HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-02, Page 4p
A Camera for the youngsters—or for you
'if owm``r;r/.
Pictures 21'x3y,4.
The No.. 2 Brownie, at $2.S5 is a remarkable
value. You'll see that ata glance.
Its aluminum, body, light .and strong, is
r re [ ; ;th t'nicdtion leather, there are two
.90d sockets and the lens and shutter are
"IS titian -made and carefully tested..
There's a lot of twi with a Brownie—and
our line 1;s complete.
Other Browynt es 82.05 sip
-err 'FARM FOR SALE—Lot half 26, con.
township of Turnberry, 5o acres
fo ander good cultivation, ro acres
n bush, well watered, comfortable
to house, bank barn, large hen house.
Y.1.-rdnrasticulars apply to Mr. Geor-
ge Gannett, Bluevale, Ont.
FOR SALE—First class six year old
coww. Apply Mrs. Fallis, Route 2,
OR SALE—Car of Brantford Asp-
halt Slate Shingles to arrive about
June loth. Order given by June
15th. will be given prompt attention.
I. L. Stewart, Bluevale.
just received a shipment of standard
re -cleaned " ground screenings for
feeding hogs, these are extra choice
See them and get our price. J. A.
----TOR SALE_ -111e property of Mrs.
IsabellaPatterson, Frances St.,
consisting of a good lot, with house
and barn, etc. For further parti-
culars apply to Mrs. Frank G. Fair,
Bluevale Ont, R R •i, care of Mr.
Geo. Thornton..
FOR SALE—A most desirable dwell-
ing in Wingham. No reasonable
offer excepted, A. J. Pilon; Minn-
ie St.
?OUND-=Fountain Pen owner may
have same by paying for this adver-
tisement. Apply to Wm. Gannett.
for sale, J. R. Haines, ring 1x-627
or J. V. Haines, ring 22-627.
TENDERS—Will be received by the
undersigned up till Tuesday, July 7,
at 7 o'clock for the purchase of Coal
in ham United it
for W g ed Church. For
particulars regarding amount and
quality see J. McCool, caretaker. -
Lowest or any tender not . necessari-
ly accepted. S. Bennett, Chairman
of Board,
ham. Public. School holding perman-
ent second class professional certi-
ficates to teach primary and second
booir.. grades. State salary expected.
Duties to commence at beginning
of '92546 school year. Applications
received up to the evening of Thurs-
day, July 2nd. W. T. Booth, Secy-
CANTED—To buy a small folding
baby buggy, Apply to A, V. ?attic
Route 3 , Wingham.
PRIVATE SALE -Of the following
articles which -can be seen and ex-
amined at the Town Hall, Wing-
ham, upon applying to Geo: Allen,
Terms Cash: x desk; x flashlight; r
scuffler; 8 wood clamps;; x chopping
axe; i brace; 2 hammers; 2 small
wrenches; r screw driver; r scratch
awl; x plane; x step ladder; 2 spad-
es; 2 saws; x pruning shears; x
scythe and whetstone; x sickle; x
small garden fork, no handle; . 2
squares, 3 garden rakes, x pick, r
water can, i hoe, 5 planes, I saw
sharpening vice, r whetstone, i pun-
ch, x case of bits, 4 small iron
clamp, i tennant saw, r syringe, 5
spirit- level, 6 files, i cold chisel„' 5
wood chisels, x varnish scraper, x
soldering, iron, 5 drawing knife, x
shingle hammer, r rubber bag, r box
wood bits, i razor, i strap.
WANTED—To exchange a first clgss
property, outside the corporation of
Wingham, as part pay on a good
farm. Could take possession right
now or in the fall, Very suitable
place for retired farmer. • Address
Box 201, Wingham or inquire at
flus offi
.,ai ice.
WANTED -Capable girl for house-
work, all conveniences. Apply to
Mrs. Wm.' Field, telephone 160.
'Applications for the position of As-
sessor -for the Town of Wingham for
the year 5925, will be received by the
undersigned up to 4 p. m,, on Satur-
day, July 4th., 5925.
W. A. Galbraith,
Town Clerk.
S. S, No. 5, Turnberry. rei Slapped -
Sr. III—Lorene Gilkinsor 8o p. c.;
Leone Deans 76 p. c.; Teresa Roth 76
p. c. Maude Hamilton 6o p. e•
Jr. III—Hartley Smith 84 p. c.;
Freddie Lewis 63 p. c.; Fraser "Forgie
6o p. c.
Sr. II—Harold Roth 70 p. c.; Arth
ur Lewis 65 p. c,
Jr. II—Allan McGill 63 p, p.; Mar-
garet Tripp (absent),
Sr. I—Arthur McEwen (absent).
Primer—Aileen Underwood, Beulah
Those obtaining 6o p. c. have been
LIII®IIsIILIIi iiimiiiuiii iihlii RIIi•IliSii Uiii
i' •
_A Lyceum eu•m a
_, , Thursday; Friday, Saturday
- Julysg.
Miss Jennie Struthers is spending
a few weeks in Wiarton,
Mr. David Robertson, was up from
Toronto for a few days recently..
Miss Els,ton, has returned home af-
ter two weeks visit in Detroit.
Mz, Chas. Brown of Windsor, is a
guest at the home of Mr, Frank Pres-
Mrs. John Johnston is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. C. Symington in Tor-
Mr, Chas. Blackhall, has purchased
1Vlr, Thos, Forbe's 'farm on the Blue-
vale Road.
Mr. Gordon Cruickshanks of St.
Thomas, spent over the holiday in
Mrs. T. H. Gibson has returned
from visiting with friends in Roches-
ter, N. Y.
IVIr. Robt. Arbuckle of Toronto, is
visiting with relatives in town and vi-
Mr. Jas. McKie of Stratford, renew-
ed acquaintances . in Wingham • this
Miss Evelyn Reid of town, •spent
the week -end with friends at James-
Mrs. H. Wheeler town, .visited with
her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hogg; 13. line
last week.
Miss Annie Pullen, left on Tuesday
for Fergus to take a course in' training
111 the Hospital- there.
Owing to so many other attractions
the Eastern Star Picnic at Amberley
has been postponed:
Mrs. Robert Elston of West Hope,
N. D. is visiting her brother, Mr. John
Perdue of Morris Tp.
Mr. James Gaunt • of St. Helens,
spent a few days with his brother-in-
law, Mr. John Jamieson:
Mrs. Fred Rowland and two little
daughters, Marion and Iris are visit-
ig in Toronto at present,
Mrs. Gordon Griffin and two sons,
of, Cleveland, Ohio, are guests at the
home of Mrs. C. N, Griffin at present.
Mrs. Win. M. Reid and children,
Scott and Louise, visited with friends
in the country recently.
Mrs.,; Wm. H. Wright and' little
daughter, Dorothy, spent the ..week-
end with Wingham friends.
Miss Eva Greer of the Bell Tele-
phone staff is spending the vacation
at her home in Lucknow.
Mrs. R. M. Hicks of Paris, -was a
visitor at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllisfer, al-
so Master Robt., visited last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell.
Mr; and Mrs. Howard Wylie, mot-
ored to Kincardine, on.Saturday and
enjoyed the cool breezes of ,Lake
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dunford, of De-
troit, are visiting at the home of her
brother, Mr. Jas. McGillivray, Pleas-
ant Valley.
Mrs. Chas. 'Hawkins and daughter,
Hilda, returned home after visiting her
parents, ' Mr. and Mrs: John Davidson,
Leopold St.
Mr.„ and Mrs. Richard ' Park and
Master Benson of Dungannon, visited ,
over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Deyell.
Reeve J. W. McKibbon and -Ex-
Reeve Wm. Isbistertook in the Coun-
ty Council picnic at Goderich on
Wednesday last. •
Mr. and :Mrs. ` Walkley of Battle
Creek, Mich., motored over and are
visiting at the home of their :daugh-
ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Fox. .:
Mr. Alex. Murdie, had a week's va-
cation lastweek, part of which. he
spent holidaying in Toronto with his
3and4 g.
L • SPECIAL;- • ■
"He Who Gets
Phoebe Congrarn, teacher
t 1
I °With Lou Chaney, Norma
1`I Shearer and John Gilbert; ~a
w drama of a travelling European
Circus. A clowns tragedy, real_ U
ism, shapsody, romance beauty •1
thrills and drama, all the excite-'
ment of a real circus.
= Also comedy "Accidental Ac -'I;
cideri s”
NI Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Hoot Gibson '
Miss Mary Currie, daughter of Mr. ",BJoadWa`y Or BIlrs i" P.
and Mrs. J. T, Currie is spending her
her ho
vacation attrte. She as a nur-
se -le -training at Harper Hospital,:
Detroit,. .
Also • dillSullivan
Billy Su an in
"The Christmas Handicap's
i�l I i�111� 111 I 11�111� (11M I I (�I I I�'l 1 1 ill l lel l lM 1 1 lel 1 1
friend, Wm, Thompson.
Miss Annie Walters; spent a few
clays last week in Toronto, and was
accompanied home by her sister,
Nurse Emma Walters.
Mrs. Nora McCall and 'two children
also Mr. James Mason of Toronto,
spent last week with her sister, Mts. j
Edward Jenkins, Turnberry. •X71
Mr, andh Mrs. Stanzer and . two
daughters of Detroit, and Mr. and '
Mrs, Taylor and son called on =I
friends here, one day last week. F.nMr. and Mrs, C. W. Washburn and
babe of Hamilton, motored up and are
spending tire week with the former's
sister, Mrs. W. R. Hamilton, John St.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Henderson,,Mr.
S. R. Ryles; B. A., Mrs. Byles 'and
Thursday Joy Wed., 192:6°
M e lM111l 111lI.1.41101.441111118YI1111111•11.1 011IIIt111111111111101141 1I. XI 11011.11 (B 111111 I•I I I 111011 h.
Summer Footwear
son, Jack . of Toronto, visited Dr. and
11�Irs. R. L. Stewart over the weck
Mr, and Mrs. Noble Schnock of
Flint, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell
Abram and son; Vern of Saginaw, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mew-
en, 'Wingham.
Dr. and Mrs. Hubbard, also Mrs.
Lapham and daughter, Marie of. De-
troit, spent the week -end with the for-
mer's rinother, Mrs. Hubbard and aunt
Miss Elston, Minnie St.
Mr, Jas, H. Scout of the Bell Tele
phone • Co., accompanied by . Mrs.'
Scott and little •Billie, also Mrs. Re-
veile are enjoying a motor _trip to De-
troit, St. Mary's, Stratford and other
A. . R, DuVal Sp. C. Ex -Professor
of Technic Canadian Chiropractic
College. Hours `z to 5, 7 to 8.30 p rn•
Saturday till 50.3o p, rn, Consulta-
tion • free. Phone Soo. Crawford
Block, Wingham:
hlr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyce, Mrs.
Geo. Spotton, Mrs. E. Nash, Mrs. W.
A. Miller, Mrs. "(Dr.) Fox, Mrs. O.
Thompson and Mrs: H. W. Shane
were in attendance at the 'Grand
Chapter of the O. E. S. at London
last week.
Mr. John Kennedy and son, John A.
Kennedy and Miss Isabel of. _Culross,
also Mrs. Jno. Morrison and son,
motored to Stratford on Friday last,
to visit Sister Mary Lucy, "' who will
be leaving for Sarnia in the near fu-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson of
Winnipeg, Mr. and._Mr's. Chas. Burn-
ey, of Exeter, .Mrs. McCullough and
daughter of Chatham, motored up
from 'Exeter and spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper,
Diagonal Road.
Mr. T. K. Powell' and Mrs. Arthur
Wilson left on Thursday for Winni-
peg, where they will visit Mr. Pow -
ell's son, T. J. Powell.. 'They -were
accompanied by Mrs. Robert John-
ston, Turnberry.'
The trustees of S. S. No. g, Tuin-
berry, have re-engaged Miss Jean
Wylie as teacher for the ensuing
term. Miss Wylie's work has been
very satisfactory and her many friends
will be glad to learn she is engaged
for another term.
Dr. Parker will attend the Annual
Convention at Toronto of the Ameri-
can Osteopathic Association which is
being held for the first time in Can-
ada. ' His office will be closed from.
July 6 to 11 inclusive.
Miss Elizabeth Wright, 'student of
Wingham Business College, very cap-
ably .took over the duties -of teacher,
last : week, owing to the -absence of
Miss .Martin, who was called home
owing to the death of her father.
Mrs. J. W. Cadwell and little .daugh-
ter of Winnipeg,- also IVIr. Jack Isbis-
ter, wife and three sons of Ondway,
Mich., are visiting at 'the home- of
their parents, Mr -and Mrs. Wm. Is-
bister, Centre St. Mrs. Isbister is, we
aie pleased .to say, gaining in
Miss Emma -Walters, R X. -of Tor
onto and Miss Lillian Longman of
Windsor, left on. Saturday for an ex-
tended visit in the West. They will
visit with friends in Alberta, Great
Falls, Montano, and Vancouver, be-
fore sailing? down the Pacific Coast
for San Francisco and Los Angeles,
California, returning later by Texas,
Tennessee and Indiana.
Promotion Examinations, S. S. 7,
East Wawanosh.
Jr. to Sr. IV-Villetta Chamney,
Vernon Chamne
Sr. III to Jr. IV—Ross Robinson,
Margaret Cunnington, Calvin Robin-
„Jr. to Sr. III—Marjorie Jamieson.
JJr. to Sr. II—Mildred Mason, Ma-
son Robinson.
C. Robertson, teacher,
The regular meeting of the Wo-.
men's institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. R. Shaw, assisted by
Mrs. R. Aitcheson, on Thursday July
gth.g. at 2,3o o'clock. Mrs, Alice. Ait-
ken will give a,,,talk on "The Temper -
vice Question." Ladies are asked to
bring a dust cap and join in a dust
cap, parade. Roll Call --Receipts for
summer drinks, ladies invited,
Men's White Canvas Bals,
12 pairs, all sizes, regular
price $2.5o to $3.5o 10ALr
Sale Price ._.:_......_..
Men's Brown Oxfords sol-
id Leather 7 Pairs c tlopt
Pairs for _._ x.43.99
EtJi'l 5
Women's White Canvas Ties
and Pumps, xx pairs, sizes 3
to 4z reg. price $3.00, 4td'
to $4.00, Sale Price °
Child's White Canvas • two
strap slippers., 10 pairs, size 8
to too•. reg, price PeeyeN
$1.35 Sale Price ..,:.
10% ;off '<egtasas price, Women's Mis-
ses' and Children's Patent or Brown
heather Sandals on Friday & Saturday
5 / 0 j 0
intailimin iIminii4311Ioliildll1 3111 ii!I®III nim®liusin131II
HRH IIIpVIC9111111N I111111ImiIi
1114 f �l l ill I! fel I it�l p�A
Among the graduating classes at.
the 'Ontario. Agricultural College,
Guelph, on Friday evening last, Wing -
ham was represented by Miss Helen
M. Wilson. Miss Wilson was a gra-
duate of the Associate class in House-
hold Economics and had completed
her second year course. She is the
youngest daughter of 'Mrs. John Wil
son, Wingham, and her many friends
here will join with the Advance -
Times in extending congratulations to
her, During ‘her two years at Col-
lege she has been actively associated
in all the sports and social functions
of her class. The presentation of di-
plomas was made in Memorial. Hall,
O. A. C. by the dean of the College,
Prof. Reynolds.
Miss Wilson was honored by being
invited to give the valedictory address
which, she delivered in a most pleas-
ing manner. Friends were entertain-
ed at a Garden Party on the campus,
immediately following the "graduation
exercises. Her mother, and brother,
Mr.. Currie Wilson of Southampton,
were present at the graduation exer-
cises. They were accompanied home
by Miss Wilson, who will spend the
summer vacation in Wingham
the Powers contained in: a' certain
mortgage that will be producedat the
time of sale tfiere will be offered for
sale by Public Auction on the proper-
ty in the Township of Carrick in the
County of Bruce on Tuesday the 54th
day of July, A. D. 5925, at the hour
of 2.00 o'clock in the afternoon, the
following lands and properties, viz;
tain parcel or tract .of land and prem-
ises situate, lying and being in the
Township of Carrick in the County of
Bruce and being composed of a por-
tion of lots number seven in Conces's-
ion "A" of the said Township of Car-
rick and more particularly described
as follows, that is to say, commencing
at the south-wes`t'erly angle of said
lot seven thence northerly along the
westerly limit of the Town line be-
tween the Township of Carrick arid
Culross a distance 'of twenty-one and,
three quarters of a rod thence East-,
erly parallel to the Southern limit of
said Lot Number Seven sixteen rods„
thence Northerly parallel to the Wes-
tern limit of said Lot ten rods, thence:
Easterly thirty degrees South forty-
eight rods more or less to the South-,
,erly limit of said Lot, thence Westerly
along the Southern limit of .said Lot
forty-two rods more or less to the
places of beginning containing by ad -
'measurement five and three quarters -
,of an acre be the same more or less
together with the good -will' of the
saw -mill and chopping -mill business,
established on said premises.
On the premises are erected a saw
mill and chopping mill operated by'
water power from a dani' of aboutr
two acres area supplying about fifty
horsepower at full head with a suffic
Tient supply of water for operating,
about eight months each year; also a:.
new 1 storey frame dwelling house
about 26x28 feet nearly finished. A.
valuable mill property.
TERMS --lo per cent, at time of
sale, balance within 3o days. Sale:,
subject to a reserve bid.
For particulars apply to•
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont:,
Solicitor for Mortgagee.
Mr. Wm. A. Mines and family,,
spent a day in Listowel and Fordwich
last week and they were accompanied
by their niece, Miss Florence Breen
of Milwaukee, Wis.
.Toilet Sets at Bari
gain Prices
3 Brighton Stippled Sets tor. • , , .
3 427 Brighton Sets l
4 Audrey 1402 Sets tor,
•rr••••.r •10.50 each
These Are Beautiftd Patterns
• Y ,
$7.50 each
8.50 each