HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-23, Page 5• `l+lux'rs Yr rely 2$r4., x925, WINGHAVI ADVANCE -TIMES ■11MONNI ■ IMAM iM iniiiI ENNIXIMMIIIibill M■■■■■IIS■IAMB ■mIm eennsissmsumma■■ winammi9Misa 1111 ■ is MI 1111 ■ 1 ■ 1 Seat USE 006 SAVE MONEY ■n ■ ■ ix ■ ■ ■ • A Cash Discount Bond given with every Cash Purchase ��■1I.131211111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111150111111111101111111 X1,El iPy. BM+ ■®f1 IRM! MM }I1'`a I : IM■MIsiM 'veryCash Purchase z ,.;• e • ive you Cash Discount Exclusive Men's Store Ask the young fellows where they get their up -- to - date Suits. Prices from $18.00 to $35.00. Cash Discount, Bonds with every purchase Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties and Clothing, the largest stock in Huron County. J One cent Bond for every 25e you spend. You can use the Bonds in this store just the same as money, we accept them as such, at their full face value, con any purchase, at any time. Here is the simple, practical plan that -assures you of the proper dis- • count every time, to which a Cash Purchaser is justly entitled. These Cash Discount Bonds re- present worth -while savings that no careful buyer can afford to ne- glect. Buy here and be assured always of the highest possible type of ser- vice; the best values at the lowest possible price and NOW in ad- dition. onds ake FO.Salsolaso-O.E.002.0.56......treca.e.a.-0.....eassOacebo•optior Ladies' Ready -to- Wear Coats, Suits, Wraps and Dresses, Blouses, Ho-. siery, Underwear and Dry Goods. Take a day off and come to Hanna's Depart- mental Store for your next requirements. Cash Discount Bonds with every purchase. 4121.01.211100111•01101111.0.10 .1.1111..10:11•0161191:0412. 0.1199,44 4130J. Get th Children to Save A Cash Discount Bond You c u h,, y many extr,. s Cash Iriscount Bonds, it with the mo, ey these tiis- will t melt them thrift. m . With Every Purchase counts save youm • e All Grocery purchases entitles you to Cash Discount Bonds. 45 Youths'. and Young Men's Suits, Tweed, Blue, Stripe, Worsted, Greys, Green, suits worth up to 1 2 orm $27.50, Sale Price $x5.00 & •. Small Boys • Wash Suits, Khaki, Lin- en, Blue and white stripe, worth up to $4.50 and $5.5o, sizes 3, 4, ®9 5 5, 6, 7 years, Sale _. _.._.. House Furnishings, Rugs, Linoleums, BIinds, etc. a®0 0®0®0..o0.r0. •0 0® Men's Shirt Sale -23 dozen Forsyth guaranteed Shirts $3.00 and 1a M • up, x4 to x81, Sale__.:_.._..__ Children's Silk Socks, Fawn 25 and White, Blue, Sale Price— Children's Athletic Underwear, sizes 8, xo, 12 Nainsook, Sale Price Per Suit 69c Girls' Straw Hats, Fawn, White and Brown, regular up to $3.o0 Sale Price _________ 1 •'J Cottage Aprons, Sateen and Mne Linen, Sale .Price Girls' Wash Dresses ready to wear, balance of our stock, on sale each __.__.___.... ....._ 1.00 oaaoBoameo.u.m0•.M.0.0un..41.0+029o4045r.00amot.aa 0®0.M.NooOWrt)00,10®0081.. 0.00®0®0eill.a.m..® Special eductions throughout :: oth Stores uring July an •' August Phone 70 Discount Bonds accepted as Cash on any Purchase MMIIMAIIIIIMMIOMIIMMOOMMOOMMIAMA, ,011 Rd MO St. HELENS Miss Ada Watson of Lucknow is a visitor with, Margaret and Helen Thom. Messrs. Torrance Anderson and Lo- vell Reavie and Miss Laura Good- hamb, motored from Detroit on, Sat- urday and are visitors at the form- er's hone here, Miss Vera Woods has been visit- ing with •Bayfield friends. Mr. and Mrs. John; Clark of Tor- onto are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. P. Clark. Rev. Chas. and Mrs. Cumming and Margaret, motored to Owen Sound on . Tuesday, Mrs. Currie of Goderich was a vis- itor with her daughter, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs, Phillips, returning with her for the week -end. Miss Gladys Webb, who enjoyed a boat trip as far as Montreal, since school closed is spending the vacation at her home here. Mrs. W. Cameron is a visitor -with Lucan friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'a McManus and son of South Bend, Ind., motored OAF - et' and spent a few days with their nesse, Mrs. John Patterson and other Mends. Congratulations are due Misses Ma- bel Woods, Vera Todd and Caroline Webb, who were successful in the re- cent Normal exams, Owing to the resignation of Miss Bessie Murdie, who has accepted the position of assistant in thio Lucknow High School, Miss Jessie Bucking- ham has been engaged - as principal here. The position of teacher in the Junior Room which shehas held for the 'past three years will be taken by Miss Vera Todd. Mr. D. B. Murray, .,Mr. Cliffe and Miss Mary. Murray and Miss May Cameron visited at Lucan during the week. BLIIEV'ALE Mr, E. Lester of Toronto, spent the week -end with friends here, Mrs. Wm, McMichael and Mrs, Fin- lay, Mr. and Mrs. G, Hall, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Cope- land of Wroreter. Miss -Laura Holmes is at present visiting with! relatives at Detroit. Nurse Miss Ruby Duff, returned to Toronto Tuesday after spending a few weeks with relatives here. Mr, John Balfour of Turnberry, Mr, Prank Balfour, On and daughter; of Ethel, spent Sunday at the home 1M Al ■ 111E111111111112 INIERE®®®E®EMIN MUM �® 11 11 1 I IuI11xBIommilIlI1imillllxp9111 r11 tit VOILES 69c YD. iiti Spots, Checks, Sprays and tii Dots in Normandy and Import - E ed Voiles in colorings of Blue; Rose, Fawn, Mauve, Navy • Black and White 38x4o in, rig wide, reg. to $z.00 yd. for 6gc 90 - SUMMER "GOODS 45c YD. tit Suitings,,,Voiles, Ratines and • Crepes, in Striped Checks and - Plain Colors, regular values - from to $x.25, specially pri- p� ced to75C clear at .._.._•.__._..450 yet - DRESSES LESS zo p. C. �y __..Broadcloths, Crepes and • Gingham Dresses in assorted - Stripes, Checks and Plain Cloth, sizes x6 to 44 at S.Sgcial clearing price less 20 per cent.. _ ...._...,. II l I>re911111l11tw Illi Ilillli 11I IItI HOMNAMICAMMIWOMOMOM Clearing Specials J. WHITE VOILE 69c 'White Voiles with satin stri- pes and checks, suitable for summer wear, 36 in. wide reg $X.25 yd, special --Ago yd SCOTCH GINGHAM 45c Overcheck Gingham in Blue, Rose and Sand, Anderson's best Scotch Make, 36 in. wide, regu- lar 75e, special ......45c yd. LONG SILK GLOVES $1.25 Ladies Long Silk Gloves, 24 in., extra heavy weave and fine finish in Sand and Mode, spec- ial a pair CHILDREN'S SOX 2gc Silk Lisle Thread Sox for children, 111 all shades,sizes 4 to 7i, reg value 35c_ and_ 4oc, Special ._._ w _. _._.__..._. 290 pair MILLS, WINGH III�IIIAIIlI�I11®ilath IiI'+ 11111911131111'i Ill111111 - III1111111112111®i11 ra III®IIIICIII01111l''11111111 1111111111itlik FORDYCE Mr. John Phillips from the West is at present visiting relatives around here. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jamieson, visited relatives near St. Helens, re- cently, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner and son, Lorne, of Rapid City also Mr. and Mrs. A. Havins and family visit- ed at Fordyce on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Souter Taylor visited at Mr. George Naylor's on Sunday last. Mrs. Brooner and family of Toron- to are at present visiting relatives in this locality for a while. Some in this locality have commen- ced cutting fall wheat, it seems to be a good crop•. in this locality. - Mr. and Mrs. John Foarn and fa- mily are at present visiting at Mrs, Jeremiah Foarn's. John is looking fine, it being some years since he was last here. BORN Schaefer—In Goderich on Thursday, July 16th., to Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Schaefer, formerly Miss Luella Mc- Cool, a slaughter. ENO= Oalannil III! 1111111111111 II111E111I/IiiIQH111i;llllIII MORRIS Mr. J. E. Aitchison of Port Col- borne, visited his sister, Mrs. Will Abraham last week. Miss Dorothy MacEwen of Detroit is, spending a few weeks with her fa- ther, Mr, A. MacEwen. Jean Robertson and Dorothy Goll- ey, are spending a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Abra- ham. Thorndale Robber Caught • Many of our readers have heard or read about the Thorndale bank robb- ery where the lone burglar forced: the bank staff to . enter the vault at the point of a revolver. He ran his course but was caught by a Detective; He was Leslie Hathaway of London;. la previously respected young marriecl man, who wanted to get rich quick land foolishly decided on robbery. Now he will get his deserts in prison. Had one of the bank staff refused to go into the vault and he had urged her to, he would likely be in a much worse position now. It certainly pays to, do the honest thing and run no chances. The law will get you sooner or later if you break it. II 11111111 III 1111/1111 i11111911IellliM11181111' 111111111M111 r�1 of Mr. Wm. Balfour. Mr. Fulton Timmins of Toronto is up for a short vacation. He is 'recu- perating after undergoing a serious operation recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Aitchison, .Mr. and Mrs, W. Stewart, Mr. Jas, McHardy, Mr. Geo. Greenaway, Mrs. R. Shaw, Miss Bernice Shaw Miss Perle Graff and Miss M. Paul, spent Sunday at Kincardine. *Mr. W. Smillie had a successful barn raising on Tuesday afternoon. Farmers are busy cutting their fall wheat this week. It is a real good crop. IN MEMORIAM Anderson—In tenderest memory of our dear baby boy, Grant Finlay Anderson, who passed away, July 24th. 1924. Daddy, Mother, Brothers' and Sisters BELGRAVE Services in connection with the con- tinuing of the. Presbyterian Church in this !village, will be conducted next Sunday afternoon, by the Rev. Mr. Drummond of Hamilton and on Sun- day, August oth., by the Rev. D. T. McKerrol, Toronto, and formerly of Lucknow. ASHFIELD 1 Miss Tillie Sherwood of Lanes is attending • the Summer School at Goderich this week. Mr, Stuart Alton, Elsie and Gordon Alton of Montreal, Mrs. Speare of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Bradley and El- don, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Hac- kett Belfast. Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Webb and Russell, spent a day last week with Mr, Frank Scott of Courey's Corner. Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Maxwell of the West are visiting -with Mr. and Mrs. Max Raynard of Paramount. Mr, and Mrs, Richar Gardener, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner and Lane, celebrated the 12th in Kitchener, 'M'iss Winnie Irwin .of Belfast, Spent the week -end with her brother, Mr, Frank Irwin of Lanes. Mr. Thos, Taylor and Albert of St. Helens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint, Belfast. Miss Grace and Belle Anderson of London, are visiting their Cousin Miss Jessie Aderson, Mr, George .Lane and girls of Lanes spent the week -end with friends at Ar- thur, fiI oes Your Car Need a New To Note these very special prices and bear in mind that these tops are notthe the usual cheap grade of top but of Superior Quality New Ford top and back com- plete with two oval lights in back for._. 9.00 New Chevrolet top and back complete with two 1 1 oval lights in back for 6id3• 55 5 0 Ido New Ford Top and back corn- New Chevrolet top and back complete with 6sx8 pieta with 6xx8 glass 9 50 in back in light in back for_ 1• 90 Add $x.00 to above prices in case you desire put on We Make or > epair- All i akes of "Car Torsl.s" And our facilities are such that we enabled' to give "quick and superior service" Phone 129. 1 I. 4I ---• THE SHOE STORE — W1ngha „ Ont. 1 YI9 111111II11IMIIMINIII WHIR 61IMiHM lill9((II61NiIIlli11lliElClHUM MOM l