HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-07, Page 1sr. Single Copies, Five Cents. WlNG1IArVI, ONT., THURSDAY MAY 7th., 1925 Subscriptions $2. 'Town Council, Puts A Ban On Dancing After 1 A. M "The Mayor, Reeve and all the al- =dermen were present at the last meet- ing of the 'Wingham town council on Monday night, The minutes of, lire-. vious meeting were read by the clerk, A communication was read from J. W. King, M.P. in answer to a re - .quest from Reeve McK.ibbon for some worth while war memorial or trophy 'to be placed on the green in front of Wingham's War Memorial: Mr. King said he could not at ;present 'se- •cure' a captured cannon or any large piece of memorial but would do the best he could. ' The Wingham Tire & Vulcanizing Co. asked permission to put in a gas :tank and pump in front of their store. This permission was granted on mot= ion of Councillor 'Bennett. The work of installation to be done under the .supervision of the street committee.:, A letter read from the brother of -the'. late J, Richardson in which they :turned overhis small house and lot ,and other property tothe town. This ;will be .sold and the proceeds will go to pay funeral expenses and doctor's' • P.S.—On Sunday, May r7th, the ta- bill: of the ratepayers to discuss the pro- ject, Councillor, Fells said he was not in favor, after speaking to sev- ..eral ratepayers he found thein oppos- ed.' The United :Church Sunday, May loth., 1925,' 9.5$ a.m,—Sunday School and Bible. Classes, Next Sunday is special in the School. The programme will be in .keeping with Mother's Day. In addition itwill be "Go to Sunday School" Day. A movement is being made throughout Canada 'to have ev- ery one in the community in Sunday School next Sunday. Will you assist to make ours a banner attendance in the Sehool. ro a.m. The Morning Prayer and Praise Service in the board room. r1 a.m. Morning worship. The Rev. Mr. Cragg in charge. 7. p.m.—Evening service, The Rev. Mr. McIntosh, will conduct the ser- vice. • blet which is being erected in memory Mr. Wilkinson reported that the of the members and adherents of the -fire committee -had purchased too feet Methodist Church who laid down their =of hose, 7 rubber coats and two pair lives during the great war, will be •of firemen's boots: unvieled: All the returned men in the Mr. Haney recommended the pur- community are asked to occupy seats -chasing of 200 seats for the Opera in the centre of the church. Uniforms 'House and he moved, seconded by not necessary.. • -Court. Smith that the Property Com- mittee be 'authorized to purchase 200 chairs for Opera House at a cost not to exceed $Soo—Carried. Both the :the mover and the seconder urged the great need of afore respectable look- ing chairs. At present a person rent- ed the Opera House for $15. the piano for $4. and if they got half a crowd they would have to borrow .chairs from St. Andrews Church or rent them from the furniture` dealers. Before the motion was put Conn. Smith aske dfor the yeas and naes to be taken with the result as follows:: Yeas—Haney, Smith, McKibbon, Bennett, Wilkinson and Mitchell. Naes--Fells and Whi's The property committee will also "need to ap"tid a couple of hundred dollars in repairing the roof of the Town Hall, It should have been at- tended to before as the rain has come through and stained the 'newly dec- orated wralls. Mr. Fells, chairman, of the, street ommittee, reported having let the .job of r: -:rig the road and sidewalk Lnortii of. the C,N:R., tracks on Jose - Thine St also preparations for the raising of the sidewalk on Victoria. St.: between Diagonal Road and Jos- ephine St. The Reeve asked if the jabs had been advertised and let by tender, he was informed they had not. Mr. :McKibben: said he thought all town work should. be let by tender_ Capt. Neville of the Salvation Army asked the Council for free use of the town hall for ,'Sunday and Monday, May 24th., and 25. He was granted the • hall free for Sunday afternoon and evening. The London Citadel Band will give sacred concerts at both these services and on 'Monday might. Councillor Mitchell reported the ce- .metery in good shape and Werk of levelling and sodding going ahead, Bylaw No, 952 regulating public ,dances in the town was read three ;1times and passed on motion of Coun. Fells and Mitchell.' The. Bylaw calls for each party putting on a dance in •'the town to pay a. license fee of $1,00 to the corporation. It also stops all dances at r o'clock,The\reasnboof • the bylaw being introduced'`was, -cause of considerable annoyance by rowdyism and noise after a recent dance,. Citizens complained that they were aroused from their slumbers in the wee sum hours and could not get to sleep for the disturbance.`' Reeve Meibbon brought to the attention of the council the fact that the old Bank of Continence building could, :be purchased for abortt $300:0, and he 'believed it would be at ex- cellent site for a Public Library, Wingham has' lack of accommodation for a long banquet hall aiid if the lib- rary was moved from the room in the hall it would' make an excellent placeuc for serving banquets, and by putting in doable sliding doors betweenthis room and the council chamber the ac- commodation wottld be perfect. Coun. Sniith expressed himself as favorable to the idea. The btiilding could not be put up for $20,000. A revenue could be derived from renting the up- stairs: ' Several other councillars fav- ored the holding' of a public. riieeting Dies Very Suddenly While e Working in The Garden Death came with startling sudden- ess to John McGee at his home in Belgrave on Wednesday afternoon, The Late John MdGee April -29th. He had been in the best of health and spirits, had rested for a time after dinner and went out to work in his garden. He was only out a few minutes when he was suddenly'' called Honr.e Deceased was 'born in Lanark Coup ty and he had reached the ripe old age of 8o 'years and 7 months, In the fall of 1866 he came to East Wa- wanosh purchased a bush farm on the loth con. and went at to clear it with a will. Three`years'later he returned to Lanark and brought home a bride, Elizabeth Stewart This grand old couple lived on this farm • until six years ago when they retired and mov- ed to Belgrave,- They celebrated: the fifty-fifth anniversary of their wed- ding on New Years Day. This high- ly esteemed old couple lived quiet and reserved lives and were beloved by all who knew. them. Five children survive viz. Harry F. and Stewart of Wingham, (Jennie)''' Mrs. Simpson of London, (Carrie), . Mrs. Jas. -Robert- son ' of. West Seattle, and John J. on the homestead. Funeral, services were held in the Belgrave Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon and were conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. Currie. A large con- course of friends , followed the re- mains to their last resting place in Wingham cemetery, The pallbearers were his three son and three: neph= ews, ..Harry Robt. and Leask McGee. Rev. Dr. Perrie assisted with the ser- vices at the grave. Among the floral tributes were a wreath from W. M. S. of Belgrave, sheaf from the Masons of Wingham, and ae pillow from the family. pe Local and General News of Interest to The Comrou.nit Play Worthy of Support A Company composed of Local tal- ent, will present. a Comedy in three act, entitled, "The Solvingof th Ser- vant Problem," in the Wingham Op- era House, on Friday evening, May 22nd. This play is being given under the auspices of The Womens Instit- ute. The proceeds used for charit- able purp'ses. Soft Ball' Owing to the unfavorable weather only three games have been played during the past week. Rinky Dinks and Regular Lions played an interesting game last Wed nesday evening, the score was Rinky Dinks 1I, Lions 6. The game between the Clerks and Hennas Lions and Tigers and Savag- es, will be played in the near future. On Monday evening the Western Foundry and Rinky Dinks played on the High School Campus which re- sulted in a win for the Western Fou- ndry, score 23-13. Tuesday evening the . North end Manufacturers and Bluevale played, score 24-10 in favor of North End Mfgs. Games this week 'are, Thurs- day, Western Aces vs. Savages, Mon- day, . Bluevale vs. Western Foun- dry, Tuesday, Tigers vs. Fry Gunn Ola, The Salvation -Army London. Citadel Band under the leadership of Bandmaster Woods will be visiting Wingham, on May 23rd, 24th and 25th. Further announcements next week. Big Attraction at Wingham Preparations are being .completed for a gala day in Wingham on Mon- day, May 25th. Palmer's big Merry - Go -Round, 'Ferris Wheel and other Mr. and Mrs. 'F. W. Mertens of Weston Enjoy Silver Wedding attractions will be in the town park'' The enclosed clipping taken from There will also be games in the morn- ing for the kiddies and in. the after- noon Clinton will play lacrosse with Wingham and Teeswater will play 'baseball. In addition to all this the noted Salvation Army Band of Lon- don will be in town and will :put on a concert,, in, the town hall at night. Surely this will draw the biggest crowd to Wingham for any 24th., celebration. St. Paul's Church Notes May to ---Fourth Sunday after Easter. 11 a, m--Mattins. 2.30 p. m:.—Srtnday School. 7 p; m,—Evensong. Services will be held in Parish Hall. Friday, May 8th, s.30, a meeting of the Ladies' Guild will be held at the home of the President, Mrs, Geo, Al- len. All the members'are urgently re- quested, to attend. The special services for the reopen- ing 'of the Church will be held on Stitch -1.y May r7tlt: Remember welcome awaits you at St, Paul's Church. All seats free. Mr. Fred Mapuel of Detroit,: mater - ed over and spent it few days in town with his mother, Mothers ]Day May ioth. "Re- member Re-ni tuber mother laves Candy." Spec- ial boxes with appsgopria;te mottos. $;oo to $2,00 at l\ieIibbons Drug Store, Toronto Evening Telegram of April 27th„ will be of interest to readers of this paper. ' "The celebration in Weston on Sat- urday afternoon by Councillor F. W. Mertens and, Mrs. Mertens of :the 25th anniversary of their wedding at the family residence, 16e Rosemount avenue, was an enjoyable event. Mr. Mertens was born in Stouffville and lived for some time in Uxbridge be- fore coming to Weston. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Mertens took place in • Wingham,4 in Huron County, of v;liich Mrs. Mertens, whose maiden name • was Miss Etta Rush, was a native. Rev. Richard ; Hobbsper- formed the ceremony. Some of the out-of-town visitors were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mertens and fathily, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton, of Brantford; Mr, and. Mrs. ri. G. 'Snider and daughter, of Vattdorf Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Tar- box and sots, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E, B. Hart, of Uxbridge; Dr,. 'T'0s. Chisholm, ex-M.P,, of .Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L, Nicholls and daugh- ter; of Stayner. • In the evening about thirty of the immediate relatives sat down to din- ner. Rev. 1; B. Welwyn, pastor of the, Weston Methodist Church, and Dr. T. Chisholm proposed a toast to the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago, which was responded, to by Sr. F. W. Mertens. ��•,il".d,9,". Among those who were present at the wedding twenty-five years ago be- sides the bride's mother, who resides with her, ,were her bridesmaid, now Mrs, H. V. Hutton, of Brantford, and her brother, Mr, F, N. Rush, who supported the. groom. Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Hart, of Uxbridge; Dr. Thos. Chisholm, ex-M.P., for East Huron, now of Toronto. The wedding gifts were especially numerous and testified in some meas- ure the love and esteem in which Mr. and Mrs: Mertens are held by their friends and acquaintances. Mr, Mer- tens is a member of the Weston Cotiitcil," Liberals Will Meet The;; arintal meeting of the Liber- aris of North Huron will be held in the town hall, Wingharn, on Tuesday, May :26t11.. This meeting will be for both Dominion and Provincial pur- poses, Card of Thanks The family of the late John McGee wish to express their sincere thanks for kindness and sympathy extended to them at the time of their sudden bereavement. They also wish . to snake mention of the excellent ser- vice and courtesy of the girls .at cen- tral, Minister Follows. Plow Who said pastors were afraid to soil their hands. Rev. C. E. Cragg actually plowed his garden with a re al surely -to -goodness plow and Rev. W. D. McIntosh went him one better and dug his garden. We sup- pose that the other clergymen of town are equally as industrious but our representative has not happened to see thein at4 work. Receives Degree of 13. Corn. We are pleased to notice that Miss Edna Musgrove, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs, A. H, Musgrove, who has been attending Queen's University, Kings- ton, has been successful in passing her final examination in the depart- ment of Commerce acid Administra- tion, obtaining the degree of B. Com. (Bachelor of Commerce). This de - BAPTIST CHURCH gree is the academic qualification for Sunday evening, subject. "The Commercial Specialist in High Schools Mystery of a World without Sin.". God's purpose is to restore all things as they were before the rebel- lions of Satan and the fall of marl, Bring your Bible tied enjoy,;;the study, ',vangelist Turnbull will return to Witigham for meetings starting May Both., D, V. Let all Christians Sray, ( Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Angus left week for Detroit. Mrs. A. Lavelle Taylor, of London. visited with her sister, Miss McCrack en, and Collegiate Institutes, The Ad- vance -Times congratulates "Teddy" on her well earned success. Convo- cation for conferring degrees was on Wednesday, May 6th. Broadmindedness, sinile when another fellow pets the for a real awakening in qui town. girl you brought to the partyl I ie ability to .1 s Dr, Ernest Linklater and wife of Toronto,are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Link later, Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Catherine Young, who celebrat- ed her 89th, birthday at her home on Sunday. Last week Mrs. Elizabeth Pocock returned from 'Toronto, where site has spent the winter with her family and rriends. Mrs. F. W. Wright and Mrs. Stew- art of Tilsonburg, are guests at the home of councillor E. J. and Mrs. Mitchell. Don't fail to attend the play in the Opera House on Friday evening, May 22nd. and learn how and where to hire your servants. Ship via Dominion Express. Prompt Telegraph Service, Canadian Pacific Railway Tickets. Phone 47, G. L. Baker, Agent, A soft ballteam of •Wingham: Odd - fellows will play the Luckngw Odd - fellows in Lucknow on Friday even.; ing, May rsth. The Catholic Womens League will hold their euchre and dance in the church hall, on May 12t11. Every- body welcome. Be sure and see the play entitled, "Solving the Servant Problem;," giv- en under the auspices of the Womens Institute, Friday evening, May 222d. You can choose your Wall Paper quietly in your own home and have a price quoted on the jobcomplete, by calling Elmer Wilkinson at phone 228. Mothers Day, May ; roth. - "Re- member mother loves Candy." Spec- ial boxes with 'appropriate motto's. $1.00 to $2.00 at McKibbons Drug Store. Social Dance, Mildmay Town Hall, Friday May 8th. Chas. Cody's Nov- elty Orchestra of Owen Sound will furnish the music. Admission $1.25 couple, Pineapple Week -Next week Pine- apples will be at their best. We have plenty of the large sizes. Your order will be appreciated;—J. H. McKay's Restaurant. • iBe on hand at the Opera House on t Friday evening, May 22nd, to see ;Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Tay- lor and Miss Nancy Taylor in Se- otch dances. Mr, and Mrs. Matt. Sproule and Will Sproule and Mr. Drennan Mc- iIntosh of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mrs: Wm. Henderson and' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivins, The Business Places of Wingham will be closed each Wednesday after- noon during May, June, July, Aug ust, September and October, except- ing in weeks where public holidays tome. We wish to correct a typographical error which appears in the Wingham Enterprise advt. on page 3 of this pa- per. They are giving a club bag or suitcase with every ladies' coat pur- chased. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shielis of East Wawanosh, celebrated the 45th., anniversary of their wedding on Tues- day, April 28th. Their many friends wish them the best of health and prosperity. Mr. Harry McClenaghan of 11c1 - rave, wishes to publicly thank his friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy extended to him at the tune of his recent sad bereavement in the death of his beloved wife. Reserve the date of May 22nd to at- tend the Comedy given by Local Tal- ent under the auspices of the Wo - mens Institute for charitable purpos- es. Hurrah The Junior Farmers have pleasure in announcing their first dance of the season to be given in the Council Chamber, Wingham, on Thursday evening, May 7th. Five piece orchestra. .Ladies and Gents ;oc; BORN McEwen—In Goderich on Saturday, 'May and. 025, to Mr, and Mrs,' George G. MacEwan, (nee Edna Scott,) a daughter, (Grace Eleanor), Williamson—In Toronto, on `.hui;yilrry, • April 2xst., to Mr, and Mrs. A:, S. 'Williamson,' a son. Archie Stewart, A