HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-08-06, Page 4exatea,',$0.74• all Price Sale Hair Etrushes - Genuine 'Ebony, Real rteaX BxT'stles We aro preparing for stock taking and are offering orals complete stook of Hair. }Brushes (84) et Half Price. Regular 2.50 for $1.25 Regular 1,50 for ••••••• 75c, Etc. Face Powder Compacts Single or Double, a large variety from the best mak- aexs to choose from at Half Price. Regular 2.00 for ..........................$1,00 Regular 1.50 for ..... 75c SPECIALS Narcissus Face Powder and .a Loose .Powder Com pact- Something new. $1.75 Value for $1.39 THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS Wiutthem. Ont. bon's Drug Store Thy e x.et ,arrive Phone 53 TOR SALE -Studebaker Special, 1922 .?,varing Car, in good shape, looks and runs like new, 5 good tires. Will take smaller car part payment. In- quire Tuesday, Thursdar,;:or Satur- day at. Chester Patterson Alfred Street. BONEY FOR SALE -New Clover Clover Honey 15c in. my .tins or 14 in your tins at : house, will leave it at Mr. ' till's Feed Store for same. I have a quantity in 3o lb. pails, old clover for 13 cents. The crop is a very light one ,this season. James . H. Casemore, Morris. STALLION FOR SERVICE -1 -Peter McKillop by Peter the Great; Dain Katy Tod, 2.8i. Fee $25.00. " Mur- ray Gratton by Gratton Royal will also be available in two -weeks. R. Trench, Teeswater, Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLE C. P. R. Daily Schedule Trains are. due to leave Wingham and arrive at Wingham as follows: Leaving Wingham 6.45 a. m. arriv- ans. in Toronto 11.35 a. m. Leaving Wingham 3 p. m., arriv- "^=ing in Toronto 7.40, P. m. Arriving in Wingham from Toron- to at 1.05 and 10.35 p. m. W. E. Brawley, Agent C. N. R. Daily Schedule Leave Wingham at 6.40 a. m. and arriving in Toronto at li.lo a. m. Leave Wingham at 2.54 .p. m., ar- riving in Toronto at 7.3o p. rn. Leave Toronto at 6.45 a. in, arriv-- ing in Wingham at 11,55 a. m. Leave Toronto at 5.02 p. m,, arriv- ing in Wingham at 9.37 p. m• To London leave at 6.55 a. m., rea- ch. London at 9.55 a. m.: To London leave at 3.15 p m., rea- ch London at 6,2o p. m. Leave London at ga. m,, arriving at Wingham 12.12 noon. Leave London at 4,4.5 p. m., arriv- ing at. Wingham .7.55 p. m. W. F, Burgman, Agei t BELGRAVE Cameron Geddes of Chatham is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Geddes.' Mr. and Mrs. Byers of Detroit, are visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs,l Carrol Proctor and other friends. The Misses McClelland of Blyth, I. spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Yule.) Miss Laura Bone of Detroit and Louis', Bone of. London is visiting their mother, Mrs, James Bone, Mrs. Richard Irwin of Wingham,' is visiting with her sister, Mrs. David' Scott, George McKenzie, Windsor, is vis- iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R, E, Me etiaie. Mrs. Richard Witeman of Mich., is visiting her " brother, Mr, Henry Johnston, Miss Agnes Corbett, Toronto, is 1 visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Corea. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brooks of Indiana and Mrs. Brooks and Lillie'of Centralia, spent Monday with Mr. Finley Anderson. Miss : Wade 'of Fordwich, visited with her brother, Clarence Wade this week. lvIrs. Price and son, Arthur of De- troit, and sister, Miss Horne,visited with old friends in the village • on Monday. . The Orangemen and Foresters joined together on Sunday in Decorat- ion Serviceat both MoCrae-and` Bran- ton .Cemetery and placed boquets of flowers on all the deceased brethrens graves. Messrs. Shields, Thompson : and Miller, each shipped a car load of cat- tle this week and Dunbar Bridge, shipped hogs. John Coultise unloaded a car load of Alberta; Coal here, last, week. HOLYROOD Alar e crowd g w attended the :Garden. Party y at the Anglican Church :Kin - lough on Thursday. A ball game was one of the attractions, Holyrood being defeated by Culross. Junior Farmers, the score being Culross so, Hoiyrood 7. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Stokes and WIN.QHAM AD'VANCE•TTWM] S Thursday, ;Angst 6th., x9; $ Mr, and: Mrs. Fred Hanmore and o'ur e�ro�. little daughter, of Sarnia, spent a few Item Col,urnn days at the home of Mrs, I-Ianmore's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mundy. Mrs. I -I, Williams is visiting with! Mrs, 3. A. Hauge of McCord Sask,, her daughters in London: and little. son, Elwood, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Haugh and Miss Nina are Mrs, )•, A. Edgar, Victoria St, ' visiting' relatives in Cleveland. Mr, Fred hlamnore of Sainia, sang Mr. John A. Morrison is taking 111 a solo in the Presbyterian Church the Kitchener Reunion this week. • Sunday evening and twice in the Bap - Dr, Redmond .expects to be away tist Church on Sunday last, on holidays from August 14th to 31st; Misses MaryIlingston and Audrey Mrs: Robinson with her :daughter, Reid are visiting with relatives in Ester and"son, Clarke Borden .of Galt. I Timmons, visited last week' with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Taylor of John St. Mr. .and Airs. Alex. Smith of De- troit, are Visiting with relatives in town, ,a three weeks motor trip to. Escanaba, Mrs; McLaiiglilin of Brussels is the .Mich. They are accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burney of „Exeter. guest of her friend, Mrs. 0. Gilchrist,, John St. Mrs. H. R. Mack :and two sons :of Mr. Chas: Quirk of Buffalo, visit -Swift '-Current, are visiting at the home of her brdther, Mr, John Kelly ed at the home of his father, over the week -end. and renewing acquaintances in town. 1 Mrs. John Cloakey and children Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton, visited have gone to London. Mrs. Cloakey over the holiday with friends in hopes to be ,able to have her invalid Wroxeter. child in the hospital there for a time. gk-nto,. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Field 'arid Mrs. Ntr. Robt. McKa ue of Toro visited over the weeend with friendsPhos. Kew; spent Sunday at Kincar- 1 in town. w dine with Masters Jack and Frank Mr. and Mr -s. H. Eilers of Decatur,- Field, who are camping at the beach. Ill., are visiting at the home of Mr. L Rev:. Mr. Roberts of Cargill, will W. C. Reid. conduct. service in St. Paul's Church, Mrs. Irene Gaunt of Winnipeg, is next Sunday .Evening. There will be renewing acquaintances in .Wingham, no morning service. or Sunday School. and vicinity. j Mrs. Wm. Berryhill (nee Florence Miss Edna .Campbell Of Winnipeg Page) of London, visited at the home is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, of Mr. M. Dolan and renewed other Thos. acquaintances in town, over the week Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd of Wind- 'end. sor, .spent a few days with his mother, • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lott returned Mrs. D. J. Boyd. by motor to their home in Kincaid, Mr. and IVlrs. Theodore Mundy and Sask., after a,isiting for,seven weeks at Babe, motored to London and Aylmer the home of his parents, Mr. and` Mrs. for the holiday. ? Levi. Lott. Mr. Thomas Kincaid of Chico, ' Mr. and Mrs. Birge, Mrs. Dean and I11., is the guest of his sister, Mr? B. daughter, Miss Eleanor, motored up Leary, Minnie St. ifrom Toronto, and visited over the Mrs. Jas. Gaunt returned to Winni- •week -end at the home of Mr. F, H. peg this week, , after "renewing ac-,Roderus. quaintances in town. `l I Mrs.. Fenn of Parkhill and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reid and daugh- Mrs. J. C. Grant and .little daughter, ter, Marie, spent the week -end with of Windsor, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burg man last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Emery Doan of Han eywood, Dufferin County, were visit ing for a couple of days 'last weel with Mrs; Doan's cousins, the Wilso brothers and other friends. 1 Mr. Harry Ainsley of Winnipeg, spent over Sunday with his mother, Mrs: John Ansley. Mr. .Ansley is one sof the head salesman for the Mc - 'relatives in Detroit. Miss Morine 'Fleron of Thessalon, is visiting at the home of. • her aunt, Mrs. T. J. McLean Miss Anna Brewer, motored to De- troit last week and spent a few days with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pocock of Tor onto, are visiting at the former's home in town for two weeks. - Mrs. G. F. Fox with her twins ar spending two weeks with her mothe Mrs. Eliza Pocock. . rLaughlin' motor .Co. in the West. 'Mr. and Mrs. S. J. • Courtice an (daughter, Miss 'Iva of : Leamington, _ g e visited at the home of Dr. R. C. and i Mrs, Redmond. Mr. Courtice,is prin- cipal of the High School at Leaming- e ton. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ansley, 'came up from Toronto to attend the t funeral of Mrs. Robt. Aitkens and will , visit for a few weeks with Mrs. Ans- ley sr., and other relatives in this vi- cinity. I Mrs. John C. Homuth's. aunt, Mrs: W, Snell of Hamilton with her daugh- ter, Miss Margaret of the teaching 'staff in the Hamilton Collegiate, have been spending holidays with Mrs. Homuth. Ensign Wheeler, Social Service Po lice Officer bf Toronto, is at the horn of her parents in town. Mr. C. W. Pocock and -Miss Iren 111:cCzee of Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs -Eliza Pocock. Mr. A. F. Milne of Toronto,spen a few days at the homeof his father I11Mll IILII IrIlI�11111�I11�IIIfNtlIllpll IIpIIIIMiwiil�l III�IIIII�Im�II IIMfUI�II[Ifl�lll�llf ILMI I IM1111MII I�gIpN111�I I IMMII� YII Greer's MidSumrner > Shoe Sale F: A Money Saving Event Ivo We've Got The Shoes Come here and make your selections- pay the nominal price we ask for this Good Footwear, —take it along, and jingle in yourr pocket the -money ,you have saved. • . Every'• line of Footwear for Men, Women,. Boys, Misses and Children reduced in ' price. Don't Delay. N t.irk III r N Come at Once. J: GREER Telephone 23 THE GOOD SHOE STORE it4 !1. fit N WINGHAM, ONT. IN inni lnmunix nwhi minis lullnmumilis[tl®amosuill ai ll®i ousimin®Iusli Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston have maved `their household effects to Walkerton. Mr. Johnston has secur- ed a situation in a factory in ^that town. We are sorry to see our resi- dents leave, but nothing else can be 'expected until the heads of the Can- ada Furniture Manufacturers can be - induced to open up their factories in { Wingham. n - Mr. Milne at Whitechurch. Miss Fanny and Mr. Fred Patterson of Toronto, were renewing acquaint- ances in town this, week. Miss Mary E. MacGregor is visiting with her friend, Mrs, E. W. Bradwin, 477 Ontario St., Toronto. Miss Norma M. Foxton has re- turned . to. Toronto after spending her vacation at her home in Culross. r Miss Mabel Stokes of Glenannon, 1 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haines. t Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boulding and Mrs. John Ackert leave for the West on Tuesday. Yes; They Save Money -The following by Albert M. Free- man in a house organ called' "The Im- print"is too good not to quote in full. I know 'a . man Who thinks Printers are crazy And just to prove They•. Are crazy. Whenever he needs Any Printing He writes to Half a dozen Printers And Asks them to Quote. The .other day he had a Job. And so as usual He wrote for bids, - The lowest lowest 131d was One dollar and Sixty-five Cents And the Highest Bid was One Dollar and Ninety Cents. He spent twelve Centsfor postage In getting His Bids and He spent Three Cents For his Envelopes And .he spent Four Cents For his Writing. Paper And he paid Eighteen Dollars A week to the Clerk whowrote the Letters And, licked the Stamps . And so He sent the Job To the Lowest Bidder Who bid One Sixty-five. But it cost him Two -fourteen. Mrs, A. J. Walker and children have eturned home after visiting with re- atives in, Toronto and Buffalo. , Mr. and Mrs. John Raby, motored o' Forest and spent the week -end with their daughter, Mrs. S. NI, Hare. Mrs. Moir and sons Joe and Peter of Ridgetown, _ are visiting with her gr. and Mrs. Garry Willis and lit- tle daughter motored up ,from Toron- to ori Saturday. They were acconi- paned home on Monday morning by the .former's parents, Mayor W. H. and Mrs. Willis. Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Riley and fa- mily have returned to their home at Marengo, Illinois, after `spending thein 'vacation at the home of Mrs. Riley's parents, Mr, and Mrs, . Chas. -Black- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kehoe, Patrick hall. Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lott and Mr. Mr. R. A. Morrison of Orangeville, and Nlrs. Levi Lott wish to take this is visiting at the home of his parents, : opportunity of publicly thanking their Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, Turn- : friends for the kindness and sympathy, berry. , extended to thein` in their recent sad Miss Gertrude Anderson and Hazel bereavement. Morgan of Ripley, are guests at the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ercott Shiell and fa home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid, roily of Listowel and Mr. Johnny and Centre St. , !Thomas Shiell, also Miss Mary Shiell, Mr, and Mrs, M. H. VanWyck and little daughter, Donna, of Welland; are visiting at the home of Mr. D. MacDonald. . Mr. and Mrs. Abner Brawley, C N. R. Station Agent at Guelph, spent the week -end at the hone of his brother, Mr. Will Brawley: Rev, F. A. MacLennan former minister at South Kinloss Presbyter- ian Church, died at kis home in 'tor - onto on Sunday. 1 Mrs, Sam McMillan and babe, of LucknowLare visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Morri- son, Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Lockeridge and children returned to their home in Preston after visiting their parents in Wingham and Morris. 1 'Miss Sanderson of Stratford, also Mrs. Peak and daughter; Edith of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mrs, II. Davis this week. visited on Sunday with. their uncles, Mr. Thomas and Alfred McCreight, Whitechurch . Road. ' Mr. Alvin Groves motored over from Freeville, N. Y., and is visiting with his cousin; Mr. Chas, Smith. Miss Edna Smith of Kitchener, who has been visiting *th her uncle and 'aunt, Mr,. and ,Mrs. Robert Groves, ac- companied him home. - Mr,' Stanley Hutchinson, operator at the C, 'P, R. depot here, has gone on a two weeks holiday, He will visit at his hone in Alliston and also with relatives ill Nova Scotia before re- turning, Mr. Will Brawley, jr., is re- lieving hiin at the station. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wadehouse and sons, Herbert and Bobbie, Mrs, E. Perrott, also Ur, and Mrs, T.3. Me- Bryan and daughter, Miss Vera, mot- ored up from Hamilton and visited over the holiday at the home of Mr. J. J. Moffatt, Miss . Vera McEryan, will remain. for a few weeks. Who Lives Here? Every person who' owns a rural mail box should have his name paint- ed on it in bold letters. We town folk like to occasionally' make a short, motor trip 'off the main roads and when we do, like to know who lives on one of the many different places on the way, and oft -times we come across the home of someone we know to speak to and say: "Why, this is where Jim Jones lives; see how fine his wheat is coming -up- (though it might be oats) hasn't he a splendid farm." Few are the farms in our country that are not well kept and the owners oD `then have no reason to be .asham- bd to let the public know who lives behind the mail boxes. Besides it sa- ves time often when one wishes to call for the first, time on a rural friend in a business or social way. If you haven't a mail box have a sign put on your gate or fence bearing iyour name. Wanted -Speed "The stenographer we require," ran the ad., "must be fast, absolutely ac curate, and must have human intelli- igence. If you are not a crackerjack,. don't bother us." One of the appli- cants wrote that she noted their re- quirements, and went on: "Your ad- vertisement appeals to me strongly-. stronger than prepared mustard -as I have searched Europe, Airope, Irope and Hoboken' in quest of someone wlio could use my talents to advant- age. When it comes to this chin mu- sic proposition, I have never found. man, woman or dictaphone who could [get first base on me, either: fancy or icatch-as catch -can 'I write shorthand ho fast that T have to use a_specially prepared pencil with, a platintmi point and a water cooling attachment, a note pad made of asbestos, ruled with, sulphuric acid and stitched with cal - gut. I rim with my cut-out open at all .speeds, andam in fact a ;guaran- teed, double • hydraulic welded, drop - forged and oil -tempered specimen of human; lightning on a perfect thirty- six frame, ground to one thousandth; of an inch. ' "IfYon would avail yourself of the. opportunity of a lifetime, wire ine,but• Unless you are fully prepared to pay ?the h tariff forsuch services -don't bo- ther :ine, as I am so nervous I can't stand still long, enough to have my dresses fitted." She got the job. -Boston Transcript: Wedding Stationery, Commerical'' Printing of all kinds, neatly printed ar a reasonable price at The Advance.- Times dvance.Times Rollicking Play, 'Give and Take," Coming at the Chautauqua I "Give anti Take," a feature dramatic offering of h 'Clhautau uti In oneg the' coanllug bomlriiioa, Qhaut itg. a, la e of the most laughable comedlea produoed 3a ret`ent year's; p p features is the feet that It toile a n ort tirnusttal story, ' • "Vivo and lake" la a modern comedy' based on a 'great' MOO-. trial problems` So grrlppin • fa the plot and lie replete tons that it keeps the atidlenee to with - . plots with r Co erbiaa Swats« heartiest laughter. tenth) WStlt li:cerrest Itttoroat or car►valsoil vtlthtt AT THE WINGHAl1I 'CHAUTAUQUA, COMMENCING AUGUST 8th...