HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-28, Page 211,1113B113, nilk Twigm. en- Joppa, in the same plain, on the Hutu, seacoast Published at WINGHA.Mcame to passNot by , ONTARIO , chance, but by the ordering of God' Everer ThunsdaY114E°nling lin His all -wise providence. As Pe- -Aa a Smith, Editor and Proprietor ter went throughout all parts. Saul mentions only two of the twelve 'Subscription ,-p.—One year apostles as, seen by him when he vis - six months $noo, in advance, ,ited Jerusalem. so that probably all A.dvertising rates on application. Advertisements without specific di - but those two were absent on evange- lietic tours like this of Peter's. There Tendons will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. were Christian communities by this time in many of the towns of Judaea Changes for contract advertisements and Samaria, all of whom needed in- let in the office by noon, Monday. struction and guidance. He carne down also to the saints. "Down" be- ' ause Lydda is situated in a hollow ri0111111111XIMItt(11-1U0111IfilIAXIIIi 44 X 44 1013U1411111.11111.10 /Mal i 1925 MAY 1925 6,11uNeTh'i' Fr 7Sal 1 ! 3 Ac.' 5, 6 7 8 9 3 !All -1213 14 15.16 711849: 20 21 22: 23: 2516 27 28 '29: 30] . 31 AntaiIIIIS1411131.1 tttttt WASIMMXIItlIMIXatIOSUMITIMMICSIt "I am delighted to know Rev. Ben Spence has come to a reah- ; notes carefully the length ox the ' roads, it was customary to send two messengers, both for mutual protec- tion, and that, if anything happened to one, the other might still deliver the message. Entreating him, Delay n not to come ounto us. Peter was making a circuit of Christian com- munities and would soon. go to Jop- pa anyway. The request is very cour- teous, merely urging him to make at once a visit whicla he was intending that :ot the 1ow lying Plain of Sharon. MS WINGRAM. AD 9 ANCE-T1OE$ ttons that Joppa is its only port, ante/ its harbor is very poor joppa is about thirty-five miles northwest' of Jerusalem, and is today connected with that city by a railroad. A cer- tain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas. We see that women as well as men were given the honorable title of disciples of Jesus. This woman was full of good works and alrnsdeeds which she did, Luke is fond of describing peo- ple as "full". of a certain quality or action, meaning that they are whollyt given up to it, full of zeal for it. f And it came to pass in those days. The days when Peter was in Lydda. That she fell sick, and died. Not That dwelt at Lydda. Lydda was a all the good deeds that ever were done can prevent sickness and death; large village or small city near joppa, a day's journey ((about twenty-four miles) north-west of Jerusalem. Its ancient name was Lod, and its to - dere name is Ludd. And there he found a certain man named Aeneas. We are kit to infer, 'though we are not definitely told, that Aeneas was among "the saints" whom Peter was visiting, and that .the Lord was about to heal one of his own whose faith was added to Peter's in furnishing the. condition of now'the miracle. Who had kept his bed eight years. Luke, the physician, • if they could, men would do good for the sake of their health and life and not for motives of compassion and love. And when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper cham- ber. And as Lydda was night unto Jop- pa. About eleven miles distant, three hours v. -alk. The disciples, hearing that Peter was there. The fame of the healing of Aeneas had reached their ears. Sent two men unto him. Son in Acts tote Cornelius sends two of his household servants. In unsafe times and by dangerous nation that the beer is not intoxicat- ness. It was no brier illness -wlnctt ing in the practical acceptance of the Peter cured, but it was a malady term," said Attorney -General Nickle., about which there could be no doubt, 'He is changing his whole point of rendering the poor victim helpless view. T.3p, to the present time the for eight long years. Only miracul- whole criticism of Mr. Spence has ous power could restore healtb to been that the province was going to such a chronic invalid. For he was be debauched by drunkenness. Now, palsied. - having visited the rensest consuming area in the province yesterday, he And Peter said unto him. Did Aeneas ask to be laealed? He did finds that facts refute his theory, ani, like a cuttle-fish, he attempts to not need to, and perhaps had no ex - loud the pectation of so great a boon; his piti- to make in any case' xxxx ;able condition v,,as a sufficient pray -And Peter arose and went with cissue." i If you know of something the er. Aeneas, Jesus Christ healeth Town Council or the Chamber of thee. That is the way. Peter worked Commerce should and could do to the cure of the cripple at the Beauti- boost Wingham, suggest it to thein ful Gate of the tenaple. Arise, and through the columns of this paper. mike thy bed He is to assume the They are open to use in a simple aald performance of the duties that belong straight forward signed letter. Don't to one who is in health and strength. kill the town by talking in abusive And straightway he arose. In the language behind their back. i ordinary course of nature, if a suffer- xxxx ,er from paralysis regains his powers •Goderich Lions have erected swings of motion at all, the recovery is very or the kiddies in Victoria and Har- slow, hardly to be noticed from day "They" means the -disciples of Joppa %or Parks. These swings are painted to day or even from week to week. who had sent for Peter, and includes in purple and gold, the Lions colors. i The miracle effected an instantaneous the widows next mentioned. And all ; the widows stood by him weeping. Where can the kiddies of A Inge= cure. These Christian widows may have go to a public playground, apart from And all that dwelt at Lydda arid been the associates of Dorcas in her ;either of the school grounds? We in Sharon. By Sharon is probably would like to see a new and more ap- eant, not another city like Lydda, good works—the first "Dorcas as- vropriate ball park and the present no city bearing this name having sociation," but with their dear leader k, however, that they park fitted up as a beauty spot and been found, bt the famous plain of gone. Some thin na Dorcas had ;play ground. , Sharon, extending about sixty Iniks were poor women who blessed by her kindly aid. Audi .SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON from Joppa to Caesarea. Saw him. showing the coats and garments 1 .—,-- north and south along the coast The long sickness of Aeneas was which Dorcas made, while she was ous a miracle flew swiftly abroad. LESSON IX—MAY ex generally known, and we may be sure with them. Two kinds of garments ; are indicated, the close-iieting under -i And many not so many, we may be sure, though believed on the Lord. Yet '9:3243. would walk about freely, show him- garments and the loose outer robes. them. We are not told, as we were in the case of Ananias and of Philip, that the Holy Spirit commanded Pe- ter to obey the call and go to the help of the mourning Christians of Joppa; yet we cannot doubt that the apostle went under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for otherwise he would not have ventured upon his stupendous task. And when he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber. 11 tlP Thursday, ay 25th., X925 The original Star Car was designed three years ago upon the following sound principles Durability. Litrraost Accessibility. if Low price with high price design and quality. The public's O.K. has been placed upon these principles. ENINGER Local -Dealer, Wingham- rawaver.....tonessr.......imonsonnoto "To -morrow's Car To -day" Peter at Lydda and Joppa—Acts that in the great joy of recovery he the miracle was so stupendous, as GOLDEN TEXT --And they went self to many, and tell all that would , the work which they themselves had These good Vv -omen were not 'showing were won by Peter's sermon on the of Pentecost. forth, and preached everywhere, the,listen about the wonderful cure. And done, in order to persuade Peter to daY. And it came to pass, that he abode Lord working with thern, and con -1 they turned to the Lord. Not to Pe -1 favor Christian workers so efficienC firming the word by the signs that ter for the apostle had made it plain I followed.—Mark 16:2o. THE LESSON IN ITS -SETTING - Time—A. D. 41. Patti was at this time laboring "in and around -Tarsus. Place—Lydda, in the Plain of Shar- days in Joppa with one Simon a = as they were and 'grant their urgent • taanne'r. The trade of a tanner,. be - request; no, they were not • . , ca.use it required contact vAth dead of themselves at all or pleading their - • animals, was held by the Jews in so to whom the miracle was to be as - cribed. Useful Life Now there was coast of Palestine of Dorcas . own inrtue,but were nal wrapne dead lo- westem em that it is said a wifemight at Joppa. The in loving memories of their so lacks indenta- leader :claim divorce If her husband became tanner. 11 911 1 111 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SPECIAL COURSE FOR TEACHERS Sumrner School In NATURE STUDY AND AGRICULTURE JUNE 29th to To equip teachers to meet the new re- quirements of the Department of Educa- tion in this subject. (Two credits towards a B.A. Degree will be given f or thiscourse.) Courses offered also in Astronomn Chemistry, English, French, German, History, Latin, Mathernaties and Zoology. A splendid social and athletic program throughout the en - Ur* six weeks. Beautiful new Mai-. versity Buildings. Start on a B. A. Course now! Six de- lightful weeks of study and recreation, AUGUST 8th For Information write the Director, Dr. H. R. Kingston, or Dr. K. F. R. Neville, Regis- trar. Miracle and. Belief But Peter put them all forth. Pr- , er, with James and John, was present TORY CORNERS when Christ raised from the dead the Mr. D. Anger and family, spent daughter of jairus, and as his Master Saturday with his "uncle, Mr. H. WY - on that occasion first put out of thealie. room all the mourners with -their I Mr. R. H. Carson and family and wailing, so did Peter when a smilar )Mr. Greer, spent Sunday with R. A. - ------ m him. He iniracte we would not have his spirit distracted i mt. into. Wylie, exchanged horses by the wild outcries of Orientalwith Mr. Roberts of Fordwich, one nye to be .built. Now here is picture! m last week, eualongside the bust of the in - I . mourners. And kneeled down, and i day ed the model of the first locomotive 1 tremor. . . prayed We are not told. that Christ MrR ATaylor, delivered a load , ...•“•••••••1•• momi.ikol, prayed in connection with the raising of potatoes to Mr. Weiler of Mild- \ though he prayed at t'he rising of La- Mr. anti. Mrs. . eneeeeeemeneree.e.e..........emeee of the daughter of Jairus; and may, Friday lastLeslie Harkness of Str. GREYHOUND NAVIGATION CO ANNUAL LOW ?ARE EXCLIRSIORNED STAR , . Goderich to DETROIT and Return a • Wi4A:.... • $...".. .1.'.:± •$:., it 1,',.,, :,si,, • it* ,tiiit THE FIRST FRENCH LOCOMOTIVE Many readers, no doubt, have seen ever constructed in France. This pictures of the first American locomo-libfain child of Marc Sequiin was born 184 and is on view in a Paris mus- zarus, it was a prayer of anticipatory ;Carrick, visited with their uncle and thanksgiving, offered because of the jaunt, Mt arid Mrs. Geo. A. Dane. crowd standing around. Peter doubt- Mr, R. A. Taylor shipped five reg - less was praying that power to work listered pigs to Blind River and two amenee the miracle might lee granted him. ‘to Sault Ste. Marie, last week. RIM . THE HYDRO SHOP . 11111111111111111 CO•K BY ELECTRICITY See Our New McClary Electric — Ranges — Watch for Announcement of Our 1 Electric Cooking Demonstration 1 Wingham Utilities Crawford Block. Phone 156. VERIIIN4111 • . • 11 a m And turtling to the body, he said, Mr. and Mrs. H.. Wylie, bent a Tabitha, arise. Peter knew in his I day- in Mildmay last -week. heart that his prayer was atsweree 'air. George Hyslop of Wroxeter, icalled on his sister, Mrs. Melvin Fin- thewith power, and so he ventured upon great command addressed to the ainy on Sunday.- corpse. And she opened her eyes. We are all glad to see Mrs. Robt. There is nothing 'corresponding t° Baker able to be out again. this in the story of the raising of the Mr. James Scott of Belmore made a daughter of Jairus, and it is just such business trip to our burg, Thursday a detail as a physician would note lase down. And when she saw Peter, she sat up. And he gave her his hand, and raised her tip. Thus also Christ had' !done, assisting the daughter of Jair- telly, spent Sunday at Harriston. us. Besides life, Peter must have gi- Mr and Mrs, George Foster and veil strength to Dorcas, or she could *Miss Hazel; were in the burg, Sunday. not have come thus from her death- Mr. Clifford Dodds purchased Mr. bed. We recall how Peter's wife's Chester Bennett's car. Look out mother, when healed of her fever, girls. proved the reality of her recovery by Mr. and Mrs. Webster Willits and rising and ministering to Christ. And family, spent Sunday at Lorne Laird's Mrs, Robert Baker is visiting her sister Mrs. Hailway. Mn and Mrs. Jimmy Warren have eh of joppa, who had sent a united got settled in their new home which Is CON. HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. John Wridt and fa- . calling the saints and widows, he pre- sente her alive. There were "the d 1 ' Idisciples" (v..38), the Christian chur- t isummons to Peter at Lydda. he purchased. And it became known throughout Lir. Alf Mealen is doing some dit- ' all Joppa. The fame of so stuperid- ching for Mr. Ernest lung. PU111111111112111141wiamemaki el-nag:26ot THE BIG STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND $4.00 SAFE, SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE $2.60 Round Trip WILL LEAVE GODERICH One War Tuesday, June 9th at 9,30 a.m. Arriving Port Huron nap p.m., Detroit s.so P. Returning leaves Detroit x p.m., Thursday, June xith. The only boat trip from Goderith to Detroit this season, Child- ren between 6 and! 12 half fare, Visit your Michigan friends and see big and busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. MOONLIGHT OUT OF GOi ERICH MONDAY, Anin 8th, AT 8.3o p. ni. .VINZELS Orchestra tor dancing int steamer's BeW ball rooni. Three hours. on beautiful Lake Huron for oc Chi1drttt ose. Last Trip Ooderich to Detroit, Vriday, June eat% at skso •