HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-30, Page 8THE I IN06AM ADVANCE -TIMES
P'ublialierl at
Rvery Thursday Morning
G. Smith, Editor and Proprietor
;Subscription rates—One year $2.00,
ix months $1,00, in advance.
Advertising rates on application.
Advertisements without specific di-
rections will be inserted until ;Forbid
and charged: accordingly.
Changes for contract advertisements
be in the office by noon, Monday.
ll IM "na.n"p„npqu,W W/tt.vtu,.uUnuuno ttt t t
1925 JULY 1925
Te,djWe ll Th
12 13 14
26;27 28
'The editor and his family took a
short week -end holiday and motored
from Wingham to Tobermory. Mr.
• Clarence Armitage and family also of sea -sick. They also tell that the hors
Wingham, spent the past week there. ses up there are fat because as they
Tobermory is the North Pole of go along the winding road hitched to
was shipped out . of the Head by the
water route, together with large
quantities of barley and other grains,
In our stop at Lions I-Iead, we ran
into Rev. Mr. James, the Anglican
rector, a man widely known and liked
throughout the peninsula with a par-
ish as big as half .a county in South-
ern Ontario, The reverned gentleman
does not stand on dignity and has a
way with him that wins the respect
and regard of the folks on the Penin-
sula: We visited at the home of Dr.
A. H. Brown and found him a • very.
busy medical main.
'North of the village the roads skirt
along the shore for a couple of miles.
and one gets a :great view of the bay
between the two majestic cliffs, The
scenery reminds one of very much of
Muskoka, The shore line is beautiful
batt rugged, being formed of layer
limestone rock. A couple of miles
further on the road takes a sharp
turn inland and winds and twists ro-
mantically up and down over a series
of slopes, known up there as the For-
ty Hills. But the highway is in pret-
ty good condition all the way to
Brinkman's Corners. •
The last stage of the journey from
McVicar's in to the Tub, a stretch of
about 14 miles, is the least enjoyable
portion of the trip. It was no doubt
this road to which they refer when
tell us that the undulations and gyra-
tions of the road down from Tober-
mory make the hardened fishermen
Bruce County and before the coming
of the auto the north end of Bruce.
county known as the Peninsula, was
as inaccessable to most of us as is the help kill a rattlesnake, while in the
North Pole. But the auto and good north. This fellow had fourteen dou-
roads have : opened up the NN, ay and ble rattles which would make him
Tobermory ro4 miles directly north about 3o years old. As we learn from
of Hanover is becoming a popular ob- Dr. Brown that rattler is 2 years old
jective for touring motorists. when he gets his first rattle and then
We went by what is known as the a double rattle afterward'for every 2
Centre Road from Wiarton to Lions years. These snakes used to be thick
Head. After leaving Wiarton you around Tobermory before the road
follow a winding' road through the vas built and the editor of the Wal -
bush for about two miles before turn- lcerton Telescope says that crawling
ing on a straight road north. The around the curves of the highway
East road is. probably more picture- made the rattlers so dizzy that they
sque, but all roads in this part of the were easily despatched with clubs.
peninsula are picturesque. Tobermory, cuddled around the
While in Wiarton we called on our snuggest little harbor imaginable, is
brother publisher, the editor of the an attractive spot in the summer -
Canadian -Echo and found him busy time. Nearly everybody is a fisher-
-with the 'weekly grind of business re- man. A fine class of people we found
lative to the publishing of a live week- then; too, friendly and hospitable.
ly paper. The road to Lions. Head. is At Tobermory we were entertained
very good, although narrow and in by Mr. Argue the man in charge of
places running through dense forest. the big wireless station and his estim-
Many oldlog houses are being Deco- bble little wife. The wireless station
pied and several large brick dwellings is one of the most powerful in Canada
are seen here and there. Some of the and is conducted by. the authority of
land is covered with rock and other the Dominion Government. A trip
large areas are fertile and prosperous in Mr. Argue's motor boat out to
farm houses and buildings are on
these. A good deal: of the country is
the rocky woods which is unsuited for
farming but in the twenty -odd miles
to Lions Head one passes some very
good sections of farming country. At
this time of year the twisting roadway
between rocks and trees in an attract
tive picture and the drive is thorough-
ly enjoyable. The windings of the
road lend zest to the journey. It is
not until yoti get an hour or two fur-
ther on that the twists become so
a load of hay, they are forever eat-
ing off the back of the load.
It was our good fortune to see and
Flower Pot Island, an island as beau-
eautiful as its name would indicate and
almost within sight of the great Mani-
toulin Island.
An interesting feature of the home-
coming of the fishing trigs is feeding
the gulls. The law does not permit
dumping the fish off in the water.
The Tobermory tugs dump it on a
platform on the shore of an island
near the Tub. When the tug draws
up there, there are thousands of gulls.
waiting, the air being black or rath-
twisty as to get a bit tiring to the man er white, with them. The shrill noise
at the wheel. This side of Lions they make in their clamor for the of -
:Head the road is inland but at a coo 'fah, is like nothing on earth. The
•ple of points the Georgian Bay
comes sharply in between high cliffs,
invading the inland country and form -
gulls are very tame and when the tugs
approach this point they will some-
times drop right down on the deck.
ing Hope Bay and a little further On Sunday afternoon a boy was
;north Barrow Bay, both of which are cleaning a fish on the dock and the
visible from the highway.
Lions Head is a smart looking vill-
age with large up-to-date buildings of
brick and frame, It is picturesquely
situated between two rugged cliffs
running out into Georgian Bay, from
one of which we presume it got its
pante. Lions Head is a market cen-
tre for
entre'for quite a large territory extend-
ing for many miles, north, south and
west. In 5923 some 2800 tons of hay
Gulls were hovering around his head
and coming quite close to him.. •
Lake Joseph, Muskoka,
•17th July, 1925
Some interesting news from Mus-.
kokoa, the largest_ and'finest real sum -
n er Resort in the world written by
Sia®®®®®®®II® ®®1I1.®®®®®®®®II®IIIAI®®IaIIIIs IIIIi
■ .
■ .
as, Most of thein have large steamer
See Our NewMcClary Electric wharfes. expensive launch houses and.
r Ranges w boat houses, fully 'equipped. Many
w' well known Toronto people have their
MI sun7mer Homes here.
match foto Announcement of Our is The fly and mosquito pest is not.
IN 4, a . ■ generally so bad. now >a's it is said to
,I Electric Cooking Demonstration have formerly been, but still` very
A troublesome, especially at this season
II • on the main land, though they seldom
111. -w bother the islands- niueh,
i 'tinpham . Adequate measures have never yet
?Aro ���lll IN Been taken to foster" and protect the
in ■ fishing interests, consegtteutly fishing!
this season is very much below the
mark, Considerable patience and
deep trolling is required to secure a
��'-, COOK BY
Julian B. Arnold
Will Lecture at
Coming Chautauqua
Julian B. Arnold, distinguished • lee
timer, world -traveler and savant, the
son of Sir Edwin Arnold author of the
"'Light of Asia," will be a notable
speaker at the coming Dominion 'Chau-
tauqua here.
Mr. Arnold will deliver his vividly
Interesting lecture, "Arabian Knights,"
depicting the Arab and his environ.
rnent from the deserts of Arabia to
those of the Sahara. He will deliver
this unusual lecture clad .In typical
Moorish costume.
Mr. Arnold is peculiarly familiar
with hts subject. He has lived many
years in the deserts of Asia and Africa
and "studied the Arab in many lands.
He has a rarely intimate understand-
ing of the Arab mind. 1He is, more-
over, a speaker of startling clarity
who presents, through the eyes of a
cultured gentleman, a thrilling pan-
orama of the subtle and enthralling:
lands of caravans and desert sheiks.
Mr. Robert Holmes of Toronto, and
formerly of Wingham.
(Specially contributed for the
Wingham Advance -Times.)
It is rather surprising -how little is
generally known. by the majority of
our Canadian people about the grand
summer resort region this country
possesses in the District of Muskoka.
In fact it has oftenbeen said . that
residents to the South of us, know
and appreciate Muskoka, more than
Many Canadians. do.
The weather for the past two sea-
sons has been so variable, that it has
not been very favorable to any sum-
mer resorts, but even the weather
cannot put much of a damper on the
attractions of the Muskoka Lake Re-
gion and the grand Highlands of On
i tario.
Muskoka's three large lakes' are
Lake Muskoka, Lake Joseph and Lake
Rosseau. It is generally conceded
that Lake Joseph Is the finest of the
three, and all are studded with beaus
nihil .;Shands, mbstly forested - to • the
water's 'edge.. There are very many
other smaller lakes in this charming
Northern land, in fact they are count-
less, in number, The Muskolie lakes
`empty their waters through what is
known as the Muskosh River at Ba-
la—where there is a picturesque falls
—a very curious thing about the out-
let of the lakes is that about four mil-
es below Bala, there is another great-
er falls and wild rapids, where two
great rivers are formed from the one,
the Southerly River still known as the
Muskosh bttt the Northern one known
as the Moon River, both flowing to
the Georgian Bay, and strange to say,.
though they start from the same Palls:
anear Bala, where their waters separ-
ate, their mouths are some forty mil-
es apart. A large Indian Reservation
also divides them on their way; They
are both deep and rapid rivers and
many diowning fatalities have occurr-
ed in them, particularly at the falls
and rapids referred to below Bala.
On most of the fine Islands and
many points on -the main land there
are very expensive and magnifioient
summer homes, and some of thens ev-
en winter homes as well, Many df
the most elaborate ones are owned by
millionaires from the United States,
mostly from New York, Pennsylvan-
ia and Ohio and even from Missouri,
Kentucky, Tennessee and the Virgin -
specimen of the fine lake trout, • even
bass and pickerel are not .by, any
means as numerous as they should.
and would be were they properly pro-
tected from wanton •destruction, and
more stringent laws passed adproper-'
ly enforced, to Inuit the number to be
There is too an appaling scarcity
of bird and animal life, where both
were at one time in years gone by, so
numerous. Even the :Beaver (Can-
ada's National Animal) have almost
entirely disappeared, only a few fa-
milies of them remain and only on the
smaller and secluded inland lakes and
Blueberries, raspberries and thim-
bleberries' particularly the latter, pro-
mise very prolific crops.
Automobile roads 'to the Muskoka
District have been greatly improved
within ' the last two years. Now
there is a splendid Highway running
North of , Beaverton through Wash-
ago and. Severn River, to Gravenhur-
st, thence to `Bala on one side and
'Bracebridge, Port Carling, etc., on the
other. Thereare also very good
roads on both the East and West
sides of the Lakes. One of the finest
scenic roads is known as •t -be Penin-
sular Road that runs between Lakes
Joseph and Rosseau. Only a narrow
neck of land divides thee two' charm-
ing lakes which join their waters, at
Port Sandfield and the three lakes
meet at Port Carling, which is the
great central port of the Muskoka
The waters of. Lake Joseph are re-
markably clear and pure, those' of the
blue Lake Rosseau come next, white
the waters of the lower and larger
Lake Muskoka, have rather .a brown-
ish tinge, caused mostly by former ex-
tensive lumbering operations•.
A fine fleet -of steamers of the
Muskoka Navigation Company cover-
overall the principal points on the Lakes.
Robert Holmes.
Jacques—In Howick on Saturday,
July 18th, 1925, Jane McDermott,.
relict of the late C. Jacques, in her
85th year.
McLaughlin—At Arrow River Man.,
on Monday, July 6, 1925, Miss E.
A. McLaughlin, sister of Messrs.
Joseph and Alex. McLaughlin, of
the 9th con., Howick.
CLINTON, AUG. 1st. TO 5th.
Clinton welcomes all of us to their
Semi -Centennial and Old ..Boys' and
Girls' Reunion, August 1st. to 5th. 'in-
clusive. From .thehundreds of advic-
es being received weekly a larger
number of visitors and Old Clinton
and Huron County former residents
could not have been anticipated. They
open ori Saturday, Aug.' 1st., with re-
ceptioir registration and;. Aeroplane
welcome, the latter conducted by Jack
Elliott of Harnilton. This is followed
on Sundays Aug. 2nd, by morning ser-
vices being held in the various chur-
hurcies and conducted by former .Clinton
and Huron County Ministers, A.,t,
1.3o p. m. the Veteraiis together with
the various organization, with bands
will decorate the Memorial Tablet at
the Federal j?uilding, „the Post Office,
thence 'parade to Clinton Cemetery
for the decoration of graves .of the
many deceased members and listen to
various addresses, the principal one
being that of Brig. -Gen. W.''B. King,
C. B., D. S. 0., and followed by.oth-
ers. At 7.30 p; in. a Community Open
Air Service and: Sacred Concert will
be given at Recreation Park, music
being furnished by the nombined chur-
ch choirs of Clinton ands addresses
delivered by hone coming -Ministers.
.On Monday, Aug. 3rd., the day's pro -
'gramme will start with a grand Trad-
es Procession and Calithumpian pare
ade forming at the park at 9. 3o a. m.
at the conclusion of 'which prizes
`amounting to $ito.00 will be awarded
to the three best contestants in Tra-
des -representation, Decorated Auto
and Decorated Auto with farm pro-
duce. • This will •• be followed in
the ,:afternoon at 1.30 o'clock
by the Official opening address of
welcome at Recreation Park by his
Worship, Mayor Fred Jackson, also
of General W. D. Otter, C. V. 0;
G. D. B., the oldest livii%g Old Boy,
and followed by other speakers of
prominence. At the conclusion of ad-
dresses a Lacrosse Match will be play-
ed between St Marys and Clinton and
a real contest is assured, This will
be followed by a Football Game be-
tween Kinburn and St. Columbian and
a Softball game is being arranged for,
between Toronto and Detroit. In the
evening at 7,30 o'clock an Open Air
Concert given by Clinton Old Boys
and Girls including Mrs. Howard
Humphries, a# Jacksonville, Florida,
William Hatland, Guelph, H. Stan-
'bury, Detroit; R. B. Foster, Toronto,
Robert 'Downs, Woodstock; and Oth-
ers assisted by the Royal • Canadian
Regiment Band of London will .be
held at Recreation 'Park. On Tttes-
day, Aug. 4tli at 2.15 p: m: a Pro-'
Thursday, July 30t14, 2925
gain Prices
3 Brighton Stippled Sets for ......... $7,50 each
3 427 Brighton Sets for .. t .. ..... $.50 each
4 Audrey 1402 Sets tor . , ...... 10.50 each
These Are
eautfui Patterns
fessional League Game of Baseball
,between London and Saginaw in the
Michigan -Ontario League has_ been
transferred to Clinton at . great - ex-
pense to the Old Boys' Association.
This attraction provides the first op-
portunity for the public in this part
of thecountry of seeing a real league
game of baseball contested by two
great teams standing *ell in the race
for this season. At 6.30 p. m. a
Grand Band Tattoo will be . held in
Recreation .Park and participated in
by the Royal Canadian Regiment
Band, London; C. N. R. _Band, Strat-
ford; Mitchell; Seaforth; •Goderich;
Kincardine Pipers; Henderson's Juv-
enile Pipe Band, London; and Clinton
Kitty Bad. Following this will be
spectacular fireworks by Professor
Hand of Hamilton. " On Wednesdays
Aug. 5th., a Softball Tournament has
been arranged between teams from
Goderich, Mitchell ar ,'t Ingham this
being f91!Qwiid by varjerus Athletic
Sporting events when prizes n,111 be
given for each . (See LargePdsters)
crawitor kw h. Phone 156. 1
In the evening an Open Air Concert
'will be given by Mrs. Howard Hump-
hries and company and followed by.
the Henderson Juvenile " Pipe Band,
London, with Miss Alice Dunbar Co-
mediene. Keep in mind that the Sun-
day, Aug: and., Community, Service
and Sacred Concert will be broadcast-
ed by Radio to all parts of the park
so that all can hear and enjoy the
programme. Also remember that El-
liott's Aeroplane and Joyes' Midway
will be a daily feature. Dancing in
the Rink each evening and music
furnished by MCKenna's -Orchestra,.
London. Clinton Lawn. Bowling
Green will be open to all visiting bow-
lers. A Wicker 'Chair isdonated by
C. Broadfoot, Moosejaw, to the old-
est gi;,ni registering and born in Clin-
,}on,: A Club Bag is donated by J.
T i oderick, Seaforth, to the oldest boy
!registei ng and born in Clinton, This
is ' th& cirst offical Home Comjng in
fifty vests§ @p All Together, Let's Go;
There is something in store for you
every minute.
Satisfaction—Service---Sure Saving
There is a real satisfaction in shopping at your nearest
DOMINION. STORE. The service is complete in every detail
and the saving on your complete, grocery order well worth while.
-:- SPECIAL -:-
14 lb. Sugar & 1 lb. Special Tea ...$1.59
16 oz. Mason Jar
1Censingtoit Custard
35c lb.
39c ib.
PERFEtTION. 24 lb.
2 . IN 2''THIN
100z. PKG.