HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-12, Page 1la
Single Copies,
ive Cents.
,Mrs,: Sheriff here from Lucknow,
'Mr. Peter Gowans of Villa Nova,,
Mr. Harold Cowdetx Here from -Nor-
th Bay.
Messrs •Corsan and''1=larold Boyce
Of -London.
Miss Mary Cosens of Toronto 'Uni-
versity at her home'.here.
Miss Irene Davis of Toronto, with
leer =rnotlier°:Mrs. Davis, •
Ni s. E. "Laundy of 'Blyth, with .her
;niotlLcr';°Mrs. F. H. Roderus.
mala. iaite l The 6orrAio Vidette and Tikte Wrioi it r News
day, Nov
THURSDAY,, : NOVEMBER 21&x,, 19:45
PresbyterianYoungPeople -WINTER Is COMING
Hold . 11, th �,iasti.0 "a �r 'The British people are noticed the,
� ` � 1J world over for their lovegof. lethletic
Sports and Canadians in• Particular -
The • annual Presbyterian Young church parlors,, where a dainty sup- for skill and pastimes. r P
P p A Canadian The Presbytery' of urPii met on
Pco se's all' , • , d - i
�. p Rally y of Hartland• Pre�"bYter Per : was served bythe lade of th w11 cant,like,
h es e 4 Al, skate is a bird that; Thursday of last week in Sf. An-
was held in
Lucknow Tuesday, Lucknow Church, can't flyor.,a fish that can't swim, drews urch
, Blyth: The Presby-
Nov.3rd, The large gatiering..of
•ea- The eveningession co;nmerced at. We have -, .. f
S e in Wtnghani :a. Skating tory noW includes the entire County of
ger,'enthusias'ic young .people '; who 7.30 p.n. After the, devotional exer- Arena not equalled outside i •forty-nine ,
q o isrsle of the ci Huian, conlprrsulg pastor -
:came to the church, gave promise of cises and a short [tress On "Prayer" here the' •.
• . t �?dties, w 1 e young people, and older al charges and having a :roll of sixty
prosperity andwhole-hearted •,
j p y Support. by Rev. Cl'laS, McDonald Of X ilCkriOw, OHCS too, can, enjoy -themselves 111 'Sa- ministers :and, an equal number lay
1 ,y
for the Presbyterian ch. zrch of tomos- then Lucknow choirrendered an an- fety and ender 'proper supervision. representatives. In spite of the s to
r -
Then Rev. Dr. .Forbes of Tees- We have a hockey team that is go- my 'weather and heavy roads, mem
water gaveinteresting "Mission-. o ii
g v an. ng to put Wing1•zam 0x1 the map ,�e- bels` were present from as .faz•apart
ar " address, relating the experiences fore
the winter,is over. • as Wingarii and Fordwich in the Nor -
of a Home A'Iissionary in the far Nor All this costs money and the citi- th and Centralia and : Crediton in the
th West, in address' who also given zens ' who have already. subscribed South, b b
most of the congre�y•ations be
by Reve Mr.',Janies of South Kinloss; shpuld not be expected to bear the ing reprecnted by two or more dela-
The minutes of the executive meeting whole burden. gates. The meeting was, presided
e he -•1 ' l
w re then read and adopted. ; 'The of- Kindly show your interest in thin over by Rev. G. Telford of Blytli;
ficers selected ' for - the ensuing 'year worthy enterprize by attending the chairman of the Presbytery..
are-:— Pres'. Mr. A. McKay, White- games, or by assisting in any outer Assembling at ten o'clock the meet
church;,:zst. Vice Pres. Mr. W. Thom- w .y you.can.' ing was opened with devotional eater-
son, Lucknowy;`'2nd and 3rd Vice Pres. Thierneans you, and not the o'ilie'r cises and thereafter several matters . of
to be appointed .by Presbytery; Rec. fellow" business were disposed of including
Sec. Wilhelmina MacDonald,:Teeswa- Soft ball games are now being plaelthe appointment of Rev. J. R. Peters
ter; Corr. Sec., Jean Kennedy, White- ed.in the Arena. until time for ice. En- of Dungannon aspress reporter and
couiage the boys and girls by Your (alscl the recording of the Presbytery's
presence. Adixaission i,oc. ' sdrrow at the death" of Mr. James
Signed, The Directors. Mitchell of'Goderich one of the most
.T e Presby✓ ter off Enron
•aAt Thuvs4M
"T11e.2fternoonsession ai: 2.30 p.
Miss Nina Haugh f. Toronto spent
was opened by': singing -Psalm 95,
Haugh o Scripture Reading and .an address by
the" holiday et her home in town. g
Rev. Dr. Perr e:of'Win ham dealing
Miss Catheerine:'Adanis. of -Hamilton,
principally with the history of the,
.spent the holiday with`,her parents. Presbyterian'Churcrl and advisingthe
Misses Dorothy', Snell and Mary young people to be ever toyal,.totheir
Johnston o -WesternUniversity, Lon- church after which the report of
don. r • the Rec.-Sec. was given, \followed le
Miss Edna Tarrzlyn of Toronto,' at h 1 y
, the Rolf Call. Tilt different societies
the home of Mr, 'altd Mrs. R. S. Mc- in to the Presbytery being :largely repre-
Gee. .,
sensed. •
Misses, Jean and : Margaret' Van- We were then. favored' with a duet
' stone of Toronto, at their parental Aitc by Miss leson' 1 and IVLi•. Watson of
home. Lucknow, Rev.` M. B. Davidson of :church; Treas., Mr.,•J. •Adair, Kizicar-
Misses Reby and 'Edna, Galt ave an : add ess taking as. hia" dine. The. .fferiu was ,t `en' takes
g, � ,s taking s a g w ll 1
-Smith' of Kitchener, at their respective subject, the ori" "Service."- which amounted to 2$.6 .
w $ 5
homes. 'Following . this address was .the . Invitations Were given by White-'
Miss, Cassie and Mr. Thos. Dodds. Question Drawer, Where the problems church end Kincardine societies for -
of Blyth, 'at'Wm. Robertson's Diagon- of the different' societies were very ab- the 'Rally next year but decided -in fa -
al Rd. ly'solved ';by' Rev. Mr. -McCullough of vol of „Kincardine. The Pres. them
Mr. G. French of Swanson, Sask.,. Kincardine. Hymn 553' was sung and made .some remarks' and -the singing
at` the home "of his brother, Mr. F. the: afternoon session was closed with of hymn 6o and prayer b Rev. Dr.
Y 5 P Y Y
W 1,rench: prayeire Rev. Chas: McDonald invited I-'errie brought to a close a mot suc-
g s..
`Mrs. C. W. Dickenson of Toronto, the visiting delegates down to ' the 'cessful Rally.
:a't the tome of her daughter, Mis. Wf'
.A.' Galbraith.
Mrs. (Rev.) liintoui of Kinnioufit,
:at: the home of her parents Rev' Dr.
and Mrs. Perrie.
Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Vanstone ' of
Toronto, at the home of their •father,
lir. . W. F. Vanstone.
Mrs. Fraser of .Niagara Falls, N. Y.
:at: the home of .1 -ter parents, Mr: acrd
Mrs. John i;ockridge.
Mr. Gordon Cruickshanks.''and Mr.
Win. Morden of St. Thomas, at their
respective homes. here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Willis and
' 'daughter, ' Dorothy, ` of Toronto, at the
,home of ,,,Mayor Willis.
Miss May Robertson Milton with
her,,,parents, Mr.: and Mrs, Wm. Ro-
bertsoz1,'Diagonal "Road.'
Miss - Marion Allen of. Weston and
Mr:; Jas. Allen of Huron Collego„ Lon -
'don at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W, White,' and son
.George, of Galt, at the home of .Kr,
and Mrs. W. B. Reid. •
Miss Mtuiel Redmond of Toronto
'University at•tile'home of ]ler parents
Dr. and Mrg. Redmond.'
Mr. Nelson Morden of Port Col
borne, .at the home of his parents, 1VIr.
oild''Mrs: Pal'rner Morden.. -
Misses K.. ban and I3e%h, rVlit-
chell and Mr. and Mrs. J. Timberlake
of Toronto, at Mr. Fred :Fuller's.
Mr. Clare Moore of Detroit and M
Frank Moore of Hamilton, at the
• "robe" of their father,Mr. Win. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Art. Bieinan and little
,daughter of Kincardine it"'' the home
,of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A.
Mr. and:lvlrs. Frank R. Galbraith
`and' `little daughter; of Toronto, at the
bonze of Mr. and Mrs. ` John Gall=
Mrs. Renick and her two boys,
'spent' Thanksgiving day with her par-
t ents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy near
Misses M. Pettigrew,, Helen Wilson
'Olive Cruikshank, Alba Johnston and
Louise Hanna of the McDonald Inst
Lute,, .,,Guelph, at theirs respeective
We have a most complete new stock
�of Christmas Greeting' Cards 'at about
'half ,the regular price: • Come in and
get first choice: -The Advance -Timis.
Will Return to1Seven Column
As soon as our present stock. of
white newsprint paper -'is finished, The
Advance -Times will returnto the se-
ven column paper. It has been our
aim to give as newsy a paper as pos-
sible and on,,.seyeral occasions we
have run a ten page pacer. All home
print and every page newsy;will con-
tinue to be our motto.
Wightman—Campbell Nuptials
Thehome of Mr. and 'Mrs.' Chas.
Campbell, Belgrave, was the scene of
a happy ,event 011 Monday, 'Nov. g;
When-theirelaughter Janie Viola was.
united ,lin marriage to ; Mr. James
Che'stg Wightman, son of Mr: and,
Mrs. John Wightman, : 13elgrave. Rev.
Jame?. Scobie of the e Be4grave United
Church officiated. The .bride, given
in marriage' by her :father, was prettil
ly` gowned in sane" georgette over
rose crepe trimmed• with venetian lace
and carried an arm bouquet of brides'
roses: Little Audrey Campbell, niece
Of the bride, was a Charming flower"'
maiden'' and' Miss Irerif 'Mcliowell,
another niece, • `played :the wedding residence„ too high; Geo. Brophy, resi-
marches. During the„signing of the Bence,' too high.
register, Mrs. John Campbell of Ayl- Bank of Commerce building assess -
flier sang "Until.” Only immediate anent" sustained. Robt. Beattie's ,sta-
relatives of the bride and groom: were t1e was reduced $5b.: Richard Case-
present. ••,' After ;a sumptuous dinner snore's property' reduced $5o. las.
Mr.,and;Mrs Wightman left for. Tor- Edgar's „house assessrnent sustained:
onto, ,l eterboro, Millbrook and .New- Jas. Fowler's lots reduced $xoo,
burg. Mrs. Wightman wore a travell-
ing frock of, navy charmeleine, with
fur -trimmed coateof rust color and hat
tomatch. On their return the ,will
make ,their "home' in Belgrave,
King's Majority =6g
When the 'official count t of ..the bal-
lots in North Huron was made last
week, Returning Officer Nairn of Go-
derich, ; announced Mr. King's; major-
ity as 169 instead of 94 as, published
last tiyeek. One of the polls West
Wawanosh which we understood gave.
'himKing a majority -of 191 really gave
him a majority of 91.
Court of Revision Appeals
"The following appeals were heard,
before the Court of Revision on Fri-
day night and dealtewith
Canadian Bank of -Commerce, build-
uilding, over assessed; Beattie, Robt. sta-
ble,''too high Caseinore,--Richarr,
hpuse, too high; Edgar, James house,
Our Mailing Lists
We have corrected our mailing lists
itp to date and any • subscriber lvho
have paid for his or her Advance -
'times previous to Saturday, ; Oct. 3rsr
should be credited withthat payment
qn their label. The label on your
paper should read Nov 25 or a later
date. • If, your label reads Oct. 25,
you owe us $ .00 which pays your
subscription till October 26. If your
laber,,,keads Dee. 25, your subscription
expires at the end of this year. We
have still a few tapelines which we
are giving away with' every paid -in -
advance subscription. Those who
have received them claim they are well.
worth while. Wroxeter 'and . Gorrie
subscribers are also entitled to one of
these tapelines when renewing their
subscription. We-alsoclub with any'
London or Toronto Daily Paper for
$6.543, .Tlhe. Advance -Times is' $2.00
and the daily is $5.00. We • save you
soc, and into thebargaingive you a
Soc tapeline free. Only a few left.
toohi 'h• `Fowlein,• James vacant lots,
' The Late Mrs, Wrn. `Baird.
?too high; Mitchell, Robt.,, residence,
too'lxi h• -Mooney, Frank building, Another of the respected citizens of
�' , Y, g,
too "high; Ritchie, Mrs. Jean'building, Turnberry passed • away on Saturday
too high; H. 'Shane, Brunswick Hotel in the person of Rebecca Jane Mc
hotel business tar Taylor Andrew, Girr, widow of the late,William Baird
.Queens' Hotel', hotel,business tax; Su- Sloe Was in her 75th year and had
pertest Oil and Gas Co., storage build been in 'Her usual, health until a day
ings, too High; Robt.. Knox Estate, or so before she died'. She complained
of, not feeling well blit retired on Fri-
day night in her usual health and
Passed ' peacefully away before day-
Surviving are six sons and ,two
daughters: William and Alex of Flint,
Mich., Robert of I3elniore, John of
Turnberry, George of .Wingham, Mrs..
Robt, Mitchell's residence reduced John Casembre cif Morris,, Edward
and Jane at home. Funeral services
were✓ conducted'; by Rev. H. W. Snell.
Interment was made in Wingham Ce-
ftnetery. The pallbearers were Mess-
rs. John` Casemore W. A. Mines;
John McGirr, David Breen and Thos.
The Funeral of Mrs. 5, W. Smith
The funeral of Mrs. 5.• 'W.. Smith
wa's held from her residence on Pat'
rick .street' on Tuesday afternoon and
was largely attended. Services'' were
conducted at the hoose and grave by
Rev. H. W. Snell, rector of St. Penis,
Anglican Church. Members,' 'of the
choir were, also present and , sang
"Nearer My God to Thee" and "Safe
in the Arnie of Jesus," favorites ,of the
deceased. The floral tributes! 'were
many and beautiful. The pallbearers
Were: John Morgan, •William Moore,
C. P. Smith, T. J. 'McLean,. Dudley
Hostiles, K. C., and C. Wilkinson.
Friends from a distance who attend-
ed the funeral were; _Mr. and 1VIrs.
Clarence Nichols, 'Fred Nichols, Mrs,
A. Nichols, George Cook and James
McKenzie, ,all 'of. Toronto; Ald,. and
Mra. John Jagoe, Mr. and Mrs. Lon
Jagoe, Misses .11414garet and .Norma
Thompson and Russell'1hoiipson, all
of St. Thomas; John Coulson, Frecl
Wrigglesworth, Carroll Saunders; S.
J. Robertson, all of Hornby; E. Mid-
dleton, Mrs. (,. Mande oft Milton;•
Thomas-Arltell, of Guelph,
,Among the floral tributes were: Pil-
low with name in gold 'letters from
lnisband; wreath from Mr. and Mrs.
A. `. Northrop (nephew); spray from
Misses I.', and C. Northrop (triodes);
wreath ftoiu Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Wil-
kinson; wreath from. Ladies' Gillet of
St.' Paul's Church wreath fron Mrs.
A. Nichols of Toronto; 'wreath from
Mr. and Mt•s. C. Nichols;, Toronto;
wreath front Mr, 'George Cook, Tor-
onto, wreath froth' Mr, and Miss. Jain-
ea'MeKetr ie, Toronto.
$xoo. Frank Mooney's assessment
sustained. Mrs. 5, Ritchie's assess-
ment saista tied,' The Brunswick and
Queen's'btisiness taxes were strode
off. Robert Knox estate ,residence re-`'
duced $5oo;• and the assssment,on' Geo.
I3rophy's residence sustained. .
Local and General ral Ne s of
Interest to The Corrirnunitr
Sale of choice cows and springers lVrrs. Meek of Sutton and Mrs.
at L. Lott's Sale Stables on Saturday. Clark 6f Harriston are. isitin r at the
Y , v b,
afternoon; Novex'q:th at 2 O'clock, T. homes_ of their brothers, ,Messrs, 4A.
R. Bennett, Auctioneer, • and T. 5. McCreight.
Reinember'the Eastern Star Euchre
on Friday evening of this'- week in
their ro'onis in the Parish Hall.' Ev-
eryone welcome;4dmission 5oc.
Keep in mind the date of the Pub-
lic School concert in Winghani Town
Hall on . Friday evening, November
20th, "The Wooing .of Miss Canada,"
We are equipping our shop: to take
care of your ,:.battery': needs, .Store
your battery with us this winter. Sat,
isfactioii guaranteed. 'VVinghem Tire
& Vulcanizing Depot,
On Tuesday evening, Miss Brewer's
millinery staff islet at hes' apartments
and sUrpi'ised her With e fowl supper,.
A. most enjoyable' evening was spent
in gainetiand dancing,
Gen. W. B. Zing of London, will pay
an official visit toWinghaixi 'Armour -
es . on Wednesday evening, Nov, °z8.
when : he will inspect tlie. 9th 'Greys
Horse and the 33rd 'Huron:,
To anyone .wishing to secure
harrell of feeding molasses we will
fill the order at ,goo per gallon if or -
dee is in by November .25th. A. C,
Adams, Ir loth'✓ t"x Feed Store.
Calvin Presbyterian Church, East
Wawanosh, will hold a 'Christmas
Tree oil -Wednesday evening, Dec.
23rd. A good progr•am is being pre-
pared. .Ff'rther announcement later
The soldiers Memorial on the beau -ss
ti'fully terraced corntr of Diagonal
Road and Josephine St., continues to
be the talk of ail visitors to town and
the • admiration of the citizens. Three
breautiful wreaths were tenderly
plated at the base on Armistice Day
in memory of the boys' who sleep' in
Flanders. \
Mr. Je 13eerncr, former C, P. R.
agent at Winglhanr and now a resident
of Windsor, continues to teke an 'in-
terest tit Wit/ghat/1 and in renewing
his subscription ` to The Advanee-
Tirnes says hrlhopes to be in Wing --
ham soon. 'Well, you can't come
back. too often Mn Boomer. The lat-
elhstring is yalways on, th`i outside for'
WO are equipping out .shop tis take
care of your' battery needs, ` Store.
your. battery with us this winter. Sa-
tis.f tedory 'Service guaranteed, " >ring-
liariz Tinct 'Vtth4,ttrtitiitg Depot
faithful and interested medibers of the
Court 'Rev. W. D. ; McDonald ad-
dressed the, gathering on the alloca-
tions /for the Budgest, which amounts
to $70000 for the Presbytery of Hur-
on, a sure which has been allotted to
the various congregations according
to the number of families in each
Another important and interesting it-
em was the 'report that was presented
by Rev. J. E. Hogg, chairman of the
Commission on readjustment of ,pas
teral charges, He gave the results of
a complete survey of the Presbytery
describing certain readjustments that
had been made in the uniting of to-.
cal congregations and suggesting the
realignment of some',, congregations
that might facilitate the work for the.
future. The Commission was authoris-
ed ,to continue •its work and to give
help in rearrangement wherever need-
Tlee two most important events of
the 'day were the addresses by Rev.
Selby 'Jefferson of Victoria United
Church, Goderich and Rev. Dr. D. C.
MacGregor of St.. Andrews Church,
London.. Mr. Jefferson at the fore-
noon session took for discussion- the
question,: "What do we hope the TJnit-
ed Church will do for its people?" 'In'
general his r.eply to the qu8stiou was
that in the United Church we may e:';.-
pect that in all our giving, doing and
being our efforts shall' count for snore
and go further than ever before. De-
veloping. this theme he showed, that*
the corning of Union had not made
the need of the times less but had ra-
ther emphasised the greatness of the
existing need. Knowing when to tar-
ry at Jerusalem the Christian Church
Must Yet conceive and carry oat great
schemes of practical effort. The end
of overlapping of fields in East ' and
West should make our gifts of mon-�
ey go further than before. In
realm of congrgational activity' Mr.
Jeffersonspoke of the energy wasted
by tninister °and people in merely
denominational "actiitity. Exhausted
by the host of inevitable' details in; the
work of merely keeping our own end
up. The result'` could only be mental
sterility for minister and people;
Free from ,the pressure of maintain-
ing denozninatiohalisr more time and
thought could be given to the great
world interests that concern the
Kingdom of God and Bible Study.
Religious Education,, ;Mission Study
couTd:be more effectively .pursued.
Christian character might •be- expected
to count for more, Freed -from the:
spirit of jealousy for denominational
success and from the loud voiced spir-
it of the market place we may lap
afresh' the healthy mysticism. of the
Master, learning from Htin the gen
tleness and patient dealing that would.
not breast the bruised reed or quench
the smoking flax. Who. in these great
days would be content to give, do,
er be no more than yesterday? The
Master liad come in again in tile
closest coming since Pentecost, new,
standards comfront us, and we date(
not turn away;
In tlic afternoon the Ptesb'ytery lis
toned with earnest attention to 'a fine
utterance from Dr. McGregor, oHe
began by paying a warm tribute to
the contribution of the rural districts
it) the religious and moral life' of the
city. The stnalkcouiitry charge was a
place of•real influence, a place where
moral leaders' were grown. 1'lte
domino-atnoteof the 'United Chuieih
today -should he tltai}ksgivieg,'not on-
ly {Or the Coming together of three
denominetione but rtlsci' that God lias
set til; a task big t:110ugh ;for oflr eori•.
cfattrtted ef#pAts, a t ass 1,tiat 'S1 i
call l'ortli nest � ilArl
stuff 01 av11ic1ortrA we are
viewing the sworn" 11: of 't
tan Church 1Dr, McGregor
his hearers ()Nile ,i-estlessr
cer•tairiityiievailira'g' ii1 't
The spirit of revolt and rr:
apparent. '1"he Orientals win
sioning the superiority of the
races.: But young nations, like ,-o-ntr.
people' must' learn to govern themsel-
hemsselves and we need, not fear if AC time of
f1.111 autonomy if in the days' of addle-' *{
cense.' sound, moral 'principles were
circulated. PTcre •lies ' the sass- of the
Christian Chur,cit.' ,Moreover the gos-
5s-pel teaching of human freedom and()
a God who had respect of persons
had done
ers -
haddone much to create a ferment oe
mind in the task, and the church dare
not slacken in a work that its, mission,.
aries had begutl- Europe too was t±i-
settled. The Lacarno agreement held:
out a promise of peace, yet such
agreements between people were only
effective as they were '.1191nrt•ed, l>
the people themselves. Only the chur-
ch has the message . that can hying
genuine peace.
Turning to . Canada,. Dr, MacGregor
dwelt. -on the problems raised by the
barriers of geography, race,' colour,
language, religion and localinterests
that: divide our people, The foreign
problem was a grave one, Statesmen
and economists were grapling with,
the problem, but when thesehad done
their'utmost much remained for the
church to do. 'Unified Canadian Citi-
zen but was only truly ''possible:
through fellowship in Jesus Christ.
How. will the church face the task?
Two things are needful. The church".
must live in vital it tiimacy with, Jesus
Christ and the first need of the hour
was that we should rededicate our
lives to God. This was the first call
sent out by the General Council. We,
ipust learn anew the secret of prevail
ing prayer and intercession. A se-
cond need was that the Chureh should
have,' the • Missionary Spirit. Some •
xoo,000 people in Western Canada
were beyond reasonable re411 of re-
ligious ordinances, zioo School Sec-
tions in Saskatchewan had •no religi•
our service within six inilesof the
school, The Church could place 45
men in needy places today if the re-
quired money and men were available.
The United Church was not asking
for an easy place' but desired to be in
the forefrontof the battle. So while
we expect great things for ourselves
from the Church, God was expecting
great things of the church and we
must not be found wanting.'
Comedy Drama Por Arena
A popular comedy drama "The No
bre Outcast", will be `given in Wind.
ham Town Hall on Tuesday evening,
November x7th by the young people
of Fordwich. This play has been put'
on several times and has taken well. Et
is 'being put on under the auspices of
the .Winghani Arena. Admission
35 cents and 5o cents: Reserved seats
on sale at MeKibbon's Drug Store.
This will be a rare'. treat. Seats are
already being booked,
The Late Mrs. Richard Porter
Alter a couple of• Week's 'serious ill-
ness with pneutnozva, Mrs. Richard
'Porter, passed to her Eternal Rest on
Wednesday morning, Nov. ieth at her
residence, Ivlinnie St, . Winghain. She
eves a most highly esteemed lady, lov-
ed by all who knew her, and was in
her 88t11 year. The surviving members
of the family are, James of Turnberry,.
John, Wingharn, .(Addle) Mrs, Brown
of Brantford, (Dell) Mrs, Bloomfield
of Detroit, (Jessie) Mrs. John Patti-
son of`'Port: Elgin, (Clara) Mrs. Hate'
vey of Detroit, and. Miss Ellen Porter
of 'Toronto;
The remains will be .interred in the
family plot in Winghain cemetery be..
side her 'deceased husband oir:lhiday
afternoon, Rev, I•I: W, Snell, rector
of St. Paul's church will conduct the
McLean—King--On Satin -clay
7tli., at St. Andrew's - :Manse fou'ie lay the! ;
• Rev. Dr. Pokric,- Ethel M. only`
daughter, of the Harry
Mr, ✓rand lusts.'
!George King to starry C, Met e n
son of C'li•, ;,folia A.. Mc1.,c:r111 htr;
Mcl,can 1' 1:1tk8id0nt of the Vves-
taerh,: h'cundry C,t1, ltd,. T,hsi.y ww'liM '
accrzl>y. Itlt. A, g Cr1zwfoiere 1101111,
;Cos tlzc vrizk9,er .
5,1ii .rAlX�illu,,:. YIWG �Mai'rLie,G li i:'II