HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-30, Page 7cflunsclay, $1117 39th. x925 meimmmiMMISHMISMIONINUM im WINOTIAIVf ADVANCE -TIMES "411011commalismilmilonoll mmmommummu1ilimmommmmimmmmmustommomimmmmonotfille1101121111.101110 urn er Clearan CRASH GO THE PRICES 111111fit ,i111111111111100111i sr Big Savings on all lines of Merchandise await you at this Mid -Summer Clearance Sale of Pry Pit Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Rea- dy -to -Wear, Men's and FurnishIngs, Hosiery, G1 tains, Rugs, Linoleums, C oys' Clothing, elk's' ves and Corsete,Cur- rtgoleuMs, Oilcloths. 44 0.111.041111100.011.0411e.4511.0 41•1. 01.01.14n1.4..,0•,04ata Our Entire St \\41\ 101 ck 15 n Sale at a lig Sacrifice fi.r en tay Read the list of Reduced Prices here and attend this Big Cut Price Sale and get Your Share of the Great Zsargaiiis, ,„ale Begins Saturday; obannomeocromawomotoc.namovais.cuounsoatwasronwooamtoolooesoaenso 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fresh Oreceries Soap, P. & G., Comfort; Gold, Sunlight, 5 bars -_25c Dutch Cleanser Laundry Starch Package of Lux., Corn Starch x lb. Can. Baking Powder Salmon, large can, Red ▪ Corn Flakes IN ' cakes Toilet Soap zsc Sardines, .3 tins for - •25C , irs /3 lbs. Granulated Sugar and x lb. Cr6ice Tea—$1.65 a 2 lbs. Best Seedless Raisins - 25c IN Jelly Powder, 3 packages for 25C 111 Snap Hand Cleanser 2 Packages Shredded Wheat 25c IOC IOC IOC /0C 23C 25C IOC ih 0-0111111110,11101.041111:1111.0.111P Men's Wear Bar= gains Men's Strong Work Shirts 14i to 17, Sale ___98c Men's All Wool Sport Sweaters, Sale r5 pairs Men's good wearing Pants, they go at $2.39 Men's Blue Stripe Overalls to clear at __Slag Men's Black Overalls, well made, Sale Price __.$1.m Men's Snag Proof BlackDenim Overalls, Sale $2.19 Suits, Men's Strong Wearing Suits, to clear ____.$13.95 Young Men's Suits, latest style, reduced to _.$15.95 Boys' Bloomer Suits, choice patterns, 2 blootb- ers, on sale now $8.5o Boys' Khaki Bloomers, reduced to oc Men's Fancy Pattern Coat Shirts, now Socks, 5 doz. Men's. Grey Work Socks, sale Boys' Navy and Brown Cotton, Jerseys, Sale _39c Boys' Shirt Waists, to clear at 40C Bbys' Linen Wash Suits on sale at _41.29 12 pair Men's good Wearing Pants, reduced to $3.25 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, reg- ular 7s, for 'A egC Boys' Suits, good school suits broken line va- t- hie§ sip to $16.66, �n §ate - • --A-4645 Men's Ties to clear, value up to $x.00, your pick 6gc io Tweed Raincoats on sale at $5 95 13 Rubber Grey Rubber lined Waterproof 'Coats regular value $1o.00, Sale $6 95 Men's Heavy Braces, Sale Price ...39c Socks, Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for Boy's Strong Braces, on sale at ii IIII Heavy Cotton Sheeting, 2 yards wide on sale N at Asc and 6gc IN 1111 Towelling,. pure Linen Roller Towelling --i8c IN NI NI Towels, large Bath Towels, good quality, now -69c 1 . Curtain Material in Scrim, Lace, Madras and i Fancy Nets,on sale less 20 per cent. ILarge Flannelette Blankets, sale price ...—$2 50 IN o4on.o...114metreso?mameamaso.esebanses Boot nti Shoe De aw 13 artmenit SAVINGS WORTH WHILE ON ALL LINES OF MEN'S WOMEN'S, GIRLS' AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES 14., pairs Boys'- Strong Wearing Shoes, sizes x to 5, clearing sale price 15 pairs Boys' School Shoes, solid leather, sizes xx, 12, 13, reduced to $1 75 Men's Strong Working Boots on sale at $2 98 • Girls' White Canvas Oxfords and Strap Slip- pers, on sale at 98c • Women's *hit' Canvas Slippers, reduced to --$2.00 Women's Grey and Sand Suede Slippers, sale -$3.95 25 pairs Women's Shoes, boken lines not all sizes, your pick for $x.00 20 per cent. diseount off regular prices of all Men's Women's, Girls' AO Boys' Boots and Shoex Glovesy, best makes of Gloves in Silk, Lisle and Kid, all on sale for ro dap/ at., -.20 per cent. off 011:1171111011A1111111.13111 H E ISA RD & COf • floSIMMIIMMISM01111111MMENIIIIMMINMONAIMMINIIIINIBIIIIIIIIIIIIINNII011011NRIONNIMIDIMINSIMMIMIAMME1111111111111131111111111110101111111MIMMBISMAIIIIIIIMMIIIINOMMIAMMIMMIM M M Ladies' Ready -to - Wear Girls' Fancy Voile Dresses in Blue, Peach, Pink and Maize shades, value up to $2.75 Sale. Price $1 95 'Girls' Gingham Dresses, ages 6, 8, ro, 12, Sale $1.25 Girls' Waterproof Capes, Sale $1 39 Women's Gingham House Dresses, made of good quality Check Gingham, our sale prices are $x.25, 1.5o, x.95 Misses, Silk Crepe Dresses on sale at Women's Ratine Dresses made in good style of plain and fancy pattern Ratine, clear- ing sale prices $3 95 and 495 Clearing out all lines of Coats and Dresses at / a discount of __________ zo to 25 per cent. Blouses, 2 doz. Ladies' Voile and Crepe Blous- es, value up to $2.5o, your pick for ___$1.00 CLEARING OF LADIES' SWEATERS Ladies' medium weight Sweaters made of fine soft yarn, with and without sleeves, re- duced prices are -_______$2.25, 2.75, 3.50, 4.75 Prints, wide English- Prints, clearing at ____...-29c Big Stock of Rugs, Linoleums, Stair Carpet, Oilcloth and Congoleurns, new patterns in all lines of Tapestry, Brussels, Vel- vet and Wilton Rugs, all on sale less 20 per c. crams. eatetrapra,C.M.Oesmrosomp.paws.o.cossueminoensso4osunoomaoixsena oisamomastigaZrootam. ,Lp.epse4saWt.c,atSiaO4IlmeO41m3DO.sll*....4...................alr,traso"o4arg,o4zsa>c..siniao4pws n410. n4aaa 041¢11*.r,-. uffiergar. MEN'S HATS AND CAPS Caps, clearing line of Men's Fancy Caps, your pick on sale at 85c Straw Hats, clearing out Men's and Boy& Straw Hats per cent. off Hats, Men's Felt Hats on sale at _2o per cent. off DOLLAR BARGAINS Special clearing of Odds •and Ends, all kinds of Remnants, lieadY-to-Wear, etc, on. Second Floor. VII NM Oiht t1,7 ef od Pries • zoo yards Check Ginghams, good quality, fast colors, Sale Price ___________ 18c 5 pieces Fancy Check Ginghams, fine quality and wide,now 7 ends Plain Colored Cotton Crepe Voiles, ro patterns Dress Voile, 38 inch wide, regular value up to 75; sale 390 All lines of Summer Dre,ss Goods in Voiles, Crepes, Ratines,, Silks and Broadcloths less 20 per cent. Table Linens, ,good pattern and quality linens reduced to ________-_ . ...gc, Sx.2o, r.50, 1.95 .41216ROWellepAnterricalpszer... Flannelettes, big stock on sale, buy now, red- uced prices are xgc and zs Corsets, Complete stock of best makes and la- test models, clearing - linesgs,x.g, 1.50 20 per cent. off regular price. Hosiery, Sale of all kinds of Hose at a big sa- ving 20 per cent. off regular lines and broken lines clearing at ---.25c, 29c, 390, 750 WINGHAM, ONT 61; 1 0-1 '11 1 1 O 1 MI 4 1