HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-11, Page 6t�! or Sale at a rens- leading roach two grace of it. Good. Build•* Rttral Marl and Telephone Routes, laEarket, School and• ! haeches cotavenient. If you w ant a farm it will pay you to m laqutre into thin. Abner Cosens Insurance & Real Estate g. 101111111111111111110111011111111111111111111111111alignaalawagap BUSINESS CARDS WELLINGTON. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established 584o. Head. Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur- ance : at reasonable rates. in ham ABNER CO`�ENS, Agent, W g J. f W . DODU Office in Chisholm Block r:II�E, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH 13y ert ,T, C, stead 'Cite day wllaai i, wwilc i r to be Ws wife, she had wouaered when, and how, and where. And site had wond- ered what she 'would ,say, Cariosity, adventure, vanity, had tingled in ber veins.: But no happier auticipations stirred her now. Archie was still a himL veryoy, much inured and she liked. niceto, 464404.4404444.44340.444.44441.004444, But she dread- ed emu►o.�.aw�wuaaqua�mo.wn„�.ua�uawu.mrquestion, e knew was r su er vias oveare his heart, and she dreaded-aving r Reed went lie left Annie.Frawdic at her gate. He ' having "U1il et supper wading again, but Annie and Cal sat tried to return the lingering pressure to answer it. by the fire and talked, The girl inter- of her hand es she theeked hint for eye S,, she said, with attempted Wed arta amused flim. 'She was a the "just wonderful tine" be had giv- gaiety, "won't it be fine?" Then, as. fruitful field for experiment. She was en her, but her fingers stirred no erno- though the thought had just come to another exhibilt for his collection to tion within hire. To his heart he con- her, "But isn't the Twenty-fourth- the be gathered in the interests ,of. Truth fessed.be was "fed uP" on Annie day of the ball game in Plainville?" and Science. She had ideas, too, and Frawdic, ' "Of course, if you'd rather go to the their talk was not wholly banal. Yeti When he reached the Jackson ball game-•-" he wavered, but his dis- rtshe she lacked something --something that:I Stake homestead the holiday makers appointment was so apparent. L 1 a was not lacking in Minnie Stake, Cal that not yet'returned from Plainville, could not hurt him—not yet. "We'll tried to analyze it, to define the defic- and Minnie and Mr.' Hale had gone. see," she temporized, and with that he iencY: but could not. Only—she did Deliberately he. had taken Annie home had to be content until the very noon not draw him; she did not appeal—'first in order that he might not meet of the Twenty-fourth: It was just anythingbe- As ifa�pealhad to 'do with Minnie again that night, but now that fore twelve that she' got her mother. investigations in the interests of 'she was gone, the stone in his stoat- on the telephone, and, by dexterous Truth and Science! He laughed a lit- lach doubled in weight. They had inquiry about others, learned that Cal tie at his own inconsistency, and Ann- ' just 'gone; they 'would not be in Plain- was not coming to town. ie thought he was laughing at her wit, ville yet; they would be on the road, "Yes,' she told Archie, "I'll be. and was very happy !that same road where, just a few ev- glad to ballast your new boat.: I'll be The sun hung low at the end of a enings, ago, Minnie and he— ready at `two." But she did not tell ruddy path along the water and they W1ta;F was the use lingering over it? .him that the chief attraction of the er at the farm and r our mmd. .Be done. INSURANCE 1 shadow of their `seated figures fell Throw it out of y,- , trip would be supe AND REAL ESTATE like crumpled giants on the sand when with it! ithe chance of a WQrd i *ith Cal, 0.Box 366. Phone 198. suddenly they heard 'the sound of .ani He arranged the cushions and the In her' little box 'of a room she P. 'C INGI AU, - ONTARIO approaching car. A. moment later a anetsoree, l t blankets f Reed, and the lad, tired dressed with unusual care. Sempter .11'DLEiY IIIOLMES My w�work, floors aIft* *eilati s 100k better with kk5s �VVoirk BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 'Victory and Other Bonds Bought and sold. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham R. TONE BARRISTER, 'SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. Wingham, - OntOntarioJ. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario DR.. G. II. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate 'University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. ' new Ford "came plunging along the' 't1 his great day of pleasure, lisped & Burton's store had been rausacked overgrown trail and through the will his verse and fell asleep. •But°Cal sat for a gown of sheath, diaphanous. ows almost beside them. Embarass- at the door, thinking. And when he Texture a little more daring --in depth ran to their feet, and Ann- had thought for an'hour or more he and height, a trifle more diaphanous ed, they sprang , ie, slipping in the sand, clutched Cars had thought himself around to this: than the censors of. Plainville would arm to save herself from falling. 1 There was only one person in the be likely to accept without, remark, The Ford had stoppedand Cal's world for whom he really cared, and There would be lifted eyebrows when , first glance discovered Minnie Stake .who really cared for him.` That per- she blazed forth in it- tipon`the street. and a young man; not the thin, col- son was the boy Reed, his sister Ce- Its folds clung lovingly to her dainty lapsible fellow he had pictured, but lesta's son. In .these days he had limbs -as she approved of her reflec. solid and square shouldered and likely been tempted to forget that Reed was tion in the glass. She .admitted she to carrya wallop in his biseps. For more to him than anybody else—than was pretty. There were self-apprecii a •moment the two couples faced each everybody else. Reed was his own ation and a buoyant,. girlish happiness other; Cal actually could, trace the flesh and blood. A great surging of in the admission. She loved her own line of Minnie's vision down: to his the heart swept through him. All beauty as she loved the beauty of bare feet and Annie's, and he wished the others were experiments; exhibits flowers, of the lake, of the prairie , thesand might swallow him, at least in the one great experiment of life, dawns and sunsets. As' she.tua : to the knees. So long they stood in Very well— - • her boisterous hair under the snug e. so long, that he! He went - to. bed and gathered the bonnet which she had bought in anti - silence, or.it seemed Bgan to wonder if Minnie was not little, sleeping foi m in his arms. - The - cipation of.. much motoring her. lips air -castle laps` for the re -'was trying to intercept further furth to speak at all. But presently warm heat of his younglife—the.dreVt* to a pucker and erratic dribbles dmLodellingsof the homestead."He was-er activities,on the part of Cal. Bea-' going P spoke, quietlyand with that quali- warm blood of Celesta --thrilled st tune came whistling forth, They she spo , and into his body. -stopped as suddenly, and a cloud fill- interesting; and they might be friends, ch's Ford, and she was most inconsist- h h d f and in her through his limbs PP W. R. I'IAMBLY B.Sc., M.D., C.M. - Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Surgery. Bact- eriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, bet- ween the Queen's Hotel and. the Bap- tist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone. 54• P. O. Box 113. -Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Loud) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. DR. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, " . = B?, cults• of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontard ""College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Brock Josephine Street. Phone 2g. T USE CHARM Analvze Y Speudmgs oar ANALYZE carefully the .money you have been spending. You will find that quite a large' proportion of it might have been saved with little or no inconvenience. Decide now that you will deposit in the bank regularly that portion of your earnings which your analysis shows you can save. 1P WINGHAM BRANCH? J.. A. WALLACE, Manager. over. i, So she. dismissed Cal Beach froth And out of the mists of her , her mind. But the next day, wheii resent- ment her own behavior began to stand transcribing a brief, for the words unlovely and reprehensible. No, not casus belli she wrote Calvin Beael. that_; merely silly; s would ould not have By great good fortune she discovered it worse than silly. The silliness of the error before it fell into the hands the whole situation seized upon her of Mr. Bradshaw. Mr. Bradshaw and she laughed outright, and l u hed outri -assured was a lawyer occasionally, a stent , herself that hei laughter was genuine employer once in a while, but a • tease and spontaneous. It all had•been very and tormentor, always. If ever it had come into his: hands! She might as silly, but she ; .was sane : again and could- see: things clearly. Calvin well have taken it straight to the Beach was nothing to her; nothing at Plainville Progress. all: An interesting person, of course; I Friday' evening Archie Hale asked. father's "hired man" she would see if he mightdriveher home on Satur him from time to time, and •maybe. day. She wondered whether _ Archie Dr. argaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St, two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones: Office 281, Residence r55. ty of poise which e a o before, but which helmetnot analyz-:• . . . He was caught in the. gust of a ed her brown eyes. It was a shame ed, and which he now knew a'distin- great loneliness, and' before he slept to bury that new, filmy gown under a guished her from Annie Frawdic-- his pillow was wet. drab old last -year's raaincoat. But a "Good evening, Annie. ou know CHAPTER ELEVEN 1 had 't i' t i Minnnie Stake's Holiday with friend, stenographer's salary a its imi a - Cal, this is my _ Arch- tions, and, as everyone knew, it was Mr. Hale? Mr. Hale—Mr. Beach." ie Hale had not been one of undivid- the special delight of the weatherman ` They :. shook hands, and CaI asked if ed pleasure. For some days she had to send rain on the Twenty-fourth. been looking forward to "The Twen- She contemplated the old coat they would stay and share sometfra and ty-fourth" with a degree of misgiving. "Wehave some crusts Y g �'• without enthusiasm. "Well, any way, meets.of"and,I'll have it off in the house," she coni - the ribs of a fish,"he said, of She rather liked Archie; indeed, until - could catch another fish in a quite recently, a• day spent .in ramb- forted herself. .It was at that' moment. course, I minute or two." What mattered it if ling the prairies with him in his new she realized, she had been dressing, he and Annie were in their. bare feet? -car would have been something to an -not for Archie Hale, but for Calvin should see the couples at any .ticiate. , Beach and a sudden sense of some - She "Wait until I get' my car," he had thing akin to shame swept over.. her, F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH bating beach! But that was- differ I ent. No, it wasn't. Yes, it was— told her twenty times that 'winter, as as though she had been guilty of a Reed came up from the water, and theyskated hand in hand at the rink, kind of disloyalty, innie's eyes took in as they two -stepped at the weekly All afternoon an unhappy accuse Cal noticed that M Y hisresence with interest, -'and, he dances in the town hall, as' they sat tion of insincerity enveloped her. Ar - P under the big' lamp in the corner of chie was in the seventh heaven of his thought, With something of relief. Goode'sliving room. And.. the "Thanks. I'm afraid w we - can't Mrs. happiness, .the, two immediate ambi- " Hale is just Prospect lead) seemed a wholly pleas- tions of his life—possession of a• Ford tryi she said.. Mr. car.ing one—until quite recently. out ;his new We came ' car and the companionship of Minnie. trying down by the eastend of the lake, and A few evenings ago he had come to Stake—having' been achieved. She . home bythe farm. .We'll'the boarding house with light in 'his tried' to react to•his high spirits, but are - going h eyes. "I am to have my new car .on she had no gift:of disembling, and she have supper there, oda the -way." "`How's the road up the hill? Mr, the Twenty-fourth, sure," he told: her, knew she played her part clumsily. before they -were off the steps.."-Posi- Her hand was dead, almost, to the Hale inquired. "Not good, but you can makeit. tine promise—delivery on the twenty- touch of Archie's when, as though by . Halegot out of the car, patted third. They're teaching me to drive accident, it fell from the wheel. For - the 1I r. tunately he was so enthused over his the radiator with boyish affection, re- an "old one—you should see me give moved the cap, and looked judiciously 'er the- gas—so I can take you out on car that' he failed to sense thearti- into the aperture. Then he retrived,the Twenty-fourth." ficiality of her responses. p a tomato can from under the back seat "You didn't tell them that -was the Then there had been that revelation and went down to the lake for water. reason?" she inquired, in feigned con- on the beach. A hundred times she Cal noted that Annie, whose policy it fusion . , demanded of'Fate why ,the world'. was — t it is. to such a All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. Open every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. J. ALVIN FOX CHIROPRACTIC OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO -THERAPY Hours 50-52.. 2-5. 7.8. Telephone 191 casual friends; they never . could be ently annoyed. But there was - none more than that. As she turned -it of that in her words or manner: She over in her mind she was amazed that (would teach Mr. Beach a lesson.• That ever she had thought it could be Annie Frolic— ea. more than that. The fact that Calwas a ' "No," siae said, "I don't think I'll "hired man" did 'not disqualify him; go home this week -end.: -But you can snobbery does not root deep on the drive me to Ferndale Sunday, if you prairies, even in the second' genera like," tion. Buf it roots a little. To nthe . ` Ferndale was a neighboring town a first generation of pioneers the farm- dozen miles down the single line of hand is preferred above the bank railway which connected Plainville clerk; to the second, the bank: clerk (with the outside world; and between is preferred, a little, above the farm- !Ferndale and Plainville existed a bit - hand; in the third, collars and cuffs Iterness of rivalry such as is- known. are in the saddle. But Minnie's hind i only by. towns that are very ambitious Minnie's big as her prairies;'arid class and very small. .But Ferndale boast - consciousness had no part -in. hex ap-'ed a • good hotel, judged by Plainville praisals. standards, and the prospects of taking ' The facts were as clear as daylight. 'Minnie .there as his guest for Sunday Cal Beach, quite an estimable fellow,:dinner, and of a long, circuitous drive was working on her father's farm. He homeward through the golden. even had stopped to worlc there because he ing, sent Archie to his boarding house was out of money; when he had earn- ilia tumultuous high spirits. • ed. enough he would move on` again. 1 . But as Manic went to bed an iron He was 'a bit of a Gypsy. ` He had band seemed tightening about her ability, perhaps, dreams, yes; money, chest. In a passion of resolution she none. "He had'iibthing to offer but clenched her hands beneath the sheets a share in his rumbling Ford and the abut the words would come. foster motherhood of his adopted boy. f I wanted to go home," she whisper. Something about thethought of Reed ered, fearfully. "I want Cal, dear made her heart beat faster again,,but jCat, my ,Cal!" - dd she quieted it; that, too, was silly.( She lisped the wards againand And she knew him scarcely'•at all, again, tenderly, like r s d mother 'croon - whereas Archie Hale -Archie was ing to her child. Out of a maze • of was steady, and li.keabl`e, and he was strange emotions she began to know saving some ,money." One 'of •these how tremendous was her confession,; days he would have his promotion; ,go but she was "glad; she felt the color farther west to some town in Saskat mounting in her cheek, but she was chewan or Alberta, just tent -pegging not ashamed. She had come to ani on the edgeof civilization, and.have' understanding with herself. It brought . charge of a .bank himself. 'Then—. hera peace, and presently she, fell,. Again she temporized. "We'll see," asleep. she said. (Continued next -week) was never to miss a chance, lent her . No, I didn t tell em bu not wide.enoughprevent the can, Where shall we go? I+suggest a day meeting. A hundred tunes she storm services in dipping ed upon`Annie Frawdio-for the duplic- "This is an unexpected pleasure;',' at the lake—just ourselves; it's so duplic- said Minnie in a low voice, with he much chummier than being jammed in ity of which she had gained Cal's sad , a crowd; then 'round by your moth- company. She had heard a plausible others were out :of earshot. " "Yes—for both of us," Cal agreed er's,. say for supper, •and home in the story at her mother's, but she knew They left immediately; and Cal and evening. -. What do you say?" better.. She knew why Annie Fraw Annie, without a word, put on their' She had no heart to discourage him, dic had preferred a visit at. Mrs. shoes. Then, as they sat by the fire, and no heart to accept. Archie was Stake's to 'the ball game and Plain- Reed swooped upon Cal with the de- a nice boy, a kind boy, . and he was vine. She never had liked Annie wand that he make good his promise obviously—much too obviously—in Frawdic, and she liked her now less of a story. Cal made a couple ofun- love with her. More than once he than before. If there was one thing successful attempts, but could not had spoken of the time when he would she despised it 'was duplicity-- have his promotion to a branch pian- As for Cal, she held,him not too bring his mind 'to romancing. He gave it up with, "Sorry, old roan. Ian a>ership, and she knew what was in strictly to account. If he had kept is mind. She had looked forward to, his boots on she could have forgiven afraid I can't get my mind off that big .. D. H. McINNES OHIROPRACTOR MASSEUR Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds, specialize in dealing with children. Lady attendant. Night Calls responded to. Office on Scott St., Wingham, Ont., in the house of the late Jas. Walker. Telephone z o, Phones: Office 1106, Resid, 224. Ar J. WALKER FURNITURE DEALER ,- and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Egttiptzient Wl[1rlC`xlE'IAT+!!, ONTARIO • fish. He was a dandy, wasn't he?" hunter and it was not -surprising that hear, quite. Annie was a wily old "You betl" said the boy.„BetterThanPillS he fallen into her trap. Yet "Well, take the line and try your For -Liver Ili � Minnie was forced to admit that Cal luck," Cal told him; and sent him off delighted. • Cal was a man, and men were like Annie Frawdic broke a silence that °��®�� she supposed. ' was • becoming embarrassing, "I'm: sorry, ,e you—if we,! / that, to tone and strengthen Gof the mists of her. among nsactually out tis if—spillee made the beans," s he the, orgies of digestion and elimination, improve appetite. resentment her own part in the day's - events bean to rise sombre and for said, In.some ways Annie was no step esa headaches, aonst,petloln. g fool Th®y act' promptly pleasantly, • bidding. She turned the whole matter mildly, y®t thdroug°hty. over as• -she -lay on her bed late that Tomorrow 'AIi'Ight i, night of the Twenty-fourth, after the last rocket had gone whizzing sky- ward and the last Ford and its noisy occupants had gone rumbling home. The reward which, in the shadow of the screened veranda, she had bestow- ed on Archie for his day's attentions had • been so Platonic that even he .must have been baffled and wonder- ing. She hadhad no heart for it, and she had gone to bed to 'think* things "Oh, it wasn't that," said Cal, and wondered why he should lie to Annie Frawdib Early twilight was beginning to set- tle in the trees, and the sound of croaking frogs, loud against the ev- ening silences, came from reedy inleo. up the lake, "I guess we'd better be going," Cal suggested. "We need daylight for the hill," He did not go back the way he had come, but by way of Ernton's, where Got a a aurs Your. 25o. Box Druggist E. J, MITCHELL, DRUGGIST IM GOING WO< NOW,: 41ENW. - PN1 NOT GOING TO Err 114 MIS, 13801uNG SUN ANY LONGER It ''l �11n,� ;;;illlillllllllllll l lllllll�,�,:..:..:.:i Ip 1. nil reaaa 4w IIIIIIIIIIIIIIl„,,1l116;c u,;llgllllll I1t11TIQIl �� "MAT tit • ¢,t. nik S JUST *MIN THE I4g1d START SMNG l'k Or• pf4 MP 1% • CIAAt•$Gtt Intik NitN1 ti "', 1°=•) -- — ISI Alli 'e'rt fete. •ti war ea4ea.ww- 1,