HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-23, Page 4WTNGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES
Thursday, July 23r4., 005.
OW. 181111.0411114.0..P041110.04410041111.041.11.04416141 .
e 1s
FREE -There is something Free with every
purchase of Toilet Articles listed
on our July Sale.
Save with "Safety" at your "Rexall" Drug Store.
c lbbon's Drug Store
FOR SALE Two Cows to freshen, TENDERS FOR PAINTING -Ten-
1 York Sow and Hereford Bull.l ders for painting the outside of
Apply to John Salter, East Wawa- I Wingham High School will be re -
nosh, phone n-618. ceived up to Saturday noon, July
25. 1925. Specifications can be
FOR SALE -Eight roomed dwelling.
Hard and soft water, good cellar
under house. A bargain for quick
sale. Apply to ErnestgDennis, R. WANTED -Young lady wishes posi-
6 sa No. 4, Apply
to a tion as Stenographer. For particu-
lars apply to Box A Advance -
FOR SALE -Kitchen Stove, in good °Times.
t condition, will sell cheap. O. V• { TEACHER WANTED -For U. S. S.
Hayden. No. 8, gingham Junction. State
1...., experience and salary. Apply to se -
FOR SALE -A few good second' cretary. W. J. Henderson, Box 55.
hand autos and buggies for sale at
dour own price. B. J. Bellinger. MUNICIPALITY OF EAST
AOR, SALE -z Coal Heater, (without I WAWANOSH
Oven) also pipes, 34 yds. (2 yd ."
wide) Linoleum, 1 Coal Oil Stove! Voter's Lists 1925
„ (Detroit Vapor) portable oven, sisal Native is hereby given that I have
My house on Minnie St, transmitted or delivered to the per-
t, sons mentioned in Sec. Io of the On-
FOR SALE -1 Blood Mare Driver, tario Voter's Lists Act, the copies
a rubber tired buggy and harness, required by said sections, to be so
Address Box 42, Wingham. Tele- transmitted or delivered of the list
phone 14z made 'pursuant to said Act, of all per-
sons appearing by the last revised As -
FOR SALE -Two Cows, 1 York sessment Roll of the said Municipali-
Sow and 1 Hereford Buil at very ty, to be entitled to vote in the said
low price. John Saiter, East Wa- :Municipality, at Elections for, mem-
o wanosh bers of the Legislative Assembly and
T at Municipal Elections and that the
FOR . SALE -Purebred Scotch Colli said list was first posted up in my of -
pups. Apply to Milos Cameron. five on the 18th Day of July and re -
FOR SALE -Tender Young Beets, mains there for inspection.
Carrots, Onions, Green Peas, Let-' nd I call upon the electors to'px
tuce S mach. Fresh Eggsamine the said lists and if any errors
p art Fat or omissions are perceived therein to
Ai Hens. Get your pickling beets now have the said errors or onzfssions cor=
John Kerr,Lower Wingham. rected according to law.
HONEY FOR SALE -New Clover ' A. Porie eld, Tp. CIerk
Honey 550 in my tins or 14 in your ,Dated this zgth.:day of July 1925.
tins at house, will leave it at Mr.
Mill's Feed Store for same. I have REUNION OF S. S. NO. 5 MORRIS
a quantity in 3o Ib. pails, old clover
Cl for z3 cents. The crop is a very JULY fig, sg25
light one this season. James H. 1 CALLS YOU BACK -COME!
Casemore, Morris,
seen at the office of the Secretary
Dudley Holmes or W. F. Vanstone.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Armitage are
spending a week at Tobermory.
Miss Dorothy Piper has taken a po-
sition in the Winghazn Post Office.
Mr. Win. Morden of St. Thomas,
spent Sunday at the home of his par-
ents in town.
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111611151111111111011101110111101111111101110111111111I111NI ene en111$111 1
Council met in the Council Cham- Our New
ent:-A. on July xa,an 1925. Members ores,
J. Sanderson, Ernest Dobbs,
G. Davidson, Reeve i-Ienneberg in the
The minutes of regular meeting o£
June 19th., were read and on motion
of Sanderson and Dobbs were adopt-
Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Smith and fa- ed.
roily spent a few days at Tobermory, Accounts: -D. Robinson, account
during the week, for spikes $2.r6; F. Davey i year -
Mr. and Mrs. J, E. West of Strat- Clerk Salary 50.00, postage, registra-
ford visited over the week -end at the tion express etc., $9.28, total 59,28;
home of Miss Fleuty, Wroxeter rural telephone Co. mater- It
Mr. and Mrs. Weir Elliott are vis-
lel 3.$0; I. S. Durst, caretaking of
iting at the home of the former's mo- Hall to July 3 g.5o; Matt. Sanderson, el
they, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Victoria St. collecting and work, 1y.00; Dudley
Holmes, legal advice 2.00; H. Henn -
Mrs. Mary Pullen and three daugh- ra
ters, motored to Fergus on Sunday to sng, village share work on street'
visit Miss Annie Pullen at the Royal 16.5o; W. Casemore, village share a
Alexander Hospital. work on street 6.25; D. Kaakes vill 1.
age share work on street '15.0o; W. i
Miss Agnesntzman of town and Westlake, village share work on street j
her friend, Mr. Tom Saint, spent Sun- 7.50; R. McMichael, teaming 2.50; W. p
day at the Lake at ch and also A. Rutherford, wire 13.5o; J. N. Allen •
his mother and father and sister, school purposes 5oo.00. • _
I Motion by Sanderson and Davidson
Many friends will regret to hear that these accounts be paid and or -
that Mr. Arthur Angus is at present ders. drawn on the treasurer for same.-
a patient in the Royal ,Alexandra deCarried.. _'
Hospital, Fergus, where he under- Motion of Dobbs and Davidson that 0
went an operation. Best wishes are =
expressed for his early recovery. ;Council adjourn to meet at regular
meeting on call of the Reeve.
Mr. C. E. Smith and daughters,: Fred Davey, Clerk.
Misses Lilian and Florence of Ripley,
are staying at thehome of A. G.
Smith, Mrs. Smith has undergone a GLENANNAN-
serious operation in Wingham Gener-1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffray and
al Hospital.` Ison, Stewart, spent Sunday at Mr. =
Miss,:;, Bernice Thibideau of -town Alex. Stewart's, Howick. Wa ere
and Mr. Sidney Lee of Londesboro:.pleased to know that Mrs. Jeffray is II
and Mr. Lee's sister, Mrs. Bert Bea- able to be about again after her ill-
com of Toronto and also Mr. Beacom ness. ' i
spent last 'Tuesday at Bayfield and Mr, and Mrs. George Marshall .,of t®
Clinton with friends. 1 - Telephone 23 -
Detroit were recent visitors with iii
yup®wunv�yua umuiv uwiummwwmNM.momwWmN
A Simple, Sell -Working Plan that Saves
You Money on Every Cash Purchase
On Thurslay, July 23rd we are introducing a per-
manent new system of CASH DISCOUNTS,
Foreach•and every 250 you spend in this store, opand after that date, you will receive a CASH DISCOUNT
You can then use these BONDS in this store just the
same as money. We will redeem thein, at their full face
value, at any time -in any number -on any purchase.
These BONDS mean an additional Discount on prices
that always represent the highest values obtainable in qua-
lity of goods, and of service.
There are no strings -no conditions. Just make sure
you get your BONDS -then cash them here whenever
you are making purchasers.
No 'Thrifty >:,uyer C Afford f,r. Overlook
The Wort .While Savings These
ondds Oiler.
The members of the Women's In-- friends on the line. THE GOOD SHOE STORE
stitute will hold their annual picnic Mrs. Monkmann and two- sons of
at the home of Mrs. Jas. Wray, 6th Medicine Hat are visiting with friends 111 1111111181111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1186111®11111111®1111111191111SIIII1l11186111
con., Turnberry, on Wednesday, July here.
2gth. All those wishig to go be at Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dickson and
the rest room at 1.3o sharp. Every- family, spent Sunday at the home of
body bring their basket, also cup and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffrey.
spoon. I Miss Alma Fitch is visiting with lit:
Mr. J. England -and Mr. C. England tle Miss Elva Metcalfe.
I of La Pierie, Mich., paid their old Mr. and Mrs. George" Breen arid
friend, Mr. V. R. VanNorman, their children, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Breen,
Preserving Kettles, and Potato Pots It will be . held on the School
^=r McClary's best grade enamelware, ' Grounds of S. S. No. 5, Morris.
some 'Wear -Ever" Aluminum ware, The programme will consist of the
make your selection early as some following: -Speeches by old boys and
lines are limited at Thompson & girls; solos by old boys; Highland
Buchanan Hardware. Dancing; Reading by Mrs. VanWyck,
1111 NOTICE_ AVill the party who took Kingham; selections by Hawaiian
chi the bunch of keys oat of Post Gi-
res lice iSextette; selection on Piccolo; Jack-
son and Perdue Orchestra, will give
Box i�^.a a -e to
the Post rafiiae aee.''. save ,,:atia,:ta,
nn::ic for the day.
in ports -Soft Ball, between Belgrave
TO BE -'rjL.:+ P,,,,r T') ina and girls of section. Baseball
b t t r een single and married men of
the- Section. Races of all kinds,.
Lyncb:-Ladies please bring bas-
s, Everybody welcome welcome.
tires ant s.ao't¢' T vz,f>ere Telt be booth on grounds.
license, . w Cce:r.:...::J'� ...:,,J.,.ea y'.5rTri r '.. A song and a smile
dash xiebt, raaas and looks • A iau h and a tear
good, Ona, Grey D'art Roadster A glancing back through all the years
two new dcan-.zr_3 .tot s ca :-ear. 8i- The worst forgotten laid away
cense, n v' j y ainte ' Use e an e2 1. The best to greet you on this day.
One ChavanIet Touring' in god ; R. Proctor, chairman of committee,
;condition. See them at Crarford's 'Mrs. A. Cloakey., secretary of pro -
Garage and make us an offer. ;granixae committee.
"ITIS FIRST 1 -''St Er x MK a}
w.. EAx S i •''`F .aE'.r.� w�..'�.1+iAi iiyNt'
Ford k`'.+r�..�1 '" "�° '4=6 27:-
"Ferase, u :1..! u r .. n" °.. ;Iasi
annual 12th of July visit. These gen- also Mr. and Mrs. John Fortune of
tlemen hope to motor back from
Michigan for the reunion of S. S. No.
5, Morris, on the 2gth of July.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A.'Hammonl and
son, Robert of South Bend, Indiana,
also Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr and
Master W. Cruikshank, motored to
Kincardine on Sunday_afternoon, and
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
bert Wellwood at their summer cot-
Messrs. J. Denninson, A. J. Ross, J.
Casemore, Robt. Currie and J. W. Mc-
Kibben, attended the funeral of Geo.
B. 'Hanley, reeve of Stanley on Fri- ,
day. The funeral was under the aus-
pices of Clinton L. O. L. and was one
of the largest funeral ever held in
South Huron.
Mr. D. C. Pope's barn on Ann St.,
was completely destroyed by fire on
Monday night of last week. The fire
was discovered shortly after ten
o'clock, but it had gained such head-
way that nothing could be done to
save it and the fire fighters bent their
energies to saving the surrounding
buildings. There was a number of
chickens burned, also pigs and a Ford
car. Mr. Popes loss will be heavy.
Mr. Chas. McCutchen has purchas-
ed Mr. James Wright's farm on the
Brussels gravel road.
Miss Ada Gallaher hat returned
from Toronto where she has been vis-
iting for the past two weeks. She
was accompanied by her niece, Miss
.Ina Bryans.
The 'United Workers will hold their
first meeting on Thursday afternoon
of this week at two o'clock,
Grand Rapids, motored over and
spent a few days with friends here.
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the ., celebrations at Brussels
and Kincardine.
Mrs. John. Rutledge, Miss Lizzie
and Weldon of Brampton, spent a day
at Mr. Oliver Stokes and was accom-
panied home by the former's sister,.
Mrs.. Harron.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston. of
Wingham, spent Sunday at the home'
Of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Miss Isabel Metcalfe is assisting
Mrs. John Gowdy of Salem for a fewdays.
if EM ;L ®, ; Ili 111111111111111111111111
Miss Effie Goodfellow of Toronto"
is spending her holidays with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Tait in town.
Mr. and Miss Ritchie, also Mrs.
Alex, McGerches and Mr, and Mrs. •
Frank Sanderson of Toronto, spent
Sunday last at the home of the form •
er's brother, Mr. Tindal Ritchie at
Mr. R. J. Barton and his sister, Mrs.
Walden of Toronto, called on many
of their friends around here last week.
The hours for lawn, garden and
street watering are from 6 to g p. m.,
on ail days and from 6 a. nt. to 9 a.m.
en Mondays.
Rates: -Lawn $s.00, Street $2.00,
Garden $a.oa. Parties using the above
services for any portion of the season
mill be charged full season rates.
It is a violation of the waterworks
bylaws for a consumer to permit any-
one other than members of the corm -
niers household to use water fromhis
taps. Waterworks bylaws Section 49.
This section will be strictly enforced..
Wiasghanl Utilities Coratrnission
Waterworks, Dept,!
Herb Campbell, Manager.
Printed Tricotine in all the
newest color combinations in
high_ and medium shades. Our
best grades that are regularly
priced $x.45 for g8c.
HOSE $=.19
Full fashioned, of excellent
wearing quality in white, peach
paris and banana shades, all
sizes, per pair $1.1g.
yrilr =TM
Excellent quality free from
dressing in stripes and checks,
that ire regularly priced soc and
6oc per yard. Specially priced
at ago.
CORSETS $2.49.
Discontinued numbers and
broken lines, which are regular-
ly priced $3.5o to $6.00. Barg-
ain Price $2:49..
Teddys, Combinations, Slips,
Drawers, Gowns, etc. All red-
uced 25 to so per cent.
Full sleeve Pullovers and
sleeveless :models in good color
combinations that are regularly
priced $4.50 to $xo.00. Sale
price $3.29.
A summer fabric of the wei-
ghtier class, that snakes an ideal
dress for cool weather.. Sand
ground with pretty stripes. Spe-
cially priced 59c.
$x.5o to $2.00 values at 91c;
$a.so to $3.5o values at $x.59.
Long, medium and short leng-
ths, in good shades.
le IN
-_ _...�.�.....m.-.,.mom
flAinit WM WHOM tion l YIN VIM Inn
Pink or Blue borders, lar-
gest size only $2.49.
LING 18c
Heavy weight soft finish
with Red and Blue border. A
Real Bargain x8c.
Heavy quality Shamrock,
Rose and Ivy patterns,either
plain or hemmed, at Bargain
Prices 25c, 39C, 44c each.
Fresh Grocery
® u cials
Good Black Tea, special
price per ib. ___.__-qgc
Kellog's Corn Flakes _ace
Cascade Salmon, solid pink
per large tin
McLaren's Jelly Powders
3 for -------____25c
Best Rubber Rings, 3
Crepe Toilet Paper, 6
rolls for 25c
Good Brooms, each .�_,..48c
Seedless Raisins, choice,
2 lbs. for „ _ . ..... ___23c
Fresh Cocoa, 2 lbs. -_-_-25c
Dominion Crystal Sugar,
per cwt. _____$6.95
$x.50. is regular price, Blues
Tans, Sunburst, Mauve, Reds
and Greens. Per yard g8c.
Woven white textare, edg-
ed blue and pink. Specially
priced 4 for d5c.
mm Krng
i on '
DRESSES $6.95.
Printed Canton Dresses at
$x8.8$. Individual styles at
Real Bargain Prices.
ERS $1.39
Fine quality, full genero1 s
size, with double cuff, Mauve
Pink, Peach, Gold and other
shades. Special $1.39.
White fabric, of soft finish,
made in most approved styles
sizes 34 to 46. Per garment
at g8c,
Reglar - Fellers, Rompers
and Oliver Twist styles, 4 to
8 year sizes, 98; $1.5o and
LISLE SOX 2 Pr. for 25C
Black or Brown with seem
leas feet and regularly priced
zee per pair. Bargain Price
2 pair for 25c,
The season's best ;styles of
natural and bleached straws.
Regularly priced $2.5o to 3.5o.
Beautiful all wool Sweaters
V neck and full sleeve in
Sand, Oxford and Heather
shades, sizes 34 to 44. Each
at $2.50.
AT 59c
Good quality Silk Sox with
;spliced heel mid toe, Black,
Brown and Grey shades, per
pair 50e.