HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-30, Page 5Thurso ', llY 34th, 1926 Don't tear up road sur f aces toy immoderate driving It's the back wheels of your car that push it along—, and it's resistance that keeps it moving—the resistance of - the road surface. At moderate speeds, the surface remains in place. At higher speeds a portion of the surface is displaced by the friction of the wheels. The higher the speed, the more material -is displaced. The speed limit exists in the law, to- save the surfaces of roads, as well as to prevent accident, Because the highway is clear, you may think the law may be broken. This is a mistake. There is always danger of damaging the road by excessive speed. The material which is displaced each year by. auto- mobiles driven too fast would weigh hundreds of tons. The repair work made necessary costs thousands of dollars. The public of Ontario have spent $160,000,00.0 to make roads easier and safer for you to travel on. The law seeks to preserve from accident those who use the roads, and to conserve the roads. themselves. The Government requests the co-operation of ,yourself • and every other automobile driver in maintaining the condition of the roads. Take.pride'in, the highways of Ontario, You are interested, for they are yours. They. are being main- tained with your money. While the Government relies on the goodwill and co- operation of the great majority of motorists, notice is given that th&enforcement of The Highways Act will be all the more rigorous in the case of those who disregard the law and this request. .e, An advertisement issued by the Ontario Department of High- ways to secure the co-operation of motorists and truck drivers, Automobile Clubs, Good Roads Associations and all other public spirited bodies, in abatin( the abuse of the roads of the Province. The HON. EEO. S. HENRY, Minister; S. L SQUIRE, Deputy Minister •ia WHY NOT A REUNION? on this, service and otherwise meet- ing the requirements of , the :depart - 402 Rockingham St., ment. Toledo, Ohio, U. S. An annual grant of $s,00 per class- Editor Wingham Advance -Times, ; room will be paid to each town, vil- Dear Sir, 'loge, or self-contained area employ- 'Talking the other day to one of ing a full-time school nurse. An an- the old Wingham boys, Frank Mc- nual grant of $3 per class -room is Laughlin that I am going over to paid to every city;of less than 200,000 Clinton for the Semi -Centennial cele- population where a system of school bration August x to 5, he asked me does Wingham have Civic Spirit en- ough t� hold these get-together Boys and 1 Girls re -unions. I couldn't answer because I never heard of one? There are several of us here of course we know the latch it always on the outside of the door, but it must be grand for a bunch of old young fellows to meet and chat, visit the old School House the old swimm- ing holes, go down to slab town, did you ever hear of that town? ask Bob Mooney, Wash Tamblyn, Jno. Mc - medical inspection approved by the minister is carried on. Grants are also made by- the De- partment of Health to municipalities inaugurating and rnarrying on the type of school health service suggest- ed by the Department. These are as follows:, Every local Board of Health. which inaugurates and carries on Medical and Dental inspection of schools and wliicti employs at least one Public Health Nurse in such work, shall be entitled to receive an annual grant Lean, or Jock Currie, say I'll come from the Department of Health of and see you chaps anyway, . show you "$5oo towards - the salary of such the sheet that Wesley John, founder' nurse. of ''the Methodist Church once slept In every municipality with a popu- upon, a book of 1.770 and some old lation of less than 200,000; an addi- Canadian Copper Coins. tional &rant of $xoo shall be paid to If the Methodist Parson would de- ward the salary of each additional sire to have these sheets shown in Public Health Nurseso employed, his church I could arrange for it say for Sunday, August the 9th a. m, or BLUEVALE p. m. and ,he 'could so announce.' They are 'Co be shown at Clinton Aug. Measles are the order of the day: 2nd, Use this letter or parts as you! Mrs, Walden and children are holi- please, Respectfully, Albert J. Snell: laying at their, summer cottage at Point Clarke, Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Tate, spent a [Ed. Note: --This is a case where the few days with friends in rGrand Vail- local paper would have come in good ey, Orangeville and Toronto. had Mr, Snell and Mr. Mc,auglilin Mr. and -Mrs. Alex. Morrison, At' 4, been readers of it. They would have wood, Miss M. E. Smith, Wallingford, known that we held a very success 'Conn,, spent Tuesday with•, Mr. .and, ful Reunion at Wingham in July of. Mrs. James Kirton. 1919, and no doubt they would have) Mr. Harvey Messer, has returned both been -home. They would also home to Toronto after spending his. know that their old friend Wadi Tam- (vacation with his parents,, lyn has joined the great majority, and Miss Gertrude McDonald. has been they would also lttiow that there are a recent visitor with 'Mrs. Ina Loci: no Methodists , in either' Wingham or Clinton, Glad to• have you home any- "hart• time boys, but why not keep in touch' The following pupils of Miss Grace with the old town and have The Ad -'Curtis were successful in them music vance-Times' go to your Ohio hones exam held at Blyth on July x4th:— each week] ,'Miss Dorothy Atkins, primary, hon- }ors; Misses Lela Leggatt and Alberta A NEW LAW Shiell, Primary, 1st. Class, pass. Miss Margaret Rolph, is holidaying with relatives around Bluevale. Miss Ruby Duff returned to Toron- ,to, after spending.. a month at her home. The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at Mrs, John Fell's on: Tues- day 'afternoon. A very interesting programme was given. After the meeting was closed'a very tasty lunch 'was served. Miss Agnes Thomas,,, is yisiting with relatives in Toronto. ' We regret to report Mrs. Isabella Patterson, has not been so well the last few days. Mr. Frank Fair and his father . of... Ancastcr, spent the week -end with Mr. George Thornton, ' Mrs. Vernon Higgins, Toronto, and ti [iss L Naylor, Ltieknow, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, C. Higgins, Mr. Robt. 'Shaw is spending a few s daughter, Mrs. _ L. days' with his n r Governing The Medical Inspection Of Schools in the Province of Ontario In 1924 a bill was introduced by Premier Ferguson in which the staff and service of School Medical Inspec- tion was transferred fro.tn the De- partment e-partme nt of Education to the Depart- ment epartment of Health. The regulations per- mit any Bodrd'of Education to con- tinue the type of work carried on pre- vious to July yi, 1924, All school health activities established' after An- gust r, 1924, shall be under the con- trol of the local Board of Health. With the consent of the local Board of Education it has provided for the absorption of the school of health ser- vice by the local. health•authorities, Grants will be awarded by the De- partment of Education as previously namely ati .unusual grant ;f $io per classroo m will be paid to each. town, 'village or aural tabard board uniting together' for the purpose of carrying Gates of Cherrywood, WINGI A f ADVANCE•TlMES ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION \A pleasant time was spent in Wing - ham United Church on *Friday even- ing, when the members of the choir and the music committee held a ban- quet .and Presented Miss Nettie Chris' tic with. a beautiful Silver Service. Miss Reynolds made the presentation and Mr. Morton read the following' address: To -Miss Nettie Christie, Dear Nettie, Your many friends and associates amongst whoni you have been so long 1>onnected in .this chureh in Wing= Ilam, in view 'of your approaching' marriage and departure from amongst us, embrace this occasion to convey to you some expression of the high esteem and regard'in 'which you are held by all with whom you have keen associated in the work of this church. At all times you have beep an ac- tive and devoted Aker in;al'h.the se- veral activities of this Church, but in addition to this you have given freely of your great musical talent to the service of the Church.- -Ai' a member of the Church Choir you have -been a faithful attendant and have -added much to the efficiency of 'this .important part of the Church ser- vice. In addition to this on .all other oc- casions where you have been called upon you have. -given freely of your. 'time and- musical talent, and we can assure you that you will be" greatly missed in all departments of Church Work. We . are pleased, however, to know that in your -changed' relations and in your new sphere you will still have the opportunity to devote your espec- ial talent to the -work of the Church, We sincerely trust and hope that in your new home your future will be pleasant and happy, and that you may recall with pleasure the many pleasing associations connected with your Wingham friends. ' In bidding an affectionate farewell we trust you and your esteemed part- ner in life mai enjoy unbounded hap- piness and that your labors in the Master's vineyard may be . crowned with abundant success. As a testimonial of our good wishes wee ask of you to accept from us this, *Silver Service", trusting when you have occasionto use the same, it may recallthe many happy days spent among friends in Wingham. Signed on behalf, W. D. McIntosh, Pastor J. A Morton, Chairman Mu- sic Con rnittee; B. H. Reynolds, Frank R. Howson, J. H. Mitchell, Janet Murray, members of the Choir, THE ULSTERMAN I lay me down in Antrim's glens, I . range her purple hills I slumber 'mid the shamrock glades That cling to Connaught's rills. I feel at home where'er; I roam, O'er Erin's blessed lea. • And South or North, byy breed and birth, 'Tis motherland to me.. The South for you, the North for me, But Erin for us all. No matter what our faults may be, Together rise or fall; For on this sod, beloved of God. Our ancient fathers swore To hold for you her virtues true, Or welter in their gore. Why should I scorn the Leister man? Is faith the only tie That breathes within the Irish heart. Their hones to sanstify?' Ah, no! Tishate would be our', fate And cursed worm! be our soul, 'If thus we'd try, 'twould crucify Our sainted martyr's roll. By 'Derry's aged walls I stand ` To drink of freedom's wine, Yet far away I hear the chant, The Shannon's waters rhyme. Will I deny to earth and sky That I am Dish still? !Because apart-''twould break her heart, No! Scorn me if I will! —Thomas Carnduff. BELGRAVE Ellen Stonehouse and Vei•da Proc- ter attended .the Summer School in Goderich last week and report a very enjoyable time; The organization meeting of the United Stinday, School was held July 7, and the following officers and tea- chers elected, Supt.—Jas, Michie. Assist. Supt.—Carl Procter, Secretary—Stewart Procter, Treasurer ---Ellen Stonehouse. Librarian -A, Vincent. Organists—Verda Procter, Nellie Anderson. Teachers—Earl Anderson, Gordon Gallagher, I. McClenaghan, N. A. Higgins, Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson, Mrs. Cyrus :Scott, Mrs, John Coultcs, and Louise McKenzie, Great interest is being taken in the Sunday School. Attendance was 83 last Sunday and it is expected it will reach loo in the near future, Come and joie US. MINERALS FOR STOCK ABB Nl cinsSARY eon THE WET,1L BpliNG OF THE BODY. Reoognit.,n of Mineral Deficiencies: ASHF'IELD Miss Lizzie and Adaof Zit7n, have returned horse after attending the Summer School in Goderieb. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnegan of Crewe, spent Sunday with the Tatter's Metl,c:ds of Supplementary Feed- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chamney, East lug-- Burning by Paris Green W awanosh. Mr; and Mrs, Thos. Jamieson and son of Fordyce, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs, Roy Irwin, Belfast, Mr. Wzn, Lloyd and Miss Pearl Boyle of Kinlough, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin. Mr, and Mrs. Sam. Morrison and Melvin of Whitechurch, spent Satur- day evening with Mr. and: Mrs. D, K. Alton. Spray. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) In the construction of the animal body some ten principal minerals are used. This seems a lot, and when we look at a cow or a pig, nothing of a metallic nature is in view unless it is the ring in the pig's nose. Minerals are reduced' to fortes that the layman cannot readily recognize, by various processes before they are used in Master Gordon Morrison of White- body building. When we see a roast church, is spending his holidays with of beef on the butcher's block we do his aunt, Mrs. Percy Graham, Shep- not think of it in terms_ of hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, iron, pardton. etc., unless we have a knowledge of chemistry. To the majority it is just beef and that is as far back as their thoughts go. But to the man on the land who makes his .living producing food animals it is something more, -He has had experience some time dur- ing his,feeding operations, with ani- mals that lacked thrift, did not de- velop properly,bones weak, small, crooked, and joints malformed. The experiencedfeeder knows that salt is essential to the well-being of his animals, so he provides it. In doing so two of the necessary min,. erais, sodium and chlorine, find their way to the structural units of the body. The experienced feeder knows that blue grass grown on limestone iinds is different from other blue grass, in that it provides . something that aidsvery materially in building &strong bony structure for the young animal, Recognition of Mineral Deficiencies. 1. Iodine. -=Big' neck or goitro"in new-born calves, lambs, foals and dead hairless: pigs indicate that this mineral element was not present in ,quantity sufficient ' for normal de- velopment. 2. Calcium and Phosphorous.— Rickets in young animals, paralytic' condition of the joints of either fore or hind limbs, weak legs, and soft- shelled eggs in chickens, and low milk production are common condi- tions where these minerals are not supplied in sufficient quantity. '"Feeds Rich In Calcium (the bone maker)—Alfalfa, Red Clover, Tank- age, Dried Milk' products, Skimmilk, Buttermilk, Whey. Feeds Poor In* Calcium. -Cereal grains, roots, Timothy hay, cereal straws. Feeds With Calcium in Moderate Amount.—Dried beet pulp, corn sil- age, corn fodder. (a) Calcium can be ,suppled by feeding steamed bonemeal, raw rock. phosphate, whiting, chalk, air -slacked lime, limestone, marl, or wood ashes, in quantity sufficient to supply the need along with the.daily ration. (b) Phosphorous can be supplied best by using phosphorous rich- food as bran, linseed • meal and tankage, or by using raw rock phosphate floats in conjunction with calcium. Steam- ed bone meal can also be used.. (c) Iodine can be supplied by us- ing sea salt from which the iodine has not been removed on by using the commercial iodized salt. Method of Feeding Supplemrients. Tho quantities required are not large. For animals at pasture a self feeder is the only practical ;method, For stall -fed animals the Ingredients can be mixed and given with the. daily ration, where calcium and phosphor- ous alone are required such can be supplied by mixing 'steamed home meal, marl and salt. If 'iodine alone is required a?psolution made of one ounce of iodine to one gallon of water can be made up and one tablespoon- ful applied daily to the feed of each animal. 'If the milk yields are low, and the cows chewing bones, look to the min- eral content of the feed and make adjustment. If the pigs are crippled, with swollen joints and defective bones,( look, to. the mineral content! of the feed. If the hens are laying soft-shelled eggs, look to the mineral content of the food. You aro the one that supplies the feed. The cow shut up in the'`barn yardand the pig in the high -walled pen are your prisoners; it is up to you to provide what their bodies nerd, or let them go out to nature and find it for themselves.—L. Stev- enson, tevenson, Dept. of ,Extension, O. A. Col- lege, Guelph. , To Keep Pests From Small Fruits. No good excuse can be given by anyone as a reason for losing a crop of currants or gooseberries because • of mildew or worms. Limesulphur at summer strength as for apples or Bordeaux applied when the leaves first appear and at intervals of two weeks thereafter until the fruit is half grown will control mildew. Add two pounds of dry lead arsenate to 100 gallons •of spray and you can control the currant worms at the Same time. If plant lice or aphids show up give them a dose of, nicotine sulphate at the usual strength on the first appearance of the pests. It worms appear after the fruit is half grown use fresh white hellebore in- stead of lead arsenate. Burning by Paris Glreen Spray. Each year considerable Injury re- sults to tender plants through leaf scorching following the application of Paris Green, This injury can beavoided by US - big a double quantity of freshly- slaked or hydrated lime in a inixtue with the Paris Green and their addiii' sufficient water to make a paste. Allow this to stand for an hour and then dilute to the strength desired for spraying, The lithe combines' with the free arsenious oxide and re- Mevea its leaf scorching propertys MANY IEL)+:GATES AT HURON RALLY Mission Bands Near Student Froin China Blyth, July 2o.—Over 200 delegates 'were ?n attendande at St. Andrew's Church here for the second annual Mission Band rally of Huron Presby- kerial, held recently, Representatives were present from Auburn, Blake, Brucefield, Clinton, Edntondville, God- lerieh, Hill's Green, Kippen, Kirkton, lLeeburn, Burn's Church and from neighboring mission bands. Mrs. R. A. Lundy, of Kippen, Miss- ion Band secretary, was in charge and members of the Egmondville Mission 'Band led the devotions, The roll call of the bands was replied to by a verse of Scripture or of a hymn. A confer- ence on different phases of mission band work followed. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint and After luncheon a recreation period Mary, spent Sunday with friendswas enjoyed, and the afternoon meet - around Belgrave, ling convened at 2 o'clock. The main Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phillips of Ma- speaker was a student from China, leking, spent WednesdayeveningWho spoke on the. topic, "China for g� 'with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson of Christ," touching on the present rut Lanes. - test and the political interests of the Miss Rozella and Master Stuart Mullin of Lucknow, spent the week- end with their untie, Mr. Jno. Mullin nth con. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hackett and babe of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hackett, of 1Belfast and Miss Lena Hackett re- turned home with them for a week. Rev. and Mrs. Oaton of Toronto, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. 'Alton of Belfast last week. Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, Palmer, Olive and Richard of Mafeking, have re- turned home ofter a visit with friends Miss Jean and Evelyn Topp of Tor - in Owassa and East Twas, Mich. onto are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cooke. Mr. Danny. and Miss Margaret 'Blake of Winnipeg are spending their 'vacation with friends around Mafe- Hogg, of Clinton, addressed the bands king, and others who spoke briefly were Mr. Robert Vint ' and Arnold of ford, Blyth; Mrs. Monteith, Kippen, Mrs: Hamilton, Goderich; Mrs. Tel- ford of Blyth and Mrs. McKenzie of 'Egmondville. country and their bearing on the -Mission work of the Christian church, He declared that tete present agitation was neither anti -foreign nor anti- Christian; but was the result of bad. oncessions made to foreign powers. A great many Chinese cities, he said, were controlled by foreigners, and foreign residents in China were amen- able, not to Chinese laws, but to those of their own country. The substance of the claims of the tribes was "China for the Chinese," . • The music and missionary stories contributed by the bands were excel- lent. Janet Poplestone, of Blyth, and Annie Jarott, of Hill's Green, received life membership certificates and a number of others received junior memberships. The presbyterial president, Mrs. Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. Gilbert Vint and Mrs. Wm. Balwin, loth. Miss Elsie Vint of Belfast is .spend- ing a couple of weeks with friends around 'Marnoch. and Belgrave. What This Country Needs Here's the way an American con- temporary sizes up the need situation: "What this country, needs is not a new birth of freedom, but the old- fashioned two -dollar lower berth; What this country need isn't liberty, but less people whotake liberties with our liberty. What this country needs isn't a job for every man but a real man for every job. What this country needs isn't to get more taxes from the people, but for the people to get more from the taxes. What this country needs is not more miles of territory, but more miles to the gall; on., What this country needs is more paint on the old places and less paint on the young faces. What this coun- try needs isn't a lower rate of inter- est on money, but a higher interest in work." 0 BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. Caspell of Cleveland, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes. Look To Your Lights The police of all the .cities and towns in Ontario have been given in- structions to take the numbers of all motorists who are guilty ofan of- fence against the "glare" laws, re- cently put in force. The Highways department have issued booklets giv- ing motorists instructions of how to adjust their,lights and these may be had for the asking. The chief pro- vision of the Motor Vehicle Act is to the effect that no ear shall project any dazzling light high enough to in- terfere with an approaching driver. Large objects at a distance 'of 200 feet should be clearly revealed by the headlights, but the law requires that no glaring shall be projected above the 42 -inch line. ZERO IN METHODS OF EARNING A LIVING! A first glance at this picture would indicate that it's one of a man doing his (kindest to break his neck. But that fellow with the camera in the window , below at the left—gives the story away. The j hoto shows Frank Gish— known as the Hungarian "Douglas Fairbanks"- rnaking a dariiiig leap from a window on the sixth floor of a Broadway building to the roof of a near -by building, several stories be- low. The areaway he cleared in mak- ing the thrilling leap was some twen- ty-five feet wide. It was a stunt that fairly took the breath away from those who watched the performance. Gish is soon to make his debut in American films and this jump was merely one of many hazardous stunts he has undertaken to keep in trine. He can do it --4f he wants to. Most everybody else will just about agree that his job is --"zero in methods of earning a living!"