HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-11, Page 8N.t tM ADVAN . . Is - i11 Na;1I I'l101111101t lllwlWlUl'NN1U111111�NiIIMlliillpliipllli M lilMlll[I�Ii!111lIiy1111M11 lIII 16 e s$.es ot Weather I I 3146•122.14.11411 Bre idclths, Silks and Voiles in all the newest styles, special prices on Dresses, Coots and Suits less 20 Per Cent. to clear. s 100 yards Silk Knit Dress Goods in different shades, regular 2.75, on sale 1.00 a yard. A REAL BARGAIN Silk Scarfs in the popular silk with fringe . . $2;25 Pretty New Dr. ss Materials—Spotted Silk, Floral_ Crepes, Fancy Voile dress lengths. 300 yards ;cotton crepe, reg. 75c,- Mauve, Sand and Pink, Sale Price, 45c Children's Silk Socks in Sand, Sale price 250 ▪ Boys' .All Wool Bathing areGriaranleeS Suits one piece on sale $x.49 cf"? Men's White fine cotton.. Nightgowns, Forsyth, size 36 to 44, sale $1.79 FOR STOUT MEN �1 s • Raw Silk Shirt Sale, pure Raw Silk, with collar, reg, $4.50 on sale $2.95 Straw. Hats Balloon Edge in thenewest style for young men $2.00, $z.so and $3.50 Boys' Kaki Riding Breech- es, Bloomers, Shirts in. good quality $x.00 and $x,50 Cotton Jersey in new Style PAJAMSS and colons; Brown,. Navy, FOR THE - FIK$T' OF YOUR LIQ. Kaki and White, 39c each . _ li r x ` . e ,. '1 il 4r-- • . Anna Gel Limied ! iii, III G9111®I(I®m1116IIII®I11mmalllollhlll®lll®I11'>I.II^ IIIPAdlllm111ei111 ani111u111®Iumiglllg® BELmoRL union ~tris osirried ip Knox Church, by a majority of 34 Those taking holidays are Mrs. Scott Inglis at Arnohl Stewarts, Streetsville, Mr. and Airs. John Darl- ing, at London; Mrs.' George" Herd and children at Owen Sound and Lions Head, Mr, and Mrs, Tacicaberr•y of Lions Head, spent Saturday and Sunday at George Herd's. • A large crowd witnessed the foot- ball match between Salem and Bel - more, e1 -more, Friday evening. The Salem boys being wee but mighty, scored 3 to o. Mr: and Mrs. George Nichol of Hamilton, Mrs, Law and Robert of Toronto, motored up Monday, return- ing Sunday. ' Mr, and Mrs. Ross of Teeswater, visited Sunday at R. J. Douglas's. IVfr. Cecil McNeil, Mrs. Jas. Austin and Margaret, were away on a motor trip to Toronto last week. Mr. ,Robt, Law, . Toronto, called on Miss Ellen Fleming, Eleanor and Minnie Jeffray, Thursday of last week. Mr. (Fred Doubledee and Clarkson Douglas took charge of the Endeav- or, Sunday evening, in the absence of Miss Collins and Jas. Fitch. Backward turn backward, Oh time in your flight, Give us .March again Just for one night. ASHFIELD Miss Annie 'Farrish of . New York, visited her brother, Mr. Kenneth Par- rish of Hemlock City. Mr, Will and Miss Margaret Piper of Duluth, spent a few clays with their uncle, Mr. Kenneth Farrish of Hem- lock City. VIr. Wilfrid Farrish and Mr. George Drennan of Courey's Corner, made a business trip to London on Friday. —Master Ralph O'Laughlin of Mafe acing, is in Goderith hospital at the, present time. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Frank Johnson of Mafeking, is remodelling his house this summer. Mrs. Farrish of Lucknow, is spend- ing a few weeks with her son, Wil- frid of Courey's Corner. Mrs. Laskin and children .of Tor- fonto, is spending a couple of months -with her sister, Miss Maggie .Shack- Shack- leton of Courey's Corner. Mr. and, Mrs. George Lane of Lan- es, attended the U. P. O. annual meeting at Wingham on Friday. Mr. Mathew Shackleton of Crewe is remodelling his house this year. Mrs. Herman Kroll of Alphena, has returned home after spending the win- ter with her sister, Miss Maggie Bow - let of Courey's Corner. Mr- and Mrs. Alfred Armstrong 2t i ie Charlie S 'I''Frealifoctre crossword. puzzle Ina a1" �, �.Icafi z d some quarters 'h waYlaia. + of es6,4 a+ hi* outellt and boys .of,London, spent the week- end with the latter's brother and sis- ter, Mr.' V,Tes, Alton and Mrs. Wni, Irwin both of Mafeking. Mr.'. and Mrs. Chas. W. Alton and daughter, Ferne of Toronto, spent the week -end renewing old acquaintances and friends around Belfast and Lanes. Mr. Wes, 'Twamley of tl!Iafelctrrg,, made a business trip to London, one day last week• Mrs. 'Jno. Grant and son, from the West is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Watson and, children of Nile, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's brother, Mr. Alfred Sherwood, Belfast. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell and Mrs. Jno. MacCallum and children of Belgrave, .spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Gilbert Vint, Belfast. Mrs. Henry Campbell •of Toronto, spent the week -end withxher son, Cy- ril of Lanes. • The Ashfield Circuit is . holding their annual Garden Party at Mr. Will Alton, 9th. con. . on Tueusday, June 16th. Supper served frorn 6 to 8 o'clock and a good program to follow. . Born—At Zion to Mr. and Mrs: Jacob Hunter, a daug hter, on June 8th., 1925. Congratulal:ions. SALEM Mr, Harvey McMichael of Wroxe- ter, called on Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ring, last Sunday. kits. Bennett, from near Moles- worth, visited her sister, Mrs. John Gowdy last week. Mrs. John Gowdy, entertained. her. S. S. Class last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Thomas Martin, jr., is at pres- ent visiting friends around here. The Salem, Football team played a friendly game with Belmore team at Behnore last Friday night and defeat- ed the home team 3-0, RAPID CITY Mr,:Elliott Miller, cement contrac- tor of Lucknow, and his men, have completed the barn wall, (4ox6o) for Mr, W. E. Henderson of Rapid City. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McDonagh of Zion, spent Sunday with -friends in our burg. • ' Mr. Robert McNall made a business trip to Listowel last S'aturday. 'ro We ,are „glad to report that Mrs. Rod McCrea and Mrs. R. McNall, who have been sick are .now recover- ing. The Silver Medal contest open to young men who never competed in an inter -county contest at the Ontario Provincial or Royal Winter Fairs, held in Teeswater on June 4th., • the silver medal was won by Mr. Frank Miller of Rapid City, scoring the high- est number of points out . of a class of over eighty, on judging beef cattle for export. BELQRAVE Mrs. Yespiix of Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Grigg. Mrs, H. Kirkby, spent a week with her brother, Mr. Scott at Milton. Miss Etta Ketchabaw of Lucknow, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. 'Scott, Miss Sotheran of Wingharn, visit- ed with her friend, Miss Wade over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Scott, motored to Lucknow on Sundays. J. A. Brandon went to Toronto on. Friday and brought home .a Wyllis- Knight Sedan. Le, "Utkll,: x925 ,fl I I min I lormi1s1it Illiltliaio 11M11101111K11111110I101111 M1i111111111111411i 11101114111111.111�111IA I3Lx� H; � 11MI11 � 1 Illl p ... Myth Orangemen :will attend Pi- ill 1 vine Servict; in the Anglican Church SH• MI ES F a on Sunday evening, .June 2,1st: at 7 - • o cloak,Rev, Mt, Lowe of London, fl • ila will reach, ' Visiting. brethren Wel til! eon1e, 99EATHER -- rr Mr, C, A, Tiffin is in Toronto at- i y At WonderfullyLow Prices t tending the conservation of the unit, ed Church of Canada, Dr. Barnaby will be the new pastor of Queen St. United Church.' Mr, G. M, Cltanibers and Rev' W. 13. Hawkins, have each purchased a new Essex Car, A " number of our citizens took .in the Greyhound Excursion. The Woineti's Institute are to be congratulated on giving to the public the rare musical treat on Wednesday evening, given by three blind lady ar- tists, graduates of the Ontario School for the blind, ' Some good work has been acconr- plisltesl on the old cemetery grounds, (Dinsley St.) by the ,,Horticultural Society and others interested' in the beautifying of some of the unsightly spots about our village. The Society are arranging flower beds at different and , appropriate places along the street The work is most commend- able. WROXETER After spending a few days 'visiting friends ii town Dr. Roy .and Mrs. Snaithreturned to their home in De- troit on Wednesday. Mr. Mills Hazlewood and daughter from Grimsby, motored up and spent a few days with friends here. Mr, and I(rs. Fred Kitchen and daughter, left for Toronto Tuesday morning. ' Mrs. Sandy McDougal who has been visiting her daughter in Harris- -fon for the past two months, returned to her home on Friday. Mrs. Alex. Sanderson of Harriston, called on friends' in town on Friday. Mrs, Coulter of. Toronto, 'spent a few days last week, visiting friends in town. x2 CON. HOWICK Mr. Nelson Gowdy's baby is on the sick list, hope to here it being better soon. Mr. Jack Riedt, visited ,at Ford- wich on Saturday'" night last, Mr, George Baker was in the burg last Tuesday. Mist Imly Potter and Miss Beat- rice Potter, visited at Mr. Lorne Laird's, Sunday last. Mr. James Underwood has got his house. nearly •painted. Mr. Sandford Zimmerman, went through an operation, Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster,* were up to Mr. Robert Baker for the 24th, BOWLERS ATTENTION First Jitney Tournament of the sea- son will be held this evening, (Wed- nesday). First -thirty-iwo entries ac- cepted. Play to start at 7 ,o'clock. When little Alex appeared , at Grardnia's house wearing his first boy's trousers she pretended not to recognize him. "Oh, it's a strange little boy," she said. "It can't be Alex, because Alex wears rompers." "I3ut it is Alex, grandma," he insist- ed, glancing , down at his new trous- ers, "'cause 1 was there and saw mother put 'err on nae." BLUEVALE Miss Bertha Gannett of Toronto,. spent a few days at the home of her father, Mr. Geo. Gannett. Mr. Albert Walker has sold his 5o acre farm to Mr. George Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks,, of Nor- folk, 'Virginia, are visiting at the home of Mr. William Thornton. Both congregations•will worship to- gether in the United Church on Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Tait and Rev. Mr. Eg Wilkinson will be in charge. Special II sacramental service will be held at 10.3o a. m. and regular. evening ser- vice at 7.30. Mrs. A. H. Coombs, Mr. Jas. Nich- olson and Mr. John Mundell are at- tending the Presbyterian Assembiy'at Toronto. '® m BORN McCallutn�-Ila Morris township, on May 27th., to Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Callum, a daughter. BuiehillIn Culross' on Tuesday,' Juice and., to Mr. and Mrs. John. Burchill, a daughter. • Gadke—Iu Fordwicb on Friday, June 5th., to Mr. and Mrs,`W. R, "Gadke (nee Helen 14. Flack) a daughter. WHITECHURCH Miss Isabel Fox, nurse in training at Galt Hospital, spent Sunday at her home- here. Mrs. Gillespie, sr., has been visiting for the past - two weeks with her friend, the, Catherine Ross. - Mr. and Mrs. R,obt, Ross of Cann- ing, spent a day last week with his sister, Miss Catherine Ross. Mrs. (Dr.) Paterson of Lucknow, Dif 111 Mi MI lit 1111 MI 1 Women's While Canvas Slippers in several different styles as are being gllown 1 North Window $1.00 Per Pair Misses' sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2 for $1.0.0 Per Pair Children's sizes 8, 9, 10 for 85c Per Pair One shoe of each pair on sale is now being shown in North Window. i W. H.WIL':ISa�y i i _ THE, SHOE STORE — WI �1si _ Phone 129. W!ngham, Ont. rilIl!1®11on191l1mummtiscliail ill mpr IIIsil iIInimitlencililplllallIeIII f III nsmi1®Illigi aill visited fast week with Miss Ida Mc- 1 parents, • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. Quoid. Mrs. McBrien is visiting at the Mr. Clark Matheson of Brussels, home of her daughter in Clinton. spent a day recently at the home of Miss 'Jean Egglestofte is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox., (with her sister, Mrs.e_Du Mont in Rev. J. S. Scobie and Mr. Mack I Torontfs Ross are attending .:the General As -1 Mr. Amos Cornelius and. Ed. War- sembly at Toronto. den, motored to Mitchell on Monday. Miss Robina Henry, Toronto, The latter will visit with his brother, spen :a few days at the home of her Thomas and with other relatives. ®. ;.HIE®55511555551MEME 4 ;ivSil , .®::::,®®4 a .ti 555 SI N . - 1lM m 11s Kg m IM▪ L0414111.0.011400/11119.04•61.4...11111.0.1111061102110.1191= q arm arms eat 5FS ®SFr „'Eit7', l9tl8i n':'®myon i ti ;.. ings- Paim Beach Sults $13.50. Two piece suets of Genuine Palm Beach Cloth in summer shades of Greys and Fawns. ni While,they last, per suit $13.50. C601 Underwear Of Naincheck, Stripe Madras, Balbriggan, Poris Knit and Cashmere in cool summer styles. Combinations and separate garments. Priced $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 per .garment. Bathing Suits ,and Jerseys So essential for your comfort this warm weath- er. Boys', Jtiniors' and Men's sizes in Jerseys. Priced 39c, 50c, $1.00. STRAW- HATS New Boaters of rough straws in natural .. and bleached shades, large range ofsizes and priced $1.50, 2.50 and 3.50. 4.136i ,.‘,..m.."6.0asli1,041101.64111e..4141mait,o11004e0pm si NI ■ ■ N I pui in WI ■ ■ M Broadcloth Shirts, Soft Collars, New Low Stiff Collars, Silk Sox, Lisle Sox, is Silk and Cashmere Sox, Crepe Ties in Summer Colors, Lanky Bill Ties25c, Leather Belts, Rubber Belts.. Mi . 10 1iiiN MI' mil MI il IIS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR COMFORT aRI iii IS is e a P 71 pi m- Bros. 1� 1111 I� MI1lI01119011MIUNIIIIMINSIONM1111111111111111111N0111100111111111110101111111111MINERNIMIIIIIIIIIIMMINIK Boys' Wash Suits, Khaki Bloomers, Tweed Suits.