HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-23, Page 6WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIXVMES' id1 !19Nti1 Ill Ilil1Xlll lh51illli>NIi110E1!I ° i.� °P"""' r Thursday, • April a5rd., x925'. 6 or aiitetime 6' 01'1 42 OMOk. g NI I lie in Flax" Flue Farm for Sale ata real- lyt enable. price with leading roads= -14 ]3y Obert J. Q Stead On. two sided of it, Good Build- ings, Rural Mail and Telephone =' Routes, Market, Schooland Churches convenient. If you • wantt a farm, will pay you to. enquire into this, fa Abner Cosens Insurance & Real Estate II IIIg11112111 11121111111I1101111 111i1> 1111II01ll111111i BUSINESS CARDS `WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established 1840. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur- ance at reasonable rates. Wingham ,BNER COSENS, Agent, py..p4i.omoamoamaaaWIS•,•'mww,so.,amsuuEtwoamm,aa .W.O ..'P.W1, CHAPTER SIX The rush of strange, new work liad The week went on tremendously. . sadly interrupted the bed -time stories. - Up at five every morning; filling When supper was over and the horses ; lei mangers and oat -boxes while t e o ; , ses nodded and jerked in great ges-.to drag his weary limbs to the cush- tures of approval cleaning stables ions and blankets in the corner of the, hot with the animal vapors of . the ',granary. In those first days all the , night; currying and brushing manes ,horse power of his engines was need - and flanks and fetlocks; cuffing Bigied to drive the physical machine; Jim as he curled his great upper lip /nothing was left for romantic adven- in mock savagery; buckling the har- i tures. But soon ahar erred to li is ness to place; running ,a hand affec- work; soon the ,work tionately ,under the collar to ma sure it sat comfortably against the great and willing shoulder, while the sunlight poured through the open door and touched with gold a million startled by the ease With which one dust -planets floating in its yellow ',can get out of the way of thinking wedge—such . was the ritual of con- � Gander, anda apparent foreychexample; think, i secrating a new day to the service of , quite app Man. Then the splash at the corner • Their minds trudged around in a deep -1 of the house; the grateful, solace of grooved circle, like a captive bear cold rain water; the caress of prairie around a post; rarely climbing to the: breezes where the shirt neck, turned top of the post for an observation;' down for washing, exposed a skirt of ,never excursioninboyo d the e vast un - white skin under the jacket of tan; known that lay just the lungs bulging, the muscles vi-•cle. To thein there was no unknown; ,brant, the appetite on edge! ithe world lay complete within their' Breakfast; the tired woman moving i deep -grooved circle; complete and mechanically back and forth as ine r-; fuIly comprehended. Everything was orahly as the inexorable machine in•siinple, and, for the most part, satis-! which she had been caught; the horses factor , anacdu osenc contem sled bear again in Company on parade, Jing- ling their bits and stamping ,amid his bones was more content than ; their big, flat feet; the pro- ,they; no scientist, searching heaven cession. to the fields, -and the 'seeders ,and arth for contemptth, forwas Cal'saluniversity s shuttle up and down, u d d up P "done up" for the night Cal was ready,' J. W. DODD . Office in Chisholm Block itIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH ' INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE P. O. Box 366. ` Phone 198. WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO DUDLEY HOLIES • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory and Other ol� nds Bought and sOffice—Meyer Block, Wingham R. VANSTONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. Wingham, - Ontario J. .. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate RoyallCollege of Dental ons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office Over H.q �E.. Isard's Store. W. R. 1AMVIRLY B.Sc., M.D., C.M. I- e I automatic, leaving `his mental reserves almost untouched, and after three. days of coma he again began to think. It was then lie became sornewhat Special attention paid to diseases of p an awn, firs da Cal education was not assumed; •it was• i Af th t Y when a distribution of the farm labor ' of it was not mitigate y was being made, and nothing pleased , good, nature, or by the fact that, if asking Grit." than to take a little more Cal was now rising, somewhat in' Cal glanced at him quizzically. He Cal better 1 than his share. Gander had Christ- their opinion, it was in spite of, not noted that the ened him "D. D." in acknowledgment'because of, his scholarship. elf withCl the curlyd fromer the upper was pap; that well of his university training, and the so- most frightened threatened to stick, but if question whether it might be thathcahe, ;as its the neckntof Lure would diper it; briquet a there had been any contempt in it at ileo, would presently find all quickly giving place to .verse within his circle, and plod it neatly drawn ande bayoneted new aplad first it ies ly more friendly sentiments. Gander with the unconscious tpaahosll costs he with au diamond pin which; if genuine,. had complimented him generously, der and Wilson. A have driving the compliment home with must save halmself al from The at; he must st thing would dollars.been nAnd worth Cal's about a the declaration that he "never would save his so D. could catch on was to resume the bed -time stories lips parted in a smile the boy's part - have reckoned a D. D quick." He "reckoned" further for the boy. � He would begin again ed in response I'll feed up," said Cal. "And to , that perhaps no one was quite hope- Saturday evening. \.• you might ,give my regards to Miss less, provided he . was fortunate 1 Saturday evening, just after supper, Elsie." enough to fall into good hands at the Hamilton Stake waylaid Cal. He had sYou're wise," the boy grinned. start. las yet had scarcely any conservation •"And you're white," he added, and. Every hour of the day had its own iw,ith Hamilton, for no particular rea-, witchery, but it was to five son except that they worked in differ- was gone. Something very much peculiar w Y, like a lump came into Cal's throat as o'clock in the afternoon that Cal ;eht fields and did not come much in learned to look forward with greatest contact. Such impression as he had he thought of that short but all-oom. anticipation. By five o'clock Reed had, had been favorable,' so when Ha prehensve tribute. would be home from school and come milton strolled with overacted casual - skipping across the fields with tell- ' ness into the granary where Cal was tale traces of Mother Stake's great spreading blankets after their day's bread -and -jam sandwiches hangingte-'airing he welcomed him heartily. naciously to his cheeks. It seemed "'Lo, Ham; come along. What do to Cal that never before. had he you think of my diggiris? Some bou- measured the' grip.the boy had taken doir, eh?" - about his heart. Their constant as- I "Pretty nifty," Hamilton agreed, a sociation during. six .weeks of gypsy- bashful smile playing across his clean, ing with "Antelope" had built up a fair face,'"Never would 'a' thought chumship the strength of which he you could make this old . dog -house had not realized until these daily peri-. look like home, but.it does." ods of separation. Always the boy/ 'Cal sensed a note in the boy's voice had been to him the living representa- quite different from anything in Gan - tion of Celesta, and had been loved, der's or Grit's. There was apprecia- perhaps, on her account, but now tion in it; something, perhaps, not' far he was laying strange claims upon his.: removed from admiration, in it. guardian's heart in right and title of . "A little touch of art, you,know," A GUARANTEED SAVING SATISFACTION e inside a DOMINION STORE and znake.a purchase, whether large .Every time you step The more you shop then the more you s or small, you are' guaranteed a saving. n groceries guaranteed for their quality. S{ .ich>nellow� •` � ea 79c lbs ea.tne li t a o >< c lb. MILLSTREAMS . M . '"LB BRAND PINK 2, TINS TIG CATSUP QUART " OTTLE. DOMINION MOLASSES TINS c umeoremonwre*enr was. ARROWROOT BISCUITS c Ib SHELLED WALNUTS HALF'N 39c lb D. S. CORN FLAKES S PI(Ts. .0 DOMINION BRAND BAKING POWDER Specially manufactured for us, we fully guarantee this to give entire satisfaction when making pies and cakes. IT CONTAINS NO ALUM lib TIN OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 TINS 23C KIPPER SNACK S 4 TINS 25c CANNED PUMPKIN 15c LARGE TIN F'IA'T` i,•:;:, . ES 3 BOXES 29c ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE DOMINION STORES—WHERESAVINGS ARE ASSURED 69c and down, ter e bad found himself intrusted with the genuine, and without even the sting seeder; Gander had• no jealousies flavor of a tinge of d b' its obvious Lown with Dad's ,car, and I don't like As Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact- eriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, bet- ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- tist Church. All business given careful. attention. Phone, 54. V. O. Box 113. r r. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. DR. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street. • Phone 29. he was feeding the horses Jack- if you ain't." son Stake carne into the stable and regarded him silently for a minute. "You doin' up Ham's?" he cots mented, "Don' let that young gaffer put nothin'. over on you. He'd be at Double F's mornin', noon, an' night ifsome one would do his work at home.' I sort o' suspec' he's gonna marry the whole family one- o' these. days. Couldn't poksibly have it that bad over one or two." Cal felt that this was hardly a mat- ter for his discussion. "Har,n's all right," he ventured, "Good clean boy. You should be proud of hint. Jackson Stake's straight figure seemed .to straighten more where he stood betweerkthe stalls, "Dang it, I am proud of him," he declared. "We all get, our bumps an' I've got mine, but I' reckon on . Ham as one o' my compensations. An' Elsie's all right, too. Good as gold. I'm not kickin' Dr. Margaret E. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. :Telephones: Office 281, Residence 151. D . F. A. PARKER, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence next to 'Anglican Church on Centre Street. Open,every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS , n1 DRUGLESS -PRACTITIONER J. ALVIN FOX CHIROPRACTIC OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO—THERAPY Hours io-12. s-5, 7-8. Telephone tot his own. 'said. Cal, off -handedly, "makes all the But into Reed's life had suddenly` difference between—between an ani- come a new object of • affection. It mal and a man." happened on the second day on the Hain did not answer, but subjected farm that as the boy returned frora the tire with the blow-out to an un school he encountered on the road necessarily exhaustive inspection. where it wound among the poplar presently groves a very brown and very curly, "I was wonderingif you'd mind and very bright-eyed spaniel, Only helping me out a bit to -night." for a moment did they regard each i "Sure if I can, What is it?" other with misgivings, and then aIle' "I was w,ndering if you'd mind dog, pouncing upon Reed, licked hien feeding up for me. Gander's gone to a lavish welcome. Reed, to protect his face, wrapped his armsabout the; shaggy shoulders, and the two went down in a wrestle together, rolling, and tumbling about on the grass. They formed friendship in that rrio- rnent, .and raced off to the house to proclaim their discoveries. "Trix is a bad dog," said Mrs. Stake reprovingly, "A bad, harum-scarum dog. The way she goes galavantin' over the country -1.. declare, it's not'. respectable." Flat on the floor, with chops rest- ing on herextended paws and eyes closed to the merest twinkle, the spaniel gravely accepted her rebuke. Her demeanor was that of one who confessed it alland was not gttite ashamed. "If you'd been home like a good dog 'you'd ha' tnet Reed yesterday," her mistress continued. "But no, you runs' be away scourin' the neighbor hood, an' in no good company at that, I'.11 be bound. Now be off with you -both o' youl" But as she ordered therm off she was spreading a great bread -and -jam sandwich, and neither Reed nor Trix was so foolish as to take her immediately at het word: DR. D. 0. McInnes CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate Adjustments given for" diseases all kinds, specialize in dealing children. Lady attendant. Night can responded to. Office on Scott St. Wingham, Ont., itt house of the late Jas: Walker. Telephone 150. Phones; Office to6, Resid. 224; A J. WALKER 44 1'URNITURId DEALER ., and troN ,1tAL DIIOECTO Motor EquipmentWIr TG' IBI ,I t, - 'oNT'ARZ iuwoa.arnw ue ,tia�dwdak is Different from all other laxatives and reliefs or Llej;eetive Elimination Constipation Biliousness , The action of Nature's Remedy (iii' Tablets) is more natural and thor- ough. The effects will be a revela• tion --you will feel so good.; Make the test You will appreciate this difference. Used Por Other rhirtr Years Chips off the Oki Black JUR110 ts;• •Utile U a Tho some t1 n one-third dosoa, candy -coaxed, Par children and adults. SOLO BY YOUR J3008131' MITCHELL, DRUGGIST Allam It struck Cal that his employer's-• process of thought was capable of" cutting some sharp corners. And he wondered what particular bump Jackson Stake had in mind. Minnie? Perhaps. Then: "Would you objectto a small camp fire in the yard, beside the granary,. these nights?" • ."••Camp fire? What for? You ain't cold, are ye? There's an old stove— "No -no. Not cold.. It's just a. - sort of notion. When we were tra- veling' together Reed and. I used to. build, a camp fire every night, and. we thought it would be nice to have one here, if you don't mind. I'd go out and cut extra wood for it—" (Continued next week) 'th1igation is a Banged . nuisance," growled the salmon as he hit his head against a concrete wall. Keep Your Hands Soft and its Even though you wash dishes three, or four times a day and have the responsibility of cleaning, and -washing, and scrubbing for a whole household --there is no cram need for you to suffer the Pure Cleaner humiliation ' of hard, rough that Softens hands.' Charm cleans everything Water easily and will not harm the daintiest skin or fabric. just dissolve Charm in water and youwill be delighted with the way it dispels dirt ---and how lovely and soft your hands will be. ''tke Most It saves; tithe giving you more 18""" d" Ji leisure for' life's pleasures and out,. lElesatnslrtltle�►ld Cleaner Ings. With hands that show no signs of roughness,and redness you'll enjoy your leisure more. Every woman that tries Charm likes continues' to use it. Ever p geld groom, rowan s ps