HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-09, Page 5Thweday, tilt 9th., ai025 losioustussmismoussommul lNM . Isartrs id Summer Dress Goodt At■ f Rediced Prices • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ns ■ ■ ■ ■ a 111111110111001111011 uy your Voile, Crepe or Silk Dress Now and Save Money zo•ends of Fancy Voile value up to 75e per yd. now 6 patterns in Floral de- sign reduced prices are and 65c Just received the New Patterns in "The Ladiana Dress"...-- These ress"._ -.These are dress lengths in the leading colors in Fancy Spot Voiles, mak- ing is very simple, instruc- tions with every Dress, see them at Embroidered Voiles in the best colors, full width, now per yd. .-.._.. ..__$2.00 Gingham of good quality and fast colors, reduced to arir25c Crepes in plain colors 38 in. wide, regular 75c on sale at Wool Delanes at a 'Big Saving, New Patterns, now on sale at 'Slip on Gingham Dresses now $x oo READY-TO-WEAR Fancy Pattern Gingham, nicely made now on sale at $2.00 and $2.x9 Fancy Silk Check Crepe Dress- es in sizes x6, x8, 20, a bargain at $6 so New Pattern Ratine Dresses in women's sizes, special at $5.75 Coats, 12 Summer Coats Best Models and Colors, Lined through, clearing at 20 p. c. off H. E. Isard & Co. .11111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111191 IN 111 NI ott ■ ■ Id ■ ■ ■ of ■ Ng■ ■ ■ ■ Rd • 1r 'WXNCrgAM ADVANCE -TIMES COUNTRY NEWSPAPER Up ,through my office window cavae' the city's ceaseless din; I just had paused a moment when the evening . mail came in- A pile of business letters and the pa- pers with the news Of wars and enurtlers fires and wrec- ks—'most anything I'd choose. I cast them one by one aside and found beneath thein ail A. homely country paper, blurred with ink and somewhat small, That drew my full attention to its columns up and down Thelittle weekly paper that they print• in my home town., This country paper always tells of things in quiet tone; It deals not with the outside world, but topics all it ,own; It tells about the folks who visit in and out of town; That meat is soaring upward or that eggs are going down; • That some old chum is married, or a ■ life-long friend has died; MU The stork has paid a visit and two ■ hearts are filled with pride. $ This paper strikes a tender chord when far away you roam. For one is always glad to hear what's going on at home. ■ ■ 111®2®®11111®®11111®®! BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ramsay of Chesley, also Mrs. David Ramsay, called at. thehome of Geo. Thornton Sunday. Mr. Roy Powell and Mr. Geo. Russ- ell of Ingersoll, visited at Geo. Th6rn- ton's Sunday', ; ' Mr: Geo. Townsend, wife and fami- ly were visitors at Geo. Thornton's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pridham, their children, also Mrs. William Dulmage of Harriston called at Geo. Thorn- ,. ton's Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peebles called at Geo. Thornton's Sunday. Mrs. Atkinson, Guelph, and . Mrs. Barbour of _Acton, called at Geo. Thornton's, Monday. • Mrs. -Wm. Thuell, Blyth and Mrs. Frank Nichol Brussels, called at Geo. Thornton's Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Fell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis, also Mrs. Rolph, spent Saturday at Mitchell. Mrs. John McKee and baby Norma are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Curtis. Miss Beatrice Thornton is visiting at Ingersoll this week. BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, spent the week -end with friends near Wood- stock. Mr. and Mrs. J.. A. Brandon, have returned from a ten day's' motor trip through Mich Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lake, spent the week -end in •Southampton and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon and Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott, motored to London on Sunday and remained for the Barnam and Bailey Circus on Monday. Mrs, Simpson of London, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. McGee. Mrs. J. H. Brandon and daughter, Stella, of Frobisher, Sask., and Mr. Mills of Nepinka, are visiting at Joe Brandon's this week, Mr. Wm. Conner of IV it. Forest, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lake. Glad to report Miss Sarah McDou- gall is home from the Hospital- and doing nicely. New Home and Ideal Machines Sewing Machine Needles, Shuttles, Bobbins and repairs for Modern Ma- chines. A. W. Webster, The Tailor, up stairs over the4Advance-Times Of- fice. • AN OLD LANDMARK IN •WING HAM It's short on punctuation and in spelling I admit; Some letters, too, are upside down; it's smeared with'ink a bit. Its face is worn and haggard and the news is mostly late, Sometimes because the make-up man forgets to change the date. It's welcome to 'my office for it brings me joy and rest. It lets me live an hour each week with friends I've loved the best. It brings a homelike feeling, and I'm happy to confess, I was once their printer's devil—sett- in' type and feedin' press. Fred Keller Dix. THE LITTLE ROAD TO NO- WHERE The little road to nowhere Is the road foryou and me, The little road to nowhere That runs beside the sea, Between the sea and mountains Where birds the silence break, The little road to nowhere Is the road we long to take. The little road to nowhere That lies beside a stream, The little road to nowhere That leads us to a dream; To where a dream awaits us, A dream we've sought in vain, The little road to nowhere That runs past niead and plain., It runs past lake and mountains, Past farm and town and tree, It leads to where the sunset Is soundless in the sea; ' r To where no envy whispers, No grief or bate can mar, The little road to nowhere; Where peace and silence are. This world is far too earnest, Is far too grim and cold, Too full of petty warfare, Too bitter and too old. But we'll be young forever! Because so well we know The little road -to nowhere, The road all wise folks go! MAKE HOME HAPPIER Laughter and song and wholesome play should have a place in the home. Certainly they do something toward making it happy. Save up the pleas- ant things to tell when you get home. Those who have been in the home all day will especially, enjoy the breath of pleasant things from the outside. When Mary comes home from work and sits down to eat her supper, ev- ery face is turned toward her in Pleased expectation. There are the pleasant experiences she had in the of- fice, pretty things she saw and jokes that create laughter. This ' simple ser- vice that some of us can render the home is sometimes not rendered through sheer carelessness. "No, I never heard it," a mother said when a visitor asked her if that song her daughter hat sung at several enter- tainments"was not the merriest little thing she 'ever heard. The daughter had not purposefully kept the song, from her home folks, She had simp- ly not thought about them. WILSON'S seeWeie h1; One of the first buildings in Wing- batn was the hotel opposite Dore's Carriage . Shops. In the old days- it was a busy place but no busier than it is at the present . time. Mr. W. C. Lepard has aliened up an auto service • station here and does a hustling busi- ness. He has engaged. Will Macln- tyre who is in charge of the 4.4 end lof the business: Between gasoline andgett- ing "suds" the Government are �ett- ing a nice sized cheek regularly from the business done at this old hotel. Rill them all, and the germs too, lOc a packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. 1 PERSONAL ITEM$ 111 11X111illi 1110111411101110111011101(10111011101,111011101110111 Miss Eileen Dore is visiting in Toronto, Miss Blanche Irwin was in. Toronto last week. Mr. R. A, Hutchison is home from Toronto for a few days. Several of our citizens took in the circus at London on Monday. Miss Elizabeth Johns, 'teacher at Port Colborne, is home for the boll - days. Mrs. Harry Walton and son of lt! SUMMER CLOTHE Sarnia; are visiting her sister, Mrs. ' Fred 1ler. Miss IVIurle Elliott of town is holi- daying with her friend, Jean Wheeler of Bluevale, Rev. H. W. Snell, wife and family are spending a few days in Tilson- burg this week, Mrs. John-Ltttton and children of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. T, Latton, Reeve J. Walton McKibbon is at- tending the Retail Druggists Convene tion at Ottawa. -. • • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason and Mrs. R. Beattie, motored to Toronto for a few days last week. Miss Hodgkinson of Niagara Falls, is the guest of Mrs. W. G Gray, Minnie St, this week. Mrs. Dinsley and daughter, Mrs. Walter Lockeridge are visiting with relatives in Owen Sound. Mr. Norman Butcher of Dundalk, is spending his vacation at the home of his mother in Wingham. Mr. Robt. Montgomery of Palmer- ston, was a visitor at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. 'T, H. Gibson. Mr, and Mrs. George Dale of Con- stance, spent Sunday at the home of their son, Mr. Lorne Dale. Mr. and °Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Londesboro, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. Lorne Dale, Ivir. H. C. Gray of Niagara Falls, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gray. l tr, Alvin Dale Ind Miss Jean Lau- rie of Seaforth, were guests on Sun- day at the home of Mr. Lorne Dale. Miss Nora, Jack and Geo. Beattie, left last Monday for a two months visit with relatives in Manitoba and Sask. Miss Mary Martin of Whitedhurch, spent a few days last week with her friend; Miss Irene Wheeler of Blue - vale. Mr. A. .J. Bush, wife and little daughter, motored over from Buffalo and spent the week -end with rela- tives. elatives. Mr. and -Mrs. Elgin Currie of Nor- th Bay, are spending the summer va- cation with relatives in town and vi- cinity. Mrs. Harry Fair and son Kenneth, of Palmerston, spent a few days last week with her friend, Mrs. Lorne Hudson. Mr. Earl Cummins and son, Jimmie motored up from Toronto on •Sunday, Mrs. Beckwith returned to the city with thein, Miss Eva Link -later of Toronto, is. spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Linklater, Victoria St. Mr. anti Mrs. J. A. Mills and son, Harold, are away On a two week's motor trip to Chesterville, Montreal and other points. Mrs. Sainsbury -and Mrs. Turner and daughter Phyllis, of Toronto, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. VauNorman, Minnie St. Mr. and Mrs: Hugh Davis, and son Hughie, and daughter June, of Hamil- ton, are visiting at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Haines.. Mrs. W. G. Knox, accompanied by her daughters, Madeline and Margaret of Tuxiord, Sask., are visiting at the home of the former'$ brother, W. J. Gallaher.. Mr. and Mrs, Martin Kerr and children Glenn and Annabel! of Flint, Mich., spent the week -end with Mrs. Kerr's sister, Mrs. Ge&, Wheeler of Bluevale. .,,,, • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips of Kintore, Ont., -and Mr. John Phill- ips of Oakland, Cal., visited last week at the home of Mrs. Phillips' brother, Mr. Chas. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. S, S. Hart and two sons, Archie and Gordon of Detroit, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. Alex. VanAlstyne, on Saturday on their way to Hamilton. Miss Elizabeth Barber of Ottawa, Miss Lina Barber of Owen Sound and Misses Annie and Florence barber of Toranto, are spending the holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.Chas, Barbee. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ross of De - trait, spent the week -end with rela- tives in town. They were accompan- ied home by their little daughter who has been visiting her grandparents here for some weeks, li YOUNG MENS S17tT$, New Models for young zzae8i is Greys, Browns, and Blues, tional values for $r8,o9 to $a •icceli„ MEN'S SUITS $z8,5o 25 Men's Suits in sizes 36 to 44 of broken lines of Browns, Greys and • Tweeds,. regular.. values... to... $27.50, specially priced to clear at $x8.5o NAVY. SERGE .SUITS $29.50 Men's Navy Blue Suits, made 'ofear- tri quality English Serge, guaranteed fast colors, neat two button' style sizes 37 to 44, regular price $35,00 for $2g.5o 1 ODD PANTS $3.65 Men'•,s Pants in Light and Dark.,. Grey Tweeds, neatly made, extra va- lue at this price reg $5.00 for; $3.65 STRAW HATS All . the newest shades and styles for Men and; Young Men prices to suit everyone from $x.00 to $3.50 Shirts, 'Hose, Braces, Work Shirts, Overalls J. A. MILLS, INGHAM ese- 11 11111110IN61111011110111$11114111001111®IlililliC11t1111111Z1111lli llli1111=11101 Mr. J. G. Hammiil and family mot- Drain. ored from Winnipeg and are visiting at the home of Mr. Alex Campbell. Mr, • Hammill found the roads excell- ent all the way and -came through on record time. Messrs. Angus McDermaid, Dave McDermaid, Roy Girvin and Miss Isobel Girvin of the Nile, also Mrs. Albert Thain of Goderich, visited. with Mrs. Wm. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nivins, Miss Louise Fraser, daughter of W. H. Fraser, Customs Officer was suc- cessful in being egaged as teacher for School Sect. No. g, East Wawanosh, out of 134 applications. We congrat- ulate Miss Fraser. Messrs, Geo, Wraith, Thos. Cassels Mark Cassels and David Falconer, motored to Eugenia Falls on Sunday, Miss Louise Johnston of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her friend, Miss Eleanor McLean. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Carson are in Montreal attending the Union meet- ing of the Locomotive Engineers. They shall also visit Quebec and the famous shrine of Sainte Anne de Beaupe, before returning. Mr. Howard Campbell, wife and children of Winnipeg are spending their vacation at the parental home. Howard is a son of Mr. Alex. Camp- bell and one of Wingham's boys who has done well in the West. Miss Olive Cruikshank of Guelph, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr, and. Mrs, Geo. Cruik- shank She is accompanied home by Miss Reid who is also of the teaching staff of the McDonald Institute. Dr. Roberts,' who has spent the Last six years as a Medical Missionary in , Moved by Roland Grain and 1), Fortune, that as there are 'no appeals 'on the McDougall and Johann and Temash Drain that Court of Revisioia on same be closed. 1 Moved by J. Breckenridge and w: -• H. Marshall that By-law No. 2, 1925 for Johann and Tamash Drain befin- ally passed. 1 Moved by D. Fortune and W. H. • Marshall that By-law No. 3, xy5, re !McDougall Drain be finally passel' t.'' ! Moved by D. Fortune nd R Grain 'that tenders be asked for the digging and furnishing of tile for the McDou- gall.Drain, also the Johann and Tam ash Drain. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk, 22nd. day of July , 1925. Moved by J. Breckenridge and W. H. Marshall that tenders be asked for the digging and furnishing of tile for. the Abram Branchof the Armstrong Enlargement Drain, A —' The following accounts were paid: J. H. Reid $63.6o, lumber and posts; E. Dodds. 1059.87 Elliott -Underwood' Drain; B. Cruikshank 5o.00, part sal- ary; F. A. Edgar 65.00 account; Muni- ' cipal World 77.34 accounts; H. IVIerkiey 26.40 tile and catch basin; Henry Bosman 34.35, acct,, tile; Thos. Weir 81.35, superintending; W. J. 1 Duff 44.5o, 86 rods of wire; Thos. Gil- more .90.00, salary as Assessor. Also ;/ a number of cheques for Statute La- !bar a!bor and gravel. • The sum of $2664.77 was paid for statute labor and of this we well .re- ceive 30 per cent. of Government grant. l Council adjourned to meet on the !23rd day of July. W. R. Gruikshanks, Clerk. India is home on furlough and at present a guest of her cousin, Mrs. C. P. Smith. Miss Roberts gave an in- teresting address on Mission work in India at St..Paul's Church on Sunday evening. ,, Norma VanStone and Mr. T. J. Montgomery of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dobie and two sons, Jack and Donald, also Mrs. Dobie, sr., of Kincardine were guests at the home of their father, Mr. W. F. VanStone over Dominion Day and attended the dedication services at St. Paul's chur- ch in remembrance of their mother. 1VIr. Alex. Ross, and son, Murray, of the 2nd line of Morris, have re- turned home after a 3 weeks tour through Nova Scotia, a distance of 3,000 utiles. They report a wonderful trip and beautiful scenery along the St. Lawrence River to Halifax. They made the return trip without the slightest trouble. TURNBERRY COUNCIL Council meeting was held on the 25th. clay of June at Bluevale, the members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.. Moved by W. EL Marshall and J. Breckenridge that we ask for ten- ders for scraping, cleaning and paint- ing of Eadie's Bridge. Tenders to be in the 'hands of the Clerk on the ST. HELENS Miss Lila Humphrey has returned from a visit with Mrs. Wright of Brantford. Dr. and Mrs. George McGregor of 'Chicago, were visitors with the form- er's sister, Mrs. George Stuart. Dr. McGregor has been attending the Os- teopathic Convention at Toronto. Miss Ethel Robetrson was a visitor at Mr. J. B. Rutherford's over the week -end. Mrs, Gordon is spending the week with relatives at Goderich. Miss W. D. Rutherford went to. Toronto, on Tuesday where she mark examination papers in Upper School Litature. Miss Dorothy Webster and Caroline • Webb have gone to Toronto, where they will be students at the Universi- ty for the Summer Course. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Reid and Miss Gw,endolyn Reid of Windsor, whoLL,,, have been holidaying at Bayfield were visitors with the •former's sister, Mrs. R. J. Woods, one day last week. Mr. Reavie of. Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs, C. Martin. of Ripley, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J, D. Ander- son one day recently. Mrs, Sam Durnin and children, Ed- ith and Perry and Miss Lila Gaunt ate' spending a few weeks with friends in Iviieli, IVirs, McCrostie was out from Ludt - now for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. -W. G. McCrostie. 22nd day of July. At 3 o'clock the Council resolved Wedding Stationery and all lines itself into a Court of Revision on the of Fancy Job Work at the Advancer McDougall and. Johann and TemashTimes Office.