HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-30, Page 3I'. Thursday, July 3oth., 925 WI�TOlIAl111 ADV.AN T1ME* ii MOA6N Qrai. SKr ia WRAP? IAP IN �iL4i'T•pM." PRO MOtµER BAROM R wire BE{NGANKIOusI.Y WATCNEe! Cr .., ,w,a.s tr me, Rost MAN CANT' EAT WITHOUT A' *,sUk COOK. M. i 5, Ij �+':.�'.il III - '� III n rt.li1 ribU Ui1 'TNtc BNAL6.NOT. PASS Oro240owar.eaew FILLING THE STORAGE BATTERY By R. M. Sherrill (Radio . Engineer) Everyone has probably experienced the inconvenience and trouble which •are met with when adding water to 'the storage. battery. The filling well is usually located in the center of the cell, and in such a position that the water must be poured in from a con- :siderabie distance above. Thus some -water is usually spilled on the top of 'the battery, and on account .of- the ;posts and bus -bars, it is difficult to -wipe this water off. And, when it comes to filling the numerous cells of 'the storage B battery, these troubles -are, of course, ,much worse. A very simple way of eliminating most of this inconvenience' is to place the bottle _containing the distilled wa- ter on a shelf, which is a foot or more above the battery. Place one end of a 30 inch rubber tube inside the jar of distilled water at the bot- tom, and let the other -end hang down to the level of the battery. A siphon may be s'tarted by suck- ing on the lower end of the tube un- til the water starts to flow. Once this has been clone, the flow of water may be stopped by kinking the tub- ing and by holding it in that position with a._spring "clothespin or a similar clamping arrangement. • When ready to use, squeeze. shut the end of the tubing. with the finger r.. r 17 21. ill t �I V` n 920 30 :..,.• JW1 • 2.6 27 ill t �I V` 29 30 :..,.• t' ' CROSS WORD PUZZLE NO. x8 Horizontal 7, Frightens. 9. Forerunner az. Tiresome as. Boy's. name 'i5. Beneath 7'. Stop 38, Entire .2o. • Plunge or innnerse .25. Girl's name .22. Beg .24. Inquire 25, Mother- ofthe gods (Greek Myth) 32' 26. Boast 34' 27• Snake -like -fish 36. .29. Last `part of a city in New Jer- sey, the first part of which is 38' 9 39,. "Perth" 32. Male Sheep 42. 33. Lair 35 Over (poetic) 36. Dance' step 37. The icing who had the golden touch 30. Swampy spots of ground .40. Building for dramatic perform- ances 43. Cherish; encourage Whole II • 6. 8. 10. I2. 14- 116, 4•1x6, ;x8. 19' • 22. 23.. 28. 30. 44y Vertical Ascended Pulled apart'Twith a letter'. Question Though (poetic) Tendency. tips and remove the clothespin, In 'this way au A battery or even a lar- go storage B battery may be quickly and easily filled without spilling a chop of the distilled water and with- out running over any of the cells. Roumanian. Radio Requirements We all know that in most of the foreign countries the ,people must es- tablish their identity andpay for a li R.RE°5 ir►Y PENG REE 1 cense before they can, use a receiving set. This is also .true in Roumania, but there will be some rather odd ad- ditional requirements if the present bill before the Parliament at Buchar- est, is passed. Anyone wishing alicense must ap- ply in person and must produce do- cumentary evidence that he has been baptized. Also he must bring proof` of his Roumanian citizenship, and a statement as to, his high mdral char- acter from a priest or other responsi- ble religious leader. Glad you don't live in Roumania? A. R, R. L. Convention The third National American Radio Relay League Convention is- to .' be held in .Chicago., Ill., U. S. A., this: month from' the 18th to the 2rst in - 'elusive.- Amateur radio operators from all over the United States and Canada will be present, and it is ex- pected that delegates from several foreign countries will also be on hand. All- amateur operators, and any others interested in amateur rad- io, are cordially invited to attend, For,. reservations, write to : Wm. E. Schweitzer, Chairman, 4264 Hazel Ave., Chicago, 111. German Protest Against Use Of Reflex Patents Although the .German Embassy at !Washington has protested against the use that is being made of the Von Bronk Reflex Patents, the Navy De- partment is continuing to issue licen- ses to manufacture under them. These patents, which cover the basic principles of radio frequency and re- flex amplification, were taken from the Germans during the war of the iAlien .15.operty.. Custodian. It is rumored that over 15o appli- I cations for permits to manufacture !under these patents have been reeeiv- led by the Navy Department, and that up to the present time, but few Per- mits have been granted. It is the policy of the navy to issue licenses to individuals or firths who will in expo n etwe radio or 0th- l.S 1 cr patent rights of value to tl10 ixavy. I Radio Questions and Answer ,(Mr. Sherrill will be glad to help Rests Mistake 1 .r A bird Alone Knotted Chart or plan Poplar tree of Mexico Work Small vegetable Arid One who directs publication Second letter of Greek alphabet Desire something great Up-to-date Entertainment Feminine' pronoun Lair . Before Golf term Answer to last week's puzzle ,,17r -2..1-0 problems. Write him in care of this paper.) . Q. --L. M. writes: "I .was glad to see the data published in „Farm and Home concerning a Superdyne receiv- er. I have on hand 'some Northern Electric Peanut Tubes and I intend using them in 'this receiver. I would like to ask -(x) what modifications are necessary to' adapt the .hookup to the peanut tubes? and (what should be the value of the grid condenser? I already use 0.000,5 Mfd). (2) What is the best aerial for this Superclyne? (3) What is the length of an antenna suitable for receiving short waves 50 to 15o meters? (4) ' Would it be practical to .use the sameaerial for both Superdyne and a. short wave re- ceiver?" Ans,-(r) The only modifications necessary would be to provide the proper voltages, rheostats and mount- ings kr the peanut tubes. The 0.00015 Mfd grid condenser will be suitable. (2) A good antenna for the Super- dyne would be one that is high as possible and is about 6o feet long. It would be preferable, though not ne- cestary, to have more, than one wire in the top part. (3) The same antennae as describ- ed under (2) may be used for the short wave reception if a. series con- denser of about ,0.00025 Mfd is. used, This may be a fixed capacity. (4) Answered under (3), BORN Buttery -In Detroit, to Mr. and Mrs, :filbert Buttery, jr., son of Mr: and Mrs. A... Buttery, Watngitam a daughter, (Catherine). • • Patterson -in W'inghartr, on Thurs- day; July 23rd to Ur. and Mrs. Geo, • Patterson, a son. STABLE . VENTILATION FRESH AIR Is MORE BSSENTTI TO LIFE THAN VERO. 1'wo Systems of Ventilation.: The King and the Rutherford -- Too Much Aim Space a Mistake „ The Control of Potato Insects. (Contributed by Ontario Department-ot Agriculture, Toronto.) The question of stable ventilation comes up every" year when new sta- bles are being erected. it seems quite Important then; provision may or may not be made to give the animals the required pure air. Many neglect it entirely, saying, "What's the use, the cold air will find a way ln.'' Sometimes it does, and sometimes it does not, and animals may be com- pelled to live in an atmosphere that Is destructive. Fresh air is the cheapest thing we have. Yes, so cheap that it is not appreciated' by many people keeping live stock. Yet these same people will pay out good money fox service rind drugs to correct conditions .that fresh air would have prevented. rwo' Systems of Ventilation. We have two recognized systems of stable ventilation, the King and the Rutherford. In the Rutherford sys- tem fresh air inlets are placed at door and foul air outlets are placed s.t ceiling. 'In the King system the inlets are at the ceiling and the out-' lets one foot above door level. In :he Ontario climate there is very little difference in the results given by these systems. Both work well when Properly operated, and like every- thing else in stable equipment must hale attention from the man in. charge of the stable. Beef cattle, sheep and horses live and thrive best In a stable' where the temperature is kept below 50°. Dairy cattle and swine require a temperature 50° to 60° with a humidity of 75 degrees or less. If the humidity runs over 75 degrees, the walls and ceiling will drip with moisture or coat with frost. A condition not to be desired. Too Much Air Space a Mistake. A common mistake made is too .much air space per animal. The warming of the stable is dependent upon the heat radiated from the animal body, In modern stables and under winter conditions it has been found that 700 or 800 cubic feet of air space, is all the stable space that a 1,000 -pound animal should be ex- pected to warm up, • Wide passage ways and high ceilings while very desirable features for nine months or the year, present a problem in ven- tilation during the three cold winter months. Its only solution is artificial heat. With proper window and door arrangement and careful attention on the part of the stable roan the air can be kept reasonably dry and pure for only' part of the ;-ear. Add a ventilating systemand you can meet the changing atmospheric conditions from hour to hour with 'little labor and much satisfaction, shown . in the thrift of the stock. If you are re- modelling the old stable or building a new one, give ventilation full con- sideration, put in a system, put ir lots of glass, hinge the windows tc open -inward from the top, and don't forget the Dutch doors. -Dept. o: Extensions 0. A. College, Guelph. The Control of Potato Insects. Sprays or dusts thoroughly applied at the right. time are effective. For Potato Beetle Use Calcium arsenate (arsenate of lime) '11/2 pounds to 40 gallons of water Cr Bordeaux gixture. Or naris ^--vC1I . to 2 pounds to a' *n Rg'f'il Cys statar •sm'stS%w �i3 p9is green, 1 pound and senate of lead. 1 pound to 40 gallons of water or Bordeau mixture. Any' of the above may be applied in the form of a -dust, but should be dtlubed with from 10 to 20 times their own bulk of hydrated lime. Apply with duster or shake through a burlap sack. . .i,, _; For Flea Beetle Use ''' Bordeaux mixture (4 lbs. Mile- stone, 6 lbs, hydrated lime and 40. gallons water) with ,any of the pots - ons used for potato beetle.. !For Leaf Hopper Use • Bordeauxmixture, spray both sides of the leaf thoroughly, For Potato Aphis Use Black Leaf 40 as soon as the aphis are at all- numerous.spray thoroughly. - Dept, of Extension, 0. A., College, Guelph. The New'inan Raspberry. The 'Newman rapbrry has done well ' at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, being one of the most promising of the newest varieties. It was named atter its originator, Mr. C. P, Newman, and is -a selection from many seedlingsgrown and tested. Phe original seed was taken from a field containing the varieties Cuth- .')ert, Eaton, Herbert, King, and Lon - 'Ion. The seed was planted in 1908. tud the following year some 200 plants were set out for study. Two years later it was possible to make a ;election from the best of these. It was then that Seedling Newman No. S8' was recognized to possess super - Mr merit. In: 1916 and .1917 this ariety 'was submitted for further vial to the Experimental Farms where it ranks among the best ;arieties. Cutting Alfalfa. Considerable injury may be done :o alfalfa fields by late cutting or 'asturing in the autumn. The alfalfa )hints should be free to grow after ,61)toinb'or. 26th, Cutting or pastur- tig after this date is not. good prat- 'ce,, To stand the winter the crowns 1 the plant should be covered 'with good vigorous growth of leaf and '.em hien the snow comes. -Dept Of Atensiou, 0. A. College, Gneifth. yals Faye Cream RELEIVRS -- Sunburn an i an , Nyals Face Cream is a greaseless, disappearing Cream with a delightful fragrance, It is especially recommended for sunburn and it removes tan. It protects the complexion against sunlight. and makes face powder or talcum adhere better. It is not greasy, or sticky and does not promote the growth of hair. 25 and 50 Cent Jars "s Mc'Drug9 re Nyal Quality Store, Phone 18. We Are In The Market To Buy Cream and Eggs During Hot Weather it pays to look after Cream and Eggs and market them twice weekly. Profits are made on the Quality produce you sell. Under grades, no person wants them unless at a reduced price. The U ited Farmers Co -'po CO., Ltd. Wingham - - ®alath) .lints for the FOR AUGUST By Betty Webster';'. Cold Drinks Cold drinks are a necessity for summer. They can be made very, nourishing and if not drunk in excess ortoo rapidly, they -are beneficial. Of course, very' little if any ice. may be added to the children's drinks. By giving them different, pretty or cute glasses with either a sipper or a plain drug store straw they are happy. Some rules to remember in making drinks are: i, Have then cold. 2. Do not make thein too sweet. More sugar can be added if necess- ary, 3. Make syrups ahead of time and ready in ice box have some always adv 72 - Cold. Drinks Iced Chocolate Syrup 2 cups of sugar. Small cup of water. 4 tablespoons of cocoa. Little salt. Flavor with little vanilla. Method: -Cook together and make syrup. When ready to serve pour a little in bottom of each glass. Put in chipped ice and fill glass up with milk, -0- A Delicious Fruit Drink Juice of 3 oranges. Juice of 7 lemons. x cup of pineapple juice. �? cup of prune juice. x cup of grape juice, 3 cups of strong tea. Sugar to taste. Mix, chill in ice box. Just before serving add about xi quarts ice water. Fill bowl or glass- es with ice and serve. -0- A Dandy Drink x bottle of ginger ale. x cup of sugar. Clean to handle. "Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores rig,“ 3 lemons. Bottle of maraschino cherries. Mix well; serve ice cold, -0- Fruit Punch (8o glasses) 12 lemons. 6 oranges. s can of pineapple. x can of white cherries. 2i pounds of sugar. x bottle maraschino cherries. 4 quarts of ginger ale. -0- WORTH KNOWING Save Your Extra Vegetables If you have an abundant garden and gather more vegetables than you can possibly use in one day, wrap the rest up in a newspaper. They will keep fresh much longer than if left lying loose in the pantry. -0- BAKING HINT Angel Food Cake i full cup of egg whites. a teaspoon of cream of tartar. xi cups of granulated sugar, z cup of flour. teaspoon of salt, Vanilla. Method :-Have everything ready before you begin. Use sante cup for all measurements. Sift sugar 5 tim- les. Sift flour 5 times. Then -beat eggs until foamy but not stiff, Add cream of tartar and beat until stiff. 'Fold in sugar veru sln• .1-- fliz- VefIng. Feld la flour' 'very Pahl- in till. Bake inslow oven 50 to minutes: • -o_ (Readers, I'stotei if you • have any questions concerning Recipes ask other Household Hints you would like' to ask • Betty Webster -address her in care of this paper.) (Copyright, 5925, by The Bonnet - Brown Corporation, Chicago. DO UNTO OTHERS The merchants of Trenton recent- ly inserted page advertisements in their newspaper, addressed to the gen- eral public, The message, while in- tended particularly for Trent -on peo- ple, could be addressed to the people of almost any community. It is head- ed: "Paying your bills promptly is one of the best ways of following the Golden Rule" and reads as follows: • First -In fairness to the merchant or professional man who has invest- ed cash acid time. in the merchandise or service you have received, 'your should reciprocate the favor of credit by taking care of your obligations in reasonable time. Your merchant or professional man does not require security. Re demands no interest -yet he is actu- ally loaning you cash. Second -'-In fairness to your own good name and reputation, your bills should be paid on time. You are granted credit according to your past record: Your character is the basis for confidence in your abili- ty to pay. Do your part, Pay your bills promptly. If you can't pay all at onto, pay half or whatever you call and see to it that your creditor knows yon are playing the game square. That's one way,. we can all add to: the good name of our town,