HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-12, Page 39
FolioWing.is the report of Wroxe-
ter Senior Rooni.for October, Pupils.
were examined in ceogra ih -. 1 -lis -
tory, Spelling sand Grammar,
Sr. 1 V— ZsalieL Earls • 7o Jessie
Hastie 67; Carl Smith ' 67; Evelyn
Tlupfer 62,
Jr. IV= -Katie Waller 86; Irene
Wright81; Elva Stcc1css 76; Isabel
Davey 67; ''Archie' Taylor 55; *Jean
Elliott 54; *Wesley Paulin'49; *Jessie.
Green; *Dorothy, Greene -;"Mande Mil
ligan, 'Jean Milligan, 'N Anderson Gib-,
son, *Roy Robinson. M '
Sr, III—Marjorie Waller 82; Geor-
ge Brown '78; Florence I-Iall 76; Nor-
man Hall 72; *Doris Musgrove 68;
*Margaret Durst, 1.*Gordon McTav-
" Jr, TIT—Georgina Leckie 93 Alfred
FTooper 7e; Rae Loutit 7o *Robert
Paulin: 69; Loreen 'Chamberlain 5o;:
Arthur Gibson; *Stewart Higgins.
No. on Roll 31; Average ,attend-
ance iq.'.
M. Bowes,/ teacher.
A large' and jolly crowd of neigh
bore and friends met at the home of
Mr, and; Mrs, Patterson ;to' cele-
brate with them the event, of their re-
cent marriage: The 'visitorstook
charge of ;affairs and crowded many,
amusing games into the evening pro -1
'Mr. B. Cook read: an address ex- '
`pressing the good wishes of the. gatl-
outer surprise, when abut seventy
friends and old neighbors, ef,.Mr. Pat-
terson's from Minto.1and H'arriston,•
motored over 'aird`•present'ed there
With many useful and beautiful gifts:
A. very pleasant evening was enjoyed
by all.
We glad to report Ma. • Frank
Bing, able to be •out again after a re -
eclat severe illness,' '
Mr, •and Mrs. Wilmer Donelly and,
two children of Wiarton returned
home; after, spending a week's visit, at
Mr, Ernest Kirig'$ and "other relatives,
Mr, ` Ernest `Ding, spent last week,
in Wiarton.
Thursday, November
To the Etliter av`theAdvance
an all"theres'ht"av it,
Deer Sur,—
. Now that the shmoke av the bat-
tle has cleared. away, so to shpake,
we kin begin to figger up the results,
Wehead two armies Agin„+ us, the
2the .ege,6
GORRIE gat present Visiting
Impressive Thanksgiving Services William Dodds
his Pathe
I Mo'Wilson .of Toronto is at
were held iii Gorrie United claret, r. rl� ,e ilso
last Sabbath, The pastor was in present doing the plumbing iia' Mr,'
charge of the seevices, ,At the morn~ Thos, J3radn.ock's new residence; 1
ittg seryice.the theme was `"The Spirit' Mr, Jas. Merrtt of Kincardine,
of Thanksgiving". An excellent con silent ache week -card with ; his sister,;
gregation attended the service, . Rev. MTh las,'
Mr, 'Craik, enumerated .solve ' of .the' n e of sosaxe of the visitors
Grits an the Progrissives, an we blessings which 'cavae to every eotli- who spent the week -end enc( Tlzanl{s
druv'thim both .back out av theer trip- anunity. Blessing•of home life, the ,so_ giving in town are: Mrabe W. J. Rosscher, but they are'throyincietyof friends, the •coizizXiuiiitlienteF-
to eshtab- and sister, Miss M. Mabel of Toroz to;,
lish a .new bine, an dig thirnsilves in rises thedirect t•:.influence Mr, I aurence Short and Mr, A. l .
P c of the
agin. (Thine exprishttns I larded church and the power
We minister ur ' ed f.pr more co sides 'WaIlter and children of Wal -1
frurn me bye who wus oversays,) W g n Duston
thrimmed the roight wing ov the Pro- tion of the favours'of. Almighty. God, tkerton
and -Miss : Margaret Newton
grissrves to, a finish, an badly shatter- The greatest blessing we possess is d MissEdythe V , [ on -
theer lift wing.' The Grit roight Zdon
g g the blessing' of a thankful.Iieart. l�iay",
wing, too, wus badly shot to -pieces,'yVe never 'come to the place where the
but the centre held firrum an. part av ., : I IN
the lift wing, an that is all 'that pre- ken for granted, : When we consider Edgar—In fond methoxy of 'our dear:
art t ze anstpne of '
good gifts of a loving Father are to MEMORIAM
vinted.us frum winnin a complate -vtc life's privileges and -challenge there is mother, Mrs: Robert Edgar, who
tory. -That fellah wide Pat 'furniiisht but 'one expression in .our hearts sur'"N
departed 'this life;"IVov,-TX, 1923,
Cornmencieg with our next week's
the Lord 0 my Soul, i and tlznt i ] of you
issue' we will publish a Historical
Sketch each week of the different
muncipalities in Huron County, more
patlticularly 'ouching en the Northern
Section of .the County. In next `week's
issue we hope to have a'lengthy sleet -
cit of the Village of Wroxeter and the
following week of t'he Township of
Howick, We will endeavor to publish
'De pages next week andsprobably
for a' few weeks 'until'. we >increase the
size of our' paper to a seven column.
ering -which in `turn was fittingly re-
sponded to by the happy, couple.
Dancing and games was' then indulged,
in till the small hours of the morning
when th party reluctantly up.
Many beautiful gifts were left by
the visitors and they departed for'
their homes hoping toRreturn:to cele4.
brace the event on many future occas-
ions. •
The following, Thursday 'evening,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Patterson, received an-
A play, entitled "A Noble Outcast"
;will be presented in the Town Hall,
Wroxeter, Friday Nov. is by the Kill
Kare Klan Dramatic . Club of Hard=
ing's School This play which sur -
ur-[passes' their previous.: platy "The Dust
of the Earth" is under the auspices' of
Wroxeter School Fair. Admission 5oc
and 35s: Comeeand;'see a good play
and help along the local fair. For
,further particulars see bills.
Miss Myrtle Bowes, spent the week-
end at tlte home of Mr. and Mrs.
his name,• wlio wus in charge av our ly. "Bless
shock throops on the roight cintre, , ," ' .
and We often sit
x,Forget not all His Benefits,"a • i When -we are all alone,.
made :a bad mess av tings, , 1 hey ; The choir sang very effectively For memory is, the only friend
lust found out that he .wussen't Irish "Give Thanks unto the Father, Give I That grief can call its own.
his deface. • I The Pastor hand announced for a pa- More and. more each day we miss you
tiiotic service in the evening and took, Friends may think the wound has
” as his subject,. "Peace and'Goodwi1, t healed
a,fther all, an that mebby accounts fer
Praise for all His Works
Huron an Bruce made what Insurance
min wud call a total loss fer us on The text selected ,was' `"Render Unto But they little• know the sorrow
that part av the "battle loine, Jimmy God the Things that are God's, Ye , Lies within our hearts concealed,
or' Bruce, r.. a in
South Bruce, an Tont McMillan .in rifice of our men in the, "Gre t War". We loved you,yes, we loved you,
1 South Hata, iviry wan av thim a -
We :are coming to 'see more clearly But Jesus. loved you�more
Malcolm int N t B , D Hall must keep in sacred memory the sac
Grits,, an iviry wan av than elickted, the meaning of. • our , Lord's words, And gently called you to Him,
an in tree carneeed foights at that: 'They who take up the Sword Will To the happy golden shore.
An • thin' tie k av J•awn King bell' Perish by. the Sword." 'We cannot -
h xr a • iv - rt co promise with a colossal war ,We miss you, yes, we miss you
S pottoii, afther all our harrud wur- again' Ina world restless mistinder-1 But Jesus helps us bear
rule, `an 'the same Jawn •bein a Grit too stood where graft greed gluttony, The sorrow , of ot}r lonely hearts ;
.one fruit everybody likes and. which is
good for everybody. Eat tliem at any
of day.. Cook or bake then 200 different
ways. Lay in a supply for• winter now.
J3uy from a grower. or' dealer;
The Hon. John S. Martin, 13 A., M'iniste'
Ontario'. Department of Agriculture
want :your Attention
have sotneth.ing t6 show You:.
have something to tell You.
have been fortunate -in securing the Local Agency for
The .o raI Taletors of Toiconto,—One of OAN-
ADA'S . leading makers ` .of Men's Marle,to-Measure
`A have now on display one of the finest ranges of sam»
pies•of Suitkirngs and. vereoatings. it' has been your
pleasure to see.
'These goads are all made in ;the best British Mills • and
contain all the latest Patterns and Shades—ancl .
Tine ROYAL' TAILORS give you an Ironbound Guarantee
of complete satisfaction or your money back.
b.a' sell' you Suits`' or Overcoats' from this pop�xlar
Line at 224"0, and up.
orne on in and look them over- It costs y'oti nothing
tnd;•the pleastre will be your as well as mune.
- ism MaR�ey
Men's ,Tailor and Furnisher
. .
.4.. 4, 4, .�
are meb'by wurse, if'the truth wus envy, malice and strife a're prevalent, 1 For, we will' meet her there, vi
' P ,
Sadly. missed by. Family. ` At Gerrie the rest of ;the week,
known But nivir mole& me fried t 1thereal d
we mus earn: again duty -of
Jarge: isn't troo wid;that 'lad'yit, Ian Christian in the stress and .strain. l
It moinds me av the National Policy lWe cannot hold the cross'in one>hapd WROXETER
elickshun. in '1878, whin oud Sir John. and a dripping sword in thet i
A, shwept'the counthry. Wud ye be- i PP g w her, + 'Mrs. Dr. Woods of Tottenham, is
'Let us not defend war by sayin war,W
lave it, the County av Huron, sint must be, so that the weak may be pro-
tree Grits down to Ottawa, an •I' wus tected�. Think again will you? Wa
nivir so ashamed av me county in me widows war• orphans,- thousands• slain,
loife.. Tink av thim shtubborn Grits thousands presumed dead, homes
in Huron sittin thimsilves up agin t wrecked, delicate national` ties broken.
the `besht jhdgemint av the payple all ' War takes its toll. It is the weak
over ;the counthry. who really suffer the desperate strain
arae$ solicit' your tr ael[e.
Let us look after your battery
for the winter, no need to send
there away from home' this year.
E .r. ,r'r
Service Garage Wroxeter
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance
Walkerton Fire 'Insurance Co,
Automobile, Live Stock and Plate
Glass Insurance
Graduate of Royal College of Dental.
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of „Toronto
At' Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday.
L,D,S., D.D.S.
visiting at her father's, A. "Ruther Teeswater, Ontario
ford, while her husband is on a hunt -.Will be at the Gofton House, Wro
War ing trill up North, xeter 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each
William Sanderson of Terotito, :was month, Will be at Gorrie the follow-
in town for a few days, staging:' with ing Thursday,
his father.
Harry°Hup£er returned from tithe
West Monday.
Ye : notish how thirn Grits do be and anguish, At 'Geneva men are Miss Dorothy$tewarkt ,of Toronto
throyin to hould on to awfice, so they 'striving to arrive at settlements • '
kin• conthrol the elickshun masheen-
cry whin'the nixt foight comes. Meb-
by' ye can't blame thine, in wan way
av' shpokin, 'fee, shure, they won't 'git
a chance at the ballot boxes agin fer
twinty years, so,'they won't: Avcoor-
se it .isn't, reysonable that anpybody,
but good Tories shod hey, the runnin
av the elickshuns, if ye want iviryting
done' roight: Thim's the lads- who hev
had the sxpayrience, an intind to kape
on havin-it: so they do. -
a shod be out on' the -meld farrum
these days hilpin! the bye git in.:' his live out the laws of Christ in thought, jack •and 'Mrs, Wendt spent
ts. vrsrtingSanderson's, Director.of Funeral Services
among the people by arbitration by Some of those who spent Thanks- Motor Hearse or Carriage, which
exercising the spirit of brotherhood, giving yin town, were• Mr, and, Mrs. ever is required,
The things of God are • the ,thing's: Ashton Mor"rison, St, Catherinss at Phone 16
which make for peace. The story of
the Samaritan needs to bs -retold, the
Golden ,Rule. may be lived out, and
the Sermon pn , the Mount, still holds
inevitable principles. We roust come
Mrs. J. Morrisons; Miss. J. Allen, Tor-
onto, at 'George Allen's; Miss Agnes HARRY AIKINS
McKercher, Mount Forest, at W. S; Fordwich, Ontario
McKercher's; Donald Munroe,.Tor- Licensed Auctioneer;for the Counties
nd Jno. Munroe; Harriston ___
back to the ancient yet present truth. ,Mrs, J, Monroe's; George Thompson,
"Righteousness Exalteth 'a Nation," Mrs. Thompson, Gordon Thompson
We are citizens of a great Dominion and -Ben Mildred of Toronto at Them
and part of a. great Empire. The bul-
warks of the State are the people who lthe week -end with. Jean Sperling.
roots, but I dont loike thine muddy, word and deed. The claims of God Thanksgiving.at Mildnaay,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Henry and
as'Hoperoft's, Margaret Davey, spent
could fingered ' b t'
toime av loife. •Letitlxe young payple tune with lifes best, Shall we exhibit
jaw s annymore a me accepted puts your life and mine in
take the rough, ind av -rings thirnsilves
to some ixtirtt, an it will do thio
good. Mosltt av thim do be gittin
troo loife far too aisy fer theer own
Yours till next wake,
.Timothy Hay,
(Writen For The Advance-Tirnes)
They said my clothes were out of style.
end I must change my trusseau
And hit the fashion for a while,
Tho loathe I was to do so.
They told nee all. the "upper ten,"
And people blessed with rich' s,
The Mayor and all the aldermen
Were wearing wide -legged breeches.
So off to town at once I hiked
And on a tailor waited
I :told him just the sort I liked
And just the sort I ;hated,
Said he "I'l1' make your suit complete
And put in extra stitches,
No other man in town you'll meet;
Will sportsuch stylish breeches."
My suit arrived but oh, alas,
I most confess my failing
For as I stood ibefore the glass .
My heart gave way to wailing,
I veiwed my stylish coat and vest
With latest hooks and hitches:
My hat, my tie arid all the rest,
But oh those'horrid 'breeches.
I've,seeu; the like in 'circus tents
Where clowns were so exciting
Or something oe 'a farmers fence
To keep the crows from lighting
And 'I've been out on hallowe'en,
Among the spooks and witches
Bttt nothing 'I have ever seen
Could beat those a',vful breeches,
Not all the years I've lived before,.
Since `<the cat ran' up the plum tree'•'.
Have been shade with clothes'I wore
More like a'•"hmmnpty-dumptyn
I'm waiting now and (by the by)
"My, savage nature itches
Toget kitty fingers ,on the guy
That built those bloomin breeches
T, A. Calhoun," London.
the graces of our religion by being'
real citizens of our fair land.
Mr. H. Wilson of Toronto, - sang
children at Orangeville and Mrs,
HeinphilI.'in Toronto. • ,
A shower for Mrs., Arnold Brown,
a- recent bride was held- at her fath-
Of Huron and Wellington ,
Phose Or Patterson's Hardware Store
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Western Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co,
If you have no wind Insurance on
your farm buildings give 'us a call,
Also Agent for several first-class Fire
Insurance Companies? -
"Thy will be done". Thechoir ren- er's, Mr. John Youngs, West of the -
dered,an:appropriate'anthem, Dr. Mut village on Friday night, when a large Mrs, R, C. Berkinshaw tof Toronto,
ton. and Miss Elsie Cook sang, "Sweet crowd gathered, bringing many use- is at present visiting her •parents, F.
Peace, the Gift of God's Love". ,ful presents for the bride, who -was and Mrs. Kitchen.
The annual Fowl Supper,, Monday, very popular in the neighborhaad. Af- . Miss Jeanette Allen, spent Thanks -
Nov, .9, was a splendid success, About ter enjoying a pleasant evening with giving under the .parental roof.
450 partook of the supper and enjoy -
genies and dancing and wishing the Miss Edna Harris of the B. line
ed the program which followed; given y-oung couple many years of happi- of` Howick is at present visiting with
by the. local ;orchestra, addresses by ness they dispersed. Miss Ritchie, Howick St.
Rev. S. Johnston, and Rev, N. Arm- Quite a number from het`e attended Mrs. Alex, McDougal, who has been
strong and miscellaneous items bythe the fowl supper at Gorrie,, Monday visiting friends in Michgan returned
Brunswick Trio of London, The night and report a good tune, on Friday, leaving again on Saturday,
Gorrie United Church had a most pro- Mr,. Bob White, left for Detroit ion for Harriston, where she intends
fitable Thanksgiving season in every Wednesday, where he has accepted: s. spending thewinter with her (laugh -
way : i 1 poSitioo, ter,- Mrs, Alex, Sanderson:
The following are some of those
who were holiday visitors: --Arthur .
Stephens and Lawrence Short with
their parents; both have 'situations in
Toronto, but report that many are idle
or working part time only,• Mr, add
Mrs. Hall and daughter of Brantford,
visited with Mrs, and W. G. Strong,
con, -9, Howick. 1
Emmerson, Sheri who has been
working in Detroit, spent .e few days
with his 'parents, returning to work
on Tuesday of last week,
A, son of Rev. Jonathan Goforth, a
student, conducted the services for the
Presbyterians in the Towzl Hall ori
Sunday. His address was much ap
preciated, "
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, retui- red
early in the week from their honey-
moon and are comfortably settled in
their fine home on the 6th con, A
large number of their friends gave the
bride a shower on Thursday evening
and spent a very enjoyable time.
Miss Short eves a visitor at Wind-
ham on Thanksgiving.
Mr, 'Hilborne went on a visit to the
home of his parents at New Dietidee, •
The farmers ih this vicinity are talc-'.
ing advantage of ,the fine weather to
gather in the balanceof their turnips,,
Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Hastie, of Diet-'
hath, spent the week -end with friends
in and around Gorrie,
Mr. Dodds, of Cxlenboro, Man,, is
500 Cords wenn se::,soned, ;;r,ry Slabw.rod,
and 260 Cords Circular W ode all 16 in.
long, Mc rer c,;'I,rd less if you
draw lit yourselte
�r Cider and Apple'
iter ,Plant
11 operate, Rr:ng ,., s ,applies keep coming
as . t present and weather remains
phones:- -Office 28-n, Res, so
IN 11 Id
NI lig