HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-23, Page 7Thursday, April rl , fi905 WINGI•IAMt ADVAN &%E -TIMI .ADDING CRYSTAL DETECTORS TO TUBE SETS By R, M. 'S1 Brill (Radio Engineer) It is a well known fact that detec- tors cannot be excelled'for their quali- ty of tone and quietness, in detecting radio signals, There .are a number of high grade tube sets on the 'market which, continue to use . a crystal . in place of a tube for the detector. Many of the sets now using tube • • r/claERD/AL SEcnlvnARY tubes but with a • crystal detector, i give as much volume • as before, be quieter in operation, 'and be very ;much more selective, In addition, as all of the tubes are now acting as am- plifiers„ you do not have to fool with.. the tapped B battery for your .detec- tor plate. voltage, Moreover, the grid condenser and grid leak are eliminat- ed. Take, as , an 'example, the tickler set ..shown in Figure x. The sec.• PLATE FILAMENT ,p.P AMPCIF,ER rICKLER'DIAL C4IL18RATE THIS DMA FOR WAVELENGTHS SUPER DYNE FIGURE a TR Cif FILAMENrs aF. DerecroR ' O A•F.A14PUFIER eimir;• , COIL$ sET BACK FROM PANEL TO HYO/D aoo)-CAPACI'rr r/cfrLER SECONDARY PR,MARy detectors may be easily changed to use crystals. The tubes Which were previously used for -detectors, may, if •they., are -hard tubes 'such as the UV .201A, be used -as radio frequency am- plifiers. With such an arrangement %2 set will, with the same number •of .9LOCK TO gDJVSr O srAixce 8E•rwiEN SECONDARY ANO rlrl(I.Ent I and diagram shows how this same circuit was converted into one with an R., F. amplifier and a 'crystal de- tector. The same number of tubes are used in both circuits. The extra parts needed are: i .23 plate variable condenser. as " El+r MEM se Su Els® erten p1.:,,.s;.�� i Costs no more than the ordinary kind Ea 111 .10 ,1 We have opened a Service Station gra Wingharn Oppo ite the Bell F .l. dory and invite you to buy your Gasoline from us. A .TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK - 101111311 611 Barri Phone 174, Winghami. We also handle Kerosene, Motor Oil, Cup Grease, in la Transmission Lubricants, Etc. !Billion nom .: malualtll®viiiman SHALL WE C n P f`I' AND CONSERVE OUR FOREST CAPITAL STABILIZE INDUSTRY ENSURE FUTURE PROSPERITY; or SHALL WE MINE IT, AND DEPLETE OUR FOREST CAPITAL UNDERMINE INDUSTRY MENACE FUTURE 'PROSPERITY National interest and National Security demand the Treatment Of Our Forest Resource as a Crop THE OBSTACLE TO PROPER TREATMENT IS FIRE THE CAUSE OF FIRE IS CARELESSNESS THE CURE 0I CARELESSNESS IS AROUSED PUB - WC OPINION We Must All Play Our Part HON. CI•I:ARLES STn ART, Minister of !the Interior TF1 WROXETER =COUNCIL Council meth regular meeting on April 27th,, x925. Present; -Alex. Wright, A. J, Sanderson, Gavin Da- vidson, E. Dobbs. Reeve Idenneberg in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted onmotion of Wright and Sanderson, Accounts were; --T, G.' Hemphill, power and relit for • March 149.00; PI, Patterson, running E. L plant, ov- 211 er time supplies and wovk r. 65c, 75c9 85c per l Bert 11lartin, work and supplie$565:700°;;• I Municipal World, supplies 4:25; J, N, a _•COFFEE Im Alin, for school purposes 65o.00. Motion of Davidson and Sanderson OC per b. is that these accounts be paid and ;,or- tiers drawn on treasurer for same, P COCOA Motion of Dobbs and Davidson that 40e peril. F When you buy any of these specialties at .Cbristies you're getting the BEST that Money Can Procure, 6 Try a Small Quantity with your next order. EVERYTHING IN CHINA- = WARE AND NOVELTIES -r 11411.111E11111111111111111111.10111110111 111E1111 Council refund Bank of Commerce $88, over charges on Electric +light used. N_ Motion of Wright and Davidson that Council accept Collectors . roll. Hall Committee was asked to see that the Town Hall be cleaned 'up and be kept in better condition.. Motion of Sanderson and Wright, P. Council adjourned to meet at regular. meeting or call of the Reeve. Fred Davey, Clerk. 1111E111 i Crystal detector, x R. F. transformer (home-made). I 200 Ohm potentiometer. i Switch lever and points. It will be noticed that in the second circuit the tickler has been replaced by the new -variable condenser CC, so , that the total number of tuning controls remains the same. Construction The condenser tuned R. F. trans- former T is very easily made, Care should be taken in its construction however, in order to take advantage of the selectivity which is obtainable. The secondary consists of 5o turns of 24 gauge copper wire wound on a 3.5 inch diameter. This winding should be evenly spaced, the turns being separated by the width of the wire. The primary winding consists of 3o turns of the same wire wound directly over the secondary winding It is well to have a sheet of writing paper between these two windings. The• prirritry winding should be tapp- ed at 10, 20 and 3o turns. The crystal detector. should -be of the semi -fixed type. This crystal is not nearly so hard to adjust when it has a tube amplifier before it, and it will usually hold its adjustment for a long time. • The by-pass condenser, shown across the primary of the audio fre- quently transformer has a capacity of 0.00025 lVifd. The grid condenser from the original circuit may be used for this.by-pass. The potentiometer is.for controlling the grid voltage of the first tube to prevent it from oscillating. When the' slider on the potentiometer is mov- ed over to the positive side, the poli.. tive voltage which is thereby. applied to the grid is what prevents the oscil- lation. The signals are the loudest however, when the grid is as nega- tive as possible without oscillation. The taps on the primary of the R. F. transformer form a rough control of oscillation. It will be found that for the shorter wave -lengths a small- er number of primary turns should be used. The rotary plates of both conden- sers should be connected to ground. Radio Questions and Answers (Mr. Sherrill will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him in care pf this paper.) J. E, says: "I am not getting very good, results from my electrolytic rectifier for charging batteries. How can I get a higher charging. rate? I' am using two 75 watt lamps at pres- ent. What- strength of Borax solu- tion do you use?" Ans.-You can get a higher charg- Ing rate by adding another 75 watt lamp in parallel with the two , you have at present. This is not advis- able however as• the higher rate will cause too much heating. Put as much Borax in the solution as will dissolve. Stirring the solution will dissolve the Borax faster, ., M. S. T. asks: "Is it necessary for the primary and secondary coils in 'a Superdyne receiver to be wound in the same direction?" Ans.-No. The direction of the 'winding makes no difference. H: G. wants to know "if, in a ,re- ceiver which has the panel and the in- side of the cabinet shielded, it is all right to make the connections fromi the tube sockets directly to the shield, The shield is grounded to the nega- tive side of the A battery." Atte--It is all right to• make the negative, A battery connections in the sockets in this way but 'be sure that everything else is well insulated from the shield, Poor_ Anthony Coccyx! .lie's so cross eyed that everything be puts a penny.it a slot machine he gets salt- ed peanuts instead of chewing guru, EAST WAWANOSH hiss MacGregor is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robert Shiell, Mr. Melville Beecroft, left on. Mon- day for "the last term at London Nor- mal School. Mr. Norman McNeil of Seaforth, is renewing old acquaintances here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell and daughter left on Sunday for their home at Aylmer. 'TWAS THE CONSATE To the Edith" av the Advance-Toirnes Deer Sur,- ' I suppose mebby wiry lasht man in town is glad that Shpring is here,, av- en if we are all six months oulder than we wus- lasht . fall, an the wim- min too are plazed, barrin fer the houseclaynin. What surproises me is, that if; they disloike the jawb, as they say they do. whoy they do so much more ; av it than is nayded. Shure,. the min are ,not askin thim to shtir tings tiip. It musht be the nat- cheral contrayriness av the craythers. .( What differ does it make to us min whether the soideboord shtands on the. aist arr the wesht soide av the doinin room, an the mosht av us wud nivir notice if it wus.,,put out in the kitch-• in, arr down cellar, fer that matther, if it wussen't fer hilpin wid the mov- in it? I nivir cud see the sinse av moven the bidroom furnichoor ar- round into diffrunt positions afther ye git used to havin it wan way, so that whin a--shtoxm .comes up in the noight an ye git up half ashlape to shut the • windies, an bark yer shins agin the dhresser an shtub yer in- growin toe, nail on the rockin cheer, an tink-tings ye mustn't say fer fear the inissus is only purtindin to be ashlape. Shure, wiinmin are loike thim cross wurrud puzzles,' we waste a lot av toime over thim but we hate to give thio up. • Well, annyway winther is over, an. the warrum days will soon 'be here, so us ould fellates kin enjoy 'oursilves sittin in the sun an talkin av the de- giniracy av the roisin ginirashun, jist as can- fathers talked about us, whin. we: wus young. 'Tis the way av the wurruld. We tink the young payple hev all gone crazy fer shports an amusemints, an sometoitnes it Inks loike it, wid the auto roidin, an base ball, an soft ball an all the resht av it, but, Shure,, didn't we hev our own ways av amusin oursilves whin we wus young. I' hild the championship. av the Township fer pitchin harse shoes fer foiveyears in succession, an theer wussen't a young fellah ah- nywheer who cud droive -the shtakes fer the ould harse powertrashin ma- sheens wid fewer shtrokes av the sledge than I cud mesilf, an I nivir met but wan titan who cud trow a showlder shtone• as far as -I cud, in me besht days,, We wus jilt as anxi- ous fer fun, an jist as kane to throy our sldiill again the other fellates, as the byes are to -day, an if we had had anny money, an autos had been in- vented in thim days. Mebby we wud hev been just as crazy as the young payple av these toimes. 'Alleyway tings are as they are, an they moight aisily be betther, an they moight be wurse, an mebby they are fer annyting I know, But, as I said at the shtart av this letther, winther is over an we are glad av it. 'Tis all roight to talk av the beautiful shnow whinye can't hilp yer silf, but, thernosht av us prefer the grane grass. 1 tink .all the soigns point .to a purty . good summer fer business, wid the auto mill dickoratin all the front slitrate wid new gasoline pumps, an the Horticutcht.vral Socie- ty gi.ttiti in a car 'loa'd av Giadolcum bulbs to beautify all the gardens an vacant earners on the back shtratcs, atz inebby an elickshun befoor the summer is over, payple are beginnin 0 0 -74 1E ki 1t1u1llr Nil iltggilfi 111inOIllmftlplflilodB11 ((IImIIIppUl ll ommo 11mm ..-frzingtsms .mss h11M Ii111'1 tti rr Walls With Character NrY room of yours can gain a new and last- ing loveliness, a distinctive character and charm from even the least expensive of the superb new Wallpapers we are now showing. Then, again, We specialize in STAUNTON SEMI..TRIMMED PAPERS which can be accurately and quickly trimmed without the need of a straightedge and knife or a, pair of scissors. They save time and trouble and eliminate half. the disorder in the home when re -papering is in progress. • Let us show' you our new samples for those rooms of yours that need attention 11-11 I> ' S ® aN m I Phones x8 and x16 Agent, Can. Nat. Telegraph Il OMIN111U d1N111E11 N 11111p111e111m11111IB@l1111 IWNI11NWAEAII E I O IIM11 I INl1JE11111111 MMIE! `0•1164041.0•3661.04/101, am.aamorbssoproomemeanosuar, On April 13th We are opening the Egg Po,.r��, for 1925 --.- This will afford the Egg Producer an opportunity to get away from low price Eggs. _Come in and let us talk it over. OUR TRUCKS will soon be on the road Gathering Cream and Eggs, if you call the office we can tell you the. day they pass your/ door. The United Farmers Co -Op. Co., Ltd. Winghall t . - ';tntari,r. lexasatespamoravamantecmaanosannim to regain confidince intings, an to belave that the counthry is comiii troo all roight, so that they are not. afraid to shpind a quarther fer fear they will nivir see it agin. An whin the payple hev confidince in tings the battle is as good as won. 'Twas the consate they had in 'thimsilves that made our Canadian byes such '•a terror at the front, an shure, some av thim brought more av it home wid thim than they nade, if they are all loike me own bye. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Horizontal I. Precise 7. Publish g. Small, powerful engine 12. Pierces x3. Silly 14. A fermented liquor 15, Make harmonious x8. Mineral Spring 2o, Toothed wheel 22, Plate 23: Carry 24, Mohammedanism 26. Prefix meaning "not" 27. Sylvan deity, part man and part horse 28. Energy 30. Distant 31. Finish 32, Atmosphere 33. Tendency 36. Postscript' (abbreviation) 38. Alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river 41, Periods of time 42. Buckle (Archaic) 44, Legal claim 45. The central body of the solar system 46. Long winged sea bird 48. National (abbreviation) 49, Perpendicular style of architec- ture 51. Ladies Ss, Large sea duck 54. Goddess of the hunt 55. Criterion Vertical x. Biblical name 2, Largest island of the West Int die§ Women's girdles Basic substance • from ammonia 5. Sound 6. Seventh letter of the Greek al- phabet 7, Islands (poetic) 8. Rob 1o. Start I1. Compensate 14. Rouses 16. A soft metal x7. An Indian tribe 1g. Proud, haughty 21. Glossy black birds 23. Round bulging vessel or cask 25. Obey 27. Declared 29. Physician (abbreviation) 30. Fourth note of scale 34. The way to be traveled. 35. Feeling of weariness 36. Tap 37. Scruple (abbreviation) 39. Thread orcloth• of flax 40. Annoy 42, Earth (Latin) 43. Given name of • one of DeWolf Hopper's wives 46. Imaginative thinker or writer 47. lied of a wild beast 5o. Dentist (abbreviation) 52. Insane 3. 4.