The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-08-27, Page 2IXgnrvM..NIXI: E VINWIAM ADVANCE.TINES Published 'at WINGHA1V1, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning A. G. Smith, Editor and Proprieto 1£ tb chiid is not already effective- ly vaccinated against small -pox, this should be done: before school opens... It is also advisable to have the doc- tor make a test to find out whether or not there is a susceptibility to diplt- `Subscription rates—One year $2,00, theria: If there is, it is possble to its ~ix months $I:oo, in advance. Advertising; rates on application. Advertisements without specific di- rections will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. Changes for contract advertisements be in the office by noon, Monday, 6+N01,11111,I,I,1111,,t1,1„/1111111/111$1110111,11111111111111111,1111\,II• 1925 AUGUST 1925 [Su Tu 2 3L Li1Oi1.1 0018 '03)25 j3 {23125 We Thlj Fr I Sa 5 E61 1 1.2131415_ 19 0212Z 26;27128 291 /11111 ,11,11.,1,11111111,1111,11 1111111 111111,1 ,1111111 ❑II,IIIIIII„ ����m1tIf�11J� \\eve to o d D` ettee maniac the child against this danger- ous disease by means of 'toxin -antitox- in, Every child should beprotected against these two preventable conta- pious diseases before starting to school. GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL By Dr. W. J. Scholes Children with good minds some- times fail to learn as readily as they should. There are different reasons, for this. Among them is ill -health or the presence of .some physical defect. In schools where there are regular medical examinations of the pupils, these defects are often discovered. In many instances their correction is pos- sible But all children are not fortun- luq —o,..» A Warning to Be Remembered Last March, the United States Pub- lic Health Service issued a warning against the use of bunion pads as a dressing in vaccination, It seems that the use of the bunion pad as a_.vaccin- ation shield became somewhat popu- lar.Some fatal cases of tetanus (lock- jaw) followed their use. The spores of the tetanus bacillus, the germ that causes tetanus, or lock- jaw, were demonstrated on bunion pads in tests made in the Hygienic Laboratory of the Public Health Service. The Public Health Service discour- ages the use of shields of any kind as dressings for vaccination. It is stated thattheir use makes conditions favor- able for infection, especially for infec- tion nfectionwith tetanus germs or spores. It is further stated that it is best to use no immediate dressings in the majori- ty of cases. It is well to remember this warning at this time of year when many chil- dren will be vaccinated against small- pox prior to entering school. ate enough to attend schools in which there are medical tests. would surely like to get rid of them How about the six-year-old who is just starting to school? Is he to be handicapped from the first day by de- fective vision or imperfect hearing? rrhe child that cannot see. clearly miss- es nine that is hdemonstrated on the —o— Questions and Answers Hives W. S: F. writes: "What, causes hives? I break out with them every little while. If I scratch the skin to stop the itching they only get worse. I seem to be in good health. What can I do to keep from getting then? What is good.to stop the itching? I IN o�la I0 11 for good if there is any way of doing it." Reply While most people are able to eat all of the ordinary foods ,with no ill- effects there are certain people to blackboard. Properly fitted glasses lwhom some of the protein foods act may give perfect vision. The chi that is unable to hear much of what is said, may acquire an undeserved re- putation for backwardness. Yet even defective hearing may sometimes be remedied. Ill -health due to'poor teeth, diseas- ed tonsils or adenoids, and faulty nu- trition .may be causes o is eness as. poisons. A peculiar sensitiveness to these foods is present. Among the foods that cause: hives in susceptible people are eggs, milk, meats, different kinds of shell -fish, berries, melons and occasionally grains. Some of the mineral salts and other substances sometimes used in medicine may cause a hive -like erup- HOHA119C AD N ANcE"".i+IXMek S xtrl.M,giWiM? ME) !;,,10 in in os ni is NI® . NI NI II NI E IN INIIINININI■ IN ill mg la iii ■� NI ml IN al®in. in to ia f 1' tl or MIabnormalities, may be revealed by a inattention. These, as well as other,ti n. conditions .that interfere with loll. careful examination. They could of- normal elimination may also act as ten be corrected before they interfere )causes. Si the same thing does not r NI the child's progress in school. cause hives in every case. Every child deserves the privilege The first thing , to do is find. the IN of starting to school without unnec- cause in your particular case. Then essary handicaps in the way of ill- avoid it; It may be necessary to have i health or remediable physical defects. a physician make skin tests in order" '• NI —0 - d ble to determine what .partcular food is the cause. It would also be advisable to have a general examination to de- termine whether or not there- is any disturbance of health that may act as a cause, Should Be Vaccinated Small -pox and diptheria are both preventable diseases. It looks as though scarlet fever would soon be added to the list. UNIVERSITY OF ESTE $ N this complex age the ambitious youth Y deems a university education essential to his career. It opens the door to opportunity and helps a man to make the most off himself. Leaders are needed everywhere; in the professions, in commerce and in- dustry, .in agriculture, in politics, in community and social lif e. The cost of a university coursei s small considering the benefits received. The most profitable invest- ment possiblef or nvest-mentpossiblefor a young man is to Haves you considered (these /acts? entaarooserneltlatilaWilm N ONTARH) ?or information write to:— Dr.H.F. R. NEVILLE, Registrar London, Canada. • THE HYDRO SHOP .. • entompfroramoonernammegmrnorenemartrrelmattemerenn ELECTJC See Our New McClary Electric •--- Ranges -- Watch for ,Announcement of Our Etectrkc Cooking Demonstration r inv arnJtilities Cravvgord 1 1.61 e Phone:156. IMMIX1011 Uff *I MEM I CEMN� EM Thursday, August 27th., xp2$ Is extended to you .The business and professional interests of Feei .. Wingharn want you to grasp it. Fthe strength of its Sincer y Eagerness it and Eerness• to satisfy. Learn of its actns in moulding this—our town --into a greater and more enterprising community. It's the hand of Fellowship, of Welcome, of Ambition and Determination which has done so much in contributing to the welfare of our community. Just think of the civic development that has been ours—thanks to the loyalty and' broadminded- ness of our local Commercial interests. • What motive prompted it? Certainly not conceit nor selfishness. Just one noble purpose was in back of it all that. of contributing to YOUR happiness, YOUR welfare. Then think of the spirit that has' built thesemany improvements. How unhesitatingly the busi- ness and professional men of this town havethey come forward with financial aid — often when could least afford it. Yet they did it with a generous heart. and a cheerful smile. That's the spirit which has made Wingham so progressive. All those interests ask in return is your C0 -OPERATION• in building a,n even BRIGHTER FU- TURE for this community.' Let's do some REAL boosting f r our t,,,, making it better EVE YY Y WAY y�Yyl,��fyii� yy����IR11y1yy YIL�{� jj yy��tryW� p��+Yt�!y y171i' dM'i Me M M �� W0 .,`'�F' NEM ME i yi 1:, ®ml EMMOM moi froze' Mishter Galbraith, an mebby 'away from the cakes wid too much gerous. Council- gave instructions to Bathing in warm water in 'which fancy slituff on thim. Wan wumman' have it removed, also some work done a clime shirt from Mishter Isard, an a who wus too mane to put enough on Church Street. pair av shoes from Mishter Greer, eggs an fruit in her cakes, used to' Council adjourned to meet at regu- socks an underclothes from Rlishter ,gaum thirst all over wid sliticky shtuff, lar meeting or call of the Reeve. King, an a suit av clothes from Mislz !an thin shprinkle nuts on it, but she Fred Davey, Clerk. ter Hanna, an thin dither gittin his only fooled me wance. Afther that August 17, x925. Special meeting ed a at watt av the I_ head piece thrimm p Insect to watch fer someting the miss -of council. on this date; members pies barber shops, ye take him down to us had•made, rather than take chances., ent A. J. Sanderson, E. ]Dobbs, Alex. the dam fer a bath, an duress hire up I I tought mebby I ' wudden't min- Wright. Reeve in the chair, an come down shtrate agin, an, sines, shun pollyticks in this letther, but 1 By-law No. 3, 1925, village of Wro- nobody wud know him fer the same can't hilp wondherin what thim Grits fellah. He troves. back his showlders iiitind to do. Mebby they don't xeter now read twice, onmotion of an trois to leaps shtep wid ye on the Alex. Wright was passed Carried: know thiralsilves, fer if they line up Council adjourned to meet at regu- soidewall(, but ye kin see that some-Swid the U. F. O.'s, an' vote fer Jawn lar meeting, Friday _ evening. Fred ting is missing yit, an suddenly re -'King, thin all the Tory U. F. O's, will , rnireber -that mebby the poor beggar vote fer Jarge Shpotton, If they put Davey, Clerk. stades someting to ate. -Ye take him la man in the field they will shplit the August 21, 1925. Regular meeting into the restaurant ab give him meb- ' counthry vote an elickt Jarge antsy- of the Council: Members present, by the fursht shquare male he has had 'way. ThumGrits mush/ be doin Alex. Wright, A. J. Sanderson, E. fer wakes, an hand him a dollar fer a some harrud shtudyin these hot days; new shtart iti loife, an thin, to see the but, moind ye, they heDobbs, Reeve in the chair. Minutes puny of meetings of regular meeting of July walk av him, ye wud tint( he was run- long headed lads among thim, and 7th., and special meetings of August nin fer the 'town council. As some- what they are shl(amk fer is how to i4 and 17, were read and adopted -on wan has ca:;ct, oodclothes don't males lick botr, Jarge (/,.,shoe a lawn motion of A. J. Sanderson and' Alex. Wright. Accounts:—H, Patterson running E. L. plant.5 nights $8.75; T. G. Hemp- hill, power and rent, June and July 18.50; John Douglas, spikes 5•40; John Smith, work on .sidewalks 12,00; Gib- son Lumber Company, lumber, posts etc., village share, 135.65. Motion of Alex. Wright and A. 3. Special meeting of the Council on Sanderson, that above accounts be Friday, August 14th, Councillors all paid and order's drawn on treasurer present. Reeve .in the chair, to consi- for same. A motion of E. Dobbs and der submitting a by-law to the rate A. J. Sanderson that by-law appoint - payers. ing Deputy Returning Officers and r1 motion of E. Dobbs and A. J. Poll Clerk to attend at taking vote on Sanderson that the council have, by- by-law No; 3. Carried. law drawn up and submitted to `rate After considering. the estimates for payers.—Carried. the year, a motion by Alex. Wright Figures of W. A. Rutherford sub- and E. Dobbs that the rate for 1925 mittcd to. council for ladders for the be 38 mills. Carried. village in case of fire, Considered too Motion' of A, J, Sanderson and E. high, no action taken. Dobbs, council adjourn to meet at re. Complaint of rate payer on Howick hilar meeting or call of .the Reeve. street of a shade tree considered dan- J Fred Davey, Clerk, ■ ■ MM MEEEEMMIN EN some baking soda is dissolved, usually helps to releive the itching. A little starvation when you get the hives, and drinking large .amounts of water may help. A laxative is generally advised. Severe cases should of course be treated by a physician. —0— (Note:—Dr. O_- (Note. Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these col, umns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. Per- sonal answered only sonal questions will b when accompanied by self addressed stamped envelope. Address Dr. -W. J. Scholes, in care of this paper.) ■ mi ■ a a A COAT OF POLISH To the Editur av the Advance-Toinzes Deer Sur, Shure, but wasn't, it the foirie resht intoirely us li� 1 in had lash/• wake, whin ye don p roan look betther, which is a throe per? 'Tis the way av ' the wurruld now fer ivirybuddy to take a holiday, sayin, an spechially so if the clothes an come back at the ind av it all Coir- are bought. from George Carr art C. ed out, an ready to shtart at their re- B. Armitage. Thum lads' know how pular' jawbs fer a esht. to fix ye up an make ye look twinty Be rayson av not havin me usual Years younger. Whin 1 came to letther to wroite I had more toin1 to.town 1 wus incloiried to be a little walk arround town an see what lin- shtoop showldered mesilf; wid fallyin provemints payple do be 'makin. I the plow, an wearin shirts the misses tint( mebby the mosht important wur- used to make fer nie, but now that 1 ruk bein done at prisint, is on that oulcl git me clothes ,made be the tailor I landmarruk, "The Quane's Hotel," walk as shtraight as a dhrummer in a 'Tis a great itnprovemint to the looks I(:iltie band, an have jist abbot as ® av-the place, an moinds me that ye good an opinion av mesilf. ■ cud put a coat av paint ars putty on. Av coarse' 1 don't want ye to run ■■ an ould house, an ould.auto, arr an away wid the oidea that I titrk the out - 11 culd' face, an make army wan av thim soide thrimniins mane iviryting, fez, as look as good as new, ye cud pick up shore, I am ttooff, o ould athe irr$ yin i be an ould thrantp, wi'd no more clothes caught wid , on him than a girrul at a dance, an Away back in the days whin the Chur- shtart in at the South hid, 'av the cies used to troy to snake money be town wid hits an buy a hat from. houlditt tay-irtaytitis, acid givin a 50c fi Mishter Mills, an mebby a collar an supper fer a gttar•tlier, I used to kape t to r 'Hint army pa- aintlentan, brit they .males a, pistils ,' King at the same toime. '1 don't tink mesilf that it kin, be done, but quare tings happen sometohnes. Yours till nixt waste, Timothy Hay ■ WROXETER 1