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At a price to suit every Pocket -Book
Our Everyday Cut Prices Save You Money
cKibbon's Drug Store
272,9 p/r Store
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Phone 53
wilt`'+Os•IAMt&DVA 1fCE-', NI,ES
Report of the Unionist Members
The nth Annual meeting of Mait-
land Presbyterial was held in Luck-
now, on .May 19th, 1925•
The morning session opened at 10
o'clock with Mrs. Harkness presiding,
Reports presented indicated a pros-
perous year. Cor sec'y reported 29
Auxiliaries holding 325 meetings; there
were 22 life memberships purchased,
and 4 "In Memoriam" subscriptions;
255 Morne Helpers with offerings of
$420.99; clothing valued $432.25; Mes-
sengers 744; Thank Offering received
$2312,o4; total amount for -x924 $6197.-
Mission Band Secrectary reported
642 members and 3o life members, va-
lue of clothing sent $166.22; Thank
Offering $212.28. Total raised by Mis-
sion -Bands $1153.42; Y. W. A. Secre-
tary reported 5 Auxiliaries offerings
$151.10. '
The Treasurer's report was very
encouraging $7500.99 being raised for
all purposes.
The morning session adjourned at
12 2o'clock for luncheon. The ladies
of the church very hospitably enter-
tained the delegatesduring, the. day.
The address! of welcome was given by
Mrs. W. L. McKenzie and replied to
by Mrs. Anderson.
• In the afternoon the address by the
President, Mrs. Harkness, was from
John 15, "Ye have not chosen Me, but
I have have chosen you". God has
a prograinme, our direction is God's
word, preparation and prayer,. some
go, some give, and some pray. We
need to recognize the presence of
God with us assuring us of strength
and victory.. Mrs. Murdie gave a Very
inspiring report of the Provincial mee-
tings in London. There are 62,105
members of the W. M. S. in Ontario,
she reported an increase in every line
of the Presbyterial reports.
Rev. Mr. Campbell of Pine River,
brought the greetings of the Presby-
tery. There were kindly received.
Owing to ill health, Mrs. Walker of
Toronto, was unable to be present,
but Mrs. Johnston, president of Tor-
onto Presbyterial, ably took her place
and gave a very instructive and inter-
esting talk on the Washington Con-
ference, where so manynationalities
were gathered in one large meeting
with 3408 delegates. The theme of
the Conference was "Christ for the
World and the World for Christ,".
Christ is the only solution for our
troubles. There is no limitation to
the work that woman may do. The
duty of the whole church is to broad-
cast the good news to all nations. The
East is watching us. We should do
our work with a Christian Spirit. Go
forth and tell. At the evening session
Miss McVicar of India, gave a most
interesting and helpful address on her
The following are the officers for
the year:—Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) McKen-
zie, Be1mort; ist: Vice -.Pres., Mrs.
(Rev.) McCallum, Lucknow; and. Vice
Pres., Mrs. W. Little, Teeswater; 3rd
Vice -Pres., Mrs. J. E. Smith, Brus-
sels; 4th. Vice -Pres., "Mrs. (Rev.)
Gollan, Lucknow; ' 5th. Vice -Pres.,
Mrs. (Rev.) Tait, Bluevale; Rec. Sec.,
Mrs. Mitchell, Wingham; Cor. Sec.,
mfrs, Durnin Phillips, St. Helens;
Mission Band Sec., Mrs. R. Ireland,
Teeswater; Messenger Sec., Mrs.
(Rev.) Chandler, Walton; Social Ser-
vice Sec., . Mrs. Gowans, Wingham;
Supply Sec., Mrs. A. Maguire, Brus-
sels; Y. W. A. Sec., Mrs. (Rev.)
Cummings, St, Helens; Lib. and Lit.
Sec., Mrs. Colvin, Teeswater; Home
The closing Sunday of Mr, Cragg's
pastorate will not be until June 21st
A Tennis. Clulfy is being organized
under the auspices of the Young Peo-
pies Society. Those desiring
come members may apply through one
of the group leaders. A small fee of
fifty._ cents is being charged to defray
expenses. -
lend'id red brick WROXETER COUNCIL
A BARGAIN—Sp I Wroxeter, May 15, 1925
block in the town of Wingham. A Council -met at regular meeting in
snap to first cash buyer. Write di-
rect to i Dunn Ave., Lake Shore the Council Chamber on above date.
Blvd:, Toronto, and say .you saw Present:—A. J. Sanderson, Alex.
the advertisement in this paper. j Wright, E. Dobbs. Reeve Henneberg
in the chair.
BABY CHICKS—O. A. "C. strain, the Minutes of last regular meeting read
best strain for egg production, will and adopted on motion of Sanderson
_-_stand forcing, much better than the and Wright—H. Patterson, running
lighter breeds. Our chicks are all; electric light plant and supplies
hatched from our own eggs frome
the very best stock. We are reduc- $5o Hydro Electric Power Com-
.75; T. Com-
ing our prices for June to absolute- mission, wire, etc. $7.15;
ly rock bottom. Chicks $16.00 per hill, power; and rent, April $47.5o
ioo. Cohn Campbell, phone Blyth, Amusement tax branch of Provincial
10-24. Maitland. Specialty Farm, R Government $19.25; Thos. Brown, col -
"1". No. 2, Auburn. lecting taxes, stamps, etc. $28.23•
• Motion of Sanderson and Dobbs
FOR SALE—One Cow American that above accounts be paid and or -
Separator. Inquire at this office. ders drawn on • the treasurer for;
FOR SALE—Fox` hound, will sell at Motion of Dobbs and Wright that.
easonable price. Apply to Clay -,Court of Revisivit}'for hearing appeals
ton H. Phippen. 'against the assessment , pf 1925 be
held in the Council Chamber on the
FOR SALE—Set of New Renfrew29th of May at 7.30 p. m: -Carried.
Sc les Apply at The Advance-' Council adjourned on motion of
Sunday Services: --Sunday School
opens at 9.55 a, in. Mr. Morton's Bi-
ble Class at 2,30 p. m. Mr. McIntosh
preaches at the morning service and
Mr. Cragg•at the evening.
gest "1r4sz /taw ",4epsa
111111 111iuu*1u1f1l e
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A, recent issue of the Milton Cham-
pion contained an account of a gath-
ering of Unionists at the Manse on
the occasion of the departure of Rev.
W. D. and Mrs. McIntosh for their
new home in Wingham. They were
made the recipients of a purse of $ioo
from the 'Unionists and $25 from the
Milton Methodist Church, also a sil-
ver flower basket. The following ad-
dress was read:
Add'res's and presentation to Rev.
W. D. McIntosh and Mrs. McIntosh
from the Unionists of Knox Church,
Milton, Ont., May x7th., '1925.
When, in response to the unani-
mous can of the congregation of
Knox Presbyterian -Church, you came
here as our Minister about a year ago,
we did not, think that, your pastorate
so happily begun and carried on
throughout the year with such mark-
ed success and harmony would b'e 50
soon ended.
During the time we were privileged
to have you with us, however, we are
pleased to recall now the marked .Pro,
gress of the work of the church,
-shown more especially in the growth
of over fifty in the membership and
the increased interest and activity
throughout all its "organizations.
More important perhaps was your
ministry in the pulpit which always
showed both careful preparation and
scholarship along with an intimate
knowledge of the teachings of Holy
Scripture in all that was essential for
salvation, and the message fromweek
to week was of such deeply spiritual
character as to,impress every hearer,
and these were the features of your
service here which could not Help be-
ing a benefit and blessing to us all.
In your prayers too you seemed to
possess the gift to an unusual degree
of knowing our needs and burdens. and
cares and of presenting them in such
a touchingly human and. satisfying
way at the Throne of Grace so that
being drawn in our great need nearer
to Hini who is the hearer acid answer-
er of prayer, and who delighteth in
mercy, our souls were refreshed
anew, faith strengthened and courage
received to meet the dutiesand trials
of life.
But toward the close of the year
a " 'Wright and Sanderson, to meet at
17430 P. m,
FOR SALE—Hand hooked mats at
Fred Davey. Clerk.-
- Mrs.
lerk.--Mrs. Peterman's, Belmore, Samples I
at A. J. Walker's Furniture Store. ( Preaching in London
i Rev. C. E. Cragg of Wingham,
FOR SALE—A snap to . first buyer,' preached in Dundas St., Centre Meth -
splendid dwelling on Minnie. street, • odist Church, London, on Sunday ev-
also one coal heater and pipes for, ening. On Sunday morning Rev: E.
$io.og,. A. J. Pilon. IF. Armstrong, formerly of Wingham
occupied the pulpit of Colborne St.
FOR SALE—Fine large dwelling on Church and Rev. Duncan McTavish,
Minnie St., Wingham, a bargain formerly of Whitechurch, preached in
for someone. Apply to M. Madi- the evening in Ridout St.Church.
gan, 65 Lakeview Ave., Toronto. 1
F — 1 A meeting was held at the home of I grave; Treasurer, Mrs.. Murdie, Luck-
' of money traingoing to Teeswa i n
for the purpose of organizing a Wo-
men's Missionary Society of the non-
concurring' Presbyterians of the con-
gregation. There were twenty one
FRESH FISH—Lake Troiit, Perch ladies present.
and Whitefish, arriving every week. The meeting opened by singing
Delivery every Thursday. Prices I hymn 476 ..: and Scripture Reading,
reasonable.Phone 11-625. Ralph John 15, 1-17, by Mrs. Nichol and
Thompson, prayer by Mrs. Dr. Perrie of Wing -
'ham. On motion of Mrs. Coombs and
HOUND LOST --Large white and Mrs. P. 1VIcEwan that Mrs. (Dr.)
tan, seen last an Tuesday, May 19th. Perrie be president for this meeting.
Anyone knowing of his where -
Moved by Mrs: `C. Moffatt and Mrs.
C. Garness that Mrs. Eldrid Nichol
be Sect.
The roll call was then called ,when
` OUND A purse containing a sum
ne on
ter. Finder may have same by call-
ing Albert Bok, Teeswater by Sat-
urday and paying expenses,
nor u,F.
Fleet Foot Shoes
For every kind of work and recreation:,
They are light on the feet and durable. See the new
lines with Crepe Rubber_ Soles. 0.
Get your Boy or Girl a pair now. ;They save
their leather shoes.
' Boys' and Girls' Fleet. Foot Shoes in all' the wanted
R styles. Prices 98c to 1.75 a pair.
1010 ®EER
II®lila WWI 11181118111;.11181118111811ii111181118U1811181�18111m111 illmlll811181`
us now, in the future to have the plea- I III'.1118111®1118111811111111®IIIB�III®III®111®III®III
sure of hearing you, and as you go to Limy ���
your new field to work for the Mast1-1 -
Ell al
er whom you love and serve, we trust —
your labours may be crowned w`th
abunda'ff success and you 'may have
the joy of seeing' the work prosper in
your hands.
Our best and kindest wishes go wlt1
you both and our prayer for you and
your little children is "May the Lord
bless you and keep you", give you
grace for the needs of each day, joy
in your work, God's peace in.your
hearts and his richest blessing on all
you do, and , pleasant memories of
true and lasting friendships in Milton.
Signed' on behalf of the Unionists
of Knox Church, Milton:—J. W. Ell-
iott, Ex. Clerk of Session; Jno. Irving
Ex. Chairman Board of Managers, and,
Chairman of Unionist Committee; C.
H. Stuart, Ex. Superintendent of S. S.
Ernest E. Fay, Ex. Ass't. Supt. of S.
BLUEVALE Helpers Sec., Mrs. Anderson, Bel -
now; Gen. Interest Sec., Mrs. Bar-
- i Mrs, J. Nichol, Bluevale, on May 22,
(Rev.) Armstrong, Wroxeter; Dele-
gate to summer school, Mrs. Hernm-
ingway, Brussels.
hour, Whitechurch; Press Sec., Mrs.
abouts will kindly phone, Arthur
Lincoln, Wroxeter line.
man to travel with show. L. D.
Paull, Palmer's United Attractions.
ROOMS TO RENT --Upstairs, suit-
able for light housekeeping or of-
fices. Apply to D. Somers, Barber.
WANTED --General for commerical
hotel. Good wages. To start by
the first of June. Apply Mrs. Elba
Johnson, Blyth..
the testing time of our: Christian prin-
ciples came upon us through the
great question of Church Union,
In this regardless of consequences,
you did' not hesitate to take your
stand, and throughout the campaign
(waged, we are sorry to say with
great vigour and some bitterness) you
gave us steady and efficient leader-
In this you and ourselves as Un-
ionists followed the guidance of the
duly constituted Courts of the Pres-
byterian Church. in Canada to which
we had promised obedience in all
spiritual matters when uniting with
the Church, and for this reason and
feeling, too, more confidently that we
were obeying the intercessory prayer
of our Saviour that all his -followers
might be one, we felt it our plain
Christian duty to unite in an organic
union with our brethren of the Meth-
odist and Congregational Churches.
Mrs: Jos. Casemore and Miss Mary
Casemore, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Abram.
Nor. Victor Campbell has returned
to the ast line, after spending a cou-
ple of weeks with his brother, Mr.
John A. Campbell of Clinton.
Mr. Eli Casemore, spent Sunday"
with his brother, Mr. Jas. Casemore.
Miss Florence Haines has returned
from Toronto to her home here for
twenty ladies responded by paying 1 the holidays. .
the annual fee. Then the election of Mr. Ed. Armstrong of Owen Sound,
officers for the year took place as fol -C spent a day with his brother, Mr.
lows: Robt. Armstrong-
rmstrongPresident--Mrs. C. Garness.
Vice -Pres. --Mrs. P. McEwan.
Sect.—Mrs. P. D. King.
Assist. Sect. --Mrs, J. Nichol.
Treas.—Mrs. W. Leggatt.
Supply Sect. —Mrs. Mundell.
Magazine Sect.—Mrs. E. Nichol.
Organist --Mrs. C. Higgins.
Assist, Organist—Mrs. W. Leggett.
Programme Committee --Mrs. Hig-
gins, Mrs, Coombs, Mrs. Davidson,
Mrs, R. Turvey. It was deeid'ed to
liave envelopes for monthly contribu-
tion. Decided to hold meetings at
the home the first Thursday of every
inonth, at 2.3o p. P1.
Gardner -4t1 Lucknow on Saturday,
May, 03rd., to Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Gardner, a son.,
iMoore--Itt Rockwood, on Saturday,
May 23rd., to Mr, and Mrs. 'Gordon
Moore, formerly of Whitechurch, a
111f1111111111111111WI1111111I01I 11111118111111111111I Ifl l I181111M
Wed, Thur.; May 27 and 28 ®.
Richard Talmadge
_... IN --
"Fast Company"
Also Dan Mason in
Fri. and Sat., May 29 and 3o
With A11. Star . Cast ®'
ic. Also 2 reel comedy "Beasts
and Promises"
S.; Mrs. Percy` Lamb, Pres. W.M.S.; ® SPECIAL
Mrs. H. A. McColl, Sec. W .M.S.; —WI
Gordon MacNabb,.. Sect of Unionist
Committee. .
Women are not so proud of their
The result of the vote in our con-
gregation made it inevitable that you
should resign the charge, being will-
ing to make any sacrifice and face any
hardship rather than compromise .in
any degree your convictions, and for
your steadfastness and example we
honour you.
June 1, 2 and 3
beauty as men are of their money. See the Tornado crush a ®.
Rev. W. A. Finlay and Mr. David
Dane are in London. this week attend-
ing the Methodist Conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid and son,
Bruce, of Palmerston spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Mr. Eaton and family are getting
nicely settled ih their new home which
they recently purchased from Mr. P.
Messrs. Ratz and Bowman finished
their season's sawing on Wednesday
last and moved their saw mill to
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Campbell are
moving into the house vacated by
Mr. Eaton and owned by Mrs. Jno.
Wylie, south of the village.
Mr. G. W. Walker is having a
storeroom erected south of his dwell-
ing which will add to the appearance
as well as convenience of his already
neat property.
NI i
Fresh Creamery
ifi -ii
Butter delivered every Wed-
nesday and Satttrday fresh from
111 the churn to consumer,
N • Phone bog r 4.
fluevale Crc t:rnery
Aft11tl11111 1u 1111' ul11ulp11ln11111 nlX111111In 111111111Tu
Your resignation. soon followed and
has been practically accepted by Pres-
bytery, and so ends our relation as
Pastor and people that was going on
so happily and satisfactorily, and the
parting ,is on our side felt with ex-
treme regret.
And what we say for yourself we
also express for your partner in life
w'hd has hi your short stay atnongst
us grown into such a large place in
the hearts of us all.
We are glad to know that in the
Providence of God you have at Wing--
liarn found so soon another and con-
genial field of labour amid a friendly.
people .and so as you are going we
have met here to night to express to
you both, our highregard and ask
you to accept from us as a slight
mark of our appreciation this flower
basket and purse to which our Breth-
ren of the Methodist Church, have
with fine spirit contributed, and ;also
this flower basket for Mrs. McIntosh,
We although you are leaving
town, a mountain flood sweep a =
village, a touring car tossed by
the wind, giant trees easily up bill
rooted, a- railroad_ bridge_ col-
lapse, a maddened river forged jpg
01 with logs, a railroad train. Alun-
® ge into water, a man ride a riv-
er of logs to instant death. The T.
greatest number of thrills ever
crammed into a photo play you t
have seen • "The Storm" and N
— "Human Hearts". Don't iniss
El the "Torn
Mrs. Rev. S. R. Johnston and Mas-
ado" ®_
I WIII®IIIIIIIBIIIWi'✓>wul®III®111E11161111®111»111®1
ter Lawrence, of Bervie, are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. John-
ston at present. Rev. Johnston is at-
tending Conference at London.
Mr. T. M. White, Bank' of Com-
merce, Dunville, accompanied by Mr.
L. Wright, Hamilton, spent Sunday
with the former's parents and sisters.
Mrs. White who has been visiting in
town for the past two weeks ..returned
home with then) Sunday evening.
,.911 «. 6.,,.w,, ....01.1...$6.11211sostaleo.1181.®:.....•61MPI.04.11MXIMID^«..o®.1a.®.,.®o.1.04m^
Are You Suffering from Any Disease?
Mr. Murfin, the proprietor of the Canadian Herb
Gardens and expert in Herbs, will be at the
Mon. and Tues , June 1st• and 2nd
Monday Afternoon and all day Tuesday only
Nervousness, Rheumatism, Bladdder Troubles, .Diabetes, Bright's
Disease, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Neuritis, Blood, Pressure, Heart
Troubles, Coftstipation and All Diseases,
There's a Herb for Every Disease