HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-08-06, Page 8WINGI-IAM, ADVANCE -TIMES
*I*,A*IIU*M■■■1 was read And provisionally adopted.
TheThe follo�ring grants were in
■ School Fairs, Walton, Belgrave and
■ Blttevale $10,09 each; Fall Faits,
ri Brussels, Winghanx and Blyth, each
■ ; $15,00,
r, -
Up t0 $15.00
■ Voile, Cotton, Crepe, Racine and many oth
m er Dresses 60 in tele lot, -Women's and
Misses', must move
Striped Broadcloth Dresses In good styles, .■
■ I Following accounts were paid: -
▪ Robert Galley, patrolman $163.15;
N . Wm. Thuell, patrolman 93.82; Wm.
• Craig, patrolman 134.60; Jno. Craig,
■ patrolman 192.62; Frank Beirns, pa-
'trolman 137,77; Joel;H, Sellers, patrol -
II■ loan 82.90; James Noble patrolman
III 262.78; J. S. Proctor, patrolman 159.1o;.
■ I Jas. Leitch, gravel 29.10; Wm. Mc-
Murray, patrolnan 265.10; Herb
▪ :Wheeler patrolman 168.65; Jas. An-.
derson, gravel ro.8o; Ern. Geddes,
1111 sharpening grader 3.00; Robt. Young,
■ refund error in Bird Drr, 11.75; Herb
■ Kirkby, Wilson Dr. 52.50;; Blyth Cor-
giporation, hall rent26.b0; Assistance,
McCall Drain Survey 4.80; Roy>'Fat
■ terson, grant ' drain 6.00; Jas. Clark,'
■ work 17.40; Chas. Bembrigde, work
■ 19..95; Municipal World Supplies 23.70;
• Joel H. Sellers, farm bridge, 'S. dr.
N . 20,0o; Dave Ramsay, repairing culvert
■ 2.50; Wilfred Congram, work 1.60;'
Victor Haines, work with team3.20;
■ Sandy Campbell,' work with team
■ 4.40; Walton McKibbon, fumigators,
• 2.ao; Thos. Bryans, digging drain
5.00; Bailey Parrott, drawing gravel
•■ 1.5o; Jas, Gibson, gravel 23c; R Rich-
• mond, grading 2.50; J. Nichol,'Must
• and Drain 176.00; Robt. Michie, work
• 16.5o; J. J. McCaughey work -and gra-
vel 19.62; Harry White, cement and
■ gravel 43.5o; Lorne Russell, work
■ 7.50; Lewis Hollinger, work. 17.37;
■ Russell Sundercock, patrolman, Hull-
• ett boundary, 114.0o, Morris 67.50;
■ Wm. Gray,\gravel 52.75; Jno. Brown,.
IN work 6.25; L. E. Cardiff, work 7.50;'
Chas. Campbell, patrolman 341.93; I.
■ J. Shaw, patrolman 134.77; Ed. John-
ston, patrolman 288.85.
111 Next Council nreeting,A:ug. 57, .1925.'
■ A. MacEwen, Clerk.
50 on sale at $2.95.
201X Kayser Silk Stockings, Mauresqree,
Chene, Toreador, Tile White, try our
special All Silk,, sale $1.79.
Harvey's Girls' and Misses' Bloomers, reg.
95c, in ;line ribbed c'tion, Pink and
White. Sale Price 50c.
Wash Go rids, entire stock on sale this
week less 20 Per Cent.
s, Voiles, Ratines, Silk stripe Vol- 2
• ■
Coe LtcL 1
as maama■®s■®■®■
les in all .;,era materials, Salk Crepes
Foal cloths and Pry nts, make
y r ur choice early.
i111'tEi®r rN■
MORRIS ent the Reeve presiding. "'Minutes of
Minutes of Council meeting held in last council meeting were read and
the Township Hall, Morris, on. Mon- approved.
day, July 20., 1925. Members pres- The report on the Jermyn- Drain
Popular Chicago Lyric Singers
at Coming Dominion Chautauqua
The Chicago Lyric Singers, popnlar musical entertainment organization,
will be it dlstlnetive feature of the coming Domiinion-Chailtauqua here,
Tltis notable company prdesente, with rare artistry, many of the beautiful
song'' of Wales, given in typical Welsh costumes.
4rlypsy selections sung frit Spiiniah gipsy costulaes trod oratorio gems, to,-
gettter whin seiection'ts from both light opera and grand opera, are included In
their ,repertoire.
.Thi members of this company ore not only exceptional singers, but poa-
nessrix retndricable degree the dranatie qualities iso necessary hi addition to
tatet10 heed;
l +h�I1i >A11�11~ rCit]i l cottorrn:ene1ug August 8.
Mrs. Wm. Purdon spent the week-
end at the horne of her 'brother, Mr.
John Stein, Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon and Jean
of' St. Helens, spent Monday at Kin-
Mr. Alex. Chalmers and Mr. Adair
of St. Marys, ospent Monday at . the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Purdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kennedy and
family of • Winnipeg, motored home
Thursday, Aug4St 6XitY,
BLYTI [ ill llll 111 llllgillll�lll�illll�lllBIIIIISIIIIItlilgilll�Irl III
� �fllllMi!lMIIII�ItIIIMlll�lllpllll�FIII�IIII�IIII�IIl11�IIIMIII IIS �
Mr. and., Mrs. William Sloan, Tar-
ar onto, spent the week -end .with friends
in this vicinity.•
A number of out citizens arc attend 1r Shoe spent M
and are visiting, with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Kennedy.
Miss Nettie Cottle, Supt. of Bramp-
ton Memorial Hospital,is spending-
pendingher holidays with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and
James and Lila Emerson, spent the
week -end with their aunt, Mrs. Hen-
ry Peppier of Tavistock.
Miss Annie Kennedy, nurse -in -
training in Goderich Hospital, is
spending her holidays at her home on
the 2nd.
Messrs, Arlie and Fred Mullaney,
Miss Daisy Lucas and John and Nell-
ie Inglis of Toronto, stent the week
end with their aunt, Mrs, Fred Davi
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Purdon and
family, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Irvine Henry ` of Belfast.
Mr. and Mrs. Bolt and Zora, Mr.
and Mrs, Milton Bruce and family and
IVIr. and Mrs. John Purdon and family
spent Sunday at tla lake at Kintail.
Mr. Robert Henderson and son,
Charles of `Detroit, were visiting
friends and relatives here last week.
Mr. Geo. Waterfield of Toronto,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cottle one day
last week.
Miss Laving Mc73urney, spent last
week with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wrn. King,
Mr. Geo. Falconer jr.,of Culross,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, John Falconer.
Mrs. Bert High and Mr. Archie
Steele and his bride of London, spent
the week -end with their aunt, Mrs.
Jas. Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Henderson and
family, spent Saturday with Mrs. Ja-
mieson- and son at their cottage at
Invert uron.
Mr. and Mrs, B. S. Naylor left on.
Saturday for Hamilton and Niagara,
Miss Lorna McClenaghan is .spend-
ing this week with Miss Mary Dobie,
Mrs. 'Jennie Smith of Mitchell is
krisiting with Mrs. Hector Mackay.
Miss Fanny Patterson of Toronto
and Miss Helen Patterson of Leam-
ington are
eain-ington,'are visiting at Helen's home
Died -At Zetland on Sunday, Aug.
2nd., Mrs. Henry Godkin, sr., age 8o
years. The funeral will take place to
Wingham on Tuesday, August 4.
Rev. Mr. Snell, taking the services.
Mrs. H. (Burkholder of Madison,
Ohio, also Mrs. H. R, Mack and two
sons of Swift Current, Sask., visited
With Mr. and Mrs, Will .Belly last
'week. `>
ing the Clinton Old Bays Reunion, osis
An aeroplane passed over our vill-
age Tuesday noon, apparently it was
going South and flying very law. 1
We regret our townsman, Mr. John
Enigh isvery weak and :little hopes !1
are entertained .for his recovery, I L
Mr. Harry Johnston of Hamilton,
spent over Sunday with his parents. )�
Mr. James (utt of 'Sarnia renewed 1
old acquaintances in town Monday
Mr. Russel Gidley of Lonuon, visit !
ed at his home during the week.
The W. F, M. ' S. of the Union g,
Church met Friday afternoon with a rI
membership of 16. Meeting opened
by singing, scripture reading by Annie
Douglas, Topic by Miss Helen Mul- r -
vey, Roll Call, quotations from the
Record; Prayer. by Mrs. Rev. Mc-
Kenzie, collection ,$3.45.
Mrs. - McDonald of Toronto and •e
Mr. and Mrs. 1VIcLcan, Litchi', were
Sunday visitors at Mrs. John Mulveys
rand also called on old friends. i
Mrs. James Nichol and little son,
of Hamilton, Ont., are visiting at Mr. R.
George Herds and other friends here.'
Mr. and 1VIrs. Dickinson and family ® and
of Teeswater, were of Mr. McNei1's,'
Sunday. i ®'
Mr. Allan McKenzie is with old
friends at Kinlough. I
Some of our Institute• members at -1
tended the picnic last week at Mr. 1 �.
Wray's,l Turnberry. _
Mr.wand Mrs. Roland Ballagh were
the guests of Mrs. Newans, Sunday
evening, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Fitch at R. J. Douglas'. ,.
Mr. Herd, Wrn. Abram and James -Fitch are acting the Good Samaritan,
in digging a well for Mr. James 111
Fleming: 1 !
or •• Wornen
In our south window we are showing .a selection
of Women's Shoes at a very low price namely
Miss Eleanor Jeffray, spent the
fore part of the week at her brothers
on the tenth..•.
We all agree with Timothy that
this is a "Quare Wurruld". Too much
talk and not enough wurruk, too
$2.95 Per Pair
These shoes are of good quality several being sold in the us -
way for double the price quoted above -but the ,sixes are broken
they must be cleared out before the Summer Season ends
One shoe of each pair is being shown with
size ticket attached.
Phone 129.
VI/Ingham, Ont. s
IhIl 1 1®U Itol I IA1114111Ii 11WI I I®I tlE I I ISI I ISI I I I ®III®I I Isl I I UI,I i t®I I It111®111®liil■I l ilii l l/! I till I Ig1111Bi q
many men making books and papers ;houses, too much shport an not
and we alight say picking berries. enough'shlape, too much shpendin an
And too few shoein harses an buildin'not enough savin, too many wades an
not -enough .whate. -But as yetno'dogs
in our town wearing gold collars or
children crying for bread.
®■101■®!I11®INNS ®14■■1■■■■®■I1®■®uI 1115
argains You'll
This is the best grade of this,
popular fabric, unfadeable col-
ors that launder perfectly. 38
inches wide, per yard 98c.
The best underwear cloth,
soft and silky, Mauve, Pink,
Blue, White, Nile and Maize.
Specially priced 2gc.
Excellent quality of English
manufacture, the sort that gives
general satisfaction, C r. e a in
grounds with Pink and Blue
stripes,, per yard 48c.
Pretty checks andstripes of
fast colors. Specially priced' at
5 yards for $z.00.
We believe this to be the best
silk hose on the market, any-
where near the price. All the
new shades ,$x.xg.
A durable cloth of fine weave
and soft finish, full 74 inches
wide. Specially priced 240.
EACH 790
Sanitary Aprons, Belts, etc.,
always on hand.
Dominion Crystal 'Granulated
Sugar; per r0o lbs. $6.g5.
All colors, 3 card's for xoc.
Guard Safety Phis, solid brass.
assorted sizes. Specially priced
3 cards for' xac,
SAVING .OF 20 Per= Cent.
Printed Crepes, Silk Broad-
cloths, Voiles, Pamico Cloth,
Linens, 'etc. All reduced 20
per cent.--
20 Per Cent.
You are' always safe • in ta-
king a coat with you this
changeable weather. The ba-
lance of our excellent stock
on sale less 20 per cent.
HOSE $x.so
A newdesign just received
comes in pretty checks of as-
sorted colors, and is the lat-
est thing in smart Hosiery,
per pair $x,5o.,
Corset Demon-
\ stratlon
Thursday and Friday
Mrs. Gibbons will de
monstrate the'. ever pop-
ullar.Gossard Corsets.
All' fittings are Free.
Aug. 6,
TIONS $1,.49
Made of fine Egyptian; Cot
tons in flesh shade with Jer-
sey Silk tops and straps, less
than half price, per gar. $x.49.
AT $5.95
Many patterns of pure wool
that add ,so much comfort to •
your motor trip.
Jaeger Rugs at $xo,00, x7.50
to $85,00.
A special purchase of Cord `.
Madras much below the reg-
ular value enables u;s.to quo-
te this very low price, sizes
14 to 14 $1,49.
Good elastic with the best
leather and brass trimmings.
Colored and White Hand-
kerchiefs, of fine Cambric,
specially priced- 6 for 69c.,,
Of pure wool • with and
without sleeves, that are so.
much in demand. Priced 3.5o'
5.00 and &so. Boys' sizes at
Fresh stock with plenty of
stretch,' many new patterns,
priced 390, 500 and. 75c,
See the latest thing in belts
they are real live elastic, pri-
ced at $1.5o.
NEW CAPS $,.5o to $2.50
For motoring and\ sport
wear, a nice cap always looks
well and ensures comfort,
English makes just received.
ODD PANTS $3.39' and 2.69
Bxoeptidhal values are the-.
Se tweed and worsted pants,
Greys, Browns and Mixtures,
in sizes 34 to 44.
AT $xg.5o '
Many pleased customers
last week. Get yours now
$28,50 to 35.00'values, Special
Sale Price $19.5o.
1ros. Phone 71
11111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111114111111111111111111101111101111