HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-18, Page 4New Super -Keen We Offer bold plated e Valt' Auto -Strop Razor lu ii. neve ver 'Sill -TM. lade V R. E x *E 1� E With . purchase of $1.00 package of the new super -keen Valet AutoStrop Blades at McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE me. ---- rel the" tip - wli ;ate ,or ti'ii +h. Tl� _ „ AUCTION' SALE—Farm Stock, Im- h be d plements, Crop, etc., owing to ill health I am offering my entire pro- perty for sale on Saturday, June 270. Thos. Forbes, Bluevale Road, Prop., T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. BOYS AND GIRLS—We are giving to a scribbler free to every boy and an girl making a purchase of ten cents -.ATI or upwards Thursday, Friday and ot Saturday of ti ffs week. Thompson an -m& Buchanan Hardware. fo NEW RAYMOND SEWING Ma- chine, in good condition for sale cheap. Telephone 21-6o2. NOTICE—Will the party who bor-. roYSed Jack Screws some time ago kindly return them and oblige. R. R. Mooney, SEWING WANTED—All kinds of plain sewing; also children's clothes. Apply Mrs. Renwick, Leopold St. 1DR SALE -Car of Brantford Asp- Piano Recital halt Slate Shingles to arrive about Pupils of Bea to June 2oth, Order given by June a Pitrice Gordon,Gordanwill give k '15th will be given prompt attention. ano Recital in they Town Hall, n June 19th., (Friday evening), at 8.15 H. L. Stewart, Bluevale. p. m. Pupils from both Wingham OR SALE—Cauliflower, Cabbage and' Teeswater will flake part assisted and Tomatoes Plants. Apply toby other talent from both towns. Mr. Coles, dission 25c. Proceeds to go to I The Arena. FARMS --We' have several Rolls Bible Society Meeting of N. g, Woven Fencing eight 1 wires high. We are offering at, The Upper Canada Bible Society special prices to clear, also coiled will hold its annual meeting in St. " spring; barb and lawn fencing 'ori' Pauls Church, Wingham on Thursday, I- hand; pure Manila Hay Rope at June 18th at 8 p. m. Rev. S. G. Pia - i lowest possible prices. Thompson Inock, returned missionary from Afri- I J.: Buchanan Hardware. ica, will address the meeting. Every - 'body come. A collection in aid of the VOR SALE=Comfortable dwelling'funds of this society will be taken up. I on Minnie St,, &1: g yery low price.1 E. J. Mitchell, Pres. 4 A Pilon, Wingliani. ...-' . •.. , C. P. Smith, Treas. 1 A, Cosens# Secy. 1 OR SALR— 'mn , llaarge dwelling on - ,1 nide St,, Wiiignaiil, a bargain :.czcent Sales of Card tl forstimeone. Apply to M. Madi- The latest. purcf#ases of Overland 1 gan, 65 Lakeview Ave., Toronto, and Star Cars are Jos: Brandon, Bel- OR SALE: A car of standard re grave, a .Willys Knight Sedan; Fred i cleaned.Wheat Screenings, $27.00 Davidson, a Willys Overland Sedan; `f,'di> !,o chopped. Howson & How- Rev. T. C. Wilkinson, Bluevale, a son. Willys Overland Touring and Root,- Moffatt, a Willys Overland Touring; 'OR SALE—Two young calves. F. Rev, Mr. McWilliams of Kinloss, a T'-Iiill' Star Brougham and Miss. Stortz, of OR SALE --Good fat hens also Greenock, :a Star Coupster. B, J. fresh eggs.Beninger is the local agent, strictly W e claim .our eggs are the very best quality, Goes Into Camp Next Week none better on the market,' In. fu- The Bruce Regiment will go into Lure we will sell eggs at the house camp at Kincardine on Monday next, graded according to size. We June 15th,, for six days training. This guarantee the quality. John Kerr, is the only regiment in No, x Mili- Phone 4 on 625.' 0 tary District, which practically com- prises all Western Ontario, that will Isabella Patterson, • Frances St., go into camp this season. consisting of a good lot, with house sand barn, etc. For further parti- DIED Mars apply to Mrs. Frank G. Farr, Hyslop—In Turnberry, on Friday, Blu�vale Ont., R. R. Geo. Thornton. his $ th g year. :ItL WANTED --Small family, Wylie—In Howick, on Monday June light work, Electric range, washer, 8th.,70, 1925, Hugh Wylie, aged about wers, eper, etc. Good home for'K ellereaIn Howick, on `'Tuesday, wrustworthy young girl. Apply at rn1, care of Mr.June 5th., 2925,. James Hyslop, hi - Wyoming W INf"iHAI4f A VAIsiCR,TIMRS Picnic At ;Riversdale, Father Goodrose picnic at Rivers- dale, Monday, June nand: Boxing and. Dancing. Supper served from ,5 to 7. Died in Montana Word was received here on Monday of the death ,pf James .Jobb, which took place at Helena, Montana, on Sunday, Deceased was a former resident of Wingham,, being a broths er of Mr, William Jobb of Turnberry .and the late T. L Jobb of Wingham, Huron Old Boys' Picnic The annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, will be held in Areas, 5' .and :6, Exhibition Grounds, and in the Transportation Building, on Friday - afternoon, June 26th., when a full programme of games etc., has been arranged for the enter- tainment of the old boys and girls of the Banner County of the Dominion, Needless to say, suitable prizes will be awarded to the successful cornpeti tors, and the athletes, both young and old, are advised to bring along their running togs. All Huronites and their friends will be made doubly welcome. Come and bring a swell filled basket, and leave. your troubles. at home in, "your old kit. bag; Monroe Maxwell Nuptials The following wedding . notice which is taken from the Greensboro, North Carolina newspaper, will be of interest to 'a great many of our read- ers: "Yesterday afternoon at 6.3o o'clock, at the home.of her mother, Miss Re- bekah Monroe was married to Ro- bert Scott Maxwell. The marriage vows were heard by Rev. Dr: J. Clyde Turner, of the First Baptist church in the presence of the immediate fa- mily.. The reception . hall was most at- tractive in its decorations. An , altar of palms and ferns was improvished in here, and candelabra holding cathe- dral candles and floor vases filled with white snapdragons flanked the alta making an attractive contrast to th deep green of the background Prior to the ceremony, " William Clegg Monroe, of Charlote, a brothe of the bride, sang, "For You Alone,' accompanied by Philip Jeffreys, who, during the ceremony played "Ave Maria," The bride's only attendant was her small niece, Miss Joy Folk, who acted as ring bearer. She wore a dainty frock of white organdie, ruffled trim med, and carried the ring in a rose. The bride and groom entered to- gether. .Miss Monroe wore an en- semble suit of bronze.georgette. with accessories of a - harmonizing shade and a corsage -of Bride roses. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell left for Tam- pa, Fla., where they will ,make their home. Mr. Maxwell is originally from Wingham, Ontario, Can., but for the past six months has made his home in this 'city, being connected with the Burrough's Adding Machine Company, which he' will- also repre- sent in Tampa. , • Mrs. Maxwell' is the daughter of Mrs. O. W. Monroe. She attended Meredith college in Raleigh, and has a number of friends in this section of the state who will learn of her mar- riage with interest." ThurSdayz Jtlne x'sth, Our Personal, Item Column Mr, .and Mrs, J, E. West of Strat- ford, spent the week -end with friends in town. te25 SII IIMpIlII�p IM11IpI I ISI (ISI (I�III111I ICf�III�I I III I IMI( IMI( I IYYI I IMI( l ilii l l�lll 111! I1�II ISI I IMI( III I IIlI (IlMlll�i:�l, 4I Comfort E!M • IN The Wingham Salt Co., opened up E_5. their works at Wingham on Monday 11 morning. Mr, and Mrs, Peter Cook of Ash- field, visited with Mrs. Eliz, Pocock on Sunday, Mr. H, J. A, MacEwen, Mayor of Goderich, was a visitor in Wingham on Tuesday. Master Jack Greer of Toronto, is spending a week at the home of his uncle, Mr. W. J. Greer., , a Miss Nellie Walters of London, is 1 visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walters, Diagonal Road, p® Mrs. Farnsworth and son, Fred, of II Norley, England, are spending a -11 ouple of weeks at Mr. J. M. Graham, We, in the vicinity of Wingham, ave had several nice showers of rain tely, and crops are looking their est. ' s Misses Frances and Mae Moffat td : Mr. Harold Moffat, have return- _® from visiting with relatives in De- _El oit. Mr, and Mrs. John J. Moffat and 64. iss. Frances and Mr. Harold, spent e week -end with relatives in Ham - la b a ed tr M th ill Mr. and• Mrs, J. A. McDonald, have gone to Detroit to attend the wedding of their;; youngest son, George G. IA Rintoul, this week.. i1B Mr. Dave Haskins and n,r,..,,,i Mrs. 1 - John Duffy of the Howick and Car- 107 rick town line, spent a day last week with Mrs. Renwick This Summer Fleet n The picnic—the wear around home= outings -sports-holiday time—sailing -- camping --tramping - all your sura- ler activities—justify a shoe with the supreme wear quality which only Fleet Foot Shoes give! They save you money. To the "super- ior wear and comfort of Crepe Soles— the lightest shoe made—is added the longer wear m a de possible by - Fleet Foot_ quality. SPECIAL — WHITE STRAP SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS Women's 98c Misses' and\Children's 75c W. J. GREEK .• Mr. and. Mi s. Archie Webster and - Archie p THE GOOD 'SHOE STORE WINGHAM, of Londesborough, sent ONT. two days last week" with Mr. :and ®III®III�III®III®III®III®III®III®III®IIIIIIII®IIi®III call®til■IIIiIIIllslilshlslli®ISI®IIISIIlIII1lslilllllr two la Burford, • Mrs. T. J. McLean and Miss Elean-. r, or . McLean, accompanied by her e' friend, Miss Hattie Sutton, motored to Hensall, one day last week. Mr. Paul Harvey who has been on i the staff of the Dominion Bank here, ' -has severed his connection withthe bank, joined the benedicts, and return- ed to his home„�in'St. Thomas. Miss Annie Simpson, who has spent the last few months at the home of her sisters, Mrs,. Musgrove, Wing- hamsand Mrs. Frank Henry, Kinloss, lefi on Monday for her home in Jas- per, Alta. elisosislimisisummalimisismil _® Lyceum . I! w Theatre 1= ® Thurs., Fri,, and Sat. June 18, 19, 20 ES "LightsES Out”"1., _� el•ii R WITH ALL STAR CAST . 11 The Greatest Crook Story ev- 1 er told on the screen, _ Also Dan Mason in t "LOST NERVE" 11 _i ■ Mon., Tues, and Wed. • ei June 22,'23, 24 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webster and son ,Alvin of, Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fairbank of Grimsby, vis- ited Mrs. Webster's. sister, Mrs. Eliz. Pocock on Friday last, on their way to the Webster Reunion iri -Ashfield. Mr. H. Hinscliffe, who has been working for the Michigan Store Fix= ture Co., in Detroit, has been trans- ferred to- the Milford factory. Mr: Hinscliffe comes from Wingham, Can ada, and is said to, be an experienced bandsman.—Milford, Mich,, •-Times. Mrs. Mary odwell, 8g Dufferin St., Stratford, announces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Clara Irene to John Case ore, Stratford, son of Mrs. J. H. Cas more of Detroit. The marriage to -take place the latter part of June, . R 0 t m Case Mr, Cecil Dobie of the Standard Bank�,Cannington, iias• been spending his hoTrdays at the home of his par- ents, Diagonal'Road, before leaving for the West, where he has been pro- moted to Accountant in the Alberta Branch of the Standard Bank in Bindloss. Among those from Wingham; who attended' the .funeral of the late Mrs,' R. I, „Smith at Guelph were: Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Currie, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, and her" daughter, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Andrew McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kerr, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Carter, „ Mr. and Mrs; H. N. Anderson, and n Donald, of Sault Ste Marie, On- rio, were the guests of their friends, r, and IVirs. Gowans over the week- d. They motored 211 the -way and d the roads were in excellent con ion and the scenery grand. They t on Monday to visit friends. in and ound Exeter, their former. home. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Hunt, motored. from Toronto and renewed ac- aintances in this vicinity. It is w almost thirty years since the nt family lived in Wingham, and ✓ since they left they have been tiers of a Wingham paper. Be- e living in Wingham they lived at nglram Junction, Mr. Hunt' was the employ of the C. N. R. as a tion foreman, so to en sai dit �lef ar up qu no Hu eve rea for Wi in sec JACK HOXIE ei —IN— `e t The Man From w • ;his office. ANT D --Girl for general house- vork. Apply by phone 160. tl„NO B'0J RENT•—TJpright in fir - t class condition, _ for dances, gar - parties or socials, nmoderate 14r5 e. A. J. Walkers June and., /925, Louise Gadke, be- loved wife of John Ireller, aged 64 years, to months and 21 days. Correctly Pitted Byegiaepees WILHAMU TONtipial�ae1tht WING HAM ONT �-- A real Western, fill of pep. s' st Also Billy Sullivan as 'the in. i formation Kid in "The Past I Steppers" "The Fiddlin Doll": Taken from Gerald Beaumones famous racing stories in the A - Red Book Magazine, ,_ I1 s M`J FREE MATINEE e Monday for Children at 4.3o. ��a �1111111i11111M11111 111 11I111111slIi 111l11I�11111110111' NOTICE . Applications for the position of As- sessor for the Town of Wingham for the year 425, will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p, in,, 6n Satur- day, July 4th., 1925. ' W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk, Mrs. Richard Weir Passes Mr. W. S. LinkIater left in our o fice a clipping from a Regina paper i which it announced the death of Mrs Robert Weir, whiff occurred ' whil she was visiting in Regina with he daughter, Mrs, Hugh McLean. He bereaved husband is a brother of Mrs Linklater and he was visiting in Sask atoon at the home of his son, D Geo. M. Weir at the time of his wife's sudden death from heart trouble. In another Saskatoon paper there s a lengthy article on a rousing send off given to, Dr. Geo. Weir, Past rand' Master of the Masons of Sask- tchewan and for some time principal f the Normal School in Saskatoon, he beloved principal has accepted he chair of psychology at he Uni- ersity of British Columbia at' Van • Mr. Dobson of Ethel, who . was. f_ 'married on Saturday, spent the week - n end with his wife at . the home of Mrs. Ernie Ackert. e l The Rev. McWilliams, preached his. ✓ farewell sermon at the Presbyterian r.Church at Kinlough on Sunday. Mr. Fordyce Whittick has hired' „,with Mr. Richard Elliott. ' Dr G a 0 T t v Born: --On Friday to Mr. and Mrs. J.• V. Ladas, a daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Roger Corrigan, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker. 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Hockley, spent; 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Broome. Miss Susie Purvis is spending'a. week with friends at Hamilton., Sewing Machines Shuttles & Needles:, couver, w ome and Ideal Machin- es. work quietly and well all the time. The Weir family are well known to iIf you have any difficulty, call and. many of our readers and it is not to see me about it. No ' obligation. be wondered at that Dr. Weir has at- Needles, parts and shuttles for the tained so great success for he came of New Home and Ideal Sewing. Ma - a distinguished and honored family, 'chines always on -hand. Needles for John was a Rhodesscholar from 'other :machines, twenty-five, . thirty Saskatchewan University and now sand forty cents - a 'dozen Shuttles head of the Law Faculty at Alberta cash with order. Adjusting and re=-- (University. Archie was a graduate pairing done. A. W. Webster, .. and now registrar of Saskatchewan stairs(over the'Advance-Times Office. up - University. James is a professor of engineering at McGill University, while Miss Elizabeth Weir is head. of Saskatoon's tax collecting department, HOLYROOD Good Football Games The football schedule being played. between Salem, Jamestown, Bluevale and Delmore is creating quite., a good amount of interest. The game Oil Friday night at James Wrays, Salern, etween Salem and Biuevale, resulted in a win for the former- by a score of 3 to o. . The following is the line up: Salem—Wray, goal; W. Galloway,. r. f.; G. Wylie; 1. f.; M. Edgar, r. half back;; T. Nichol, c. half back; H. Met- calfe, 1. half back; R. Rae, out r, for- ward; 5. Edgar, in r... forward; D, Eadie, c. forward; L, Bolt, in left for -- ward; H. Wylie, out left forward. Bluevale-W. Leggatt, goal; L. Thomas, r. 1. b.; R. Aitcheson, 1. i, b.; Breckenridge, r. half back; L. Ell tt, c. half back; W.: Mundell, 1. half ck; A. McKinney, out r. forward; arniss, in r. forward; H, Elliott, c. rward; F. Elliott, in left forward;: Stewart, out left forward. Latest heat wave temperature, 4.4o ' b in the shade, , Mrs. Robt, Elliott and her father, Mr, Hemmingway, spent a couple of days in Teeswater this week, The Women's Institute, met at the home of Mrs. Ab. Thompson on Thursday and decided to hold their annual Garden Party in Holyrood on July 3rd. Mr, White of Guelph, while pro- ceeding to Ackerts on a business vis- it, in connection . with a cattle deal J. was fatally injured in a motor acci- io dent just after. leaving Wingham: ba ktr, and Mrs. Tyndall Robinson G 'made the trip to Detroit on the Grey- • fo hound, H. •®'O®'O'®.Im"awmomoo.®owe1.1119aa.oaruw11.n.®o.®om Special Offe,' We will otter for this week Two New Lines Stock Pattern Dinnerw , re at Bare gain Prices 2 Dinner Sets Queen Anne Pattern, 97 Pieces for $28.00 Each 1 Dinner Sets Princess Mary Pattern, . white and gold, 97 pieces ....$22,00 Each This Dinnerware is of 1st Qualify and Real Bargains at the Price R. S. McG-EE , WTNGHAM Lige ti