municipal office? Have you not a will of your own and are 'you not capable of exercising that will without being dictated to by any of the, can- didates or their friends? Beware of a man who is ready to slander an- other's good name simply to get a vote switched for the candidate of his choice. Until the nomination you do not know who may be in the field. Huron Old Boys' Convention The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, will be held in the Y. M. C. A. Build- ing, 40 College St., Toronto; on Mon- day evening, Nov. 30th•, for the elec- tion of officers, and the transaction of other important business in connec- tion with the association. •Every Huron Old Boy or Huron Old �xir1 in Toronto and vicinity, is cordially invited to be present and to take part in the proceedings. Re- freshments will be served, and it is expected that tfie event will be a most enjoyable one. The membership list now runs• over the thousand mark. The. Late John Halpenny On Friday morning, November 13th Mr. John Halpenny of Wingham, af- ter an illness of three weeks with pneumonia, passed into the larger life, The funeral service was 'conduct, ted by Rev, M. M. Bennett and Rev. W. D. McIntosh, pastors of the Unit- ed Church of which the deceased was for years a faithful and respected member. Many beautiful floral , tri- butes were received front friends in Wingham and other places. The in- terment was made in the Wingham Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Mees&. F. J. Hill, R, Lloyd, M, _Gra- ham, D. H. McInnis, V. Howson, and 11. Buchannan. Mr. Halpenny, who was seventy- two years of age, was born near Car- leton Place, whre his earlier years His, intuty' Wingham friend's will ex- Mr, Hay'jsenny is survived by his tend congratulations. wife and by a brother Jacob 'F-Ialpenny Mr. arid. Mrs. W. G. Gray and Dr• Howson motored frons Wingliain to Niagara Valls to be ,present' at the wedding, Young—Wightman Nuptials The home, of Mr. Wm. 'Wightman, East Wawanosh; was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, Nov. et, when his daughter, Isabel, was united in marriage to Mr. James Alexander Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Young, East Wawanosh. Rev. Jam- es Scobie of Belgrave officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her fa- ther, wore a gown of ivory silk cre- pe and georgette and carried a boquet of pink bridal roses. Miss Grace Wightman, sister of the bride played the wedding march. During the sign- ing of the register, Miss Marjorie Hoover sang very sweetly "0 Perfect Love." Only immediate . relatives of the bride and groom were °' present After a sumptuous dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Young left by motor for a brief honeymoon in Guelph .and Hamilton. Mrs. Young travelled in an ensemble suit in rust shade with grey fur trim- ming and hat to match. On Friday evening a recpetion was given at the home of the groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs: Young were the re- cipients of many beautiful and, costly gifts. They will snake their home in Belgrave, The Late Thos. Carruthers An old and respected pioneer citi- zen of Wingham passed to his Etern- al Rest at Kitchener on Wednesday, Nov.' 18th., in the person : of Thomas Carruthers. He was in his 85th year. The remains are being brought to Wingham for interment in the family plot on Friday of this 'week, The funeral' service will be held in' R. A. Currie's Undertaking Parlors at 2.30 p. Deceased was a blacksmith by trade and after coming to Wingham over 6o years ago he had a blacksmith shop near his residence on Victoria. St. just across the river. He afterwards' was blacksmith for the Robinson foundry near the site of the present dwelling of Mr. Geo. T. Robertson. Mrs. Carruthers passed away in Kit' chener last fall,' a few months 'after they had gone to live with their' fa. rnly there. Three sons John, .Frank and Thomas' and three married daugh- ters, whose names were Elizabeth* Caroline and Mary, survive. The`''lat. ter resides in Detroit and all of :t,i others reside in :Kitchener. A brat; and a sister.,. Mrs. Alfred Willows, bo- or ,"rank resides in t'urnbcrry., tit of whom live in Eastern Ontario. Deceased Wxas a eliarter Member o The bereaved relatives have the sin-, the Canadian Foresters atftl ti tatepab ct:re sympatlxy of"fixe cornmuuity of 'the S; ?. ;