HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-08-06, Page 7Thuraday, ul wit Outs: x925. WIN HAM AM' /AIWA .:WES FIRST LOCOMOTIVE TO STEAM INTO WASHINGTON, D. C. Back in 1832, President Andrew .Jackson adjourned a cabinet meeting -to go out and see this ancient locorrto- live steam into Washington, D; C. It was built that year for the Ba1ti- �� � s rY jyc •f r s�^Yi t�2a.fi � � �/,ag%`'7y,C more & Ohio Railroadcompany and was the first locomotive of its kind to run into the capital, The "Atlantic"- this old "coal -ea - tee' is known -still is in the possess- ion of the B. & 0, and "still . able to operate under its own steam. In the above ,picture, you see attached to it a coach also built its 1832 and brought to America as a private car for offic- ials of the Nova Scotia Coal & Min- ing company at that time: DON'T BELIEVE IT ALL To the Editur av the Advance-Toimes What a quare set av payple we are, I .declare, as the ould song sez, an,. Shure, 'twas a throe wurrud fer -the fellah that said it. Some payple will belave ivirytitig they hear,, arr rade in the paypers, which is wiirse, an oth- ther payple tins: it shmart to purtind not to belave annyting. ' wus talkin wid wan. "av thim doubtin koind wan day lasht wake; an shpakin av the Scotch girrul, Jennie Geddes; who shtarted the heather burnin on the hills be rayson av trowin 'a siztool at the • CROSS Horizontal x. Worn out; over used.. 5. Corner - g.. , A legal claim to, Myself xi. We 12. A kind of bean 14. Toward 15. Bite 18. Direct 20,, Royal Highness (abbreviated) 22. An _ electrical unit 24. A mineral spring 25. Terminate 26. An exclamation of disgust 27. Mocks 29. A drudge 32. Terror 33. Shield - 35• Highest point;, culmination 37•` Pertaining to Actium 3o, Vehicle 40. •England's largest city- 42. Unemployed 44, A large oven 46,: Sorrowful. Noise Thought. Circle of light about head Lack of food A constellation Uplifted Musical instruments Unwavering Orate; speak Male chicken - Verbal Finis Resting place Trap Natural metl Seventh note of scale Rendered fat Prepare for publication A. college degree An untruthful person Each (abbreviated) Near or by Meadows Possessed Plants WORD PUZZLE NO. - ag' 47. 49.•- 52.. 55. 58. 59. 63, 65.. 67. 69; 7z.. 73. 74. 75. 77; 78. 79. 80. 82. 83. 8,, $6, 87. 89. Oct. . Vertical r. Note of scale 2, Residence (abbreviated) ;�. Hotels 4. Sante as "isnpalc" 5, Dormant 6. Happy 7, Cover Printer's measure 9. 13,. 14 16, 17. 19. 21, 23.. 26. 28. 3o. 31. 32. 34- 36. 38. 41. 43. . 45, 48. 5o. 51, 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 6o. 61,. 62. 64., 66. 68. 70. 72. 74•. 76. 79• 84, S8. Fold of thread o Melody Headdress Annex or attach Conjunction • Enlist An egret Bird's honkie Nourish Science (abbreviated) One time Without light Marsh Attacking rope Boat used in canals of Venice . Company (abbreviated) Upon ti Recline - A mountain in Greece Fourth note of scale More costly Too An army;.a throng Sneered Exist Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos Form; shape Annoy Ftiss; ceremony Beginner Deals out grudgingly Inclined the head, Rules .. Indigo Plant Seated Weapons Building where horses are kept Plate of stone used for roofs, floors, etc. Order Spread for drying Maiden loved by Zeus Like arround the bridal altar." "Shtop knockin, me bye," sez i, "an j belave what ye are tould, arr al. laist hey manners enough to purtind to, The fursht ting ye know the thrubble will sbpread among thewinu7iin, an thin see the fix a lot av us znarriedinin will be 'in, whin our wroives will not belave what we are afther tellin thin" The Grits av Nort Huron are shtill sittin on the finee, not ktowin which way to go, an in the manetoirne targe Shpotton an Jawn King do be gash- in in the prawanises, Mebby 'tis a slcame .av the Grits to let thim lads toire thiinsilves out potindin aitch oth- er, ad thin shtep in at the lasht minnit an carry aff the proize. Ye can't be. up to thin:, Grits, as I often tould ye befoor, Some av thins are nearly shmart enough at the pollytickle game to make good Tories. Yours till nixt wake, 'Timothy Hay. Go Through Barricade When their car plunged through a barricade on the road near Wingham ,land down a 10 -foot embankment, turning a somersault -. on the way, about.3 o'clock Friday morning, Gor kion MacLean of Winghain and . T Perry, booking agentfor a Toronto film company, were painfully. injured. The accident happened- about two and a half miles from Wingham, on the Goderich-Wingham gravel road, at a point where the road is under repairs. The driver claims there were only white lights on the barricade and, that he did not see it in time to stop. The tar crashed through the obstruction and turned over. in the deep gravel pit. Mr,' MacLean had his hand bad- ly cut and was severely bruised, Mr. Perry suffered a bad gash in one thigh, and was otherwise cut and 'bruised. They were' returning from Goderich at the time, Lake. Waters Are Low Nowhere along the Lake Shore can one get a better idea of the lowering of the water as a result of the Chi- cago drainage canal than at Ipper- iwash Beach nd Kettle Point, Lake Huron. All along the shore stretch es have been uncovered, varying in width from 3o to zoo feet. Hundreds of kettles have been uncovered, also. large areas covered with boulders and ;already visitors are ",destroying; the kettles, most of the smaller kettles being broken to 'pieces. It has been difficult lately to really see the kett- `=les, they were so scarce, but visitors today can see and study- them at will The uncovering of many additional kettles of all sizes seems to do away with the theory that these kettles are meteoric in origin and give strength to the theory that they are a peculiar rock formation, which is found only one other place in the world.-Stra- 'tliroy. Age. praicher's head, The fellah said theer wus no truth in the shtory, at all, at all, but that iC wus only wan av thin" buld yarns that git handed down frum wan ginerashun to another, wid a little added to it iviry tonne it is kofild. That koind av talk always Ishtirs me Irish blood, so I whit afth- er me bould bye good an shtrong. "I suppose," sez I, ye .wudden't be- lave that George Washington • ivir chopped the cherry tree wid his little axe, arr that William Tell ivir shot an apple aff his son's head, arr that the Highland girrul ivir heard the skirl av the bagpoipes, whin the British were marchin to the relafe av Luck - now: Ye wud casht doubt on the shtory that Gen. Wolfe read Gray's Elegy aloud to his awficers the noight befoor he tuk Quebec, an on the wan that Cromwell tould his; Ironsoides to "take away that bauble" an that he tould the artist fellah to paint him just as he was, "warts an all. No doubt ye wud tink it, shmart to throy to prove that Gineral . Sherman nivir said. "War is hell," arr that Lord Nel- son didn't say "England ixpickts iviry irnan to do his -Booty," arr that We11- Iington didn't pray that noight arr Blu- cher wud come whin tings wus goin lharrud widhim at the battle. av Wa ;terloo, An, to come nearer home,, •ni.ebby ye don't tfnk that Sir Dawn. A. Macilonald said, "A British subject I was born an a British subject I will Idle," arr that Sir Wilfrid Laurier said, ` "Whin Britain's at war. Canada is at war."_ 'Tis fellates' loike yersilf- that !make all the-'thrubble in the wurruld; 'tis iconoclasts me dawter-in-law, who ' ;used to be a school taycher, wud call thin, "Have ye only a torch fer burnin, an no hammer fer buildin?". as Tammas Carlyle wance said: He said too, about feilahs loike„ ye, that ye: loud grub up wid grinnin satisfaction the very orange blossoms that grow Answer to last week's puzzle Mats: for the Make sure of a room. The hotels willbecrowd- 'ed with people arriving for the Exhibition. If you intend stopping at a hotel, call up by Long Distance prompt- ly and make your.,re- servations. If you intend stopping with friends, telephone them and make , sure they can accommodate you. They may have. other arrangements. The definite assurance of comfortable accommoda- tions wanting for .you. Will snake holiday trips doubly enjoyable. Every .hell Telepltone fs a Long Dtstano Station Sandwiches Sandwiches used to be served just as a. light refreshment and not as a regular meal. But fbr a hot sunnier day a properly planned sandwich or sandwiches, a cold drink and some fruit makes a delightful repast. Sandwiches with chopped hard boil- ed egg, with or without mayonnaise, or inade with a fried egg and lettuce are always appetizing. Chicken Sandwiches, with tomato or bacon, coffee and fruit make an ex- cellent meal. . - ` Cold Veal Sandwiches are delicious, Use cold veal green pepyer, mayon- naise, horseradish arid bread arid but- ter. • Other delicious sandwiches can be made of: Cold Lamb. Cucumber with lettuce; salad dress- ing ressing and buttered toast. Mayonnaise with chopped green on- ions or olives, Roast beef with water cress, sliced tomato and mayonnaise. Either toast- ed or plain. Crisp lettuce, Bacon or. Ham. Cheese Tomato Sandwich: Butter slices of bread. Layer of American cheese Ott top bread. Season. Sliee of ripe tomato on top of this and then slice of crispy bacon, COOI1IN'G HINTS Summer Meal Combinations Corn beef hash and poached eggs,. Corn beef, new creafried potatoes and horseradish sauce. Sausage and potato chips. Creamed chipped beef, fresh peas and mashed potatoes, Cold Meat, Potato Salad and Iced ails Face Cream -- ELEIVES Sunburn and Tan Nyals Face Cream is a .greaseless, disappearing cream with a delightful fragrance. It is especially recommended for sunburn and it removes tan° It protects the complexion against sunlight and makes face powder or talcum adhere better, It is not greasy or sticky and does not promote the growth of hair. 25 and 50 Cent Jars McAvoy's Drug Store Nyal Quality Store, _� . ate..® Phone" 18. We Are In The M " rket To uy CREAM EGGS POULTRY ... GET OUR PRICES ... The -United Farmers C.i O'pp. Co., Ltd. Wingltnam 4 Ontario A Continued Satisfaction in Economy Week after week the thousands of customers who place their cotnlete grocery order at their° nearest DOMINION STORE continue to save and are more than satisfied... You, too, can save by shopping there. . Write Satin Eton, RUBBER 3 JAR . BR SARDINESUNSWICK0 JAR ZINC IN OIL R RINGS 24 lbs. 998 2 FOR Shoe Fs t 25c ID. S. L. AKJ NG P•WIDER CONTAINS NO ALUM lb. TIN OLD DUTCH CLEANSE U.E ARP 20 !lb. $ ` 95 nu. r.YH THE BEST COFFEE OBTAINABLE 1 ilii. TIN PERFECTION FLOOR WAX ]l lb. TIN BLACK PEPPER a. -GROUND Ib. SPBERRY CLARK'S,AYLMER OR LIBBY'S rt r4, JAM lb. TIN . BEANS TINSLac WITEI APPLE WITH PORK I Y SO c CAKE 84C 99.44/ma PURE Tea. Dried Beef With. Spanish Sauce Sauce: -- Green pepper (crit up) s• cup of stewed a tomatoes. 1 onion (chopped), i tablespoon of butter. Seasoning. - Method: -Mix sauce and cook slow-. ly to minutes. Heat dried beef and drain. Put on buttered toast and potir over sauce. --o- Tasty Macaroni Macaroni, ' Seasoning. Grated -cheese. Tomatoes (Fresh) WILSON Kill them all, °and the germs too. 10c a packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. wommotwouwwwwwwwwww Method: -Cook macaroni, Add sea- soning and grated cheese. Cut toma- toes in half. Broil and serve around macaroni. --o- Summer Pudding Cherry Roll , Washed 'pitted cherries. Biscuit dough. Method: -Make your favorite bis cult dough.. Roll out, Spread cherr- ies - (not sweetened) on top of dough. .Fold dough over and around cherries Making a roil. Make ends secure by wetting and pinching tightly together. Put on a plate in steamer and steam for 3 hours. Serve hot with foamy or hard sauce. -0--- Foamy Sauce } cup of butter. - x cup of powdered sugar. 3 eggs, Vanilla. Method: -Cream butter and sugar 'well. Separate eggs, Add beaten - yolks. Add flavoring, Beat white of eggs stiff and add the very last. -0-- (Readers, oma(leaders, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes and othh er Household Dints you would.,like to ask Betty Webster -address her in 'care of this paper.) (Copyright, 1925, by The Bonnet-: Brown Corporation,. Chicago.)