HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-28, Page 5Tbu4sv, May 28th., . X925
Serge -Suits
• •■
• ONE good reason you buy blue serge)
is because you want a suit that.g'ves
you utility and durability, as well as •
® attractiveness. That's a reason for you
g • to consider the exceptional guarantee
that goes with every suit of
lbil �q. Fit +h? is? 't°33 n 7ui' ln,• I<' ;• n mi4 'i 404
N. .cy IllIVAN wn.Vr f vrdln-M
14. -..w -•w...... 4'1....
01OrrSi, iQR;tn.
® r Blusea English serge is always of a standard•
weight—full 18 oz.—London shrunk and
NI • of fast color.` Made in blue, greys ander
® browns.
' Seasans H E. ISARD
New Goods a
®Are N P1t
• Jti�ley's •Fiera Nomination
Card of Thanks
Mr. George Daly and daughter, Mrs,
T, Perdue wish to express their
sincere thanks for the kindness and
sympathy extended to them a the
time of their sad bereavement:
Voting on Union at Beimore
Those 6pposed to church union
have requisitioned for a vote in the
Belmore Presbyterian congregation
and the . balloting commenced on
Monday, and will continue .for two
weeks, McIntosh congregation, the
other appointment on that circuit is
not asking for a vote,
A meeting of the Municipal Elec-
tors of the Village of Ripley, in the
County of Bruce, will take place in
the Village of Ripley, on Monday,
June ist, 1925: at the hour of twelve
o'clock noon, for the nomination of
candidates for the offices of Reeve
IN and Councillors, in the said Village of
MRipley, for the year 1925, when if
more candidates are nominated for an
Students receive .personal attention
in all Faculties and Departments.
Men and women interested in under-
graduate or post -graduate, :resident or
non-resident courses should. write to
the Registrar.
What career?
More than half of the
university .graduates of
-this continent go into
business. This University gives
a special course is Commerce for
the purpose of preparing promis-
ing young men for business
careers. The University helpstto
place those who are worthy.
For additional in-
formation write —
Ph.D., Registrar,
London, Canada
for F.urni -Floors & Woodwork
Write to Head Mee, Moorreral For Free Booklet
Miss Annie Jones of Toronto, is
• spending her holidays with her moth-
er, Mrs. Hugh Phillips, Belfast,
The community was shocked • on
last 'Mond'ay, ' to hear of the death of.
Mrs. Albert McQuoid of Crewe. The
funeral service was held on Wednes-
day from her home to Dungannan
cemetery. She leaves to mourn her
husband and five girls, -Mrs. Jas. Lit-
t1e, 'Coureys Corners; Lily and Freda
at home, • Etta of Wingham, and. Ruby
of Lucknow. The family has the sin-
cere sympathy of the community. Will License Peddlers-
Mr. Isaac Cranston and girls of Bel-
fast, spent Wednesday evening at the
lhonie of Mr. Jas. ''Webster of Crewe.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. -Vint and family rates for various lines of merchandise
of Stratford, is spending the holidays sold. A house-to-house vendor of
with the former's brother and sister, dry goods will have to pay $250 before
Mr. Gilbert lint and Mrs, Wm. Bald- I he can call on the residents of the
win, Toth con. town. A tea peddler will have to pay
Mr. and Mrs, George. Lane and.fa- $75; hosiery, dresses and suitings $5o;
.,:silt' of Lanes, spent Sunday with
Report of the Non -Concurring
On Tuesday, May 29th.; the Mait-
land Presbyterial Society of W. M. S•,
held its eleventh and last annual
meeting prior to entering the United
Church, in the Presbyterian Church,
Lucknow, with a large attendance.
Mrs. Harkness presided over meet-
ing, at the morning /session, after de-
votional exercises, Reports were re-
ceived from the Secretariekkof the
various departments, showing encour-
aging progress. At the afternoon,
session an interesting report of Pro-
vincial Society meeting h,Rld in Lon-
don was given by Mrs, WMurdie of
Lucknow. After an inspiring ad-
dress which was given by Mrs. B. M.
Johnson, president of Toronto Pres-
byterial on her impressions of the
convention, whichwas held under the
Auspices of the Foreign Mission
Board of United States and Canada,
held in Washington, January 26th. to
'February and. of this year.
A large number of the delegates
withdrew and assembled in the Angli-
can Church, which was filled to ca-
pacity. After devotional' exercises,
Mrs. Perrie as convenor, completed
the organization of a Provincial Pres-
byterial of Maitland to work in con-
nection with the Woman's Mission-
ary Society of the continuing Presby-
terian Church.
'President -Mrs. (Rev.) Perrie,
office than are required to be elect-
ed, the election by ballot.will be held
in the several polling .places hereinaf-
ter mentioned on Monday, the 17th
day of June, A, D., 1925, commenc-
ing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and
closing at five o'clock in the after-
noon. The list of polling as follows:.
In polling sub -division. No. 1 Tow.,n-
ship Hall, Ripley; Polling sub-divis-
ioi No. 2, Fire Hall, Ripley.
Died in British Columbia
III 111dIIIIliIli�IillplllMM1111�IIlp$Ii1o11aultilgitllsill illi liiN(VcH01001101tr
Mr. Wm. Grieve, youngest son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Win. Grieve,
former residents of McKillop and
Seaforth, died at his home, at Cedar,
near Nanaimo, *.B. C., on Monday,
May 18th., of apoplexy. Mr. Grieve
was very highly respected and made
hosts of friends, who will regret to
hear of his death at his early age, be-
ing only 54 years and 2 months old.
Last `August, he visited his brothers
and sisters, in Ontario.
Prior to his marriage, 25 years, ago,
Mr. Grieve spent some years in the
Klondike gold fields of the Yukon.
He leaves to:.rnourn his loss, a wi-
dow and grown-up family of one son
and one daughter, ,two brothers and
three sisters: John., V. S. of Seaforth.
Thomas, of Egrnondville, Mrs. R.
Hogg of McKillop; Mrs.' Johnston of
Port „Burwell and Mrs. John E. Ho-
muth of Wingham.
Betty Brown
Dresses ..
Smart Styles for Street
and House Wear In
all the New Col-
F1 nnelS $11.95
New Style Effects, made of/ All
Wool Btoadeloth, Finish Flannel, ex- .
era value, Stripes at $11,95 Plain $9'75
WllI,I,w Suiting $7.20
New Spring Shades of Green, Rose
Blue, Sand, Mauve and Tan. In the
season's latest styles for street wear,
neatly trimmed, Specially priced at
Brdcloths a! ;4
Many new summery styles in Eng-
lish Foulards and Broadcloths, rang-
ing in price from $3.50 to $7.50
1st. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Coombe, Kin-
2nd. Vice Pres.—Mrs. Alex. Straug-
han, Brussels. -
3rd. Vice Pres,—Mrs. Arkell, ,Tees -
4th. Vice Pres.—Mrs. M• McKenzie,
Corresponding 'Secy—Mrs. -Carr,
Recording Secy.—Miss Mather,
Treasurer — Miss N. Nicholson,
South Kinloss, R. R. 6, Lucknow.
Mission Band Secy.—Mrd Linklat-
er, Teeswater.
Home Helpers Secy. -Mrs.
son, Molesworth. •
Supply Secy.—Mrs. Geo. Douglas,
Magazine Secy.—Mrs. Porterfield,
Press Secy -Mrs. Dd. McWhinney,
Stranger's Secy.—Mrs. Harry Mc-
Gee, Wingham.
Library and Literature Secy. Mrs.
Elliott, Wingham. •
One hundred and seven delegates
answered the rollcall representing
An invitation was extended by the
Brussels Auxiliary, to hold the annual
meeting there in 1926.
Rev. Mr. Hardy Clerk of Provis-
ional Presbytery of the continuing
Presbyterian Church, presented greet-
ings from same. Devotional exercises
concluded a most enthusiastic meet-
We know that theseexclusive val-
ues will make an inspection well wor-
th . while
J. .
Mrs. J. Casemore and Miss Mary
visited at Mr. Will Abraham's- last
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler of
BeTgrave, visited at Mr. Duncan
Campbell's last week.
Mr. Will Abraham and daughter,
Margaret of Wroxeter, visited at
Thos, Abraham's Fast week.
Mr. James Aitchison of Port Col -
.borne is visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Will . Abraham.
Miss Vernice Lockridge, spent the
week-end'with friends in Wingham.
Mrs. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. John
and Etta, spent the 25th., with Mr. Sangsterr and Master Kenneth, Mr,
Jas. Hackett and Mrs. Ida Hackett, and Mrs. J. H. Thom, visited in Wing -
of Belfast. - ham on the 24th at the latter's sister,
Mr` and Mrs. John Mitchell, John St.
All back yards must be..oleaned up
of refuse etc., and put in .a sanitary
condition not later than June loth.,
By Order,
Board of Health.
The Town Council of Harriston, at
a meeting last week passed a bylaw to
license peddlers, fixing a schedule of
l brushes, brooms, mops, etc•, $35;
, -friends around Port Albert. spices, $25 and smaller articles that
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culbert and are sold for 25 cents or less, $5.
boys of Dungannon, spent Thursday, ,
-. with the, latter's brother, Mr. Adam i RAPID CITY (near-Lucknow)
Johnston of . Courey's Corner.
Mr, and Mrs, Herman Phillips :anal'" We extend congratulations to Mr.
family of h 's ` Coyness; , re . and Mrs. Mark Gardner on the ,arri-
Sunday with the,the latter's parents,, val of a ;baby boy, born May 23rd.,
and Mrs. John Campbell of Bel-, (Ross a Allan).
fast: Mr. Tom England of Rapid City,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham,
and Mr, and Mrs. had the misfortune to break his wrist
and Beryl while crankitg a car at Fergus
V�m. Love of Marnoch, spent Sunday vreck,
at the home of Mr, Gilbert Vint, BelM- r. and. Mrs. N. Stewart of Rapid
fast. spent Last Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs, Jas• Barbour and girls t�in Mitchell .and St. Marys:
of Goderich, are spending the week friends
' parents,Mrand Mrs. Joseph England, spent Sunday
end with the latter's , with friend's near Ripley.
Mrs, W. T. Gardner and Mrs. Ern-
est Gardner, spent Sunday;„ with
friends in Rapid City.
Mr, Rod McCrea, shot a large white
owl, last Wednesday everting which
111■1116111®III®III +ill. M®111®111 III®IN®III®II IEIIIIMIil6llt1011l:'yllll®IIIltalll
111 Ili :sill
Dungannon, will give a illustrated In' 1884, at the age of 24 years she
lecture on "Vandyke, the other wise married Mr. ; R. C. Sparling at Dur -
man." .haps, Ont. In 1898 they carne to
A very enjoyable time was spent at Dauphin to live and continued here
the ranges on the 25th., when about until the death of Mr. Sparling in 1917
45 marksmen were' present. The mat- It will be recalled that Mr. Sparling's.
ch which was captained by Elwell death was also extremely sudden.
Webster and Harris Purdon proved Mrs. Sparling shortly after removed
very interesting, the former's side t Winnipeg. Upon the -death of her
winning by" 1 point, the total score daughter, Mrs. R. I. Steen, which oc
being 956 to 915, The following are curred on .February i6th of the pros -
the eighteen highest scores made out ent year, she returned to Dauphin to
of a possible 7o: W. Miller 62; W. live with Mr. Steen, and here remain -
Webster 6o; H. Purdon 6o; I. Miller ed until the time of her death. Dur -
59; G. Webb 59; E. Purdon 58; J. ing all the years of her residence -ice ---..:V
Webster 58; E. Webster 57; jas. Ait- Dauphin Mrs. Sparling was a faithful
chison 57; J. Johnston 57; J. Mc- 'member of St, James Presbyterian
Donald 56; A. Robinson 56; Wilson church. Those who were' acquainted•
Wood 56; J. Pardon 55; W. McQuill- with her in the early days will be -
in 54; A. Hughes 54; H.,,Webb 54; J. member the cheerful assistance she.
D. Anderson 54. was ever willing to render in church.
tor• social causes ,ef those rimes.
BELMORE the family circle she was a rsvered
The Mission Band will hold their *ife and mother, and her- influence
picnic Saturday afternoon at Mr. Ral- and friendship were a benefit to all
ph Metcalfs, The Women's Foreign those she came in contact with. She
Missionary Society, will aid in provid untiringly shared in the labor inciden-
ing lunch. Come and bring the tal to the building up of. a new coin
kiddies. munity in our western country aria" -
Those who attended the Presbytery was ever ready to extend a helping
meeting at Lucknow, Tuesday, were hand,
Rev. and, Mrs. McKenzie, Mr. Fred There are two children living; Per
Johann, Mrs. Mulvey, Mrs. Metcalf, cy D., of Brantford, Ont., and. Miss
Mrs. Arthur Fitch, Mrs. Douglas, Hazel of the Municipal Hospital staff
Eleanor and Mimnie Jeffrayr Alar- in Winnipeg. The funeral will take.
ge crowd and a fine day is reported. place today (Thursday). Service will
The Lucknow ladies are to be con- be held in St. James church at 2 p.
gratulated for their kind hospitality. After which, burial will be made in
Miss Nettie Butchart of Toronto, Riverside cemetery. 'Following will -be
was up for the holiday. the pallbearers: Dr. J. P. Gunne, R. G.
The summer meeting of the Wo- Ferguson, R. G. Smith, D. D. McDon-
ald, R. J. Malcolm, J. P. McIntyre."
Coulter—In Morris, on May 25, _ to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Coulter, a son.
Haines—In Wingham General Hospi-
tay on May 24, to Mr. and Mrs. J.
V. Haines, a son.
Mrs. Sam, Sherwood, Larges.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Geo. of
Kincardcne,•spent the week -end at the
home. of Mr, Jno. Mu11in's, loth on
Mrs, H. Roston and Miss T. Sterl-
ing of Goderich, spent Ivlonday wztlr
Mrs. Gilbert Vint, loth., con. when. spread out measured 42 inches
Ilii, and Mrs. WM, Lane, Waite lfrom one wing, tip to tine Other,
You need your money, I need mine
If we both get ours, it will be fine
But if you get yours, and keep mine
What in the world, am I going to do.
1—Drive on the right side of the
road, It's just as good as the left.
2 --Slow down when approaching a
crossroad; it is nearly as dangerous as
a railway crossing.
3—Look out for children. You can
never tell what they will do, and you
are always in the wrong if you hit
4—Try to help instead of hinder a
traffic officer; he is there for your
good, and he's got a tough job.
—Be5 sure that your dimmers real-
ly dim. It's no joke driving into a
blinding glare, as you probably know.
6 -Read and obey warning signs;
they're not put up for ornaments.
7—If you feel you've got to speed,
do it where yott won't kill anybody
but yourself.
8—When malting minor repairs stop
where your ear can be seen from both
directions`, otherwise you may stop
longer than you anticipate: ,
9 -Speeding around corners is a
straight road to the hospital:
Io--U'se discretion. The fact that
you had the right of way won't bring
back 'anybody to life, least of all your-
'Miss Madeline Gaunt, who is at-
tending Business College at Wingham
was home over the holiday.
Mr. Lorne Firth of Toronto, Mr.
and firs.' `Chas. Firth and Mrs. Firth,
sr., of London were visitors withMr. men's Institute, was held Wednesday
R. K. Miller during the week. afternoon at M'r. Arthur Lincoln's, al-
most 5o being present, the speaker
for the afternoon was. Miss Cleland,
taking for her subject "Making it In -
P. Moffatt and John McKenzie of 1 teresting for Boys and Girls on the
Moffatt, Mr. 'A, •Cameron and Mrs. I Farm." The programme consisted of
Holmes of Campbellville, were week- a solo, by Mrs. Clark Renwick, "Twi-
end visitors with Mrs. D. McKenzie. light," by little Misses Maggie Bell,
Messrs. John, George and Lloyd Ruth and Sadie Stokes, Evelyn Lin -
Phillips, motored to Sandusky on Fri- coln, which was much appreciated. It
day to spent the week -end with their was planned at this meeting to serve
uncle, Mr. Phillips. lunch at the Sabbath School Conven-
Miss Anna Stuart was home from tion to be held June 18 a charge of
Toronto for the holiday.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed in the Presbyter-
ian Church, next Sunday morning.
Preparatory services_ will- be held' Fri-
day morning at 50.30, when Rev. Mr.
Gollan of South Kinloss will preach.
Miss Margaret Rintoul of Toronto
was a holiday visitor at her' . horne
The Annual Meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held at Mrs.
Thoni's on Thursday last when the
folio -wing officers were elected:-
Pres., Mrs. D. Phillips; Vice -Pres:,
Mrs. G. Webb; Secy.-Treas., Mrs, R.
K. Miller; • District Officers, Mrs.
Naylor, Mrs. Thorns, . Mrs. W. T.
Miller; Auditors, Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs.
W. T. Miller; Pianist, Mrs. Wallace
Miller; Committee, Mrs: McFarlane,
Mrs. J. Lyon, Mrs. J. McQuillin,
Mrs. Gumming, Mrs. McGee, Miss M.
C. Rutherford, Miss A. McKenzie,
Mr. J. Gaunt, delegates to Goderich
district meeting, •Messrs. 0, Webb,
B. Naylor, C. J. Thorns and W. T.
Miller. The members of the Execu-
tive are requested to meet in the hall alone at the time and apparently sue -
on Thursday evening of this week.. cumbed immediately to an attack of
The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian her complaint. at
Chtlreli ,will give an evening on Fri -' The deceased lady was born
day Janne 5, when Rev. 11.,„Martin of Stratford, Ont., nearly 66 years ago.
Inspector Thom:paid his visit to the
school on Tuesday.
Mrs, D. Clark' :of Guelph, Messrs.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten-
der for Repairs to Piers, Kincardriie; •--`
Ont.,";,wiIl be received until 12
o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tues-
day, June 9, x925, for repairs to piers
at Kincardine, Bruce County, Ont..
Plans and forms of contract can -be
25c will be made in aid of S. school. seen and specification and forms of
District meeting will be held in Wal- tender obtained at this Department,
ker ton June 19th at the offices of the District Engin-
eers, Custom House, London, Ont.,
Mothers should collect time and a ' Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and
half for overtime. at the Post Office, Kincardine, Ont.
( Tenders will not be considered un-
Death of Mrs. R C. Sparling (less made on printed forms supplied
Thefollowing obituary notice from by the Department and in accordance:
the Dauphin Herald will be of inter- with Conditions contained therein.
est to many of our readers, who will Each tender must be accompanied
remember Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sparl- by an accepted cheque on a chartered
ing, when they lived in Wingham, bank, payable to the order of the
Mr. Sparling was for some time, Minister of Public Works, equal to
Councillor, Reeve and Mayor of Io per cent of the amount of the ten
Wingham and Mrs, Sparling was very der. Bonds of the Dominion of Can -
active in Church work and in the Lo- : ada, or bonds of the Canadian Nation
yal True Blues. Following is the al Railway Company will also be ac -
newspaper report: ; cepted as security, or bonds and a.
"Called after spending but a few ,cheque if required to snake up an odd,
weeks in the new sphere she had oc- home I amount. t
copied in the hoe of Mr. R. I, Steen, ) ]Att
NOTE.—e prints can_in-
be obtain -
following the death of, her daughter, ed atdepositing
this Department by ,
Mrs. R. C. Sparling passed suddenly ! an accepted cheque for the sum of
away, on Monday evening last. Heart $20, payable to the order of the Min -
trouble, from which she had been a ,ister of Public Works, which will be
sufferer for several'years was the im-'returned if the intending bidder sub, -
mediate cause of death. Slie was knit• a regular bid.
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, May 1S, 1925.
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