HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-28, Page 7•
ay 28th•, 1925
=CALIBRATING THE RECEIVER each station on your list there will be
By R. M. Sherrill a definite point on the chart, For
(Radio Engineer) station WFAA, the point is 7o dial di -
As the number of active broadcast- visions tip from the horizontal axis
.ing: stations is constantly increasing, and 476 divisions to the right of the
'it has become more and more necess- verticalaxis.
ary that the tuning of a receiver be '' When you have finished plotting
‘done systematically rather than in the the points for each station you will
usual "hit or miss" fashion. This may notice that they fall along .a fairly
.be done by calibrating the most im- straight line. Connect these points
portant of your tuning dials, with a smooth line and your calibre-
, It is .sometimes difficult to deter- tion is complete.
1 ll Supposingthat you wish to
111101IIwIp1111111111111111rIIiI11IiI1111111111101111 111 1111 l The Canada. Temperance Act Again
great fun,
If there is more time before refresh-
ments, pass each person a" sized
square of cheese cloth and some col-
ored yarn or thread. Have them hem
these cloths. They may button hole,
overcast or outline them. When fin
ished-fold, piece in a neat pile and
present the bride with a practical and
welcome gift of pretty dust cloths.
Spring Fruits
Use as many fruit dishes as pos-
sible from now on. There is nothing
like fruits to keep the Spring menu.
healthful, tempting and economical..
The most popular fruits are straw-
berries, rhubarb, pineapple, prunes
and raisins. ' ,
Strawberries, of course, are wonder -
Rhubarb is •"at its best in the
Spring and it's considered better than
a tonic.
Pineapple is economical and_ is
classed as a most valuable Spring
.mine which tuning] control to call- now a fruit.
brate. In general, a condenser or hear a distant -station that you have Prunes are always good and bone -
•other - control in the aerial circuit never heard before, and that you ficial
_wave ie , ._ Raisins -do not forget the raisins.
should not be calibrated because any know is transmitting on
In food value they are very high.
Use them in bread, muffins, salad,
cereal and desserts. They are fine
when cooked' with rhubarb.
So beginning now and.. during the
corning summer months eat fruit in
some form -three times a day! .
Fruit Whip (Uncooked)
1 egg white. .
1 cup of fruit pulp.
•change in the aerial will spoil the cali-
bration. Also, a tickler, a variometer,
,or other such control in the plate cir-
th of 510 meters. Draw a perpendicu-
lar line up from the 510 mark on the
horizontal axis. Where this line
+cuit should not be calibrated as these
dial settings depend upon the filament
and plate voltages as well as on the
wave length.
It is usually the secondary conden-
ser or the grid variometer • which is
calibrated. In the Superdyne it is
the condenser which tunes the R. F.
coupling impedance, and in the Neu-
trolyne the secondary ` condenser„
which is calibrated. In receivers us-
ing loop antennas, • the condenser
-which tunes the loop is the proper
control to calibrate.
How to Calibrate
In order to get the data for your
'Calibration chart you should tune in,
'as many stations as possible at their
maximum signal strength. For each
station received', record (x) the call"
letters,. (2) the setting of the dial
which is to be calibrated, and (3) the
wave length of the station. In put-
ting down the wave lengths, be sure
that you are getting them correct.
Remember that these wave lengths
leave recently been changed. The list
•of stations may be somewhat as fel-
A. kitchen shower is a nice event to
MEM � .4.. R
4M 02967I .
tan +` tl I i
▪ Christies
▪ .
I This Week's
Specials P".
i le
Large Rolls
Toilet Paper
-it25c. 1
_ ®_
Small Rolls
1 cup sugar.
Little salt.
Method: Beat egg white stiff. Add
fruit and sugar. Mix well. Pile light-
ly in sherbet glasses. Chill. Serve
topped with whipped cream, cherry or
Fruit Whip (Baked)
i egg white,
3 tablespoons fruit pulp.
Sugar.., .
s • I Little salt.
Method. Beat egg white stiff. Add
crossesthe calibration curve, draw a fruit and sugar. Sometimes a little
line parallel to the horizontal axis un- • vanilla. Mix well. Pour into greas-
The ed baking dish or - individual molds.
til it crosses the vertical axis.
point at'which this line . crosses the Place in pan of water and bake until
vertical axis gives the proper dial set- set. Serve with whipped cream; plain
ting for the reception of that station. cream or custard.
If youare receivinga station and' - BAKING HINTS'
wish to know the wave ' length, you Old Fashioned Ginger Cookies
can find it by just,xeversing the pro-
cess explained above.
nts for tete..
Station Setting Wave Length
-WSOE 17.0 246.0 Meters
WCAC 20.5 266.0 "
WTAS 28.5 - 302.8
WBZ 35.o 3e3.1 "
WBN 42.5 370.2
WCCO 54.0 416.4 if
'WQ J 62.0 447.5
WFAA 7o,0 476.0
WCX 83.o . 516.0
KSD 93.5 545.0
Secure a piece of cross-section pa-
-per, or, if necessary, rule up a sheet
similar to the one illustrated here.
give for a bride-to-be. And really, a
girl later is apt to be more grateful.
for a kitchen shower than any . other
kind of a party.
Have each guest bring a present for
fhe bride-to-be, suitable for a kitchen.
Have them' write an appropriate verse
to go with each article.
It's nice for the hostess to give a
clothes basket, blue bird clothes line
and clothes pins. She can stretch the
h yard. And as
Let each division on the honzonta
:axis represent so many meters anal to bring in the clothes. When her
gifts her sit in
each division on the vertical axis re- I basket is full of g havepresents and
present so many degrees on the v dial middle d vofsroOmes land o If reses have
you are calibrating. Use any co
ient scale for this work. Thus for been cleverly written, this will" be
1 citp brown sugar.
1 cup molasses.
a cup of lard.
1 egg beaten.
1 teaspoon ginger.
1 teaspoon salt.
x teaspoon soda.
1 cup sour milk.
4; cups flour.
Method: Cream Lard, sugar and
salt together. Add . molasses and
ginger. Then egg. Dissolve soda
in sour milk. Add -mix thoroughly.
Add flour. Drop teaspoons of batter
on larded baking sheets. Bake in
moderate oven, This makes about 5o.
cookies. Drop cookies far enough•
apart to keep thein round.
(Readers, Note: -If you have any
questions concerning Recipes and oth-
er Household Hints you would like
to ask Betty. Webster -address her in
care of this paper.)
(Copyright, • 1925, by The Bonnet -
Brown Corporation, Chicago)
Toilet Paper
.. 25c o.
'�- • STORE
mlimiILIIIlliI® ni IiammiI stns 1110mInII
i. To ask for by process of
4. Answer
6. Tangle
7. Fifth month of the year
9. Little child
1t. Swab'
13. - Either
14. A color
15. Accomplish
16. And not
18. Allow
19. Number
22. By
24. Border
26 The Egyptian'Sun God :.
27. Ancient Roman Emperor who
fiddled while Rome burned
28. A mineral salt
29. Editor (abbreiiiation)
3o._ Equal
32. Exist
35. Biblical king who had moo wives
An elastic cushion
A number
Title given any man
Dispatches in the dailies the past
week seem to indicate that Huron
County may revert to the Canada
Temperance Act as a result of the add-
optiori of the Governmenit's 4,4 beer
policy. If this: is carried out in Huron
it is possible that Perth and Peel
counties will follow suit, as all these
three Counties all voted to suspend
the Canada Temperance Act, such
suspension tinder that Statute to con-
tinue so long as the. Provincial Act
involved as much restriction as the
Canada. Act. The question now arises
as to whether the new beer bill less-
ens the restriction or not If it is
held to do so, the Canada Temper-
ance Act may be again enforced in
these three Counties. This Act pro-
hibits the retail sale of intoxicating
liquors, but does not define the point
at which beer or other liquor wouiri
be intoxicating. The matter is now
in the hands of the Government, who
are being asked by the State Depart-
ment Officer for a ruling.
South Africia has a law for the pro-
tection of wild. flowers. It forbids
the gathering, uprooting, sale or ex-
port of certain scheduled plants, in-
cluding several species of gladioli and'
heather. Colored illustrations of '
these are exhibited in schools, police',
stations and elsewhere, and anyone
found in possession of a prohibited
flower is under obligation to explain
how he came by it.
43. It is (poetic)
45. Something with which to unlock
46. Huge snake
48. Sister
49. Negotiate
51. Your (poetic)
Must Cut All Weeds On Highway
At the final meeting of the Agricul-
tural Committee at Toronto' the ne-
cessity. of weed. cutting was discussed
at , length. The resolution, as adopt -
line in room, pore or y r ., .. ed, read: "That the Minister of . Agri -
guests bring in their presents, she can Highways lture. consult
a with the to takingMinister
pin them on the line.
When all is ready --give the -bride- ever steps may be necessary and noti-
to-be the clothes basket and cell her fcyut alongmuniciPallnes roads,taseads must be
to prevent the spreading to adjoin-
ing farms,sand that this will be taken
in to consideration with road grants
given/' '
For Sale by A. M. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ont®
Boys a .. f s
Get this Complete
Fist Aid'Kit E!
Thouanda of boys and girls throughout
the land are joining the ;Insist First Aid
Uncle Dan Beard, the beloved leader el
Thee Bey Smuts, eaya:--"`lt'e a
ideal Every boy' .and girl study
First Aid -work.
Audit costs only rcc tojoin.
This atore is an moiling station.
uP bete -and. by tee& Tail. Ynu 22'
cdvefrom Bauex nem, who are spot
sating the Junior First Aid legion,
handsome membership on s. complete ob�00000kkof
First Aad. instated:0a �pp
handy pocket FfratAid Xis sho wncbapa.
Think of iti A course of lessons that
may come day enable yon to save a life
-your own or your beset parse And
you got a git of first Mel euppli fres:-
rywhich elate worth many times the
membrasbip fee.
Mitchell's Drug Store
Our Eg
Is now in full swing. Have you put in a few dozen to be sold next
Winter at the High Market Price?
Our trucks are gathering Cream and Eggs, if you call at our office
we will tell you the day they pass your door.
The United Farmers Co- Co.,Ltd.
Wiu ]baro - Ontario
Word was received here Tuesday of 1 PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS
the death, at 4 o'clock that morning Officers in charge of the provincial
of Mr. Abram Bacon, at his bonne at highways have received instructions
Niagara Falls. Deceased formerly from the Highways Department that
resided on the 4th con. of Minto, hay- i they are to strictly enforce the'law
ing sold his farm there a few years regarding cattle or other animals al -
ago and moved to Niagara where he 'lowed to wonder on the highways.
as engaged in fruit farming. Two ! Formerly the fine for this offence was
weeks ago he suffered a paralytics $2.00 per head but in the future the
stroke, but had recovered from that F fine will be $5.0o per head and costs.
when he suffered second one, which I Besides being a nuisance to traffic
proved fatal. Hea was about 6o animals running at large are a real
years of age, I danger, and it is with the intention.
This community was deeply shock-; of eliminating this danger that the de-
ed when it became known on Tuesday 1 partment has decided to enforce this
that Mrs. Wm. T. Sotheran had pass- regulation more strictly. Farmers
ed away at her home on the fourth throughout the province, too, have
concession about 5.00 o'clock that ' lost quite a lot of money through
morning. The late Mrs. Sotheran : having animals killed, and the enfor-
had been a. sufferer from heart trou-
ble for many- years, but of late had ap-
parently been having fairly good
health. When Mr. Sotheran awoke
Tuesday -,morning he heard her moan-
ing, but when he asked her what was
wrong she didn't answer and almost
immediately passed away. Besides The New Gas Tax
her husband she is survived' by a lar- The gasoline tax of three cents per
ge family of six daughters and two gallon went into effect on Monday
sons. The sympathy of all is extend- causing the price of the motor fuel
ed to the bereaved in their time of I to advance from 28 to 31 cents. This
sorrow. I tax will be remitted if it is shown
There was great excitement around that the gasoline is not for usesb've-
the tenth line on Tuesday evening, I hides; second, that every person
when one of Mr. Thos. Pritchard's ing or delivering the gasoline shall
horses fell into a well. The animal' collect the tax from the purchaser;
stepped on the platform, which im-1 thirdly, that the seller shall show to
mediately gave way, causing the un- the purchaser by sale bill the cost of ....-
fortunate beast to slip down the op- i the gasoline and state separately the
ening. Luckily it went in head guar- i amount of the tax, and it shall be the
tern foremost, for when it became 1
duty at
stamps fsufficientte cltos toaer
theamountsee hof
cement of the law will save thein
more financially than they could,...gain
by having their stock pickins ) a
precarious livelihood along the' road-
si de.
1. Place
2. Above
3. A tree .
4. Rodent
5. Sweet potato
6. A person who is 12 years old
mentally '
8. Song common among Swiss
mountaineers '
D. 2,000 pounds
to. Withdraw
12. ,Kitchen utensil
17. Hurry
i8. Rule
so. •Long hair on horses' necks
Spread for drying
Jump on one foot
Friction -
Measure of length
Boy's toy
Master (Indian)
37. Fiery
89, Arid
44, Drunkard
45. Outfit
47. Skill
4.8, Speak
so. An interrogation
wedged between the walls of the we
it was in water up to the neck.
Neighbors were notified by telephone
and many willing helpers were soon
on hand. A block and tackle was se-
cured and Mr. Victor Stockton des-
cended into the well to make the rope
fast to the horse. It takes nerve to
go down a well with only the stone
curb for a ladder. However, Mr.
Stockton nide the descent success -
gars cigarets or pipes. A hen with a
holly and was to make a safe hitch
with the rope. Ina few minutes the cigaret will look better than some wo- -
the tax affixed to the way bill are
canceled by the person selling the
"Great is education," says G. L.
Brackenbury, "The Kansas State Ag-
ricultural College at Manhattan ad-
vises tobacco for poultry. The an-
nouncement does not state whether
the hens should chew, use snuff, et -
horse was once more on dry land, ap-
parently none the worse.
Mrs. M. A. Campbell, ninth con.,
had the Misfortune to break her left
arni at the wrist on Tuesday. She was 1
hanging curtains and while stepping
from a table to a chair she missed her
footing falling heavily upon the chair.
While a broken arm is a painful thing
Mrs. Campbell considers herself lucky
not to have received more serious inn -
juries. We trust slie may have a
speedy recovery.
Nobody ever is likely to get Vice 1
President Dawes' gavel as a souvenir.
After Dawes gets through with it
there won't be enough of it left to
make a toothpick,
men we know who are trying to learn
how to use .them."
Answer to last week's puzzle