HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-08-27, Page 5Thursday, li rtst 0701,, 1926
SEPTEMBER12th 19th, 1925
This year tile Midway and Grand' Stand attractions have been
carefully chosen and far surpass anything of this nature in previous
years. A good time, full of fun, pleasure andinterest is assured
to all. The Pure Food 'Show, Dog Show and other exhibitions are
bigger and better than, ever.
Entries Close September 3rd =,
For further information apply—J. H. SAUNDERS, Pres., W. D,
JACKSON, See., London, Ont.
"''Arnold Barbour.
mommmommmemmmmmmossi sammessommo■■B/r■AI Mrs. M, G. McKenzie of Kintail
Nil IN
w yr itor with Mr.. and Mrs.
NI ■Clark during last week,
■ II. Woods Irene .Woods is holidaying at
-..4.4 .% ■the bake, as the guest of Mrs, Stew -
® art of Lucknow at her cottage.
• '�'En Miss Alba Fox of Whitechurch,
® NI
a spent a few days last week the guest
• of her aunt, .Mrs; W. J. Humphrey.
1> hoppers ■ Miss Margaret Tnldeinan of I1Iorri-
stonIN , was a visitor at the homes of
al her cousins the Messrs McDonald.
• last week.
• The following members of the St.
ll Helens Rifle Association attended the
Miss. Johnston of f3rucefield is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, Robinson
Mrs. W, I, Miller and children, Iso-
bel, Dorothy and Gordon are holiday-
ing with Goderich friends this week.
- Miss Marjory McDonald. of Toron-
to is a visitor with her cousin the Mur -
rays, Camerons and Stuart.s
Miss Elizabeth Wellwood: of New
York is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo,.
Mrs, R, J. Woods, Mr. Wilson
Woods, ' Mis'ses Winnifred and Vera
Woods and Master Bobby Phillips,
motored to Fergus on Saturday,
spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs,
■ O. R. A. 'snatches at Longbranch this
Borgaing. Read these Specials week, Messrs. John Webster, Harris,
■ Purdon, Elmer Purdon, Sandy Young,
Thrifty Buyers May
Taking Advantage of
Many Other Bargains
this Great Week -End
Ginghams 7 pieces of Check
Gingham, fast color, now ._._.x8c
Dresses—Girls' Gingham Dress-
ens, 6, 8, zo years, they go
■ Corsets—Clearing lines, value up
to $2 S0, 'to clear at _.-...___...$x.so
■ Women's Shoes—Patent Leather
Slippers and Oxford reduced to
$2 95 and 3.75
■ • Men's 'Boots—x5 pairs odd lines,
• Girls' Capes Waterproof Capes
al for Girls, 6, 8, zo years, now x.39
® Whitewear -- Clearing limes of
Ladies white cambric underwear
• ■ 'at 49c
® Boys' Wash Suits, Made in good
style, Chambray Twills, reduced
values up to $5.00, now ._....$3.49
• ▪ Boys' School Boots, sizes xo, ix,
® 12, x3, good wearing -boots, they
go at at - _ -- _ _$1,75
▪ Voiles• -•Io ends Dress Voile to
' • clear ' at only ___________39c
E. Isard
Save Dollars by.
These Specials and
Specially Priced for
Sale at Our Stores.
Silk Hose—Ladies' Silk Heath-
er Hose, value up to
Vests Ladies' Vests wifh or
without sleeves, bargain
Silks -5o yards fine quality Pon-
gee Silk, yard wide reduced .-6gc
Dresses—Ladies' Crepe and Ra -
tine Summer Dresses, now _3,95
Curtain Goods in Scrim, Lace,
and Muslin, reduced to
Boys' Suits in fancy tweed pat-
terns, broken lines to clear 4.75
Hose—Clearing lines of Wom-
en's and Children's now _35c
3 pair for $x o0
Wool Delaines — zo pieces new
patterns in all wool delaine _goe
A. Robinson.
Miss C. Welsh of Edmonton is a
visitor with her neice, Mrs, Durnin
Mrs, Ed. Pickwood of New York,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cameron,
Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Mackintosh and
children of Napier have been visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
111A number of young men left on Fri-
ll 'day morning with the Harvesters Ex-
cursion for the West.•
■ Threshing is the order of the day.
A horse belonging to Mr. Bill Ea-
■ . die had an unusual accident on Satur-
• day morning whilst standing at the
Separator of Mr. Joe Wall, who was;
■ . threshing for Ackert Bros. The hor-
• se's tail was caught in one of the pul-
ls eys, which tore the end of the tail
• -completely off leaving 'a stump of
I. about six finches. Apart from a much
■ shorter tail the animal is apparently
6 none the worse for its experience.
■ A play was given by the Women's
• Auxiliary at Kinlougli Presbyterian
■ Church., on Friday evening. A good
• attendance is recorded. ,
• Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rackley, spent
■ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jack-
.' son.
Mrs. Jim Hughes and daughter of
■ Ripley, spent Sunday, afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce.
Miss Nettie SolwelI is spending a
few days with Mrs. Bill Eadie.
House Dresses, Aprons, Skirts
Blouses, Coats, Children s Dres-
res- •
des Remnants BELGRAVE
■ :Mr. F Anderson and daughter, Mrs.
• Percy Scandrett, attended the funeral
Cof a relative in Preston last week.
,.■ Miss Ruth- Cole is,, visiting with
• friends in Toronto.
• Mr. and Mrs. Halliday, spent a
C1" week in. Clinton with their daughter,
• ■ Mrs. .Stewart.
• Mr. .and Mrs. Mellon of Detroit,
al spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. William Armstrong visited at
Mr. Edward Haines one day recently.
Mr. John Rintoul and •Mr:' George
Philips went to the West on Friday
Roy. Aitcheson and his sister, Han-
• no, also took in the trip to the West,
Mrs. Souter Taylor and son are at
present visiting relatives in Detroit.
Mr, Joseph O'Callaghan of Detroit,
spent Sunday under the parental
Lloyd Phillips and Mrs. George
Phillips, visited at Thomas Jamieson's
also Mr. and Mrs. Irwin of .Belfast,
Mr, C. Leaver visited relatives at
Lucknow on Sunday 'last.
Mr, and Mrs. A. 1-favins and family
visited at Fordyce on Sunday last.
M.r. Hugh McBurney of Wingham,
also Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurn-
ey and others visited at Mr. James
Dows on Sunday last.
Mir. Rintoul of Wingham, visited at
A. Rintoul's one day recently.
The'Boyle Brothers are at thrashing
at Mr. John and Lisk MeGee'S.
Mr. Jas: Sherwood of Detroit is
visiting under the parental roof at
Mrs. Isaac Andrew. of Zion has re-
turned home after spending a week.
with her son, John of Orangeville.
Rev. and. Mrs. Copeland and chil-
dren of Thainesford called onfriends
around Slakes, Hacketts and Zipit last
Miss Winnie Cunningham of Teton-
to, spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs,. Roy Aiton, Belfast.
Mrs. Allen Alton and children of
Toronto, arespending a week with
1 Mins jean and Annie Geddes have
'returned -after spending a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Jno Multrn, Belfast. weeks with fiends in Detr9it.
Mr.. and Mrs. Brandon, spent a day'
'with friends at Wroxeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlton of Park Hill,
'visited with Mr, and Mrs. Yule last
' Mrs. Shaw and daughter of Blue-
'vale, spent a• day with Mrs. J. A.
Geddes, last week.
• Rev. and Mrs. Durrant and 'family,
Spent a few days calling on old
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon, spent
Sunday in Drayton.
' Nttrse Fanny McCrae and Margaret
Adamson of Kingsville, spent a week
in the village.
Mr: and Mrs. Hannmit and little son
of Millwaukie and Mrs. Barrie of St.
!Thomas have been the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Yule for a couple of
Miss Marjorie Henderson 'of Luck-
now is spending a couple of- weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie and fa-
mily of Lucknow, spent Sunday with
the former's brother, Mr. Robert Rit-
chie of Lanes.
Miss Etta Lane of Ripley is spend-
ing her susnmer vacation at her aunts,
Mrs. Ida Hackett, Lanes.
Some of those who took the excur-
sion to the West were, Mr. Wilfred
'Hackett, Belfast, Harvey Anderson,
Cecil Johnston, Chrissy Cooke, of
Mafeking, Harvey M,iiler of Lanes.
Mr. and Mrs, Jug, Mullin of Belfast,
spent Sunday last with friends ' at
Mr, and Mrs. John Hartley and
daughter, Pauline of Vanleelc Hill,
spent their vacation with Mrs. Wm.
Weir and other friends here.
Miss • Alba Gallaher who has spent
her vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, A. E. Gallaher, returned to Tor-
onto last. Saturday,
Mr,. Wm. Mitchell, Mr. Arthur
Westlake, Mr. Leo McLean, Mr, Har-
ry Merkley and Mr. Wm, Errington,
were among those who left for ilie
West recently, We wish' them' all a
safe trip.
Mr, and Mrs. John Bryans from
near Fordwich, called on Mr. and
Mrs, Albert Gallaher last Sunday.
Miss Minnie Weir, spent a few days
with her brother, Mr, Harold Weir
near Orange Hill last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers, spelt
last Sunday evening with the latter's
parents, Mn and Mrs. Robert Earls
of Gorrie South.
j Mrs. Frank Gill of Jasmine, Sask.,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jas,
Irving '
D. R. McInttSsh of Southampton, re-
'newed acquaintances in town this
Rev. Mr. McKerroll of Toronto, oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church here on Sunday. Mrs. McKer-
roll gave an address in the afternoon
',Lucknow Presbyteriptt Call
At a Congregational meeting held
at the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow.
on Monday everting, of last week rep-.
'resenting the Presbyterian Churches
at Lucknow and Dungannan. A unan-
imous call was extended to the Rev.
'Chat. E. MacDonald now of Pentang.
Mr. McDonald is a native of Culross
Rev. Afr, McAlpine preached in the
United Church Sunday morning
Mrs. W. Austin of Gorrie is at pre-
sent visiting her another, Mrs, Ras-
mushan of town.
Rev. Mr, Armstrong is at present
holidaying at Bruce Beach,
Mr, Gavin Davidson and Wm. Mit-
chell left for the West last Friday. Ft
F. and Mrs. Kitchen returned after
an extended visit with friends in De- _•
troit, Romeo and Leamington,
Mr. Earl Reice of Galt is spending
a few days with friend in town, t
Little Jean Bryans of Fordwich is
visiting her cousins, Meril and Mar-
garet Tait. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex. 'Pleasance of B
Toronto are at present ' visiting the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ea
White. • t
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Black are visit-
ing friends in Harriston.
LIIr 11,1$IIII*III MIII11�1IllI1$lfI*iIM!111I$"Ulyll ll�llll(INUI
rrw 1 ee•
111.1II$IllpM1111*11J IlIIMMIII*I. HI
Mr. and .Mrs. Jno. Bryans of 'Ford- E
wick, called on friends in 'town.
Mrs. Tom Gibson left last week for
Winnipeg where'she will visit friends
for a time. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. Walker of Niagara
Falls visited the latter's mather, Mrs.
Jiro. Gibson recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Hammett and son,
Howard of Milwaukee, accompanied.
by Mr. and Mrs, Yule and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Stewart and little son, Har-
ry of Belgrave, spent the week -end
with friends in Kincardine. Mr. and
Mrs. Hammett who have been visit-
ing with Mr, and Mrs. Yule leave on
Wednesday for their hone in Mil-
waukee and will visit at Cleveland on
their return trip. •
Miss Lizzie Berry is visitng her
neice, Mrs. Yule.
We have completely overhauled our
cider mill plant this season, and also
increased the boiling capacity for the
manufacture of apple butter, etc. We
employ experienced help only and
with an unlimited supply of fuel we
guaranteeto take care of our custom-
ers, old and new. Watch this "ad"
naming date mill will steam up.
Gibson Lumber and Cider Mills.
Phones -3o and 28-2.y
Anderson—Iri loving memory of our
dear sister, Beatrice, who passed
away August 21st., 1924•
Edna and Margaret.
During the month of August young
people must decide the momentous
question as . to whether or not they
will secure more education and if so
what kind. In making this decision
we invite, each one to write the Wing -
ham Business' College, Wingham,
Ont.; for particulars .and possibilities.
of a Business Education, also the suc-
cess of our graduates with navies and
addresses of same. Recent lady gra-
duates are drawing from Twenty-five
to Sixty_ dollars per week, A Wing -
ham young man whose earning power
a year ago was ,Six Hundred and
Twenty-four dollars per year is now
is now drawing at the rate" 'of Eight-
een Hunderd and Twenty dollars per
year with raises every three months.
It paid him Individual Instruction,
Horne Study Courses, enter any day.
A worthy link in Canada's Greatest
chain of High grade Commercial
Schools. Write to -day for particul-
ars to C. J. Martin, B. A. Wingham
Business College, or J. Q. McDer-
mott, B, A., Canada Business College,
Toronto; Ontario,
Holmes -In Goderich on Monday,
August 17th,, to Mr. and Mrs. Dud-
ley E.• Holmes, a son.
Buchanan—In Wingham on Monday,
August 17th,, to Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Buchanan, a daughter.
Bunston—At the •Palm.erston Hosp-
ital, on July 29th, 1925 to Mr. and
MTS. George Bunston, of Fordwich,
a daughter,
Schaefer—In Howick, on July 28th.,
1925, to Mr, and Mrs. Ira Schaefer,
4th con., a daughter—Thelma Mar-
'Giles -In Howick, on Monday, Aug.
3rd., 5925, to' Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Giles, a daughter—Wilma Helen.
Gray—Perrie—At the United Church,
Innisfail, Alta., on Wednesday, Aug,
5th., H. `E, Gray, 13. A., 13. Sc.,
• to Miss Margaret Elizabeth Perrie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Per-
rie of Innisfail. The bride is a
neice of Rev. Dr, Kerrie of Wing -
ham. •
Mr J. Doig will not be responsible
for any credits charged by..Mrs, Doig,
after this date;' .
The new P. S. Readers and new P.
S. Speller, we have them. G. Mason
The W. F. M. S. will meet Friday
afternoon, a full attendance is re-
at J A M ll$' Store
Heavy quality Duchess Satin,
best Swiss make that will en-
sure long wear, retain its finish,
guaranteed fast dye,' 36 in. wide,
Black only, regular,3,75 for 2.95-
A pure Silk Crepe that will
give extra wear, shown in the'
following shades, Henna, Beau.
cake, Blue, Sunset, Sand, Mai-
ze, White, Black and Nagy, 36
in. wide, reg. $3 50, for $2.95 yd.
Ladies' Vests reduced to 250,
O 390, 49c, and 6oc.
N Voiles 69c a yard,
® POIRET TWILL $2.zg Yd,
® Navy and Black Poiret Twill,
® made from all wool botany yarn,
exceptional value at this low
o price 54 in. wide, reg. $3.00 for
$2.19 yd.
SILK HOSE $z.5o Pr,
Venus and Murcery. Pure Silk
Hose in a splendid weight, all
the new light 'shades, sizes 8. •
to to,' Special $I.$o.
God'dess Front lace Corsets &
La Diva back lace Corsets . in
broken lines, but all sizes in 'the
lot from z8 to 28, regular val-
ues $3 00 to $4.25, Special $1.96
.CORSETS g5c'Pr,
A number of lines in broken
sizes from x9 to 28 in D. & A.
best makes, regular values $2.75
to $3.00, for 95c.
Broadcloth and Gingham Dre-
sses 20 per cent,. Discount.
Children's Running Shoes and
aro •
Slippers, sizes 4 to 8, at 89c pr. 111
I® —
Tri®nl®ulrioul�nl®lulln�nlleul®ul®u1�1I1®its®Ili !lI181u®uili li inonistini i®Ill®nl;IiloIlm
Rev,; Bailey, spoke, on the Lords
Day Alliance in the Union Church
Sabbath afternoon. The young peo-
ple's meeting being conducted by Mrs.
Geo rgeLane Elsie Doubledee and Jas. Cassells of Flint Mich., Mrs. Geo..
Iren Mundell. 'Cassells of Fresno, Cal., Mr. and Mrs.
Visitors out of town Sunday last Robt. Cassells and Bill of Rochester,.
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. John Rintoul and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassells
and Mark of Wingham. Needless to
say a very pleasant time was enjoyed.
by all.
The Late William M. Scott
A verypleasant reunion took Ace
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Golley on Wednesday night, when
there gathered there Mr. and Mrs.
were:—Mr. and Mrs. Minden and fa-
mily at George Mundell Drayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutherford, George
Rutherford, Mary Darling and James
Darling at the Manse, Tiverton.
Visitors in the village recently, Rev.
Sinclair of Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs.
Shand Toronto, at -Thomas Abram's,
As intimated in these columns last
Fleming Ballagh, Whitby, renewing issue, the news of the death of Will -
acquaintances, Mr, and 'Mrs. Cassidy iam Murray Scott who, with his wife
and family of Huntsville, the Misses land daughter, Patience, were on a vise
Misses •O'Hagan of Chepstow at Hen- lit to Mr. Scott's sister at Andover;.
'ry Weishars.
Those who Left on the Harvest Ex-
cursion were Wm. Abram, Russell
Gree nley and Alfred Meahan.
Miss- Mary Aitken is holidaying at
her home here.
Mrs. John Darling with Mrs. Robt,
Scott, Wawanosh.
Mrs. W. J. Duff is spending a short
vacation at Cansolet Beach.
,Mr. Bruce Stark of Toronto is at
present visiting Mr. A, H. Coombs.
' , Mr. Wm. Thornton of Toronto is
'spending a month with his brother at
'Edmonton, Alta., and during his ab-
sence Mrs, Thornton is visiting with The late William Murray Scott was
relatives at Ingersoll. born on the t3th of Township of Hull -
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hays and ett, 65 years ago, the son of Archi-
son James, of Pittsburg, Pa., spent a bald and Isabel .Scott, who carne to -
few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Canada from Scotland and located in
Wrn. Duff. Hullett Township in the year 185x.
Mr. Glen Garniss is at present visit- 'Thirteen .years later the family moved`
ing relatives .at Toronto. to East 1.1/4:nn -:•gosh n3 -here the late de-
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pugh of ceased attained his manhood. In the
Hamilton, spent Sunday with Mrs. W.'spring of 1885he went to the United.
7. D. 'States and spent the intervening.'
ibirsuff, Thornton, Mrs. Wm, Sellers, years until 1893, resident of many of
sr., and Mr. Jessop from. Michigan the States of the Union. In 1895 he
'visited with friends here this week. was married to Jean, daughter of the
We were sorry to hear of Rev. Mr. late David and Mrs, Scott of East
Tate losing his driver Saturday night, Wawanosh, by Rai...Mr. Wall, Pres-
'cause of death was a paralatic stroke. byterian clergyman at BeIgrave:
Rev. Mr. Walden returned home on About a year later he purchased a.
Saturday after a short vacation in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Britton of Kin-
burn; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beatty of
Windthorp; Mrs. Wnm, Hall and Miss
"Alice Jewitt. of Brussels, 'were visitors
With Mrs. Wnn, Duff on Sunday.
Mrs. A. H. Coombs and daughter,
Mary, are at present visiting relatives
'at Simeoe,
Mr. Geo. McDonald left on Friday
for a months visit with relatives in
Western Canada:
Mr. Geo. Greenaway was at Toronto
'Saturday attending the funeral of his
nephew, who was drowned at the Is- of Malad City, Idaho; Mrs. Merritt,
land, Toronto, on Thursday. Andover, Conn,; Mrs. Symington and.
Mr, and Mrs. • Chas. Coultess and Mrs. Baer, Toronto.
daughter of Listowel, spent Sunday The funeral took, place from St. An-
with relatives here.
Conn., was received with profound re-
gret. It was known for some time'
that Mr, Scott was not enjoying good
health, but on leaving Blyth he seem-
ed somewhat improved and thorough
ly enjoyed ;the motor trip.
On the morning of Saturday Aug.
8th., he left his room feeling in good
spirits and remarked to his wife on
the enjoyable trip that they so far had.
On reaching the down stairs he bid
his sister, Mrs. L. J. Merritt, with
whom they were staying, a cheerful
good morning, and almost instantly
expired. The cause of death is atttri-
buted to hardening of the arteries.
with which he was afflicted.
farm in Hullett one mile east of Au-
burn, where the family resided until
conning to Blyth eighteen years agog
Mr. Scott engaged in the implement
business for a time after coming to
town but mostly has lived a retired.
life. He was Presbyterian in religion.
and Conservative in politics.
He leaves to mourn his doss, his
wife and one daughter, Patience, to
whom much sympathy is extended in:
their bereavement, Besides his inr-
mediate family he leaves two brothers
and three sisters, namely:—Robert
Scott, of San Francisco, Cal.; Archie,
The many friends of Mrs. Bert Mc-
Call were sorry to hear of her being
severely injured in a motor crash
near Tilbury, and hope she will
soon be well again. Three others in
the car were killed two of them being
her sisters.
drew's Church on Wednesday of last
Week, service being conducted by the
pastor, service being conducted by the-
interment in Ball's Cemetery, Hull-
The pall -bearers were six nephews
of the deceased: Messrs. Larry Whip-
ple, of Hartford, Conn„ Otis Whip
Miss Ethel Wilbur of Toronto, is ple, Andover, Conn.; Sidney Whipple,
at present visiting with Mrs. Jas. Chicago; Fred Scott, New 'fork; At.
MastersR. chic Webster, Londesboro and James
Mrs.' oss Douglas returned to Tor;;. Webster Hullett,--Blyth Standard,
onto, after spending her vacation with The late Mr. Scott was a brother of
relatives here, Mr.. W. E. Scott, Victoria St,