HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-10-01, Page 2TOE WINGIIANI ADDVANCE.TIMES Published at WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning purification. xxx The leading Liberal newspaper in North Huron is the Goderich Signal and its editor Mr. W. H. Robertson, Ak G, Smith, Editor and Proprietor its the president of the Liberal A.s :Subscription rates -One year $z•oo, sociation in this riding. In last week's fix months $1.00, in advance. issue of his paper he editorially asks Advertising rates on application, Ithis question; Advertisements without specific tractions will be inserted until •forbid and Charged accordingly, "With no candidate of their own t ;fight for, what are the "clear Grits' , of North ' Huron going to do?" x x.x Changes,for contract advertisements The Mount Forest Confederate an 6e in the office by noon, Monday. Representative, commenting upon th (Adolescent School Attendance A s• "Opportunity should be provi 'says: 0 WiNC4II .11 ADVA1 CU -1. ZM ly that ye cud save yer woife a good manny shteps in a day if ye wud. slipind more toime helpin wid the wurruk aground home an let the counthry take care av itself fez; a whoile," "Och, hould yer whisht mammon!" 1 sez, Shure, ye don't undhershtand the impoortiitce av the prrisint elick- 'shun," sez L "We do be foightitt the same ould battle over agin that we 'had to foight whin we licked the Grits in 1878, an, be me faith, it wus a fa- mous victory, as ould Caspar said to 'jug little bye in the poem our dawter- tug her daughter at Cherrywood, also a few days with friends at Toronto. in-law, used to rade to us out' av the Mr Win Thornton returned home hsolbook, whin our bye wus over -g1 Monday, after a months visit with re- in says, an befoor we knew she wus go- datives at Edmonton, Alta. in to be our dawter-in-law. Av coo d to ct, d- 1925 OCTOBER. NioI�Tu1! h 1 I l Iii ISI I41c uW tic 11 X21314151 1� 119 20 21 22 125161271 An ISuI Fr 28 1925 16 29 �0 Sa 10 F171 24 The foliowing is clipped from t be w i .editorial column of the Detroit Times oofd at and rth Huquiron ny are cgoing to od to v sof Monday, Sept. 2ist., 1925. It •speaks for itself and is interesting to ,for the progressive candidate with Canadians who at the present. time are afeeling robablg ofstrong final casting of theirent b snaking the tariff our chief election lot in the opposite direction, ,controversy:. x'x x "Tariffs and other barriers are Mr. Meighen will make the mist interesting to the United States and;life if he wastes to BIG people in the United States. of his young "Tear down the tariff, open our much time inarrying of on Quebeclista markets to Europe and Asia, and with the politicians.rash promises fav our prosperity would melt unsmote makes any by the sword" and our factories and ,ism to the blit schools of teachingouof French in mills would close rapidly." jp I FIGGERIN' IT OUT ed for those who have passed through dour public school to continue their ;education; but that all should be ob- liged to attend school until they are 'sixteen years of age is an unwise re -'I 1 quirement. Many of them would be ,better employed learning some useful exactly loafing, are working in a half - trade or business. Too many of them are learning to loaf, Others, if not hearted, unsympathetic, ineffective way, The Adolescent School Attend- ance Act is badly in need of amend - xhursday, October 1st., x Mrs. Brown Mallough and on, Da- vid of Rogersville are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald. Mr. P. H. MacKinnon of London, spent a few days in: town. The Federal Election is proving ' a very quiet affair as yet around here, Glad to hear from our Lucknow Correspondent again, Let it be each week. BLUEVALE Mrs, Robt. Shaw is at present visit - ment, if not of repeal x X X he Not all the honest life-long liber Mr Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Wm; Manley, se the whole tree Hurons wint Grit at that tobne, but we had a shtrong hould on Quebec Prawvince in thim days, whin ould Sir Jawn A. wus runnin tings fer the Tory parthy. Yis, Quebec hilped us to win that toime, an is goin to hilp us this toime, fer I undhershtand Mr. Meighen an Mish- ter Lavergne do be wurrukiit togeth- 'er at prisint. Av coorse I don't• tin much av Mishter Lavergne,. but wud Liam of Montreal, are back to their rather win, an elickshun wid .his hilp ' summer home for a few more weeks. 'than lose wan widout it. Wid the Grits an Progressives wurrukin to- gether, we had to do someting to de - fate the unholy alliance, as I consid- her it wus a foine shtroke av business fer Mishter Meighen to jine up wid thim Frinchies, Wid this explana- tion fer yer benefit I will now pro- cade to tell ye that I hev been throy- in to figger out a majority fer Mish- h both the Grits an Mrs. Carl Lennox of Southampton, spent Sunday at the home of James Masters. Quarterly sacramental services for Ebenezer and Bluevale United Church will be held here next Sunday, 4th., at ti a: m. Allare invited to be present. Mrs. W. A. Griffith and son, Will: als nk- ote out and all- ake too tion and orit- the x x x The executive of the North Huron Liberal Association decided under the "circumstances" to not put a man in To.the Editur av the Advance -To the `field in North Huron. Now just 1 Deer Sur, - what are those circa/lista/ices. Surely ; Wan noight I wuer sittin er ni fig Liberalism is not as such a low ebb iwid a pincil an paypeebb r this county that the good old-grits'hour rud tarr o t o,man not sh alinaa t are ashamed of their party 'she dishturbed me calculashun leader. sayin. x n the • "What are ye wastin toime In North Huron - lion and the i lamb are lying down together. The snow? It is what thim school Liberals and the Progressives are irs are afther callinggyhotg in her w working together to elect the Pro-lmaticks, ye gressive candidate. In the neighbor- I out? sez she, sarcastic loike, ' ing dibit these two partiesare each pan to shp nd her loifeer anny wid, fe ing up bitter scraps and calling � e are not down at thim ould c other anything but pet names. It a rooms av Jorge Shpotton, axx A few weeks ago a leading Liberal at hbme, loike a bump on a 1 informed us that he would stand as'niviroaewurrr, ye ii out nk that yer he an the Liberaltstandard bearer rather into Shpotton an Mishter Meighen than see the grand old party g oblivion in this riding, to -day he is savin the counthry from desht strongly supporting the Progressive at the hands av the Grits an U candidate. What has brought about she sez. "I don't know abo this marvellous transfiguration or other min, but wan ting I kin imes gerin y an.. wur- once s be over taycr- mathe- urruk 'Shure wum- r whin onunit- ye og, wid ad. I Jarge do be ruction .F.O.'s" ut the say is In Wednesdays edition: of the Lon- don. Free Press there :appeared a pho- 'to and big write-up about a cancer Eine that Mr. Torrance Galbraith V. S. of London is working on. Torrance used to live here and is well known by a large number of friends who are glad to hear of his success. The Bluevale Creamery is doing a rushing business these days and find a difficulty in supplying a pressing de- ter Meig en over o Progrissives an, shure, 'tis some jawb, inland for their butter, Mr Coombs s i makes first class butter . and we wish him continued success. There is quite a large acreage of fall wheat sowed around here this fall some farmers putting in 20 to 25. acres. Most of it is up and looking fine. as our bye wud say. Me la 1 t count is, as' ye see it on this paper." Prisint 'Tories: -P, E. I., o; N. S. 1; N. B., 5; Quebec, o; Ont., 35;. o; Sask., o; Alta. o; B. C., 7; Yukon 1. To be elicked:-P. E. I., 2; N. S., 6 N. B., 6; Que., 3o; Ont., 6o; Man., 3; Sask., 2; Alta., 2; B. C., 7; Yukon 1. "Wid only 49 sates to shtart wid it is a harrud jawb we hev ahead av us, so it is, and I hev only got our num- ber up to 119 so far, an we node 130 to be safe, I hev had to stretch me imagination a lot to git the shcore up to 119, but wan ting is certain if we don't hev a clare majority over all, nayther kin ayther av the other par- thies." "Who don't ye change some av yer figgers, Tim," sez she. "Shure, ye hev it, all yer own way, at prisint, an if it will make ye shlape betther i kin fix up yer paper in foive minutes to give the Tories 150 aces in the two children, Earnest and Florence, nixt Parlymint, arr 160 if ye wud loike i'also Mrs, Wm. Beecroft, spent Sunday 1Wi d t ye figger it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver 20. 'n,n:,nnAA/n.n.n,'Ann.nnnPAnnA14onnnllnKmr.•c.on.ronieno.nn•nnn.onffisn.nno•onnoasn.CAIIYm*ninennf.nofnAAnnAf CMS. Big ucti IN ns Wall Paper For the Fall season we will reduce the price of each roll of •sidewall paper by one third. You will be in the home more during the cold weather so here is an opportunity to beautify it with high quality paper at very low prices. Old prices are marked in plain figures. �Y va 's Drug Store Phone 18. Nyal Quality Store, 23. 24- 25 . 4.25. 26. 30 '31 32 North American Institute (abbre- 33, 36. 37. a'S40. viation) Question • ,Chart A snake -like fish Guided • Foreigners • California (abbreviation) Is able GLENANNAN Misses Catherine Fortune and Jean Wilton, who have spent the past.two weeks with friends in Toronto have returned. home. Mrs. Reuben Stokes, is at present visiting with friends in Howck. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson and daughter, Frances of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mines, also Mrs. John Johnston, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. David Breen. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and it betther. toy on Stokes. out from a Grit shtandpoint?" sez 1 Miss Elva she. "Lind the yer paper," she sez. Wad ye belave it this is the way that wumman made out the lisht. Grits in . nixt Parlymint:-P. E. , 5; N. S. Io; N. B. 6; Que.,55; Ont., 35; Man, 4; Sask., 5; Alta., 4; B. C., 4; Yukon 1, Total 127. Thim wimmitr don't undhershtand much about pollyticks, but the miss - us has been roight so manny toinses an bate me in so manny' argymints, that her figgers make me fale a little shaky, but I called her bluff, an praw- mised her a new hat if I wussn't nearer roight than she wus, whin, the ballots are counted. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. P. S. Av coorse the missus has no intinshun av not votin Tory hersilf, It wud take more than -a new hat to change her. T. H. Metcalfe,spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Howard Wylie. • r�01! •�'�,�•, �•y'�; ' .. THE tk me L PS LAMPS! Lk.PS! We handle all grades and sizes Electric Bulbs. Hydro Lamps our Specialty. STAN D A, ',• I AMPS 5 ForLO � limp we handle absolutely gun?an. teed for service fltl efficiency. WingharnU tilitie s ;rawtord Block. Ph jMONO MIN Even" 6. CROSS WORD PUZZLE NO. 27 Horizontal 1. A fish of the herring family mon as food 5. Bog 7. Small venomous snakes at. Bathe '12. The blackthorn 13. Article 14. Ban 16. Calm 17. A royal seat 19. Hard outer layer 2I. 2000 pounds 22. An instruinent for cooling 24. A stony or metallic body fallen to the earth from space 27. Mineral spring 28. Before 29. Peaceful 34• Lake (French) 35• Snatch 36. Destroyed or 39• Follows 43• Real 44. Sorrowful 46. Spoken 47. Merit 48. .Level to the ground 49• Muddle gree 41. . 42. 45. To swallow up;, engulf To stop Prefix meaning "before" Belonging to us A mountain range ,in eastern Russia Comfort Killed Form of "to be" W 'Are In The Market To,Buy CREAM - EGGS POULTRY ... GET OUR PRICES ... The United Farmers Co.0pe Co., Ltd. Wingham - e Ontari MIN 111 NW EMU THE SECOND ANNUAL corn - of the teeth LUCKNOW The 6o th Annual Fall Fair was held here last 'Thursday and Friday and proved a success. The weather being all that could be desired. There was nearly 2000 paid admission at the gate. The inside exhibits , while not as numerous as usual were of a very high order. One exhibit in particular attracting much attention was a col- lection of articles made of wood, fan- cy sawing and carving by Fred Bur- ton of town. The outside exhibits were up to the usual standard both in numbers and quality. The horses es-, pecially making a fine showing. The Lucknow Pipe Band supplied an abun- dance of good music and attraeting much. favorable continent. The con- cert at night drew a crowded house as usual the entertainment being put 1� a on by the Burt Lloyd Concert Co., followed by a dance which was also crowded, The directors are very pleased over this year's. fair, The induction of Rev. C. MacDon- ald into the pastorate of Lucknow Presbyterian Church, will take place on Thursday night. The new pastor of South Kinloss' Presbyterian Chur- ch was inducted into his new charge. last Tuesday. He is Rev. J. A. James coming from British Columbia. The roynt Block is being remodell- ed, the front of cement blocks proving (unsatisfactory is being replaced by red ilrkk which will greatly improve the appearance. Mr. Geo. Aitcheson has purchased a beautiful now 'Cadillac Sedan, while j gcLean Johnstott has an Oldsmobile. Sedan, which is also a beautiful" cat injured 5o. Gave food to 5r. :Forced a current of air through Vertical 1. Narrow opening • 2. Has (Archaic) 3, Assert 4. Degrade 6. Period of time 7. Slanting 8. 9• lsli 10. 14. 15. 18. A low neighborhood A native of Poland Barter Married men Abstained Negative QF HURON COUNTY PLOWMAN'S ASSOCIATION Will be held on the farm of ADAM SH t LDICL 04 e Mile West of Walton a1 ■ !ctober 8th, 1925 Competition open to residents of Huron County $350.00 IN PRIZES Program will be as follows: CLASS z --=With high cut plows, in sod, Free-for-all. CLASS 2 -General Purpose, wooden handled plows, in sod,, Free-for-all. Skimmers barred. years, with general purpose plows, re CLASS', 3 -Men from z9 to 25 in sod, with skimmers, CLASS 4 -Bays, x6 and under 19 years, in sod. Skimmefs IM ns 1� MI 1111 allowed. CLASS 5-Boys,.under 16 years, in stubble, Skimmers allowed. CLASS ` 6 --Single Riding Plows in sod. Free-for-all. Skimmers Ns allowed. ▪ LASS 7 -Tractors, open to men owning Tractors in the County. I® SPECIAL PRIZES ® J. F. Daley, Seaforth, offers. a special prize, a belt guide valued NI at $io.00 for the best crown in the Tractor Class. Tractor must ® be driven b r farmer or farmer's son in hi o Pori best finish/ in the ct. ▪ .4. W. King, M. P., Bluevale, offers $5.o ® walking class. Mr. King also makes a donation of $zo.00 to the ® Association N Es. Ri. Wigle, M. P. P., Goderich, offers $so.00 divided in $5, N 111 mi $3 and $2 in the boy's class under i6 years, for the best crown. iji Isa George Spotton, Wingham, offers $5.00 for the best plow team Fa ii on the field, also makes a donation of $5.00 to the Association. ® ' Andrew Lamont, Grey Township, offers $5.00 divided',t $3 and ® $2 for the best outfit driven by any boy under 21 years. l� Lyle Gordon, Cranbrook, offers pair of shoes, valued at $4.25 ® to the youngest boy plowin,,d x3•for the best crown mg 1 mg The Association offers an outer casing 3o, in sod, in $5.00 for the oldest, roan plowing, The Association offers • • MI IMMI I d the walking plows. IMIM 1 Mil 1111 RULES AND REGULATIONS Amount' of land to plow; left for Committee to decide, Teams to be on grounds at 9~a, m, to start plowing at 9.3o• in Finish to be made at 4 p. nit Average depth of furrow 6 inches. No shaping of furrow after a rounds on crown. a Judges' decision to be final, Each Plowman allowed one helper only. Plowmen to Gee 6 rounds on crown. 111 No shifting of stakes after start is made. IN NI mi Prizes to be paid on ground before leaving. a No entrance fee outside of the 25 cent Membership Ticket. ■II Directors to be on grounds, at 9 a. m., wearing official badges, i is Meals will be provided for Plowmen. W Is PRIZES --There will be 4 prizes in each class, vert -$15.00, NI Ifil $i2,00, $zo:oo and $8.00 --either cash or its value, Tractor Class-- DE z8.00, $z5,00 and $zo bo. Prizes 20.0 I GrConcert in the Evening m R"FINNIGAN'S FORTUNE" le Presented by Fordwiclt Young People in Nii PHalNI IN 1 1 CII( RCI I �, WALTOrel l.Vtttsical Selections between Acts Program starts at 8,t5Atni;a siofl 45c and 35C L, 1C CAR,DIPPy VJ S'PEIRS, R. L. McDO ALD, A. ADAMS Sec.-Treas. Vice -President President Pini. -President 01110111111101 111101111010111111111111; 17