HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-16, Page 4Gti'otas>� d cha-, 101441 1411110 HE Si The Gi "GOLD :they wl righteoi t;:itigdoi' Time. bas to. ;'lace Lystra, in Asia Antioch "Ana' roan:" pace 0 square, that he FOR SALE -1 Cream Separator, 1, the B Parlour Hanging Lamp and a num- whoni ber . of good tools before August such a 1st. Apply at Advance -Times .Of- rowds: fice. -was nc tent "it- FOR SALE—Eight roomed dwelling. rriothet Hara,. and soft water, good cellar walked under house. .A bargain for quick inquiry sale. Apply to Ernest Dennis, R. the mi : R. No. 4, Wingham. sihF r °he'dependable film in the Yellow Box There's a latitude in Kodak Film that increases the :expo- sure range, there's speed to overcome difficult lighting. It's the film that won't fail you. We ave your size. One glance will assure you that your prints are the best possible, if that one glance shows you "VELOX" on the back. For Velox is the paper that's de- signed especially for amateur prints. It makes the most of every negative. Look for "Velox" on the back of the prints we make. You'll find it. it's a sign of superior service. McKibbon's Drug St re kQ 7C NJ7�L,5� Score Winah&rn. Ont. Phone 53 1 1 TeD4 RENT—Red Brick House, sev- of musen ro.._ on'}s," hydro, town water, some "The garden, rent $13.00 per month. In- The G : quire at Advance Times Office. apostl, TENDERS FOR PAINTING—Ten- ders` for painting the outside of Wingham High School will be re- ceived up to Saturday noon, July 25. 1925. Specifications can be seen at the office of the Secretary Dudley Holmes or W. F. Vanstone. NOTICE All tax notices for the year 5925 have now been mailed. Any ratepay- er not receiving his notice kindly ad- vise the town clerk at once and a du- plicate will be forwarded. A discount of 2i• per cent, will be allowed on tax- es paid on or before July 15th. W. A. Galbraith, town clerk. niessa R SALE—Green Peas, small green likely , ~ • onions, lettuce, pickling beets, fresh -ties' a eggs, fat hens. John Kerr, phone cited 4-625. crcppl leis o .FARM FOR SALE—Lot half 26, con, sigh: ; 1, township of Turnberry, 5o acres tfif'aa, under good cultivation, 10 acres uI?nn bush, well watered, comfortable conceT tiuse, n ...barn, large hen house. in the dor particulars apply to Mr. Geor-1 menti. ge Gannett, Bluevale, Ont, Ilse of Pa FOR SALE -Washing Machine and weairn Ranger in good condition. Apply his t1i to Mrs, J. H. McKay, restaurant. rh .. whole FOR SALE -Two Cows, 1 .York man's Sow and x Hereford Bull at very ging ' low price, John Salter, East Wa- lightir wanosh. :apostl ails Pit. FOR SALE -Coal Heater (without "Sal oven and pipes), in good condition ibis n price $ro,00. A. J. Pilon. I2th CON. HOWICK Mr. -and Mrs. James Warren, visit- ed at Mr. Jack Dicken's Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett, visited at Mr. Frank King's Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, called on Mr. Tom Vittie last Saturday ev- ening. " 41a Mr. Nelson Gowdy, motored fo Kincardine to spend the I2th of idly. Mr. David Dane, treated himself to an Essex Coach Car. There was a quite a number from the burg attended the 12th at Brussels Saturday last, There is quite a number in the burg WINGIAM ADVANCE -TIMES OUR PERSONAL ITEM COLUMN Thursday,,.n1y, r6tla., z9z5 Mr. and firs. Murray Johnson and lgllliMlllltl]1111111111onn IIiMfAI41111M111pMItmI iIlM1111 II*lll llllwllllsllll lllltllmmgolllllilll Detroit are visiting at the home of Master Wilmore Angus is spending Mn Jack Ferguson, motored. to Lon - don on Sunday. Miss Edna Tamlyn has returned Mr, and Mrs. Peter Fisher and son, home after visiting friends in Detroit. of Toronto, are visiting their sisters, Misses Evelyn and Mabel Angus of Miss Fisher and Mrs. Hanna. their father, Mr, Frank Angus, his holidays at the home of his uncle, ea ars. J. H. Brandon and daughter Mr. Lawson Bisbee, Mt. Brydges. of Frobisher, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Misses Margaret and Georgina T. Brandon and other relatives in this Pullen are visiting friends at Inver - locality. huron Beach. \Liss Freed() Duffy of Detroit,' Mrs. H. White and son George of spent a few days with her sister, Mrs.Galt, are guests at the home of her Renwick. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Reid, 1Gtessrs. Jas. Gilmour, Oliver Minnie St. Thompson, Jack Stuart, John McGee Mrs. Beryl Heathcote of London, and J. D. Beecroft are attending spent a week at the home of Mr. and Grand Lodge of the Masons in Ham - Mrs. Murray Johnson 1 Miss Struthers has returned to her io ilton this week, — AI ur. taeorgl alau 1vu5. �u5s, vl home after attending family re -unions Wingham, were visitors in town at at her sisters, Mrs, : S. J. Cameron, the formers hone and to attend the Wiarton and also at her brothers, 99th birthday of the forner's grand- Ro1it, Struthers, Owen Sound. father, David Ross. --Brussels Post. } De - Mr. and Mrs. Roy • Ferguson and Mr. .Clarence Cruickshanks of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Garrett of Mid - Miss is visiting at' his home here. land, Mich., are spending the week Miss Marlon), Fisher of Toronto, with Mrs. Renwick, Leopold St. Mr. is spending her vacation with her sis- Ferguson is a cousin of Mrs. Renwick. ter, Miss Margaret Fisher, Victoria Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kennick of St. Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent . Mr. Robert McBurney, is visiting and family of Belgrave spent the week his aunt, Miss Robertson, Centre St. end with friends in Port Elgin and Mrs. T. L. Jobb, returned last Kincardine. week from visiting her daughter. Mr. N. L. Butcher, of the Bank of Mr. and Mrs. John Homuth and Commerce, Dundalk, and also his family spent a few days with Mrs. mother, Mrs. Butcher of Wingham, Homuth's sister and family at Port were visitors with the tatter's sister Burwell, returning on ,Monday. Mrs, W. J. Proctor, Turnberry $t., ' " Mrs, D. Robertson; Toronto, is v7s- North: Brussels Post. iting with her parents; Mr, and Mrs, Mrs, Robt, McGee and Jack, also A ,McGillivray, Pleasant Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Scott and son, motored Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. McEwen and to Detroit last week. Air. McGee re- little daughter, of Goderich visited at turned with her. -' hei- mother's, Mrs. Alex. Scott, Fran - Miss Ivy Aldington of London, cis St. spent the week -end at her home here., Misses Marjory Gibson and Grade Mrs. David Finley and son, Har- Mitchell are spending' a week at Port old and babe have returned home af- Elgin at. Camp C. G. I. T. ter visiting friends in Ridgetown and' Mrs. John McCool is visiting in Zone Centre. •Godericfi, with her daughter, Mrs. Mr.. Harold Wild, returned home Geo. Schaefer. after visiting for two weeks in Lon- ° Mrs. Robt, McGee and son, Jack, don and Port Franks. motored to Detroit last week and re - Misses Mabel and Clara Reid of turned with Mr. McGee, who has been Kansas City are visiting at the home employed in Ypsilanti, Mich. of their parents, Mi. and Mrs. Wm.. Mr. Stan. Harrison of London, and Reid, Josephine St, Mr. Gord. Cruickshanks of St. Thom - Mr. John Davis of Toronto, visited as, are visiting at ' their respective over the week -end with his mother, homes in town. Mrs. H. Davis, Centre St. I Miss Maretta Fulmer returned to Misses Margaret and Gwendolyn her home in London after three Snell are visiting friends in London weeks visit at the home of J. E. Fells, this week. Diagonal Road. IVIr. and Mrs. W. Begley and family Miss Edith Kew of Wingham, Miss of Leamington, motored up and visit- Bessie Murdie of Lucknow and Mr, ed Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell. Angus McKay of Whitechurch are at - Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stark of De- ;tending Summer School in Toronto, troit, are visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wasburn of Mr. and Mrs. John Imlay, Pleasant Owen Sound, are visiting at the Valley, home •of Mr.' Wasburn's sister, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs, Jno, Cowan, and .Mr. W. R Hamilton, John St. Hector Cowan; Sarnia, Mr. Hector Mrs. Bert Scheer of Hamilton, Cowan, Edmonton, and Dr. Mary L. spent a few days with her friend, Mrs. Cowan, Toronto, visited Dr, Merger- W. Jos. Henderson, Bluevale Road. et C. Calder last week, J . Mr. and Mrs: Ed, Lynett and t Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Calder and Mrs. daughter Elisa and son Downs'of Peter Fisher of Innisfail, Alberta, al- Detroit, motored over and spent the so Miss Cecelia Calder of .;Winnipeg, week of July x in Wingham, and vi - spent the week -end with their sister, cinity among friends 'and relatives. Dr. Calder. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galbraith and Miss Marion Allen of Howard daughter, Elizabeth Lillian, motored School, Toronto and Miss Irene of up front Toronto and are spending at their haying. Fort William are spending their va- their holidays at the home of Mr. and cation at the home of their parents, Mrs, John Galbraith, BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Allen, Mr. Maurice Mitchell left Monday M totake I t h The Bluevale United Church held a very successful Garden Party on the' church grounds on the evening of Ju- oripplr ly 8th. Supper was served to over people FOR SALE—. A most desirable dwell- Soo people, A fine programme was I?aul ing on Minnie St. near Wingham given and the proceeds amounted to icx.e Park at a bargain. A. J. Pilon.. $212.00, r. and Mrs. Thos. Breen. and Mr, morning a �e a' s for course int e and Mrs, Fortune of Grand Rapids, Canadian National Telegraph School. also Mr. Geo. Breen and family oft Mrs. John Aitcheson and Mr. Hen - Battle. Creek, Mich., visited their ry Aitcheson of Sarnia were calling mother, MIs. Robt._Breeri; this week. ion Mrs. • *. Aitcheson, Shifter St, Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove of Mill -1 this week -end. Mrs u c aug.i and Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo, as M s J E M t h and little d l - o be spending a couple of days at the ter Hope, visited her mother on Sun- R,BUNION OF S. S. NO, 5 MORRIS home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. A. (day last. JULY H. Musgrove, 2g, zg25 I Miss 1VI. McIntosh ""'day Goderich, was CALLS YOU BACK—COME! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cowan of a week -end visitor at Mrs.Aitcheson's. Goderich, returned ho after spend—' ` "ENDERS-�--Tenders will be received he lea verb single by the undersigned for the digging of and furnishing tile for the Abram branch of the Armstrong Enlarge - me ug a week at the home of Stewart owan, Minnie St. . RAPID CITY rent Drain, Ten per cent. of the Contract price to accompany tender ��r ,'✓ C Wit Sib. •:.. . which must be in the hands of the clerk by July 22nd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. R Cruikshank, Clerk. TENDERS—Tenders will be receiv- ed for the scraping off rust and painting of Eadies Bridge, and sup- plying of paint for same. Tenders rust be in the hands of the clerk rot"lriler, thati the 22nd, day of July. ()west or any tender not necessari- Y accepted. "W. R. Cruikshank, Cleric. NDDRS--Tenders will be received for the digging of and furnishing a"!;ale for the McDougall Division of the Johann-Totnash Drain. Plans and specifications . may be seen at the clerks office and tenders must be r in the hands of the clerk by July Teat per cent. of contract 4 lsrice must accompany tender, Low - #'^e "est or any tender not necessarily ac - d, W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, It will be held on the Schodl Grounds of S. S. No. 5, Morris. The programme will consist of the following:—Speeches by old boys and girls; solos by old boys; Highland Dancing; Reading by Mrs, VanWyck, Wingham; selections `by Hawaiian Sextette; selection on Piccolo; Jack- son and Perdue Orchestra, will give music for the day, Sports—Soft Ball, between Belgrave girls and girls of section. Baseball between single and married men of the Section. Races of all kinds. Lunch:—Ladies please bring, bas- kets. Everybody welcome weloome.. There will be booth ,en grounds. A song and a smile A laugh and a tear A glancing back through all the years The worst forgotten laid away The best to greet you on this day. . R. Proctor, chairman of committee, Mrs. A. Cloakey., secretaryof pro- gramme committee. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Cooper . of Tor- Mr. Elmer Tiffin of Langside.is onto, motored up and spent the week- finishing the frame work and shing- end with their niece, Mrs. W. A, ling on Jack Henderson's new barn Galbraith. (this week: . Mr.'and Mrs. Mark Gardner and fa - Miss Rea Currie,Medical Secretary milt', also Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Havens of Ford Hospital, Detroit, is home and family, spent Saturday with Mrs. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martha Champion of Brussels. San - T. Currie, East Wawanosh. ''dy bringing. a "Boston Sooner" back Rev. H, W. Snell and daughter, 'with him: Miss Dorothy, also Misses Doris Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart, have Fells and Mary Johnston are attend -returned from a motor trip to Detroit ing the Anglican 'Summer - School in ad Windsor last week. St, Thomas this week, Mr, Snell Mr, Jack England has, gone West takes up the work of "Teacher Train- rfor the season, ing" at this school. We are glad to see Miss, Christie Mr, and Mrs, J. Henry Christie, ,McKenzie is able to be around again announce the engagement of their, after her sudden attack of appendicitis. daughter, Nettie Young, to the Rev. A. E. C. Pentland, B. A. of Loanii, Illinois, 'CJ'. S. A., only son of the Misses Jean and Annie Geddes, Rev. S. V, R. and Mrs. Pentland, spent the week -end with friends in Strathroy,.Ont., the marriage to take Brussels. place July loth at 2.3o in the United Mr. W. J Geddes was in London Church, Wingham. 'this week. BELORAVR 5 Ili 1 IIMINI1Ii1I1®111 CLEAN UP SALE The most comfortable footwear for the Summer months, We are going to clear out all broken lines of Women's, Misses', Children's Sandals at BIG CUT PRICES 14 Pairs Women's Patent Lea- ther Sandals all sizes regular Price, $2.75 Reduced ° 9 9 to so Pairs White Elk Sandals (Chums) sizes 31 to 6, Regular Price $5.00. Sale Price2 An, at s 6 Pairs Women's. Patent San- dals (Churns) sizes 4 to 6 re- gular Price $5100 Sale • ° �j q `��. «� zo Pairs Women's Patent Fal- perette Sandals all sizes Re- gular Price $3.5o Re- ' 49 duced to._.._._ ° Same reductions in price throughout our Misses' and Children's lines of Sandals. Come early and be fitted before the above lines are sold. ill®III®III®IIIL9tl l®III®III®III®111®111®111®III®I I W J. G THE GOOD SHOE STORE ER Iil�lil@III�III�IIIi�II!®Ii�lll[L!114illil#Illt�lll ®• WINGHA.M, ONT. ®. 111®1111111115111 111111i1 111111111111111 III '11I111I111111 gl; Rollicking Play, `Give and Take, Coming at the Chautauqua emeterqm WAVSAVSAINAMMAUMMOZ4 "Give and Take," a feature dramatic offering of the coining Dominion Chautauqua, is one of the most laughable comedies produced in recent years. Among its many popular features is the fact that it tells a mostunusual story. "Give and. Take" is a modern comedy based 'on a..great indust - trial problem" So gripping is the plot and so replete with uproarious situa- tions that it keeps the audience tense with keenest interest or convulsed with heartiest laughter. mons DIVERSITY OF , ESTERN ARE YOU A GRADUATE NURSE? The .University offers four courses for nurses. One five-year course for the degree of B.Sc. (in Nursing), i.e., two years in Arts and three years in Nursing and Public Health. Three one- year courses for graduate nurses lead- ing to the certificate in Public Health (C.P.H.N.) ;• certificate . of Instructor in- Nursing •'' (C I.N.); and certificate in Hospital Administration (C.H.A.)• a l l l The C. P. R. N. course is recognized as the best course of its kind. The other courses are a 5- r new but the standards Will be `.' equally high. ONTARIO For additional in= formation apply to:— K. P. R. NEVILLE Ph.D., Registrar, London, Canada. RAMOSIMIIIMUNIUMMAVIMSIMM Toilet Sets at i:•:ar gain Prices 3 Bright°Stippled Sets for ..$7.50 each 3.427 Brighton Sets tor . .. , , . ; ,• 8.50 each 4 Audrey 1402 Sets tor....... , , .....10.50 each These Are Beautiful Patterns • R • S. McGEE, lel 'Ijj!�� aioaranlwmale;nwmw.en.sa,+ma,®: !