HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-09, Page 8Forsyth Shirts are different because the life of. every Forsyth Shirt is assured. When you buy a Forsyth Shirt you are guaranteed absolute shirt satisfaction— perfect fit, finest tailoring, and fast color- ings. An Insurance Policy accompanies every shirt. Every Forsyth Shirt is Fully Insured GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. James Stokes and fa- mily, spent Sunday at Mr. Reuben Stokes., Those who attended Camp Meeting at Deemerton on Sunday; were 011ie and Lance Lincoln, Cliff Boyd, Eldon. Renwick and the Misses Addie Breck- enridge and Mary Eadie. raising his big .:barn in Rapid City on Thursday last. The Haines of Port Elgin and. the Watson of Guelph with their pretty 1 covered wagons, tents and many hor- ses, spent a. week in Rapid. City, trad- ing horses, the .autos have hurt the gypsy trade as the driving horses for trade are `getting few. r. Miss Edna Lincoln, spent Sunday ' ' BLYTH :, evening with her friend, Miss Minnie . Doubledee. I •' Mr. E, J. Mason and family of Miss Hannah Stokes, visited last Manitou, Southern Man., are visiting week at the home of her brother, Mr. with the foriner''s parents, Mt. and Reuben Stokes. Mrs. Ben Mason. They carne by.imo- iVliss Mary Haugh left last week tor by way of the States and report for the West, where she will spend a most enjoyable 'trip. Mr. and Mrs. Russel . Reid of the vacation with friends and rela- A Memorial Service was held on Brampton, are spending their holidays tives. l Sunday evening in Memorial Hall. at their Koine here, Mr. ad Mrs. Wi11 Lamb and family Captain McKegeney of Ford was theMiss Mildred Scobie of Belgrade, is of Toronto are visitng with the lat- speaker. The theme for his practical visiting with Miss Lettie Fox. ter's sister, Mrs. T. James. discourse was taken from Joshua 8 Mrs.MacGregor, visited with Mr. Gordon Murchison of Prince and ii verse "And they took up 12 Albert is visiting with his mother. stones from the bottom of the river Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fortune of and these shall be a Memorial unto the West are the guests of their broth-g'Your clildren's children." The spec Mrs, Mac Ross. er, ` Mr. George Fortune. ker in a very practical manner pointed Mr. and Mrs. Teskey are spending out how God. had usedBritians down ,Mrs. Alexander and Mrs, Horne, of ,through the agesto perpetuate Civil Verdun Man., are visiting with Mr. :a few days at the home of theirand Mrs. Joe Tiffin and other rela daughter, Mrs. Omar Stokes. amid Religious. Liberty an imperialist tives. Miss Myrtle Bennett and Mrs. received food for thought comrade- . WINGI-fAM ADVANCE -TIMES W HITICHURCI Mr. and Mrs. Wim Prince and Gladys of Kincardine, spent Dominion Day at the home of • Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Cornelius. Mr. and Mars, Wm, Purdon and Ma- bel and Mr, and Mrs. John Purdon and '` family, spent one day last week with Mr, and Mrs, Nathaniel Bolt of Marnoch, Mr. and • Ivirs. Larry "' Hubbs and babe, also Mr, Thos, Henderson, mot- ored from Detroit and spent the week end here. 112r, and Mrs, Albert Cameron and family of Ashfield, spent Sunday with Mr, an Mrs, Wni. Dawson, Mr. Jarvis is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Sam. Reid, of Ashfield, for a few weeks. Messrs. Joe O'Callahan, Elgin Pur- don, Jack O'Mally and Frank Pater- son, motored from Detroit'and spent the week -end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry of 'Bel- fast, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon. Mr. Henry Crewger and' Mr. Wm. Leach of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Dave 'Gillies. Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and . Raliston and Miss Norah Falconer, left on Sat- urday to visit with their sister, Mrs. Wellwood of Orangeville for a few days. Mrs. Jackson and daughter of Wingham, spent last. week with her sister, Mrs. McBrien and other rela- tives 'here IVIr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and family of Toronto, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Joe Tiffin. .. Rev. Mr. Alp of Auburn, took the service in the Union Church here, on Sunday and Rev. Mr. MacIntosh will preach here next. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt, spent Sunday with his sister, -Mrs. Green of Teeswater. Mr. Arnold Woods and Mrs. Dan - 1 iel Martin and children, spent the I week -end with their sister, Mrs. Dick Martin of Huron Tp.. Rev. Mr. MacLean of Toronto, took the services in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday and also at Calvin and Langside. •!fps. � r�� 'i�� �h TErtnsdaY; July gkli ,, /PS _......_.._...._...._..............�...-•.....,.,-......,,,.,...,l'i'lt WROXE Shqm �',� a . -. ' r. .. ..... _ held on the lawn .,�-_ 1 wn IIDI Rev. Dr, A. I. Brown is assisting, Rev. R, 13, Stevenson of Stratford in preaching and soliciting funds for the Lord's Day Alliance work, A large circle' of friends from the congregation of Salem Church, met: at the Parsonage as a surprise to Dr. and Mrs, A. I. Brown, After congrat- ulating their former "Pastor for his splendid Christian character and suc- cessful ministry among them, a feel- ingly worded address was read by D. L. Weir and a beautiful gold watch chain was presented to the Dr. and to Mrs. Brown, a handsome regal ware bowl with flower holder and a bou- quet of roses. The evening was pleas- antly spent in conversation and music, after which Mrs. R,- Sharpin, Mrs, H, Merkley, Mrs. J. Genimill and Mrs. W. A. Mines, acted- as hostesses and served a very dainty lunch, Dr. and :. Mrs. Brown is their gracious :manner ,® thanked the guests for . such pretty > gifts and assured them of a hearty welcome to their home at any time. I El BORN Bailey—In Lower Wingham, on Wed- Iss- nesday, July ist„ to Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Bailey, a claughter,—Ellen ; ®_ Elizabeth. fi GORRXE Mr. Jas.'Ellis, - of Midland,. Mich., I accompanied by his daughter, niece and grandson visited his cousin, Mr. j0 Thos. Ellis, over the week end. Mr. ri Ellis left here 44 years ago and this was his first visit back. The Lawn. Social of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox on Fri- day evening under the auspices of the Unionpturch, was a splendid success• despite the rain. They had'a splendid program and took in over $i6o. •Rev. Mr. Henderson of Sask., is visiting relatives here. friends in Guelph, one day last week, Misses Barbara, Eileen and Irene Brown of Wingham are visiting with 'GeorgeHarron, spent Sunday with ship of the trenches was what was Mr. and Mrs. John Hays and fami- ly of Detroit, are visiting with his sis- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. r ter, Mrs. Reuben Tiffin. Mr,' and Mrs. Reuben Stokes and minutes silence for the boys sleeping Mr, Angus Mackay has been en= ag slaughters, Myrtle and Elma, Mr. and in Flanders, followed by a brief pray- ed to teach in S. S. No. 9, Kinloss for Mrs. Oliver Stokes, attended a re -un- er by the speaker. A union' choir un - non picnic on July i, at S. S. No. 3, Ider the leadership of Rev. George next year, ' . Howick, where Mrs. Reuben Stokes !Telford rendered several selections ^ was a former pupil. ,and were much appreciated by the ca - Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfeand 'pacity audience. daughter, Elva and Mr. Herman ;Metcalfe spent Sunday with their ktlaughter, Mrs, Hoyrard Wylie, ,,, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby ante helped to make the. Garden Par- haire returned after a fortnight's holi- ty a great success and the patrons day withfriends in Clarentount. were treated to a good musical pro - Mr. Norman Muir entertained Ea- gramme. An outstanding feature die's choir at his home last week. was .a baseball game between Holy - Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Agnes, rood and Langside in which the' form - spent. Sunday at the home of the for- er defeated the latter. The score be- rner's daughter, Mrs. David Breen. (Too late for last week) Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Mr, William Crawford, Mrts. T. R. Bennett and Mr. Berman Metcalfe, motored to Lions — For ----•- en and Growing Girls -, Colored Shoes in Suede for Half Price 15 '4,A ;r .�• II high grade in practically all sizes in. the following colors: Nude Black Light Grey Dark Grey Sale rice 2. 5 `' r® I® These shoes are a real argain andare. n Miss Velma M. McCollum, of Got t ie' South, Lias been successful in bass being shown in SOUTH Window. ing her primary music exams at Har- riston receiving first .class' honors. S She is; a pupil of Miss Mabel Schafer, 1 Fordwich, Mrs. Harold Bradnock, who has been spending the past three weeks with Mrs. Thos. Bradnock returned • SHFIELD • Mr. and 11/trs. Alfred Armstrong and boys of London, ,are spending HOLYROOD and sister, Mr, Wes. Alton and their holidays wit's. -the latter's broth- er A fine evening and a good attend- Mks. Wm.Irwin of Mafeking. Mr, and' Mrs. Wm. Sherwood of Belfast spent last Tuesday visiting friends at Durham.. Mr. Jno, Hackett of Lucknow, spent Friday with his brother, Mr. Jos. Hackett, of Belfast. re- ing Holyrood z7, Langside n. We Mrs, Wm. Agar of Dakota is newing, old acquaintances and friends• hope to see the return game played around Courey's Corner, Laurier and at the Garden Party at Langside on Lanes, Thursday. to her home in Toronto on Wednes- Phone 129. day. We are pleased to report that Mr. Thos. Bradnock, although still in 'a Wingham Hospital, is making a favor- 1111111111111111111111111111 111111 IIIBIII W. H THE SHOE STORE — able recovery from his recent opera- tion. Mr. Stanley Saunders, of the Tor- onto Police Force, accompanied by his wife and two daughters Ruth and Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Taylor, Vera and Myrtle; Mrs. Sarah Orr and 1 S w Whig :i . in, ,i n1 11311Ain5111M11 •m2uiam 131111111111 111E111 1111111111111151111 a 111121111E111 x!'111®III15I1 Miss_{ ladys Frazer motored down from ` wen Sound and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs; Bert King and family. kr. William, Stinson, one of Gorr - fro sons' Wilson and Robbie 'and ie's most highly respected... citizens Mr. 'Will Stutt and i died at his home here on Monday • Mr, and Mrs. Aylmer 'Ackert and: Mr, and Mrs, Jack Henderson and boys, spent the week -end with friends Read on Sunday. They returned Gwendoline, journeyed to London on , Friday. at Guelph. home on Tuesday, accompanied by Miss Myrtle Bennett. ' Mrs. George Harron and Mr. Oli- ver Stokes, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy McKersie. RAPID CITY Mr. and Mrs.' Norman Stewart are visiting for a week withfriends in Windsor and Detroit, Mr, Wellington Nixon of St. Angus:: tine, and Mr, Jack Champion of. For- dyce, spent Friday last with Mrs. M. L, Gardner of Rapid City. Miss McKenzie of 'Bay City, Mich., Benninger. visited her friend, Miss Mary Murchi- Jr. IV—Margaret Procter, Isabel Fowler, Raymond Benninger, l diff, Jenkins, Murray Jenkins. Jr, III—George Henderson. jr, II—Lloyd . Henderson, Lloyd Procter, Anna Benninger, Jack Jen-- kins, Sadie Sinnamon. tt Jr. T -Wilbur Hogg', Audrey y Mc- Michael. Pruner—Iteniieth` Sinnamon. Jt, Printer ,; Laurine. Benninger, Glen Sinnanron. Ethclda Bennett, teacher. The Bishop of London,' conducted Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bray and Irene a Confirmation Service in the Angli- of Wintiso_r, Miss Hannah •Bray of can Church at Kinlough, oil Sunday their England, are'spending afternoon. A large congregation had rs. cousins, . holidays with their Ro- the pleasure of hearing His Grace de- liver MJno. Mullin Belfast and Mr. an excellent address, Mr. Ernest Ackert made a business trip over the week -end to Toronto. SCHOOL REPORT Promotion exatniriations S. S. No. 8, Turnberry and Mortis. Sr. IV.—Torn Henderson, Clifford son last 'Wednesday. Mr. Rod arid'jack Macrae spent Friday evening with Mr. Edward Donavan of Rapid City. Mn Joe England IS assisting the McCharles Bros, of the and. con. with the harvesting of a very heavy hay crop. Quite a few of the sports here, took in the celebration at Wingham on Do. rhinion Day. Mr. W. E. Henderson held a .boo daughter Jessie; beet Nelson, Courey's Corner, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Irwin of Belfast, spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jamieson, Wing - hath. Miss Vera Phillips of Lucknow, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Hugh Phill- ips this last week. Mrs. Wm, Shackleton of Dungann- on, is spending a few weeks with Mrs, Wit. Irwin of Mafeking, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Little of Courey's Corner, spent Sunday at the latter's home, Mr. Albert McQuoid of Crewe. Miss Rena Nicholson of Belfast is assisting Mrs. D. H. Alton of Lanes, for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson of Lanes, spent the week -end with friends in Goderich, Mrs. Percy Graham arid Blanche and Miss Mary, of Sheppardton, spent Monday at Mr, D, It. Alton's, evening last following an illness of a few months. The funeral service was held in the United Church Thurs- 1 day afternoon at 2 o'clock: The sym- pathy of the community is extended to the bereaved widow and family. '-Gorrie Vidette. 111®fiS®®ilii 11111111111111111111NS MI Fine Cambric Gowns, 1.50 for 98c II l Crepe BIciatxters, 1.00 for ; �••• 59c . ti iIM 111 MISSES' DRESSES! LADIES' PRESSES! JUNIORS' bESSES t Charmingly designed from the season's most talked of fabrics as printed French Crepes, Silk Broadcloths, Crepe de Cheites in printed and plain colors, Striped Broadcloths and Pretty Voiles. Made in the most approv- ed styles. Sizes are from 16 to 44. Pop i ,1:,c:rly Priced $8.50, 15.00, 22.50. EWEAR AT SALE PRICES Fine Cambric Underskirts, 2.50 for...1.39 Fine Cambric Teddys, 3.00 for • 1.49 m • Voile and Zeliher Dresses ■ Children's Sox 5oc and Ladies Silk Bose Sale net 750QV C value Sale Price " , Price -- IN Pretty Wash Goods—Broadcloths, Voiles, Beaded Crepes, Pagoda, Broadcloths, Dress Linens. BATHINGpa SUITS` ---KNITTED SWEATERS --GOLF COATS .. Everything For Your Co r:«.rt ` g Phone 71 2 98 Voile :louse •..1.00 Special Summer Vests On Sale 3a"dF Crepe de Chenes, et Es IN 1211 pm ham SO