HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-10-22, Page 104,1 t•t ' -ttt'"44tit 44, 44414.. „ 4,4 44.44, tyt.,,4,,t4t,t4.4, • t4,11,44 -4,
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ADV.ASGE .TXIV4E5 Thersdsy,, October PR1:td.,,, X9',1,5, •
. •. . ,
01111104111104101014110c0NNNINNINIONNNNNENIX01 01010111 0000 110100013110 04 $0100000 '11101001100100140001000110011010 400010111100111110100004N40 0011110111t
• A •
we arm° nce our A ual Big Sale—You have been waiting," fitr it, so have hundreds of others, and
we promise you values above • inparison.
Every department is brim lull o q ality 'merchantise, Dry Go 41I, s, Ladlesand isses" R aciy-to-We . r, Men's and Boys' Cllothings Furs,
Fur C1 ats, Gossard a d Nem i Corsets, House Furnishings, Me 's Furnishings, Nort way Coats an., tresses,
Silk Velvets, Cre;• e Satins, Silk roadeloths, Etc., Et&
ome Along and
n I
Unt erwear For Everyb
Union Suits and Separate garments._ for... Dad,
Mother and every member of dthe family, Stanfields,
Penthans, Watsons, Ceetee . and Tru Knit. Every
garment reduced ' • •
Stanfield's Blue Label, per garment
Watson's, Combinations
Pemnans Heavy Fleece, per garnrent -------...79c
Penmans Heavy., Natural Merino
PrrnIei Silk Crepes
Seldom have such values been offered as these
lovely Printed French Crepes, some have just
enough for a single dress while othersmay be had in
11 desired lengths
$14.50 and $15.0o Dress Lengths
$4.00 and $4.5o .Qualities for $2.98
Bargai s il Good Stapi s
All Linen Roller Towelling, ;soft finish per yd 18c
All, Linen Table Cloth Samples 21 yds
Oldn•Bleach Fancy, Huck Towellings 89c
RI English Spero and .Wabasso Sheetings 8x inches
Regular $1.34 •-- 98c
Au_ Unbleached Sheetings, the ;best 76 in. wide
' kpegial Bleached Sheeting, 2 yds wide --------.59c
Tre"avy Linen and. Cotton Roller Towelling 2 yds 250
Comforter and Dr perY Chintzes
Exceptional patterns and colors of 36 in. width,
so suitable for hangings, coverings and comforter
purposes, 390 and 35e values - 27c
Turkey Rea. Chintz, full width per 3rd 23c
North Star Batts, x lb size, 3 for $noo
ee For Yours
4 '•
TO 50
If the
Our Complete Stock itt Northway
Guaranteed Garmc Is Reduce4
• Coats, Dresses, Suits. Wraps, and Skirts, made
from the newest and be,st materials and fashioned in
the latest styles. Everything you could wish for.
All redimed 20 per cent.
Furs! Furs! Furs!
, •
Every woman desiresto have a soft warm and
cozy Fur Coat. Something to protect her from the
chilly winds of Fall and the frost of Winter. We of-
fer you Persian Lamb Coats, Hudson• Seal Coats,
Muskrat Coats, and French Seal Coats, of the best
quality skins.
All Reduced, Each Coat guaranteed
Silk ffi s Sale
Winsome Maid Penmans and Holeproof pure
Silk Hose with rib top) or close garter welt, in all
the bright shades, and also in Black and White 2.50
and 2.00 value Kings Saving Prices
The Best Gingh..,ms ottSe
2000 yards best Canadian Ginghams in neat
check, stripe and plaid patterns permanent finish
fast colors and 32 ifl.. wide, regular' price is 35c
King's Saving Price per yd 27c
Natural All Linen Towelling per yd
All Wool Yarns on Sale
'Scotch Fingering, Free Running and unshrink-
able qualities per lb
Factory Yarns, the best per lb.
Monarch Down, all colors per 2 oz.
Table Linens, Linen Towelliu
Ete. all in Sale
5. Brown ha • Linens.
Linens, Maderia Linens, Luncheon Sets, Liner, Ser-
viettes, Pillow Lit,ens Tea, Cloths Towellings and
TnvOels. All reduced 20 per cent.
VolleXurt ining49c
500 yards of white V0116 cur-
taining, extra fine gauke in neat
stripes and checks, Regularly
priced $noo to $1;50 per yd
King's AutuMn Sale ... . .. ......—....49c
Ibex Flan elette
lankets 'per
pair $2.39
Ibex Flanelette Blankets per
White or Gray, largest size only
W uolt Blankets $9.48
30 pair of the famous Moss -
field, Pure Wool Blankets, with
Pink or Blue Borders, whipped
singly, regularly priced per pair t:
$x3.50, King's Saving Price per
enui e Bargains
Aututu CI i'thing For Men
and .,,oys
Overcoats, latest styles made froni warm double
texture cloths and perfect fitter all reduced 20 per
Suits—Glencairn Serges, Pencil Stripes, Bann-
ockburn Tweeds and English Worsteds, Men's and'
Young IVIen!s Models 'all reduced 20 per cent
Boys' Overcoats and S Its
Overcoats--Warrn materials in convertible coll-
ar style, v./th half belt, in sizes 6 to 4/4 years all
reduced 20 per cent.
Boys' Sults
Smart Tweed and Irish Serge Suits, in English
and straight fitting models that appeal to boys
wanting something different, all reduced .20 per cent.
Boys' Sweaters n Sale $1.98
Penman's Make, All. Wool in Browns, and Navy
Pullover style, with and without collar, sizes 6'to xz
years, King's Saving Price $r.98
200 Men's Sweaters.
}rom V Neck and collared stylesd made from
long staple double twisted yarns, that give endless
wear, King's Sale Prices $2.19, $2.89 and $4.39
yjamas on Sale
You like the comfortable kind, so does everyone
else. Made frorn soft finish, long wearing Flanel-
ettes and Pyjama Cloths, Kings Saving Prices $r.98,
$249, $2.98. Special Men's Night 'Gowns $149
vomits and Smocks
Otu big 88 Garments made from Indigo dyed
cloths in Prain colors, and stripes, all guaranteed, per
garment $2.39
• •
• • • •
Pongee Silk S eel I 4:8c
• Heavy clage weave 'of excellent wearing quality
and smooth finish, about .6 x in. wide per yd
Other Qtialities:59-1C, 89c and $ing
1 , ..._...„.,,
'' .... Guess the exact number of
'4, ! pairs of .Dia.wers in the Glass
Container and Win.
One ghess to eath customer.
, Ask for Free Guessing 5111:1.
• .
e se No
Genuine Oil Window Shades, each _ 69c
Ibex Flanelette Blankets
Factory COtton 36 in. wide .
Coats. Spools, 200 yards 3 for
All Wool Factory Yarn 89c
North Starr Cotton Batts, ilb size, 3 for $1„oc,
Men's Sweater Coats $2.19
Scotch Fingering Yarns, per lb ______ ... $1.14
Excellent Black Tea per Ib ----40c
5 Still* Broom, each
Crepe Toilet Paper, 6 rolls _.-23c
Singapore Pineapple, per tin ......220
Edvvardsburg Corn Syrup 21b .-x8c
Seedless; Raisins, 3 lb.
IVIcCarens Jelly Powders, s pkgs 23
French Dates, 2 lbs.
Siam Rice, 5 lbs __________— .
Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 28c
The best Toilet and Laundry
Soaps on Sale
5c Per Bar
W ric,Clitthes
Men's Work Shirts made in slip over or coat
style in Chambray, Khaki Drills'and Standard Shirt-
ings, sizes 14 to x8, King's Sale Price 98c, '$X.29 and
oys' SeparateI ers
.Boy's Separate Bloomers, rob pairs from which
to chose, strong hard wearing tweeds, lined through Nil
out with firm cotton and,finished with GovO.knor
Fasteners. sizes 24 to 3, per pair $x.69
Goll Se 1 Conoleum R gs
On '
Gold Seal'Congoleum IZus on Sale, many pat- Ni
terns, in colors of FaWn, Blues and Grays in sizes to IN
gxx5 ft., all to be sold. less 25 per cent.
4 Yard Wide Linoleum .
Block and Tile patterns of clean, smooth finish, MI
printednon heal& Burlap, that will give utmost wear, mi
and satisfaction, , per yd
routW;mommo.rdoesantarra4 sterrantasermarannemomeamittleentmatminn
Now Is Ir'otir C)i)13ortunity os. Sale 1$ 0:)ril f3uy Here arid Sa've.
—Thursday Afternoon, Oettber 2901, Eleellion D y, is declared a nail Uo�di y and our store wilt be be elleed. .We vtrii,i tie o
ail day Wednesday, the reirular Hall Holiday. ,
01 01191010
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