HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-10-01, Page 41
Fall F
Thursday, October xst„ x925
A $2,00 Water Bottle Guaran-
teed, On Sale 1.29
For �w— - �ae�
A Fountain Pen "The Hercules"
equal to any pen at 1
$2.50, for
Guaranteed in every way, -s-elf filler, standard Pocket clip, 14
Karat Solid Gold Nib, tipped, with iridium, screw cap„self self filler for
One Dollar.
35c Tube of Rexall Shaving Crelaura .; nd a
Gillette Safety Qazor both 1,+.i 39c.
That is a $x.00 Gillette Safety Razor only costs you 4 cents.
McKibbo&s 1 rug Stor
72fro Searle
Phone 53
BULBS—Hyacinth, Tulips, Daffodils
are now here. Ask for our prices
on trees, shrubs, etc. J: M. Graham.
Farm Stock, Grain,, Hay and Imple-
ments, Lot x, Con. A, Turnberry,
x } miles north of Jamestown. No
reserve as the farm has been sold.
Jas. Wright, Prop., John Purvns,
FOR SALE—Chickens, fat hens,
fresh eggs, pickling beets, green on-
ions, ripe onions, cabbage, tomatoes,
peppers and red carrots. John Kerr,
Phone 4 on 625. •
FOR SALE -We have a number of
artcles, for sale, cheap, including
stoves, organs, tables, chairs, etc.
Call at our store and see them. A.
E. Angus.
fortable frame dwelling on Minnie
St., the home of the late J. J. Cunn-
ingham.. All modern conveniences.
A snap for quick saie. Write to
Miss M. Madigan, 65 Lakeview Ave.
FARM FOR SALE—Lot 3, Con. 2,
Morris, zoo acres, frame dwelling,
barn sox5 x-6 stone foundation, dri-
ve shed 5ox35, splendid pasture land
river running through, good well,
several acres of swamp timber. For
further particulars apply to Box go,
FARM FOR SALE—Ninety Acres,
Lot 13, Can, zo, Turnberry, six ac-
res of bush, remainder good work-
able land, good brick house, stone
wall barn Sox64. For further par-
ticulars. Apply to R. B. Aitken,
FOR SALE—Pure Bred Registered
Oxford Ram an Ewe Lambs, bred
from prize winners. Also some
pure bred Shorthorns and York-
shires. Phone Dungannan 82-13.
John Parrish & Sons.,
FOR SALE—Rubber Tire Buggy and
one Steel Tire Buggy and one Ford
car, in fair repair. No reasonable
offer refused. B, 3, Beninger,
J. D. Beecroft. Phone 614-5.
PENED. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Single edge 3c;
Double edge 4c. C. H. McAvoy,
Druggist, Wingham.
Of valuable Horses, Cattle, Farm
Implements, Wood, Potatoes, Hou-
sehold Furniture etc., at Lot 53,
Con. to, Turnberry on Tuesday,
Oct. 6th.; 5925. The farm will also
be offered for sale.
R. B. Aitken, Prop.
T. R. Bennett, Auct.
WANTED—London Life has opening
for real life man. Write C. K. Ke-
kay, Agency Manager, Stratford,
WANTED—Part or full time agent
for a Life Insurance Co. Good ter-
ritory and good contract Box C
Advance Times, Wingham.
WANTED—A capable man to handle
the business of an old established
Life Insurance Company in Wing -
ham and district. Write .in confi-
dence to Box A, Advance -Times.
FARM FOR SALE—zoo acre farm
for sale, being south i< Lots B4 and
55, 1st. concession Morris. .On
premises are a good bank barn 48x
5; straw shed 3ox4o, silo, good ce-
ment stabling, driving shed, coin -
(Continued from page one)
Special No. 42 --Best bushel of Man-
golds, xst., Soo lbs. Fertilizer; and,,
250 lbs,, prizes by E. R. Harrison --
same conditions as No. 4o, Thos. Con -
gram, Chas, Carter,
Special No, 33 To the person mak-
ing the most entries in Grain and
Seeds, $z donated by W. H. Fraser,
Andrew Schmidt.
Beans, small white, one quart, Mrs.
Frank Bellinger, Chas. Stewart; Beans
large white, one quart, Oliver Camp-
bell, Mrs, S. Young; Beans, any oth-
er,' one quart, `Chas. Stewart, Mary
Five of each—Beets, long red, An-
drew Schmidt; Beets, any other, Jess-
ie Warwick, Andrew Smith; Carrots,
Field, Andrew Schmidt, M?•s. Frank
Beninger; Carrots, table short, An-
drew Schmidt, W. A, Currie; Carrots,
table intermediate, Chas. Coultes, L J.
Wright; Mangold, Wurtzel, long by
weight and quality, Andrew chrnidt;
Mangold, Wurtiel, intermediate by
weight and quality, Chas. Carter, Pet-
er McEwen;'. Parsnips, Andrew Sch-
midt, Chas. Conites; Radishes, winter,
P. Gibbons, Andrew Schmidt; Sugar
Mangold, weight and quality, Chas.
Carter, Andrew Schmidt; Turnips,
Swede, Andrew Schmidt; Turnips, any
other, Andrew 'Schmidt,
Potatoes—Half bushel of each—Ear-
ly, properly named, Andrew Schmidt;
Late, correctly named, Andrew Sch-
midt, I. J. Wright; Best Collection
Potatoes, five of each, correctly nam-
ed, Andrew Schmidt, J. D. Beecroft.
Twelve of Each -Onions, yellow
from seed in 1924, Andrew Schmidt;
Onions, red . from seed of 1924, An-
drew Schmidt; Onions, white from
seed of 1924, Andrew Schmidt, Jessie
Warwick; Onions, Dutch, or Top Sets,
one gallon, Andreiv Schmidt; Onions,
grown from Dutch or Top Sets, An-
drew Schmidt; Onions,_any other, one
gallon, W. J. Henderson; Tomatoes,
large red, scarlet or pink- Andrew
Schmidt, Mrs. S. Young; Tomatoes,
any other, L. J. Carrick.
Three of Each— Celery, white
plume, Mrs. S. - Young; Celery, any
other, Andrew Schmidt; Cabbage,
early, Wm. Wellings, Jessie Warwick;
Cabbage, winter, Mrs. S. Young, An-
drew Schmidt; Cabbage, Pickling, An-
drew Schmidt; Citrons, L J.' Wright,
Jessie Warwick; Cucumbers, green or
ripe, Foster Marshall, Oliver Camp-
bell; Table Corn, six, Andrew Sch-
midt, Jas. Young; Musk Melons, Mary
Cartright, Mrs. Frank . Beninger;
Pumpkin, one, I. J. Wright; Sunflow-
ers, Andrew Schmidt, W. J. Hender-
son; Squash or Mammoth Pumpkin,
Geo. Orvis, Oliver Campbell; Water
Melons, Mary Cartright, Chas. Stew-
art; Collection of Garden Produce,
Mrs. S. Young, Mrs. Frank Beninger.
Special No. 3o -Best and largest ex-
hibits of Roots and Vegetables, $2.00,
donated by Thos. Field.—Andrew
Alexander, Wat. Carruthers, Oliver
Campbell; A. 0. V. red, correctly
named, Wat. Carruthers, P. Gibbons;
A. O. V,, green or yellow correctly
named, P. Gibbons, Oliver Campbell;
Andrew Schmidt, M. E. Casemore,
Geo. Orvis; Half dozen, home -rade
'buns, Jas. Young, Mary Cartright;
Half dozen home-made Tea Biscuits,
Mrs. Geo. Robertson, Geo. Orvis;
Ginger Bread, Geo. Orvis, Jas. Young
Fruit Cake, Mary Cartright, Jas.
Young, Chas. Martin; Layer Cake;'
light, Mrs. Geo, Robertson, Mary
Cartrigliti. Layer Cake, dark, Mary
Casemore, Mrs. Geo. Robertson; Pie,
apple, Chas, Martin, Mrs, W. A. Mc-
Gill; Pie, Pun pkin, Geo. Coultes, Jas.
Young; Pie,° Lemon, Mrs. McGill,
Geo. Orvis; Cheese Tarts, doz., Jas.
"Young, Geo, Orvis; 6 Doughnuts, W.
A. Currie, M. E. Casemore; 6 Qat-
meal Cookies, Wm. Wellings, Thos.
.Taylor; Plate of Cocoa Nut Cookies,
Mrs. Telfer, J. D. Beecroft; Short
Bread, W. A, Currie, Chas. Martin;
Jelly, t pint, apple, W, A. Curie, Mrs,.
Telfer; Jelly, 1 pint, any other variety,
Jas. Young, Chas. Carter; Maple Sy-
rup, i quart, Thos. Taylor, Wm. An-
derson; Maple Sugar, 2 lbs., Andrew
Schmidt, W. J. Henderson; Collection
preserved fruit, 6 varieties, jars, Geo.
'Orvis, Mary Cartright; Marmalade, 3
varieties in halfpint glasses, Geo. Or -
vis; Tomato Catsup, Chas. Carter, M.
E. Casemore Pickles, vegetable, Geo.
Orvis, Mrs, Frank Beninger; Pickles,
fruit, Mrs.: Telfer, Mrs. S. Young;
Pickles, any other, Mrs. Telfer, L. J.
Carrick; x doz. " Hen Eggs, fresh,
weight and appearance considered,
M. E. Casemore, Mrs. McAndless;
Butter in crocks, to lbs., Mrs. W{n.
Anderson, Wna. Wellings, Jas. Young;
Butter, 5 lbs.,` in pound prints, Mrs.
W. A. McGilI, Geo. Orvis, Wm. Well-
ings; Butter, ornamental, Mrs. Geo.
Orvis, M. E. Casemore; Best pair,
dressed chiekens, fancy dressed, M. E.
Casemore; Bread nut, x loaf, W. A.
McGi11, W. A. Currie; 'Collection of
canned vegetabies,,3 varieties, Geo.
Orvis, Wm. McGill, Mary Cartright;
Cold Meat Sauces, 2 varieties, Geo.
Orvis, L. J. Carrick; Best eight arti
cles of food suitable for a working
man's supper, Geo. Orvis, Mrs. J. D.
Beecroft, M. McCalley; Canned Chic-
ken, x pint, Geo. Orvis; Fruit Salad,
Geo. H. Tervitt, Mary Cartright; Ve-
getable Salad, Geo. H. Tervitt, Mrs.
Frank Beninger.
Special No. 5o --(For the best loaf of
home made Bread baked. from' Five
Lilies or 'Superior Flour, too lbs. of
•Flour, donated' by Howson & How-
son, Fred Hogg.
Special No. 23—Best five pound
crock of butter, $S.00, donated by A.
M. Crawford, butter to become the
property of the donor, Mrs. Geo.
Special No. 24 --Best five pounds
butter in prints, 1st., $zoo donated by
M. C. Bridge, Mrs. Jas. Young,
Special No. 25—Workingman's Sup-
per, Umbrella, value $2.50, donated by
Hanna' & Co., Ltd., Mrs. Geo. Orvis,
Special No. 27 --,For the largest loaf
of bread, $2.00, donated by W. A. Cur-
rie, bread to become property of don-
or, Mary Casemore.
I Special No. 28 -Best exhibit of Dai-
'ry and Provisions, 1st., goods to the,
value of $2.50 donated by W1- 5. Boy-
ce, Mrs. Geo. Orvis.
' Special No. 29—Given 'by Whyte
Packing Co., for the best pair of bred -
to -lay Rocks,' raised from either eggs
or ehic1 us purchased from F. W. Mc-
Andless, ,1st,, $15.00; 2nd., $zo.00. The
rooster of 1st, prize and pullet of 2nd.
to go to donor, Mary Casemore, Mrs.
Oil Painting—Animals, grouped or
single, L. J. Carrick, M. Livingston;
Fruits or flowers, grouped or single,
M. Livingston, Mrs. Savage; Lands-
cape or Marine, M. Livingston, Mrs..
Savage; Any other subject, M. Living-
ston, L. J. Carrick; On glass, M. Liv-
ingston; On Silk, Satin or Velvet,
,Mrs. Savage, M. Livingston; Collec-
tion of Paintings, not less " than 6
pieces, M. Livingston, Mrs. Telfer.
Water Color—M. Livingston, Mrs,
Savage; Any other subject, M.
ingston, Mrs. Telfer; Collection, not
less than 6 pieces, M. Livingston,
Mrs. Telfer. •
Drawing—Pen and Ink Sketch, M.
Livingston, Mrs. Savage; Pencil, M,
Livingston, L. J. Carrick; Crayon
Portrait, 111. Livingstone, L. J. Car-
rick; Crayon Landscape or°Marine, M.
Livingstone, Mrs. Savage.
China Painting -A dozen Cups and
Saucers, Mrs. Telfer, M. Livingstone;
doz. Plates, M. Livingstone, Mrs.
Telfer; Ornament or Vase, Norah Bea-
ttie, M Livingstone; Any other, Mrs,
Savage,- Mrs, Telfer; Collection, Mrs.
Telfer, M. Livingston; Collection done
in 1924, Mrs, Savage.
Special No, 47 -Best collection of
Fine Arts $2.00, donated by Dr. How-
son, M. Livingston.
Special No. 26—Best exhibif of Art
Work, $5,00 Fountain Pen, donated by
H. 13. Elliott; M. Livingston.
Asters, Mrs. Thos. Kew, Geo, 'Or -
vis; Dahlias, Mrs. S. Young, Mrs, T.
Kew; Gladioli, W. A. Currie, Mrs, S,
Young; Pansies, Mrs. T. Kew, Geo.
Orvis; Petunias, Mrs, Young, Mrs, T.
Sweet P6 �s Mrs, T. li