HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-28, Page 3Thur: 81 R ,19x5 WING<HAM ADVANCE„TIMES A Saving Satisfactiop 'There is a real satisfaction for the economical housewife when she shops at . DOMINION STORES, because she can always buy the best products at a real saving. You can do the same. 1191,.o. EELS NAPTHI 10 for 69c� u RICHMELLO -COFFEE 72c Ib. THIS IS SPLENDID OFFERINGS TEA WEEK OUR BULK . `JIB EA (BLEN ,') 50,S, IN ALL SELECT LEND TEA 69S, DOMINION STORES IC• ELLO TEA 5 ,93 SMALL WHITE EANS lbs 25. 1 4 lb APPLE AND IN .. RASPS RRY JAM - 45c' IN a} BO OLE RAY KINGS PLATE E'�JC E NO cITa TINS�9QN �j �r' YV :2 wasaaaavorrwasamacrsasammeasmmemorwasamsummaetemeumatotarem DS IC L D ZilLT 1 5c SHOEAssammocarnaetersose TINS c CHEESE NEW �e b SPECIAL COFFEE 55c BLEND lb y USCUITS 3 Pkts.25C HOLIDAY PACKAGE 74CC iitte SPECTACLES AND SKIN CANCER By Dr. W. J. Scholes In an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. John J. Morton of New Haven, Con- necticut, calls attention to the menace of poorly fitting spectacles on elderly people. He cites a number of cases in which skin cancer has occurred where the frame of . the 'spectacles produced' irritation of the skin. The bridge of the nose, the sides• of it, temples and behind the ears are the places where the spectacles are likely to irritate. These are some of the places where skin cancer often occurs in elderly people. The specific cause of cancer, if there is such a thing, is not known.1 So we, do not know what to avoid' int this respect in order to prevent can- cer. But it is generally accepted that •-� taract is taken off?,, cectain things favor - the occurrence of cancer, These are old age and ir- ritation of tissues. Can Be Avoided Irritation of tissues is something that can frequently be avoided. And the avoidance of anything that may have some part in the causation of cancer is worth while... .' Here is one case in which irritation of the skin in the elderly could and should ' be avoided. Dr. . Morton points out the necessity of reporting to the oculist any tendency . of the spectacle frame to cause irritation be- cause of imperfect adjustment, When spots, pimple -like formations, or sores have already .occurred, they should receive prolnpt attention. Ev- en though these are cancerbus they can often `be .cured if promptly and properly treated. Of course, the cau- se of the irritation must also b e re- moved,, •While skin cancer of the face is not one of the most common human ailments, every possible effort should be made to avoid it! .• Questions and Answers Ice Cream Mrs. H. M. asks: "Is Ice Crean: nourishing? Is it bad to eat very much of it? Is it all right for chil- dren.? Is it fattening?” Reply 1. Yes, Ice Cream is nourishing. a .Too much of -it may give you too much carbo -hydrate. Too much carbo -hydrate may not be good for he digestion, may cause . the accumu- ation of fat, and may encourage any tendency to diabetes. 3. Yes, in moderate amounts. But it should not be given in such quan- tities that it spoils the appetite for other necessary Foods. 4. Yes.' Cataract B. writes:- "I have a`catarac on one of ` my eyes and a beginnin of one.. on. the other: I went to an eye doctor to -have it taken off but h said that I should wait for it to ma ture. Why is it -best to wait? I ca not see so very good now. How long will'I have to wait? Will th eyesight be much better after the ca t -1 Better Tepid M. A. E. writes. "I take .a hot bath almost every clay. I have been told that this is not good for me as so many hot baths are weakening, Is it possible to take too many hot baths? I like to keep clean," Reply Cleanliness is not only a virtue. It is .,one .of the rules of hygiene. But it would probably be better to take tepid baths, That is, have the water but very little warmer than the body temperature; or just about the same temperature as the body, Iodized Table Salt Mrs. S. C. writes: "The table salt. that we have been using is marked. `iodized,' At the store where we buy it 3 was told that 'it was made that way fps goiter. Will .using that kind of salt do any harm to people who have no goiter?" J Reply l No. It is used for the puropse of 1 supplying the necessary amount of iodin in the diet so that goiter will be prevented, (Note: -Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these col- umns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print, Per- sonal questions- will be answerers on- ly when accompanied, by self-address- ed stamped' envelope. Address Dr. W. J. Scholes, in care of this paper.) Copyright 19251 by the Bonnet - Brown Corporation, Chicago. PRINTERS' COPY MUST BE KEPT The Canadian Criminal Code has been revised to compel printers to keep a copy of everything printed by then: for of least six months follow- ing the printing 'and also to record in a book' the name of the person who ordered such printing. Thus it is aimed to stop the publica- tion of defamatory election pamphlets which, as a rule, appear the day be- fore an election, and spread what are popularly known .as `roorbachs,' It has been in the past impossible to trace such pamphlets to their source, because the printer always claimed that either they did not print them or else they did .not know the parties who ordered and paid for them. Now no printer dare take an order for printing without knowing the party who gives : the order.—Han- over Post. A LESSON FOR BUSINESS MEN The shortest thing in the world isn't a mosquito's eyelash or a gnat's whisker, or any other part of an in- sect's anatomy whatever—it is the memory of the 'public. If you don't think so, ask the first dozen men you meet the following questions:— On what date was Lord Kitchener t drowned? What was the name of g the ship that blew up and' almost wiped out the city of Halifax? What e German submarine torpedoed the _ Liusitania? n' It is a safe bet that you will not get one correct answer. e Now, do you see the necessity of persistent advertising? When the details of events of world-wide im- portance are so soon forgotten, how do you expect the public to remember your prices and lines unless. you tell them and keep on telling them? ADVERTISE! DR. W R. CALDWELL' LAXAT VE 1 epsia Compound rom CONSTIPATION R 5..4Fool .0 ..n ..,haS.m Leath, .FbrSale in all Good Drug Stares Dr..0 idweits Laxative PE SO, 1' i PA.L e E t \ -1 KI" WE'RE GOIM 'T'r1'E 5423EFtte1' ROME oi`1 c)R- -.mooAwoui The fi0R1HERI; NA/AY 1T i ,tial 8E Serf ERI. Reply i. A cleaner and better job can be d'one after the cataract has matured, 2, It takes ill the way from one to three or more years for a catar- act to niature. 3.... Provided there is no complicat- irg disease of other structures of the eye, as the retina or optic nerve, your sight should, be very much im�A proved -after the operation. See the oculist occasionally so that he can exmine your eyes. Hg., will tell you when the proper time conies to have the cataract removed. They Are Good For You J. E. T. asks: "Is it good for a fel- low ow with chronic rheumatism of the joints to eat oranges? Or will they make the rheumatism worse?" Reply If anything, they are good for you, No, they will not make the rheurna tism worse. Have you any infections around the teeth or in the tonsils? GROUPS OF THREES Three things to love—courage, gen- tleness entleness and affection. Three things to fight for -Honor, country and home. Three things to think about—life, death and eternity-. Three things to delight in -frankness, freedom and beauty. Three things to govern --temper, ton- gue and conduct. Three things to hate --cruelty, arrog- ance and ingratitude, Three things to wish for -health, friends and a cheerful spirit. Three things to avoid—idleness, lo- quacity and flippant jesting. • Three things to admire --intellectual power, dignity andracefttlrre g ss. .14 ARE THEY? TPIEY A E—NOT! An Eastern professor Has started .quite a Rumpus by stating that "The Modern Flapper is Better educated Than the men Who criticize Her!" Sure she is. Ing Foreign languages! Listen to, 'er some Time, springing such Lines as these: "Give 'm the air, Kid. 'E's a wet Blanket," or— "Now wouldn't that Give ya' the bow- - Wows?" or— "I'll say dat's The Cat's whiskers." Educated? How do they get Like that? —0— Woman in Oklahoma greeted a health officer by wailo- pin' him over the head with a broom when he sought to put up a contagious disease sign on the door of her. borne. 'Twas a kind of unhealthy atmosphere at that—for the of- ficer. Latest Matrimonial News An Englishman's wife was so noisy with her nagging that he went to the cemetery nightly to get some sleep. That's one place all can Rest in Peace. —0 -- Another fellow is seeking single blessedness again be- cause his wife called him a "devil." Lots of married birds get worse h-1 than that if they're as much as a dime shy in the o1' pay envelope on Saturday nights. —0— A woman secured a divorce because her husband put ashes in her soup. -.-.Wonder she didn't retaliate --like a lot of modern wives—by putting poison in his. —0r - "Wives treating mates rougher"—U. S. divorce figures say, With cute, little pearl -handled automatics in vogue for the feminine gender, naturally arguments are apt to get a little bit rough. —0— "Best Man Shot; Bride in jail"—News -Item. Wonder what happened to the groom? Probably started his hon- eymoon in the morgue. —0— Some With Initials On One Corner! "Pocket Handkerchief Gowns" for women is the latest THAT orae MOSTI BEEN NANDKERCHIEE' •q 'J fashion edict from London. Nothing to get excited about. That's about all they're wearing now. —0— See where 'Henry Ford is going to start a rubber tree _plantation down in Florida. Intends. to raise hisown tires. Weil, here's hoping he has a bumper crop. --0— Famous Last Lines "Dear Hubby: You'll find your supper in the ice-boxl" (Copyright, X925, by The Bonnet -Brown Corporation Chicago) n»M.ngat"ttti,11u111111111011111111mtt11Mt nn,1111tut m"11nn,"u 11tund1111ttttnm"t"t n"11."IM11t11nuYtillir,. WE COULD GO !Q&' WAY OVER THE FIRST WAY 'THEN Cess OVER KERE AND "GRAVEL THE NORl'HERN ROUT! ' .IES? Og The *Ay- - BUT, WE, MIGHT MIT Rot1aH ROA'tS ON ThE Ct2oSS-OVER WH INT DO Y.000 tH1NK, JA.Y opt YOWHY DON'T' iIYANWER ME SOMETRIN '`:'� IVO'f JUS"G 1.1E THBR P' lD $RUNT. >,.ISsEN - WOMAN, WE GOTALL SEN oN "C kt Rc u IE ONCt. ; - RE YUt) 1'RYI N` T' DO-S'CAi2"T ARcAuMEN- i %/'/', NO Buz YOB! ARE. / J X11111111I e'. kVit:124.1Mitt At*