HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-28, Page 6Anto 1. 01 wommimmimeismos • chance eta hf etirne rot tTt. Ft II Abner CosenS. 4E Insurance & Real Estate YIrIOItiNBilIOMEnlEMOIuIW6mstulOMIRulE MMet Pine Farm for Sale at •a reas- onable price with leading roads on two sides of it. Good Build - ins, Rural Mail and Telephone RtTuteS, Market, School and im Churches convenient. If you • want a farm it will pay you to • enquire into this. BUSINESS CARDS 'WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established X840. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur- ance at reasonable rates. ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingham J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block ?IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH ...- INSURANCE -- AND REAL ESTATE P. O. Boa '66. Phone eg8. WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO 441' It WINGHA1V1 ADVANCE -TIMES oteeeeeeweeeaeeeeeeeeeseeester .man , yoapp,u uhotme mAam.9mm?P.. ..,»9 ° •p bad matters of moment with Gander, he Smoking Fiax' By Robert 3, C. Stead � 9 but they regarded Cal shyly and with- out condndent further than unanimity as to its being a fine day, I "This is Cal Beach," Gander intro- duced him. "Not a bad fellow, but a D. D., •but I bet you don' neither of you know what D. D. stands for," I "Dead deg," 'said Ounces, immedi- ately accepting the challenge. It was their custom, when they talk- thinning gray hair drawn sharply into j "nippy Dickie, said Pounds, who ed of Reed's mother, always to speak a dwindling knob that once had been read the comic papers, with subdued voices and exalted her glory. And on her lap was ! Gander made a gesture of disgust. mind, as of something hallowed and the boy Reed, his legs dangling over "Such ignorance! An' before the pro - holy. Reed's voice and mind now in -'the sharp ridge of her own; his. body fesserl I'm ashamed of you. Well., :stantly adapted themselves to their ',snuggled against hers, his right arm *what's the big nears?" • custom; the tremble died out of his;thrown upward and about her neck, ! The big news proved to be that P. lips, and in his eyes came a seraphic I But it was her eyes that held his at-; & 0.—as they were called for short -- light which set Cal's heart thumping , tention; there was in them something had discovered the lair of a mother •down the dark avenues of the past, of that same light that filled .Reed's coyote. Ther was no doubt about ,down to the tragedy of Celesta 13caelwhen they spoke of his mother. And the mother beast, and it was likely as she rocked and held the boy she 'she had six or seven whelps. Now, sang, . unfortunately, the benighted• munici- "Twilight is stealing over .the. sea, jpolity in which they lived offered no • .ch, and the night on which she bad laid her soul bare before hips. "But my mother is with the angels, Daddy X," the child reminded him. Shadows are falling dark on the lea, !•bonus for coyotes, but in "The angels came for her, and she Borne on the night wind voices of pality to the eastward a bonus of two yoredollars a head was paid, whelps • ' Come from that far-off shore " • ' counting the same as adults. The As Cal watched the singer and lis- only difficulty was that the claimant trued to her song he was held by a had to maize a declaration that he had kiliar muarlc•oalit y. said that verse of mine—where you got my naive—and went home with thein." Suddenly Cal knew himself to be of a lower order than the child, and he wonder of what voices from mere- i`led "Sowenthought if you'd come and could only tied in silent assent. That ory's far-off shores had touched again which to 1dui remained a flicker of to love and romance the stern old bring ut and air caemr ea could sack and pups s hope, -not quite extinguished by the heart of Mrs. Stake. He watched as out oyer the line before we take gusts of his practical learning, was to her lean hands caressed the boy's ,em,,, Ounces linnaie explained.rewkilled"It's Reed a beacon of light, undimmed and legs; as they closed about his little unbounded body. He was stirred by this reeela twelve beans easy ., pickin' 'and we tl still might's well have it" DUDLEY HOLES There was a minute of close heart- tion, but stirred more poignantly Ganderw concurred."Sure thing," concord between them. Then— • by something that defied analysis, he said. " o h you in a h," BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETCH 1 "'Daddy X, who was Inti father? You that groped down into his being and He ran to the house for a rifle, to. Victory and Other d` Bonds Bought and often tell rias about my rr other, but held him with the clutch of a primas ,. you never tell sue about my father. passion. For all his fine love • for the blacksmith shop for a .shovel, to Office—Meyer Flora�+an'�han' the oat bin for an empty sack. "Be- - ;��.� he good, like my mother? Of Reed his essential parental instinct fore the professor started this here R. course, I know e-ou're my Daddy X, bad not yet been kindled, and it was �!A ' i'� but you're riot really ndy father, are that which now caught him, groping, garden city we could pick, up a shov- X?" smothering, somewhere in the un- el an' a sack mos' anywhere," he BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. }i e. ota e Just tiny Daddy �'' corn lained "Now we have to look Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. '- So it had come to this,and so soon. charted mystery of existence. He p Wingham, - Ontario .ah*e that he had vea, that drew quietly away as one who has 'em all up in the direct'ry." �"` � piedgeBe brought the out of the - gar- Reed shone j never know—how,, could chanced unwittingly upon a sacred age with a ht thehcar o P. & into gar - he carry it, concealed. uogguesed, privacy, but once more his heart was g through all his life? This at eight; swept clean of the gust of hatred that It, and was off down the trail that skirted the oat field. Cal waved a Reed was only eight, and already he had seized upon it hand after them genially, treating it awwas re !sting into ai s hears with this A little Iater Reed joined him at all as an incident in the day's work, ins st of a l questions. Reed msght'she r granary and they went to bed a hat upon 'a e - in faith, J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario b_ -=ere- _ and marvelling som w P DR. G. II. ROSS now accept any answer, hut together, the boy saying his simple code of morals which would not make Graduate Royal College of Dental grown -nos could not be deceived verse and then rolling his fatale frame a false declaration but had no scru- Surgeons Perhaps it had already been discussed into his protector's arms, for a chill pies about attaining the same end by Graduate University of Toronto at school; he recalled how Annie night wind was creeping over the moving the young coyotes into the Faculty of Dentistry. Frawvdic had checked up on the name- plains. But before he fell asleep he next township. Nothing in the "mild Office Over B. E. Isard's Stora jiL !rat were Gander and Grit conjec- had a matter to settle incident, the glaring sky, or the taring behind his back? How had "Mrs. Stake sang to me to night, ing dust-cdnes in the distance gave whirl - We R. l BLY the community—which took so ffiinute y t shetalkedany hint Women and Children, having taken this boy? i\'hat conclusions had says I make her think of lion. Why rents of his life. postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact- drawvn, and at whose expense? What should I make her think of him, eriology and Scientific Medicine_ About four o'clock Jackson Stake • old women's wvhisperings were going Daddy X?" found his hired man busy repairing Office in the Kerr Residence, bet- a 'I don't know, Reed, I� didn't even the fence that, in its better days, had ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- on about the queer people at Jackson , , , , . � inti -1 Recd would ,, Dodd X " he said, "and that Gander's absence and curious an interest in the atrazrs to me about her boy that is gone; her B.Sc., M.D., C.M. !hat afternoon was to turn into new Special attention paid to diseases of of every member of it --accounted for little Jackson, she called. him. She and swifter channels the placid cur - Makes. How long knowshe had lost a little boy garden. He ast Church, 1 hl di enclosed the family and crying and pursue r runup she asked me if I would call her and shook the top of the post with e, as had been this other boy Grandma. May I, Daddy X?" his big fist, reassuringly. to -day? "If it pleases her, and you, you "Gander's off bummin' with the car, At all costs he roust save the child. mai,, i He must find 2n explanation that ain't • he?" he asked presently. "Got And, this weighty matter settled, would not outrage the righteousness' any idee where he went?" they fell asleep. Cal exposed as much as seemed of Plainville; if it reflected glory or r CHAPTER NINE necessary of the coyote conspiracy. sympathy upon Reed so much the Shortly after noon next day the „ , better. He had it:So that s how he's burnin' up my Jackson Stake homestead was honor tires an' gasoline!" the farmer ex - "You had a father, au r , he ed by a visit from the two hired men maid "IIs went to the war—and l e , ploded. "If some day the Council of - o a Finian s farm—where Annie fers a bounty for damfoo I sure did not come back. It is very sad, l rzwdre boarded—a couple of Holes and that is why I have not Liked to know where I can make two dollars". to the south-east, and not far from Cal went on driving a staple while talk to you about it." Lying did not the school Disregarding roads and come easily to Cal Beach. The words the barbed wire sang pleasantly to seemed to lacerate his throat and he fences the visitors came straight the pounding of his hammer. A lit- across the oat field, and even at a tle ripple of tune ran down its twisted pressed his fingers about his neck.distance the contrast presented by "He was a good man," he added; "you strands from post to post, crescendo - their figures stirred Cal to_whimsical ing as, by means of the stretcher in must always be proud of him." amusement. One was very tall, and The child received this intelligence his left hand, Cal steadily tightened with a gravity beyond his years. "I very broad, and very thick; the oth- the wire. ther very short, and very narrow, and "No Sayan' when he'll be back," the and proud of him," he said. "But"— very thin; and as they. walked the farmer continued. "If they do get and again there was the leap of light greater would, from time to time, en - in his eyes—"you don't know that be the beasts, which ain't likely—like direly eclipse the lesser, so that at one enough they'll Elul!' it's foxes when come backas been —then Iieled? mwi daye find may r moment two persons were to be seen they dig 'ern out, but then of Skee- though he has to search all the world,approaching, "and at another, only zicks that's Clerk o' the Council don' over for me, like the good knights one. know a fox's ear from a fish's tail so f We call them Pounds and Oun- that don' fox's no.difference—they'll searching for the Holy Grail. Oh, ccs," said Gander, who, for all his ,an' Daddy X r' kill: em an drive right on; in get For a moment the boy pondered' contempt of Cal's inventions, never the money an' fill "up with formalin great possibilities; then, satisfied, he. ceased to be cardial, "They look it." an, like enough bust an axle in a When Pounds and Ounces came up badger hole whoopin' home after ofoff for his after-school sandwich dark,"Jackson.Stake was in a mood of bread and lam, and Cal was left it was apparent that great business dazed, humiliated, caught'in a hatred had prompted their expedition: They to be prepared for the worst. "'Sides, that swept down upon him, engulfing 'somun's got to go to Plainville for him lie had thought it would die ,; �' uy„ Minnie. The missus's 'phoned for { �w �� [ sone things she's to.bring out for out in time; he had hoped that that t '' ° `_' ° ' '; I oto -morrow. bang it all, since we got d had healed forever, but now it I�'n„ro die 1 wound hursday, May 20th„ 9 Eeo1W lfl Marne saves time Chain wakes your •, , 2041'0A te" faallett le$ just Kite new II USE CRAM 6., RED SCO OUSE PAINT Far . rns and Outbuildings it h no equal Write to Head Office. Montreal Por Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY E & THOMPSON Wingham emeguneseatavatareent naIREIffiaalr ourP:!:eisits, by Mail PrHOSE who find it more convenient to J„ do their banking by mail, will find that the co-operative services of•, this Bank meet all requirements. Write our nearest branch to -day and arrange to do your banking by mail. You will save the trouble of frequent trips to town. 1M WINGHAM BRANCH, J. A. WALLACE, Manager, the kids beat it. for town. You can't of Summer' was taken by Mrs. John make a calf into a kitten an' you can't.; Gowdy, Salem. make the country into a city, an'the 4 Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair and two more you try. the sorer everybody children of Tiverton, visited last gets. When 1 useta drive that road IMonday at.'Tho vas Abram's, calling with of Bill an' Nigger; 1 mind there ton friends in the 'village. was only one house . between here an' If we were all as lucky as Timothy Plainville, an' ten miles on a winter's Hay, to have an Aunt Peggy die night—Say, wha's to prevent- you down south and leave us $3000, we goin' for Minnie with that of skim - could purchase a coupe like Mr. Wm. milker o' yours?” Irwin's As for a woman.,. keeping a secret we know of a surety they can. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ballagh,. vis- ited the Misses Helen and Agnes Ru- therford, Wingham, on Sunday, also Amy and Mrs..Newans. Miss Mary Lynett, daughter of Michael' Lynett,'is .quite ill . at her. home. Our baseball boys played with. the Salem boys one night last week. Mrs. Hydman'of Gorrie, spent the week -end at George Herd's. bunted !vanes from schoa , ee ng �,didn't either," reverently. "Alii >al Cars heart gave a most unscienti- bei y looked on.while Cal drove a staple, fit bump. What, indeed!`"`._ Alt business given careful attention. d b ant Phone. 54. P. O. Box 113. Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. I.R. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street. Phone 2g. t>k,r. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones: Office 281, Residence l;1. DR. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN r All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street Open every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. J. ALVIN FOX CHIROPRACTIC OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO—THERAPY Hours ro-12. 2-5. 74. Telephone rgz "Nothing that I know of," he said, as casually as he could. "That is, if you let me draw on,your. gasoline barrel. And you'll have to drank the separator tonight by hand." (Continued next week) D. H. McINNES, CHIROPRACTOR MASSEUR Adjustments given for diseas.s of all kinds, specialize in dealing with children, Lady attendant. Night Calls responded to. Office on Scott St., Wingharri, Ont., in the house of the late Jas. Walker. Telephone 130. 'bones: Office oo6, Resid. 2z.t. A. J. WALKER If URIlliTURE DEALER — and ItlI 'ERAL DIRECTOR • Motor Ecluiprixent NG1 A , ONTARIO BELMORE A` splendid meeting of. Christian Endeavor was- held Sunday evening, when. the . Women's. Institute preside Mr. Paul Willie is not enjoying they ed. Topic, "How to Make the Most best of health. ,•' a t a 'phone in the house we've got was torn. open afresh. Hatred seized 1 4is'•'''" o c��k. �`'�j>' ` himlike evil spirit; he was again rr F � ms's •Y1' �6 ;nothin' else. Allus out o' sometlleiin': III Il�alllifl�illlfl�ill®IIi�lIII®IIIIaAIIII�ItI "!IIIBIIIII ,!III��'nhii tlil®III'a III�III' III®IIII�lIIII�III' 1IICIII®III®Ila t1 This is the time t r! It gay ��;t.ur next Winter's Coal. Fill your bans n ,w ,.; nd avoid the hi„l s ! price ,t, t Coal later the year. IP ream , o t.: i F; I mind when see use ret to be in the wild beast in the jungle. 5 '�.� I alts 1 ; "And on top of everything else,” Plainville once a�tnonth and:alloy !dad. ' rl he muttered, as though confronting a,,, lots; now it's a dull day we don' run � '/� Celestas betrayer face to face, "I've v out o' somethin . That's s labor-savin' made of myself a liar --for you. I've • inventions for you. Another inven- eailed you a good man:; I've told that p�r tion or two an' we won't get nothin' innocent child to be proud of you; r': f done but windier' up inventions. I've paid you the honor of a hero! ,Well, somun's got to go. Didn't use - God forgive met If ever I lay hands 'ts, mind drivin' it with a team; drove on you I'll tear you limb from lirrib!" it many a there, whiter art' summer, The incident filled him with an ov- Iwhen there wasn't settlement nor erwhelming unhappiness, and he was ac o i telephones, an' thought nothin' of it, silent and morose at the supper table. Tablets) Th ff 11 b hl bat it's different now. After you But later hi the evening be heard the unwonted sound of singing coming from the house. Before the open win- dow he stopped, held by the picture which it disclosed. Mrs. Stake was sitting in the "room," the sacred pre tinct with the ancestral crayon enlat- gerrients, into which Cal had not yet been admitted; her old form settled into a low rocker, her head back, her glasses thrust up on her brow, her This i Different rom all other laxatives and reliefs for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness Theaction n of Nature's Remedy(Nit is more natura andtory ou ta' B tion you will feel a rgnod. sleep for awhile on feathers yott don'' Make the test, You will ! take to the feel of straw like you use - appreciate this difference. ta. That's what I say to these poll - Mod POP Over titian fellows that's always goin' to ,/rimy Years stop the trek from country to city by Chips off The�� Block - nlakin'' the country more like a city. I1 JUflO1146 ,t.iiiffo Igt" 'City conveniences, good roads, tele - "the theme PR •"'•in ore•third dose phone$, mail delivery,' they says; y� ,.��, yy.��,�.�y cendq.coetad. Por children and adunte, `tld.at'S file things'!! Keep the young cs Sa. and Planing' U L - J Cr" alga BY Ylitflk tU*GI$'i folks on the farm' An this more ., Idol the more 111MIIIItOMMIIIIMMiIlNMIII'IMlIIIMMMM 1 , �, MITCHELL, >ra "Cltr Ci'IST ,'they give us o'those things BIIIIMI!{lMillli1 11I I{IttiIUMIIIIrMIflIMIII gIBNllliallll lialli1111111151111111ININIIMIII Best D. L. & W. Scrant All,slizesilkilUt,P! StoVe and Egg At Spring Prices.ith foal etie air Dealers ha Lath, Shingles, Fibre Board, Gym pros Wallboard and Hardwood Floor- ing and Floor Finishing. Manufacturers of Sash, Doors and Builders Supplies. adn Lutri ber & Goal Cor