HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-18, Page 8+r;ry�,a,y roryr �r�n"N7,7717tkaa ,nisitipti 11t 11JMIito imitail umitaltllle1 octiousitiolitat litsilmiliminiumillI l Vii': M Ladies' . , ri in I Bath i n g Gr" Suits A11 wool in fancy colors, Red, N : vy, :Green,. Purple, ;:lack, suits up to $7.50, sizes 36 to 44 Sale Price $3.75 New Fancy Silk Check Rose in Tan and White, Black and White, newest 1 1 1 ®_ 1 summer wear $1.50 pair. Dress Linens in 11 newest shades Pure Irish Linens, 1 yd. wide, reg. 85c and 1.00, sale price 60c. Ladies' Colored Handkerchiefs in B 1 ue, Fawn and Pink, embroidered corners, regular 25c, sale price 15c. Boys' Broadcloth Blouses in white, sand, with new style collar $1.39, 1.79. a Boys' Cotton Wash Suits, Linen, Duck, White, trimmed with Blue, all plain white Sailor Suits, long pants, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, less 20% $1.69, 3.00, 3.95. WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES BEx.,GRAVE' Miss Dorothy Brydges of •Detroit, spent last week with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Brydges, Mr.,and Mrs. Robt. McCrea of Londesboro, called on old friends ib the village fora few days. Mrs. VanCamp end daughter, Nor- !_I ah, visited at Loitdesboro Sunday. ` Mrs. J. Haugh and Mrs. B. Elliott, of Wingliarrt, s.1p�,p,nt anafternoon with Mrs. jos. Brandin this week, . Nurse Mary Corley of Toronto, called on friends in the village, last week.' Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Shedden and Mr. and Mrs, Little of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ged- des, Mrs. Henderson of''Ferne, B. C., is spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Brandon. Rev. and Mrs. Moorse are visiting this week in Hamilton. The Woman's Institute of Belgrave, willhold their June meeting in the Forester's Hall. on' Monday afternoon June 22nd., at two o'clock. Mrs. Douglas of Durhain, a speaker . from the Department, will be present and will speak on "First Aid" and "Mak- ing a rouse a Home". A short pro- gram will also be given, all the ladies of the community, are cordially invited to attend.' Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wilkinson of Escanaba, IvIich., are visiting their `relatives and friends of Belgrave. They came by motor. 1 1 1 u 1 ■ r. 1 t Hanna & Gose Limited i 111®pl�ll l®Il lltllllsr<lll®Illi'all l®lll�i l l �iil®II IRII I I�I11�111111.1®Iil1�IIIifAlllllll ISI llillll�lilslll®11181I1�11i BELMORE' The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed ` in 1VlcIntosh Church, next Sabbath, Sabbath School Convention, will be held Thursday afternoon, in the Com- munity Hall. Supper served in the basement. Rev. and Mrs. McKenzie, were in Toronto the fore part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Ballagh and family, motored to 'Hamilton recently. Mr. James Rutherford from the West, visited last week at John Hardware Specials For Thurs., Fri., Sat. WE ARE NEEDING MORE ROOM SO OFFER BIG CUT IN SOME LINES— Several Gallon Cans of Paint in Green or Brown, A 11'11 per gal.:.................:.. High Grade Varnish for Floors, outside or inside use 1@s,h per quart _ . �a a� White Enamel Wash Basins 43c Brown Betty Tea Pots Stair Treads, extra good 1 8 C Buy, Only . Clothes Pins, 5 doz. _—_.�.,.--4c Sani-Flush„ per tin _ -._„=4c Drop Electric Chandelier, suit- able for - parlor or din- e70 ing room, only _:_ 1 Royal Purple Chick Food, 5 lbs. �._... �'% Disinfect the Hen mouse Now-- Creotloid Lice Spray, 25 C_• r,;Yaa Lime for Whitewash, xo lbs 25c —Maple Leaf Cattle Mineral.. —Royal Purple Calf Meal. -Gyproc WaIl Board. --Hardwall Plastery --Ridge Roll, Gutter Trott.' « -.«Phone 30 + . Thompson Buchanan HA.BDWAR1 141 ,Lt2,4 ing's, Miss Ruby Baird of Clifford, spent Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Gallagher of SaTem, visited Sunday at Ralph Met - calf's. A most successful beZ was held Tuesday afternoon, cleaningathe Com- munity Hall and grounds. We wish to thank Timothy for a few ideas to get rid of Agent- men, but sympathize with him in the loss of his hearing. • Mrs. Wm. Abram left .Saturday, to visit. her brother, Manuel Marshall, who is seriously ill at London. 'The chopper is in the .way of con- struction as is also a garage. ALLAN PARK NEWS A number of the friends of Allan Park and district will be glad to know that Percy Everitt, who be- longs to the A.S.H.A., 55th Army, U. S. A.,: is well. He has now been in training for, the past few years, and, while he holds some elevated degree in the army, weare not prepared to, say what it is. They are now camp- ed at Hawaii, Honolulu, Percy has kept his parents supplied with post- cards as they have journeyed along, and it is a real trip to call at 'Mr. Everitt's and get a .sketch of his journeyings, Last week a large par- cel was expressed to Mr. and Mrs.. Everitt, consisting of a number of souvenirs. We must make . special mention of three cushion covers; one each for his father,` mother and sis- tei, with a verse addressing each one of them, which was very beautiful. We hope to hear more of Percy from time to time, and hope that Mr. Ev- eritt will inform him when writing that we wish hiin every success. 12 CON. HgWICK • Mr. James Brown of Harriston was assisting Mr, John Ridt, for a couple of days on the road. Mrs. Jim Doig is visiting with Mr, Nelson Gowdy. Mr, John Finlay is doing: some, im- proving to his house recently. Mrs. William Galbraith, spent Tilesa day visiting at the home of Lorne Laird's. Mrs, John Heuston, died Sunday morning last at ten o'clock. Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. . Miss King is home from Toronto, spending the summer with her par- ents. S. HELENS Mr. ” J. D. Anderson and Mr. Fred McQuillin, went to _Detroit on the Greyhound. ,.. Mrs. R. K. Miller, Mrs. D. Phillips, Mrs. G. Webb and Mrs. Ed. Thorns, were in Goderich on ' Thursday; at- tending the District meeting of the Women's Institute. Dr. Wilkinson of Wingham has of- fered a prize of a': pair of spectacles to be awarded to the person making the highest aggregate score at both rifle ranges on two different days, the first one on Friday, June /2. There will also be several other prizes awarded. The Annual Competition ' of the Huron County Rifle League was held at the Colborne Township ranges on June 3rd., chief honors went to St. Helens No. z, team( who won the League Trophy with a aggregate score at both range of 5so.) WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, visit- ed relatives in Godericli on Wednes- day last. Mrs. Alec. Emerson was in .Toron- to last.week, attending the Presbyter- ian Congress. Miss -Maude Conn' of ' Toronto, is visiting at the home ofher parents, Mr, and Mrs, Will Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Sant Reid and family of Ashfield, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. W. R.KFarrier. Mrs. John Haig of Seaforth, is vis- iting with her brother, Mr. Alex, Reid, About ninety new members :joined up with the Union Church here on• Sunday last. Rev. Jas. Scobie, preach- ed morning and evening. Miss Millie MacGregor of Toronto, is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer of Culross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. as. Falconer. Rev. Mr. McWilliams of Kinlough, preached in the Presbyterian Church here, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rivett and„liis mother, also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ri- vett of Dungannon, spent Sunday with Mr. and ' Mrs. Jas. Corneluis. Mrs. B. S. Naylor, has been in Winghaiii for the past month, nurs- ing her mother, Mrs. Addison, who has been very ill. Miss Winnifred Farrier, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Tiffin. Mr, Wm. Tom and his mother, of Auburn, visited with relatives in the village on Friday. BLUEVALE The :first services of the United 'congregations of the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches at Bluevale were held last Sundayq, Jane z4th. At the morning service the church was completely filled. Mr. Wilkinson took charge of the service and Mr. 'Tate preached, At the conclusion of the sermon the congregation observed the Lord's Supper, oyer 200 members taking part ins this solemn memorial. The Rev. Mr, Wilkinson wit preach his farewell sermon next Sunday ev- ening, Mr. Jno, Hutton, jr., of Knox Col- lege, Toronto, is visiting at• the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hut- ton. Mr. Jas. Masters,: C. N. R. agent, is on the sick list, we' hope him speedy recovery. He is being relieved by Mr. R. E. McKinney of the C. N. R. Wingham and Ur. L. Swan of Bright, Ont;, is relieving Mr. McKinney Sunday was opening day of the Un- ion, Church and the church was filled to capacity- both morning and evening. 4 ,41i4 , 111 111IIIIIM1.11110111M111141111111 GLENANNAN HIIWI111�1111�1111#11 Miss Verna Harris, and brother, I Ernie of Howick, spit a day last week with their sister, Mrs. Joseph Kerinath. Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Haines, and children of Holyrood, called on friends here; last Thursday. Mr. and ;Mrs. Reuben Appleby and little daughter, also Miss. .Mabel Stokes, spent Friday evening a the home of "Mr. Henry Johnston's, Bel grave. _ Mrs. Sidney Taylor: who spent the , Iv last few months with friends here, has ; !_t returned to Toronto. AI Mr. ()liven Stokes, has a new kitch- en andwood shed, erected to his house. 1VIr, Reuben Appleby, has added a coat of paint to his house and driving '3-4 shed, which has improved the appear- ance greatly. _®. BLUEVALE The Presbyterians of Bluevale and 111 vicinity will hold their service licit Sunday morning, June east, at tx `o'clock, in the Forester's Hall, Blue- Ir. vale. The service on Sunday ,,.last, June 14, was in all very largely at- i m tended. The attendance passing the IYI zoo mark. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all who wish to worship with us. _ 11 ASHFIELD .. Some of those who took' in the ex- 1 111 TEursday, June /.8th., 1925. It11pI11pA.111o11 ottonslll loloptialoo IMIIIAIIIImlq 1 1 it • ill it ew Shoes f o r _the Bride and Groom in Marey Different Styles 1 White Buck, Fine White Canvas, Fine Vici Kid if 1 i i 1 1 and Fine Patent Shoes for the Bride. Fine Velour Calf and Fine Patent Shoes for the Groom cursion on Tuesday morning to De- j_ We invite your inspection of the -latest and very newest styles of Footwear, troit, on the Greyhound were:—Miss`® Greta Campbell, Lothian, Mr. Robert ill Andrew, Zion, Mrs, Samuel Cherwood .j Belfast, Mrs. Jno. Menary, Crewe,-. Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon, Miss Della Farrish, Courey's Corner. A number from around here took in the Moonlight at Goderich.on Mon- ® day and. reported a very large crowd. ® — THE SHOE STORE — Mr. Wm. Lane and Mr. Finlayson W 1 1 i H. WILLIS € of Ripley, called on friends at Belfast 1 Phone 129. Wingham Ont. and Lanes on Friday. • ® g Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith of St. tel m19111�uisiliscl 111®III®IIIminiiinnimin lllellll'cumIII®III®IIIeinsI,II®Illrlllalllilll�timin ens, spent last Thursday with the lat- . , , • ter's brother, Mr. Wilson Irwin' of Belfast. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin of Lanes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. El- don Henderson of -Paramount. Miss Ada Helm of Crewe, spent the week-end,"'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Helm of Zion. • The 1 L F. 0. and U. F. W. 0. of Paramount are holding their annual garden party on Mr. Jno. Hamilton's lawn on Thursday evening, June 25. Mrs. Dave Farrish of Lucknow, is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Jno. Mullin of Belfast. Miss Marion Hodgins of Belfast, spent Tuesday evening with ,Miss Mary. Vint. Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick and Miss Olive of LucknovV,, spent the week- end with their parents, "'Mr. and Mrs. 1Sam Kilpatrick of Ma£eking. - Mr. Jim Durnin of St. fIelehs, spent the: week -end with Mr. Sidney Ferguson of Lanes. Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Ferguson of Lanes, attended the Presbyterian An- niversary at Dungannon on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Baldwin of Lanes and Miss Mary Vint of Belfast, spent the week -end with friends in Stratford. EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMINIII1111101113111119111111119INEINNEME1111111211111311 39 Fresh Arrivals for Y urmfort 13/1111MINEMIREINNIEBIE20111 ■ ■ �a ■ x. Ye ■ For Milady Who Has Her. Dres-• e es Made ■ FRENCH CREPES! Unusual quality in Printed , m' French Crepes with just ,enough ■ material in each pattern. to make ■ one dress. Ladies, Misses'. Smart Summer Dresses Printed Silk Dresses. Printed Crepe Dresses Broadcloth Dresses Smart Voile Dresses. Silk Hosiery, Silk Underwear, Lisle Underwear .. Silk Slips, Teddys, Step Ins oaauoaoomu®nowmro®oa4011,1bmesoeem.ommaae/ Gossard Corselets Plenty of other Fancy plain Silks. ■ • and '111 ■ .. ■ ■ . VOILES! Figured, Embroidered, Norm- ■ andy and Plain Voiles in all the 1 new shades so appropriate for ■ cool summer, 'dresses. Priced 39c, 75c, Loo per yd. ■ ■ O ■ ■ ■ Nemo Girdles -- Gossard Combinations. ■ ■ Kid Boot Sweaters Bathing Suits Travelling Rugs. w . ■ For Your Lingerie Needs m Colored Naincheck, Silk Broadcloth, Sheer Dimities! These materials male such ■ ■ • ■ ■ O dainty undergarments, wear well and launder beautifully. - CH ILDR.EN'S WEAR! Children's Silk and Lisle 'Sort. Boys' Wash Suits, Summer Weight Golf S. Boys' Jackie Hats. Bingham D'esses $ 175 Small check designs in sizes 8 14 Years, hig BBras:. Phone 71 Broadcloth Dresses $4.00 Peach and Sand shades are Us- ed in these pretty juvenile fires- ses, sizes 8 to t4 years, W i ngham 111111mona gmanso lrttlltf 9■iwIItIsommommm itMimn1 mmom iommnnonn nnnsgel