The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-07, Page 4.,n
A* the Re lta11 Drug Store
staeeial. /terns are supplied direct to as by the manufact-
ke advantage. of them before our stock is exhausted.
"Save With Safety at Your'ReiraII Drug Store"
al No, x ---29c, Taste your
choice, of these Sec, 60c, 65e
se Klenzo Tooth Brush -
every tooth Brush is guar -
ed perfect.
No. 2—Free a 25c cake
of Jonteel Toilet Soap Free
with every Jar of Jonteel Cold
or Jonteel Combination Cream
at sot,
special No. 3—A doc Shampoo
Innetiarat; Ont.
Brush and a .35c bottle Emul-
sified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo,
both for 5oc.
Special No. 4 - 5e Exercise
Books, ruled 7 for aac; tot
Scribblers or Exercise Books
for 25C.
Special No. 5 — 5o Envelopes
(Kid Finish) Free with every
purchase of a too Sheet Writ-
ing Pad -"(Kid Finish) at 39c.
X11 o 's rug- Store
rho anvt,cidit Seam
1111•,: 11111111111111311111111161111111111111111111111
Phone 53 �6
III11111 AIUIatIl011111s111E0I11 II®I11111111'".'11!1411IInHII
`OR SALE CHEAP — x3 assorted i NOTICE
traps $1,25; Coal Heater and pipes; By-law No. 9,52 of the Town of
Chemical Closet, pipes and tablets Wingham was passed at the regular
$2.50;. 2 boat oars; x Wash stand meeting of Wingham Town Council
(dark Oak); .2, doz. a gal gem jars; on y 4th.
also my house on MinnieSt. A. J. , Th s `By-law is to regulate and sic
Filo4i. • 1 erase all public dances held within the
OR SALE—A good Milch Cow Town of Wingham for which an'ad-
due to calve about May loth. --Day
mission fee is charged or paid. The
id Deacon, Route 5, Wingham. license fee for each dance is One Dol-
Ilar. The license must be taken out
Phone 13-629.
previous to the dance and may be
?ASTURE TO RENT FOR , TWO obtained at the Town Clerk's Office.
Cows, charges moderate. Apply to`All Public Dances must close at one
Jas. Fowler, Diagonal Road. o'clock A. M. except Saturday even -
OR SALE—Heifer Calf seven mon- ings when they are required to close
at 11.3o P. M,
the old. Apply to R. J. Bloom.- -
field, B. Line. W. H. Willis, :Mayor
• W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
+OR SALE—Second hand Overland`
'Auto. Apply to Mrs. Griffin, Joseaj SCHOOL REPORT
phine St. S. S. No. u, Turnberry,
tUCTION .SALE—Estate of the late Sr' IV—Margaret Pullen.
Jr. IV—Henry Finley, Hazel Wil -
Mary Ann Garniss at Bluevale, on son, Jean Orvis, Harry Newell, Mary
Saturday, May gth„ at 3 , o'clock. Pullen, Ivy Cruickshanks.
See bills for list of household anti -1 Sr, III—Georgina Pullen, Ada Phip-
cies, including piano, sewing ma-
chines, rugs etc. Pen, Velma Orvis, Bernice Wright,
G. O. Thornton, Executor. James Cruickshanks, Gladys Welsh,
T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. t Jr. III—Gertrude Deyell, Eva Dick -
}son, Doris Holloway; GarfieldFinley.
OR SALE -A strong baby buggy Sr. II—Mac Groves, Gladys Newell,
for sale cheap. Apply to the Ad Viola Phippen,. Thelma Phippen,
vance: Howard Baker
Jr. II—Mildred Phippen, Mary -Or -
'OR SALE—Composite Range, wat- vis, Maud Kerr, Beth Holloway, Lil-
er front. Apply at the Advance, Tian Groves, Fred Finley, Arline Bak -
?tried `Tenders addeessed to the un
ersigned:, and endorsed "Tender for
redwing, Collingwood, Ont.," etc., as
ie case inay be, will be received until
z o'clock noon (daylight saving),
'uesday, May 12, zges, for dredging
tquired at Collingwood and Gode-
'ch, in the province of Ontario.
-• Tenders will not be considered un -
'!ss made on .the forms supplied by
ie Department and according to th
anditions set forth therein.
Combined specification and form o
'rider can be obtained on applicatio
the undersigned, also at the office
the District Engineers, Royal Ban
bidding, London, Ont., and Equit
wilding, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders must include the towing o
ie plant to and from the work.
The dredges and other plant whit
,'e intendadto be used on the wor
Mail have been duly, registered in Ca
xda at the time of the filing of the
rider with the Department, or shall
zve been built in Canada after the
ing of the tender.
Fadi tender must be:acconapanied
an accepted cheque on a chartered
ayable to the order of the Min -
Public Works, for 5 per cent.
ittract price, but no cheque
ess than fifteen hundred
ars: Bonds of the Dominion of
lath `arid bonds of the Canadian
atioeal Railway Company will also
accepted as security, or bonds and
cheque if required to make up an
tl aixromit,
By Order,
zit of Public Works,
a, April 29, 192s.
; xst. Class -Marion Robertson, Lil-
lian Baker, Reginald Wilson, Ted
Holloway, Bill Thompson, Fred Hor-
ne, Agnes Newell, Pearl Finley, Stu-
art Ritchie, Annie Dennis, Gertrude
Kicks, Austin Thompson.
Sr. Primer—Evans Wilson, Mar-
guerite Phippen, Norah, Newell, Jini
Netterfield,.Harry Bailey, Willie Hun-
Jr. Primer—Kenneth Rintoul, Dor-
e othy Phippen, Gordon Thompson,
Ralph Baird, June Groves, Hazel Or-
f vis, Adeline Laker, Herbert' Hunter,
11 Stuart Holloway.
TJldene McLean, Teacher.
Y Trumpet Vine Orders
The orders now on hand will be
filled as early as possible. Parties
h who 'did not place their order can
k get good plants at anytime next week
for fifty -cents each. A. W. Webster,
Up -stairs over the Advance -Times
Splendid Dwelling Burns
' About a quarter to one o'clock on
Tuesday of last week the spacious re
sidence of Mr. William Gamble, sit-
uated about half way between Gorrle
and Wroxeter on the gth con. of How -
ick was discovered to be on fire, The
alarm was quickly given by telephone
and in a very short time willing work-
ers from both villages and the sur-
rounding country were on hand. The
kitchen and the woodshed were saved
from the flames. The fire started on
;the roof, probably from a spark from
;the chimney, and most of the contents
1were removed before the fire worked
itself down. The house was one of
,the finest in Hawick and was built
by the late Wm. Evans,
WINWIAl , ,)3 A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith of St.
Nelms, spent Thursday at the home
of Mr. Frank Irwin,
Mr. Morgan Dalton, Kingsbridge,
had the mishap to let his team run
away and break his leg.
Miss Maggie Shackleton and Geo.
Drennan of Courey's Corner, spent
Thursdaj> evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. Mullin,
Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Enunerson, Kin-
loss, spent Sunday at" the latter's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Nixon.
Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Stothers and
girls of Dungannon, spent Sunday at
the tatter's brother, Mr. Alex Hack-
ett, Belfast.
We are sorry to report the ser-
ious illness of little Betty Taylor,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Tay-
lor of Lucknow. She was taken to
Wingham' Hospital on Saturday for
an operation, Her many' friends hope
for a speedy recovery,
Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Webster. of
Lucknow, spent Sunday with the for"
niers sister, Mrs. W. G, G. Reid, of
Mr. and Mrs. James Webster and
Harold, of Glen's Hill, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Vint, loth. Con.
Mr. and. Mrs, Clarence Shackleton
of Wingham, spent a few days renew-
enewing 'old acquaintances around Mafe-
king, Belfast and Lanes.
We are sorry to report the illness
of a number of -the little children in
this community, We hope for a
speedy improvement.
The habit criminals have of getting
arrested far, far away from the scene
ofthe crime, gives a lot of officers a
nice trip.
"As indispensable
as the Telephone"
"As indispensable as the
Telephone" is now a
favourite slogans used
by many large manu-
facturers in their
advertising, when de-
. scribing their goods.
A frank recognitior
that speed of communi-
cation is the most vital
factor in expanding
business and social life.
Indeed, a firm's position in
the business world may be
fairly judged by the extent
to which it uses the tele-
phone -and especially Long
We now handle an average
of over 41,000 Long Dis-
tance calls a day.
1 Costs a family less than 3% of its
-' annual• outlay
111111111151111111111111111 "1111NIII111IIIA01111111IIIt1t1111111111111111
1 R reg Creamery til
1 q LTTE. *_
I. Butter .delivered eyery Wed i
nesday and Satairday fresh from Pi
V the churn to consumer.
Phone 6og r 4. ' Ire
Blnevale Creamery
iiIIIB 111mllJ.r 111,ImIl61llltll!'-^•lw1111IIlgtl! IIItA
B P < 1116
Ire the Canadian egg laying contest
at Ottawa in 1921-24, and the Canad-
ian and Ontario contests 1924-25, in-
clusively, our pens of S. C. White
Leghorns as winter egg producers
were in first place. When buying
your baby chicks why not buy ` Ca-
nadian chicks with years of good re-
putation backof thein when they can
be secured at practically same cost as
American chicks. Leghorn chicks x2
cents each. Rocks x5 cts each. June
delivery, In order to get them early
in June, it will be necessary for you
to place your order without delay. . P
Rev Robert McCallum, minister of
the Presbyterian Church Lucknow,
died unexpectedly about -nine "o'clock
on Sunday morning at the home of
a friend in Ailsa Craig, following a
brief illness with pneumonia. Mr,
McCallum conducted the services in
his ' cliurch last Sunday, apparently in
the best of health.
On Monday he left to motor to
London to attend the meeting of the
Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and
London. On the way he stopped off
at Ailsa Craig to visit a friend, who
was shortly to leave for the Old
Country, and while there he suddenly
developed pneumonia. Even then the
illness was not regarded as serious.
Early Sunday morning, however,
the family were notified that Mr. Mc-
Callum was sinking and' they left im-
mediately for Ailsa Craig, arriving
there only twenty minutes before dea-
th occured. The news of Mr,. Mc-
Callum's death was received while his
congregation were zn the midst < of
celebrating the sista anniversary of
the church, with Rev. Prof, ' Munson
conducting theservice, The evening
services were cancelled and the memb-
ers of the congregation .worshipped
on Sunday evening with the Method-
ist congregation.
Mr. McCallum had been in charge
of Lucknow church for some eight or
nine years. He carie there from
Tara, Ont. He was greatly liked by,
the members of his congregation and,
when the majority voted against.. un-
ion while Mr. McCallum • was an ad-
vocate of entering the United Church,
all, regardless cf their views on
the union issue, felt concern that he
should resign front the church.
Mr. McCallum was a native of
Scotland . He Is survived. by his wide
ow and five children,' Johanna, a tea-
cher in Hamilton; Martha, of Lon-
don; Margaret, teacher, Lucicnow, and
James and Robert, of Detroit. The
funeral will be held on Wednesday,
with 'a service in the Presbyterian
church, Lucknow, in charge of the
Maitland Presbytery, Interment will
be made in Greenhill Cemetery.
Gasoline Explodes
On Tuesday afternoon when J. H.
Brown wai cleaning the grease out
of the office floor of the Chevrolet
Garage with gasoline whick he was
using with a mop, without a mom-
ent's warning the gasoline burst in-
to flames and the room acting as a
combustion chamber the fumes ex-
ploded and the new plate glass win-
dow was blown out smashing the
big frame at, the bottom. Miss Olive
Hall, the bookkeeper *as burned
about the lower limbs as the fire
spread over the floor. There was
very little damage done outside of
the shattered plate glass window.
Since writing the above it is learn-
ed that Miss Hall also received bad
burns on the hands and face and
would have been injured much more
seriously but for the quick action of
Mr. John ,Grenache who extinguished
the flames about her. clothing.
Cheaper In Wingham?
The editor of this paper made a
few business calls in Wingham on
Monday this week and one business
man in particular took pride in
stating that the prices in Wingham
werealways less than in Teeswater,
to which we took exception in one or
two particular things at least. Mer-
chants of •Teeswater it is up to yoti
to even up things and tell the people
that this is not so. Now that the
motors cars are running, the mer
ant with the lower prices, well -kept
clean stock and a good assortment
and who advertises his prices, is go-
ing to get the business. What the
merchants of Teeswater need to
stimulate' trade is a good dose of ad-
vertising backed up with goods at
prices that meet .competition. It can,
lie done. It has been intimated to
tis `that out-of-town merchants sell
cheaper to Teeswater customers
than they do their own Ideal people,
but we can not verify to the truth
of this, as we have not been able to
place our hands on . any specific case.
If it's the truth it's rather unfair to
the ;local people and a poor business
policy.--Teeswater Newi,
Wingham Talent
It is with a certain amount of pride
that the citizens of . Wingliam will
read the following account of the play
given by Wingham talent in Kincard-
ine last week. This is what the Kin-
cardine Reporter has to say about it.
"On Thursday April xd the Abel
Concert Company, of Wingham, stag-
ed a goad concert here under the aus-'
picas of the local Girl Guides, playing"
to a wall -filled house. The first part
of the program consisted of various
usical and entertaining numbers.
r. Bert Abel, Comedian; Mr. J. H.
obb, monologuist; Miss Nancy Tay-
r, dancer; Miss Sarah McLean, sop-
rano; Mr. A. IV f. Forbes, baritone, and
iss Bessie Abel, pianists, proved
ienSelves to be artists and every
Thui Psiday May 7tb., x905:.
AAIampl pull Ivemp hippo hill inpuipimplimIIittolllp lllplliMpl## IIII, ultitIp111l oilloi
It's Springtime at
Greer's Shoe Store ...
Now is the time to complete your'
Spring Costume by the selection'
of New Shoes. When you have o.
seen Greer's exhibit of Spring Stylesit
we believe that you will agree that
it is the most attractive and varied
display of Footwear ever shown in,
Wingham. . . %s
11111111ISI I1®III®I I IA1111111I111111IA1111E 111A111511IAi111A11311116111114111161131111/111111114
number was heartily encored.
The second part of the program was
a one act comedy entitled "That Ras-
cal Pat," by the entire 'troupe, Mr.
Abel plays the leading part in this
and excells as an Irish comedian The
centres around Pat McNoggarty, am
Irish servant, who undertakes to ser-
ve two roasters at once andruns into.
&faculties which he gets out of in a.
most humorous manner. The audien-
ce was well pleased with the evening's•
cast'supported him well, each taking program and sincerely hope this corn-
their part to perfection. The plot I 'pally may receive good -patronage."
iIA1111101111A1 imiliiIlIlllll®III■II1HI1101II111IIA1Aimilinlimiiniosimll11 imaimillIuiiimunifiniir
Lyceum _ Theatre
ii a
. ,,
ii P. -.. : �.. _.. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. -a
q ` Inspiration ii:
Pictures, Inc.iii
id May 7, and —
IN — i
„� �u`^...The White Sister :
_ Ran 6 months- on Broadway at, =;
® a ar' • $a.00 Prices.
i in
' Spectacle: The Volcano Ves
i l " uvius in actual eruption, tons of
_� z` it -
lava pouring down the mountain
side. Thrills; a great reservoir a
i r, bursts and water rushes on a —_II
whole town. Action: a fight iia,,.. at
tilthe desert with Arabs, scores. of I
camel riders. Scenes of the pic- iii
'+ ` G.•+ , ture were actually taken in Italy
; sot the when Mt. Vesuvius was in +er-
4s ,' l ` option. _Also scenes in Serbia. II-
iii:•� . Acclaimed "The Best" photo r.
prodz tion O7° •; play running today.
Most Poignantly
Beautiful Picture
Ever Produced
Prices 25 and 5o cents.
Tax included.
Mon., Tues. and Wed.,
May 11, 12 and 13
The Hunchback
of Ire Damo
With, Lon Chaney'arid .
Patsy R. 1Viiller s1
.The strangest romance ,of all 111,
time set in scenes of splendor.
A cast of 3000 includk g• 3o well ael
known stars.
It teams with action!
It is replete with Incident!
It tells Tender Love Tale!
It is Colorful and Magnificent!
It Charms the . Eye and the
Victor Hugo's . immortal love
epic has been trade into a tyre-.
ntendous super -play;
The spiritual background of thea
Ire bathe of Our Lady. eery• is -the Cathedral ate • No-tre I�
against .which as the atory progresses are hut' t
led mighty op•posing•. forces,
Quasimado, the hunchback, has 'for • u1.
Iyotn Claude, the Archdeacon of `th f r master, sitnad bi~oths ps it
e chueth, {2uasimado warships
Dom Claude with a spirit of reverent • awe. Jehiav his •control over.
the'Hunchback when he exercises , his magic forces, xz reels,
Prices z5 and 5o cents, last Included
III1f111N11111011011111 N1M111i0111 1110111 1111111111MrN1 1111111011111111 NII1Mf1UM11111If111101fA111111111 111111