The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-08-13, Page 4•
Thursday, August ;cath., x905,
rho r' ,$to
I-�alf Frit$610
Hair Brushes- Genuine Ebony,
I'reueb Ivory, Real Bristles
We are preparing for stock taking and are offering
complete stock of !Hair Brushes (80) at Half Price.
Regular 2.50 for , $1:25
Regular 1.50 for , . , , 75c, Etc.
Face Powder Compacts
Single or Double, a large variety from the best mak-
ers to choose from at Half Price.
Regular 2.00 for
Regular 1.50 for
Narcissus Face Powder and a Loose Powder
pact -Something new,
$1.75 Value for ,..$1.39
McKibbon's Drug Store
27Ee �E'ix
Wh ,hem. Ont.
Phone 53
FOUND - A man's raincoat, owner
may have same by proving proper-
ty and paying for this advertise-
ment. Apply to John Raby, John
Street, Wingham.
FOR SALE... --One- hundred- acres
of good land, hardwood bush, good
barn 40x60, cement stables, water,
young orchard bearing, school with -
hi forty rods. Four miles from
Wingham. Terms easy. For furth-
er particulars apply to Mr. John
Hopper, Patrick St., Wingham.
STRAYED -Grey Heifer, about a
year old, with roan head and neck
came to the premises of the under-
signed on or about July ;9th. Ow-
ner may have same by proving pro.-
perty and paying expenses, W. J.
Campbell, lot part 13-14, 12th eon.
TO RENT -Furnished house 'with
five rooms, Will rent unfurnished
if more suitable. Apply at The Ad-!
vance Times Office.
e • !1
= Repaired P i - ▪ Pocock, J. Taylor.
• -_I have opened up a Repair ._ Geometry
Shop in the Pattison store oppo- _i
E._ •site Nortrop's Butcher Shop.
Second hand furniture bought
P. and sold.
Es a
MIDDLE SOHQQL RESULTS Mitelaell, I, Mundell, T, Robertson, 0.
-.- ..., Stokes,
Composition1 The Percentage of passes in Form 4
xst class -J, Field, J, Menzies, G. was 93 and in Form 8 was 76, and in
Mitchell, hi, Mitchell, T. Robertson. both forms was 83 per cent., which
' end class -M, Gibson, A, McLean, was- indeed a very good showing for
E, McLean, M. Snell, Wingham High School,
3rd class -M, Christie, J. Fowler, W.
Henderson; A. McBurney, C, Messer, RECALLING OLD ACQUAIN-
T. Mundell,'
Credit -E. Carr, C. Dickson, 13, Do-
bie, E. Henderson, L. Hetherington, Mr. A, J. Snell of Toledo, Ohio, vis -
J, Hontuth, V. McGue, W. McKibbon, ited with old acquaintances in Wing -
H. Sutton, M. Vanstone. ham for a few days, He paid our
Literature sanctum several friendly visits, Mr.
est class -C, Dickson, M. Gibson, J. Snell's father, the late John Snell, as
Hometh,-M. Snell, sisted with the building of the Wing -
2nd class -M. Christie, B, Dobie, J. ham Public School and several `other
Field, E, Henderson, A. McBurney, J. buildings in town.
Menzies, G. Mitchell, M, Mitchell. I Mr. Snell has an old collection of
3rd. class -W, Henderson, A. Mc- portraits which are 'very interesting,
Lean, C. Messer, T. Robertson. They were in a book Called ''Queen
Credit -A, McKinney, G. Angus, E, Alexandria's Gift Book sold for Char -
Carr, L. Hetherington, V. McGee, E. ity." The 134- photos were all taken
McLean, 0. Stokes. by her majesty with her own kodak.
B. History Mr, Snell also showed us an crld
est. class -M. Chirstie, 5: Field, A. scribbler which he used While attend -
McBurney, M. Snell, ing Wingham Public School in 5877,
2nd, class -C, Dickson, M. 'Gibson, with James Ferguson as -his teacher.
E. Henderson, W. Henderson, L. He- Boys of today, listen! That scribbler
therington, J. Homuth, W. McKibbon, is .. so neatly written in that it is no
A. • McLean, • C. Messer, M. Mitchell, wonder that the owner is not asliam-
T. Robertson, 0. Stokes. ed to show it. There were thirty schol-
3rd. class -B, Dobie, J. Fowler, N. ars in his class, and we find that many
Williamson, J. Wright. v of them are among the world's prom -
Credit -E. Carr, V. McGue, E. Mc- inent men and women, and several
Lean, J. Menzies, G. Mitchell. are subscribers to the old home pap -
A. History • er. Mr. Snell, who is now a well-to-do
est, class -A. Inglis, C. •Louttit, J. glove manufacturer in the city of To -
Taylor, A. Gibbons, ledo, will have the Wingham. Advance -
end. class -A. Anderson, E. Hast- Tunes as a weekly visitor to his home
ings, W. Kew, M. Moir, V. Sellars. in future, and he says the next time
srd. class -A,. Johnston, H. Pocock, Wingham has an old boys' reunion
P, Scott, B. Vogan. he will do his share to drum up the
Credit=G. Anderson, E, Blackhall, boys in the U. S. A. who are fotsiaer
H. Boyce, A. Corbett, 0. Fells, E. residents of the town.
Gaunt, M. Gurney, D. Lloyd, M. Mc- , Here are a few of the class who
Gregor, W. McFadzean, A. McKague, went to school with Albert Snell in
A. *McKinney, A. Montgomery, C. the days of "Tong ago, -and yet how
Scandrett, A. Walker: .� they seem but as yesterday.
Algebra I Joe Gibson, now a wealthy resident
est. class -0. Fells,. E. Hastings, S. of San Francisco.
Hutton, A. Inglis, M. McGregor, M. Frank Fowler, now a tailor in Bran -
Moir, A. Montgomery, J. Robertson, don, 'Man.
P. S'cotf, V. Sellars, B. Vogan, A. Gib-' Will Holmes, for some time a phys-
bons. ician in Brussels, and now a resident
2nd. class -A. Anderson, H. Boy- of British Columbia.
ce, C Louttit, W. McFadzean. '1 Eliza Hamilton, now Mrs. Collings,
3rd class -E. Blackhall, E. Gaunt, Strathroy, sister of Mrs. Frank An -
W. Kew, C. Scandrett. gus, town. -
Credit -G. Anderson, M. Gurney, B, Alfred Jackson, now a druggist in
Johnston, D. Lloyd, A. McKague, H. Winnipeg, and a coming Mayor of the
I Mary McConnell, whom we under -
est. class -G. Anderson, O. Fells, E. stand became a noted artist.
Gaunt, W. McFadzean, A. McKinney, John Holmes, now deceased„ be -
M. Chirstie, J. Field, E. Henderson, J. came a leading criminal lawyer.
Homuth, A. McBurney, W. MCKib-' Ed. Groves, . who' died while princi-
bon, M. Mitchell, M. Snell, 0. Stokes, pal of Egerton School, Toronto.
J. Young, W. Henderson,. 1 John F. Groves, now a' grocer in
20d. class W. Kew, J. Fowler, V. Toronto.
David Hamilton
McCue. I Mary -Baxter, now Mrs. John And-
1111iI111eItImINs111/I�IIIIAl11o01�I11A111Ritl�ilii 3rd class -M. Gurney, A. McKague, erson, B. line.
FOR •SALE -Tender beans, yellow
and green, carrots, beets, spinach,
green onions, white .sugar beets,
green peas, fresh eggs, fat hens. Get
you pickling beets now before they
grow too large. New potatoes are
now at their best. John. Kerr,
phone 625 ring 4.
1 Lions at County Home
TENDERS -Tenders will be received' ham Lions Clubs gave a garden party
for the digging of and furnishing on the grounds of the County Home!
tile for the McDougall Division of at Clinton, on Wednesday afternoon,
the Johann-Teinash Drain. Plans; August 5th. A goodly crowd of Lions
and specifications may be seen at .' and their friends were present and
The Goderich, Seaforth and Wing -
the clerk's gffice and tenders must "made a real happy time for the eighty
be in the hands of the clerk by Aug. 'seven inmates of the home. The Hen -
26th. Temper cent: of the contract derson Pipe Band of London, assisted
price must accompany tender. Low- with the program. . Lion D. E. • Mc -
est or any tender not necessarily ac- Donald, in Highland costume, and
cepted. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. his daughter, Mrs. W. VanWyck, also
Miss Nancy Taylor and Mr, George
STALLION FOR SERVICE: Peter Spotton were Winghamites who con-
McKillop by Peter the Great, Dans tributed to the program.
Katy Tod, z81. Fee $25.00. Mur- Lion Amos 'Tipling, who has been
ray Gratton by Gratton Royal will in poor health for several months was
also be available intwo weeks. R. able to be with the crowd, , He spent
Trench, Teeswater, Ont. so many years at the -county council
jthat he has become a favorite with
'several of the oldpeople at the coun-
ty home,
C. P, R. Daily Schedule The ladies provided refreshments
Trains are due to leave Wingitann for all present and the county wards
and arrive at Wingham as follows: had a special treat in the.form of ice
Leaving Winghern 6.45 a, in. arrive cream contributed by the Warden.
btg in. Toronto 11.35 a. m. Then there were gifts for all the in-
Leaving Wingham 3 p. m,, arrive mates -a handkerchief and a string of
ing in Toronto 7.40 p. m, beads or a brooch for each of the
Arriving in Wingham from Toron- women, tobacco or a necktie for each
to at 05 and 10.35 Is in. of the hien, and a bag of candies and
W. a Brawley, Agent an orange all 'round --these being the.
gifts of the Lions.
C. N. 1. Daily Schedule To say that the helpless "ones . for
whore this treat was arranged enjoyed
Leave Wingham at 6.40 a. m. and it all immensely is putting it in a mild'
arriving in Toronto at te.eo a. in. • form of words. Some of them, were
Leave Wingham at 2.54 p. m., ar- that it is not at alI improbable that it
riving in Toronto at 7.30 p. m• had ever had, and all the time and la-
Leave Toronto . at 6;45 a, tie, arrive bor ee:pended by those who made the
ing in Wingham at 51.55 a. tit. preparations and contributed the pro -
.Leave Toronto at`s.o2 p. Est, arrib, gram were consideted wellP aid for in
ing in Winghatn at 9,37 p. zn. the very evident pleasure that was giv-
To London leave at 6,55 a.. m.,rea- en to the county's charges. In fret,
eh London at 0.55 a, in. the affair was such a huge success
To London Leave at 5.15 p. nt., tea- that It is not at all improbable that it
oti London at 420 p, m. will become an annual event,
Leave London at h a, Int r arriving
at Wingham 12,12 noon. BORN
Leave London at 4.45 1), m•, arriv-. Mason --In East Wawanosli, on 'rues-
ing at Wingham zss p, re. day, August exth, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. V. B trgniane Agent, John Mason, a Mott.
C. Scandrett, A. Walker, C. Dickson,} Thos. Deans and John C. Currie,
B. Dobie, T. Robertson, J. Wright. ,who are still respected residents of
Credit -H, Boyce, D. Lloyd, E. Carr Wingham:
J. Menzies, I. Mundell, N. William- ( Lucy Reynolds, now Mrs. Marsales,
son. also of Wingham.
'Physics' f John Ansley, who resided in Wing -
est. class -M. Christie, J. Field, E. ham until his death.
Henderson, W. Henderson, A. Me- It would make.. interesting reading
Burney, W. McKibbon, T. Robertson, if other ofthe o!d guard who went to
M. Snell, J. Wright. Ischool here and in other nearby
2nd. class -M: Gurney„ C. Dickson, schools would recall school days and
J. Fowler, N, Williamson. names of old chums through the col -
3rd. class -E. Carr, J. Homuth, M, umns of The Advance -Times.
Credit -R. VanVelsor, V. McCue, J, "BIG BROTHERS" IN IMMI-
Menzies, C. Messer, I. Mundell, 0. ' ORATION
Stokes, J. Young.
Chemistry y
'From the Chicago Dail News)
est. class -A, Anderson, W. McFad- : (From
American origin, the "big broth-
zero, A. Montgomery, V, Sellars, B. ' er" movement is being extended in a
Vogan. rather unexpected way by Great Brit -
end. class -H. Boyce,: C. Louttit,:/, ain and some of its .autonomous col -
Moir, H. Pocock, P. Scott, -R. Van -'denies,
Velsor, A. Gibbons. I Thanks to an enlightened Austral-
3rd. classE. Blackhall, D. Lloyd. 'ian, Richard Linton, juvenile emigra-
tion from Great' Britain is being or
Gaunt, M. Gurney, E. Hastings, A. "ganized with the aid of "big brothers"
Inglis; A. Johnston, W. Kew, A. Mc- in Australia, who pledge themselves
Kague, J. Robertson, C. Scandrett, E. 'to act as parents or guardians 'to the
Switzer, J. Taylor. 'boys seeking opportunities in the new
s Latin Authors !lend. Leading citizens have joined in
est. class -A. Anderson, V. Sellars,
1 the movement, Thus each boy im-
B. Vogan. iniigrant is, practically assured of pro -
and. class -M. Moir, A. Montgoin- Lection arid sympathetic interest from
Credit -G, Anderson, 0. Fells, E.
3rd. class -A Inglis, H.
Scott, A. Gibbons:
Credit -H, Boyce, C. Louttit,
the'day of his, arrival 'till he reaches
Pocock, P. 'manhood.
IIt is worthy of note that no city boy
M. and no boy who prefers city life and.
McGregor. ;looks` for a -job in a factory or office
Latin Composition lis to be nominated for the privilege in
est.. class --W. Henderson, A. Mc- question, Australia bas all the city
Burney, M. Snell, 'population it requiresr in the opinion
3rd. class -A. Gibbons, J. Field, M.of its "big brothers" and high officials.
Gibson. -• i It wants more farmers, So farm boys
Credit - P. Scott,' M. Christie, C. Tand other boys who promise to take
Dickson, E. Henderson, J. Homuth,'up agriculture and pursue it industri-
W. McKibbon, O. Stokes. Iously are to be encouraged in every
French Authors
est. class --M. Moir,
way to avail themselves of state and
private aid under the supervision of
2nd. class -A. Anderson, E. Black- the "big brother" organization,
hall, A. Montgomery, V. Sellars. The boys, however, in return for
3rd, class -H. Pocock, P. Scott. the proffered= protection, are required
Credit -- H. Boyce, A. Inglis, . A. to bind themselves to certain cond-
Johnston, W. Kew, C. Louttit, M. Mc ;tion. They cannot leave an -employer
Gregor, C. Scandrett, J. Taylor, B. Vo- without the permission.' of the "big
gain A, Gibbons. brothers"; they must write at least
French Composition once a week to their parents and to
est. class -W. Henderson. the "big brothers*); they roust seek
3rd, class -C. Louttit, R. VanVelsor, and follow the advice of the "big
E. Henderson, ,l. Homuth, 1L Snell, brothers' in every emergency or 'ung
Credit -M. Christie, C. Dickson, J, foreseen situation; and, finally, they
Field, M, Gibson, W. Mc1abbon, 1Vl.'ms st promise to refrain from gatn-
111111011111110 1111$111 tl111111111*1(1 UI1All(0IIII1II111111 III.III111IIII 1111111011 110!Il l!13111110111rM111 11*
11111 ,_P;
i A Few of the Many Bar, * .
igain, .et
i fib)
Nyu, i III
m !.- ' Sale!
i S
tom11t1IIUiu mmllltelllAllIImIIIeIII
Women's Patent Sandals with
low Rubber Heel, all sizes, reg-
ular $3.00 values, to
clear at . °��
We have grouped together about
20, pairs . of high grade Pumps,
strap styles. All sizes in the lot
Regular $5.00 to $6.5o values and
marked to clear
at _:._...._.._ . ._2
' PUMPS. i
Gore and 'Strap stypes, Cuban ree
and Low heels, $3.00 f
values for it
$4.00 values for ------.$2.89
Misses' Patent and Brown lea-•
ther Sandals, all sizes 51 to 2. . !-
Clean -Up Sale
at--------- 1.49 »�
Children's Sandals, sir-• X99 I
es 5 to 104•
10/ Off all lines of Suit Cases, Club Bags
and Trunks.
Telephone 23 -
II!lAllI®!Ilelil®I!I@811lltlll 9lll�lll1�1'll!I!fB!IIt IIIII'llll�Ilii
Wing, drinking and other dissipations
till they reach the age of 21.
Desirable boys whose parents are
unable to pay the expenses of emi-.
gration to Australia may apply for a
loan to the Australian bureau in Lon-
don. They will be expected fo repay
this loan out of their earnings, for
each boy is to open an account at
the bank nearest his places of residen-
In :September 250 English boys are
to be sent out under this unique plan,
Others will follow them. It is report-
ed that Canada, South Africa and other
British dominions are planning eo em-
ulate -the Australian example.
Wingham, Aug: loth, /925
A. G. Smith, Esq.,
Wingham, Ontario.
Dear Mr, Smith:
On behalf of the various teams of
the Wingham Softball League, we, the
undersigned, beg to extend to yqu our
sincere appreciation of, your great
kindness in offering the very hand-
some Silver Cup, now displayed in
your window, as a' tophi to be com-
peted for. We feel sincerely indebted
to you for this donation; we realize
that the prospect of winning such a
beautiful cup has very materially stim-
ulated the excellent spirit of rivalry
now being exhibited in the various
contests underway.
Your donation we 'feel has awaken-
ed a very desirable ambition in the
breasts of the players to excel, as a
consequence of which the public are
being furnished, excellent entertain-
ment which bears every indication of
.being greatly appreciated and enjoy-
ed,. Your Cup has been an invaluable
help to us and we again. beg to sin-
cerely thank you for it.
Yours Very truly,
F. 0, Preston, Pres.
H. L. Sherbondy, Sec.
Look at Your Label
The Advance -Times mailing list has
been corrected until noon on Satur-
day, August 8th. If your subscription
was paid before that time your label
should be marked up this week, Kind-
ly read the label, If you are in ar-
rears we will appreciate an early set-
tlement. If there is a mistake in the
label come in and explain it to us.
The Paper Is Passed Ot
Winnipeg, Aug. 6t12, 5925
Editor "Advance -Times"
Dear Sir:
-Enclosed find Money Order for two
dollars in payment of subscription to
your paper, each copy of which is al-
ways passed on, and among the read-
ers is an Xrish lady seventy -torte years
old, who never saw the town of Wing -
ham, but who derives a great deal of
pleasure from reading Tim's weekly.
contribution and other items of inter-
est.. Wishing you every success, 1 atn.,
Sincerely yours,
3. Bolger.
289 Beverly St.
Suddenly of heart failure at And-
over, Conn., U.S.A., on August 8th,
5925, William Murray Scott, aged 65
years. The funeral will take place -
from his late residence; Queen St..N.,•
Blyth, to St. Andrew's Church', at 2 p.
m., Wednesday, August 12th, thence;
to Ball's cemetery for interment.. '
Stuart -Rutledge Nuptials
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge
of Scott St., Brampton, was the scene
of a pretty wedding on Wednesday,
Aug. 5th, when their only daughter„
Elizabeth Maude, was united in mar-
riage to Robert Burns Stuart, son of
Mrs. Stuart -McNutt and the late Rob-
ert Stuart. Rev, Stanley Elliott, pas-
tor of Grace United Church, Bramp-
ton officiated. The bride entered the
drawing room to the strains of Lo-
hengrin's Wedding March, rendered?
by Miss Edith Armstrong, and was
given away by her father. The Gere-
!Inony took place in a bower of ferns,
!sweet peas and roses.
The bride was gowned in white silk
canton crepe trimmed with pearls with
embroidered net veil caught with or-
ange blossoms and carried a bouquet
of roses and lily of the valley. Miss
Kathleen Bateman, cousin of the
groom was bridesmaid, wearing pale
green georgette and carrying -a bon-
puet of pink and white carnations. Mr.
Weldon Rutledge, brother of the bride
was best man. Following the cere=
mony a buffet luncheon was served af-
ter which the happy couple left on
their honeymoon to Niagara; Buffalo
and Detroit, the bride travelling in a.
navy tricotine ensemble suit with hat
to snatch, and white fox fur, On their
return they will reside in Brampton,
Mrs. Stuart is a niece of Miss Rut-
ledge and Mrs. Fothergill of Wing-
Sept: 29-30'
_» _. Oct. 8-9
» Sept. 24-25
Sept. 24-25
Sept.. 9-11
Hanover ,»._.: »...,.:.,» _.._-._Sept. 16-18.
Harriston ....,. Sept. 24-25
Hepworth »._ Sept. 29' 0.
Kilsyth.. Oct. 8-9
Kincardine ~_Sept. 17-18
Lions Head .:, eyo-Oct. i
London Western Sept. 12-e9-
Lueknow ,,._ ». Sept. 24-25
Mildmay ...,» , .,... » Sept. 22-23
Owen Sound » Sept. i5 -i8
Paisley ... »„ Sept. 29.30
Pinkerton Sept. 23,}
Port Elgin Oct. 2-3
Ripley »..»,." ....»... » .» Sept. 29-30.
Tara Oct. 6-7
Teeswater Oct, 6.7
Wiarton ..._».. ,»..... Sept. 22-23.:
Mrs, N. T. Sinclair atd"daughters,
Margaret and Helen, of Winnipeg, are
visiting at the home of her tnatber,-
Mrs. Scrinregour.