HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-11, Page 3te,ti'Rcr • Ad•th eta . , • roadie in alt1Coorl Drug' Stores Dr. Caldwell's Laxative SYRUP E PPSI UL W Ir. c4ww04, ilPep Contpeatui imatitiiitattot rolk CONSTIPArl tij."16mtSpH"ttr EK• fon• fa, P7•1' *AALttralmatnagc PEPSIN SLI1UP S.O. s.hat too., .T.110sTo. DST, CANADA , t•• ' .7-:-,..,,, •V• •-... ''‘,.. r•-•-•--4.-. s' / • ,,-,1„..1,62,11. '.- 1 4 go,4...,..„ ,,'...' • 1, ...: THE IbEAL B'ABY FOOD tions in which the -ankles may swell township. Mr. McDonald is laid up _ . _ _ cept Deputy Reeve McDonald of Grey By Dr. W. J. Scholes are disease of the kidneys and liver at his home with a broken leg. A great deal of ,attention has been and from anemia, It would be best. The clerk read a large number of devoted to the modification of bOW'S to have your heart examined. Also communications, most of which eith- milk to make it meet the food require- ithe urine and blOod, You rnaY re -1r were filed or were sent to commit- ments of the baby at different ages, quire 'tore rest that you ire getting. Itee for cnideratiOn. ; Improved sanitation of dairies arid You may require medicine to tone upl , A letter from the Tourist Research methods of handling- milk have de- your heart. Have you bad tonsils. creased the danger of milk conveying —o-- : Bureau, Toronto, invited suggestions disease. The result is that the arti- as to any historical points in this . , - Four Plus county that should be featured in ad - ficial feeding of ihfants is probably J. L. K. asks: "What does a four vertising literature to be issued in the more satisiactory than it was a gen- plus Wassermann test mean?" Bureau, or as to any rnaterial for eration or two ago. It is certainly Reply much safer. Itnoving pictures portraying "Beauti- .. •• The Wassermann test is the bl d • • serum test for syphilis. The results cow's milk or any of its modifications of the test are reported as Positive or are just as good for the baby as hu- negative. A negative test is one that man breast milk. There are cases in does not show the presence of syp,' which it is either impossible or inad- hilis A o 't' ' ' DDINVACONNI.1.1#"; HU ON oclauNre couxeu,, 1 .....".„. ,.. Addressing the county council a the opening of the June session •on •Tuesday afternoon,• Warden Robert- son said that it promised to be a very n. uportaet session, Some matters o considerable incunent would come be - ; fore the council. One of these was !the adjustment in the county road system proposed by the •Highways Department •at Toronto, which would I cut off about twenty-three per cent, of the present connty system. Then 'there was the matter of the equaliza- tion of assessment, to which refer - I ence was made at the January meet- ing.. Provisioe vvould have to be . 'mane to nieet the large increase in the council's appropriation for edu- cation, and 'also for the increase in 1 the costof criminal justice adm ' inis- I tration over the latter of which he ' !pointed out, the council had no con- 1trol. The account of• Magistrate Reid for the services of a stenographer, which .had been before the council from time to time, had been submit- ted to the .C9unty Selicitor and on his advice bad been paid, ' t The Warden asked 'for the heart 6 co-operation of all the members of the council in dealing with the im- h portant 'natters, especially those in t connection with roads, that would r come before them. All the members were present ex- r r a w b ti aPPolatilients, were laid on the table for futh rer consideration. t A letter from Geo. A. MeCobbin, of Chatham, engineer for the township lof Stephen, asking- the pn''6lege of be - ing heard with reference to a, charge of carelessness made against him by County Engineer Patterson, was read. Mr, McCubbin was present and re- quested that the matter be dealt with promptly, and the members of the good roads commission and of the road and bridge committee were ap- pointed a• special committee 'to hear Ur, McCiabbin and. Mr. Patterson in the matter, which had reference to the Shipka drain. • A communication from Mrs. Joseph Griffin, with an account against the m county for her services as matron of the jail, was received and filed, ment of Education, Toronto, enclosed , A communication from the Depart -1 a statement of the Provincial grants to the public and separate schools of the county, as follows; For public schools, $2.086.96; for separate schools, $93.3o—total, $2,180.26. Commissioner Heard, of the Salva - ion Army, was present and made an ppeal for increased assistance to- wards the Army rescue home and to elp meet a deficit in this branch of he Army's work. This matter was eferred to the executive committee. Reeve 1VIcKibbon inquired with eference to the bylaw prohibiting the tinning at large of cattle and other nimals on the highway and as to ho was responsible for enforcing the ylaw or for the giving of inforrna- on against offenders. Reeve Sanders stated that any person was privileged to lay a com- plaint against any person violating this or any other bylaw, and the com- plaint would be dealt with in the usual way by a magistrate. The suggestion being made that en- rcement of the bylaw might •be ade the duty of the road patrolmen, was held that this would be putting o much responsibility on the pa- olmen, who could not at all 'times in a position to lay the informa- n. Messrs. Middleton and Hubbard owed that the town of Clinton be en a grant of $x,000 for rebuilding portion of King -and Albert streets that town, said streets being con- cting county highway links. Re - Ped to good roads commission. mission. motion was adopted• placing on. ord the council's appreciation of manner in which Warden Robert - had acquitted himself at the re- t good roads convention held at Tonto. he Warden thanked the council the expression of appreciation and ounced that later in the session would give a report of the doings the meeting in question. - he council, in return for a similar rtesy extended by the Lions Club Goderich last year, gave a dinner the Lions Club on Thursday even - at Hotel Bedford. But—it is a mistaken idea that or ca s the visable for the mother to nurse her presence of syphilis. A four -.plus baby at the breast. A suitable and Wassermann is very strongly positive. Eealthy wet -nurse cannot always be ••• had. In In this country at least, some •Whooping Cough • modification of cow's friilk is getter- Mrs, J. L. A. k : "If a boy four ally the most practicable substituteyears old is exposed to whooping for the mother's breast • milk. Thecough, how long does it take until he fact that artificial feeding is smite- shows symptoms of it? Is it all times necessary_juitifies all of the ef- right for a child with whooping cough forts aimed at its perfectiOn. But no to be out doors?" baby should be deprived of human •Reply breast milk during the early months Whooping cough usually 'develops of its life except in cases of absolute within seven to ten days after expos- necessity.1 • ure. The death rate amongst artifically •Fresh air and sun -shine are valuable fed babies still continues to be higherin the treatment. If the child is than among the breast fed. The arti-coughing a great deal, has hemorr- ficially fed are more liable to digestive hages, or -vomits, it should be kept • disturbances and to most diseases. quiet. • Too much activity is likely to • They have more disturbances due to increase the amount of coughing and faulty nutrition. Taking it all around, the vomiting. But, unless there are they fail to get as good a start in life severe enough symptoms to make it • as the breast fed. advisable to keep the child in bed; be - The proper food for the baby dur- ing out on the veranda the d, ing the first months of- its life' has will do no harm. Of course, the been provided by Nature. It is al- 'child must t b c ta th th th a in ba ',pose ays fresh. There is but little chan-;other children. Nor should it be al- e that it will contain germs. It con- lowed to go outdoors in bad weather: ins all of the elements required for •--0— e nourishment of the baby. It gives •• •Bee Stings e baby a better chance for life, heal- Mrs. M. H. B. asks: "What should and normal development than does be put on bee stings?" ny substitute, There is no known •' Reply ixture that can fully take its place. • 'Use a strong s'olution,of bicaxboh- t Human breast milk is still the ideal by food! —0 -- Questions and Answers• " 'Swollen Ankles Mrs. M. C. writes: "Last winter I umns as will be of interest to others r • had a bad case orrheurnatism. The and permissible in public print. Per- doctor,said my heart was bad. r got sonal questions will be answered only a when accompanied by self-addressed' stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. t J. Scholes, in care of this paper.) w Copyright, 1925, by The Bonnet - Brown Corporation, Chicago. • BLUEVALE Mr. Pierson. Marityre.., and Bert H Tullocii- of Toronto, are spending c their holidays With their uncle, AI fo nt u Ontario." A contribution to the it to Ire tio ITt funds of the Bureau also was request- ed... The letter was filed. Provincial Grant for Highways A statement from the Provincial Highways Department of the grant to the county based on expenditure by the county on highways in /924 giv gave the f011owing figures: (I) Eipenditure 15n Provincial Roads: Road construction .......—.....$20,981.55 Bridge construction ... . w,23o:71 Maintenance and repairs... 27,716.72 ' Special grants . 21,174.43 I• Total approved $80,103.4.1 Amount of grant -6o per cent. • $48,062.05 (2) Expenditure on County Roads: Superintendence 4,621.11 for Road construction 11,369.13 ann Bridge construction .. 1,271.72 he Maintenance and repair42,498.26 at Machinery 2,163.83 T Purchase of gravel pits 815,0o cou Special grants 33,269.60'0f to • Total approved $96,008,6 Amount of grant -4o per cent. a in ne fer rec the son cen To T 5 'ing $38,403.46 (3)•••Expenses re Superintend- ents Conference ..... ..........—$31.4 Amount of grant -4o per cent. • $12.5 Total amount of 'grant $86,478.0 The following items in the county' statement were disallowed: Grant t Blyth in excess of bylaw, $150; boun ary bridge expenditure, $1',4n.45 otal $i,6 SALEM • A very pleasant afternoon was 5 spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Mines on Tuesday June and., when 8 Mrs. Mines entertained the Ladies 9 iAid of Salem' Church, it being the S last meeting under the name of the o Methodist Church. Almost all the - members were present, also a large — number of visitors. • Arrangements .were made for a lawn social to be f .held on June 26th on Mr. Jack Fit- -Ich's lawn. s; Advertising Appreciated Since ur• advertisement appeared in the Advance Times we have received - orders for nearly, r0000 chicks, For • ; . •a good laying strain and we take 1 years we have been striving to build , this opportunity to thank those who . 'appreciate our efforts by placing their !orders , with us. thereby making this , the -very best year we have had in the poultry business. If you hove • been disappointed in geeing your stip- ply of chicks we will have a hatch 'corning out July 6th..Right now is the tirnt to place , your order. ; Walter RO-se, • ate of soda (baking soda), diluted ammonia water or spiiits of caniphor. —0— (Note:—Dr. Scholes will answer t such health questions in these col- 0 A claim from Alex. Broadfoot, o Tuckersmith township, of $2o dam ages to his crops the last three year hrough the lack of a drainage outle countyn a road sentthe goo rads comrnissonn:. Accounts from St. Marys Collegi te• Institute $515.og, and H •up High School,. $217.75, forpupil fron his county attending these schools ere sent to the education committee Appointment of Jail Surgeon .A. letter from Sheriff Reynolds otifying the council that he had ecommended the appointment of Dr. Harold Taylor as jail surgeon, to stic- eed his father, the late Dr. Alex. Taylor, andone from the Provincial well but lately my ankles swell every night. The swelling is all gone in the morning. What would this come fi•om? Could it come from the rheu- matism not being all out of Ind? Or from the heart?" Reply In your case it may mean that the heart is not 4ulte as good as it should '• be. This in 'view Of Elie fact that you have recently had rheitinatisin which George_ Greenaway of the -Bluevale S involved your heart. Other condi- Road. t ecretaryintimating that county bandit; are ernpoWered to make such Box 34, Brussels, Ont. ' "DRAMATIZE :SELF TQ WIN IN LOVEr— Says noted writer. Get that, young man? The next time ypu're' At your I:Pest girl's House, walk right into The parlor—one hand Between the ,first and Third buttons of your Vest and the other behind Your back a la Napoleon. With measured step and An intense expression on • Your face—corne to a Halt before "her" father. Make a sweeping, dramatic Bow to him and in quivering Tones—punctured with , • Sharpness of speech at Essential points—address That gent thusly: "List to my words, Kind sir! I am about To honor thee with • My presence as thy • Worthy ;son-in-law! I am ready to accept Thy congratulations!" BUT Be sure you get a running Start before the ol' man Comes to and sets his Right a-swingin' for your Snifter or makes a nose-dive For your neck! "Love" they say, "lives on hope." But—darn that stom- ach. How it growls! _There'll be an over -production of building Ingtirial this month.......Look into any dining rooms where new brides are serving their first biscuits this month. , __0__ So many "blue" laws now on the books it makes a po- • • liceman see "red" trying to remember 'em. "Don't ja Remember Me, Al?" Down in Texa;s they have a law whereby if you get a liquor prescription from a doctor, the fact is published for three consistent days—..Well,, that's tone way of finding out just how many friends one has. —0 --- If the wife's hatpin is too long and you happen to live in Massachusetts, she's liable to punishment. Get the point? —0— Another state has a law regulating the speed of mules. The natives ought to get a "kick" out of that. A Mapper's Description of a Bathing Suit! "About one-half yard of goods which is all that stands between me and the law." FAMOUS .LAST LINES Fat people actually reducing! Ittanittml ....... . .. 111111111, lllllllllll lllll llllllll llll lll 9' t -naouGivr ict• ROM DOWN 1'0 TA' LOOQE fl:t WHILE HONEY t•-- NesttNENANDNeatmortecoNNANDNItt THAT'S °MI ALR‘Gt-(11-40ST GO OVV AND LEAVq. ME HERE ALL ALONE 44001. DO NOTtittiG Or 'rE MAD -YOUU GOW 'TO" • (11 v