HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-18, Page 54'^
ThtirsdaS', June 18th„ x925"
N Reliable Goods.
1111 '
ill •
Girls' Voile Dresses pretty sty. Towels -5 do z Turkish Tow
{ nk.Vtl��1lN0 a dP�
Moine Journal Patterns. .mu
Isa rd's" r --
How Weather
SP ealais
■ les, best,colors
Nouse Dresses,
quality ginghains
$x.95, 2.25, 2.50 large Size, reg. $1.00, now. -..,_.69c
made of good
x.50, r,95, 2.25
Ladies' I2atine and Crepe Dress-
■■ es, bargains at - -„
■ $4.50, ,5.o0, 5.95, 6.5o
Hose-.-xo d Ladies' '
oz, idles and Chil..
■ dren's Lisle Hose, on sale ..._.39c
Crepe-=. 8
mi pieces Cotton Crepe,
■ reg. 75c to 85c, best colors, now
■ only
▪ Corsets--Cromptonand D. & A.
■ Corsets at Bargain Prices ..........
® $1,00, 1.25, 1.50
■•. Rubber Aprons, fancy floral pa-
tterns in large aprons, now -...65c
® Baby Pants guaranteed Rubber
■• Pants, two colors at 35c or 3
pairs for _.�.. __..$1.00
■ Voiles and Crepes to clear -45
■ pieces .fancy patterns, value up
■ ; .to $i.00, reduced to _._...._.___39c d
Gingham n --Farley check Dress
Gingham on sale at...2oc and 250
Brass Rods -- Flat ,..Extension
Rods, bargain price -foe, IBC, 2qe
Curtains—Curtain Lace and Net
at 25c, 35c, 50 .
Socks -Men's Fine Quality Work
Sox 350, or 3 pr. for _..._.__$x.0o
Underwear-- Men'si Balbriggan
Shirts atd Drawers, .reg, value
75c, now _... :. 59e
Suits --Boys' Fancy Tweed and
Serge Suits, on sale at
$6.75, 8.5o, xo.00 and 12.00
Wash Suits—Boys' Wash Suits
in smart styles, special at ...
1.39, 1.95
Hats -Young Men's Sailor Straw
Hats, special .-._..$r.so, 2.00, 2.50
Suits—o Suits in Young Men's
models, fancy grey mixtures, re-
uced to -..-_.........._ $19.75
', fir, r •
To the Editur avahe Cvanee-Times,
Deer Star,—
I undhcrslitand, an hev rayson to
belave; Haat 'some av yer Grit an T.J. F.
0. s.ubshcroibers, that ye had to take
over as a loiability whin ' ye bought
the Toirnes, do be foind'in fault wid ye
fer lettin an Quid Tory !pike mesiif 'a'„D• McDonald and 'daughter,
blow me barn iviry wake in yer Miss 'Verna, visited with Todd's and'-
supposed per, whin it is de- Ed. McRoberts, , to be rode- during, the - week. _
pindint in pollyticics. Av coorse I Mr. John Cunningham sr,, Mr, and
shuclden't loike to offind anny av yer Mrs' John Cun,ninghaiit and children E
subshcroibers, fer a Grit arr a U. F: of Walkerton were visitors at E. 5: II]
Q. dollar is just as good as a Tory Thom's and Wallace Millers', one day i
wan, if ye ficin git it 'but av thim, this week.
which isn't an aisy jawb be anti The Social Meting of the Harris 1-
manner av manes, so it isn't; .Fur in- The
Band will be held on Satur- -_
sthance'1 hey been tould that not day afternoon next. All the children
wan av thim lads will touch the foor . are especially invited to this meting,
be Poor beer, not be rayson av theer The following were the scores made • l
timpirince proclivities, arr becaws it at the shooting competition on Friday ..11
is a Tory dbrink, but on account av out of a possible 7o: -=H. Purdon 62; i
its •being too dear. Cud ye bate that J' Webster 61; W. Webster 6o; G.
now? Stuart 5$; W. A. Miller 5$; A, Young
I 57;' E. Webster 56; J. C. Purdon 56; ,
Miss Lila Humphrey left for Brant-
foj'd on Monday for a two weeks hon.,
doy with friends there,
Mrs. Alex. Stuart is a visitor in
Mr, fared Phillips is visiting
R. J. Woods, '
wpoillanowihloolIlMloostlIonollllIl opllllp$Itlspll li sc (sou plIlsolM owoI1 thotIlf ll f1
want to tell ye proivately that I
IN 1 don't tink 'much av the shtuff mesilf,
■ an didn't belave in it frum the fursht
■ i
® oots and Shoes.
• Children Brown Sandals _,.$1.10 Ladies' suede Slippers,■
brown /
• Children's Patent Slippers, one or grey '_
-_..._ -._4.39 •
/. strap p __.•_..._..-..._._...$r.25 and r.so Ladies' 3 Strap BrownKid■
® . Misses' Patent Slippers ...-..1. Slippers at _____„..._-_____3.95 ■
95 IN
a Children's Kid Slippers, 3 Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords of
■ , 1111
fine quality _w -....3.95
strap _. --_--_ __....__ 1.75
Ladies' Fancy Patent . Strap Ladies' One Strap House Slip-•
Slippers at -- : ..3.95 pers at _ _________:_x.35
Tet Fool Canvas Shoes ' ■•
"Crepe Sole” all styles andsizes in . Men's and B /
▪ ies', Misses' and Children's at Lower Prices.
■ - / . �'ye in wan av thin places again I •will
= Isard
® Cn line the• W. C. T. U. an kill yer vote
at the nixt elickshun. Put that in yer
•■ cold poipe an shmoke it," sex she
aythes as a thirst squinslaer arra
pollyticicle biviridge, but, loike", anny
good Tory ought to do, I tought 1
wud hev to troy a bottle arr two jist
to give it a shtart so to shpake, an
show.respickt to the polishy av Mish-
ter Ferguson an Mishter Nickle, an
Mishter Joynt. I don't loike to foind
fault wid anny invinshun av the Tor-
ies, but T nusht confess that the, only
kick I got out av two arr tree bottles
av the shtuff wus frum the missus,.
whohappened to be goin clown shtrate
an looked in at the windy' an caught.
me sittin at wan av thin little tables
wid----well, mebby I betther not
minshun names, but the fellah I. wus
wid is the biggest Tory in town.
Whin I got home I knew I' wus in
fer a tongue trashin. an I wussen't
"An is that the way ye shpind yer
toi'me"" an yer money?" sez the •rnissus,
"wid the lawn naydin mowin, an the
wades in the garden growin fashter
than the vigitabies, an whin ye put a
quarther on the plate av a Sunday ye
pat yersilf qn^,the' back all the nixt
wake. Ye ought to be ashamed av
yersilf to be sittin there, makin a
shwill barrel av yer shturnmick, whin
yer woife is a mimber av the Wim -
min's Institoot an av thgg Ladies Aid
ad the Union Church. ivir catch
This goes to .prove that it wus a
®■®®® ®me Annan ®®m�I®nannsil0®1•Iwl��me�. big mishtake to give the wimmin a
Mr. and Mrs, Roy McQuillan of
Toronto, visited`at Mr. E. Haines one
day recently.
Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Irwin of Belfast,
visited at Mr. Thomas Jamieson's on
Sunday last.
Mr. Harry Champion and John also
Mr. C. Leaver, visited relatives at
Lucknow on Sunday. last.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, of
Auburn and daughter, visited at Mr.
Chester Taylor's one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Norman of
Zetland, also Mr. Thomas Leaver vis-
ited at Mr. Peter Leaver's, one day
last week.
Mr. C. F. Martin was engaged in
cutting wood in this vicinity, last
Mr. Patrick O'Malley took in the
trip to Detroit and quite a number
from this vicinity took in the Moon-
light excursion at Goderich, it being
a fine night, - all enjoyed •themselves.'
William Nesbitt Acquitted
William Nesbitt, of Blyth, who has
been out on'bail for the past month,
was found not guilty by a jury in the
only case to come up at the county
sessions, held here before Judge Lew-
is. A true bill had been returned by
a grand jury on Tuesday.
Nesbitt was charged under the crim-
inal. code with -doing injury to the
motor car of William Fellow, 'license
inspector, and with interfering with an
officer in the performance of his duty.
The charge arose out of an offense,
which occurred in Blyth on May 5,
when someone cut the tires on Mr.
fellow's motor car,
Two days were required to take the
evidence, which was more or less cir-
cumstantial. Crown Attorney Seager,
K. C., was crown prosecutor, and
Dudley E. Holmes defended Nesbitt,
It is strictly against the law to dis-
charge firearms within the limits of
the Corporation of Wingham except
in defense of life or property;
By Order Chief of Police.
Lloyd -•In Wingham on Friday, June
to Mr,. and Mrs. R. H, Lloyd,
a son.
Passed Away at Guelph
A former highly esteemed resident
of Wingham, passed • away at her
home in Guelph on Thursday, in the
person of Mrs. Robert J. Smith. De-
ceased whose'maiden name. was
Mary MacDonald, daughter of, the
late Archie MacDonald, had 'been in
poor health for some time. She is -
survived by her husband and two
children, a girl of 15 and a boy of 3
years. Her mother, is also surviving
as is a sister,•1VIrs. Rod. Johnston of
Goderich and a brother Lawrence in
the West. Mrs. Andrew McDougall
vote at all, at all, fer, shore, it lets
thim hev the whip hand over the min,
an ye can't- rayson wid thim no. more
than wid wan av thin Missouri mules
I used to droive whin I wus a young
Av coorse, I can't affoord to offind
the mssus wid an elickshun loikely to
come aff in the fall, if, the crops turn.
out well, so I hope. none av the byes
will be askin. me to drink wid thim.
Annyway I don't care fer the shtuff.
Shpakin av the••elickshun, I harrudly
know • what to tink av our chances,
but mebby we kin jine up wid thing
'Nationalists a,gin an win some sates
among the Frinchies in Quebec, thin
of Turnberry is an aunt of the de- :laf. we make plinty av good prawmises
ceased. . Several acquaintances and to thim lads in the prawvinces av
friends motored from Wingham to 'down be the say, we kin shale some
the funeral. sates from the Grits. Ontario, av
coorse,; will go Tory as usual, but
mebby that transferrable vote, arr
whativir ye call it, will hilp the Grits
to some ixtint,' I don't ixpickt we
will hev much luck annywheer in the
unless iviry Tory will take :gaff his
Edmonton, Alberta.
9823, 88th.,,Ave.
IMr. A. G. Smith,
Dear Sir:—
Enclosed find cheque for
the Advance -Times until
$4.00 for_
February ' hev to put up wid the Grits an
s ., in ribs olumbia, so
coat an git to wurruk from now till
the elickshun is over, we mebby will
1926. Pro-
grissives runnin the counthry fer an -
We are always glad to get the other foor arr foive years, wid not a
home paper and know that Wingham chance fer anny Tory to make a bit
av aisy money. Moind I am teIlin ye
it is goin to, be a harrud foight fer us
to win, an wid iviry pollin place in
the+, counthry filled up wid Grits on
elickshun day we don't hev the same
shcope fer our activities, so to
Yours till nixt wake.
Timothy Hay'
is one of the progressive towns.
Yours respectfully,
Jno. McRitchie.
( United Church Notes
Next Sunday will be Sunday School
Anniversary and Flower Day in the
United Church of Wingham.: Every
member of the Sunday School is re-
quested to • bring a boquet for tli
flower procession. The school com-
niences at 10.30 and the church ser-
vice begins at 10.45. Special features
of this service will include two chor-
uses by a choir of boys and girls, a
duet by Louisa Thompson and Vesta
Fox and a solo by Geo, Young,
At the• evening service the newly
elected session of 24 members who are
to have the oversight of the spiritual
interests of the congergation, are to
be ordained and inducted into office.
As this is to be Mr. Cragg's last Sun-
day as minister in Wingham an un-
sually large congregation will likely
e out to show gratitude for past ser -
ices and to wish Mr: and Mrs. Cragg,
nd the boys God's Speed for the Pu-
re. In his evening message he will
ave the young people particularly in
Hutchison—Xing--At the home' of
the bride's parents, Gorrie, on Wed-
nesday, June loth, 5925, by Rev.
R. S. Jones, 13. A., Pearl 5.,' eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrd,. James
King, to Mr. John M, . Hutchison,
son of the late Hugh Hutchison
and Mrs. Hutchison, of Howick.
Wade—Smith—In Wingham on Wed-
nesday, June 3rd., by Rev. Dr.
Perrie, Miss Nina Smith, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John'
Smith to William Wade, only ,son
of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wade,
all' of Wroxeter.
The regular service will be held at
Eadies Church, next Sunday after-
noon, June 21, at3 o'clock,
W. I. IVlaller 55; McK. Webb 54; W.
Young 53; W. McQuillan 52; H. Webb
5x; A. Robinson•51; T. J'3`alkeld 5o;
R. Scott 5o; G. Shiells 49; A. Gaunt
49; 5. Aitchison 48; W. McPherson 47;
G. McPheison 47..
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathews of
Bluevale, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Sinimon, on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Armstrong
and Hazel of Fordwich and Mr. and .
lobs. Leslie Harkness and family, .®
spent Sunday at Geo. A, Dane's
VOILES 85c -A variety of
New Patterns in Spots, Stripes.
and. Floral Designs, all the
new colors, special values 4o in.
wide at 850 yar4
BROADCLOTH $x,00 —Just
received a number of new pat-
terns in Stripe Effects in all
the latest summer shades. Ex-
ceptional values, 40 in. wide` at
$?.00 a yard
Mrs, Janes Barton, returned from
enjoying 6S
a three weeks visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Erweiker of Al-
berta, Mrs. A. Thacker and Alvin and
Mabel of_Teeswater, called on R. A. derneath._ When assistance came it `I
Taylor on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Weir of Salem and Mrs.
Milton Lenord of. Fordwich, are at
present visiting with Mr, and Mrs. -
Geo. A. Dane.
Another old .resident of Howac1c
passed away in the person of : Mr. and Robert Archibald, a broken arm.
Hugh Wylie in his 7oth year. Mr. The latter two were taken to the
Wylie had been ailing for some time' forth hospital but were able to return
with uanse
Toronto last Thursday after
DRESSES— Broadcloths,
Fulards and Willow Suitings
in' the newest styles for summer
wear at very attractive prices
SILK . HOSE 95c --Black,
Brown, Sand, • Beige, Nude and
Grey Silk Hose, in sizes. 8 to
10. Special value at .9$c pair
VENUS HOSE . $s.50 ---Fine
quality pure silk hose in the
new summer shades, Venus
Flake, all sizes, ;special $1.5o pr.
Collar Lace, Gloves, Belts,
was found that all were more or less
bruised and injured, the most seri-
ously injured being James Riley, who
had a badly cut wrist; Ronald Rein-
ke, a sprained wrist; William Patrick,
face and chest cut and nose broken
q y, but was still around at
his work until a few days before his
death when he, suddenly took worse,
passing to his great reward on June
to their homes next day.
_Mrs. Leslie Rutherford, wife of the
accountant of Exeter branch of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, accid
th. He leaves to mourn him his wi- entally shot and killed herself at hes
(low, Mrs. Wylie of this burg, one sis- home in Exeter. She had been in her
ter, Mrs. Anger of Gorrie, also one (usual health and had been out in the
brother, Mr. George Wylie of this afternoon. Her sister went over to
line, I a neighbor's and on returning found
Word was also received of the i Mrs. Rutherford; prostrate on the
death on May 21st., of James McKin-, floor with a wound in her chest. Mrs.
n.ey of Waskado in his 8oth year. Mr I Rutherford was in her
McKinney was a resident of the 1 thet ti year a and
line of Howick for many5 was formerly Miss Letitia Elealeh
years. i Broadfoot, of Guelph. Funeral ser-
Mr. Stewart McKercher of Wroxe- i vices were held at Exeter and the bo-
ter, made a business trip to our burg dy was taken by motor to Guelph for
on Monday. !interment.
Mr. Wm. Taylor of Wingham and
Mr. Charles Kitchen of Toronto, call-
ed on R: A. Taylor's, Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons and
Il�lll�lil®1111 ..";;,ctiltfE iill�Id�lll�lii" 1111111111111
ed the closing services of his pastoral
term here and was greeted by appreci-
ative congregations.
Messrs. John and Ed.. McBurney,
took in the Greyhound Excursion to
Detroit last week.
Wingham Talent Complimented
_ The following clipping .from the
Goderich Signalspeaks very highly
for Wingham talent:
"Nile, May 27.—The Methodist
church here held a mostsuccessful
tea -meeting and entertainment om
Monday evening. Tables, were set irs
the basement and an excellent supper-
was served to the people, who after-
wards crowded .the seating capacity
of the auditorium. The program
given by the Wingham Concert Com-
pany was of a very high order and:•
was most thoroughly enjoyed and the
artists won the hearts • of everyone
present. Mr. Gordon Buchanan, bass
and comic soloist, with his hunoro'us
Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Gowdy, from
Stewart Simmons, spent Sunday with Mildmay, called at the home of Mr.
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles1
and Mrs, John Gowdy, one day last
Simmons. week,
John Beattie, a respected farmer o
Londesboro', died thereon Thursday
morning from injuries received when
a team of horses threw him from a
wagon. on the 26th of last month. De-
ceased was in his seventy-second
year and is survived by his widow aid
one son.
A serious motor accident occurred
on Sunday afternoon, MaY 31st., on
the 4th concession of Tuckersmith.
Eleven boys, nine. riding in' the car,
and two' standing on the running
board,. were going along the road in
a Ford car, owned • by Mrs. James
Riley, when they struck a culvert
near Sholdice's. The car went up in
the air and the weight of the boys on
the side pulled it over and it landed
upside down with the whole load un -
Mr. Robert Mitchell and daughter,
Miss Laura Mitchell of Wingham,
called on friends around here, last i
f week.
Mr. Allan Fralicl: had the misfor- t
tune to break his arm, while cranking t
his car. He will be laid up for some c
time, but we hope he will soon be
all right again. s
Mr. Ed. Bennett made a business e
trip to Wiarton last week. e
and Scotch numbers, was pronounced
the best "Harry Lauder" yet heard
here. Mrs. VanWyck, gold medal-
ist reader exceeded expectations and
won the hearty applause of the audi-
ence. Her numbers varied, comic and
nspiriiig, with many hints that might
well be remembered, and she icer -
airily will be highly recoamnended
o any community which may inquire
oncerning her . ability and talent.
iVliss Garniss, soprano soloist, for
moothness of tone, clearness of
nunciation and class of selections,
asily stands at the - forefront of. enter-
, tamers. The duet work by Miss
Garniss and Mr. Buchan,n was per-
At a social gathering held in the n
(Methodist) United Church, Gorrie, ' c
on Friday evening, June 12, •Rev. and ag
Mrs. W. A. Finlay, who will soon co
move to Wardsville, were presented R
with a purse and an address of ap- pr
preciation.of their work here and good m
wishes .for their future welfare and ce
success. Sunday, Mr. Finlay conduct- $1
aps the most delightful of all the .
ambers. A11 of the artists were
leered to the echo and brought bac
•ain and again by the - cries of ';ei1
re' from all parts of the building.
ev. W. R, Alp, of Auburn, was
esent and gave a Sriuf, pithy and
uch appreciated address. The pro-
eds of the evening amounted to
• 41011111"1"
Service Depot. A. M CRAWFORDg Wingharn Ont.