HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-10-15, Page 4the United Drug Co. are conducting o e + f
their famous
ne Cent Sales
iibbonfs DrugStore
Wing , Ont.
In the near future—Get Ready -Your Coppers
are worth Dollars at .this Sale.
Dates announced next week
Our Personal
�^ 1 'Toronto,
Item Colu n Editor, Advance-T°4Zet ,
, .
Oct. ions
lits. 3, F. B . Bond is visitzn with r Dear Sir:—
frxa;tlds in Toronto and Hamilton.
I noticed in. A London newspaper
Mr. C, F. Chapman of the Bank of "of September amid., the work of a
Commerce, is relieving 'at Walton„ group of London medicos led by Dr.
Miss Mood I`luety has returned W. Torrance Galbraith; in cancer re -
from spending a week with friends in 1 search and the discovery of a sub
Stratford. 1stance by them known as "Issin"
Miss Mary Madigan of Toronto is v:hich if it meets their anticipation
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr$.Iwill in no small measure lead to the
W. R. Dyer. 'eradication of cancer,
The work of Dr. Galbraith came as
Mrs, Frank
Walley of St. Thomas, a surprise chiefly to the Medical pro -
is visiting at the home of her brother, , fession, but not to his intimate asso-
lir, H, B. Elliott. `elates, I am glad he is making good.
Mrs, Piper and daughter, Miss Dor- We were overseas together. Though
a len spent the It week -end visiting an officer from the ranks, he was po-
�friends in Hamilton, 'pular with the boys, never lost his
Mr. and Mrs, B. M. Corson of Dins -'head, 'though a .non combatant was
man, Ohio, are guests at the home of 9feariess in. the performance of duty
Dr J. A, and Mrs. Fox, land would face with out flinching any
Mrs, 3. Robinson . of Bossevaine, itask given him.
Man., is visiting with friends and rela-1 I am in a position to know for I
fives in Winghanx and vicinity; was his batman by fate of circumstan-
Re1, ;d• M. Bennett of the United ces, although in woe I was private to
Church, will preach anniversary- ser -!Lord Balfour, at that time British
ratites in Goderich nett Sunday. Foreign Secretary.
Providing Dr. Galbraith's work suc-
and11rs: J. G. MacKenzie two, ceeds in the elimination of this dread
lifts; A. M. Fralicl: of Turnberrerry, disease, he will bring honor to him-
ntotora d to Niagara Falls and Toron- self a world's great benefactor to the
to last week.human race to his birthplace in the
Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy and Mrs: township of Ibwiclt, near Corrie„ the
Dr. Torii, have .returned from an e�; village of Blnevale, where he spent his
tended -visit in Winnipeg ` Mr. antiboy*hood days and � nghazn where. he
Mrs: Sherbondy leave shortly to received g.
part of his educational train -
spend the winter in California,
Dr. G. W. Tupper will preach at tram -
1 have been told that as' a boy he
both services next Sunday in. the Bap- was a• clever student,_ but modest
tilt Church, Winghah Dr, Tupper :enough just to be a gentleman, and
is a very fine preacher of Biblical known to bis associates as "Tory'"
Prophecy and a' large number should :was expected to go fax and rank as a
hear lural. Ali welcome,:was
owing to that fact that he
Mr. J. Stanley Ellott,` principal of St, iwas quite an amateur politician as well
Catherines Public Schools; paid a vis -'s a fire anile runner.
it to the different rooms in Wiughazn l I, :stn quite convinced that he is en -
Public School while in town this week deavourina to accomplish a greater
and reports conditions as he found ,work and may yet, we trust, rankwith
thein to be excellent. Mr. Elliott is ,his
kinsmen, the'eminent late
a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, ' Rev. Dr. William Galbraith, great Ca -
East Wawanosh, and is one of the • izadian Divine and the late Field Mar-
-.Dung nen of whom this vicinity may shall Roberts.
well be proud. l Therefore, I join with his many.,
^friend who have known' hizn since
Ii A r sa FOR n south
acre faux ,boyhood in wishing him aadhis fellow5
55, sale, beton a slo Lots ss. and associates who ever they may be in
;st concession Morris. On their; work in conquering' cancer and
premises are a good bank barn aSx. that they have not toiled t#iese' last
>; straw shed ,jt1xC:•�.tl, - silo, good uz- °fotSteeII- years In Tam'
went stabling, driving shed, cora-! Yours sincerely.
Portable frame house with cellar. z G. S. Flewetson
two never failingwells, also river' Formerly 'Dudley House"
runs through ,at one 'side of farn?, Sutton, England
12 acres of hard wood bush. This i t
farm is well fenced and drained. and'i Mr. and Mrs. Ernal . L1oy d and coil-
in good state of cultivation, i miie 'men of Pontiac Mich., accompanied
from school. A real good orchard. by Mrs. Lloyds parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Reason for telling to wind no es- ,Hugh Crawford of Gagetown, Mich.;
tate of late R. Messer For farther 'motored over and spent a week with
parttctiars ,apply to Mrs. Annie the litter's sister, Mrs. Jos. Higgins.
Messer, R. R. No. 2, Blue -ale. — —
Thursday, October 15th,, x9255
a 111 11 I1111111141®i 1lNI I lIf I I I10IR 1lN111011I
1 �•
FOR SALE—First . fualitti Spy Ap-
pies. Apply 'Geo. H, Coulter, Route
4, Wii%ltiira. Phone 23-61.S.
t LES--Hyacitt'th, Tulips, Daffodils
are now here.Ask for our prices
on trees,. shrubs, etc..3. 1i. Graham.
R SALE—MrRussell Bloom
. q for room is only reason for seling-
f3eld's house on Edward St. apply ; Ilug3.ire at this off'xce,
to Mrs. Emma Bloomfield, Eduard
t, WOOD FOR SALE—Hard and Soft
HOUSE TO RENT—On agonalRoad. Inquire H. Isar& 1.4 +od Cpl to R E Jackson,
Massssev Hands Shop.
FOR'QUICK SALE—At a right pri-
ce, out Ford Coupe, also one Ford
Touring in good condition for less
than Sxoo. Crawford's Garae.
'POR SALE -.slid Oak Library ta-
ble, desk, drawer, as good as the day
it came ont of the store. Crowded:
OR SALE—I six year'tald. driver, set WAA'TED-- 'art or full time agent
of 'harness and rubber tire boggy. for a Life Insurance Co Good ter
Telephone r.iz or write Box . ,'` ritorz- and 'g rad contract. Box C
\V irghant, Ont. . Advance Times, \TInghana.
WVSTED—A pable roan to handle
OR SALE ---ix #:.a@
root house, barn th :business of anVold established
and oraaa, loot 'rt ft,'• �,�1N.y , Life ' Insurance Company :ung-
, , Lawlorf V Antoni St. S:uth barn and dr"strt t. Write in cot ii-
MOR SALE OR TO .RENT—Com- ddz to Boli ', Advance -Ties.
f xt alite Pram dive inn on Mirxie FOR SALE—A ^-.;tuber ox pogo se -41
St.., the home or the late 3. J. tun
ingbam.. All mode= eenvexdettee .
A snap for quick sale, ' to tot:
Miss M. Madigan 6 Lak ;yaw Avon ter~`, coal
Toronto. A� l_ R o s. Ha "wax, Wingitatn %
$,OR SALE—Fare Bred Registered ` j OR SAS' E.— One Dai tow, cue to
Oxford Ram ars Ewe i nabs, bred freshen Lat. of ov. •fop._ to Mrs.
front prize winners. Abs sarne', Jennie Currie
111:1L1' 1R'7 IIIIIII IMIIlIl11�?1711lli`li�€-z3 ill—At London ou Satur'day;, Octo
- bet _orb, to '"-41:r, and Mrs. Fred
=' Hili, a son.—Stillborn. - Mrs. Hill
is the youngest daughter of Mr_ :and
i Mrs. A. Buttery'-, Scott, St., Wing-'
- hint. General
In Wingh
— ,� Thompson — n
Mr- 'and"°
. a+ d grid cook ranges in trod Weave just taken i Hopi Oct. =_nth, to
•are and goo-ant�eed ko worms r'g»t, i — ylr p»oFs, of Detroit, nae
at. Good seooei hand wood Hca Stock ia&tig rater. E�
3_ Maria i t
moi? heater at �"Eaoo each.
Do Hurlbut Shoes
Agar ear .-. 1re
° a cost more?
eiveart Or.
e„•a yp,r.aASAP
se , me Mips
Calais Simi
heft W to •m
94204, <boa
Huributs' with the life
of any pair of ordinary shoes you
have ever bought -.and you will
see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion
Sole Shoes represent the -lowest -
price -per -day's -wear of any shoe„
made for children.
bred Shorthorns and York- rw ANT I"— rroeie.te Glove 'orer-
n. Phen an'ii 'w`= -'7a• a ors on €c*;,.'-_•,. and fine gloves ni-
ea canters .o con.= -se loves High.
Im le-. emit •w'a,;ge-s raid an^d: ready e r"'oy-, `
>L.C'its, SALE. --n, Farm, etc.,
meat g•. .santeeai. city (C-4.°ve '�
Stook, slay, Giulio. anti , a - .
Oc't' actin, r02I., See bilis, John SORREL DRIVER LOST
Purvis, Anctioneer,' j. H. Smith Sr. ,A. Sorrel Driver*, aEo,.r.:'£ u'3' pacer, Y,..
Son, Propt. Sti i .d 1r. i4 frc ^ <..premises en 1
SALE—Horses, "I'h rscay. �"' t. a '� It onmation _
I: a"sti ^,` �xcavy i..ewuxi< be a 1� received by
1 • its exiteuent eerzsiti tt., et Lei,a �,
a . Jas Haeme, : c2ar dine.
n"s. H stet ' k"is, N tFriday, •tic,. Pia 11e Kinks -4' & Hrxt on r w
xtwtli Jolru 1'ttx This, Anrt., Dr: A. „
Hospital, on
Fos. Thorax
72 72 DMD
IIozenSanderson—In Winnipeg., an Mandan
_ Sept.,lith, opus, Stanley Sanderson,
only son of Mrs. Henry Sanderson
°here ar
we atter them at >1 Sept, z, 192 Lip betimes and to
! the bath vrliere a cold shower pat. sue
QuickSelling ,rt a rine fettle, but fol rad tray wife,
poor wretch, had used my tooth
,/aces •. brash to dean an expensive diamond, ! �.
— Telephone 23
Ham 111 .II I�III®I(I®III®I{i®Iil�lll>�iiil®111191111
of good reputation and willing to work—for several unrepre-
sented sections of Ontario. Very liberal new agency contract
Company'rharges low premiums and pays generous 'divid-
ends to policy, holders. Previous insurance .experience riot es-
sentiaL Training and assistance given free. Apply in: own
handwriting with references, NOW. This may be your Big
36 Toronto St., Toronto s M. B. FARR, SUPERINTENDENT
NT,,,: up _A Deadly Disease ori Poultry
Pratts Roup Remedy is
ar to to Cure
ew Ave., Toronto .
Valuable Poultry Book and Advice FREE
i of Winnipeg, formerly- of G-orrie-
1IE 1l -xtar Apoles. Spy
Russetts, Tolman nrets at
`�st4' `.• •A,i P.1 'e
to Herb Shie
loll.e ale. net°L'r Phone a.
SA. Fe iE tn.
,11" drairag .s':
By w a »e of a w pan: under the i
e Mayor and Treasurer of
the Town of ' r.rag°.= and having the
seat of tie said Cavrparrat o:t mtta hed'.1.
ere oto„bear}.g date the: tell days o
ga S..eptemben, D. noon.'c orro noding
avid x: w to len_ upon the land:, enntne t
aAL�tt?1cia e% l
,adc !tuts, all a trent simge cc,us. wriO TfCE IS HEREBY men
t ittoi%x Sty luirtg that in actio dance With the Assess-) r
vow x =out Act tial= ,s suth t casts::
and. ca
"s x art stator void I sha?l ptoteed to"se' s
nnvr by piab4 e a:: ction the said Tan :a or so
esw rnth thereof. as malt.' be neceasary for?
ifice. `the nnnytnert of the taxes and costs
ti •eroot at the Town Han, in the
of 1,Nringit= Inton&y the,
ck a:too ". in the of
r the arrears td taxes
°`s d,s- thereon together withtr--10111011"lal�
Fluted and Flaring
4.for 25c
ne Blown Glass
Glass ,Q la t
3 for 2Sc
Good Coon Gla
ses Se. each
Thei iad aStore
7c. eh
t and so to work in a. Nile humor.
:tonged at the drug establishment lid
_ which adrertie_ excee barg rn i
Li toe thbrtzahe Thence to the shop al
and did accomplish =inch work and III
tb.e horning nigh spent before 1 had. a
guessed it. Then a telephone call i
m. myfrowife ,and the woman spent i
maid` sweet task on me then demand -1 al
ed I fetch home a loaf of the bread,
the home baker spends good money to ,, i
adve=rise 'in the town journal. Afteri1
a heavy torch to the couch for a short ,
nap and, dreamed of ,a sweet lady ; la
J9 showering kisses on my wilding mon) ii
i tla,, and swore naughtily when I awoke
_' to find the dog with her tongne on my 4 i
..----_,--- lips. .to work again and to dinner at ,,ii
a ,the eating house where a good meal :1
was bad for a shocking low price as 1'.
he public advertisement haddetlat-iii
ed. By motor eaar to the cinema toll
high at Harold Mix in he great per -.iii
,mance of a comical part done as Iii'
aver hope to see it again„ hot I shall ii
s It the anasttnn;cemettt of the picture 1 I
closely for sonne',hing to enjoy, ; i
hit kh .I rind a worthy practice. Back: ba
1km. wbieh bears a heavnial
e. h.it a tenierat handing, as- IN
ItW'� my -,....all dribs end ,
my wife for her tan- '
tooth bonsh and site 0111
a of 1Parn
Ci s�}i; Aeres, Nth„ `atce' ,w
..Led Peet +i•ikiv. .9i 4�t'.ttC.l r.wrIrpw 4;t.a.
50-00 Reward
tiffst"eatest Hair Grower
hal on bald beams
not be got whore hair
ani e Ctas. Ildatm>f
5 Crosse
Special—Mon., T nes. and Wed. I
Oct. 19, 20 and 21
story of the Bihle "In Natural Colors". Moro powerful a
than any sermon, more vivid than the Bible. You will tee the Red
Sea close hi ort. Ten 'thousand of Pharaohs fittest, A scene yron 1
will never forgets Everyone should see this magnificient photo
play. Endorsed by Clergymen the World over.
WIaidreta 2cj Adults SOc«
striles oxid servedl
atcxYee a<t 4 * , oltx Wednesday Oftel
toa�tcel ditese sans {
w✓,�I�I�> it '