HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-10-01, Page 5r' "" '7.1.1n^'1 • ._.. _._ .. .. .._.., .. _,. .,.... .... �.... ., ... .'.... .. _.... '.".L. ..., '..:. '.... .. ... ... :.:. .. F, .... ::; .. . .. .... .......,,.. .. .. .. __. .. -. .. I. III I��III�II �1�7TI�lI�IIhInII��I111Rp1LL.. jn Illlerlllpllill�IIIM1111�1111�11IIIIli�llIM1111�RI11NMI11�1►1$IIIIIiIIIAIUI�IIINiII� ML. I�1 ■■ ■■0MM■■t IMINIMINI IMMUMM1NIMMOWI Bion l aimmumannasimmi► W no" rLERS ■ ■ ll T ,x ' 'Bargains ori Ti . Goats . •■ ■ andClothing ■ ® • You save here on all lines of Ready -to -Wear ClothingMisses' ■ Ladies',and Child- IN IN ren's Winter Coats and Dresses, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits and Pants. C Winter Underwear in all the best makes including ■ Penman's, Stanfield's, Watson's and Tiger Brands, al Every Department in this store contributes values beyond the ordinary. m' Ladies and, Misses Fur Trimm- UNDERWAR- Ladies, Miss- GLOVES -Made from . fine M ▪ ed Coats on Sale at , es and Children Underwear at qualify Chamoisette, colors, ® 15.09 ey0 �+® special prices see our value Gray, Sand rand Black$ zoo va- 66 5 ,late for 75; $1.25 value 1 fA. ThI THE' Local Bowlers Win Trophy and As- sociation Events at Cargill's Annual 1.1 Scotch Doubles Tournament, Jack lIM Mason and Alex Crawford win an- I� other Trophy, the prizes being beau- tiful pure wool Mossfield Blankets, They report some hard fought games as some of the following scores indi- cate, Messrs. W. H. Willis and A. Coombs won the Association Event, 4 the prizes being *large Wear Ever I® Aluminum. Covered Roasting Pans. Irl Trophy 1st. Round • Wingham Cargill a New FaIIDoods at Special Prices: 50c, 75c, 1,00 19.509 21®50 at •� / • IIII Flannel Dresses just received, 10 Girls Coats to clear 00 ■ (made up on the very latest mo- • N+ dels from All Wool French' These are broken lines and not ■ � Flannel and best colors cut pri- all sizes I ces are ` •4.75,5.90 �I�,? ,^•Girls Coats, reduced to , ■ „� 6.50, 7.50 7.50, 8,5010.0 \ / Nfi ® I, �, s,, Sizes 6, 8, xo, 12 years ■ ■ a Silk Dresses, Corre• ct Models .. in Navy, Black or Brown .Silk FLANNELS=Main 'and Fancy ■A Dress Flannels in.the best co-, Dresses, rregular moo 4% In , 'c rl N,,: Value for -..:w_ _.-_ Jas®' , fors 54 in. wide our e75 ® . F. tL Price„.„...I.---.-___ ® Fur Coats, extra value in ladies, ■ a 1� { Ir-� Rat Coats, Seal •Coats, plain or TOWELS -Large Bath"Towels IN i�1 / i �, sable trimmed, see them at regular 50c each 2 75 c ■ ��� `; r� . }' Bargain, Prices , ■ ■ ■ ■ TNi®mIlI®0rsaIauI®l1Is®®® �®jos®®®seg®i HOSIERY -Leading colors in Silk and) Silk and Wool 00 • Special at Men's Wear. Store OVERCOATS. New models in Fall and Winter Ov- coats are now in stock. See our spec- ial values at 20;00122.501 25.00 SUITS- Men's and Young ' Mens Models in New Fall Suits see our "Perfection Brand",, Hand ' Tailored Suits, see our Special Suits Value 29®00 BOYS SUITS -Large range of Boys New Models• to choose from, special two '1 0.00 Bloomer Suits now OVERCOATS- See our boys Heavy.. Overcoats at cut prices OVERALLS Men's . Heavy snag proof Overalls, Blue or Black, 'regular 2.5o our 2 25 IN cut price UNDERWEAR - Stanfield's blue or red label in all sizes SWEATERS -We show a large range of Sweaters in M'en's and 6111 Boys' Bargain, Men's Heavy Sweater, $7.00 value t� 7 {; for_____- IL r� SHIRTS '-Men's Strong Wearing work shirts RAINCOATS - Rubberized" Tweed Raincoats for 7 50 men, reg $1o.00 now BOOTS •.AND SHOES-' Cut prices in Men's and Boy's Boots and Shoes, Men's strong work boots nowL#®0 Kimono Cloth in Fancy Patterns and best colors, Special 35 c Crawford 16 Win gliam Coombs 18 Clancy 9 Chesley McDonald 9 Second Round Wingham Wingham Crawford 15 , Coombs 10 Third Round Wingham Walkerton Crawford 14 Pye Ix Semi •Final Paisley ■ I Crawford It .,tae 9 -11 sia !Crawford ®_ 03t2xpOo0O2XXX22-11 Raeloxox'21113oxxxoo,9 Trophy Final Wingham Southampton Crawford g McAuley 8 Crawford o32oxxtoo3xxo-9 McAuley 2 0.0 2 X X 0/20 x x 1-8 x Killed Ends. Association Third Round Wingham Southampton Coombs to Johnston 7 Fourth Round Wingham Cargill 7.01.Coonfbs 15 Semple 14 fig FE ® -.,...... ,wane..- 1 I Isar'Ca. „,,,, in 0 ,, /4 •■■ Wingham, Ontario. m - ▪ Fresh Groceries at Cut Prices.. g ®angionsmossm■®■■■■■■■■■nsumws■®n■■■■insmom■ ulimmo ssounoni Semi Final Wingham Lucknow Coombs 12 McCoy II Final Wingham Durham Coombs ro. Calder 8 A rink of Local Bowlers went to Teeswater on Friday last and lifted the Henning Challenge Trophy. The following are the rinks: Wingham Teeswater A. Forbes J. Henry W. R. Hamilton S. Brill J. Mason Webster A. M. Crawford, skip 24 M. Donahue, skip 10 Wingham: • • 4 2 4, 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 2 2 0 0 2-24 Teeswater o o 0 6 1 0 0 o I o 0 0 0 1 I 0-I0 ■ On Monday/night last, Teeswater made an effort to lift the . Henning ® Trophy Wingham took from them last ■ Friday. However, they were unsiic 111 cessful as the following score indi- _ O. Campbell, Geo. H. Coulter; Pieced; Quilt Block, hand made, M. McColly, Geo. H. Coulter; Initialed Handker- chiefs, hand made, J. & W. Savage, ' Geo. H. Coulter; Two Guest Towels, 0. Campbell, J. & W. Savage; Girl's Kimona Nightdress,. Jean Orvis, Isa- belti Campbell; Collection of Fancy Work, J. & W. Savage, N. Beattie", Doll's Dress, hand made, girl under Io years, Geo. H. Coulter, Isabel Cam- pbell; Centre Piece, white or coos 1 ed ■ ®INE®S® aenlitIkIMMMISOR NUM Illt1■®®® Steam Is Up !. Steam h Up ! at the r xet r Cider Mills With an unlimited fuel•supply, large boiling capacity and a heavily built hydraulic cider press we are now prepared to meet the requirements ofall customers, old and new with pressing to do or apple butter to make, Those at a distance of 10 or 15 miles we respectfully request to arrange a date. Use phone No. go or No. 28-2. "Cleanliness Our Motto" We keep apple butter on sale, also cider. Make your cider ■ vinegar from the real thing. 1 1IN RINIIN ■ IN■ywhere. The speaker recall NI NI MI 1 W ROXETE , ONTARIO 1 1ii ■ 111.1ISI■1 ■111111101'1■01■INSIM lli I�■�l■I�IAI■M�■111T11M1wM1��11� ist by Mrs. Perdue, N. Beattie, Isabel Campbell; Home made candy, collec- tion, 1st by Mrs. Wright, Jean Orvis, Velma Orvis; Best collection Baking, consisting of one loaf bread, dozen bans, light calve and pie, made by girl ;under 16 years, Geo. Cdultes, Geo. H. cates. Wingham J. Murray D. Rae Dr. G. H. Ross J. Mason, skip 24 Teeswater J; Henry E. Webster R. J. Mann DUCUESS SATIN $2.9$ Swiss Duchess Satin in an extra heavy quality, with a bright lustrous finish, guar- anteed full yard wide„ Black only, regular value 33.5o, Special $2.95 yd FANCY CREPES $?.so New Fancy Silk Crepes in a splendid assortment of pat- terns and colorings, 36 in. wide, Special $I.5o yd. FLAT SILK CREPE $z.95 Many new shades of the splendid wearing crepes in a pure silk quality, 4o in. wide regular $3.25, Special $2.95 yd FLANNEL $s.5o French Twill Import Flan- nel, 54 in. wide in Scarlet, Pansy,, Henna, Copen, Beau- caise, Paddy and Orange,Special yd. $1.5o DRESS FLANNELS $2.75 BORDERED FLANNELS 3.00 Checks. and Stripes Flannels ' Novelty Flannels in bordered from the best import makers, Effects in. Blue, Grey, Sand, in all the new shades for Fall Purple and Green, 56._ in._ 'wide and Winter, 54 in. wide, Special at $3.00 yard $2.75 yard. FLANNELETTE 37c YD LINEN TOWELLING 250 English Flannelette in an ex- Heavy all linen towelling in tra heavy weight, full yard wide, Check and Red Borders, a splen- Plain, White and Stripes, regu- did wearing linen, special 250 yd lar value 450, Special 37c yard'. J. A. MILLS, 1111 II®III 111®111®1II®IIIMIIIlIII111011I®III®iii II IMMElitA 1411111 III= 111E1111EIIIEIIII41111 !EIIIEM Wingham: 3 2 2 1 1 2,2 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 4-24 In the Presbyterian Church on Sun- Eeeswater 000000 0o I2 0 3 001 0.3'0-10 day, Sept. 27 Rev. Mr. MacGregor of Moosejaw, conducted 'the services. In .the morning reading Christ's Message , ,to the Churches, Rev. 2. 1-10, and Unfortunately some errors were preaching from the words of the ten - made in writing out Bluevale Fair prize list. Alvie Higgins of No. 9 l th' verse. "Be Thou Faithful Unto Death and I Will Give Thee a Crown of Life." The speaker said that upon the grace of faithfulness is built the whole Christian life„ making' it both beautiful and useful in illustration, he quoted two incidents of personal knowledge one of a business man„ whose faithful assistants went to the: war being compelled to go - out of business, because' the only help he could then procure were not faithful men and to go on would only have will give an address "The Father's C. Richardson, skip' 10 SERVICES AT THE KIRK BLUEVALE Turnberry suffered most. Four pri- zes which he received were wrongly credited, so we hasten to correct the mistake. They .were: -First for Driv- ing Colt; Third for Wheat; First for Rhode Island Reds and Second for Patch on Print. The regular meeting or the Wo- 1 men's Institute will be held Fri. Oct. 9th., at the home of Mrs. J.W. Legg- att at 2.3o o'clock. Rev. A. Walden 11 111®1111191111t1111®IIIg1111111111®111®111' 11116111,111111111111116111,1111111111Pastor Chas. Homuth an old it Wingham boy will preach next Sunday. Mr. Homuth spent _ i= some years in Africa, and hasEl returned from a pastorate in the West. m If you believe that Wingha needs a Holy". Ghost Revival meet with us for prayer Satur- day evening at 8 p. m. Revival fires are burning in other places, why not in Wingham? BAPTIST CHURCH m 111111..®11Z1111111II�I I IBI I Iw�l I Place in the Home." Hallowe'en Le- ended.in disaster. The untrained but Bends, Mrs. J. W. Leggatt. Roll Call, A verse of Autumn Poetry. • 12 CON. HOWICK Mr. John McFarland, returned to Wheatly last week. Mr. John Wright is working on the County Road this week. Mr. Cleve Stafford has treated him- self to a new car. Look out girls. Mr. James Warrell and Mr. Jim Vittie were in Wingham Saturday last IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our son, Har- vey Franklin Willis, who died in Moore Barricks Hospital, Shorncliffe, England on Sept. 27th., 1917 He did his best Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Willis faithful girl in the home with the chil- dren. The little maid of other days in the house of Naaman and faithful men in the house of, God in the past and present. The speaker said mans' training in faithfulness was not only useful but a personal thing. The chur- ch of Christ is in the hearts of men. If parents are faithful to their chil- dren and maintain the family alter, their children have a better chance, speaking of prayer, the speaker quoted a noted authority who said that the Minister or plan who does not pray will fail anywhere. The speaker recalled memories of a visit to the old land both sad and encour- aging besides having preached in Wig- ton Shire near to some of the Martyr graves of men who were faithful unto death and olit:Lined the crown of life which is life itself eternal. Coulter; One loaf Bread, by girl un- i 11®I der .16 years, Andrew . Schmidt, Geo. 1 II. Coulter, Geo. Coultes; 3 lbs. 'But -,I1 ter in ib. prints by girl under 16, Geo. Coultes, Jean Orvis, Geo. H. Coulter; Chocolate Cake, ist by Mrs, Brandon, Geo. H. Coulter, Jeas Orvis, Velma Orvis; Best dressed doll, by girl un- der 12, ist by Mrs: W. J. Currie, Geo. H. Coulter, M. McCqlly, Moreen Baird. ■ UUIII®11 Further list will be published in our next issue. Exhibits who find a mis- take in the copying of names of prize winners should get in touch with the secretary without delay. Special No. 34 -'To the public school scholar for the best composi- tion on Hygiene, $5.00 donated by'Dr. Ross., Irving Smith. ' BELGRAVE the Anglicans had a very success- ful Harvest Home Service on Sunday when a former pastor, Rev. Hartley of Shelbourne, 'took charge of the ser- vice, when a thankoffering of $6x was asked for, for Missions and more than the amount was put on the plates. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon, spent a few days in Mt/Alton last week. ■ ■ A ■ ■ ■ e • A 1 1 1 ■ ii1000■1 1 111■■01111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111iiinninrnm n"E lPll Phone 3o. L ST ViiS ND HEAT r e KEE'ErgE.T=711 WWI l� io talo ®M Contributed by largest Canadian Manufacturers McClarys "Pandora" and Combin- ation Quebec Cook and Heaters. The D. Moore Saxon Line of uebec Cooks. - i05fNOMf � ► 1 ,. c�rceu The Beach Line Of Quebec Cooks, Hap - up Thought, 'Coley Home' Quebec, a real beauty, all have special fuel saving features of their own. Our Stove Pipes are "Hand Made", and made of the very best heavy, imported English Blued Steel, Stay Bright, Last Longer YOUR OLD STOVE TAEEN AS PART PAYMENT ON A NEW ONE Several Second Hand Stoves and Heaters on Hand. THOMPSON & BUCHANAN Fresh Lime HADWAR1{ Phone 30. Washing Machines Isom! 14. tt.41.1ri ■